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synced 2025-03-09 19:01:31 +00:00
This is an ugly hack that allows both exporting additional functions (incl. methods via static function + void* userArg) to Game DLLs and setting callback functions from the Game DLL that the Engine will call, without breaking the Game API (again after this change). This is mostly meant for replacing ugly hacks with SourceHook and similar and mods (yes, this is still an ugly hack, but less ugly). See the huge comment in Common.h for more information. Right now the only thing implemented is a Callback for when images are reloaded (via reloadImages or vid_restart) - Ruiner needs that. Also increased GAME_API_VERSION to 9, because this breaks the A[PB]I (hopefully after the next release it won't be broken in the foreseeable future)
280 lines
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280 lines
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Doom 3 GPL Source Code
Copyright (C) 1999-2011 id Software LLC, a ZeniMax Media company.
This file is part of the Doom 3 GPL Source Code ("Doom 3 Source Code").
Doom 3 Source Code is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
Doom 3 Source Code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with Doom 3 Source Code. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
In addition, the Doom 3 Source Code is also subject to certain additional terms. You should have received a copy of these additional terms immediately following the terms and conditions of the GNU General Public License which accompanied the Doom 3 Source Code. If not, please request a copy in writing from id Software at the address below.
If you have questions concerning this license or the applicable additional terms, you may contact in writing id Software LLC, c/o ZeniMax Media Inc., Suite 120, Rockville, Maryland 20850 USA.
#ifndef __COMMON_H__
#define __COMMON_H__
#include "framework/CVarSystem.h"
typedef enum {
} toolFlag_t;
#define STRTABLE_ID "#str_"
extern idCVar com_version;
extern idCVar com_skipRenderer;
extern idCVar com_asyncInput;
extern idCVar com_asyncSound;
extern idCVar com_machineSpec;
extern idCVar com_purgeAll;
extern idCVar com_developer;
extern idCVar com_allowConsole;
extern idCVar com_speeds;
extern idCVar com_showFPS;
extern idCVar com_showMemoryUsage;
extern idCVar com_showAsyncStats;
extern idCVar com_showSoundDecoders;
extern idCVar com_makingBuild;
extern idCVar com_updateLoadSize;
extern int time_gameFrame; // game logic time
extern int time_gameDraw; // game present time
extern int time_frontend; // renderer frontend time
extern int time_backend; // renderer backend time
extern int com_frameTime; // time for the current frame in milliseconds
extern volatile int com_ticNumber; // 60 hz tics, incremented by async function
extern int com_editors; // current active editor(s)
extern bool com_editorActive; // true if an editor has focus
#ifdef _WIN32
const char DMAP_MSGID[] = "DMAPOutput";
const char DMAP_DONE[] = "DMAPDone";
extern HWND com_hwndMsg;
extern bool com_outputMsg;
struct MemInfo_t {
idStr filebase;
int total;
int assetTotals;
// memory manager totals
int memoryManagerTotal;
// subsystem totals
int gameSubsystemTotal;
int renderSubsystemTotal;
// asset totals
int imageAssetsTotal;
int modelAssetsTotal;
int soundAssetsTotal;
class idLangDict;
class idCommon {
virtual ~idCommon( void ) {}
// Initialize everything.
// if the OS allows, pass argc/argv directly (without executable name)
// otherwise pass the command line in a single string (without executable name)
virtual void Init( int argc, char **argv ) = 0;
// Shuts down everything.
virtual void Shutdown( void ) = 0;
// Shuts down everything.
virtual void Quit( void ) = 0;
// Returns true if common initialization is complete.
virtual bool IsInitialized( void ) const = 0;
// Called repeatedly as the foreground thread for rendering and game logic.
virtual void Frame( void ) = 0;
// Called repeatedly by blocking function calls with GUI interactivity.
virtual void GUIFrame( bool execCmd, bool network ) = 0;
// Called 60 times a second from a background thread for sound mixing,
// and input generation. Not called until idCommon::Init() has completed.
virtual void Async( void ) = 0;
// Checks for and removes command line "+set var arg" constructs.
// If match is NULL, all set commands will be executed, otherwise
// only a set with the exact name. Only used during startup.
// set once to clear the cvar from +set for early init code
virtual void StartupVariable( const char *match, bool once ) = 0;
// Initializes a tool with the given dictionary.
virtual void InitTool( const toolFlag_t tool, const idDict *dict ) = 0;
// Activates or deactivates a tool.
virtual void ActivateTool( bool active ) = 0;
// Writes the user's configuration to a file
virtual void WriteConfigToFile( const char *filename ) = 0;
// Writes cvars with the given flags to a file.
virtual void WriteFlaggedCVarsToFile( const char *filename, int flags, const char *setCmd ) = 0;
// Begins redirection of console output to the given buffer.
virtual void BeginRedirect( char *buffer, int buffersize, void (*flush)( const char * ) ) = 0;
// Stops redirection of console output.
virtual void EndRedirect( void ) = 0;
// Update the screen with every message printed.
virtual void SetRefreshOnPrint( bool set ) = 0;
// Prints message to the console, which may cause a screen update if com_refreshOnPrint is set.
