Fork 0
mirror of https://github.com/dhewm/dhewm3-sdk.git synced 2025-03-04 16:32:36 +00:00
dhewg afebd7e1e5 Untangle the epic precompiled.h mess
Don't include the lazy precompiled.h everywhere, only what's
required for the compilation unit.
platform.h needs to be included instead to provide all essential
defines and types.
All includes use the relative path to the neo or the game
specific root.
Move all idlib related includes from idlib/Lib.h to precompiled.h.
precompiled.h still exists for the MFC stuff in tools/.
Add some missing header guards.
2018-08-20 01:46:28 +02:00

1645 lines
40 KiB

Doom 3 GPL Source Code
Copyright (C) 1999-2011 id Software LLC, a ZeniMax Media company.
This file is part of the Doom 3 GPL Source Code ("Doom 3 Source Code").
Doom 3 Source Code is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
Doom 3 Source Code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with Doom 3 Source Code. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
In addition, the Doom 3 Source Code is also subject to certain additional terms. You should have received a copy of these additional terms immediately following the terms and conditions of the GNU General Public License which accompanied the Doom 3 Source Code. If not, please request a copy in writing from id Software at the address below.
If you have questions concerning this license or the applicable additional terms, you may contact in writing id Software LLC, c/o ZeniMax Media Inc., Suite 120, Rockville, Maryland 20850 USA.
#include "sys/platform.h"
#include "idlib/math/Lcp.h"
static idCVar lcp_showFailures( "lcp_showFailures", "0", CVAR_SYSTEM | CVAR_BOOL, "show LCP solver failures" );
const float LCP_BOUND_EPSILON = 1e-5f;
const float LCP_ACCEL_EPSILON = 1e-5f;
const float LCP_DELTA_ACCEL_EPSILON = 1e-9f;
const float LCP_DELTA_FORCE_EPSILON = 1e-9f;
// M
// idLCP_Square MrE
// E
class idLCP_Square : public idLCP {
virtual bool Solve( const idMatX &o_m, idVecX &o_x, const idVecX &o_b, const idVecX &o_lo, const idVecX &o_hi, const int *o_boxIndex );
idMatX m; // original matrix
idVecX b; // right hand side
idVecX lo, hi; // low and high bounds
idVecX f, a; // force and acceleration
idVecX delta_f, delta_a; // delta force and delta acceleration
idMatX clamped; // LU factored sub matrix for clamped variables
idVecX diagonal; // reciprocal of diagonal of U of the LU factored sub matrix for clamped variables
int numUnbounded; // number of unbounded variables
int numClamped; // number of clamped variables
float ** rowPtrs; // pointers to the rows of m
int * boxIndex; // box index
int * side; // tells if a variable is at the low boundary = -1, high boundary = 1 or inbetween = 0
int * permuted; // index to keep track of the permutation
bool padded; // set to true if the rows of the initial matrix are 16 byte padded
bool FactorClamped( void );
void SolveClamped( idVecX &x, const float *b );
void Swap( int i, int j );
void AddClamped( int r );
void RemoveClamped( int r );
void CalcForceDelta( int d, float dir );
void CalcAccelDelta( int d );
void ChangeForce( int d, float step );
void ChangeAccel( int d, float step );
void GetMaxStep( int d, float dir, float &maxStep, int &limit, int &limitSide ) const;
bool idLCP_Square::FactorClamped( void ) {
int i, j, k;
float s, d;
for ( i = 0; i < numClamped; i++ ) {
memcpy( clamped[i], rowPtrs[i], numClamped * sizeof( float ) );
for ( i = 0; i < numClamped; i++ ) {
s = idMath::Fabs( clamped[i][i] );
if ( s == 0.0f ) {
return false;
diagonal[i] = d = 1.0f / clamped[i][i];
for ( j = i + 1; j < numClamped; j++ ) {
clamped[j][i] *= d;
for ( j = i + 1; j < numClamped; j++ ) {
d = clamped[j][i];
for ( k = i + 1; k < numClamped; k++ ) {
clamped[j][k] -= d * clamped[i][k];
return true;
void idLCP_Square::SolveClamped( idVecX &x, const float *b ) {
int i, j;
float sum;
// solve L
for ( i = 0; i < numClamped; i++ ) {
sum = b[i];
for ( j = 0; j < i; j++ ) {
sum -= clamped[i][j] * x[j];
x[i] = sum;
// solve U
for ( i = numClamped - 1; i >= 0; i-- ) {
sum = x[i];
for ( j = i + 1; j < numClamped; j++ ) {
sum -= clamped[i][j] * x[j];
x[i] = sum * diagonal[i];
void idLCP_Square::Swap( int i, int j ) {
if ( i == j ) {
idSwap( rowPtrs[i], rowPtrs[j] );
m.SwapColumns( i, j );
b.SwapElements( i, j );
lo.SwapElements( i, j );
hi.SwapElements( i, j );
a.SwapElements( i, j );
f.SwapElements( i, j );
