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979 lines
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// Created by ivan_the_B
#include "TrailGenerator.h"
#include "Game_local.h"
#include "renderer/ModelManager.h"
//uncomment those to enable debug
//#define _DEBUG_TRAIL
static const dword trailGenerator_vertexColor = PackColor( idVec4( 1,1,1,1 ) );
static const char *trailGenerator_SnapshotName = "_TrailGenerator_Snapshot_"; //Note: all the trail models use this name. It's not used so it's ok.
static const int TRAIL_ID_INVALID_UNIQUE = 0;
idTrailManager::idTrailManager( void ) {
initialized = false;
void idTrailManager::Init( void ) {
memset( trails, 0, sizeof( trails ) );
memset( uniqueIds, TRAIL_ID_INVALID_UNIQUE, sizeof( uniqueIds ) );
minFreePos = 0; //first slot will be empty here
maxAllocPos = -1; //no one
initialized = true;
idTrailManager::~idTrailManager( void ) {
if(!initialized) return;
for ( int i = 0; i < MAX_TRAILS; i++ ) {
if( trails[ i ] ){
delete trails[ i ];
trails[ i ] = NULL;
void idTrailManager::Shutdown( void ) {
if( !initialized ) return;
//deallocate all the trails that are still in memory
for ( int i = 0; i < MAX_TRAILS; i++ ) {
if( trails[ i ] ){
gameLocal.Warning("Someone created a trail (uid: %d), but never removed it!\nTrailManager will now take care to free the memory...but check your code!", trails[ i ]->GetUniqueId() );
delete trails[ i ];
trails[ i ] = NULL;
initialized = false;
void idTrailManager::Save( idSaveGame *savefile ) const {
savefile->WriteBool( initialized );
savefile->WriteInt( lastUniqueId );
savefile->WriteInt( minFreePos );
savefile->WriteInt( maxAllocPos );
for ( int i = 0; i <= maxAllocPos; i++ ) { //only stuff before 'maxAllocPos'
gameLocal.Printf("saving int %d\n", uniqueIds[ i ]);
savefile->WriteInt( uniqueIds[ i ] );
if( uniqueIds[ i ] != TRAIL_ID_INVALID_UNIQUE ){
trails[ i ]->Save( savefile );
void idTrailManager::Restore( idRestoreGame *savefile ) {
savefile->ReadBool( initialized );
savefile->ReadInt( lastUniqueId );
savefile->ReadInt( minFreePos );
savefile->ReadInt( maxAllocPos );
//load the ones before 'maxAllocPos'
for( int i = 0; i <= maxAllocPos; i++ ) { //only stuff before 'maxAllocPos'
savefile->ReadInt( uniqueIds[ i ] );
if( uniqueIds[ i ] != TRAIL_ID_INVALID_UNIQUE ){ //it was there. NOTE: same local pos!
trails[i] = new idTrailGenerator;
trails[i]->Restore( savefile );
//test only
if( trails[ i ]->GetLocalPos() != i ){
gameLocal.Error("localPos != array position! (%d)", i);
gameLocal.Printf("restored: - localPos: %d, uniId: %d\n", trails[ i ]->GetLocalPos(), trails[ i ]->GetUniqueId() );
gameLocal.Printf("restored: NULL at pos %d\n", i);
trails[i] = NULL;
//null the others
for( int i = maxAllocPos+1; i < MAX_TRAILS; i++ ) {
trails[i] = NULL;
int idTrailManager::GetSafeUniqueId( idTrailGenerator* trailGen ){
return ( trailGen ? trailGen->GetUniqueId() : TRAIL_ID_INVALID_UNIQUE );
idTrailGenerator* idTrailManager::FindTrailByLocalPos( int pos ) { //fast
if( pos < 0 || pos >= MAX_TRAILS ){
return NULL;
return trails[ pos ];
