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2011-11-22 21:28:15 +00:00
Doom 3 GPL Source Code
Copyright (C) 1999-2011 id Software LLC, a ZeniMax Media company.
2011-11-22 21:28:15 +00:00
2011-12-06 16:14:59 +00:00
This file is part of the Doom 3 GPL Source Code ("Doom 3 Source Code").
2011-11-22 21:28:15 +00:00
Doom 3 Source Code is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
Doom 3 Source Code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with Doom 3 Source Code. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
In addition, the Doom 3 Source Code is also subject to certain additional terms. You should have received a copy of these additional terms immediately following the terms and conditions of the GNU General Public License which accompanied the Doom 3 Source Code. If not, please request a copy in writing from id Software at the address below.
If you have questions concerning this license or the applicable additional terms, you may contact in writing id Software LLC, c/o ZeniMax Media Inc., Suite 120, Rockville, Maryland 20850 USA.
#ifndef __LWO2_H__
#define __LWO2_H__
LWO2 loader. (LightWave Object)
Ernie Wright 17 Sep 00
/* chunk and subchunk IDs */
#define LWID_(a,b,c,d) (((a)<<24)|((b)<<16)|((c)<<8)|(d))
#define ID_FORM LWID_('F','O','R','M')
#define ID_LWO2 LWID_('L','W','O','2')
#define ID_LWOB LWID_('L','W','O','B')
/* top-level chunks */
#define ID_LAYR LWID_('L','A','Y','R')
#define ID_TAGS LWID_('T','A','G','S')
#define ID_PNTS LWID_('P','N','T','S')
#define ID_BBOX LWID_('B','B','O','X')
#define ID_VMAP LWID_('V','M','A','P')
#define ID_VMAD LWID_('V','M','A','D')
#define ID_POLS LWID_('P','O','L','S')
#define ID_PTAG LWID_('P','T','A','G')
#define ID_ENVL LWID_('E','N','V','L')
#define ID_CLIP LWID_('C','L','I','P')
#define ID_SURF LWID_('S','U','R','F')
#define ID_DESC LWID_('D','E','S','C')
#define ID_TEXT LWID_('T','E','X','T')
#define ID_ICON LWID_('I','C','O','N')
/* polygon types */
#define ID_FACE LWID_('F','A','C','E')
#define ID_CURV LWID_('C','U','R','V')
#define ID_PTCH LWID_('P','T','C','H')
#define ID_MBAL LWID_('M','B','A','L')
#define ID_BONE LWID_('B','O','N','E')
/* polygon tags */
#define ID_SURF LWID_('S','U','R','F')
#define ID_PART LWID_('P','A','R','T')
#define ID_SMGP LWID_('S','M','G','P')
/* envelopes */
#define ID_PRE LWID_('P','R','E',' ')
#define ID_POST LWID_('P','O','S','T')
#define ID_KEY LWID_('K','E','Y',' ')
#define ID_SPAN LWID_('S','P','A','N')
#define ID_TCB LWID_('T','C','B',' ')
#define ID_HERM LWID_('H','E','R','M')
#define ID_BEZI LWID_('B','E','Z','I')
#define ID_BEZ2 LWID_('B','E','Z','2')
#define ID_LINE LWID_('L','I','N','E')
#define ID_STEP LWID_('S','T','E','P')
/* clips */
#define ID_STIL LWID_('S','T','I','L')
#define ID_ISEQ LWID_('I','S','E','Q')
#define ID_ANIM LWID_('A','N','I','M')
#define ID_XREF LWID_('X','R','E','F')
#define ID_STCC LWID_('S','T','C','C')
#define ID_TIME LWID_('T','I','M','E')
#define ID_CONT LWID_('C','O','N','T')
#define ID_BRIT LWID_('B','R','I','T')
#define ID_SATR LWID_('S','A','T','R')
#define ID_HUE LWID_('H','U','E',' ')
#define ID_GAMM LWID_('G','A','M','M')
#define ID_NEGA LWID_('N','E','G','A')
#define ID_IFLT LWID_('I','F','L','T')
#define ID_PFLT LWID_('P','F','L','T')
/* surfaces */
