/* =========================================================================== Doom 3 GPL Source Code Copyright (C) 1999-2011 id Software LLC, a ZeniMax Media company. This file is part of the Doom 3 GPL Source Code ("Doom 3 Source Code"). Doom 3 Source Code is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. Doom 3 Source Code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with Doom 3 Source Code. If not, see . In addition, the Doom 3 Source Code is also subject to certain additional terms. You should have received a copy of these additional terms immediately following the terms and conditions of the GNU General Public License which accompanied the Doom 3 Source Code. If not, please request a copy in writing from id Software at the address below. If you have questions concerning this license or the applicable additional terms, you may contact in writing id Software LLC, c/o ZeniMax Media Inc., Suite 120, Rockville, Maryland 20850 USA. =========================================================================== */ #include "sys/platform.h" #include "idlib/math/Quat.h" #include "gamesys/SysCvar.h" #include "Moveable.h" #include "SmokeParticles.h" #include "ai/AI.h" static const char *moveCommandString[ NUM_MOVE_COMMANDS ] = { "MOVE_NONE", "MOVE_FACE_ENEMY", "MOVE_FACE_ENTITY", "MOVE_TO_ENEMY", "MOVE_TO_ENEMYHEIGHT", "MOVE_TO_ENTITY", "MOVE_OUT_OF_RANGE", "MOVE_TO_ATTACK_POSITION", "MOVE_TO_COVER", "MOVE_TO_POSITION", "MOVE_TO_POSITION_DIRECT", "MOVE_SLIDE_TO_POSITION", "MOVE_WANDER" }; /* ===================== idMoveState::idMoveState ===================== */ idMoveState::idMoveState() { moveType = MOVETYPE_ANIM; moveCommand = MOVE_NONE; moveStatus = MOVE_STATUS_DONE; moveDest.Zero(); moveDir.Set( 1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f ); goalEntity = NULL; goalEntityOrigin.Zero(); toAreaNum = 0; startTime = 0; duration = 0; speed = 0.0f; range = 0.0f; wanderYaw = 0; nextWanderTime = 0; blockTime = 0; obstacle = NULL; lastMoveOrigin = vec3_origin; lastMoveTime = 0; anim = 0; } /* ===================== idMoveState::Save ===================== */ void idMoveState::Save( idSaveGame *savefile ) const { savefile->WriteInt( (int)moveType ); savefile->WriteInt( (int)moveCommand ); savefile->WriteInt( (int)moveStatus ); savefile->WriteVec3( moveDest ); savefile->WriteVec3( moveDir ); goalEntity.Save( savefile ); savefile->WriteVec3( goalEntityOrigin ); savefile->WriteInt( toAreaNum ); savefile->WriteInt( startTime ); savefile->WriteInt( duration ); savefile->WriteFloat( speed ); savefile->WriteFloat( range ); savefile->WriteFloat( wanderYaw ); savefile->WriteInt( nextWanderTime ); savefile->WriteInt( blockTime ); obstacle.Save( savefile ); savefile->WriteVec3( lastMoveOrigin ); savefile->WriteInt( lastMoveTime ); savefile->WriteInt( anim ); } /* ===================== idMoveState::Restore ===================== */ void idMoveState::Restore( idRestoreGame *savefile ) { savefile->ReadInt( (int &)moveType ); savefile->ReadInt( (int &)moveCommand ); savefile->ReadInt( (int &)moveStatus ); savefile->ReadVec3( moveDest ); savefile->ReadVec3( moveDir ); goalEntity.Restore( savefile ); savefile->ReadVec3( goalEntityOrigin ); savefile->ReadInt( toAreaNum ); savefile->ReadInt( startTime ); savefile->ReadInt( duration ); savefile->ReadFloat( speed ); savefile->ReadFloat( range ); savefile->ReadFloat( wanderYaw ); savefile->ReadInt( nextWanderTime ); savefile->ReadInt( blockTime ); obstacle.Restore( savefile ); savefile->ReadVec3( lastMoveOrigin ); savefile->ReadInt( lastMoveTime ); savefile->ReadInt( anim ); } /* ============ idAASFindCover::idAASFindCover ============ */ idAASFindCover::idAASFindCover( const idVec3 &hideFromPos ) { int numPVSAreas; idBounds bounds( hideFromPos - idVec3( 16, 16, 0 ), hideFromPos + idVec3( 16, 16, 64 ) ); // setup PVS numPVSAreas = gameLocal.pvs.GetPVSAreas( bounds, PVSAreas, idEntity::MAX_PVS_AREAS ); hidePVS = gameLocal.pvs.SetupCurrentPVS( PVSAreas, numPVSAreas ); } /* ============ idAASFindCover::~idAASFindCover ============ */ idAASFindCover::~idAASFindCover() { gameLocal.pvs.FreeCurrentPVS( hidePVS ); } /* ============ idAASFindCover::TestArea ============ */ bool idAASFindCover::TestArea( const idAAS *aas, int areaNum ) { idVec3 areaCenter; int numPVSAreas; int PVSAreas[ idEntity::MAX_PVS_AREAS ]; areaCenter = aas->AreaCenter( areaNum ); areaCenter[ 2 ] += 1.0f; numPVSAreas = gameLocal.pvs.GetPVSAreas( idBounds( areaCenter ).Expand( 16.0f ), PVSAreas, idEntity::MAX_PVS_AREAS ); if ( !gameLocal.pvs.InCurrentPVS( hidePVS, PVSAreas, numPVSAreas ) ) { return true; } return false; } /* ============ idAASFindAreaOutOfRange::idAASFindAreaOutOfRange ============ */ idAASFindAreaOutOfRange::idAASFindAreaOutOfRange( const idVec3 &targetPos, float maxDist ) { this->targetPos = targetPos; this->maxDistSqr = maxDist * maxDist; } /* ============ idAASFindAreaOutOfRange::TestArea ============ */ bool idAASFindAreaOutOfRange::TestArea( const idAAS *aas, int areaNum ) { const idVec3 &areaCenter = aas->AreaCenter( areaNum ); trace_t trace; float dist; dist = ( targetPos.ToVec2() - areaCenter.ToVec2() ).LengthSqr(); if ( ( maxDistSqr > 0.0f ) && ( dist < maxDistSqr ) ) { return false; } gameLocal.clip.TracePoint( trace, targetPos, areaCenter + idVec3( 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f ), MASK_OPAQUE, NULL ); if ( trace.fraction < 1.0f ) { return false; } return true; } /* ============ idAASFindAttackPosition::idAASFindAttackPosition ============ */ idAASFindAttackPosition::idAASFindAttackPosition( const idAI *self, const idMat3 &gravityAxis, idEntity *target, const idVec3 &targetPos, const idVec3 &fireOffset ) { int numPVSAreas; this->target = target; this->targetPos = targetPos; this->fireOffset = fireOffset; this->self = self; this->gravityAxis = gravityAxis; excludeBounds = idBounds( idVec3( -64.0, -64.0f, -8.0f ), idVec3( 64.0, 64.0f, 64.0f ) ); excludeBounds.TranslateSelf( self->GetPhysics()->GetOrigin() ); // setup PVS idBounds bounds( targetPos - idVec3( 16, 16, 0 ), targetPos + idVec3( 16, 16, 64 ) ); numPVSAreas = gameLocal.pvs.GetPVSAreas( bounds, PVSAreas, idEntity::MAX_PVS_AREAS ); targetPVS = gameLocal.pvs.SetupCurrentPVS( PVSAreas, numPVSAreas ); } /* ============ idAASFindAttackPosition::~idAASFindAttackPosition ============ */ idAASFindAttackPosition::~idAASFindAttackPosition() { gameLocal.pvs.FreeCurrentPVS( targetPVS ); } /* ============ idAASFindAttackPosition::TestArea ============ */ bool idAASFindAttackPosition::TestArea( const idAAS *aas, int areaNum ) { idVec3 dir; idVec3 local_dir; idVec3 fromPos; idMat3 axis; idVec3 areaCenter; int numPVSAreas; int PVSAreas[ idEntity::MAX_PVS_AREAS ]; areaCenter = aas->AreaCenter( areaNum ); areaCenter[ 2 ] += 1.0f; if ( excludeBounds.ContainsPoint( areaCenter ) ) { // too close to where we already are return false; } numPVSAreas = gameLocal.pvs.GetPVSAreas( idBounds( areaCenter ).Expand( 16.0f ), PVSAreas, idEntity::MAX_PVS_AREAS ); if ( !gameLocal.pvs.InCurrentPVS( targetPVS, PVSAreas, numPVSAreas ) ) { return false; } // calculate the world transform of the launch position dir = targetPos - areaCenter; gravityAxis.ProjectVector( dir, local_dir ); local_dir.z = 0.0f; local_dir.ToVec2().Normalize(); axis = local_dir.ToMat3(); fromPos = areaCenter + fireOffset * axis; return self->GetAimDir( fromPos, target, self, dir ); } /* ===================== idAI::idAI ===================== */ idAI::idAI() { aas = NULL; travelFlags = TFL_WALK|TFL_AIR; kickForce = 2048.0f; ignore_obstacles = false; blockedRadius = 0.0f; blockedMoveTime = 750; blockedAttackTime = 750; turnRate = 360.0f; turnVel = 0.0f; anim_turn_yaw = 0.0f; anim_turn_amount = 0.0f; anim_turn_angles = 0.0f; fly_offset = 0; fly_seek_scale = 1.0f; fly_roll_scale = 0.0f; fly_roll_max = 0.0f; fly_roll = 0.0f; fly_pitch_scale = 0.0f; fly_pitch_max = 0.0f; fly_pitch = 0.0f; allowMove = false; allowHiddenMovement = false; fly_speed = 0.0f; fly_bob_strength = 0.0f; fly_bob_vert = 0.0f; fly_bob_horz = 0.0f; lastHitCheckResult = false; lastHitCheckTime = 0; lastAttackTime = 0; melee_range = 0.0f; projectile_height_to_distance_ratio = 1.0f; projectileDef = NULL; projectile = NULL; projectileClipModel = NULL; projectileRadius = 0.0f; projectileVelocity = vec3_origin; projectileGravity = vec3_origin; projectileSpeed = 0.0f; chat_snd = NULL; chat_min = 0; chat_max = 0; chat_time = 0; talk_state = TALK_NEVER; talkTarget = NULL; particles.Clear(); restartParticles = true; useBoneAxis = false; wakeOnFlashlight = false; memset( &worldMuzzleFlash, 0, sizeof ( worldMuzzleFlash ) ); worldMuzzleFlashHandle = -1; enemy = NULL; lastVisibleEnemyPos.Zero(); lastVisibleEnemyEyeOffset.Zero(); lastVisibleReachableEnemyPos.Zero(); lastReachableEnemyPos.Zero(); shrivel_rate = 0.0f; shrivel_start = 0; fl.neverDormant = false; // AI's can go dormant current_yaw = 0.0f; ideal_yaw = 0.0f; num_cinematics = 0; current_cinematic = 0; allowEyeFocus = true; allowPain = true; allowJointMod = true; focusEntity = NULL; focusTime = 0; alignHeadTime = 0; forceAlignHeadTime = 0; currentFocusPos.Zero(); eyeAng.Zero(); lookAng.Zero(); destLookAng.Zero(); lookMin.Zero(); lookMax.Zero(); eyeMin.Zero(); eyeMax.Zero(); muzzleFlashEnd = 0; flashTime = 0; flashJointWorld = INVALID_JOINT; focusJoint = INVALID_JOINT; orientationJoint = INVALID_JOINT; flyTiltJoint = INVALID_JOINT; eyeVerticalOffset = 0.0f; eyeHorizontalOffset = 0.0f; eyeFocusRate = 0.0f; headFocusRate = 0.0f; focusAlignTime = 0; //ivan start isXlocked = false; fastXpos = 0.0f; updXlock = false; deltaXfromEnemy = 0.0f; //deltaYfromEnemy = 0.0f; //deltaZfromEnemy = 0.0f; fireMode = 0; noPush = false; disableMoving = false; //rev 2020 disable the actor from moving via a key in spawn arguments /* modelCallBackDone = false; renderEntity.callback = idAI::ModelCallback; */ //ivan end } /* ===================== idAI::~idAI ===================== */ idAI::~idAI() { delete projectileClipModel; DeconstructScriptObject(); scriptObject.Free(); if ( worldMuzzleFlashHandle != -1 ) { gameRenderWorld->FreeLightDef( worldMuzzleFlashHandle ); worldMuzzleFlashHandle = -1; } } /* ===================== idAI::Save ===================== */ void idAI::Save( idSaveGame *savefile ) const { int i; savefile->WriteInt( travelFlags ); move.Save( savefile ); savedMove.Save( savefile ); savefile->WriteFloat( kickForce ); savefile->WriteBool( ignore_obstacles ); savefile->WriteFloat( blockedRadius ); savefile->WriteInt( blockedMoveTime ); savefile->WriteInt( blockedAttackTime ); savefile->WriteFloat( ideal_yaw ); savefile->WriteFloat( current_yaw ); savefile->WriteFloat( turnRate ); savefile->WriteFloat( turnVel ); savefile->WriteFloat( anim_turn_yaw ); savefile->WriteFloat( anim_turn_amount ); savefile->WriteFloat( anim_turn_angles ); savefile->WriteStaticObject( physicsObj ); savefile->WriteFloat( fly_speed ); savefile->WriteFloat( fly_bob_strength ); savefile->WriteFloat( fly_bob_vert ); savefile->WriteFloat( fly_bob_horz ); savefile->WriteInt( fly_offset ); savefile->WriteFloat( fly_seek_scale ); savefile->WriteFloat( fly_roll_scale ); savefile->WriteFloat( fly_roll_max ); savefile->WriteFloat( fly_roll ); savefile->WriteFloat( fly_pitch_scale ); savefile->WriteFloat( fly_pitch_max ); savefile->WriteFloat( fly_pitch ); savefile->WriteBool( allowMove ); savefile->WriteBool( allowHiddenMovement ); savefile->WriteBool( disableGravity ); savefile->WriteBool( af_push_moveables ); savefile->WriteBool( lastHitCheckResult ); savefile->WriteInt( lastHitCheckTime ); savefile->WriteInt( lastAttackTime ); savefile->WriteFloat( melee_range ); savefile->WriteFloat( projectile_height_to_distance_ratio ); savefile->WriteInt( missileLaunchOffset.Num() ); for( i = 0; i < missileLaunchOffset.Num(); i++ ) { savefile->WriteVec3( missileLaunchOffset[ i ] ); } idStr projectileName; spawnArgs.GetString( "def_projectile", "", projectileName ); savefile->WriteString( projectileName ); savefile->WriteFloat( projectileRadius ); savefile->WriteFloat( projectileSpeed ); savefile->WriteVec3( projectileVelocity ); savefile->WriteVec3( projectileGravity ); projectile.Save( savefile ); savefile->WriteString( attack ); savefile->WriteSoundShader( chat_snd ); savefile->WriteInt( chat_min ); savefile->WriteInt( chat_max ); savefile->WriteInt( chat_time ); savefile->WriteInt( talk_state ); talkTarget.Save( savefile ); savefile->WriteInt( num_cinematics ); savefile->WriteInt( current_cinematic ); savefile->WriteBool( allowJointMod ); focusEntity.Save( savefile ); savefile->WriteVec3( currentFocusPos ); savefile->WriteInt( focusTime ); savefile->WriteInt( alignHeadTime ); savefile->WriteInt( forceAlignHeadTime ); savefile->WriteAngles( eyeAng ); savefile->WriteAngles( lookAng ); savefile->WriteAngles( destLookAng ); savefile->WriteAngles( lookMin ); savefile->WriteAngles( lookMax ); savefile->WriteInt( lookJoints.Num() ); for( i = 0; i < lookJoints.Num(); i++ ) { savefile->WriteJoint( lookJoints[ i ] ); savefile->WriteAngles( lookJointAngles[ i ] ); } savefile->WriteFloat( shrivel_rate ); savefile->WriteInt( shrivel_start ); savefile->WriteInt( particles.Num() ); for ( i = 0; i < particles.Num(); i++ ) { savefile->WriteParticle( particles[i].particle ); savefile->WriteInt( particles[i].time ); savefile->WriteJoint( particles[i].joint ); } savefile->WriteBool( restartParticles ); savefile->WriteBool( useBoneAxis ); enemy.Save( savefile ); savefile->WriteVec3( lastVisibleEnemyPos ); savefile->WriteVec3( lastVisibleEnemyEyeOffset ); savefile->WriteVec3( lastVisibleReachableEnemyPos ); savefile->WriteVec3( lastReachableEnemyPos ); savefile->WriteBool( wakeOnFlashlight ); savefile->WriteAngles( eyeMin ); savefile->WriteAngles( eyeMax ); savefile->WriteFloat( eyeVerticalOffset ); savefile->WriteFloat( eyeHorizontalOffset ); savefile->WriteFloat( eyeFocusRate ); savefile->WriteFloat( headFocusRate ); savefile->WriteInt( focusAlignTime ); savefile->WriteJoint( flashJointWorld ); savefile->WriteInt( muzzleFlashEnd ); savefile->WriteJoint( focusJoint ); savefile->WriteJoint( orientationJoint ); savefile->WriteJoint( flyTiltJoint ); savefile->WriteBool( GetPhysics() == static_cast(&physicsObj) ); //ivan start /* //moved to idActor savefile->WriteBool( isXlocked ); savefile->WriteBool( updXlock ); savefile->WriteFloat( lockedXpos ); */ savefile->WriteFloat( deltaXfromEnemy ); //savefile->WriteFloat( deltaYfromEnemy ); //savefile->WriteFloat( deltaZfromEnemy ); savefile->WriteInt( fireMode ); savefile->WriteBool( noPush ); //ivan end } /* ===================== idAI::Restore ===================== */ void idAI::Restore( idRestoreGame *savefile ) { bool restorePhysics; int i; int num; idBounds bounds; savefile->ReadInt( travelFlags ); move.Restore( savefile ); savedMove.Restore( savefile ); savefile->ReadFloat( kickForce ); savefile->ReadBool( ignore_obstacles ); savefile->ReadFloat( blockedRadius ); savefile->ReadInt( blockedMoveTime ); savefile->ReadInt( blockedAttackTime ); savefile->ReadFloat( ideal_yaw ); savefile->ReadFloat( current_yaw ); savefile->ReadFloat( turnRate ); savefile->ReadFloat( turnVel ); savefile->ReadFloat( anim_turn_yaw ); savefile->ReadFloat( anim_turn_amount ); savefile->ReadFloat( anim_turn_angles ); savefile->ReadStaticObject( physicsObj ); savefile->ReadFloat( fly_speed ); savefile->ReadFloat( fly_bob_strength ); savefile->ReadFloat( fly_bob_vert ); savefile->ReadFloat( fly_bob_horz ); savefile->ReadInt( fly_offset ); savefile->ReadFloat( fly_seek_scale ); savefile->ReadFloat( fly_roll_scale ); savefile->ReadFloat( fly_roll_max ); savefile->ReadFloat( fly_roll ); savefile->ReadFloat( fly_pitch_scale ); savefile->ReadFloat( fly_pitch_max ); savefile->ReadFloat( fly_pitch ); savefile->ReadBool( allowMove ); savefile->ReadBool( allowHiddenMovement ); savefile->ReadBool( disableGravity ); savefile->ReadBool( af_push_moveables ); savefile->ReadBool( lastHitCheckResult ); savefile->ReadInt( lastHitCheckTime ); savefile->ReadInt( lastAttackTime ); savefile->ReadFloat( melee_range ); savefile->ReadFloat( projectile_height_to_distance_ratio ); savefile->ReadInt( num ); missileLaunchOffset.SetGranularity( 1 ); missileLaunchOffset.SetNum( num ); for( i = 0; i < num; i++ ) { savefile->ReadVec3( missileLaunchOffset[ i ] ); } idStr projectileName; savefile->ReadString( projectileName ); if ( projectileName.Length() ) { projectileDef = gameLocal.FindEntityDefDict( projectileName ); } else { projectileDef = NULL; } savefile->ReadFloat( projectileRadius ); savefile->ReadFloat( projectileSpeed ); savefile->ReadVec3( projectileVelocity ); savefile->ReadVec3( projectileGravity ); projectile.Restore( savefile ); savefile->ReadString( attack ); savefile->ReadSoundShader( chat_snd ); savefile->ReadInt( chat_min ); savefile->ReadInt( chat_max ); savefile->ReadInt( chat_time ); savefile->ReadInt( i ); talk_state = static_cast( i ); talkTarget.Restore( savefile ); savefile->ReadInt( num_cinematics ); savefile->ReadInt( current_cinematic ); savefile->ReadBool( allowJointMod ); focusEntity.Restore( savefile ); savefile->ReadVec3( currentFocusPos ); savefile->ReadInt( focusTime ); savefile->ReadInt( alignHeadTime ); savefile->ReadInt( forceAlignHeadTime ); savefile->ReadAngles( eyeAng ); savefile->ReadAngles( lookAng ); savefile->ReadAngles( destLookAng ); savefile->ReadAngles( lookMin ); savefile->ReadAngles( lookMax ); savefile->ReadInt( num ); lookJoints.SetGranularity( 1 ); lookJoints.SetNum( num ); lookJointAngles.SetGranularity( 1 ); lookJointAngles.SetNum( num ); for( i = 0; i < num; i++ ) { savefile->ReadJoint( lookJoints[ i ] ); savefile->ReadAngles( lookJointAngles[ i ] ); } savefile->ReadFloat( shrivel_rate ); savefile->ReadInt( shrivel_start ); savefile->ReadInt( num ); particles.SetNum( num ); for ( i = 0; i < particles.Num(); i++ ) { savefile->ReadParticle( particles[i].particle ); savefile->ReadInt( particles[i].time ); savefile->ReadJoint( particles[i].joint ); } savefile->ReadBool( restartParticles ); savefile->ReadBool( useBoneAxis ); enemy.Restore( savefile ); savefile->ReadVec3( lastVisibleEnemyPos ); savefile->ReadVec3( lastVisibleEnemyEyeOffset ); savefile->ReadVec3( lastVisibleReachableEnemyPos ); savefile->ReadVec3( lastReachableEnemyPos ); savefile->ReadBool( wakeOnFlashlight ); savefile->ReadAngles( eyeMin ); savefile->ReadAngles( eyeMax ); savefile->ReadFloat( eyeVerticalOffset ); savefile->ReadFloat( eyeHorizontalOffset ); savefile->ReadFloat( eyeFocusRate ); savefile->ReadFloat( headFocusRate ); savefile->ReadInt( focusAlignTime ); savefile->ReadJoint( flashJointWorld ); savefile->ReadInt( muzzleFlashEnd ); savefile->ReadJoint( focusJoint ); savefile->ReadJoint( orientationJoint ); savefile->ReadJoint( flyTiltJoint ); savefile->ReadBool( restorePhysics ); //ivan start /* //moved to idActor savefile->ReadBool( isXlocked ); savefile->ReadBool( updXlock ); savefile->ReadFloat( lockedXpos ); */ savefile->ReadFloat( deltaXfromEnemy ); //savefile->ReadFloat( deltaYfromEnemy ); //savefile->ReadFloat( deltaZfromEnemy ); savefile->ReadInt( fireMode ); savefile->ReadBool( noPush ); //ivan end // Set the AAS if the character has the correct gravity vector idVec3 gravity = spawnArgs.GetVector( "gravityDir", "0 0 -1" ); gravity *= g_gravity.GetFloat(); if ( gravity == gameLocal.GetGravity() ) { SetAAS(); } SetCombatModel(); LinkCombat(); InitMuzzleFlash(); // Link the script variables back to the scriptobject LinkScriptVariables(); if ( restorePhysics ) { RestorePhysics( &physicsObj ); } } /* ===================== idAI::Spawn ===================== */ void idAI::Spawn( void ) { const char *jointname; const idKeyValue *kv; idStr jointName; idAngles jointScale; jointHandle_t joint; idVec3 local_dir; bool talks; int noMove; //ivan if ( !g_monsters.GetBool() ) { PostEventMS( &EV_Remove, 0 ); return; } spawnArgs.GetInt( "team", "1", team ); spawnArgs.GetInt( "rank", "0", rank ); spawnArgs.GetInt( "fly_offset", "0", fly_offset ); spawnArgs.GetFloat( "fly_speed", "100", fly_speed ); spawnArgs.GetFloat( "fly_bob_strength", "50", fly_bob_strength ); spawnArgs.GetFloat( "fly_bob_vert", "2", fly_bob_horz ); spawnArgs.GetFloat( "fly_bob_horz", "2.7", fly_bob_vert ); spawnArgs.GetFloat( "fly_seek_scale", "4", fly_seek_scale ); spawnArgs.GetFloat( "fly_roll_scale", "90", fly_roll_scale ); spawnArgs.GetFloat( "fly_roll_max", "60", fly_roll_max ); spawnArgs.GetFloat( "fly_pitch_scale", "45", fly_pitch_scale ); spawnArgs.GetFloat( "fly_pitch_max", "30", fly_pitch_max ); spawnArgs.GetFloat( "melee_range", "64", melee_range ); spawnArgs.GetFloat( "projectile_height_to_distance_ratio", "1", projectile_height_to_distance_ratio ); spawnArgs.GetFloat( "turn_rate", "360", turnRate ); spawnArgs.GetBool( "talks", "0", talks ); if ( spawnArgs.GetString( "npc_name", NULL ) != NULL ) { if ( talks ) { talk_state = TALK_OK; } else { talk_state = TALK_BUSY; } } else { talk_state = TALK_NEVER; } spawnArgs.GetBool( "animate_z", "0", disableGravity ); spawnArgs.GetBool( "af_push_moveables", "0", af_push_moveables ); spawnArgs.GetFloat( "kick_force", "4096", kickForce ); spawnArgs.GetBool( "ignore_obstacles", "1", ignore_obstacles ); //ivan: set default to 1 spawnArgs.GetFloat( "blockedRadius", "-1", blockedRadius ); spawnArgs.GetInt( "blockedMoveTime", "750", blockedMoveTime ); spawnArgs.GetInt( "blockedAttackTime", "450", blockedAttackTime ); spawnArgs.GetInt( "num_cinematics", "0", num_cinematics ); current_cinematic = 0; LinkScriptVariables(); fl.takedamage = !spawnArgs.GetBool( "noDamage" ); enemy = NULL; allowMove = true; allowHiddenMovement = false; animator.RemoveOriginOffset( true ); disableMoving = spawnArgs.GetBool( "disable_moving" ); //rev 2020 used to disable the enemy from moving // create combat collision hull for exact collision detection SetCombatModel(); lookMin = spawnArgs.GetAngles( "look_min", "-80 -75 0" ); lookMax = spawnArgs.GetAngles( "look_max", "80 75 0" ); lookJoints.SetGranularity( 1 ); lookJointAngles.SetGranularity( 1 ); kv = spawnArgs.MatchPrefix( "look_joint", NULL ); while( kv ) { jointName = kv->GetKey(); jointName.StripLeadingOnce( "look_joint " ); joint = animator.GetJointHandle( jointName ); if ( joint == INVALID_JOINT ) { gameLocal.Warning( "Unknown look_joint '%s' on entity %s", jointName.c_str(), name.c_str() ); } else { jointScale = spawnArgs.GetAngles( kv->GetKey(), "0 0 0" ); jointScale.roll = 0.0f; // if no scale on any component, then don't bother adding it. this may be done to // zero out rotation from an inherited entitydef. if ( jointScale != ang_zero ) { lookJoints.Append( joint ); lookJointAngles.Append( jointScale ); } } kv = spawnArgs.MatchPrefix( "look_joint", kv ); } // calculate joint positions on attack frames so we can do proper "can hit" tests CalculateAttackOffsets(); eyeMin = spawnArgs.GetAngles( "eye_turn_min", "-10 -30 0" ); eyeMax = spawnArgs.GetAngles( "eye_turn_max", "10 30 0" ); eyeVerticalOffset = spawnArgs.GetFloat( "eye_verticle_offset", "5" ); eyeHorizontalOffset = spawnArgs.GetFloat( "eye_horizontal_offset", "-8" ); eyeFocusRate = spawnArgs.GetFloat( "eye_focus_rate", "0.5" ); headFocusRate = spawnArgs.GetFloat( "head_focus_rate", "0.1" ); focusAlignTime = SEC2MS( spawnArgs.GetFloat( "focus_align_time", "1" ) ); flashJointWorld = animator.GetJointHandle( "flash" ); if ( head.GetEntity() ) { idAnimator *headAnimator = head.GetEntity()->GetAnimator(); jointname = spawnArgs.GetString( "bone_focus" ); if ( *jointname ) { focusJoint = headAnimator->GetJointHandle( jointname ); if ( focusJoint == INVALID_JOINT ) { gameLocal.Warning( "Joint '%s' not found on head on '%s'", jointname, name.c_str() ); } } } else { jointname = spawnArgs.GetString( "bone_focus" ); if ( *jointname ) { focusJoint = animator.GetJointHandle( jointname ); if ( focusJoint == INVALID_JOINT ) { gameLocal.Warning( "Joint '%s' not found on '%s'", jointname, name.c_str() ); } } } jointname = spawnArgs.GetString( "bone_orientation" ); if ( *jointname ) { orientationJoint = animator.GetJointHandle( jointname ); if ( orientationJoint == INVALID_JOINT ) { gameLocal.Warning( "Joint '%s' not found on '%s'", jointname, name.c_str() ); } } jointname = spawnArgs.GetString( "bone_flytilt" ); if ( *jointname ) { flyTiltJoint = animator.GetJointHandle( jointname ); if ( flyTiltJoint == INVALID_JOINT ) { gameLocal.Warning( "Joint '%s' not found on '%s'", jointname, name.c_str() ); } } InitMuzzleFlash(); physicsObj.SetSelf( this ); physicsObj.SetClipModel( new idClipModel( GetPhysics()->GetClipModel() ), 1.0f ); physicsObj.SetMass( spawnArgs.GetFloat( "mass", "100" ) ); if ( spawnArgs.GetBool( "big_monster" ) ) { physicsObj.SetContents( 0 ); physicsObj.SetClipMask( MASK_MONSTERSOLID & ~CONTENTS_BODY ); } else { if ( use_combat_bbox ) { physicsObj.SetContents( CONTENTS_BODY|CONTENTS_SOLID ); } else { //Rev 2020 allow enemies to pass through each other if