mirror of
synced 2025-03-10 11:12:13 +00:00
I created this repo from the original dhewm3 repo, but I used git filter-branch to kill all the files that are not needed to just build base.dll and d3xp.dll (or .so or .dylib or whatever). So this is basically just the files the original Doom3 SDK had, but taken from dhewm3 instead (and thus GPL licensed and patched for 64bit-support etc) + some dhewm3 specific stuff + CMakeLists.txt to build them. The git filter-branch details: filter-branch -f --prune-empty --tree-filter /tmp/killkill.sh @ ## /tmp/killkill.sh: #!/bin/sh find . -exec /tmp/removeothers.sh {} \; exit 0 ## /tmp/removeothers.sh: #!/bin/bash FNAME="$1" if [[ $FNAME == \./\.git* ]] || [[ $FNAME == \./d3xp/* ]] || [[ $FNAME == \./game/* ]] then #echo "ignoring $FNAME" exit 0 fi if ! grep -Fxq "$FNAME" /tmp/d3sdklist.txt then #echo "REMOVING $FNAME" rm -rf "$FNAME" fi exit 0 ## /tmp/d3sdklist.txt was is just a textfile with one path per line with all the files (and directories!) I wanted to keep, like: . .. ./sys/platform.h ./framework/Game.h ./config.h.in ./CMakeLists.txt ## ... and all the relevant files from the SDK
1562 lines
33 KiB
1562 lines
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Doom 3 GPL Source Code
Copyright (C) 1999-2011 id Software LLC, a ZeniMax Media company.
This file is part of the Doom 3 GPL Source Code ("Doom 3 Source Code").
Doom 3 Source Code is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
Doom 3 Source Code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with Doom 3 Source Code. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
In addition, the Doom 3 Source Code is also subject to certain additional terms. You should have received a copy of these additional terms immediately following the terms and conditions of the GNU General Public License which accompanied the Doom 3 Source Code. If not, please request a copy in writing from id Software at the address below.
If you have questions concerning this license or the applicable additional terms, you may contact in writing id Software LLC, c/o ZeniMax Media Inc., Suite 120, Rockville, Maryland 20850 USA.
#include "sys/platform.h"
#include "framework/BuildVersion.h"
#include "framework/DeclSkin.h"
#include "renderer/ModelManager.h"
#include "framework/File.h"
#include "physics/Clip.h"
#include "Entity.h"
#include "Game_local.h"
#include "SaveGame.h"
Save game related helper classes.
Save games are implemented in two classes, idSaveGame and idRestoreGame, that implement write/read functions for
common types. They're passed in to each entity and object for them to archive themselves. Each class
implements save/restore functions for it's own data. When restoring, all the objects are instantiated,
then the restore function is called on each, superclass first, then subclasses.
Pointers are restored by saving out an object index for each unique object pointer and adding them to a list of
objects that are to be saved. Restore instantiates all the objects in the list before calling the Restore function
on each object so that the pointers returned are valid. No object's restore function should rely on any other objects
being fully instantiated until after the restore process is complete. Post restore fixup should be done by posting
events with 0 delay.
The savegame header will have the Game Name, Version, Map Name, and Player Persistent Info.
Changes in version make savegames incompatible, and the game will start from the beginning of the level with
the player's persistent info.
Changes to classes that don't need to break compatibilty can use the build number as the savegame version.
Later versions are responsible for restoring from previous versions by ignoring any unused data and initializing
variables that weren't in previous versions with safe information.