#define ID_COLR LWID_('C','O','L','R')
#define ID_LUMI LWID_('L','U','M','I')
#define ID_DIFF LWID_('D','I','F','F')
#define ID_SPEC LWID_('S','P','E','C')
#define ID_GLOS LWID_('G','L','O','S')
#define ID_REFL LWID_('R','E','F','L')
#define ID_RFOP LWID_('R','F','O','P')
#define ID_RIMG LWID_('R','I','M','G')
#define ID_RSAN LWID_('R','S','A','N')
#define ID_TRAN LWID_('T','R','A','N')
#define ID_TROP LWID_('T','R','O','P')
#define ID_TIMG LWID_('T','I','M','G')
#define ID_RIND LWID_('R','I','N','D')
#define ID_TRNL LWID_('T','R','N','L')
#define ID_BUMP LWID_('B','U','M','P')
#define ID_SMAN LWID_('S','M','A','N')
#define ID_SIDE LWID_('S','I','D','E')
#define ID_CLRH LWID_('C','L','R','H')
#define ID_CLRF LWID_('C','L','R','F')
#define ID_ADTR LWID_('A','D','T','R')
#define ID_SHRP LWID_('S','H','R','P')
#define ID_LINE LWID_('L','I','N','E')
#define ID_LSIZ LWID_('L','S','I','Z')
#define ID_ALPH LWID_('A','L','P','H')
#define ID_AVAL LWID_('A','V','A','L')
#define ID_GVAL LWID_('G','V','A','L')
#define ID_BLOK LWID_('B','L','O','K')
/* texture layer */
#define ID_TYPE LWID_('T','Y','P','E')
#define ID_CHAN LWID_('C','H','A','N')
#define ID_NAME LWID_('N','A','M','E')
#define ID_ENAB LWID_('E','N','A','B')
#define ID_OPAC LWID_('O','P','A','C')
#define ID_FLAG LWID_('F','L','A','G')
#define ID_PROJ LWID_('P','R','O','J')
#define ID_STCK LWID_('S','T','C','K')
#define ID_TAMP LWID_('T','A','M','P')
/* texture coordinates */
#define ID_TMAP LWID_('T','M','A','P')
#define ID_AXIS LWID_('A','X','I','S')
#define ID_CNTR LWID_('C','N','T','R')
#define ID_SIZE LWID_('S','I','Z','E')
#define ID_ROTA LWID_('R','O','T','A')
#define ID_OREF LWID_('O','R','E','F')
#define ID_FALL LWID_('F','A','L','L')
#define ID_CSYS LWID_('C','S','Y','S')
/* image map */
#define ID_IMAP LWID_('I','M','A','P')
#define ID_IMAG LWID_('I','M','A','G')
#define ID_WRAP LWID_('W','R','A','P')
#define ID_WRPW LWID_('W','R','P','W')
#define ID_WRPH LWID_('W','R','P','H')
#define ID_VMAP LWID_('V','M','A','P')
#define ID_AAST LWID_('A','A','S','T')
#define ID_PIXB LWID_('P','I','X','B')
/* procedural */
#define ID_PROC LWID_('P','R','O','C')
#define ID_COLR LWID_('C','O','L','R')
#define ID_VALU LWID_('V','A','L','U')
#define ID_FUNC LWID_('F','U','N','C')
#define ID_FTPS LWID_('F','T','P','S')
#define ID_ITPS LWID_('I','T','P','S')
#define ID_ETPS LWID_('E','T','P','S')
/* gradient */
#define ID_GRAD LWID_('G','R','A','D')
#define ID_GRST LWID_('G','R','S','T')
#define ID_GREN LWID_('G','R','E','N')
#define ID_PNAM LWID_('P','N','A','M')
#define ID_INAM LWID_('I','N','A','M')
#define ID_GRPT LWID_('G','R','P','T')
#define ID_FKEY LWID_('F','K','E','Y')
#define ID_IKEY LWID_('I','K','E','Y')
/* shader */
#define ID_SHDR LWID_('S','H','D','R')
#define ID_DATA LWID_('D','A','T','A')
/* generic linked list */
typedef struct st_lwNode {
struct st_lwNode *next, *prev;
void *data;
} lwNode;
/* plug-in reference */
typedef struct st_lwPlugin {
struct st_lwPlugin *next, *prev;
char *ord;
char *name;
int flags;
void *data;
} lwPlugin;
/* envelopes */
typedef struct st_lwKey {
struct st_lwKey *next, *prev;
float value;
float time;
unsigned int shape; /* ID_TCB, ID_BEZ2, etc. */
float tension;
float continuity;
float bias;
float param[ 4 ];
} lwKey;