idTrailGenerator* idTrailManager::FindTrailByUniqueId( int id ) { //slow, but ensure it's not another trail at the same pos
if( id == TRAIL_ID_INVALID_UNIQUE ){ return NULL; }
for ( int i = 0; i < MAX_TRAILS; i++ ) {
if( trails[ i ] && trails[ i ]->GetUniqueId() == id ){
gameLocal.Printf("...found at pos: %d\n", i);
return trails[ i ];
gameLocal.Printf("...not found\n");
return NULL;
void idTrailManager::Think( void ) {
for ( int i = 0; i <= maxAllocPos; i++ ) { //don't even check beyond 'maxAllocPos' because they all are null
if( trails[ i ] && trails[ i ]->fading ){ //->IsFading()
trails[ i ]->Fade();
idTrailGenerator* idTrailManager::NewTrailGen( void ) {
int i;
if( minFreePos == MAX_TRAILS ){
gameLocal.Error("No free slots for another trail!");
return NULL;
idTrailGenerator* myGen = new idTrailGenerator;
//set an unique id
myGen->Init( lastUniqueId, minFreePos );
//add it to list
trails[ minFreePos ] = myGen;
uniqueIds[ minFreePos ] = lastUniqueId;
gameLocal.Printf("Added trail 'uid: %d' at pos: %d\n", lastUniqueId, minFreePos );
//-- upd max pos allocated --
if( minFreePos > maxAllocPos ){ //note: minFreePos is were it was placed
maxAllocPos = minFreePos;
gameLocal.Printf("new maxAllocPos: %d\n", maxAllocPos);
//-- upd min pos free -- (we are sure no one is free before 'minFreePos')
for ( i = minFreePos+1; i < MAX_TRAILS; i++ ) { //from here (well, next one) to max
if( !trails[ i ] ){ break; } //null
minFreePos = i; // MAX_TRAILS if full array
gameLocal.Printf("new minFreePos: %d\n", minFreePos);
if( minFreePos == MAX_TRAILS ){
gameLocal.Warning("This was the last free slot for a trail!");
return myGen;
void idTrailManager::RemoveTrailGen( idTrailGenerator* trailGen ) {
int i;
if( !trailGen ){ return; }
int localPos = trailGen->GetLocalPos();
delete trails[ localPos ];
trails[ localPos ] = NULL;
//clear id
uniqueIds[ localPos ] = TRAIL_ID_INVALID_UNIQUE;
//-- upd min pos free --
if( localPos < minFreePos ){ //if this one is now the first NULL
minFreePos = localPos;
gameLocal.Printf("new minFreePos: %d\n", minFreePos);
//-- upd max pos allocated --
if( localPos == maxAllocPos ){ //if this one was the last allocated... go back until we find the first used slot
for ( i = maxAllocPos-1; i >= 0; i-- ) { //from prev one to 0
if( trails[ i ] ){ break; } //used
maxAllocPos = i; // -1 if empty array
gameLocal.Printf("new maxAllocPos: %d\n", maxAllocPos);
gameLocal.Printf("Removed trail at pos: %d\n", minFreePos );
idTrailGenerator::idTrailGenerator( void ) {
initialized = false;
localPos = MAX_TRAILS;
//thinkFlags = 0;
void idTrailGenerator::Init( int uniId, int locPos ) {
if( initialized ){
gameLocal.Error("Cannot initialize the same trail twice");
uniqueId = uniId; //used for restoring references!
localPos = locPos; //used for callback! It's faster but cannot identify it univocally
//thinkFlags = 0;
enabled = false;
fading = false;
fadingTime = 0;
fadingEndTime = 0;
maxPoints = 0;
material = NULL;
trailDef = NULL;
trailDefName = "";
points.SetGranularity( 2 ); //use 2 because we always add/remove couple of points.