At the head of the save game is enough information to restore the player to the beginning of the level should the
file be unloadable in some way (for example, due to script changes).
idSaveGame::idSaveGame( idFile *savefile ) {
file = savefile;
// Put NULL at the start of the list so we can skip over it.
objects.Append( NULL );
idSaveGame::~idSaveGame() {
if ( objects.Num() ) {
void idSaveGame::Close( void ) {
int i;
// read trace models
idClipModel::SaveTraceModels( this );
for( i = 1; i < objects.Num(); i++ ) {
CallSave_r( objects[ i ]->GetType(), objects[ i ] );
idStr gameState = file->GetName();
WriteGameState_f( idCmdArgs( va( "test %s_save", gameState.c_str() ), false ) );
void idSaveGame::WriteObjectList( void ) {
int i;
WriteInt( objects.Num() - 1 );
for( i = 1; i < objects.Num(); i++ ) {
WriteString( objects[ i ]->GetClassname() );
void idSaveGame::CallSave_r( const idTypeInfo *cls, const idClass *obj ) {
if ( cls->super ) {
CallSave_r( cls->super, obj );
if ( cls->super->Save == cls->Save ) {
// don't call save on this inheritance level since the function was called in the super class
( obj->*cls->Save )( this );
void idSaveGame::AddObject( const idClass *obj ) {
objects.AddUnique( obj );
void idSaveGame::Write( const void *buffer, int len ) {
file->Write( buffer, len );
void idSaveGame::WriteInt( const int value ) {
file->WriteInt( value );
void idSaveGame::WriteJoint( const jointHandle_t value ) {
file->WriteInt( (int&)value );
void idSaveGame::WriteShort( const short value ) {
file->WriteShort( value );
void idSaveGame::WriteByte( const byte value ) {
file->Write( &value, sizeof( value ) );
void idSaveGame::WriteSignedChar( const signed char value ) {
file->Write( &value, sizeof( value ) );
void idSaveGame::WriteFloat( const float value ) {
file->WriteFloat( value );
void idSaveGame::WriteBool( const bool value ) {
file->WriteBool( value );
void idSaveGame::WriteString( const char *string ) {
int len;
len = strlen( string );
WriteInt( len );
file->Write( string, len );
void idSaveGame::WriteVec2( const idVec2 &vec ) {
file->WriteVec2( vec );
void idSaveGame::WriteVec3( const idVec3 &vec ) {
file->WriteVec3( vec );
void idSaveGame::WriteVec4( const idVec4 &vec ) {
file->WriteVec4( vec );
void idSaveGame::WriteVec6( const idVec6 &vec ) {
file->WriteVec6( vec );
void idSaveGame::WriteBounds( const idBounds &bounds ) {
idBounds b = bounds;
LittleRevBytes( &b, sizeof(float), sizeof(b)/sizeof(float) );
file->Write( &b, sizeof( b ) );
void idSaveGame::WriteWinding( const idWinding &w )
int i, num;
num = w.GetNumPoints();
file->WriteInt( num );
for ( i = 0; i < num; i++ ) {
idVec5 v = w[i];
LittleRevBytes(&v, sizeof(float), sizeof(v)/sizeof(float) );
file->Write( &v, sizeof(v) );
void idSaveGame::WriteMat3( const idMat3 &mat ) {
file->WriteMat3( mat );
void idSaveGame::WriteAngles( const idAngles &angles ) {
idAngles v = angles;
LittleRevBytes(&v, sizeof(float), sizeof(v)/sizeof(float) );
file->Write( &v, sizeof( v ) );
void idSaveGame::WriteObject( const idClass *obj ) {
int index;
index = objects.FindIndex( obj );
if ( index < 0 ) {
gameLocal.DPrintf( "idSaveGame::WriteObject - WriteObject FindIndex failed\n" );
// Use the NULL index
index = 0;
WriteInt( index );
void idSaveGame::WriteStaticObject( const idClass &obj ) {
