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2011-11-22 21:28:15 +00:00
Doom 3 GPL Source Code
Copyright (C) 1999-2011 id Software LLC, a ZeniMax Media company.
2011-11-22 21:28:15 +00:00
2011-12-06 16:14:59 +00:00
This file is part of the Doom 3 GPL Source Code ("Doom 3 Source Code").
2011-11-22 21:28:15 +00:00
Doom 3 Source Code is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
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#include "tools/edit_gui_common.h"
2011-11-22 21:28:15 +00:00
#include <windowsx.h>
#include "mru.h"
// File name: mru.c
// Description:
// Routines for MRU support
// Development Team:
// Gilles Vollant (100144.2636@compuserve.com)
2011-11-22 21:28:15 +00:00
// CreateMruMenu : MRUMENU constructor
// wNbLruShowInit : nb of item showed in menu
// wNbLruMenuInit : nb of item stored in memory
// wMaxSizeLruItemInit : size max. of filename
// CreateMruMenu()
// Purpose:
// Allocate and Initialize an MRU and return a pointer on it
// Parameters:
// WORD wNbLruShowInit - Maximum number of item displayed on menu
// WORD wNbLruMenuInit - Maximum number of item stored in memory
// WORD wMaxSizeLruItemInit - Maximum size of an item (ie size of pathname)
// WORD wIdMruInit - ID of the first item in the menu (default:IDMRU)
// Return: (LPMRUMENU)
// Pointer on a MRUMENU structure, used by other function
// Comments:
// wNbLruShowInit <= wNbLruMenuInit
// History: Date Author Comment
// 09/24/94 G. Vollant Created
LPMRUMENU CreateMruMenu (WORD wNbLruShowInit,
WORD wNbLruMenuInit,WORD wMaxSizeLruItemInit,WORD wIdMruInit)
2011-11-22 21:28:15 +00:00
lpMruMenu = (LPMRUMENU)GlobalAllocPtr(GHND,sizeof(MRUMENU));
lpMruMenu->wNbItemFill = 0;
lpMruMenu->wNbLruMenu = wNbLruMenuInit;
2011-11-22 21:28:15 +00:00
lpMruMenu->wNbLruShow = wNbLruShowInit;
lpMruMenu->wIdMru = wIdMruInit;
lpMruMenu->wMaxSizeLruItem = wMaxSizeLruItemInit;
lpMruMenu->lpMRU = (LPSTR)GlobalAllocPtr(GHND,
2011-11-22 21:28:15 +00:00
if (lpMruMenu->lpMRU == NULL)
lpMruMenu = NULL;
2011-11-22 21:28:15 +00:00
return lpMruMenu;
// CreateMruMenuDefault()
// Purpose:
// Allocate and Initialize an MRU and return a pointer on it
// Use default parameter
// Parameters:
// Return: (LPMRUMENU)
// Pointer on a MRUMENU structure, used by other function
// Comments:
// History: Date Author Comment
// 09/24/94 G. Vollant Created
LPMRUMENU CreateMruMenuDefault()
// DeleteMruMenu()
// Purpose:
// Destructor :
// Clean and free a MRUMENU structure
// Parameters:
// LPMRUMENU lpMruMenu - pointer on MRUMENU, allocated
// by CreateMruMenu() or CreateMruMenuDefault()
// Return: void
// Comments:
// History: Date Author Comment
// 09/24/94 G. Vollant Created
void DeleteMruMenu(LPMRUMENU lpMruMenu)
// SetNbLruShow()
// Purpose:
// Change the maximum number of item displayed on menu
// Parameters:
// LPMRUMENU lpMruMenu - pointer on MRUMENU
// WORD wNbLruShowInit - Maximum number of item displayed on menu
// Return: void
// Comments:
// History: Date Author Comment
// 09/24/94 G. Vollant Created
void SetNbLruShow (LPMRUMENU lpMruMenu,WORD wNbLruShowInit)
lpMruMenu->wNbLruShow = min(wNbLruShowInit,lpMruMenu->wNbLruMenu);
// SetMenuItem()
// Purpose:
// Set the filename of an item