if ( boxIndex ) {
idSwap( boxIndex[i], boxIndex[j] );
idSwap( side[i], side[j] );
idSwap( permuted[i], permuted[j] );
void idLCP_Square::AddClamped( int r ) {
int i, j;
float sum;
assert( r >= numClamped );
// add a row at the bottom and a column at the right of the factored
// matrix for the clamped variables
Swap( numClamped, r );
// add row to L
for ( i = 0; i < numClamped; i++ ) {
sum = rowPtrs[numClamped][i];
for ( j = 0; j < i; j++ ) {
sum -= clamped[numClamped][j] * clamped[j][i];
clamped[numClamped][i] = sum * diagonal[i];
// add column to U
for ( i = 0; i <= numClamped; i++ ) {
sum = rowPtrs[i][numClamped];
for ( j = 0; j < i; j++ ) {
sum -= clamped[i][j] * clamped[j][numClamped];
clamped[i][numClamped] = sum;
diagonal[numClamped] = 1.0f / clamped[numClamped][numClamped];
void idLCP_Square::RemoveClamped( int r ) {
int i, j;
float *y0, *y1, *z0, *z1;
double diag, beta0, beta1, p0, p1, q0, q1, d;
assert( r < numClamped );
// no need to swap and update the factored matrix when the last row and column are removed
if ( r == numClamped ) {
y0 = (float *) _alloca16( numClamped * sizeof( float ) );
z0 = (float *) _alloca16( numClamped * sizeof( float ) );
y1 = (float *) _alloca16( numClamped * sizeof( float ) );
z1 = (float *) _alloca16( numClamped * sizeof( float ) );
// the row/column need to be subtracted from the factorization
for ( i = 0; i < numClamped; i++ ) {
y0[i] = -rowPtrs[i][r];
memset( y1, 0, numClamped * sizeof( float ) );
y1[r] = 1.0f;
memset( z0, 0, numClamped * sizeof( float ) );
z0[r] = 1.0f;
for ( i = 0; i < numClamped; i++ ) {
z1[i] = -rowPtrs[r][i];
// swap the to be removed row/column with the last row/column
Swap( r, numClamped );
// the swapped last row/column need to be added to the factorization
for ( i = 0; i < numClamped; i++ ) {
y0[i] += rowPtrs[i][r];
for ( i = 0; i < numClamped; i++ ) {
z1[i] += rowPtrs[r][i];
z1[r] = 0.0f;
// update the beginning of the to be updated row and column
for ( i = 0; i < r; i++ ) {
p0 = y0[i];
beta1 = z1[i] * diagonal[i];
clamped[i][r] += p0;
for ( j = i+1; j < numClamped; j++ ) {
z1[j] -= beta1 * clamped[i][j];
for ( j = i+1; j < numClamped; j++ ) {
y0[j] -= p0 * clamped[j][i];
clamped[r][i] += beta1;
// update the lower right corner starting at r,r
for ( i = r; i < numClamped; i++ ) {
diag = clamped[i][i];
p0 = y0[i];
p1 = z0[i];
diag += p0 * p1;
if ( diag == 0.0f ) {
idLib::common->Printf( "idLCP_Square::RemoveClamped: updating factorization failed\n" );
beta0 = p1 / diag;
q0 = y1[i];
q1 = z1[i];
diag += q0 * q1;
if ( diag == 0.0f ) {
idLib::common->Printf( "idLCP_Square::RemoveClamped: updating factorization failed\n" );
d = 1.0f / diag;
beta1 = q1 * d;
clamped[i][i] = diag;
diagonal[i] = d;
for ( j = i+1; j < numClamped; j++ ) {
d = clamped[i][j];
d += p0 * z0[j];
z0[j] -= beta0 * d;
d += q0 * z1[j];
z1[j] -= beta1 * d;
clamped[i][j] = d;
for ( j = i+1; j < numClamped; j++ ) {
d = clamped[j][i];
y0[j] -= p0 * d;
d += beta0 * y0[j];
y1[j] -= q0 * d;
d += beta1 * y1[j];
clamped[j][i] = d;
modifies this->delta_f
ID_INLINE void idLCP_Square::CalcForceDelta( int d, float dir ) {
int i;
float *ptr;
delta_f[d] = dir;
if ( numClamped == 0 ) {
// get column d of matrix
ptr = (float *) _alloca16( numClamped * sizeof( float ) );
for ( i = 0; i < numClamped; i++ ) {
ptr[i] = rowPtrs[i][d];
// solve force delta
SolveClamped( delta_f, ptr );
// flip force delta based on direction
if ( dir > 0.0f ) {
ptr = delta_f.ToFloatPtr();
for ( i = 0; i < numClamped; i++ ) {
ptr[i] = - ptr[i];
modifies this->delta_a and uses this->delta_f
ID_INLINE void idLCP_Square::CalcAccelDelta( int d ) {
int j;
float dot;
// only the not clamped variables, including the current variable, can have a change in acceleration
for ( j = numClamped; j <= d; j++ ) {
// only the clamped variables and the current variable have a force delta unequal zero
SIMDProcessor->Dot( dot, rowPtrs[j], delta_f.ToFloatPtr(), numClamped );
delta_a[j] = dot + rowPtrs[j][d] * delta_f[d];
modifies this->f and uses this->delta_f
ID_INLINE void idLCP_Square::ChangeForce( int d, float step ) {
// only the clamped variables and current variable have a force delta unequal zero
SIMDProcessor->MulAdd( f.ToFloatPtr(), step, delta_f.ToFloatPtr(), numClamped );
f[d] += step * delta_f[d];
modifies this->a and uses this->delta_a
ID_INLINE void idLCP_Square::ChangeAccel( int d, float step ) {