memset( &renderEntity, 0, sizeof( renderEntity ) );
renderEntity.entityNum = localPos;
renderEntity.axis = mat3_identity;
renderEntity.shaderParms[ SHADERPARM_RED ] = 1;
renderEntity.shaderParms[ SHADERPARM_GREEN ] = 1;
renderEntity.shaderParms[ SHADERPARM_BLUE ] = 1;
renderEntity.shaderParms[3] = 1;
renderEntity.hModel = renderModelManager->AllocModel();
renderEntity.hModel->InitEmpty( trailGenerator_SnapshotName );
renderEntity.noShadow = 1;
renderEntity.callback = idTrailGenerator::ModelCallback;
renderEntity.bounds.AddPoint( idVec3(-100000, -100000, -100000) ); // huge bounds, so it will be present in every world area
renderEntity.bounds.AddPoint( idVec3( 100000, 100000, 100000) );
// add to renderer list
//renderEntityHandle = gameRenderWorld->AddEntityDef( &renderEntity );
renderEntityHandle = -1; //don't add it to renderworld until it's disabled
lastRenderEntityUpdate = -1;
modelChanged = false;
initialized = true;
//always call this after color/flags change on renderEntity
void idTrailGenerator::UpdateVisuals( void ) {
// add to refresh list
if ( renderEntityHandle == -1 ) {
renderEntityHandle = gameRenderWorld->AddEntityDef( &renderEntity );
} else {
gameRenderWorld->UpdateEntityDef( renderEntityHandle, &renderEntity ); //save colors and other flags on renderEntity
//remove it from RenderWorld when disabled
void idTrailGenerator::FreeEntityDef( void ) {
if ( renderEntityHandle != -1 ) {
gameRenderWorld->FreeEntityDef( renderEntityHandle );
renderEntityHandle = -1;
idTrailGenerator::~idTrailGenerator( void ) {
if(!initialized){ return; }
// make sure the render entity is freed before the model is freed
if ( renderEntityHandle != -1 ) {
gameRenderWorld->FreeEntityDef( renderEntityHandle );
renderEntityHandle = -1;
if ( renderEntity.hModel != NULL ) {
renderModelManager->FreeModel( renderEntity.hModel );
renderEntity.hModel = NULL;
void idTrailGenerator::Save( idSaveGame *savefile ) const {
savefile->WriteInt( uniqueId );
savefile->WriteInt( localPos );
savefile->WriteBool( initialized );
// settings
savefile->WriteBool( enabled );
savefile->WriteBool( fading );
savefile->WriteVec3( fadingColorStep );
savefile->WriteInt( fadingTime );
savefile->WriteInt( fadingEndTime );
savefile->WriteInt( maxPoints );
savefile->WriteMaterial( material );
//trail def
//trailDef is NOT saved, but can be retrieved from trailDefName
savefile->WriteString( trailDefName );
//points are NOT saved!! The trail will be be empty.
//idList<idVec3> points;
savefile->WriteRenderEntity( renderEntity );
savefile->WriteInt( renderEntityHandle );
savefile->WriteInt( lastRenderEntityUpdate );
savefile->WriteBool( modelChanged );
void idTrailGenerator::Restore( idRestoreGame *savefile ) {
savefile->ReadInt( uniqueId ); //used for restoring references!
savefile->ReadInt( localPos );
savefile->ReadBool( initialized );
// settings
savefile->ReadBool( enabled );
savefile->ReadBool( fading );
savefile->ReadVec3( fadingColorStep );
savefile->ReadInt( fadingTime );
savefile->ReadInt( fadingEndTime );
savefile->ReadInt( maxPoints );
savefile->ReadMaterial( material );
//trail def
savefile->ReadString( trailDefName );
if ( trailDefName.Length() ) {
trailDef = gameLocal.FindEntityDefDict( trailDefName );
} else {
trailDef = NULL;
//gameLocal.Warning("trailDef not found!");
//points are NOT saved!!
points.SetGranularity( 2 );
savefile->ReadRenderEntity( renderEntity );
savefile->ReadInt( renderEntityHandle );
savefile->ReadInt( lastRenderEntityUpdate );
savefile->ReadBool( modelChanged );
//fix - reallocate the model ( this was created on init )
renderEntity.entityNum = localPos; //used for callback!