CallSave_r( obj.GetType(), &obj );
void idSaveGame::WriteDict( const idDict *dict ) {
int num;
int i;
const idKeyValue *kv;
if ( !dict ) {
WriteInt( -1 );
} else {
num = dict->GetNumKeyVals();
WriteInt( num );
for( i = 0; i < num; i++ ) {
kv = dict->GetKeyVal( i );
WriteString( kv->GetKey() );
WriteString( kv->GetValue() );
void idSaveGame::WriteMaterial( const idMaterial *material ) {
if ( !material ) {
WriteString( "" );
} else {
WriteString( material->GetName() );
void idSaveGame::WriteSkin( const idDeclSkin *skin ) {
if ( !skin ) {
WriteString( "" );
} else {
WriteString( skin->GetName() );
void idSaveGame::WriteParticle( const idDeclParticle *particle ) {
if ( !particle ) {
WriteString( "" );
} else {
WriteString( particle->GetName() );
void idSaveGame::WriteFX( const idDeclFX *fx ) {
if ( !fx ) {
WriteString( "" );
} else {
WriteString( fx->GetName() );
void idSaveGame::WriteModelDef( const idDeclModelDef *modelDef ) {
if ( !modelDef ) {
WriteString( "" );
} else {
WriteString( modelDef->GetName() );
void idSaveGame::WriteSoundShader( const idSoundShader *shader ) {
const char *name;
if ( !shader ) {
WriteString( "" );
} else {
name = shader->GetName();
WriteString( name );
void idSaveGame::WriteModel( const idRenderModel *model ) {
const char *name;
if ( !model ) {
WriteString( "" );
} else {
name = model->Name();
WriteString( name );
void idSaveGame::WriteUserInterface( const idUserInterface *ui, bool unique ) {
const char *name;
if ( !ui ) {
WriteString( "" );
} else {
name = ui->Name();
WriteString( name );
WriteBool( unique );
if ( ui->WriteToSaveGame( file ) == false ) {
gameLocal.Error( "idSaveGame::WriteUserInterface: ui failed to write properly\n" );
void idSaveGame::WriteRenderEntity( const renderEntity_t &renderEntity ) {
int i;
WriteModel( renderEntity.hModel );
WriteInt( renderEntity.entityNum );
WriteInt( renderEntity.bodyId );
WriteBounds( renderEntity.bounds );
// callback is set by class's Restore function
WriteInt( renderEntity.suppressSurfaceInViewID );
WriteInt( renderEntity.suppressShadowInViewID );
WriteInt( renderEntity.suppressShadowInLightID );
WriteInt( renderEntity.allowSurfaceInViewID );
WriteVec3( renderEntity.origin );
WriteMat3( renderEntity.axis );
WriteMaterial( renderEntity.customShader );
WriteMaterial( renderEntity.referenceShader );
WriteSkin( renderEntity.customSkin );
if ( renderEntity.referenceSound != NULL ) {
WriteInt( renderEntity.referenceSound->Index() );
} else {
WriteInt( 0 );
for( i = 0; i < MAX_ENTITY_SHADER_PARMS; i++ ) {
WriteFloat( renderEntity.shaderParms[ i ] );
for( i = 0; i < MAX_RENDERENTITY_GUI; i++ ) {
WriteUserInterface( renderEntity.gui[ i ], renderEntity.gui[ i ] ? renderEntity.gui[ i ]->IsUniqued() : false );
WriteFloat( renderEntity.modelDepthHack );
WriteBool( renderEntity.noSelfShadow );
WriteBool( renderEntity.noShadow );
WriteBool( renderEntity.noDynamicInteractions );
WriteBool( renderEntity.weaponDepthHack );
WriteInt( renderEntity.forceUpdate );
#ifdef _D3XP
WriteInt( renderEntity.timeGroup );
WriteInt( renderEntity.xrayIndex );
void idSaveGame::WriteRenderLight( const renderLight_t &renderLight ) {
int i;
WriteMat3( renderLight.axis );
WriteVec3( renderLight.origin );
WriteInt( renderLight.suppressLightInViewID );