// only the not clamped variables, including the current variable, can have an acceleration unequal zero
SIMDProcessor->MulAdd( a.ToFloatPtr() + numClamped, step, delta_a.ToFloatPtr() + numClamped, d - numClamped + 1 );
void idLCP_Square::GetMaxStep( int d, float dir, float &maxStep, int &limit, int &limitSide ) const {
int i;
float s;
// default to a full step for the current variable
if ( idMath::Fabs( delta_a[d] ) > LCP_DELTA_ACCEL_EPSILON ) {
maxStep = -a[d] / delta_a[d];
} else {
maxStep = 0.0f;
limit = d;
limitSide = 0;
// test the current variable
if ( dir < 0.0f ) {
if ( lo[d] != -idMath::INFINITY ) {
s = ( lo[d] - f[d] ) / dir;
if ( s < maxStep ) {
maxStep = s;
limitSide = -1;
} else {
if ( hi[d] != idMath::INFINITY ) {
s = ( hi[d] - f[d] ) / dir;
if ( s < maxStep ) {
maxStep = s;
limitSide = 1;
// test the clamped bounded variables
for ( i = numUnbounded; i < numClamped; i++ ) {
if ( delta_f[i] < -LCP_DELTA_FORCE_EPSILON ) {
// if there is a low boundary
if ( lo[i] != -idMath::INFINITY ) {
s = ( lo[i] - f[i] ) / delta_f[i];
if ( s < maxStep ) {
maxStep = s;
limit = i;
limitSide = -1;
} else if ( delta_f[i] > LCP_DELTA_FORCE_EPSILON ) {
// if there is a high boundary
if ( hi[i] != idMath::INFINITY ) {
s = ( hi[i] - f[i] ) / delta_f[i];
if ( s < maxStep ) {
maxStep = s;
limit = i;
limitSide = 1;
// test the not clamped bounded variables
for ( i = numClamped; i < d; i++ ) {
if ( side[i] == -1 ) {
if ( delta_a[i] >= -LCP_DELTA_ACCEL_EPSILON ) {
} else if ( side[i] == 1 ) {
if ( delta_a[i] <= LCP_DELTA_ACCEL_EPSILON ) {
} else {
// ignore variables for which the force is not allowed to take any substantial value
if ( lo[i] >= -LCP_BOUND_EPSILON && hi[i] <= LCP_BOUND_EPSILON ) {
s = -a[i] / delta_a[i];
if ( s < maxStep ) {
maxStep = s;
limit = i;
limitSide = 0;
bool idLCP_Square::Solve( const idMatX &o_m, idVecX &o_x, const idVecX &o_b, const idVecX &o_lo, const idVecX &o_hi, const int *o_boxIndex ) {
int i, j, n, limit, limitSide, boxStartIndex;
float dir, maxStep, dot, s;
char *failed;
// true when the matrix rows are 16 byte padded
padded = ((o_m.GetNumRows()+3)&~3) == o_m.GetNumColumns();
assert( padded || o_m.GetNumRows() == o_m.GetNumColumns() );
assert( o_x.GetSize() == o_m.GetNumRows() );
assert( o_b.GetSize() == o_m.GetNumRows() );
assert( o_lo.GetSize() == o_m.GetNumRows() );
assert( o_hi.GetSize() == o_m.GetNumRows() );
// allocate memory for permuted input
f.SetData( o_m.GetNumRows(), VECX_ALLOCA( o_m.GetNumRows() ) );
a.SetData( o_b.GetSize(), VECX_ALLOCA( o_b.GetSize() ) );
b.SetData( o_b.GetSize(), VECX_ALLOCA( o_b.GetSize() ) );
lo.SetData( o_lo.GetSize(), VECX_ALLOCA( o_lo.GetSize() ) );
hi.SetData( o_hi.GetSize(), VECX_ALLOCA( o_hi.GetSize() ) );
if ( o_boxIndex ) {
boxIndex = (int *)_alloca16( o_x.GetSize() * sizeof( int ) );
memcpy( boxIndex, o_boxIndex, o_x.GetSize() * sizeof( int ) );
} else {
boxIndex = NULL;
// we override the const on o_m here but on exit the matrix is unchanged
m.SetData( o_m.GetNumRows(), o_m.GetNumColumns(), const_cast<float *>(o_m[0]) );
b = o_b;
lo = o_lo;
hi = o_hi;
// pointers to the rows of m
rowPtrs = (float **) _alloca16( m.GetNumRows() * sizeof( float * ) );
for ( i = 0; i < m.GetNumRows(); i++ ) {
rowPtrs[i] = m[i];
// tells if a variable is at the low boundary, high boundary or inbetween
side = (int *) _alloca16( m.GetNumRows() * sizeof( int ) );
// index to keep track of the permutation
permuted = (int *) _alloca16( m.GetNumRows() * sizeof( int ) );
for ( i = 0; i < m.GetNumRows(); i++ ) {
permuted[i] = i;
// permute input so all unbounded variables come first
numUnbounded = 0;
for ( i = 0; i < m.GetNumRows(); i++ ) {
if ( lo[i] == -idMath::INFINITY && hi[i] == idMath::INFINITY ) {
if ( numUnbounded != i ) {
Swap( numUnbounded, i );
// permute input so all variables using the boxIndex come last
boxStartIndex = m.GetNumRows();
if ( boxIndex ) {
for ( i = m.GetNumRows() - 1; i >= numUnbounded; i-- ) {
if ( boxIndex[i] >= 0 && ( lo[i] != -idMath::INFINITY || hi[i] != idMath::INFINITY ) ) {
if ( boxStartIndex != i ) {
Swap( boxStartIndex, i );
// sub matrix for factorization
clamped.SetData( m.GetNumRows(), m.GetNumColumns(), MATX_ALLOCA( m.GetNumRows() * m.GetNumColumns() ) );
diagonal.SetData( m.GetNumRows(), VECX_ALLOCA( m.GetNumRows() ) );
// all unbounded variables are clamped
numClamped = numUnbounded;