renderEntity.hModel = renderModelManager->AllocModel();
renderEntity.hModel->InitEmpty( trailGenerator_SnapshotName );
renderEntity.callback = idTrailGenerator::ModelCallback;
renderEntity.noShadow = true;
renderEntity.noSelfShadow = true;
renderEntity.noDynamicInteractions = false;
// restore must retrieve renderEntityHandle from the renderer
if ( renderEntityHandle != -1 ) {
renderEntityHandle = gameRenderWorld->AddEntityDef( &renderEntity );
if ( renderEntityHandle != -1 ) {
renderEntityHandle = gameRenderWorld->AddEntityDef( &renderEntity );
void idTrailGenerator::RestartTrail( void ){
idVec3 color;
gameLocal.Printf("RestartTrail %s\n", trailDefName.c_str() );
if( trailDef ){
//restore the old color
trailDef->GetVector( "color", "1 1 1", color );
renderEntity.shaderParms[ SHADERPARM_RED ] = color[ 0 ];
renderEntity.shaderParms[ SHADERPARM_GREEN ] = color[ 1 ];
renderEntity.shaderParms[ SHADERPARM_BLUE ] = color[ 2 ];
gameLocal.Warning("Trying to restart a trail without a def!\n");
enabled = true; //weapon will upd the position
fading = false;
modelChanged = true; //upd renderer
UpdateVisuals(); //make sure it's in the world and updated
void idTrailGenerator::StartTrail( const char *newTrailDefName ){
const char *materialName;
idVec3 color;
const idDict *newTrailDef;
gameLocal.Printf("StartTrail %s\n", newTrailDefName );
newTrailDef = gameLocal.FindEntityDefDict( newTrailDefName, false );
if ( !newTrailDef ) {
gameLocal.Error( "Unknown def '%s'", newTrailDefName );
//NOTE: this works, but we assume that if it's the same def, RestartTrail() will be called instead.
if( trailDef && newTrailDef && (newTrailDef == trailDef) ){
//gameLocal.Warning("Started a new Trail with the same def! use RestartTrail() instead to save performance!");
//remove the points
//points.Clear(); //we can keep the old ones so, if we already are active the trail goes on.
newTrailDef->GetInt( "fadeTime", "200", fadingTime );
if( fadingTime < 0 ) fadingTime = 0;
newTrailDef->GetInt( "numFrames", "10", maxPoints );
maxPoints = ( maxPoints < 1 ) ? 4 : ( maxPoints*2+2 ); //1frame -> 4points, 2frame -> 6points, ...
newTrailDef->GetVector( "color", "1 1 1", color );
renderEntity.shaderParms[ SHADERPARM_RED ] = color[ 0 ];
renderEntity.shaderParms[ SHADERPARM_GREEN ] = color[ 1 ];
renderEntity.shaderParms[ SHADERPARM_BLUE ] = color[ 2 ];
materialName = newTrailDef->GetString( "mtr_surface", "" );
material = declManager->FindMaterial( materialName );
//remember the new trail def
trailDef = newTrailDef;
trailDefName = newTrailDefName;
enabled = true; //weapon will upd the position
fading = false;
modelChanged = true; //upd renderer
UpdateVisuals(); //make sure it's in the world and updated
void idTrailGenerator::FadeTrail( void ){
idVec3 colorNow;
if( fadingTime <= 0 ){
colorNow[ 0 ] = renderEntity.shaderParms[ SHADERPARM_RED ];
colorNow[ 1 ] = renderEntity.shaderParms[ SHADERPARM_GREEN ];
colorNow[ 2 ] = renderEntity.shaderParms[ SHADERPARM_BLUE ];
//color step for each frame
fadingColorStep = ( vec3_zero - colorNow)*USERCMD_MSEC/fadingTime;
fadingEndTime = gameLocal.time + fadingTime;
enabled = true; //weapon will upd the position
fading = true;
UpdateVisuals(); //make sure it's in the world and updated
void idTrailGenerator::StopTrail( void ){
if(!enabled) return;
//remove points
enabled = false;
fading = false;
modelChanged = true; //upd renderer
FreeEntityDef(); //remove from world
void idTrailGenerator::AddNewPoints( const idVec3 &newPosL, const idVec3 &newPosH ) {
if( !enabled ){
gameLocal.Warning("Cannot add points to a disabled trail!");
//NOTE: this is commented out because we assume that sword is moving while trail is active.