WriteInt( renderLight.allowLightInViewID );
WriteBool( renderLight.noShadows );
WriteBool( renderLight.noSpecular );
WriteBool( renderLight.pointLight );
WriteBool( renderLight.parallel );
WriteVec3( renderLight.lightRadius );
WriteVec3( renderLight.lightCenter );
WriteVec3( renderLight.target );
WriteVec3( renderLight.right );
WriteVec3( renderLight.up );
WriteVec3( renderLight.start );
WriteVec3( renderLight.end );
// only idLight has a prelightModel and it's always based on the entityname, so we'll restore it there
// WriteModel( renderLight.prelightModel );
WriteInt( renderLight.lightId );
WriteMaterial( renderLight.shader );
for( i = 0; i < MAX_ENTITY_SHADER_PARMS; i++ ) {
WriteFloat( renderLight.shaderParms[ i ] );
if ( renderLight.referenceSound != NULL ) {
WriteInt( renderLight.referenceSound->Index() );
} else {
WriteInt( 0 );
void idSaveGame::WriteRefSound( const refSound_t &refSound ) {
if ( refSound.referenceSound ) {
WriteInt( refSound.referenceSound->Index() );
} else {
WriteInt( 0 );
WriteVec3( refSound.origin );
WriteInt( refSound.listenerId );
WriteSoundShader( refSound.shader );
WriteFloat( refSound.diversity );
WriteBool( refSound.waitfortrigger );
WriteFloat( refSound.parms.minDistance );
WriteFloat( refSound.parms.maxDistance );
WriteFloat( refSound.parms.volume );
WriteFloat( refSound.parms.shakes );
WriteInt( refSound.parms.soundShaderFlags );
WriteInt( refSound.parms.soundClass );
void idSaveGame::WriteRenderView( const renderView_t &view ) {
int i;
WriteInt( view.viewID );
WriteInt( view.x );
WriteInt( view.y );
WriteInt( view.width );
WriteInt( view.height );
WriteFloat( view.fov_x );
WriteFloat( view.fov_y );
WriteVec3( view.vieworg );
WriteMat3( view.viewaxis );
WriteBool( view.cramZNear );
WriteInt( view.time );
for( i = 0; i < MAX_GLOBAL_SHADER_PARMS; i++ ) {
WriteFloat( view.shaderParms[ i ] );
void idSaveGame::WriteUsercmd( const usercmd_t &usercmd ) {
WriteInt( usercmd.gameFrame );
WriteInt( usercmd.gameTime );
WriteInt( usercmd.duplicateCount );
WriteByte( usercmd.buttons );
WriteSignedChar( usercmd.forwardmove );
WriteSignedChar( usercmd.rightmove );
WriteSignedChar( usercmd.upmove );
WriteShort( usercmd.angles[0] );
WriteShort( usercmd.angles[1] );
WriteShort( usercmd.angles[2] );
WriteShort( usercmd.mx );
WriteShort( usercmd.my );
WriteSignedChar( usercmd.impulse );
WriteByte( usercmd.flags );
WriteInt( usercmd.sequence );
void idSaveGame::WriteContactInfo( const contactInfo_t &contactInfo ) {
WriteInt( (int)contactInfo.type );
WriteVec3( contactInfo.point );
WriteVec3( contactInfo.normal );
WriteFloat( contactInfo.dist );
WriteInt( contactInfo.contents );
WriteMaterial( contactInfo.material );
WriteInt( contactInfo.modelFeature );
WriteInt( contactInfo.trmFeature );
WriteInt( contactInfo.entityNum );
WriteInt( contactInfo.id );
void idSaveGame::WriteTrace( const trace_t &trace ) {
WriteFloat( trace.fraction );
WriteVec3( trace.endpos );
WriteMat3( trace.endAxis );
WriteContactInfo( trace.c );
void idSaveGame::WriteTraceModel( const idTraceModel &trace ) {
int j, k;
WriteInt( (int&)trace.type );
WriteInt( trace.numVerts );
for ( j = 0; j < MAX_TRACEMODEL_VERTS; j++ ) {
WriteVec3( trace.verts[j] );
WriteInt( trace.numEdges );
for ( j = 0; j < (MAX_TRACEMODEL_EDGES+1); j++ ) {