virtual void Printf( const char *fmt, ... )id_attribute((format(printf,2,3))) = 0;
// Same as Printf, with a more usable API - Printf pipes to this.
virtual void VPrintf( const char *fmt, va_list arg ) = 0;
// Prints message that only shows up if the "developer" cvar is set,
// and NEVER forces a screen update, which could cause reentrancy problems.
virtual void DPrintf( const char *fmt, ... ) id_attribute((format(printf,2,3))) = 0;
// Prints WARNING %s message and adds the warning message to a queue for printing later on.
virtual void Warning( const char *fmt, ... ) id_attribute((format(printf,2,3))) = 0;
// Prints WARNING %s message in yellow that only shows up if the "developer" cvar is set.
virtual void DWarning( const char *fmt, ...) id_attribute((format(printf,2,3))) = 0;
// Prints all queued warnings.
virtual void PrintWarnings( void ) = 0;
// Removes all queued warnings.
virtual void ClearWarnings( const char *reason ) = 0;
// Issues a C++ throw. Normal errors just abort to the game loop,
// which is appropriate for media or dynamic logic errors.
virtual void Error( const char *fmt, ... ) id_attribute((format(printf,2,3))) = 0;
// Fatal errors quit all the way to a system dialog box, which is appropriate for
// static internal errors or cases where the system may be corrupted.
virtual void FatalError( const char *fmt, ... ) id_attribute((format(printf,2,3))) = 0;
// Returns a pointer to the dictionary with language specific strings.
virtual const idLangDict * GetLanguageDict( void ) = 0;
// Returns key bound to the command
virtual const char * KeysFromBinding( const char *bind ) = 0;
// Returns the binding bound to the key
virtual const char * BindingFromKey( const char *key ) = 0;
// Directly sample a button.
virtual int ButtonState( int key ) = 0;
// Directly sample a keystate.
virtual int KeyState( int key ) = 0;
/* Some Mods (like Ruiner and DarkMod when it still was a mod) used "SourceHook"
* to override Doom3 Methods to call their own code before the original method
* was executed.. this is super ugly and probably not super portable either.
* So let's offer something that's slightly less ugly: A function pointer based
* interface to provide similar (but known!) hacks.
* For example, Ruiner used SourceHook to intercept idCmdSystem::BufferCommandText()
* and recreate some cooked rendering data in case reloadImages or vid_restart was executed.
* Now, instead of doing ugly hacks with SourceHook, Ruiner can just call
* common->SetCallback( idCommon::CB_ReloadImages,
* (idCommon::FunctionPointer)functionToCall,
* (void*)argForFunctionToCall );
* (the Mod needs to check if SetCallback() returned true; if it didn't the used version
* of dhewm3 doesn't support the given CallBackType and the Mod must either error out
* or handle the case that the callback doesn't work)
* Of course this means that for every new SourceHook hack a Mod (that's ported to dhewm3)
* uses, a corresponding entry must be added to enum CallbackType and it must be handled,
* which implies that the Mod will only properly work with the latest dhewm3 git code
* or the next release..
* I guess most mods don't need this hack though, so I think it's feasible.
* Note that this allows adding new types of callbacks without breaking the API and ABI
* between dhewm3 and the Game DLLs; the alternative would be something like
* idCommon::RegisterReloadImagesCallback(), and maybe other similar methods later, which
* would break the ABI and API each time and all Mods would have to be adjusted, even if
* they don't even need that functionality (because they never needed SourceHook or similar).
* Similar to SetCallback() I've also added GetAdditionalFunction() to get a function pointer
* from dhewm3 that Mods can call (and that's not exported via the normal interface classes).
* Right now GetAdditionalFunction() will always just return false and do nothing, but if
* some Mod needs some specific function in the future, it could be implemented with
* GetAdditionalFunction() - again without breaking the game API and ABI for all the other
* Mods that don't need that function.
typedef void* (*FunctionPointer)(void*); // needs to be cast to/from real type!
enum CallbackType {
// called on reloadImages and vid_restart commands (before anything "real" happens)
// expecting callback to be like void cb(void* userarg, const idCmdArgs& cmdArgs)
// where cmdArgs contains the command+arguments that was called
CB_ReloadImages = 1,
// returns true if setting the callback was successful, else false
// When a game DLL is unloaded the callbacks are automatically removed from the Engine
// so you usually don't have to worry about that; but you can call this with cb = NULL
// and userArg = NULL to remove a callback manually (e.g. if userArg refers to an object you deleted)
virtual bool SetCallback(CallbackType cbt, FunctionPointer cb, void* userArg) = 0;
enum FunctionType {
// None yet..
// returns true if that function is available in this version of dhewm3
// *out_fnptr will be the function (you'll have to cast it probably)
// *out_userArg will be an argument you have to pass to the function, if appropriate (else NULL)
// NOTE: this doesn't do anything yet, but allows to add ugly mod-specific hacks without breaking the Game interface
virtual bool GetAdditionalFunction(FunctionType ft, FunctionPointer* out_fnptr, void** out_userArg) = 0;
extern idCommon * common;
#endif /* !__COMMON_H__ */