2011-11-22 21:28:15 +00:00
// Parameters:
// LPMRUMENU lpMruMenu - pointer on MRUMENU
// WORD wItem - Number of Item to set, zero based
// LPSTR lpItem - String, contain the filename of the item
// Return: (BOOL)
// TRUE - Function run successfully
// FALSE - Function don't run successfully
// Comments:
// used when load .INI or reg database
// History: Date Author Comment
// 09/24/94 G. Vollant Created
BOOL SetMenuItem (LPMRUMENU lpMruMenu,WORD wItem,LPSTR lpItem)
if (wItem >= NBMRUMENU)
return FALSE;
_fstrncpy((lpMruMenu->lpMRU) +
((lpMruMenu->wMaxSizeLruItem) * (UINT)wItem),
2011-11-22 21:28:15 +00:00
lpMruMenu->wNbItemFill = max(lpMruMenu->wNbItemFill,wItem+1);
return TRUE;
// GetMenuItem()
// Purpose:
// Get the filename of an item
2011-11-22 21:28:15 +00:00
// Parameters:
// LPMRUMENU lpMruMenu - pointer on MRUMENU
// WORD wItem - Number of Item to set, zero based
// BOOL fIDMBased - TRUE : wItem is based on ID menu item
// FALSE : wItem is zero-based
// LPSTR lpItem - String where the filename of the item will be
// stored by GetMenuItem()
// UINT uiSize - Size of the lpItem buffer
// Return: (BOOL)
// TRUE - Function run successfully
// FALSE - Function don't run successfully
// Comments:
// Used for saving in .INI or reg database, or when user select
// an MRU in File menu
// History: Date Author Comment
// 09/24/94 G. Vollant Created
BOOL GetMenuItem (LPMRUMENU lpMruMenu,WORD wItem,
BOOL fIDMBased,LPSTR lpItem,UINT uiSize)
2011-11-22 21:28:15 +00:00
if (fIDMBased)
wItem -= (lpMruMenu->wIdMru + 1);
if (wItem >= lpMruMenu->wNbItemFill)
return FALSE;
_fstrncpy(lpItem,(lpMruMenu->lpMRU) +
((lpMruMenu->wMaxSizeLruItem) * (UINT)(wItem)),uiSize);
2011-11-22 21:28:15 +00:00
*(lpItem+uiSize-1) = '\0';
return TRUE;
// AddNewItem()
// Purpose:
// Add an item at the begin of the list
// Parameters:
// LPMRUMENU lpMruMenu - pointer on MRUMENU
// LPSTR lpItem - String contain the filename to add
// Return: (BOOL)
// TRUE - Function run successfully
// FALSE - Function don't run successfully
// Comments:
// Used when used open a file (using File Open common
// dialog, Drag and drop or MRU)
// History: Date Author Comment
// 09/24/94 G. Vollant Created
void AddNewItem (LPMRUMENU lpMruMenu,LPSTR lpItem)
WORD i,j;
for (i=0;i<lpMruMenu->wNbItemFill;i++)
if (lstrcmpi(lpItem,(lpMruMenu->lpMRU) +
((lpMruMenu->wMaxSizeLruItem) * (UINT)i)) == 0)
// Shift the other items
for (j=i;j>0;j--)
lstrcpy((lpMruMenu->lpMRU) + (lpMruMenu->wMaxSizeLruItem * (UINT)j),
(lpMruMenu->lpMRU) + (lpMruMenu->wMaxSizeLruItem * (UINT)(j-1)));
return ;
2011-11-22 21:28:15 +00:00
lpMruMenu->wNbItemFill = min(lpMruMenu->wNbItemFill+1,lpMruMenu->wNbLruMenu);
for (i=lpMruMenu->wNbItemFill-1;i>0;i--)
lstrcpy(lpMruMenu->lpMRU + (lpMruMenu->wMaxSizeLruItem * (UINT)i),
lpMruMenu->lpMRU + (lpMruMenu->wMaxSizeLruItem * (UINT)(i-1)));
2011-11-22 21:28:15 +00:00
// DelMenuItem()
// Purpose:
// Delete an item
// Parameters:
// LPMRUMENU lpMruMenu - pointer on MRUMENU
// WORD wItem - Number of Item to set, zero based
// BOOL fIDMBased - TRUE : wItem is based on ID menu item
// FALSE : wItem is zero-based
// Return: (BOOL)
// TRUE - Function run successfully
// FALSE - Function don't run successfully