typedef struct st_lwEnvelope {
struct st_lwEnvelope *next, *prev;
int index;
int type;
char *name;
lwKey *key; /* linked list of keys */
int nkeys;
int behavior[ 2 ]; /* pre and post (extrapolation) */
lwPlugin *cfilter; /* linked list of channel filters */
int ncfilters;
} lwEnvelope;
#define BEH_RESET 0
#define BEH_CONSTANT 1
#define BEH_REPEAT 2
#define BEH_OFFSET 4
#define BEH_LINEAR 5
/* values that can be enveloped */
typedef struct st_lwEParam {
float val;
int eindex;
} lwEParam;
typedef struct st_lwVParam {
float val[ 3 ];
int eindex;
} lwVParam;
/* clips */
typedef struct st_lwClipStill {
char *name;
} lwClipStill;
typedef struct st_lwClipSeq {
char *prefix; /* filename before sequence digits */
char *suffix; /* after digits, e.g. extensions */
int digits;
int flags;
int offset;
int start;
int end;
} lwClipSeq;
typedef struct st_lwClipAnim {
char *name;
char *server; /* anim loader plug-in */
void *data;
} lwClipAnim;
typedef struct st_lwClipXRef {
char *string;
int index;
struct st_lwClip *clip;
} lwClipXRef;
typedef struct st_lwClipCycle {
char *name;
int lo;
int hi;
} lwClipCycle;
typedef struct st_lwClip {
struct st_lwClip *next, *prev;
int index;
unsigned int type; /* ID_STIL, ID_ISEQ, etc. */
union {
lwClipStill still;
lwClipSeq seq;
lwClipAnim anim;
lwClipXRef xref;
lwClipCycle cycle;
2011-11-22 21:28:15 +00:00
} source;
float start_time;
float duration;
float frame_rate;
lwEParam contrast;
lwEParam brightness;
lwEParam saturation;
lwEParam hue;
lwEParam gamma;
int negative;
lwPlugin *ifilter; /* linked list of image filters */
int nifilters;
lwPlugin *pfilter; /* linked list of pixel filters */
int npfilters;
} lwClip;
/* textures */
typedef struct st_lwTMap {
lwVParam size;
lwVParam center;
lwVParam rotate;
lwVParam falloff;
int fall_type;
char *ref_object;
int coord_sys;
} lwTMap;
typedef struct st_lwImageMap {
int cindex;
int projection;
char *vmap_name;
int axis;
int wrapw_type;
int wraph_type;
lwEParam wrapw;
lwEParam wraph;
float aa_strength;
int aas_flags;
int pblend;
lwEParam stck;
lwEParam amplitude;
} lwImageMap;
#define PROJ_PLANAR 0
#define PROJ_CUBIC 3
#define PROJ_FRONT 4
#define WRAP_NONE 0
#define WRAP_EDGE 1
#define WRAP_REPEAT 2
#define WRAP_MIRROR 3
typedef struct st_lwProcedural {
int axis;
float value[ 3 ];
char *name;
void *data;
} lwProcedural;
typedef struct st_lwGradKey {
struct st_lwGradKey *next, *prev;
float value;
float rgba[ 4 ];
} lwGradKey;
typedef struct st_lwGradient {
char *paramname;
char *itemname;
float start;
float end;
int repeat;
lwGradKey *key; /* array of gradient keys */
short *ikey; /* array of interpolation codes */
} lwGradient;
typedef struct st_lwTexture {
struct st_lwTexture *next, *prev;
char *ord;
unsigned int type;
unsigned int chan;
lwEParam opacity;
short opac_type;
short enabled;
short negative;
short axis;
union {
lwImageMap imap;
lwProcedural proc;
lwGradient grad;
2011-11-22 21:28:15 +00:00
} param;
lwTMap tmap;
} lwTexture;
/* values that can be textured */
typedef struct st_lwTParam {
float val;
int eindex;
lwTexture *tex; /* linked list of texture layers */
} lwTParam;
typedef struct st_lwCParam {
float rgb[ 3 ];
int eindex;
lwTexture *tex; /* linked list of texture layers */
} lwCParam;
/* surfaces */
typedef struct st_lwGlow {
short enabled;