// if there are unbounded variables
if ( numUnbounded ) {
// factor and solve for unbounded variables
if ( !FactorClamped() ) {
idLib::common->Printf( "idLCP_Square::Solve: unbounded factorization failed\n" );
return false;
SolveClamped( f, b.ToFloatPtr() );
// if there are no bounded variables we are done
if ( numUnbounded == m.GetNumRows() ) {
o_x = f; // the vector is not permuted
return true;
int numIgnored = 0;
// allocate for delta force and delta acceleration
delta_f.SetData( m.GetNumRows(), VECX_ALLOCA( m.GetNumRows() ) );
delta_a.SetData( m.GetNumRows(), VECX_ALLOCA( m.GetNumRows() ) );
// solve for bounded variables
failed = NULL;
for ( i = numUnbounded; i < m.GetNumRows(); i++ ) {
// once we hit the box start index we can initialize the low and high boundaries of the variables using the box index
if ( i == boxStartIndex ) {
for ( j = 0; j < boxStartIndex; j++ ) {
o_x[permuted[j]] = f[j];
for ( j = boxStartIndex; j < m.GetNumRows(); j++ ) {
s = o_x[boxIndex[j]];
if ( lo[j] != -idMath::INFINITY ) {
lo[j] = - idMath::Fabs( lo[j] * s );
if ( hi[j] != idMath::INFINITY ) {
hi[j] = idMath::Fabs( hi[j] * s );
// calculate acceleration for current variable
SIMDProcessor->Dot( dot, rowPtrs[i], f.ToFloatPtr(), i );
a[i] = dot - b[i];
// if already at the low boundary
if ( lo[i] >= -LCP_BOUND_EPSILON && a[i] >= -LCP_ACCEL_EPSILON ) {
side[i] = -1;
// if already at the high boundary
if ( hi[i] <= LCP_BOUND_EPSILON && a[i] <= LCP_ACCEL_EPSILON ) {
side[i] = 1;
// if inside the clamped region
if ( idMath::Fabs( a[i] ) <= LCP_ACCEL_EPSILON ) {
side[i] = 0;
AddClamped( i );
// drive the current variable into a valid region
for ( n = 0; n < maxIterations; n++ ) {
// direction to move
if ( a[i] <= 0.0f ) {
dir = 1.0f;
} else {
dir = -1.0f;
// calculate force delta
CalcForceDelta( i, dir );
// calculate acceleration delta: delta_a = m * delta_f;
CalcAccelDelta( i );
// maximum step we can take
GetMaxStep( i, dir, maxStep, limit, limitSide );
if ( maxStep <= 0.0f ) {
// ignore the current variable completely
lo[i] = hi[i] = 0.0f;
f[i] = 0.0f;
side[i] = -1;
failed = va( "invalid step size %.4f", maxStep );
// change force
ChangeForce( i, maxStep );
// change acceleration
ChangeAccel( i, maxStep );
// clamp/unclamp the variable that limited this step
side[limit] = limitSide;
switch( limitSide ) {
case 0: {
a[limit] = 0.0f;
AddClamped( limit );
case -1: {
f[limit] = lo[limit];
if ( limit != i ) {
RemoveClamped( limit );
case 1: {
f[limit] = hi[limit];
if ( limit != i ) {
RemoveClamped( limit );
// if the current variable limited the step we can continue with the next variable
if ( limit == i ) {
if ( n >= maxIterations ) {
failed = va( "max iterations %d", maxIterations );
if ( failed ) {
if ( numIgnored ) {
if ( lcp_showFailures.GetBool() ) {
idLib::common->Printf( "idLCP_Symmetric::Solve: %d of %d bounded variables ignored\n", numIgnored, m.GetNumRows() - numUnbounded );
// if failed clear remaining forces
if ( failed ) {
if ( lcp_showFailures.GetBool() ) {
idLib::common->Printf( "idLCP_Square::Solve: %s (%d of %d bounded variables ignored)\n", failed, m.GetNumRows() - i, m.GetNumRows() - numUnbounded );
for ( j = i; j < m.GetNumRows(); j++ ) {
f[j] = 0.0f;
#if defined(_DEBUG) && 0
if ( !failed ) {
// test whether or not the solution satisfies the complementarity conditions
for ( i = 0; i < m.GetNumRows(); i++ ) {
a[i] = -b[i];
for ( j = 0; j < m.GetNumRows(); j++ ) {
a[i] += rowPtrs[i][j] * f[j];
if ( f[i] == lo[i] ) {
if ( lo[i] != hi[i] && a[i] < -LCP_ACCEL_EPSILON ) {
int bah1 = 1;
} else if ( f[i] == hi[i] ) {
if ( lo[i] != hi[i] && a[i] > LCP_ACCEL_EPSILON ) {
int bah2 = 1;
} else if ( f[i] < lo[i] || f[i] > hi[i] || idMath::Fabs( a[i] ) > 1.0f ) {
int bah3 = 1;
// unpermute result
for ( i = 0; i < f.GetSize(); i++ ) {
o_x[permuted[i]] = f[i];
// unpermute original matrix
for ( i = 0; i < m.GetNumRows(); i++ ) {
for ( j = 0; j < m.GetNumRows(); j++ ) {
if ( permuted[j] == i ) {
if ( i != j ) {
m.SwapColumns( i, j );
idSwap( permuted[i], permuted[j] );
return true;
// M
// idLCP_Symmetric MrE
// E
class idLCP_Symmetric : public idLCP {
virtual bool Solve( const idMatX &o_m, idVecX &o_x, const idVecX &o_b, const idVecX &o_lo, const idVecX &o_hi, const int *o_boxIndex );
idMatX m; // original matrix
idVecX b; // right hand side
idVecX lo, hi; // low and high bounds
idVecX f, a; // force and acceleration