team_non_solid is true //physicsObj.SetContents( CONTENTS_BODY ); if( ( spawnArgs.GetInt( "team", "1") ) && spawnArgs.GetBool( "team_non_solid", "1") ){ physicsObj.SetContents( CONTENTS_CORPSE ); //the monster can pass through other monsters but player still detects touch of death //gameLocal.Printf( "corpse" ); } else { physicsObj.SetContents( CONTENTS_BODY ); //gameLocal.Printf( "body" ); } //Rev 2020 End } physicsObj.SetClipMask( MASK_MONSTERSOLID ); } // move up to make sure the monster is at least an epsilon above the floor physicsObj.SetOrigin( GetPhysics()->GetOrigin() + idVec3( 0, 0, CM_CLIP_EPSILON ) ); //lockedXpos = GetPhysics()->GetOrigin().x; //ivan - remember initial pos. if ( num_cinematics ) { physicsObj.SetGravity( vec3_origin ); } else { idVec3 gravity = spawnArgs.GetVector( "gravityDir", "0 0 -1" ); gravity *= g_gravity.GetFloat(); physicsObj.SetGravity( gravity ); } SetPhysics( &physicsObj ); physicsObj.GetGravityAxis().ProjectVector( viewAxis[ 0 ], local_dir ); current_yaw = local_dir.ToYaw(); ideal_yaw = idMath::AngleNormalize180( current_yaw ); move.blockTime = 0; SetAAS(); projectile = NULL; projectileDef = NULL; projectileClipModel = NULL; idStr projectileName; if ( spawnArgs.GetString( "def_projectile", "", projectileName ) && projectileName.Length() ) { projectileDef = gameLocal.FindEntityDefDict( projectileName ); CreateProjectile( vec3_origin, viewAxis[ 0 ] ); projectileRadius = projectile.GetEntity()->GetPhysics()->GetClipModel()->GetBounds().GetRadius(); projectileVelocity = idProjectile::GetVelocity( projectileDef ); projectileGravity = idProjectile::GetGravity( projectileDef ); projectileSpeed = projectileVelocity.Length(); delete projectile.GetEntity(); projectile = NULL; } particles.Clear(); restartParticles = true; useBoneAxis = spawnArgs.GetBool( "useBoneAxis" ); SpawnParticles( "smokeParticleSystem" ); if ( num_cinematics || spawnArgs.GetBool( "hide" ) || spawnArgs.GetBool( "teleport" ) || spawnArgs.GetBool( "trigger_anim" ) ) { fl.takedamage = false; physicsObj.SetContents( 0 ); physicsObj.GetClipModel()->Unlink(); Hide(); } else { // play a looping ambient sound if we have one StartSound( "snd_ambient", SND_CHANNEL_AMBIENT, 0, false, NULL ); } if ( health <= 0 ) { gameLocal.Warning( "entity '%s' doesn't have health set", name.c_str() ); health = 1; } // set up monster chatter SetChatSound(); BecomeActive( TH_THINK ); if ( af_push_moveables ) { af.SetupPose( this, gameLocal.time ); af.GetPhysics()->EnableClip(); } // init the move variables StopMove( MOVE_STATUS_DONE ); //ivan start //if ( gameLocal.GameState() == GAMESTATE_STARTUP ) { //count them only at map start if( !spawnArgs.GetBool( "noStats", "0" ) && ( spawnArgs.GetInt( "team", "1") != 0 ) && !spawnArgs.GetBool( "spawner", "0") ){ gameLocal.enemies_spawned_counter++; //gameLocal.Printf( "Enemies counter increased: %d ( %s )\n", gameLocal.enemies_spawned_counter, name.c_str() ); } //isXlocked = spawnArgs.GetBool( "isXlocked", "1" ); //ivan - moved to idActor //updXlock = spawnArgs.GetBool( "updXlock", "1" ); //ivan - moved to idActor fireMode = spawnArgs.GetInt( "fireMode", "0" ); spawnArgs.GetInt( "noMove", "0", noMove ); if( noMove > 0 ){ AI_INHIBIT_MOVE = true; if( noMove > 1 ){ noPush = true; } } //ivan end } /* =================== idAI::InitMuzzleFlash =================== */ void idAI::InitMuzzleFlash( void ) { const char *shader; idVec3 flashColor; spawnArgs.GetString( "mtr_flashShader", "muzzleflash", &shader ); spawnArgs.GetVector( "flashColor", "0 0 0", flashColor ); float flashRadius = spawnArgs.GetFloat( "flashRadius" ); flashTime = SEC2MS( spawnArgs.GetFloat( "flashTime", "0.25" ) ); memset( &worldMuzzleFlash, 0, sizeof ( worldMuzzleFlash ) ); worldMuzzleFlash.pointLight = true; worldMuzzleFlash.shader = declManager->FindMaterial( shader, false ); worldMuzzleFlash.shaderParms[ SHADERPARM_RED ] = flashColor[0]; worldMuzzleFlash.shaderParms[ SHADERPARM_GREEN ] = flashColor[1]; worldMuzzleFlash.shaderParms[ SHADERPARM_BLUE ] = flashColor[2]; worldMuzzleFlash.shaderParms[ SHADERPARM_ALPHA ] = 1.0f; worldMuzzleFlash.shaderParms[ SHADERPARM_TIMESCALE ] = 1.0f; worldMuzzleFlash.lightRadius[0] = flashRadius; worldMuzzleFlash.lightRadius[1] = flashRadius; worldMuzzleFlash.lightRadius[2] = flashRadius; worldMuzzleFlashHandle = -1; } /* =================== idAI::List_f =================== */ void idAI::List_f( const idCmdArgs &args ) { int e; idAI *check; int count; const char *statename; count = 0; gameLocal.Printf( "%-4s %-20s %s\n", " Num", "EntityDef", "Name" ); gameLocal.Printf( "------------------------------------------------\n" ); for( e = 0; e < MAX_GENTITIES; e++ ) { check = static_cast(gameLocal.entities[ e ]); if ( !check || !check->IsType( idAI::Type ) ) { continue; } if ( check->state ) { statename = check->state->Name(); } else { statename = "NULL state"; } gameLocal.Printf( "%4i: %-20s %-20s %s move: %d\n", e, check->GetEntityDefName(), check->name.c_str(), statename, check->allowMove ); count++; } gameLocal.Printf( "...%d monsters\n", count ); } /* ================ idAI::DormantBegin called when entity becomes dormant ================ */ void idAI::DormantBegin( void ) { // since dormant happens on a timer, we wont get to update particles to // hidden through the think loop, but we need to hide them though. if ( particles.Num() ) { for ( int i = 0; i < particles.Num(); i++ ) { particles[i].time = 0; } } if ( enemyNode.InList() ) { // remove ourselves from the enemy's enemylist enemyNode.Remove(); } idActor::DormantBegin(); } /* ================ idAI::DormantEnd called when entity wakes from being dormant ================ */ void idAI::DormantEnd( void ) { if ( enemy.GetEntity() && !enemyNode.InList() ) { // let our enemy know we're back on the trail enemyNode.AddToEnd( enemy.GetEntity()->enemyList ); } if ( particles.Num() ) { for ( int i = 0; i < particles.Num(); i++ ) { particles[i].time = gameLocal.time; } } idActor::DormantEnd(); } /* ===================== idAI::Think ===================== */ void idAI::Think( void ) { // if we are completely closed off from the player, don't do anything at all if ( CheckDormant() ) { //isOnScreen = false; //ivan - fix needed? return; } if ( thinkFlags & TH_THINK ) { // clear out the enemy when he dies or is hidden idActor *enemyEnt = enemy.GetEntity(); if ( enemyEnt ) { if ( enemyEnt->health <= 0 ) { EnemyDead(); } } current_yaw += deltaViewAngles.yaw; ideal_yaw = idMath::AngleNormalize180( ideal_yaw + deltaViewAngles.yaw ); deltaViewAngles.Zero(); viewAxis = idAngles( 0, current_yaw, 0 ).ToMat3(); if ( num_cinematics ) { if ( !IsHidden() && torsoAnim.AnimDone( 0 ) ) { PlayCinematic(); } RunPhysicsWrapper(); //ivan - was: RunPhysics(); } else if ( !allowHiddenMovement && IsHidden() ) { // hidden monsters UpdateAIScript(); } else { // clear the ik before we do anything else so the skeleton doesn't get updated twice walkIK.ClearJointMods(); switch( move.moveType ) { case MOVETYPE_DEAD : // dead monsters UpdateAIScript(); DeadMove(); break; case MOVETYPE_FLY : // flying monsters UpdateEnemyPosition(); UpdateAIScript(); FlyMove(); PlayChatter(); CheckBlink(); break; case MOVETYPE_STATIC : // static monsters UpdateEnemyPosition(); UpdateAIScript(); StaticMove(); PlayChatter(); CheckBlink(); break; case MOVETYPE_ANIM : // animation based movement UpdateEnemyPosition(); UpdateAIScript(); AnimMove(); PlayChatter(); CheckBlink(); break; case MOVETYPE_SLIDE : // velocity based movement UpdateEnemyPosition(); UpdateAIScript(); SlideMove(); PlayChatter(); CheckBlink(); break; } } // clear pain flag so that we recieve any damage between now and the next time we run the script AI_PAIN = false; AI_SPECIAL_DAMAGE = 0; AI_PUSHED = false; } else if ( thinkFlags & TH_PHYSICS ) { RunPhysicsWrapper(); //ivan - was: RunPhysics(); } if ( af_push_moveables ) { PushWithAF(); } if ( fl.hidden && allowHiddenMovement ) { // UpdateAnimation won't call frame commands when hidden, so call them here when we allow hidden movement animator.ServiceAnims( gameLocal.previousTime, gameLocal.time ); } /* this still draws in retail builds.. not sure why.. don't care at this point. if ( !aas && developer.GetBool() && !fl.hidden && !num_cinematics ) { gameRenderWorld->DrawText( "No AAS", physicsObj.GetAbsBounds().GetCenter(), 0.1f, colorWhite, gameLocal.GetLocalPlayer()->viewAngles.ToMat3(), 1, gameLocal.msec ); } */ //ivan start //upd is on screen UpdateIsOnScreen(); //NOTE: my "isOnScreen" value is useful also to other entities. //ivan end //rev 2020 hurt the player when overlapping enemies. Updated: make sure the enemy isn't hidden or else the box will still spawn. if( !IsHidden() && spawnArgs.GetInt( "touchofdeath", "1") ){ gameLocal.HurtBox( this ); } UpdateMuzzleFlash(); UpdateAnimation(); UpdateParticles(); Present(); UpdateDamageEffects(); LinkCombat(); //ivan start //modelCallBackNotDone = true; //reset to true every frame. Next time ::think will be called it will be already updated. //ivan end } /*********************************************************************** AI script state management ***********************************************************************/ /* ===================== idAI::LinkScriptVariables ===================== */ void idAI::LinkScriptVariables( void ) { AI_TALK.LinkTo( scriptObject, "AI_TALK" ); AI_DAMAGE.LinkTo( scriptObject, "AI_DAMAGE" ); AI_PAIN.LinkTo( scriptObject, "AI_PAIN" ); AI_SPECIAL_DAMAGE.LinkTo( scriptObject, "AI_SPECIAL_DAMAGE" ); AI_DEAD.LinkTo( scriptObject, "AI_DEAD" ); AI_ENEMY_VISIBLE.LinkTo( scriptObject, "AI_ENEMY_VISIBLE" ); AI_ENEMY_IN_FOV.LinkTo( scriptObject, "AI_ENEMY_IN_FOV" ); AI_ENEMY_DEAD.LinkTo( scriptObject, "AI_ENEMY_DEAD" ); AI_MOVE_DONE.LinkTo( scriptObject, "AI_MOVE_DONE" ); AI_ONGROUND.LinkTo( scriptObject, "AI_ONGROUND" ); AI_ACTIVATED.LinkTo( scriptObject, "AI_ACTIVATED" ); AI_FORWARD.LinkTo( scriptObject, "AI_FORWARD" ); AI_JUMP.LinkTo( scriptObject, "AI_JUMP" ); AI_BLOCKED.LinkTo( scriptObject, "AI_BLOCKED" ); AI_DEST_UNREACHABLE.LinkTo( scriptObject, "AI_DEST_UNREACHABLE" ); AI_HIT_ENEMY.LinkTo( scriptObject, "AI_HIT_ENEMY" ); AI_OBSTACLE_IN_PATH.LinkTo( scriptObject, "AI_OBSTACLE_IN_PATH" ); AI_PUSHED.LinkTo( scriptObject, "AI_PUSHED" ); //ivan start AI_INHIBIT_ATTACK.LinkTo( scriptObject, "AI_INHIBIT_ATTACK" ); AI_INHIBIT_MOVE.LinkTo( scriptObject, "AI_INHIBIT_MOVE" ); //ivan end } /* ===================== idAI::UpdateAIScript ===================== */ void idAI::UpdateAIScript( void ) { UpdateScript(); // clear the hit enemy flag so we catch the next time we hit someone AI_HIT_ENEMY = false; if ( allowHiddenMovement || !IsHidden() ) { // update the animstate if we're not hidden UpdateAnimState(); } } /*********************************************************************** navigation ***********************************************************************/ /* ============ idAI::KickObstacles ============ */ void idAI::KickObstacles( const idVec3 &dir, float force, idEntity *alwaysKick ) { int i, numListedClipModels; idBounds clipBounds; idEntity *obEnt; idClipModel *clipModel; idClipModel *clipModelList[ MAX_GENTITIES ]; int clipmask; idVec3 org; idVec3 forceVec; idVec3 delta; idVec2 perpendicular; org = physicsObj.GetOrigin(); // find all possible obstacles clipBounds = physicsObj.GetAbsBounds(); clipBounds.TranslateSelf( dir * 32.0f ); clipBounds.ExpandSelf( 8.0f ); clipBounds.AddPoint( org ); clipmask = physicsObj.GetClipMask(); numListedClipModels = gameLocal.clip.ClipModelsTouchingBounds( clipBounds, clipmask, clipModelList, MAX_GENTITIES ); for ( i = 0; i < numListedClipModels; i++ ) { clipModel = clipModelList[i]; obEnt = clipModel->GetEntity(); if ( obEnt == alwaysKick ) { // we'll kick this one outside the loop continue; } if ( !clipModel->IsTraceModel() ) { continue; } if ( obEnt->IsType( idMoveable::Type ) && obEnt->GetPhysics()->IsPushable() ) { delta = obEnt->GetPhysics()->GetOrigin() - org; delta.NormalizeFast(); perpendicular.x = -delta.y; perpendicular.y = delta.x; delta.z += 0.5f; delta.ToVec2() += perpendicular * gameLocal.random.CRandomFloat() * 0.5f; forceVec = delta * force * obEnt->GetPhysics()->GetMass(); obEnt->ApplyImpulse( this, 0, obEnt->GetPhysics()->GetOrigin(), forceVec ); } } if ( alwaysKick ) { delta = alwaysKick->GetPhysics()->GetOrigin() - org; delta.NormalizeFast(); perpendicular.x = -delta.y; perpendicular.y = delta.x; delta.z += 