short type;
lwEParam intensity;
lwEParam size;
} Glow;
typedef struct st_lwRMap {
lwTParam val;
int options;
int cindex;
float seam_angle;
} lwRMap;
typedef struct st_lwLine {
short enabled;
unsigned short flags;
lwEParam size;
} lwLine;
typedef struct st_lwSurface {
struct st_lwSurface *next, *prev;
char *name;
char *srcname;
lwCParam color;
lwTParam luminosity;
lwTParam diffuse;
lwTParam specularity;
lwTParam glossiness;
lwRMap reflection;
lwRMap transparency;
lwTParam eta;
lwTParam translucency;
lwTParam bump;
float smooth;
int sideflags;
float alpha;
int alpha_mode;
lwEParam color_hilite;
lwEParam color_filter;
lwEParam add_trans;
lwEParam dif_sharp;
lwEParam glow;
lwLine line;
lwPlugin *shader; /* linked list of shaders */
int nshaders;
} lwSurface;
/* vertex maps */
typedef struct st_lwVMap {
struct st_lwVMap *next, *prev;
char *name;
unsigned int type;
int dim;
int nverts;
int perpoly;
int *vindex; /* array of point indexes */
int *pindex; /* array of polygon indexes */
float **val;
// added by duffy
int offset;
} lwVMap;
typedef struct st_lwVMapPt {
lwVMap *vmap;
int index; /* vindex or pindex element */
} lwVMapPt;
/* points and polygons */
typedef struct st_lwPoint {
float pos[ 3 ];
int npols; /* number of polygons sharing the point */
int *pol; /* array of polygon indexes */
int nvmaps;
lwVMapPt *vm; /* array of vmap references */
} lwPoint;
typedef struct st_lwPolVert {
int index; /* index into the point array */
float norm[ 3 ];
int nvmaps;
lwVMapPt *vm; /* array of vmap references */
} lwPolVert;
typedef struct st_lwPolygon {
lwSurface *surf;
int part; /* part index */
int smoothgrp; /* smoothing group */
int flags;
unsigned int type;
float norm[ 3 ];
int nverts;
lwPolVert *v; /* array of vertex records */
} lwPolygon;
typedef struct st_lwPointList {
int count;
int offset; /* only used during reading */
lwPoint *pt; /* array of points */
} lwPointList;
typedef struct st_lwPolygonList {
int count;
int offset; /* only used during reading */
int vcount; /* total number of vertices */
int voffset; /* only used during reading */
lwPolygon *pol; /* array of polygons */
} lwPolygonList;
/* geometry layers */
typedef struct st_lwLayer {
struct st_lwLayer *next, *prev;
char *name;
int index;
int parent;
int flags;
float pivot[ 3 ];
float bbox[ 6 ];
lwPointList point;
lwPolygonList polygon;
int nvmaps;
lwVMap *vmap; /* linked list of vmaps */
} lwLayer;
/* tag strings */
typedef struct st_lwTagList {
int count;
int offset; /* only used during reading */
char **tag; /* array of strings */
} lwTagList;
/* an object */
typedef struct st_lwObject {
ID_TIME_T timeStamp;
lwLayer * layer; /* linked list of layers */
lwEnvelope * env; /* linked list of envelopes */
lwClip * clip; /* linked list of clips */
lwSurface * surf; /* linked list of surfaces */
lwTagList taglist;
int nlayers;
int nenvs;
int nclips;
int nsurfs;
} lwObject;
/* lwo2.c */
lwObject *lwGetObject( const char *filename, unsigned int *failID, int *failpos );
void lwFreeObject( lwObject *object );
void lwFreeLayer( lwLayer *layer );
/* pntspols.c */
void lwFreePoints( lwPointList *point );
void lwFreePolygons( lwPolygonList *plist );
int lwGetPoints( idFile *fp, int cksize, lwPointList *point );
void lwGetBoundingBox( lwPointList *point, float bbox[] );