idVecX delta_f, delta_a; // delta force and delta acceleration
idMatX clamped; // LDLt factored sub matrix for clamped variables
idVecX diagonal; // reciprocal of diagonal of LDLt factored sub matrix for clamped variables
idVecX solveCache1; // intermediate result cached in SolveClamped
idVecX solveCache2; // "
int numUnbounded; // number of unbounded variables
int numClamped; // number of clamped variables
int clampedChangeStart; // lowest row/column changed in the clamped matrix during an iteration
float ** rowPtrs; // pointers to the rows of m
int * boxIndex; // box index
int * side; // tells if a variable is at the low boundary = -1, high boundary = 1 or inbetween = 0
int * permuted; // index to keep track of the permutation
bool padded; // set to true if the rows of the initial matrix are 16 byte padded
bool FactorClamped( void );
void SolveClamped( idVecX &x, const float *b );
void Swap( int i, int j );
void AddClamped( int r, bool useSolveCache );
void RemoveClamped( int r );
void CalcForceDelta( int d, float dir );
void CalcAccelDelta( int d );
void ChangeForce( int d, float step );
void ChangeAccel( int d, float step );
void GetMaxStep( int d, float dir, float &maxStep, int &limit, int &limitSide ) const;
bool idLCP_Symmetric::FactorClamped( void ) {
clampedChangeStart = 0;
for ( int i = 0; i < numClamped; i++ ) {
memcpy( clamped[i], rowPtrs[i], numClamped * sizeof( float ) );
return SIMDProcessor->MatX_LDLTFactor( clamped, diagonal, numClamped );
void idLCP_Symmetric::SolveClamped( idVecX &x, const float *b ) {
// solve L
SIMDProcessor->MatX_LowerTriangularSolve( clamped, solveCache1.ToFloatPtr(), b, numClamped, clampedChangeStart );
// solve D
SIMDProcessor->Mul( solveCache2.ToFloatPtr(), solveCache1.ToFloatPtr(), diagonal.ToFloatPtr(), numClamped );
// solve Lt
SIMDProcessor->MatX_LowerTriangularSolveTranspose( clamped, x.ToFloatPtr(), solveCache2.ToFloatPtr(), numClamped );
clampedChangeStart = numClamped;
void idLCP_Symmetric::Swap( int i, int j ) {
if ( i == j ) {
idSwap( rowPtrs[i], rowPtrs[j] );
m.SwapColumns( i, j );
b.SwapElements( i, j );
lo.SwapElements( i, j );
hi.SwapElements( i, j );
a.SwapElements( i, j );
f.SwapElements( i, j );
if ( boxIndex ) {
idSwap( boxIndex[i], boxIndex[j] );
idSwap( side[i], side[j] );
idSwap( permuted[i], permuted[j] );
void idLCP_Symmetric::AddClamped( int r, bool useSolveCache ) {
float d, dot;
assert( r >= numClamped );
if ( numClamped < clampedChangeStart ) {
clampedChangeStart = numClamped;
// add a row at the bottom and a column at the right of the factored
// matrix for the clamped variables
Swap( numClamped, r );
// solve for v in L * v = rowPtr[numClamped]
if ( useSolveCache ) {
// the lower triangular solve was cached in SolveClamped called by CalcForceDelta
memcpy( clamped[numClamped], solveCache2.ToFloatPtr(), numClamped * sizeof( float ) );
// calculate row dot product
SIMDProcessor->Dot( dot, solveCache2.ToFloatPtr(), solveCache1.ToFloatPtr(), numClamped );
} else {
float *v = (float *) _alloca16( numClamped * sizeof( float ) );
SIMDProcessor->MatX_LowerTriangularSolve( clamped, v, rowPtrs[numClamped], numClamped );
// add bottom row to L
SIMDProcessor->Mul( clamped[numClamped], v, diagonal.ToFloatPtr(), numClamped );
// calculate row dot product
SIMDProcessor->Dot( dot, clamped[numClamped], v, numClamped );
// update diagonal[numClamped]
d = rowPtrs[numClamped][numClamped] - dot;
if ( d == 0.0f ) {
idLib::common->Printf( "idLCP_Symmetric::AddClamped: updating factorization failed\n" );
clamped[numClamped][numClamped] = d;
diagonal[numClamped] = 1.0f / d;
void idLCP_Symmetric::RemoveClamped( int r ) {
int i, j, n;
float *addSub, *original, *v, *ptr, *v1, *v2, dot;
double sum, diag, newDiag, invNewDiag, p1, p2, alpha1, alpha2, beta1, beta2;
assert( r < numClamped );
if ( r < clampedChangeStart ) {
clampedChangeStart = r;
// no need to swap and update the factored matrix when the last row and column are removed
if ( r == numClamped ) {
// swap the to be removed row/column with the last row/column
Swap( r, numClamped );
// update the factored matrix
addSub = (float *) _alloca16( numClamped * sizeof( float ) );
if ( r == 0 ) {
if ( numClamped == 1 ) {
diag = rowPtrs[0][0];
if ( diag == 0.0f ) {
idLib::common->Printf( "idLCP_Symmetric::RemoveClamped: updating factorization failed\n" );
clamped[0][0] = diag;