WriteInt( trace.edges[j].v[0] );
WriteInt( trace.edges[j].v[1] );
WriteVec3( trace.edges[j].normal );
WriteInt( trace.numPolys );
for ( j = 0; j < MAX_TRACEMODEL_POLYS; j++ ) {
WriteVec3( trace.polys[j].normal );
WriteFloat( trace.polys[j].dist );
WriteBounds( trace.polys[j].bounds );
WriteInt( trace.polys[j].numEdges );
for ( k = 0; k < MAX_TRACEMODEL_POLYEDGES; k++ ) {
WriteInt( trace.polys[j].edges[k] );
WriteVec3( trace.offset );
WriteBounds( trace.bounds );
WriteBool( trace.isConvex );
// padding win32 native structs
char tmp[3];
memset( tmp, 0, sizeof( tmp ) );
file->Write( tmp, 3 );
void idSaveGame::WriteClipModel( const idClipModel *clipModel ) {
if ( clipModel != NULL ) {
WriteBool( true );
clipModel->Save( this );
} else {
WriteBool( false );
void idSaveGame::WriteSoundCommands( void ) {
gameSoundWorld->WriteToSaveGame( file );
void idSaveGame::WriteBuildNumber( const int value ) {
file->WriteInt( BUILD_NUMBER );
idRestoreGame::idRestoreGame( idFile *savefile ) {
file = savefile;
idRestoreGame::~idRestoreGame() {
void idRestoreGame::CreateObjects
void idRestoreGame::CreateObjects( void ) {
int i, num;
idStr classname;
idTypeInfo *type;
ReadInt( num );
// create all the objects
objects.SetNum( num + 1 );
memset( objects.Ptr(), 0, sizeof( objects[ 0 ] ) * objects.Num() );
for( i = 1; i < objects.Num(); i++ ) {
ReadString( classname );
type = idClass::GetClass( classname );
if ( !type ) {
Error( "idRestoreGame::CreateObjects: Unknown class '%s'", classname.c_str() );
objects[ i ] = type->CreateInstance();
InitTypeVariables( objects[i], type->classname, 0xce );
void idRestoreGame::RestoreObjects
void idRestoreGame::RestoreObjects( void ) {
int i;
// read trace models
idClipModel::RestoreTraceModels( this );
// restore all the objects
for( i = 1; i < objects.Num(); i++ ) {
CallRestore_r( objects[ i ]->GetType(), objects[ i ] );
// regenerate render entities and render lights because are not saved
for( i = 1; i < objects.Num(); i++ ) {
if ( objects[ i ]->IsType( idEntity::Type ) ) {
idEntity *ent = static_cast<idEntity *>( objects[ i ] );
idStr gameState = file->GetName();
WriteGameState_f( idCmdArgs( va( "test %s_restore", gameState.c_str() ), false ) );
//CompareGameState_f( idCmdArgs( va( "test %s_save", gameState.c_str() ) ) );
gameLocal.Error( "dumped game states" );
void idRestoreGame::DeleteObjects
void idRestoreGame::DeleteObjects( void ) {
// Remove the NULL object before deleting
objects.RemoveIndex( 0 );
objects.DeleteContents( true );
void idRestoreGame::Error( const char *fmt, ... ) {
va_list argptr;
char text[ 1024 ];
va_start( argptr, fmt );
vsprintf( text, fmt, argptr );
va_end( argptr );
objects.DeleteContents( true );
gameLocal.Error( "%s", text );
void idRestoreGame::CallRestore_r( const idTypeInfo *cls, idClass *obj ) {
if ( cls->super ) {
CallRestore_r( cls->super, obj );
if ( cls->super->Restore == cls->Restore ) {
// don't call save on this inheritance level since the function was called in the super class
( obj->*cls->Restore )( this );
void idRestoreGame::Read( void *buffer, int len ) {
file->Read( buffer, len );
void idRestoreGame::ReadInt( int &value ) {
file->ReadInt( value );
void idRestoreGame::ReadJoint( jointHandle_t &value ) {
file->ReadInt( (int&)value );