// Comments:
// Used when used open a file, using MRU, and when an error
// occured (by example, when file was deleted)
// History: Date Author Comment
// 09/24/94 G. Vollant Created
BOOL DelMenuItem(LPMRUMENU lpMruMenu,WORD wItem,BOOL fIDMBased)
2011-11-22 21:28:15 +00:00
if (fIDMBased)
wItem -= (lpMruMenu->wIdMru + 1);
if (lpMruMenu->wNbItemFill <= wItem)
return FALSE;
2011-11-22 21:28:15 +00:00
for (i=wItem;i<lpMruMenu->wNbItemFill;i++)
lstrcpy(lpMruMenu->lpMRU + (lpMruMenu->wMaxSizeLruItem * (UINT)i),
lpMruMenu->lpMRU + (lpMruMenu->wMaxSizeLruItem * (UINT)(i+1)));
2011-11-22 21:28:15 +00:00
return TRUE;
2011-11-22 21:28:15 +00:00
// PlaceMenuMRUItem()
// Purpose:
// Add MRU at the end of a menu
// Parameters:
// LPMRUMENU lpMruMenu - pointer on MRUMENU
// HMENU hMenu - Handle of menu where MRU must be added
// UINT uiItem - Item of menu entry where MRU must be added
// Return: void
// Comments:
// Used MRU is modified, for refresh the File menu
// History: Date Author Comment
// 09/24/94 G. Vollant Created
void PlaceMenuMRUItem(LPMRUMENU lpMruMenu,HMENU hMenu,UINT uiItem)
int i;
2011-11-22 21:28:15 +00:00
WORD wNbShow;
if (hMenu == NULL)
2011-11-22 21:28:15 +00:00
// remove old MRU in menu
for (i=0;i<=(int)(lpMruMenu->wNbLruMenu);i++)
2011-11-22 21:28:15 +00:00
if (lpMruMenu->wNbItemFill == 0)
2011-11-22 21:28:15 +00:00
// If they are item, insert a separator before the files
wNbShow = min(lpMruMenu->wNbItemFill,lpMruMenu->wNbLruShow);
for (i=(int)wNbShow-1;i>=0;i--)
LPSTR lpTxt;
if (lpTxt = (LPSTR)GlobalAllocPtr(GHND,lpMruMenu->wMaxSizeLruItem + 20))
wsprintf(lpTxt,"&%lu %s",
(DWORD)(i+1),lpMruMenu->lpMRU + (lpMruMenu->wMaxSizeLruItem*(UINT)i));
InsertMenu(hMenu,(((WORD)i)!=(wNbShow-1)) ? (lpMruMenu->wIdMru+i+2) : lpMruMenu->wIdMru,
2011-11-22 21:28:15 +00:00
// SaveMruInIni()
// Purpose:
// Save MRU in a private .INI
// Parameters:
// LPMRUMENU lpMruMenu - pointer on MRUMENU
// LPSTR lpszSection - Points to a null-terminated string containing
// the name of the section
// LPSTR lpszFile - Points to a null-terminated string that names
// the initialization file.
2011-11-22 21:28:15 +00:00
// Return: (BOOL)
// TRUE - Function run successfully
// FALSE - Function don't run successfully
// Comments:
// See WritePrivateProfileString API for more info on lpszSection and lpszFile
// History: Date Author Comment
// 09/24/94 G. Vollant Created
BOOL SaveMruInIni(LPMRUMENU lpMruMenu,LPSTR lpszSection,LPSTR lpszFile)
LPSTR lpTxt;
lpTxt = (LPSTR)GlobalAllocPtr(GHND,lpMruMenu->wMaxSizeLruItem + 20);
if (lpTxt == NULL)
return FALSE;
2011-11-22 21:28:15 +00:00
for (i=0;i<lpMruMenu->wNbLruMenu;i++)
char szEntry[16];
if (!GetMenuItem(lpMruMenu,i,FALSE,lpTxt,lpMruMenu->wMaxSizeLruItem + 10))
*lpTxt = '\0';
2011-11-22 21:28:15 +00:00
WritePrivateProfileString(NULL,NULL,NULL,lpszFile); // flush cache
2011-11-22 21:28:15 +00:00
return TRUE;
// LoadMruInIni()
// Purpose:
// Load MRU from a private .INI
// Parameters:
// LPMRUMENU lpMruMenu - pointer on MRUMENU
// LPSTR lpszSection - Points to a null-terminated string containing
// the name of the section
// LPSTR lpszFile - Points to a null-terminated string that names
// the initialization file.