0.5f; delta.ToVec2() += perpendicular * gameLocal.random.CRandomFloat() * 0.5f; forceVec = delta * force * alwaysKick->GetPhysics()->GetMass(); alwaysKick->ApplyImpulse( this, 0, alwaysKick->GetPhysics()->GetOrigin(), forceVec ); } } /* ============ ValidForBounds ============ */ bool ValidForBounds( const idAASSettings *settings, const idBounds &bounds ) { int i; for ( i = 0; i < 3; i++ ) { if ( bounds[0][i] < settings->boundingBoxes[0][0][i] ) { return false; } if ( bounds[1][i] > settings->boundingBoxes[0][1][i] ) { return false; } } return true; } /* ===================== idAI::SetAAS ===================== */ void idAI::SetAAS( void ) { idStr use_aas; spawnArgs.GetString( "use_aas", NULL, use_aas ); aas = gameLocal.GetAAS( use_aas ); if ( aas ) { const idAASSettings *settings = aas->GetSettings(); if ( settings ) { if ( !ValidForBounds( settings, physicsObj.GetBounds() ) ) { gameLocal.Error( "%s cannot use use_aas %s\n", name.c_str(), use_aas.c_str() ); } float height = settings->maxStepHeight; physicsObj.SetMaxStepHeight( height ); return; } else { aas = NULL; } } gameLocal.Printf( "WARNING: %s has no AAS file\n", name.c_str() ); } /* ===================== idAI::DrawRoute ===================== */ void idAI::DrawRoute( void ) const { if ( aas && move.toAreaNum && move.moveCommand != MOVE_NONE && move.moveCommand != MOVE_WANDER && move.moveCommand != MOVE_FACE_ENEMY && move.moveCommand != MOVE_FACE_ENTITY && move.moveCommand != MOVE_TO_POSITION_DIRECT ) { if ( move.moveType == MOVETYPE_FLY ) { aas->ShowFlyPath( physicsObj.GetOrigin(), move.toAreaNum, move.moveDest ); } else { aas->ShowWalkPath( physicsObj.GetOrigin(), move.toAreaNum, move.moveDest ); } } } /* ===================== idAI::ReachedPos ===================== */ bool idAI::ReachedPos( const idVec3 &pos, const moveCommand_t moveCommand ) const { if ( move.moveType == MOVETYPE_SLIDE ) { idBounds bnds( idVec3( -4, -4.0f, -8.0f ), idVec3( 4.0f, 4.0f, 64.0f ) ); bnds.TranslateSelf( physicsObj.GetOrigin() ); if ( bnds.ContainsPoint( pos ) ) { return true; } } else { if ( ( moveCommand == MOVE_TO_ENEMY ) || ( moveCommand == MOVE_TO_ENTITY ) ) { if ( physicsObj.GetAbsBounds().IntersectsBounds( idBounds( pos ).Expand( 8.0f ) ) ) { return true; } } else { idBounds bnds( idVec3( -16.0, -16.0f, -8.0f ), idVec3( 16.0, 16.0f, 64.0f ) ); bnds.TranslateSelf( physicsObj.GetOrigin() ); if ( bnds.ContainsPoint( pos ) ) { return true; } } } return false; } /* ===================== idAI::PointReachableAreaNum ===================== */ int idAI::PointReachableAreaNum( const idVec3 &pos, const float boundsScale ) const { int areaNum; idVec3 size; idBounds bounds; if ( !aas ) { return 0; } size = aas->GetSettings()->boundingBoxes[0][1] * boundsScale; bounds[0] = -size; size.z = 32.0f; bounds[1] = size; if ( move.moveType == MOVETYPE_FLY ) { areaNum = aas->PointReachableAreaNum( pos, bounds, AREA_REACHABLE_WALK | AREA_REACHABLE_FLY ); } else { areaNum = aas->PointReachableAreaNum( pos, bounds, AREA_REACHABLE_WALK ); } return areaNum; } /* ===================== idAI::PathToGoal ===================== */ bool idAI::PathToGoal( aasPath_t &path, int areaNum, const idVec3 &origin, int goalAreaNum, const idVec3 &goalOrigin ) const { idVec3 org; idVec3 goal; if ( !aas ) { return false; } org = origin; aas->PushPointIntoAreaNum( areaNum, org ); if ( !areaNum ) { return false; } goal = goalOrigin; aas->PushPointIntoAreaNum( goalAreaNum, goal ); if ( !goalAreaNum ) { return false; } //ivan start /* se io sono/vado su ALTRO piano E c'è strada che collega: - isXlocked 0 updXlock 0 --> mai lockato, riesce a fare strada, - isXlocked 0 updXlock 1 --> si slocca, riesce a fare strada, - isXlocked 1 updXlock 1 --> si slocca, riesce a fare strada, - isXlocked 1 updXlock 0 --> è lockato, impazzisce cercando di fare strada, Soluz: se lockato e no updXlock, non deve provare a raggiungermi se X diversa. */ if( isXlocked && !updXlock ){ if( goal.x != fastXpos ){ //gameLocal.Printf("fix 1\n"); return false; } } /*se io sono/vado su STESSO piano E c'è strada alternativa su altro piano: - isXlocked 0 updXlock 0 --> mai lockato, riesce a fare strada alternativa, - isXlocked 0 updXlock 1 --> se già lockato, impazzisce cercando di fare strada alternativa, (quindi ora var isXlocked = 1) - isXlocked 1 updXlock 1 --> è lockato, impazzisce cercando di fare strada alternativa, - isXlocked 1 updXlock 0 --> è lockato, impazzisce cercando di fare strada alternativa, Soluz: se lockato, non deve vedere la strada. Miglioramento: se updXlock 1 può cmq vederla, ma se deve anche sloccare... */ /*was: if ( move.moveType == MOVETYPE_FLY ) { return aas->FlyPathToGoal( path, areaNum, org, goalAreaNum, goal, travelFlags ); } else { return aas->WalkPathToGoal( path, areaNum, org, goalAreaNum, goal, travelFlags ); } */ bool result; if ( move.moveType == MOVETYPE_FLY ) { result = aas->FlyPathToGoal( path, areaNum, org, goalAreaNum, goal, travelFlags ); } else { result = aas->WalkPathToGoal( path, areaNum, org, goalAreaNum, goal, travelFlags ); } if( isXlocked && result ){ if( path.moveGoal.x != fastXpos ){ //gameLocal.Printf("fix 2\n"); result = false; } } return result; //ivan end } /* ===================== idAI::TravelDistance Returns the approximate travel distance from one position to the goal, or if no AAS, the straight line distance. This is feakin' slow, so it's not good to do it too many times per frame. It also is slower the further you are from the goal, so try to break the goals up into shorter distances. ===================== */ float idAI::TravelDistance( const idVec3 &start, const idVec3 &end ) const { int fromArea; int toArea; float dist; idVec2 delta; if ( !aas ) { // no aas, so just take the straight line distance delta = end.ToVec2() - start.ToVec2(); dist = delta.LengthFast(); if ( ai_debugMove.GetBool() ) { gameRenderWorld->DebugLine( colorBlue, start, end, gameLocal.msec, false ); gameRenderWorld->DrawText( va( "%d", ( int )dist ), ( start + end ) * 0.5f, 0.1f, colorWhite, gameLocal.GetLocalPlayer()->viewAngles.ToMat3() ); } return dist; } fromArea = PointReachableAreaNum( start ); toArea = PointReachableAreaNum( end ); if ( !fromArea || !toArea ) { // can't seem to get there return -1; } if ( fromArea == toArea ) { // same area, so just take the straight line distance delta = end.ToVec2() - start.ToVec2(); dist = delta.LengthFast(); if ( ai_debugMove.GetBool() ) { gameRenderWorld->DebugLine( colorBlue, start, end, gameLocal.msec, false ); gameRenderWorld->DrawText( va( "%d", ( int )dist ), ( start + end ) * 0.5f, 0.1f, colorWhite, gameLocal.GetLocalPlayer()->viewAngles.ToMat3() ); } return dist; } idReachability *reach; int travelTime; if ( !aas->RouteToGoalArea( fromArea, start, toArea, travelFlags, travelTime, &reach ) ) { return -1; } if ( ai_debugMove.GetBool() ) { if ( move.moveType == MOVETYPE_FLY ) { aas->ShowFlyPath( start, toArea, end ); } else { aas->ShowWalkPath( start, toArea, end ); } } return travelTime; } /* ===================== idAI::StopMove ===================== */ void idAI::StopMove( moveStatus_t status ) { AI_MOVE_DONE = true; AI_FORWARD = false; move.moveCommand = MOVE_NONE; move.moveStatus = status; move.toAreaNum = 0; move.goalEntity = NULL; move.moveDest = physicsObj.GetOrigin(); AI_DEST_UNREACHABLE = false; AI_OBSTACLE_IN_PATH = false; AI_BLOCKED = false; move.startTime = gameLocal.time; move.duration = 0; move.range = 0.0f; move.speed = 0.0f; move.anim = 0; move.moveDir.Zero(); move.lastMoveOrigin.Zero(); move.lastMoveTime = gameLocal.time; } /* ===================== idAI::FaceEnemy Continually face the enemy's last known position. MoveDone is always true in this case. ===================== */ bool idAI::FaceEnemy( void ) { idActor *enemyEnt = enemy.GetEntity(); if ( !enemyEnt ) { StopMove( MOVE_STATUS_DEST_NOT_FOUND ); return false; } TurnToward( lastVisibleEnemyPos ); move.goalEntity = enemyEnt; move.moveDest = physicsObj.GetOrigin(); move.moveCommand = MOVE_FACE_ENEMY; move.moveStatus = MOVE_STATUS_WAITING; move.startTime = gameLocal.time; move.speed = 0.0f; AI_MOVE_DONE = true; AI_FORWARD = false; AI_DEST_UNREACHABLE = false; return true; } /* ===================== idAI::FaceEntity Continually face the entity position. MoveDone is always true in this case. ===================== */ bool idAI::FaceEntity( idEntity *ent ) { if ( !ent ) { StopMove( MOVE_STATUS_DEST_NOT_FOUND ); return false; } idVec3 entityOrg = ent->GetPhysics()->GetOrigin(); TurnToward( entityOrg ); move.goalEntity = ent; move.moveDest = physicsObj.GetOrigin(); move.moveCommand = MOVE_FACE_ENTITY; move.moveStatus = MOVE_STATUS_WAITING; move.startTime = gameLocal.time; move.speed = 0.0f; AI_MOVE_DONE = true; AI_FORWARD = false; AI_DEST_UNREACHABLE = false; return true; } /* ===================== idAI::DirectMoveToPosition ===================== */ bool idAI::DirectMoveToPosition( const idVec3 &pos ) { if ( ReachedPos( pos, move.moveCommand ) ) { StopMove( MOVE_STATUS_DONE ); return true; } move.moveDest = pos; move.goalEntity = NULL; move.moveCommand = MOVE_TO_POSITION_DIRECT; move.moveStatus = MOVE_STATUS_MOVING; move.startTime = gameLocal.time; move.speed = fly_speed; //rev 2020 disable moving //AI_MOVE_DONE = false; //AI_DEST_UNREACHABLE = false; //AI_FORWARD = true; if (disableMoving){ AI_MOVE_DONE = true; AI_DEST_UNREACHABLE = false; AI_FORWARD = false; } else { AI_MOVE_DONE = false; AI_DEST_UNREACHABLE = false; AI_FORWARD = true; } //rev 2020 end if ( move.moveType == MOVETYPE_FLY ) { idVec3 dir = pos - physicsObj.GetOrigin(); dir.Normalize(); dir *= fly_speed; physicsObj.SetLinearVelocity( dir ); } return true; } /* ===================== idAI::MoveToEnemyHeight ===================== */ bool idAI::MoveToEnemyHeight( void ) { idActor *enemyEnt = enemy.GetEntity(); if ( !enemyEnt || ( move.moveType != MOVETYPE_FLY ) ) { StopMove( MOVE_STATUS_DEST_NOT_FOUND ); return false; } move.moveDest.z = lastVisibleEnemyPos.z + enemyEnt->EyeOffset().z + fly_offset; move.goalEntity = enemyEnt; move.moveCommand = MOVE_TO_ENEMYHEIGHT; move.moveStatus = MOVE_STATUS_MOVING; move.startTime = gameLocal.time; move.speed = 0.0f; AI_MOVE_DONE = false; AI_DEST_UNREACHABLE = false; AI_FORWARD = false; return true; } /* ===================== idAI::MoveToEnemy ===================== */ bool idAI::MoveToEnemy( void ) { int areaNum; aasPath_t path; idActor *enemyEnt = enemy.GetEntity(); if ( !enemyEnt ) { StopMove( MOVE_STATUS_DEST_NOT_FOUND ); return false; } if ( ReachedPos( lastVisibleReachableEnemyPos, MOVE_TO_ENEMY ) ) { if ( !ReachedPos( lastVisibleEnemyPos, MOVE_TO_ENEMY ) || !AI_ENEMY_VISIBLE ) { StopMove( MOVE_STATUS_DEST_UNREACHABLE ); AI_DEST_UNREACHABLE = true; return false; } StopMove( MOVE_STATUS_DONE ); return true; } idVec3 pos = lastVisibleReachableEnemyPos; move.toAreaNum = 0; if ( aas ) { move.toAreaNum = PointReachableAreaNum( pos ); aas->PushPointIntoAreaNum( move.toAreaNum, pos ); areaNum = PointReachableAreaNum( physicsObj.GetOrigin() ); if ( !PathToGoal( path, areaNum, physicsObj.GetOrigin(), move.toAreaNum, pos ) ) { AI_DEST_UNREACHABLE = true; return false; } } if ( !move.toAreaNum ) { // if only trying to update the enemy position if ( move.moveCommand == MOVE_TO_ENEMY ) { if ( !aas ) { // keep the move destination up to date for wandering move.moveDest = pos; } return false; } if ( !NewWanderDir( pos ) ) { StopMove( MOVE_STATUS_DEST_UNREACHABLE ); AI_DEST_UNREACHABLE = true; return false; } } if ( move.moveCommand != MOVE_TO_ENEMY ) { move.moveCommand = MOVE_TO_ENEMY; move.startTime = gameLocal.time; } move.moveDest = pos; move.goalEntity = enemyEnt; move.speed = fly_speed; move.moveStatus = MOVE_STATUS_MOVING; //rev 2020 disable moving //AI_MOVE_DONE = false; //AI_DEST_UNREACHABLE = false; //AI_FORWARD = true; if (disableMoving){ AI_MOVE_DONE = true; AI_DEST_UNREACHABLE = false; AI_FORWARD = false; } else { AI_MOVE_DONE = false; AI_DEST_UNREACHABLE = false; AI_FORWARD = true; } //rev 2020 end return true; } /* ===================== idAI::MoveToEntity ===================== */ bool idAI::MoveToEntity( idEntity *ent ) { int areaNum; aasPath_t path; idVec3 pos; if ( !ent ) { StopMove( MOVE_STATUS_DEST_NOT_FOUND ); return false; } pos = ent->GetPhysics()->GetOrigin(); if ( ( move.moveType != MOVETYPE_FLY ) && ( ( move.moveCommand != MOVE_TO_ENTITY ) || ( move.goalEntityOrigin != pos ) ) ) { ent->GetFloorPos( 64.0f, pos ); } if ( ReachedPos( pos, MOVE_TO_ENTITY ) ) { StopMove( MOVE_STATUS_DONE ); return true; } move.toAreaNum = 0; if ( aas ) { move.toAreaNum = PointReachableAreaNum( pos ); aas->PushPointIntoAreaNum( move.toAreaNum, pos ); areaNum = PointReachableAreaNum( physicsObj.GetOrigin() ); if ( !PathToGoal( path, areaNum, physicsObj.GetOrigin(), move.toAreaNum, pos ) ) { AI_DEST_UNREACHABLE = true; return false; } } if ( !move.toAreaNum ) { // if only trying to update the entity position if ( move.moveCommand == MOVE_TO_ENTITY ) { if ( !aas ) { // keep the move destination up to date for wandering move.moveDest = pos; } return false; } if ( !NewWanderDir( pos ) ) { StopMove( MOVE_STATUS_DEST_UNREACHABLE ); AI_DEST_UNREACHABLE = true; return false; } } if ( ( move.moveCommand != MOVE_TO_ENTITY ) || ( move.goalEntity.GetEntity() != ent ) ) { move.startTime = gameLocal.time; move.goalEntity = ent; move.moveCommand = MOVE_TO_ENTITY; } move.moveDest = pos; move.goalEntityOrigin = ent->GetPhysics()->GetOrigin(); move.moveStatus = MOVE_STATUS_MOVING; move.speed = fly_speed; //rev 2020 disable moving //AI_MOVE_DONE = false; //AI_DEST_UNREACHABLE = false; //AI_FORWARD = true; if (disableMoving){ AI_MOVE_DONE = true; AI_DEST_UNREACHABLE = false; AI_FORWARD = false; } else { AI_MOVE_DONE = false; AI_DEST_UNREACHABLE = false; AI_FORWARD = true; } //rev 2020 end return true; } /* ===================== idAI::MoveOutOfRange ===================== */ bool idAI::MoveOutOfRange( idEntity *ent, float range ) { int areaNum; aasObstacle_t obstacle; aasGoal_t goal; idBounds bounds; idVec3 pos; if ( !aas || !ent ) { StopMove( MOVE_STATUS_DEST_UNREACHABLE ); AI_DEST_UNREACHABLE = true; return false; } const idVec3 &org = physicsObj.GetOrigin(); areaNum = PointReachableAreaNum( org ); // consider the entity the monster is getting close to as an obstacle obstacle.absBounds = ent->GetPhysics()->GetAbsBounds(); if ( ent == enemy.GetEntity() ) { pos = lastVisibleEnemyPos; } else { pos = ent->GetPhysics()->GetOrigin(); } idAASFindAreaOutOfRange findGoal( pos, range ); if ( !aas->FindNearestGoal( goal, areaNum, org, pos, travelFlags, &obstacle, 1, findGoal ) ) { StopMove( MOVE_STATUS_DEST_UNREACHABLE ); AI_DEST_UNREACHABLE = true; return false; } if ( ReachedPos( goal.origin, move.moveCommand ) ) { StopMove( MOVE_STATUS_DONE ); return true; } move.moveDest = goal.origin; move.toAreaNum = goal.areaNum; move.goalEntity = ent; move.moveCommand = MOVE_OUT_OF_RANGE; move.moveStatus = MOVE_STATUS_MOVING; move.range = range; move.speed = fly_speed; move.startTime = gameLocal.time; //rev 2020 disable moving //AI_MOVE_DONE = false; //AI_DEST_UNREACHABLE = false; //AI_FORWARD = true; if (disableMoving){ AI_MOVE_DONE = true; AI_DEST_UNREACHABLE = false; AI_FORWARD = false; } else { AI_MOVE_DONE = false; AI_DEST_UNREACHABLE = false; AI_FORWARD = true; } //rev 2020 end return true; } /* ===================== idAI::MoveToAttackPosition ===================== */ bool idAI::MoveToAttackPosition( idEntity *ent, int attack_anim ) { int areaNum; aasObstacle_t obstacle; aasGoal_t goal; idBounds bounds; idVec3 pos; if ( !aas || !ent ) { StopMove( MOVE_STATUS_DEST_UNREACHABLE ); AI_DEST_UNREACHABLE = true; return false; } const idVec3 &org = physicsObj.GetOrigin(); areaNum = PointReachableAreaNum( org ); // consider the entity the monster is getting close to as an obstacle obstacle.absBounds = ent->GetPhysics()->GetAbsBounds(); if ( ent == enemy.GetEntity() ) { pos = lastVisibleEnemyPos; } else { pos = ent->GetPhysics()->GetOrigin(); } idAASFindAttackPosition findGoal( this, physicsObj.GetGravityAxis(), ent, pos, missileLaunchOffset[ attack_anim ] ); if ( !aas->FindNearestGoal( goal, areaNum, org, pos, travelFlags, &obstacle, 1, findGoal ) ) { StopMove( MOVE_STATUS_DEST_UNREACHABLE ); AI_DEST_UNREACHABLE = true; return false; } move.moveDest = goal.origin; move.toAreaNum = goal.areaNum; move.goalEntity = ent; move.moveCommand = MOVE_TO_ATTACK_POSITION; move.moveStatus = MOVE_STATUS_MOVING; move.speed = fly_speed; move.startTime = gameLocal.time; move.anim = attack_anim; //rev 2020 disable moving //AI_MOVE_DONE = false; //AI_DEST_UNREACHABLE = false; //AI_FORWARD = true; if (disableMoving){ AI_MOVE_DONE = true; AI_DEST_UNREACHABLE = false; AI_FORWARD = false; } else { AI_MOVE_DONE = false; AI_DEST_UNREACHABLE = false; AI_FORWARD = true; } //rev 2020 end return true; } /* ===================== idAI::MoveToPosition ===================== */ bool idAI::MoveToPosition( const idVec3 &pos ) { idVec3 org; int areaNum; aasPath_t path; if ( ReachedPos( pos, move.moveCommand ) ) { StopMove( MOVE_STATUS_DONE ); return true; } org = pos; move.toAreaNum = 0; if ( aas ) { move.toAreaNum = PointReachableAreaNum( org ); aas->PushPointIntoAreaNum( move.toAreaNum, org ); areaNum = PointReachableAreaNum( physicsObj.GetOrigin() ); if ( !PathToGoal( path, areaNum, physicsObj.GetOrigin(), move.toAreaNum, org ) ) { StopMove( MOVE_STATUS_DEST_UNREACHABLE ); AI_DEST_UNREACHABLE = true; return false; } } if ( !move.toAreaNum && !NewWanderDir( org ) ) { StopMove( MOVE_STATUS_DEST_UNREACHABLE ); AI_DEST_UNREACHABLE = true; return false; } move.moveDest = org; move.goalEntity = NULL; move.moveCommand = MOVE_TO_POSITION; move.moveStatus = MOVE_STATUS_MOVING; move.startTime = gameLocal.time; move.speed = fly_speed; //rev 2020 disable moving //AI_MOVE_DONE = false; //AI_DEST_UNREACHABLE = false; //AI_FORWARD = true; if (disableMoving){ AI_MOVE_DONE = true; AI_DEST_UNREACHABLE = false; AI_FORWARD = false; } else { AI_MOVE_DONE = false; AI_DEST_UNREACHABLE = false; AI_FORWARD = true; } //rev 2020 end return true; } /* ===================== idAI::MoveToCover ===================== */ bool idAI::MoveToCover( idEntity *entity, const idVec3 &hideFromPos ) { int areaNum; aasObstacle_t obstacle; aasGoal_t hideGoal; idBounds bounds; if ( !aas || !entity ) { StopMove( MOVE_STATUS_DEST_UNREACHABLE ); AI_DEST_UNREACHABLE = true; return false; } const idVec3 &org = physicsObj.GetOrigin(); areaNum = PointReachableAreaNum( org ); // consider the entity the monster tries to hide from as an obstacle obstacle.absBounds = entity->GetPhysics()->GetAbsBounds(); idAASFindCover findCover( hideFromPos ); if ( !aas->FindNearestGoal( hideGoal, areaNum, org, hideFromPos, travelFlags, &obstacle, 1, findCover ) ) { StopMove( MOVE_STATUS_DEST_UNREACHABLE ); AI_DEST_UNREACHABLE = true; return false; } if ( ReachedPos( hideGoal.origin, move.moveCommand ) ) { StopMove( MOVE_STATUS_DONE ); return true; } move.moveDest = hideGoal.origin; move.toAreaNum = hideGoal.areaNum; move.goalEntity = entity; move.moveCommand = MOVE_TO_COVER; move.moveStatus = MOVE_STATUS_MOVING; move.startTime = gameLocal.time; move.speed = fly_speed; //rev 2020 disable moving //AI_MOVE_DONE = false; //AI_DEST_UNREACHABLE = false; //AI_FORWARD = true; if (disableMoving){ AI_MOVE_DONE = true; AI_DEST_UNREACHABLE = false; AI_FORWARD = false; } else { AI_MOVE_DONE = false; AI_DEST_UNREACHABLE = false; AI_FORWARD = true; } //rev 2020 end return true; } /* ===================== idAI::SlideToPosition ===================== */ bool idAI::SlideToPosition( const idVec3 &pos, float time ) { StopMove( MOVE_STATUS_DONE ); move.moveDest = pos; move.goalEntity = NULL; move.moveCommand = MOVE_SLIDE_TO_POSITION; move.moveStatus = MOVE_STATUS_MOVING; move.startTime = gameLocal.time; move.duration = idPhysics::SnapTimeToPhysicsFrame( SEC2MS( time ) ); AI_MOVE_DONE = false; AI_DEST_UNREACHABLE = false; AI_FORWARD = false; if ( move.duration > 0 ) { move.moveDir = ( pos - physicsObj.GetOrigin() ) / MS2SEC( move.duration ); if ( move.moveType != MOVETYPE_FLY ) { move.moveDir.z = 0.0f; } move.speed = move.moveDir.LengthFast(); } return true; } /* ===================== idAI::WanderAround ===================== */ bool idAI::WanderAround( void ) { StopMove( MOVE_STATUS_DONE ); move.moveDest = physicsObj.GetOrigin() + viewAxis[ 0 ] * physicsObj.GetGravityAxis() * 256.0f; //ivan start - lock the X position - don't try to wander around if( isXlocked ){ move.moveDest.x = fastXpos; } //ivan end if ( !NewWanderDir( move.moveDest ) ) { StopMove( MOVE_STATUS_DEST_UNREACHABLE ); AI_DEST_UNREACHABLE = true; return false; } move.moveCommand = MOVE_WANDER; move.moveStatus = MOVE_STATUS_MOVING; move.startTime = gameLocal.time; move.speed = fly_speed; //rev 2020 disable moving //AI_MOVE_DONE = false; //AI_FORWARD = true; if (disableMoving){ AI_MOVE_DONE = true; AI_FORWARD = false; } else { AI_MOVE_DONE = false; AI_FORWARD = true; } //rev 2020 end return true; } /* ===================== idAI::MoveDone ===================== */ bool idAI::MoveDone( void ) const { return ( move.moveCommand == MOVE_NONE ); } /* ================ idAI::StepDirection ================ */ bool idAI::StepDirection( float dir ) { predictedPath_t path; idVec3 org; move.wanderYaw = dir; move.moveDir = idAngles( 0, move.wanderYaw, 0 ).ToForward(); org = physicsObj.GetOrigin(); idAI::PredictPath( this, aas, org, move.moveDir * 48.0f, 1000, 1000, ( move.moveType == MOVETYPE_FLY ) ? SE_BLOCKED : ( SE_ENTER_OBSTACLE | SE_BLOCKED | SE_ENTER_LEDGE_AREA ), path ); if ( path.blockingEntity && ( ( move.moveCommand == MOVE_TO_ENEMY ) || ( move.moveCommand == MOVE_TO_ENTITY ) ) && ( path.blockingEntity == move.goalEntity.GetEntity() ) ) { // don't report being blocked if we ran into our goal entity return true; } if ( ( move.moveType == MOVETYPE_FLY ) && ( path.endEvent == SE_BLOCKED ) ) { float z; move.moveDir = path.endVelocity * 1.0f / 48.0f; // trace down to the floor and see if we can go forward idAI::PredictPath( this, aas, org, idVec3( 0.0f, 0.0f, -1024.0f ), 1000, 1000, SE_BLOCKED, path ); idVec3 floorPos = path.endPos; idAI::PredictPath( this, aas, floorPos, move.moveDir * 48.0f, 1000, 1000, SE_BLOCKED, path ); if ( !path.endEvent ) { move.moveDir.z = -1.0f; return true; } // trace up to see if we can go over something and go forward idAI::PredictPath( this, aas, org, idVec3( 0.0f, 0.0f, 256.0f ), 1000, 1000, SE_BLOCKED, path ); idVec3 ceilingPos = path.endPos; for( z = org.z; z <= ceilingPos.z + 64.0f; z += 64.0f ) { idVec3 start; if ( z <= ceilingPos.z ) { start.x = org.x; start.y = org.y; start.z = z; } else { start = ceilingPos; } idAI::PredictPath( this, aas, start, move.moveDir * 48.0f, 1000, 1000, SE_BLOCKED, path ); if ( !path.endEvent ) { move.moveDir.z = 1.0f; return true; } } return false; } return ( path.endEvent == 0 ); } /* ================ idAI::NewWanderDir ================ */ bool idAI::NewWanderDir( const idVec3 &dest ) { float deltax, deltay; float d[ 3 ]; float tdir, olddir, turnaround; //ivan start if( isXlocked ){ //gameLocal.Printf("idAI::NewWanderDir : current_yaw %f \n", current_yaw); if(current_yaw > 0 && current_yaw < 180){ //case about 90 --> turn to -90 turnaround = idMath::AngleNormalize360( -90 ); }else{ //case about -90 --> turn to 90 turnaround = idMath::AngleNormalize360( 90 ); } }else{ //ivan end move.nextWanderTime = gameLocal.time + ( gameLocal.random.RandomFloat() * 500 + 500 ); olddir = idMath::AngleNormalize360( ( int )( current_yaw / 45 ) * 45 ); turnaround = idMath::AngleNormalize360( olddir - 180 ); idVec3 org = physicsObj.GetOrigin(); deltax = dest.x - org.x; deltay = dest.y - org.y; if ( deltax > 10 ) { d[ 1 ]= 0; } else if ( deltax < -10 ) { d[ 1 ] = 180; } else { d[ 1 ] = DI_NODIR; } if ( deltay < -10 ) { d[ 2 ] = 270; } else if ( deltay > 10 ) { d[ 2 ] = 90; } else { d[ 2 ] = DI_NODIR; } // try direct route if ( d[ 1 ] != DI_NODIR && d[ 2 ] != DI_NODIR ) { if ( d[ 1 ] == 0 ) { tdir = d[ 2 ] == 90 ? 45 : 315; } else { tdir = d[ 2 ] == 90 ? 