void idRestoreGame::ReadShort( short &value ) {
file->ReadShort( value );
void idRestoreGame::ReadByte( byte &value ) {
file->Read( &value, sizeof( value ) );
void idRestoreGame::ReadSignedChar( signed char &value ) {
file->Read( &value, sizeof( value ) );
void idRestoreGame::ReadFloat( float &value ) {
file->ReadFloat( value );
void idRestoreGame::ReadBool( bool &value ) {
file->ReadBool( value );
void idRestoreGame::ReadString( idStr &string ) {
int len;
ReadInt( len );
if ( len < 0 ) {
Error( "idRestoreGame::ReadString: invalid length" );
string.Fill( ' ', len );
file->Read( &string[ 0 ], len );
void idRestoreGame::ReadVec2( idVec2 &vec ) {
file->ReadVec2( vec );
void idRestoreGame::ReadVec3( idVec3 &vec ) {
file->ReadVec3( vec );
void idRestoreGame::ReadVec4( idVec4 &vec ) {
file->ReadVec4( vec );
void idRestoreGame::ReadVec6( idVec6 &vec ) {
file->ReadVec6( vec );
void idRestoreGame::ReadBounds( idBounds &bounds ) {
file->Read( &bounds, sizeof( bounds ) );
LittleRevBytes( &bounds, sizeof(float), sizeof(bounds)/sizeof(float) );
void idRestoreGame::ReadWinding( idWinding &w )
int i, num;
file->ReadInt( num );
w.SetNumPoints( num );
for ( i = 0; i < num; i++ ) {
file->Read( &w[i], sizeof(idVec5) );
LittleRevBytes(&w[i], sizeof(float), sizeof(idVec5)/sizeof(float) );
void idRestoreGame::ReadMat3( idMat3 &mat ) {
file->ReadMat3( mat );
void idRestoreGame::ReadAngles( idAngles &angles ) {
file->Read( &angles, sizeof( angles ) );
LittleRevBytes(&angles, sizeof(float), sizeof(idAngles)/sizeof(float) );
void idRestoreGame::ReadObject( idClass *&obj ) {
int index;
ReadInt( index );
if ( ( index < 0 ) || ( index >= objects.Num() ) ) {
Error( "idRestoreGame::ReadObject: invalid object index" );
obj = objects[ index ];
void idRestoreGame::ReadStaticObject( idClass &obj ) {
CallRestore_r( obj.GetType(), &obj );
void idRestoreGame::ReadDict( idDict *dict ) {
int num;
int i;
idStr key;
idStr value;
ReadInt( num );
if ( num < 0 ) {
dict = NULL;
} else {
for( i = 0; i < num; i++ ) {
ReadString( key );
ReadString( value );
dict->Set( key, value );
void idRestoreGame::ReadMaterial( const idMaterial *&material ) {
idStr name;
ReadString( name );
if ( !name.Length() ) {
material = NULL;
} else {
material = declManager->FindMaterial( name );
void idRestoreGame::ReadSkin( const idDeclSkin *&skin ) {
idStr name;
ReadString( name );
if ( !name.Length() ) {
skin = NULL;
} else {
skin = declManager->FindSkin( name );
void idRestoreGame::ReadParticle( const idDeclParticle *&particle ) {
idStr name;
ReadString( name );
if ( !name.Length() ) {
particle = NULL;
} else {
particle = static_cast<const idDeclParticle *>( declManager->FindType( DECL_PARTICLE, name ) );
void idRestoreGame::ReadFX( const idDeclFX *&fx ) {
idStr name;
ReadString( name );
if ( !name.Length() ) {
fx = NULL;
} else {
fx = static_cast<const idDeclFX *>( declManager->FindType( DECL_FX, name ) );
void idRestoreGame::ReadSoundShader( const idSoundShader *&shader ) {
idStr name;
ReadString( name );
if ( !name.Length() ) {
shader = NULL;
} else {
shader = declManager->FindSound( name );
void idRestoreGame::ReadModelDef( const idDeclModelDef *&modelDef ) {
idStr name;
ReadString( name );
if ( !name.Length() ) {
modelDef = NULL;
} else {