diagonal[0] = 1.0f / diag;
// calculate the row/column to be added to the lower right sub matrix starting at (r, r)
original = rowPtrs[numClamped];
ptr = rowPtrs[r];
addSub[0] = ptr[0] - original[numClamped];
for ( i = 1; i < numClamped; i++ ) {
addSub[i] = ptr[i] - original[i];
} else {
v = (float *) _alloca16( numClamped * sizeof( float ) );
// solve for v in L * v = rowPtr[r]
SIMDProcessor->MatX_LowerTriangularSolve( clamped, v, rowPtrs[r], r );
// update removed row
SIMDProcessor->Mul( clamped[r], v, diagonal.ToFloatPtr(), r );
// if the last row/column of the matrix is updated
if ( r == numClamped - 1 ) {
// only calculate new diagonal
SIMDProcessor->Dot( dot, clamped[r], v, r );
diag = rowPtrs[r][r] - dot;
if ( diag == 0.0f ) {
idLib::common->Printf( "idLCP_Symmetric::RemoveClamped: updating factorization failed\n" );
clamped[r][r] = diag;
diagonal[r] = 1.0f / diag;
// calculate the row/column to be added to the lower right sub matrix starting at (r, r)
for ( i = 0; i < r; i++ ) {
v[i] = clamped[r][i] * clamped[i][i];
for ( i = r; i < numClamped; i++ ) {
if ( i == r ) {
sum = clamped[r][r];
} else {
sum = clamped[r][r] * clamped[i][r];
ptr = clamped[i];
for ( j = 0; j < r; j++ ) {
sum += ptr[j] * v[j];
addSub[i] = rowPtrs[r][i] - sum;
// add row/column to the lower right sub matrix starting at (r, r)
v1 = (float *) _alloca16( numClamped * sizeof( float ) );
v2 = (float *) _alloca16( numClamped * sizeof( float ) );
diag = idMath::SQRT_1OVER2;
v1[r] = ( 0.5f * addSub[r] + 1.0f ) * diag;
v2[r] = ( 0.5f * addSub[r] - 1.0f ) * diag;
for ( i = r+1; i < numClamped; i++ ) {
v1[i] = v2[i] = addSub[i] * diag;
alpha1 = 1.0f;
alpha2 = -1.0f;
// simultaneous update/downdate of the sub matrix starting at (r, r)
n = clamped.GetNumColumns();
for ( i = r; i < numClamped; i++ ) {
diag = clamped[i][i];
p1 = v1[i];
newDiag = diag + alpha1 * p1 * p1;
if ( newDiag == 0.0f ) {
idLib::common->Printf( "idLCP_Symmetric::RemoveClamped: updating factorization failed\n" );
alpha1 /= newDiag;
beta1 = p1 * alpha1;
alpha1 *= diag;
diag = newDiag;
p2 = v2[i];
newDiag = diag + alpha2 * p2 * p2;
if ( newDiag == 0.0f ) {
idLib::common->Printf( "idLCP_Symmetric::RemoveClamped: updating factorization failed\n" );
clamped[i][i] = newDiag;
diagonal[i] = invNewDiag = 1.0f / newDiag;
alpha2 *= invNewDiag;
beta2 = p2 * alpha2;
alpha2 *= diag;
// update column below diagonal (i,i)
ptr = clamped.ToFloatPtr() + i;
for ( j = i+1; j < numClamped - 1; j += 2 ) {
float sum0 = ptr[(j+0)*n];
float sum1 = ptr[(j+1)*n];
v1[j+0] -= p1 * sum0;
v1[j+1] -= p1 * sum1;
sum0 += beta1 * v1[j+0];
sum1 += beta1 * v1[j+1];
v2[j+0] -= p2 * sum0;
v2[j+1] -= p2 * sum1;
sum0 += beta2 * v2[j+0];
sum1 += beta2 * v2[j+1];
ptr[(j+0)*n] = sum0;
ptr[(j+1)*n] = sum1;
for ( ; j < numClamped; j++ ) {
sum = ptr[j*n];
v1[j] -= p1 * sum;
sum += beta1 * v1[j];
v2[j] -= p2 * sum;
sum += beta2 * v2[j];
ptr[j*n] = sum;
modifies this->delta_f
ID_INLINE void idLCP_Symmetric::CalcForceDelta( int d, float dir ) {
int i;
float *ptr;
delta_f[d] = dir;
if ( numClamped == 0 ) {
// solve force delta
SolveClamped( delta_f, rowPtrs[d] );
// flip force delta based on direction
if ( dir > 0.0f ) {
ptr = delta_f.ToFloatPtr();
for ( i = 0; i < numClamped; i++ ) {
ptr[i] = - ptr[i];
modifies this->delta_a and uses this->delta_f
ID_INLINE void idLCP_Symmetric::CalcAccelDelta( int d ) {
int j;
float dot;
// only the not clamped variables, including the current variable, can have a change in acceleration
for ( j = numClamped; j <= d; j++ ) {
// only the clamped variables and the current variable have a force delta unequal zero
SIMDProcessor->Dot( dot, rowPtrs[j], delta_f.ToFloatPtr(), numClamped );
delta_a[j] = dot + rowPtrs[j][d] * delta_f[d];
modifies this->f and uses this->delta_f
ID_INLINE void idLCP_Symmetric::ChangeForce( int d, float step ) {
// only the clamped variables and current variable have a force delta unequal zero
SIMDProcessor->MulAdd( f.ToFloatPtr(), step, delta_f.ToFloatPtr(), numClamped );
f[d] += step * delta_f[d];
modifies this->a and uses this->delta_a
ID_INLINE void idLCP_Symmetric::ChangeAccel( int d, float step ) {
// only the not clamped variables, including the current variable, can have an acceleration unequal zero
SIMDProcessor->MulAdd( a.ToFloatPtr() + numClamped, step, delta_a.ToFloatPtr() + numClamped, d - numClamped + 1 );