if( points.Num() >= 2 ){
if( points[0].Compare( newPosL ) && points[1].Compare( newPosH ) ){
return; //if points did not change don't upd anything
//remove oldest points
while( points.Num() >= maxPoints ){ //example: maxPoints 6 and we have 6 -> remove 2 so we can add the new ones
points.Append( newPosL );
points.Append( newPosH );
modelChanged = true; //upd renderer
void idTrailGenerator::RemoveOldestPoints( void ) {
if( !enabled ){
gameLocal.Warning("Cannot remove points to a disabled trail!");
//NOTE: this is commented out because we assume that sword is moving while trail is active.
if( points.Num() >= 2 ){
if( points[0].Compare( newPosL ) && points[1].Compare( newPosH ) ){
return; //if points did not change don't upd anything
//remove oldest points
if( points.Num() >= 2 ){
modelChanged = true; //upd renderer
bool idTrailGenerator::UpdateRenderEntity( renderEntity_s *renderEntity, const renderView_t *renderView ) const {
int i, j, numTris, numPoints;
float fitpct, fitoffset;
srfTriangles_t *tris;
modelSurface_t surface;
idDrawVert *v;
idPlane plane;
idMat3 tangents;
idFixedWinding winding; //TODO: this is big...promote it to class member to save perf?
// this may be triggered by a model trace or other non-view related source,
// to which we should look like an empty model
if ( !renderView ) {
return false;
// regenerate only if modelChanged. Only one per frame.
//was: if ( !modelChanged || lastRenderEntityUpdate == gameLocal.time ) {
if ( lastRenderEntityUpdate == gameLocal.time ) { //moved the "modelChanged" check in callback to save perf.
return false;
lastRenderEntityUpdate = gameLocal.time;
modelChanged = false;
//gameLocal.Printf("UpdateRenderEntity at time: %d\n", lastRenderEntityUpdate);
//we need at least 4 points + even number
numPoints = points.Num();
if( numPoints < 4 ){ //|| (numPoints % 2 != 0) //number is always even thanks to creation policy.
//clean the model and return.
renderEntity->hModel->InitEmpty( trailGenerator_SnapshotName );
return true;
//calculate number of tris and materialOffset-per-coupleOfTris pct
numTris = numPoints - 2; //examples: 4p -> 2t, 6p -> 4t, 8p ->6t
fitpct = 1.0f / ( numTris /2.0f ); // numTris/2 is the number of steps. 4p -> 2t -> 1step, 6p -> 4t -> 2steps, 8p ->6t -> 3steps
// FIXME: re-use model surfaces? <-- we cannot do that: we would need to remove the oldest piece and shift the texture.
renderEntity->hModel->InitEmpty( trailGenerator_SnapshotName );
idBounds bbox;
idVec4 color;
color[3] = 1; //alpha
for( i = 0; i < numPoints; i++ ){
if( i % 2 == 0){
color[0] = gameLocal.random.RandomFloat();
color[1] = gameLocal.random.RandomFloat();
color[2] = gameLocal.random.RandomFloat();
gameRenderWorld->DebugBounds( color, bbox, points[i], 20000);
// allocate triangle surfaces for the fractures and decals
tris = renderEntity->hModel->AllocSurfaceTriangles( numTris * 3, material->ShouldCreateBackSides() ? numTris * 6 : numTris * 3 );
//packedColor = PackColor( idVec4( 1,1,1,1 ) );
gameLocal.Printf("color found: %f, %f, %f\n", renderEntity->shaderParms[ SHADERPARM_RED ], renderEntity->shaderParms[ SHADERPARM_GREEN ], renderEntity->shaderParms[ SHADERPARM_BLUE ] );
if( &(this->renderEntity) == renderEntity ){
gameLocal.Printf("Stesso renderEntity!\n");
//gameLocal.Printf("iteration starts...\n ");
fitoffset = 1.0f;