2011-11-22 21:28:15 +00:00
// Return: (BOOL)
// TRUE - Function run successfully
// FALSE - Function don't run successfully
// Comments:
// See GetPrivateProfileString API for more info on lpszSection and lpszFile
// History: Date Author Comment
// 09/24/94 G. Vollant Created
BOOL LoadMruInIni(LPMRUMENU lpMruMenu,LPSTR lpszSection,LPSTR lpszFile)
LPSTR lpTxt;
lpTxt = (LPSTR)GlobalAllocPtr(GHND,lpMruMenu->wMaxSizeLruItem + 20);
if (lpTxt == NULL)
return FALSE;
2011-11-22 21:28:15 +00:00
for (i=0;i<lpMruMenu->wNbLruMenu;i++)
char szEntry[16];
lpMruMenu->wMaxSizeLruItem + 10,lpszFile);
if (*lpTxt == '\0')
2011-11-22 21:28:15 +00:00
return TRUE;
#ifdef WIN32
BOOL IsWin395OrHigher(void)
WORD wVer;
wVer = LOWORD(GetVersion());
wVer = (((WORD)LOBYTE(wVer)) << 8) | (WORD)HIBYTE(wVer);
return (wVer >= 0x035F); // 5F = 95 dec
// SaveMruInReg()
// Purpose:
// Save MRU in the registry
// Parameters:
// LPMRUMENU lpMruMenu - pointer on MRUMENU
// LPSTR lpszKey - Points to a null-terminated string
// specifying the name of a key that
2011-11-22 21:28:15 +00:00
// this function opens or creates.
// Return: (BOOL)
// TRUE - Function run successfully
// FALSE - Function don't run successfully
// Comments:
// Win32 function designed for Windows NT and Windows 95
// See RegCreateKeyEx API for more info on lpszKey
// History: Date Author Comment
// 09/24/94 G. Vollant Created
BOOL SaveMruInReg(LPMRUMENU lpMruMenu,LPSTR lpszKey)
LPSTR lpTxt;
HKEY hCurKey;
DWORD dwDisp;
lpTxt = (LPSTR)GlobalAllocPtr(GHND,lpMruMenu->wMaxSizeLruItem + 20);
if (lpTxt == NULL)
return FALSE;
2011-11-22 21:28:15 +00:00
2011-11-22 21:28:15 +00:00
for (i=0;i<lpMruMenu->wNbLruMenu;i++)
char szEntry[16];
if (!GetMenuItem(lpMruMenu,i,FALSE,lpTxt,lpMruMenu->wMaxSizeLruItem + 10))
*lpTxt = '\0';
RegSetValueEx(hCurKey,szEntry,0,REG_SZ,(unsigned char*)lpTxt,lstrlen(lpTxt));
2011-11-22 21:28:15 +00:00
return TRUE;
// LoadMruInReg()
// Purpose:
// Load MRU from the registry
// Parameters:
// LPMRUMENU lpMruMenu - pointer on MRUMENU
// LPSTR lpszKey - Points to a null-terminated string
// specifying the name of a key that
2011-11-22 21:28:15 +00:00
// this function opens or creates.
// Return: (BOOL)
// TRUE - Function run successfully
// FALSE - Function don't run successfully
// Comments:
// Win32 function designed for Windows NT and Windows 95
// See RegOpenKeyEx API for more info on lpszKey
// History: Date Author Comment
// 09/24/94 G. Vollant Created
BOOL LoadMruInReg(LPMRUMENU lpMruMenu,LPSTR lpszKey)
LPSTR lpTxt;
HKEY hCurKey;
DWORD dwType;
lpTxt = (LPSTR)GlobalAllocPtr(GHND,lpMruMenu->wMaxSizeLruItem + 20);
if (lpTxt == NULL)
return FALSE;
2011-11-22 21:28:15 +00:00
for (i=0;i<lpMruMenu->wNbLruMenu;i++)
char szEntry[16];
DWORD dwSizeBuf;
*lpTxt = '\0';
dwSizeBuf = lpMruMenu->wMaxSizeLruItem + 10;
if (*lpTxt == '\0')
2011-11-22 21:28:15 +00:00
return TRUE;
// GetWin32Kind()
// Purpose:
// Get the Win32 platform
// Parameters:
// Return: (WIN32KIND)
// WINNT - Run under Windows NT
// WIN32S - Run under Windows 3.1x + Win32s
// WIN95ORGREATHER - Run under Windows 95
// Comments:
// Win32 function designed for Windows NT and Windows 95
// See RegOpenKeyEx API for more info on lpszKey
// History: Date Author Comment
// 09/24/94 G. Vollant Created
WIN32KIND GetWin32Kind()
BOOL IsWin395OrHigher(void);
WORD wVer;
if ((GetVersion() & 0x80000000) == 0)
return WINNT;
2011-11-22 21:28:15 +00:00
wVer = LOWORD(GetVersion());
wVer = (((WORD)LOBYTE(wVer)) << 8) | (WORD)HIBYTE(wVer);
if (wVer >= 0x035F)
2011-11-22 21:28:15 +00:00
return WIN32S;
2011-11-22 21:28:15 +00:00