void idLCP_Symmetric::GetMaxStep( int d, float dir, float &maxStep, int &limit, int &limitSide ) const {
int i;
float s;
// default to a full step for the current variable
if ( idMath::Fabs( delta_a[d] ) > LCP_DELTA_ACCEL_EPSILON ) {
maxStep = -a[d] / delta_a[d];
} else {
maxStep = 0.0f;
limit = d;
limitSide = 0;
// test the current variable
if ( dir < 0.0f ) {
if ( lo[d] != -idMath::INFINITY ) {
s = ( lo[d] - f[d] ) / dir;
if ( s < maxStep ) {
maxStep = s;
limitSide = -1;
} else {
if ( hi[d] != idMath::INFINITY ) {
s = ( hi[d] - f[d] ) / dir;
if ( s < maxStep ) {
maxStep = s;
limitSide = 1;
// test the clamped bounded variables
for ( i = numUnbounded; i < numClamped; i++ ) {
if ( delta_f[i] < -LCP_DELTA_FORCE_EPSILON ) {
// if there is a low boundary
if ( lo[i] != -idMath::INFINITY ) {
s = ( lo[i] - f[i] ) / delta_f[i];
if ( s < maxStep ) {
maxStep = s;
limit = i;
limitSide = -1;
} else if ( delta_f[i] > LCP_DELTA_FORCE_EPSILON ) {
// if there is a high boundary
if ( hi[i] != idMath::INFINITY ) {
s = ( hi[i] - f[i] ) / delta_f[i];
if ( s < maxStep ) {
maxStep = s;
limit = i;
limitSide = 1;
// test the not clamped bounded variables
for ( i = numClamped; i < d; i++ ) {
if ( side[i] == -1 ) {
if ( delta_a[i] >= -LCP_DELTA_ACCEL_EPSILON ) {
} else if ( side[i] == 1 ) {
if ( delta_a[i] <= LCP_DELTA_ACCEL_EPSILON ) {
} else {
// ignore variables for which the force is not allowed to take any substantial value
if ( lo[i] >= -LCP_BOUND_EPSILON && hi[i] <= LCP_BOUND_EPSILON ) {
s = -a[i] / delta_a[i];
if ( s < maxStep ) {
maxStep = s;
limit = i;
limitSide = 0;
bool idLCP_Symmetric::Solve( const idMatX &o_m, idVecX &o_x, const idVecX &o_b, const idVecX &o_lo, const idVecX &o_hi, const int *o_boxIndex ) {
int i, j, n, limit, limitSide, boxStartIndex;
float dir, maxStep, dot, s;
char *failed;
// true when the matrix rows are 16 byte padded
padded = ((o_m.GetNumRows()+3)&~3) == o_m.GetNumColumns();
assert( padded || o_m.GetNumRows() == o_m.GetNumColumns() );
assert( o_x.GetSize() == o_m.GetNumRows() );
assert( o_b.GetSize() == o_m.GetNumRows() );
assert( o_lo.GetSize() == o_m.GetNumRows() );
assert( o_hi.GetSize() == o_m.GetNumRows() );
// allocate memory for permuted input
f.SetData( o_m.GetNumRows(), VECX_ALLOCA( o_m.GetNumRows() ) );
a.SetData( o_b.GetSize(), VECX_ALLOCA( o_b.GetSize() ) );
b.SetData( o_b.GetSize(), VECX_ALLOCA( o_b.GetSize() ) );
lo.SetData( o_lo.GetSize(), VECX_ALLOCA( o_lo.GetSize() ) );
hi.SetData( o_hi.GetSize(), VECX_ALLOCA( o_hi.GetSize() ) );
if ( o_boxIndex ) {
boxIndex = (int *)_alloca16( o_x.GetSize() * sizeof( int ) );
memcpy( boxIndex, o_boxIndex, o_x.GetSize() * sizeof( int ) );
} else {
boxIndex = NULL;
// we override the const on o_m here but on exit the matrix is unchanged
m.SetData( o_m.GetNumRows(), o_m.GetNumColumns(), const_cast<float *>(o_m[0]) );
b = o_b;
lo = o_lo;
hi = o_hi;
// pointers to the rows of m
rowPtrs = (float **) _alloca16( m.GetNumRows() * sizeof( float * ) );
for ( i = 0; i < m.GetNumRows(); i++ ) {
rowPtrs[i] = m[i];
// tells if a variable is at the low boundary, high boundary or inbetween
side = (int *) _alloca16( m.GetNumRows() * sizeof( int ) );
// index to keep track of the permutation
permuted = (int *) _alloca16( m.GetNumRows() * sizeof( int ) );
for ( i = 0; i < m.GetNumRows(); i++ ) {
permuted[i] = i;
// permute input so all unbounded variables come first
numUnbounded = 0;
for ( i = 0; i < m.GetNumRows(); i++ ) {
if ( lo[i] == -idMath::INFINITY && hi[i] == idMath::INFINITY ) {
if ( numUnbounded != i ) {
Swap( numUnbounded, i );
// permute input so all variables using the boxIndex come last
boxStartIndex = m.GetNumRows();
if ( boxIndex ) {
for ( i = m.GetNumRows() - 1; i >= numUnbounded; i-- ) {
if ( boxIndex[i] >= 0 && ( lo[i] != -idMath::INFINITY || hi[i] != idMath::INFINITY ) ) {
if ( boxStartIndex != i ) {
Swap( boxStartIndex, i );
// sub matrix for factorization
clamped.SetData( m.GetNumRows(), m.GetNumColumns(), MATX_ALLOCA( m.GetNumRows() * m.GetNumColumns() ) );
diagonal.SetData( m.GetNumRows(), VECX_ALLOCA( m.GetNumRows() ) );
solveCache1.SetData( m.GetNumRows(), VECX_ALLOCA( m.GetNumRows() ) );
solveCache2.SetData( m.GetNumRows(), VECX_ALLOCA( m.GetNumRows() ) );
// all unbounded variables are clamped
numClamped = numUnbounded;
// if there are unbounded variables
if ( numUnbounded ) {
// factor and solve for unbounded variables