modelDef = static_cast<const idDeclModelDef *>( declManager->FindType( DECL_MODELDEF, name, false ) );
void idRestoreGame::ReadModel( idRenderModel *&model ) {
idStr name;
ReadString( name );
if ( !name.Length() ) {
model = NULL;
} else {
model = renderModelManager->FindModel( name );
void idRestoreGame::ReadUserInterface( idUserInterface *&ui ) {
idStr name;
ReadString( name );
if ( !name.Length() ) {
ui = NULL;
} else {
bool unique;
ReadBool( unique );
ui = uiManager->FindGui( name, true, unique );
if ( ui ) {
if ( ui->ReadFromSaveGame( file ) == false ) {
Error( "idSaveGame::ReadUserInterface: ui failed to read properly\n" );
} else {
ui->StateChanged( gameLocal.time );
void idRestoreGame::ReadRenderEntity( renderEntity_t &renderEntity ) {
int i;
int index;
ReadModel( renderEntity.hModel );
ReadInt( renderEntity.entityNum );
ReadInt( renderEntity.bodyId );
ReadBounds( renderEntity.bounds );
// callback is set by class's Restore function
renderEntity.callback = NULL;
renderEntity.callbackData = NULL;
ReadInt( renderEntity.suppressSurfaceInViewID );
ReadInt( renderEntity.suppressShadowInViewID );
ReadInt( renderEntity.suppressShadowInLightID );
ReadInt( renderEntity.allowSurfaceInViewID );
ReadVec3( renderEntity.origin );
ReadMat3( renderEntity.axis );
ReadMaterial( renderEntity.customShader );
ReadMaterial( renderEntity.referenceShader );
ReadSkin( renderEntity.customSkin );
ReadInt( index );
renderEntity.referenceSound = gameSoundWorld->EmitterForIndex( index );
for( i = 0; i < MAX_ENTITY_SHADER_PARMS; i++ ) {
ReadFloat( renderEntity.shaderParms[ i ] );
for( i = 0; i < MAX_RENDERENTITY_GUI; i++ ) {
ReadUserInterface( renderEntity.gui[ i ] );
// idEntity will restore "cameraTarget", which will be used in idEntity::Present to restore the remoteRenderView
renderEntity.remoteRenderView = NULL;
renderEntity.joints = NULL;
renderEntity.numJoints = 0;
ReadFloat( renderEntity.modelDepthHack );
ReadBool( renderEntity.noSelfShadow );
ReadBool( renderEntity.noShadow );
ReadBool( renderEntity.noDynamicInteractions );
ReadBool( renderEntity.weaponDepthHack );
ReadInt( renderEntity.forceUpdate );
#ifdef _D3XP
ReadInt( renderEntity.timeGroup );
ReadInt( renderEntity.xrayIndex );
void idRestoreGame::ReadRenderLight( renderLight_t &renderLight ) {
int index;
int i;
ReadMat3( renderLight.axis );
ReadVec3( renderLight.origin );
ReadInt( renderLight.suppressLightInViewID );
ReadInt( renderLight.allowLightInViewID );
ReadBool( renderLight.noShadows );
ReadBool( renderLight.noSpecular );
ReadBool( renderLight.pointLight );
ReadBool( renderLight.parallel );
ReadVec3( renderLight.lightRadius );
ReadVec3( renderLight.lightCenter );
ReadVec3( renderLight.target );
ReadVec3( renderLight.right );
ReadVec3( renderLight.up );
ReadVec3( renderLight.start );
ReadVec3( renderLight.end );
// only idLight has a prelightModel and it's always based on the entityname, so we'll restore it there
// ReadModel( renderLight.prelightModel );
renderLight.prelightModel = NULL;
ReadInt( renderLight.lightId );
ReadMaterial( renderLight.shader );
for( i = 0; i < MAX_ENTITY_SHADER_PARMS; i++ ) {
ReadFloat( renderLight.shaderParms[ i ] );
ReadInt( index );
renderLight.referenceSound = gameSoundWorld->EmitterForIndex( index );
void idRestoreGame::ReadRefSound( refSound_t &refSound ) {
int index;