for( i = 0; i < (numPoints - 3); i += 2 ){
//re-use the same winding every time
//points closer to the sword
winding.AddPoint( idVec5( points[i], idVec2(0, fitoffset )) ); //Lower point
winding.AddPoint( idVec5( points[i+1], idVec2(1, fitoffset)) ); //Higher point
//gameLocal.Printf("fitoffset: %f, fitoffset-fitpct: %f\n", fitoffset, (fitoffset-fitpct) );
fitoffset -= fitpct; //decrease the texture offset so that the texture is correctly fit
if( fitoffset < 0.0f ){ fitoffset = 0.0f; } //solve approximation issues
//previous points
winding.AddPoint( idVec5( points[i+3], idVec2(1, fitoffset)) ); //Higher point
winding.AddPoint( idVec5( points[i+2], idVec2(0, fitoffset)) ); //Lower point
//get info from windings
winding.GetPlane( plane );
tangents = ( plane.Normal() ).ToMat3(); //was: ( plane.Normal() * axis ).ToMat3();
//create tris given points in winding. Usually we have 4 points -> 2tris
for ( j = 2; j < winding.GetNumPoints(); j++ ) {
//first vertex is always placed at the first point
v = &tris->verts[tris->numVerts++];
v->xyz = winding[0].ToVec3();
v->st[0] = winding[0].s;
v->st[1] = winding[0].t;
v->normal = tangents[0];
v->tangents[0] = tangents[1];
v->tangents[1] = tangents[2];
v->SetColor( trailGenerator_vertexColor );
//second vertex
v = &tris->verts[tris->numVerts++];
v->xyz = winding[j-1].ToVec3();
v->st[0] = winding[j-1].s;
v->st[1] = winding[j-1].t;
v->normal = tangents[0];
v->tangents[0] = tangents[1];
v->tangents[1] = tangents[2];
v->SetColor( trailGenerator_vertexColor );
//third vertex
v = &tris->verts[tris->numVerts++];
v->xyz = winding[j].ToVec3();
v->st[0] = winding[j].s;
v->st[1] = winding[j].t;
v->normal = tangents[0];
v->tangents[0] = tangents[1];
v->tangents[1] = tangents[2];
v->SetColor( trailGenerator_vertexColor );
//set the index for each tris
tris->indexes[tris->numIndexes++] = tris->numVerts - 3;
tris->indexes[tris->numIndexes++] = tris->numVerts - 2;
tris->indexes[tris->numIndexes++] = tris->numVerts - 1;
if ( material->ShouldCreateBackSides() ) {
tris->indexes[tris->numIndexes++] = tris->numVerts - 2;
tris->indexes[tris->numIndexes++] = tris->numVerts - 3;
tris->indexes[tris->numIndexes++] = tris->numVerts - 1;
tris->tangentsCalculated = true;
SIMDProcessor->MinMax( tris->bounds[0], tris->bounds[1], tris->verts, tris->numVerts );
memset( &surface, 0, sizeof( surface ) );
surface.shader = material;
surface.id = 0;
surface.geometry = tris;
renderEntity->hModel->AddSurface( surface );
return true;
bool idTrailGenerator::ModelCallback( renderEntity_s *renderEntity, const renderView_t *renderView ) {
const idTrailGenerator *trailGen;
trailGen = gameLocal.trailsManager->trails[ renderEntity->entityNum ];
if ( !trailGen ) {
gameLocal.Error( "idTrailGenerator::ModelCallback: callback with NULL trailGen" );
if ( !trailGen->modelChanged ){
return false;
return trailGen->UpdateRenderEntity( renderEntity, renderView );
void idTrailGenerator::Fade( void ) { //TrailGenerator thinks before all the other entities.
//if ( fading ) {
if( fadingEndTime > gameLocal.time ){
renderEntity.shaderParms[ SHADERPARM_RED ] += fadingColorStep[ 0 ];
renderEntity.shaderParms[ SHADERPARM_GREEN ] += fadingColorStep[ 1 ];
renderEntity.shaderParms[ SHADERPARM_BLUE ] += fadingColorStep[ 2 ];
UpdateVisuals(); //make sure it's in the world and updated