if ( !FactorClamped() ) {
idLib::common->Printf( "idLCP_Symmetric::Solve: unbounded factorization failed\n" );
return false;
SolveClamped( f, b.ToFloatPtr() );
// if there are no bounded variables we are done
if ( numUnbounded == m.GetNumRows() ) {
o_x = f; // the vector is not permuted
return true;
int numIgnored = 0;
// allocate for delta force and delta acceleration
delta_f.SetData( m.GetNumRows(), VECX_ALLOCA( m.GetNumRows() ) );
delta_a.SetData( m.GetNumRows(), VECX_ALLOCA( m.GetNumRows() ) );
// solve for bounded variables
failed = NULL;
for ( i = numUnbounded; i < m.GetNumRows(); i++ ) {
clampedChangeStart = 0;
// once we hit the box start index we can initialize the low and high boundaries of the variables using the box index
if ( i == boxStartIndex ) {
for ( j = 0; j < boxStartIndex; j++ ) {
o_x[permuted[j]] = f[j];
for ( j = boxStartIndex; j < m.GetNumRows(); j++ ) {
s = o_x[boxIndex[j]];
if ( lo[j] != -idMath::INFINITY ) {
lo[j] = - idMath::Fabs( lo[j] * s );
if ( hi[j] != idMath::INFINITY ) {
hi[j] = idMath::Fabs( hi[j] * s );
// calculate acceleration for current variable
SIMDProcessor->Dot( dot, rowPtrs[i], f.ToFloatPtr(), i );
a[i] = dot - b[i];
// if already at the low boundary
if ( lo[i] >= -LCP_BOUND_EPSILON && a[i] >= -LCP_ACCEL_EPSILON ) {
side[i] = -1;
// if already at the high boundary
if ( hi[i] <= LCP_BOUND_EPSILON && a[i] <= LCP_ACCEL_EPSILON ) {
side[i] = 1;
// if inside the clamped region
if ( idMath::Fabs( a[i] ) <= LCP_ACCEL_EPSILON ) {
side[i] = 0;
AddClamped( i, false );
// drive the current variable into a valid region
for ( n = 0; n < maxIterations; n++ ) {
// direction to move
if ( a[i] <= 0.0f ) {
dir = 1.0f;
} else {
dir = -1.0f;
// calculate force delta
CalcForceDelta( i, dir );
// calculate acceleration delta: delta_a = m * delta_f;
CalcAccelDelta( i );
// maximum step we can take
GetMaxStep( i, dir, maxStep, limit, limitSide );
if ( maxStep <= 0.0f ) {
// ignore the current variable completely
lo[i] = hi[i] = 0.0f;
f[i] = 0.0f;
side[i] = -1;
failed = va( "invalid step size %.4f", maxStep );
// change force
ChangeForce( i, maxStep );
// change acceleration
ChangeAccel( i, maxStep );
// clamp/unclamp the variable that limited this step
side[limit] = limitSide;
switch( limitSide ) {
case 0: {
a[limit] = 0.0f;
AddClamped( limit, ( limit == i ) );
case -1: {
f[limit] = lo[limit];
if ( limit != i ) {
RemoveClamped( limit );
case 1: {
f[limit] = hi[limit];
if ( limit != i ) {
RemoveClamped( limit );
// if the current variable limited the step we can continue with the next variable
if ( limit == i ) {
if ( n >= maxIterations ) {
failed = va( "max iterations %d", maxIterations );
if ( failed ) {
if ( numIgnored ) {
if ( lcp_showFailures.GetBool() ) {
idLib::common->Printf( "idLCP_Symmetric::Solve: %d of %d bounded variables ignored\n", numIgnored, m.GetNumRows() - numUnbounded );
// if failed clear remaining forces
if ( failed ) {
if ( lcp_showFailures.GetBool() ) {
idLib::common->Printf( "idLCP_Symmetric::Solve: %s (%d of %d bounded variables ignored)\n", failed, m.GetNumRows() - i, m.GetNumRows() - numUnbounded );
for ( j = i; j < m.GetNumRows(); j++ ) {
f[j] = 0.0f;
#if defined(_DEBUG) && 0
if ( !failed ) {
// test whether or not the solution satisfies the complementarity conditions
for ( i = 0; i < m.GetNumRows(); i++ ) {
a[i] = -b[i];
for ( j = 0; j < m.GetNumRows(); j++ ) {
a[i] += rowPtrs[i][j] * f[j];
if ( f[i] == lo[i] ) {
if ( lo[i] != hi[i] && a[i] < -LCP_ACCEL_EPSILON ) {
int bah1 = 1;
} else if ( f[i] == hi[i] ) {
if ( lo[i] != hi[i] && a[i] > LCP_ACCEL_EPSILON ) {
int bah2 = 1;
} else if ( f[i] < lo[i] || f[i] > hi[i] || idMath::Fabs( a[i] ) > 1.0f ) {
int bah3 = 1;
// unpermute result
for ( i = 0; i < f.GetSize(); i++ ) {
o_x[permuted[i]] = f[i];
// unpermute original matrix
for ( i = 0; i < m.GetNumRows(); i++ ) {
for ( j = 0; j < m.GetNumRows(); j++ ) {
if ( permuted[j] == i ) {
if ( i != j ) {
m.SwapColumns( i, j );
idSwap( permuted[i], permuted[j] );
return true;
// idLCP
idLCP *idLCP::AllocSquare( void ) {
idLCP *lcp = new idLCP_Square;
lcp->SetMaxIterations( 32 );
return lcp;
idLCP *idLCP::AllocSymmetric( void ) {
idLCP *lcp = new idLCP_Symmetric;
lcp->SetMaxIterations( 32 );
return lcp;
idLCP::~idLCP( void ) {
void idLCP::SetMaxIterations( int max ) {
maxIterations = max;
int idLCP::GetMaxIterations( void ) {
return maxIterations;