ReadInt( index );
refSound.referenceSound = gameSoundWorld->EmitterForIndex( index );
ReadVec3( refSound.origin );
ReadInt( refSound.listenerId );
ReadSoundShader( refSound.shader );
ReadFloat( refSound.diversity );
ReadBool( refSound.waitfortrigger );
ReadFloat( refSound.parms.minDistance );
ReadFloat( refSound.parms.maxDistance );
ReadFloat( refSound.parms.volume );
ReadFloat( refSound.parms.shakes );
ReadInt( refSound.parms.soundShaderFlags );
ReadInt( refSound.parms.soundClass );
void idRestoreGame::ReadRenderView( renderView_t &view ) {
int i;
ReadInt( view.viewID );
ReadInt( view.x );
ReadInt( view.y );
ReadInt( view.width );
ReadInt( view.height );
ReadFloat( view.fov_x );
ReadFloat( view.fov_y );
ReadVec3( view.vieworg );
ReadMat3( view.viewaxis );
ReadBool( view.cramZNear );
ReadInt( view.time );
for( i = 0; i < MAX_GLOBAL_SHADER_PARMS; i++ ) {
ReadFloat( view.shaderParms[ i ] );
void idRestoreGame::ReadUsercmd( usercmd_t &usercmd ) {
ReadInt( usercmd.gameFrame );
ReadInt( usercmd.gameTime );
ReadInt( usercmd.duplicateCount );
ReadByte( usercmd.buttons );
ReadSignedChar( usercmd.forwardmove );
ReadSignedChar( usercmd.rightmove );
ReadSignedChar( usercmd.upmove );
ReadShort( usercmd.angles[0] );
ReadShort( usercmd.angles[1] );
ReadShort( usercmd.angles[2] );
ReadShort( usercmd.mx );
ReadShort( usercmd.my );
ReadSignedChar( usercmd.impulse );
ReadByte( usercmd.flags );
ReadInt( usercmd.sequence );
void idRestoreGame::ReadContactInfo( contactInfo_t &contactInfo ) {
ReadInt( (int &)contactInfo.type );
ReadVec3( contactInfo.point );
ReadVec3( contactInfo.normal );
ReadFloat( contactInfo.dist );
ReadInt( contactInfo.contents );
ReadMaterial( contactInfo.material );
ReadInt( contactInfo.modelFeature );
ReadInt( contactInfo.trmFeature );
ReadInt( contactInfo.entityNum );
ReadInt( contactInfo.id );
void idRestoreGame::ReadTrace( trace_t &trace ) {
ReadFloat( trace.fraction );
ReadVec3( trace.endpos );
ReadMat3( trace.endAxis );
ReadContactInfo( trace.c );
void idRestoreGame::ReadTraceModel( idTraceModel &trace ) {
int j, k;
ReadInt( (int&)trace.type );
ReadInt( trace.numVerts );
for ( j = 0; j < MAX_TRACEMODEL_VERTS; j++ ) {
ReadVec3( trace.verts[j] );
ReadInt( trace.numEdges );
for ( j = 0; j < (MAX_TRACEMODEL_EDGES+1); j++ ) {
ReadInt( trace.edges[j].v[0] );
ReadInt( trace.edges[j].v[1] );
ReadVec3( trace.edges[j].normal );
ReadInt( trace.numPolys );
for ( j = 0; j < MAX_TRACEMODEL_POLYS; j++ ) {
ReadVec3( trace.polys[j].normal );
ReadFloat( trace.polys[j].dist );
ReadBounds( trace.polys[j].bounds );
ReadInt( trace.polys[j].numEdges );
for ( k = 0; k < MAX_TRACEMODEL_POLYEDGES; k++ ) {
ReadInt( trace.polys[j].edges[k] );
ReadVec3( trace.offset );
ReadBounds( trace.bounds );
ReadBool( trace.isConvex );
// padding win32 native structs
char tmp[3];
file->Read( tmp, 3 );
void idRestoreGame::ReadClipModel( idClipModel *&clipModel ) {
bool restoreClipModel;
ReadBool( restoreClipModel );
if ( restoreClipModel ) {
clipModel = new idClipModel();
clipModel->Restore( this );
} else {
clipModel = NULL;
void idRestoreGame::ReadSoundCommands( void ) {
gameSoundWorld->ReadFromSaveGame( file );
void idRestoreGame::ReadBuildNumber( void ) {
file->ReadInt( buildNumber );
int idRestoreGame::GetBuildNumber( void ) {
return buildNumber;