int lwAllocPolygons( lwPolygonList *plist, int npols, int nverts );
int lwGetPolygons( idFile *fp, int cksize, lwPolygonList *plist, int ptoffset );
void lwGetPolyNormals( lwPointList *point, lwPolygonList *polygon );
int lwGetPointPolygons( lwPointList *point, lwPolygonList *polygon );
int lwResolvePolySurfaces( lwPolygonList *polygon, lwTagList *tlist,
lwSurface **surf, int *nsurfs );
void lwGetVertNormals( lwPointList *point, lwPolygonList *polygon );
void lwFreeTags( lwTagList *tlist );
int lwGetTags( idFile *fp, int cksize, lwTagList *tlist );
int lwGetPolygonTags( idFile *fp, int cksize, lwTagList *tlist,
lwPolygonList *plist );
/* vmap.c */
void lwFreeVMap( lwVMap *vmap );
lwVMap *lwGetVMap( idFile *fp, int cksize, int ptoffset, int poloffset,
int perpoly );
int lwGetPointVMaps( lwPointList *point, lwVMap *vmap );
int lwGetPolyVMaps( lwPolygonList *polygon, lwVMap *vmap );
/* clip.c */
void lwFreeClip( lwClip *clip );
lwClip *lwGetClip( idFile *fp, int cksize );
lwClip *lwFindClip( lwClip *list, int index );
/* envelope.c */
void lwFreeEnvelope( lwEnvelope *env );
lwEnvelope *lwGetEnvelope( idFile *fp, int cksize );
lwEnvelope *lwFindEnvelope( lwEnvelope *list, int index );
float lwEvalEnvelope( lwEnvelope *env, float time );
/* surface.c */
void lwFreePlugin( lwPlugin *p );
void lwFreeTexture( lwTexture *t );
void lwFreeSurface( lwSurface *surf );
int lwGetTHeader( idFile *fp, int hsz, lwTexture *tex );
int lwGetTMap( idFile *fp, int tmapsz, lwTMap *tmap );
int lwGetImageMap( idFile *fp, int rsz, lwTexture *tex );
int lwGetProcedural( idFile *fp, int rsz, lwTexture *tex );
int lwGetGradient( idFile *fp, int rsz, lwTexture *tex );
lwTexture *lwGetTexture( idFile *fp, int bloksz, unsigned int type );
lwPlugin *lwGetShader( idFile *fp, int bloksz );
lwSurface *lwGetSurface( idFile *fp, int cksize );
lwSurface *lwDefaultSurface( void );
/* lwob.c */
lwSurface *lwGetSurface5( idFile *fp, int cksize, lwObject *obj );
int lwGetPolygons5( idFile *fp, int cksize, lwPolygonList *plist, int ptoffset );
lwObject *lwGetObject5( const char *filename, unsigned int *failID, int *failpos );
/* list.c */
void lwListFree( void *list, void ( *freeNode )( void * ));
void lwListAdd( void **list, void *node );
void lwListInsert( void **vlist, void *vitem,
int ( *compare )( void *, void * ));
/* vecmath.c */
float dot( float a[], float b[] );
void cross( float a[], float b[], float c[] );
void normalize( float v[] );
#define vecangle( a, b ) ( float ) idMath::ACos( dot( a, b ) )
/* lwio.c */
void set_flen( int i );
int get_flen( void );
void *getbytes( idFile *fp, int size );
void skipbytes( idFile *fp, int n );
int getI1( idFile *fp );
short getI2( idFile *fp );
int getI4( idFile *fp );
unsigned char getU1( idFile *fp );
unsigned short getU2( idFile *fp );
unsigned int getU4( idFile *fp );
int getVX( idFile *fp );
float getF4( idFile *fp );
char *getS0( idFile *fp );
int sgetI1( unsigned char **bp );
short sgetI2( unsigned char **bp );
int sgetI4( unsigned char **bp );
unsigned char sgetU1( unsigned char **bp );
unsigned short sgetU2( unsigned char **bp );
unsigned int sgetU4( unsigned char **bp );
int sgetVX( unsigned char **bp );
float sgetF4( unsigned char **bp );
char *sgetS0( unsigned char **bp );
#endif /* !__LWO2_H__ */