135 : 215; } if ( tdir != turnaround && StepDirection( tdir ) ) { return true; } } // try other directions if ( ( gameLocal.random.RandomInt() & 1 ) || idMath::Fabs( deltay ) > idMath::Fabs( deltax ) ) { tdir = d[ 1 ]; d[ 1 ] = d[ 2 ]; d[ 2 ] = tdir; } if ( d[ 1 ] != DI_NODIR && d[ 1 ] != turnaround && StepDirection( d[1] ) ) { return true; } if ( d[ 2 ] != DI_NODIR && d[ 2 ] != turnaround && StepDirection( d[ 2 ] ) ) { return true; } // there is no direct path to the player, so pick another direction if ( olddir != DI_NODIR && StepDirection( olddir ) ) { return true; } // randomly determine direction of search if ( gameLocal.random.RandomInt() & 1 ) { for( tdir = 0; tdir <= 315; tdir += 45 ) { if ( tdir != turnaround && StepDirection( tdir ) ) { return true; } } } else { for ( tdir = 315; tdir >= 0; tdir -= 45 ) { if ( tdir != turnaround && StepDirection( tdir ) ) { return true; } } } } //ivan if ( turnaround != DI_NODIR && StepDirection( turnaround ) ) { //just try turnaround return true; } // can't move StopMove( MOVE_STATUS_DEST_UNREACHABLE ); return false; } /* ===================== idAI::GetMovePos ===================== */ bool idAI::GetMovePos( idVec3 &seekPos ) { int areaNum; aasPath_t path; bool result; idVec3 org; org = physicsObj.GetOrigin(); seekPos = org; switch( move.moveCommand ) { case MOVE_NONE : seekPos = move.moveDest; return false; break; case MOVE_FACE_ENEMY : case MOVE_FACE_ENTITY : seekPos = move.moveDest; return false; break; case MOVE_TO_POSITION_DIRECT : seekPos = move.moveDest; if ( ReachedPos( move.moveDest, move.moveCommand ) ) { StopMove( MOVE_STATUS_DONE ); } return false; break; case MOVE_SLIDE_TO_POSITION : seekPos = org; return false; break; } if ( move.moveCommand == MOVE_TO_ENTITY ) { MoveToEntity( move.goalEntity.GetEntity() ); } move.moveStatus = MOVE_STATUS_MOVING; result = false; if ( gameLocal.time > move.blockTime ) { if ( move.moveCommand == MOVE_WANDER ) { move.moveDest = org + viewAxis[ 0 ] * physicsObj.GetGravityAxis() * 256.0f; } else { if ( ReachedPos( move.moveDest, move.moveCommand ) ) { StopMove( MOVE_STATUS_DONE ); seekPos = org; return false; } } if ( aas && move.toAreaNum ) { areaNum = PointReachableAreaNum( org ); if ( PathToGoal( path, areaNum, org, move.toAreaNum, move.moveDest ) ) { seekPos = path.moveGoal; result = true; move.nextWanderTime = 0; } else { AI_DEST_UNREACHABLE = true; } } } if ( !result ) { // wander around if ( ( gameLocal.time > move.nextWanderTime ) || !StepDirection( move.wanderYaw ) ) { result = NewWanderDir( move.moveDest ); if ( !result ) { StopMove( MOVE_STATUS_DEST_UNREACHABLE ); AI_DEST_UNREACHABLE = true; seekPos = org; return false; } } else { result = true; } seekPos = org + move.moveDir * 2048.0f; if ( ai_debugMove.GetBool() ) { gameRenderWorld->DebugLine( colorYellow, org, seekPos, gameLocal.msec, true ); } } else { AI_DEST_UNREACHABLE = false; } if ( result && ( ai_debugMove.GetBool() ) ) { gameRenderWorld->DebugLine( colorCyan, physicsObj.GetOrigin(), seekPos ); } if( isXlocked ){ seekPos.x = fastXpos; //ivan - make sure goalPos.x = fastXpos just in case result == true. } return result; } /* ===================== idAI::EntityCanSeePos ===================== */ bool idAI::EntityCanSeePos( idActor *actor, const idVec3 &actorOrigin, const idVec3 &pos ) { idVec3 eye, point; trace_t results; pvsHandle_t handle; handle = gameLocal.pvs.SetupCurrentPVS( actor->GetPVSAreas(), actor->GetNumPVSAreas() ); if ( !gameLocal.pvs.InCurrentPVS( handle, GetPVSAreas(), GetNumPVSAreas() ) ) { gameLocal.pvs.FreeCurrentPVS( handle ); return false; } gameLocal.pvs.FreeCurrentPVS( handle ); eye = actorOrigin + actor->EyeOffset(); point = pos; point[2] += 1.0f; physicsObj.DisableClip(); gameLocal.clip.TracePoint( results, eye, point, MASK_SOLID, actor ); if ( results.fraction >= 1.0f || ( gameLocal.GetTraceEntity( results ) == this ) ) { physicsObj.EnableClip(); return true; } const idBounds &bounds = physicsObj.GetBounds(); point[2] += bounds[1][2] - bounds[0][2]; gameLocal.clip.TracePoint( results, eye, point, MASK_SOLID, actor ); physicsObj.EnableClip(); if ( results.fraction >= 1.0f || ( gameLocal.GetTraceEntity( results ) == this ) ) { return true; } return false; } /* ===================== idAI::BlockedFailSafe ===================== */ void idAI::BlockedFailSafe( void ) { if ( !ai_blockedFailSafe.GetBool() || blockedRadius < 0.0f ) { return; } if ( !physicsObj.OnGround() || enemy.GetEntity() == NULL || ( physicsObj.GetOrigin() - move.lastMoveOrigin ).LengthSqr() > Square( blockedRadius ) ) { move.lastMoveOrigin = physicsObj.GetOrigin(); move.lastMoveTime = gameLocal.time; } if ( move.lastMoveTime < gameLocal.time - blockedMoveTime ) { if ( lastAttackTime < gameLocal.time - blockedAttackTime ) { AI_BLOCKED = true; move.lastMoveTime = gameLocal.time; } } } /*********************************************************************** turning ***********************************************************************/ /* ===================== idAI::Turn ===================== */ void idAI::Turn( void ) { float diff; float diff2; float turnAmount; animFlags_t animflags; if ( !turnRate ) { return; } // check if the animator has marker this anim as non-turning if ( !legsAnim.Disabled() && !legsAnim.AnimDone( 0 ) ) { animflags = legsAnim.GetAnimFlags(); } else { animflags = torsoAnim.GetAnimFlags(); } if ( animflags.ai_no_turn ) { return; } if ( anim_turn_angles && animflags.anim_turn ) { idMat3 rotateAxis; // set the blend between no turn and full turn float frac = anim_turn_amount / anim_turn_angles; animator.CurrentAnim( ANIMCHANNEL_LEGS )->SetSyncedAnimWeight( 0, 1.0f - frac ); animator.CurrentAnim( ANIMCHANNEL_LEGS )->SetSyncedAnimWeight( 1, frac ); animator.CurrentAnim( ANIMCHANNEL_TORSO )->SetSyncedAnimWeight( 0, 1.0f - frac ); animator.CurrentAnim( ANIMCHANNEL_TORSO )->SetSyncedAnimWeight( 1, frac ); // get the total rotation from the start of the anim animator.GetDeltaRotation( 0, gameLocal.time, rotateAxis ); current_yaw = idMath::AngleNormalize180( anim_turn_yaw + rotateAxis[ 0 ].ToYaw() ); } else { diff = idMath::AngleNormalize180( ideal_yaw - current_yaw ); turnVel += AI_TURN_SCALE * diff * MS2SEC( gameLocal.msec ); if ( turnVel > turnRate ) { turnVel = turnRate; } else if ( turnVel < -turnRate ) { turnVel = -turnRate; } turnAmount = turnVel * MS2SEC( gameLocal.msec ); if ( ( diff >= 0.0f ) && ( turnAmount >= diff ) ) { turnVel = diff / MS2SEC( gameLocal.msec ); turnAmount = diff; } else if ( ( diff <= 0.0f ) && ( turnAmount <= diff ) ) { turnVel = diff / MS2SEC( gameLocal.msec ); turnAmount = diff; } current_yaw += turnAmount; current_yaw = idMath::AngleNormalize180( current_yaw ); diff2 = idMath::AngleNormalize180( ideal_yaw - current_yaw ); if ( idMath::Fabs( diff2 ) < 0.1f ) { current_yaw = ideal_yaw; } } viewAxis = idAngles( 0, current_yaw, 0 ).ToMat3(); if ( ai_debugMove.GetBool() ) { const idVec3 &org = physicsObj.GetOrigin(); gameRenderWorld->DebugLine( colorRed, org, org + idAngles( 0, ideal_yaw, 0 ).ToForward() * 64, gameLocal.msec ); gameRenderWorld->DebugLine( colorGreen, org, org + idAngles( 0, current_yaw, 0 ).ToForward() * 48, gameLocal.msec ); gameRenderWorld->DebugLine( colorYellow, org, org + idAngles( 0, current_yaw + turnVel, 0 ).ToForward() * 32, gameLocal.msec ); } } /* ===================== idAI::FacingIdeal ===================== */ bool idAI::FacingIdeal( void ) { float diff; if ( !turnRate ) { return true; } diff = idMath::AngleNormalize180( current_yaw - ideal_yaw ); if ( idMath::Fabs( diff ) < 0.01f ) { // force it to be exact current_yaw = ideal_yaw; return true; } return false; } /* ===================== idAI::TurnToward ===================== */ bool idAI::TurnToward( float yaw ) { ideal_yaw = idMath::AngleNormalize180( yaw ); bool result = FacingIdeal(); return result; } /* ===================== idAI::TurnToward ===================== */ bool idAI::TurnToward( const idVec3 &pos ) { idVec3 dir; idVec3 local_dir; float lengthSqr; dir = pos - physicsObj.GetOrigin(); physicsObj.GetGravityAxis().ProjectVector( dir, local_dir ); local_dir.z = 0.0f; lengthSqr = local_dir.LengthSqr(); if ( lengthSqr > Square( 2.0f ) || ( lengthSqr > Square( 0.1f ) && enemy.GetEntity() == NULL ) ) { ideal_yaw = idMath::AngleNormalize180( local_dir.ToYaw() ); } bool result = FacingIdeal(); return result; } /*********************************************************************** Movement ***********************************************************************/ /* ================ idAI::ApplyImpulse ================ */ void idAI::ApplyImpulse( idEntity *ent, int id, const idVec3 &point, const idVec3 &impulse ) { // FIXME: Jim take a look at this and see if this is a reasonable thing to do // instead of a spawnArg flag.. Sabaoth is the only slide monster ( and should be the only one for D3 ) // and we don't want him taking physics impulses as it can knock him off the path //ivan start if( noPush ) return; //ivan end if ( move.moveType != MOVETYPE_STATIC && move.moveType != MOVETYPE_SLIDE ) { idActor::ApplyImpulse( ent, id, point, impulse ); } } /* ===================== idAI::GetMoveDelta ===================== */ void idAI::GetMoveDelta( const idMat3 &oldaxis, const idMat3 &axis, idVec3 &delta ) { idVec3 oldModelOrigin; idVec3 modelOrigin; animator.GetDelta( gameLocal.time - gameLocal.msec, gameLocal.time, delta ); delta = axis * delta; if ( modelOffset != vec3_zero ) { // the pivot of the monster's model is around its origin, and not around the bounding // box's origin, so we have to compensate for this when the model is offset so that // the monster still appears to rotate around it's origin. oldModelOrigin = modelOffset * oldaxis; modelOrigin = modelOffset * axis; delta += oldModelOrigin - modelOrigin; } delta *= physicsObj.GetGravityAxis(); } /* ===================== idAI::CheckObstacleAvoidance ===================== */ void idAI::CheckObstacleAvoidance( const idVec3 &goalPos, idVec3 &newPos ) { idEntity *obstacle; obstaclePath_t path; idVec3 dir; float dist; bool foundPath; if ( ignore_obstacles ) { newPos = goalPos; move.obstacle = NULL; return; } const idVec3 &origin = physicsObj.GetOrigin(); obstacle = NULL; AI_OBSTACLE_IN_PATH = false; foundPath = FindPathAroundObstacles( &physicsObj, aas, enemy.GetEntity(), origin, goalPos, path ); if ( ai_showObstacleAvoidance.GetBool() ) { gameRenderWorld->DebugLine( colorBlue, goalPos + idVec3( 1.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f ), goalPos + idVec3( 1.0f, 1.0f, 64.0f ), gameLocal.msec ); gameRenderWorld->DebugLine( foundPath ? colorYellow : colorRed, path.seekPos, path.seekPos + idVec3( 0.0f, 0.0f, 64.0f ), gameLocal.msec ); } if ( !foundPath ) { // couldn't get around obstacles if ( path.firstObstacle ) { AI_OBSTACLE_IN_PATH = true; if ( physicsObj.GetAbsBounds().Expand( 2.0f ).IntersectsBounds( path.firstObstacle->GetPhysics()->GetAbsBounds() ) ) { obstacle = path.firstObstacle; } } else if ( path.startPosObstacle ) { AI_OBSTACLE_IN_PATH = true; if ( physicsObj.GetAbsBounds().Expand( 2.0f ).IntersectsBounds( path.startPosObstacle->GetPhysics()->GetAbsBounds() ) ) { obstacle = path.startPosObstacle; } } else { // Blocked by wall move.moveStatus = MOVE_STATUS_BLOCKED_BY_WALL; } #if 0 } else if ( path.startPosObstacle ) { // check if we're past where the our origin was pushed out of the obstacle dir = goalPos - origin; dir.Normalize(); dist = ( path.seekPos - origin ) * dir; if ( dist < 1.0f ) { AI_OBSTACLE_IN_PATH = true; obstacle = path.startPosObstacle; } #endif } else if ( path.seekPosObstacle ) { // if the AI is very close to the path.seekPos already and path.seekPosObstacle != NULL // then we want to push the path.seekPosObstacle entity out of the way AI_OBSTACLE_IN_PATH = true; // check if we're past where the goalPos was pushed out of the obstacle dir = goalPos - origin; dir.Normalize(); dist = ( path.seekPos - origin ) * dir; if ( dist < 1.0f ) { obstacle = path.seekPosObstacle; } } // if we had an obstacle, set our move status based on the type, and kick it out of the way if it's a moveable if ( obstacle ) { if ( obstacle->IsType( idActor::Type ) ) { // monsters aren't kickable if ( obstacle == enemy.GetEntity() ) { move.moveStatus = MOVE_STATUS_BLOCKED_BY_ENEMY; } else { move.moveStatus = MOVE_STATUS_BLOCKED_BY_MONSTER; } } else { // try kicking the object out of the way move.moveStatus = MOVE_STATUS_BLOCKED_BY_OBJECT; } newPos = obstacle->GetPhysics()->GetOrigin(); //newPos = path.seekPos; move.obstacle = obstacle; } else { newPos = path.seekPos; move.obstacle = NULL; } } /* ===================== idAI::DeadMove ===================== */ void idAI::DeadMove( void ) { idVec3 delta; GetMoveDelta( viewAxis, viewAxis, delta ); physicsObj.SetDelta( delta ); RunPhysicsWrapper(); //ivan - was: RunPhysics(); AI_ONGROUND = physicsObj.OnGround(); } /* ===================== idAI::AnimMove ===================== */ void idAI::AnimMove( void ) { idVec3 goalPos; idVec3 delta; idVec3 goalDelta; float goalDist; idVec3 newDest; idVec3 oldorigin = physicsObj.GetOrigin(); idMat3 oldaxis = viewAxis; AI_BLOCKED = false; if ( move.moveCommand < NUM_NONMOVING_COMMANDS ){ move.lastMoveOrigin.Zero(); move.lastMoveTime = gameLocal.time; } move.obstacle = NULL; if ( ( move.moveCommand == MOVE_FACE_ENEMY ) && enemy.GetEntity() ) { TurnToward( lastVisibleEnemyPos ); goalPos = oldorigin; } else if ( ( move.moveCommand == MOVE_FACE_ENTITY ) && move.goalEntity.GetEntity() ) { TurnToward( move.goalEntity.GetEntity()->GetPhysics()->GetOrigin() ); goalPos = oldorigin; } else if ( GetMovePos( goalPos ) ) { if ( move.moveCommand != MOVE_WANDER ) { CheckObstacleAvoidance( goalPos, newDest ); TurnToward( newDest ); } else { TurnToward( goalPos ); } } Turn(); //ivan start if( AI_INHIBIT_MOVE ){ delta.Zero(); }else //ivan end if ( move.moveCommand == MOVE_SLIDE_TO_POSITION ) { if ( gameLocal.time < move.startTime + move.duration ) { goalPos = move.moveDest - move.moveDir * MS2SEC( move.startTime + move.duration - gameLocal.time ); delta = goalPos - oldorigin; delta.z = 0.0f; } else { delta = move.moveDest - oldorigin; delta.z = 0.0f; StopMove( MOVE_STATUS_DONE ); } } else if ( allowMove ) { GetMoveDelta( oldaxis, viewAxis, delta ); } else { delta.Zero(); } if ( move.moveCommand == MOVE_TO_POSITION ) { goalDelta = move.moveDest - oldorigin; goalDist = goalDelta.LengthFast(); if ( goalDist < delta.LengthFast() ) { delta = goalDelta; } } physicsObj.UseFlyMove( false ); //ivan - from D3XP physicsObj.SetDelta( delta ); physicsObj.ForceDeltaMove( disableGravity ); RunPhysicsWrapper(); //ivan - was: RunPhysics(); if ( ai_debugMove.GetBool() ) { gameRenderWorld->DebugLine( colorCyan, oldorigin, physicsObj.GetOrigin(), 5000 ); } if ( !af_push_moveables && attack.Length() && TestMelee() ) { DirectDamage( attack, enemy.GetEntity() ); } else { idEntity *blockEnt = physicsObj.GetSlideMoveEntity(); if ( blockEnt && blockEnt->IsType( idMoveable::Type ) && blockEnt->GetPhysics()->IsPushable() ) { KickObstacles( viewAxis[ 0 ], kickForce, blockEnt ); } } BlockedFailSafe(); AI_ONGROUND = physicsObj.OnGround(); idVec3 org = physicsObj.GetOrigin(); if ( oldorigin != org ) { TouchTriggers(); } if ( ai_debugMove.GetBool() ) { gameRenderWorld->DebugBounds( colorMagenta, physicsObj.GetBounds(), org, gameLocal.msec ); gameRenderWorld->DebugBounds( colorMagenta, physicsObj.GetBounds(), move.moveDest, gameLocal.msec ); gameRenderWorld->DebugLine( colorYellow, org + EyeOffset(), org + EyeOffset() + viewAxis[ 0 ] * physicsObj.GetGravityAxis() * 16.0f, gameLocal.msec, true ); DrawRoute(); } } /* ===================== Seek ===================== */ idVec3 Seek( idVec3 &vel, const idVec3 &org, const idVec3 &goal, float prediction ) { idVec3 predictedPos; idVec3 goalDelta; idVec3 seekVel; // predict our position predictedPos = org + vel * prediction; goalDelta = goal - predictedPos; seekVel = goalDelta * MS2SEC( gameLocal.msec ); return seekVel; } /* ===================== idAI::SlideMove ===================== */ void idAI::SlideMove( void ) { idVec3 goalPos; idVec3 delta; idVec3 goalDelta; float goalDist; idVec3 newDest; idVec3 oldorigin = physicsObj.GetOrigin(); AI_BLOCKED = false; if ( move.moveCommand < NUM_NONMOVING_COMMANDS ){ move.lastMoveOrigin.Zero(); move.lastMoveTime = gameLocal.time; } move.obstacle = NULL; if ( ( move.moveCommand == MOVE_FACE_ENEMY ) && enemy.GetEntity() ) { TurnToward( lastVisibleEnemyPos ); goalPos = move.moveDest; } else if ( ( move.moveCommand == MOVE_FACE_ENTITY ) && move.goalEntity.GetEntity() ) { TurnToward( move.goalEntity.GetEntity()->GetPhysics()->GetOrigin() ); goalPos = move.moveDest; } else if ( GetMovePos( goalPos ) ) { CheckObstacleAvoidance( goalPos, newDest ); TurnToward( newDest ); goalPos = newDest; } if ( move.moveCommand == MOVE_SLIDE_TO_POSITION ) { if ( gameLocal.time < move.startTime + move.duration ) { goalPos = move.moveDest - move.moveDir * MS2SEC( move.startTime + move.duration - gameLocal.time ); } else { goalPos = move.moveDest; StopMove( MOVE_STATUS_DONE ); } } if ( move.moveCommand == MOVE_TO_POSITION ) { goalDelta = move.moveDest - oldorigin; goalDist = goalDelta.LengthFast(); if ( goalDist < delta.LengthFast() ) { delta = goalDelta; } } idVec3 vel = physicsObj.GetLinearVelocity(); float z = vel.z; idVec3 predictedPos = oldorigin + vel * AI_SEEK_PREDICTION; // seek the goal position goalDelta = goalPos - predictedPos; vel -= vel * AI_FLY_DAMPENING * MS2SEC( gameLocal.msec ); vel += goalDelta * MS2SEC( gameLocal.msec ); // cap our speed vel.Truncate( fly_speed ); vel.z = z; physicsObj.SetLinearVelocity( vel ); physicsObj.UseVelocityMove( true ); RunPhysicsWrapper(); //ivan - was: RunPhysics(); if ( ( move.moveCommand == MOVE_FACE_ENEMY ) && enemy.GetEntity() ) { TurnToward( lastVisibleEnemyPos ); } else if ( ( move.moveCommand == MOVE_FACE_ENTITY ) && move.goalEntity.GetEntity() ) { TurnToward( move.goalEntity.GetEntity()->GetPhysics()->GetOrigin() ); } else if ( move.moveCommand != MOVE_NONE ) { if ( vel.ToVec2().LengthSqr() > 0.1f ) { TurnToward( vel.ToYaw() ); } } Turn(); if ( ai_debugMove.GetBool() ) { gameRenderWorld->DebugLine( colorCyan, oldorigin, physicsObj.GetOrigin(), 5000 ); } if ( !af_push_moveables && attack.Length() && TestMelee() ) { DirectDamage( attack, enemy.GetEntity() ); } else { idEntity *blockEnt = physicsObj.GetSlideMoveEntity(); if ( blockEnt && blockEnt->IsType( idMoveable::Type ) && blockEnt->GetPhysics()->IsPushable() ) { KickObstacles( viewAxis[ 0 ], kickForce, blockEnt ); } } BlockedFailSafe(); AI_ONGROUND = physicsObj.OnGround(); idVec3 org = physicsObj.GetOrigin(); if ( oldorigin != org ) { TouchTriggers(); } if ( ai_debugMove.GetBool() ) { gameRenderWorld->DebugBounds( colorMagenta, physicsObj.GetBounds(), org, gameLocal.msec ); gameRenderWorld->DebugBounds( colorMagenta, physicsObj.GetBounds(), move.moveDest, gameLocal.msec ); gameRenderWorld->DebugLine( colorYellow, org + EyeOffset(), org + EyeOffset() + viewAxis[ 0 ] * physicsObj.GetGravityAxis() * 16.0f, gameLocal.msec, true ); DrawRoute(); } } /* ===================== idAI::AdjustFlyingAngles ===================== */ void idAI::AdjustFlyingAngles( void ) { idVec3 vel; float speed; float roll; float pitch; vel = physicsObj.GetLinearVelocity(); speed = vel.Length(); if ( speed < 5.0f ) { roll = 0.0f; pitch = 0.0f; } else { roll = vel * viewAxis[ 1 ] * -fly_roll_scale / fly_speed; if ( roll > fly_roll_max ) { roll = fly_roll_max; } else if ( roll < -fly_roll_max ) { roll = -fly_roll_max; } pitch = vel * viewAxis[ 2 ] * -fly_pitch_scale / fly_speed; if ( pitch > fly_pitch_max ) { pitch = fly_pitch_max; } else if ( pitch < -fly_pitch_max ) { pitch = -fly_pitch_max; } } fly_roll = fly_roll * 0.95f + roll * 0.05f; fly_pitch = fly_pitch * 0.95f + pitch * 0.05f; if ( flyTiltJoint != INVALID_JOINT ) { animator.SetJointAxis( flyTiltJoint, JOINTMOD_WORLD, idAngles( fly_pitch, 0.0f, fly_roll ).ToMat3() ); } else { viewAxis = idAngles( fly_pitch, current_yaw, fly_roll ).ToMat3(); } } /* ===================== idAI::AddFlyBob ===================== */ void idAI::AddFlyBob( idVec3 &vel ) { idVec3 fly_bob_add; float t; if ( fly_bob_strength ) { t = MS2SEC( gameLocal.time + entityNumber * 497 ); fly_bob_add = ( viewAxis[ 1 ] * idMath::Sin16( t * fly_bob_horz ) + viewAxis[ 2 ] * idMath::Sin16( t * fly_bob_vert ) ) * fly_bob_strength; vel += fly_bob_add * MS2SEC( gameLocal.msec ); if ( ai_debugMove.GetBool() ) { const idVec3 &origin = physicsObj.GetOrigin(); gameRenderWorld->DebugArrow( colorOrange, origin, origin + fly_bob_add, 0 ); } } } /* ===================== idAI::AdjustFlyHeight ===================== */ void idAI::AdjustFlyHeight( idVec3 &vel, const idVec3 &goalPos ) { const idVec3 &origin = physicsObj.GetOrigin(); predictedPath_t path; idVec3 end; idVec3 dest; trace_t trace; idActor *enemyEnt; bool goLower; // make sure we're not flying too high to get through doors goLower = false; if ( origin.z > goalPos.z ) { dest = goalPos; dest.z = origin.z + 128.0f; idAI::PredictPath( this, aas, goalPos, dest - origin, 1000, 1000, SE_BLOCKED, path ); if ( path.endPos.z < origin.z ) { idVec3 addVel = Seek( vel, origin, path.endPos, AI_SEEK_PREDICTION ); vel.z += addVel.z; goLower = true; } if ( ai_debugMove.GetBool() ) { gameRenderWorld->DebugBounds( goLower ? colorRed : colorGreen, physicsObj.GetBounds(), path.endPos, gameLocal.msec ); } } if ( !goLower ) { // make sure we don't fly too low end = origin; enemyEnt = enemy.GetEntity(); if ( enemyEnt ) { end.z = lastVisibleEnemyPos.z + lastVisibleEnemyEyeOffset.z + fly_offset; } else { // just use the default eye height for the player end.z = goalPos.z + DEFAULT_FLY_OFFSET + fly_offset; } gameLocal.clip.Translation( trace, origin, end, physicsObj.GetClipModel(), mat3_identity, MASK_MONSTERSOLID, this ); vel += Seek( vel, origin, trace.endpos, AI_SEEK_PREDICTION ); } } /* ===================== idAI::FlySeekGoal ===================== */ void idAI::FlySeekGoal( idVec3 &vel, idVec3 &goalPos ) { idVec3 seekVel; // seek the goal position seekVel = Seek( vel, physicsObj.GetOrigin(), goalPos, AI_SEEK_PREDICTION ); seekVel *= fly_seek_scale; vel += seekVel; } /* ===================== idAI::AdjustFlySpeed ===================== */ void idAI::AdjustFlySpeed( idVec3 &vel ) { float speed; // apply dampening vel -= vel * AI_FLY_DAMPENING * MS2SEC( gameLocal.msec ); // gradually speed up/slow down to desired speed speed = vel.Normalize(); speed += ( move.speed - speed ) * MS2SEC( gameLocal.msec ); if ( speed < 0.0f ) { speed = 0.0f; } else if ( move.speed && ( speed > move.speed ) ) { speed = move.speed; } vel *= speed; } /* ===================== idAI::FlyTurn ===================== */ void idAI::FlyTurn( void ) { if ( move.moveCommand == MOVE_FACE_ENEMY ) { TurnToward( lastVisibleEnemyPos ); } else if ( ( move.moveCommand == MOVE_FACE_ENTITY ) && move.goalEntity.GetEntity() ) { TurnToward( move.goalEntity.GetEntity()->GetPhysics()->GetOrigin() ); } else if ( move.speed > 0.0f ) { const idVec3 &vel = physicsObj.GetLinearVelocity(); if ( vel.ToVec2().LengthSqr() > 0.1f ) { TurnToward( vel.ToYaw() ); } } Turn(); } /* ===================== idAI::FlyMove ===================== */ void idAI::FlyMove( void ) { idVec3 goalPos; idVec3 oldorigin; idVec3 newDest; AI_BLOCKED = false; if ( ( move.moveCommand != MOVE_NONE ) && ReachedPos( move.moveDest, move.moveCommand ) ) { StopMove( MOVE_STATUS_DONE ); } if ( ai_debugMove.GetBool() ) { gameLocal.Printf( "%d: %s: %s, vel = %.2f, sp = %.2f, maxsp = %.2f\n", gameLocal.time, name.c_str(), moveCommandString[ move.moveCommand ], physicsObj.GetLinearVelocity().Length(), move.speed, fly_speed ); } if ( move.moveCommand != MOVE_TO_POSITION_DIRECT ) { idVec3 vel = physicsObj.GetLinearVelocity(); if ( GetMovePos( goalPos ) ) { CheckObstacleAvoidance( goalPos, newDest ); goalPos = newDest; } if ( move.speed ) { FlySeekGoal( vel, goalPos ); } // add in bobbing AddFlyBob( vel ); if ( enemy.GetEntity() && ( move.moveCommand != MOVE_TO_POSITION ) ) { AdjustFlyHeight( vel, goalPos ); } AdjustFlySpeed( vel ); physicsObj.SetLinearVelocity( vel ); } // turn FlyTurn(); // run the physics for this frame oldorigin = physicsObj.GetOrigin(); physicsObj.UseFlyMove( true ); physicsObj.UseVelocityMove( false ); physicsObj.SetDelta( vec3_zero ); physicsObj.ForceDeltaMove( disableGravity ); RunPhysicsWrapper(); //ivan - was: RunPhysics(); monsterMoveResult_t moveResult = physicsObj.GetMoveResult(); if ( !af_push_moveables && attack.Length() && TestMelee() ) { DirectDamage( attack, enemy.GetEntity() ); } else { idEntity *blockEnt = physicsObj.GetSlideMoveEntity(); if ( blockEnt && blockEnt->IsType( idMoveable::Type ) && blockEnt->GetPhysics()->IsPushable() ) { KickObstacles( viewAxis[ 0 ], kickForce, blockEnt ); } else if ( moveResult == MM_BLOCKED ) { move.blockTime = gameLocal.time + 500; AI_BLOCKED = true; } } idVec3 org = physicsObj.GetOrigin(); if ( oldorigin != org ) { TouchTriggers(); } if ( ai_debugMove.GetBool() ) { gameRenderWorld->DebugLine( colorCyan, oldorigin, physicsObj.GetOrigin(), 4000 ); gameRenderWorld->DebugBounds( colorOrange, physicsObj.GetBounds(), org, gameLocal.msec ); gameRenderWorld->DebugBounds( colorMagenta, physicsObj.GetBounds(), move.moveDest, gameLocal.msec ); gameRenderWorld->DebugLine( colorRed, org, org + physicsObj.GetLinearVelocity(), gameLocal.msec, true ); gameRenderWorld->DebugLine( colorBlue, org, goalPos, gameLocal.msec, true ); gameRenderWorld->DebugLine( colorYellow, org + EyeOffset(), org + EyeOffset() + viewAxis[ 0 ] * physicsObj.GetGravityAxis() * 16.0f, gameLocal.msec, true ); DrawRoute(); } } /* ===================== idAI::StaticMove ===================== */ void idAI::StaticMove( void ) { idActor *enemyEnt = enemy.GetEntity(); if ( AI_DEAD ) { return; } if ( ( move.moveCommand == MOVE_FACE_ENEMY ) && enemyEnt ) { TurnToward( lastVisibleEnemyPos ); } else if ( ( move.moveCommand == MOVE_FACE_ENTITY ) && move.goalEntity.GetEntity() ) { TurnToward( move.goalEntity.GetEntity()->GetPhysics()->GetOrigin() ); } else if ( move.moveCommand != MOVE_NONE ) { TurnToward( move.moveDest ); } Turn(); physicsObj.ForceDeltaMove( true ); // disable gravity RunPhysicsWrapper(); //ivan - was: RunPhysics(); AI_ONGROUND = false; if ( !af_push_moveables && attack.Length() && TestMelee() ) { DirectDamage( attack, enemyEnt ); } if ( ai_debugMove.GetBool() ) { const idVec3 &org = physicsObj.GetOrigin(); gameRenderWorld->DebugBounds( colorMagenta, physicsObj.GetBounds(), org, gameLocal.msec ); gameRenderWorld->DebugLine( colorBlue, org, move.moveDest, gameLocal.msec, true ); gameRenderWorld->DebugLine( colorYellow, org + EyeOffset(), org + EyeOffset() + viewAxis[ 0 ] * physicsObj.GetGravityAxis() * 16.0f, gameLocal.msec, true ); } } /*********************************************************************** Damage ***********************************************************************/ /* ===================== idAI::ReactionTo ===================== */ int idAI::ReactionTo( const idEntity *ent ) { if ( ent->fl.hidden ) { // ignore hidden entities return ATTACK_IGNORE; } if ( !ent->IsType( idActor::Type ) ) { return ATTACK_IGNORE; } const idActor *actor = static_cast( ent ); if ( actor->IsType( idPlayer::Type ) && static_cast(actor)->noclip ) { // ignore players in noclip mode return ATTACK_IGNORE; } // actors on different teams will always fight each other if ( actor->team != team ) { if ( actor->fl.notarget ) { // don't attack on sight when attacker is notargeted return ATTACK_ON_DAMAGE | ATTACK_ON_ACTIVATE; } return ATTACK_ON_SIGHT | ATTACK_ON_DAMAGE | ATTACK_ON_ACTIVATE; } // monsters will fight when attacked by lower ranked monsters. rank 0 never fights back. if ( rank && ( actor->rank < rank ) ) { return ATTACK_ON_DAMAGE; } // don't fight back return ATTACK_IGNORE; } /* ===================== idAI::Pain ===================== */ bool idAI::Pain( idEntity *inflictor, idEntity *attacker, int damage, const idVec3 &dir, int location ) { idActor *actor; AI_PAIN = idActor::Pain( inflictor, attacker, damage, dir, location ); AI_DAMAGE = true; // force a blink blink_time = 0; // ignore damage from self if ( attacker != this ) { if ( inflictor ) { AI_SPECIAL_DAMAGE = inflictor->spawnArgs.GetInt( "special_damage" ); } else { AI_SPECIAL_DAMAGE = 0; } if ( enemy.GetEntity() != attacker && attacker->IsType( idActor::Type ) ) { actor = ( idActor * )attacker; if ( ReactionTo( actor ) & ATTACK_ON_DAMAGE ) { gameLocal.AlertAI( actor ); SetEnemy( actor ); } } } return ( AI_PAIN != 0 ); } /* ===================== idAI::SpawnParticles ===================== */ void idAI::SpawnParticles( const char *keyName ) { const idKeyValue *kv = spawnArgs.MatchPrefix( keyName, NULL ); while ( kv ) { particleEmitter_t pe; idStr particleName = kv->GetValue(); if ( particleName.Length() ) { idStr jointName = kv->GetValue(); int dash = jointName.Find('-'); if ( dash > 0 ) { particleName = particleName.Left( dash ); jointName = jointName.Right( jointName.Length() - dash - 1 ); } SpawnParticlesOnJoint( pe, particleName, jointName ); particles.Append( pe ); } kv = spawnArgs.MatchPrefix( keyName, kv ); } } /* ===================== idAI::SpawnParticlesOnJoint ===================== */ const idDeclParticle *idAI::SpawnParticlesOnJoint( particleEmitter_t &pe, const char *particleName, const char *jointName ) { idVec3 origin; idMat3 axis; if ( *particleName == '\0' ) { memset( &pe, 0, sizeof( pe ) ); return pe.particle; } pe.joint = animator.GetJointHandle( jointName ); if ( pe.joint == INVALID_JOINT ) { gameLocal.Warning( "Unknown particleJoint '%s' on '%s'", jointName, name.c_str() ); pe.time = 0; pe.particle = NULL; } else { animator.GetJointTransform( pe.joint, gameLocal.time, origin, axis ); origin = renderEntity.origin + origin * renderEntity.axis; BecomeActive( TH_UPDATEPARTICLES ); if ( !gameLocal.time ) { // particles with time of 0 don't show, so set the time differently on the first frame pe.time = 1; } else { pe.time = gameLocal.time; } pe.particle = static_cast( declManager->FindType( DECL_PARTICLE, particleName ) ); gameLocal.smokeParticles->EmitSmoke( pe.particle, pe.time, gameLocal.random.CRandomFloat(), origin, axis ); } return pe.particle; } /* ===================== idAI::Killed ===================== */ void idAI::Killed( idEntity *inflictor, idEntity *attacker, int damage, const idVec3 &dir, int location ) { idAngles ang; const char *modelDeath; // make sure the monster is activated EndAttack(); if ( g_debugDamage.GetBool() ) { gameLocal.Printf( "Damage: joint: '%s', zone '%s'\n", animator.GetJointName( ( jointHandle_t )location ), GetDamageGroup( location ) ); } if ( inflictor ) { AI_SPECIAL_DAMAGE = inflictor->spawnArgs.GetInt( "special_damage" ); } else { AI_SPECIAL_DAMAGE = 0; } if ( AI_DEAD ) { AI_PAIN = true; AI_DAMAGE = true; return; } // stop all voice sounds StopSound( SND_CHANNEL_VOICE, false ); if ( head.GetEntity() ) { head.GetEntity()->StopSound( SND_CHANNEL_VOICE, false ); head.GetEntity()->GetAnimator()->ClearAllAnims( gameLocal.time, 100 ); } disableGravity = false; move.moveType = MOVETYPE_DEAD; af_push_moveables = false; physicsObj.UseFlyMove( false ); physicsObj.ForceDeltaMove( false ); // end our looping ambient sound StopSound( SND_CHANNEL_AMBIENT, false ); if ( attacker && attacker->IsType( idActor::Type ) ) { gameLocal.AlertAI( ( idActor * )attacker ); } // activate targets ActivateTargets( attacker ); RemoveAttachments(); RemoveProjectile(); StopMove( MOVE_STATUS_DONE ); ClearEnemy(); AI_DEAD = true; // make monster nonsolid physicsObj.SetContents( 0 ); physicsObj.GetClipModel()->Unlink(); //rev 2021 bullets pass through corpses because it causes a bottleneck in 2d gameplay. dead bodies block bullets! combatModel->SetContents( 0 ); Unbind(); if ( StartRagdoll() ) { StartSound( "snd_death", SND_CHANNEL_VOICE, 0, false, NULL ); } if ( spawnArgs.GetString( "model_death", "", &modelDeath ) ) { // lost soul is only case that does not use a ragdoll and has a model_death so get the death sound in here StartSound( "snd_death", SND_CHANNEL_VOICE, 0, false, NULL ); renderEntity.shaderParms[ SHADERPARM_TIMEOFFSET ] = -MS2SEC( gameLocal.time ); SetModel( modelDeath ); physicsObj.SetLinearVelocity( vec3_zero ); physicsObj.PutToRest(); physicsObj.DisableImpact(); } restartParticles = false; state = GetScriptFunction( "state_Killed" ); SetState( state ); SetWaitState( "" ); const idKeyValue *kv = spawnArgs.MatchPrefix( "def_drops", NULL ); while( kv ) { idDict args; args.Set( "classname", kv->GetValue() ); args.Set( "origin", physicsObj.GetOrigin().ToString() ); gameLocal.SpawnEntityDef( args ); kv = spawnArgs.MatchPrefix( "def_drops", kv ); } if ( attacker && attacker->IsType( idPlayer::Type ) ) { idPlayer *player = static_cast< idPlayer* >( attacker ); if( inflictor && !inflictor->IsType( idSoulCubeMissile::Type ) ){ player->AddAIKill(); } //ivan start - add score only if player is the killer player->AddScore( spawnArgs.GetInt( "score", "0" ) ); //ivan end } //ivan start - upd the global counter regardless who is the killer if( !spawnArgs.GetBool( "noStats", "0" ) && ( spawnArgs.GetInt( "team", "1") != 0 ) ){ gameLocal.enemies_killed_counter++; } //ivan end } /*********************************************************************** Targeting/Combat ***********************************************************************/ /* ===================== idAI::PlayCinematic ===================== */ void idAI::PlayCinematic( void ) { const char *animname; if ( current_cinematic >= num_cinematics ) { if ( g_debugCinematic.GetBool() ) { gameLocal.Printf( "%d: '%s' stop\n", gameLocal.framenum, GetName() ); } if ( !spawnArgs.GetBool( "cinematic_no_hide" ) ) { Hide(); } current_cinematic = 0; ActivateTargets( gameLocal.GetLocalPlayer() ); fl.neverDormant = false; return; } Show(); current_cinematic++; allowJointMod = false; allowEyeFocus = false; spawnArgs.GetString( va( "anim%d", current_cinematic ), NULL, &animname ); if ( !animname ) { gameLocal.Warning( "missing 'anim%d' key on %s", current_cinematic, name.c_str() ); return; } if ( g_debugCinematic.GetBool() ) { gameLocal.Printf( "%d: '%s' start '%s'\n", gameLocal.framenum, GetName(), animname ); } headAnim.animBlendFrames = 0; headAnim.lastAnimBlendFrames = 0; headAnim.BecomeIdle(); legsAnim.animBlendFrames = 0; legsAnim.lastAnimBlendFrames = 0; legsAnim.BecomeIdle(); torsoAnim.animBlendFrames = 0; torsoAnim.lastAnimBlendFrames = 0; ProcessEvent( &AI_PlayAnim, ANIMCHANNEL_TORSO, animname ); // make sure our model gets updated animator.ForceUpdate(); // update the anim bounds UpdateAnimation(); UpdateVisuals(); Present(); if ( head.GetEntity() ) { // since the body anim was updated, we need to run physics to update the position of the head RunPhysics(); // make sure our model gets updated head.GetEntity()->GetAnimator()->ForceUpdate(); // update the anim bounds head.GetEntity()->UpdateAnimation(); head.GetEntity()->UpdateVisuals(); head.GetEntity()->Present(); } fl.neverDormant = true; } /* ===================== idAI::Activate Notifies the script that a monster has been activated by a trigger or flashlight ===================== */ void idAI::Activate( idEntity *activator ) { idPlayer *player; if ( AI_DEAD ) { // ignore it when they're dead return; } // make sure he's not dormant dormantStart = 0; if ( num_cinematics ) { PlayCinematic(); } else { AI_ACTIVATED = true; if ( !activator || !activator->IsType( idPlayer::Type ) ) { player = gameLocal.GetLocalPlayer(); } else { player = static_cast( activator ); } if ( ReactionTo( player ) & ATTACK_ON_ACTIVATE ) { SetEnemy( player ); } // update the script in cinematics so that entities don't start anims or show themselves a frame late. if ( cinematic ) { UpdateAIScript(); // make sure our model gets updated animator.ForceUpdate(); // update the anim bounds UpdateAnimation(); UpdateVisuals(); Present(); if ( head.GetEntity() ) { // since the body anim was updated, we need to run physics to update the position of the head RunPhysics(); // make sure our model gets updated head.GetEntity()->GetAnimator()->ForceUpdate(); // update the anim bounds head.GetEntity()->UpdateAnimation(); head.GetEntity()->UpdateVisuals(); head.GetEntity()->Present(); } } } } /* ===================== idAI::EnemyDead ===================== */ void idAI::EnemyDead( void ) { ClearEnemy(); AI_ENEMY_DEAD = true; } /* ===================== idAI::TalkTo ===================== */ void idAI::TalkTo( idActor *actor ) { if ( talk_state != TALK_OK ) { return; } talkTarget = actor; if ( actor ) { AI_TALK = true; } else { AI_TALK = false; } } /* ===================== idAI::GetEnemy ===================== */ idActor *idAI::GetEnemy( void ) const { return enemy.GetEntity(); } /* ===================== idAI::GetTalkState ===================== */ talkState_t idAI::GetTalkState( void ) const { if ( ( talk_state != TALK_NEVER ) && AI_DEAD ) { return TALK_DEAD; } if ( IsHidden() ) { return TALK_NEVER; } return talk_state; } /* ===================== idAI::TouchedByFlashlight ===================== */ void idAI::TouchedByFlashlight( idActor *flashlight_owner ) { if ( wakeOnFlashlight ) { Activate( flashlight_owner ); } } /* ===================== idAI::ClearEnemy ===================== */ void idAI::ClearEnemy( void ) { if ( move.moveCommand == MOVE_TO_ENEMY ) { StopMove( MOVE_STATUS_DEST_NOT_FOUND ); } enemyNode.Remove(); enemy = NULL; AI_ENEMY_IN_FOV = false; AI_ENEMY_VISIBLE = false; AI_ENEMY_DEAD = true; SetChatSound(); } /* ===================== idAI::EnemyPositionValid ===================== */ bool idAI::EnemyPositionValid( void ) const { trace_t tr; idVec3 muzzle; idMat3 axis; if ( !enemy.GetEntity() ) { return false; } if ( AI_ENEMY_VISIBLE ) { return true; } gameLocal.clip.TracePoint( tr, GetEyePosition(), lastVisibleEnemyPos + lastVisibleEnemyEyeOffset, MASK_OPAQUE, this ); if ( tr.fraction < 1.0f ) { // can't see the area yet, so don't know if he's there or not return true; } return false; } /* ===================== idAI::SetEnemyPosition ===================== */ void idAI::SetEnemyPosition( void ) { idActor *enemyEnt = enemy.GetEntity(); int enemyAreaNum; int areaNum; int lastVisibleReachableEnemyAreaNum; aasPath_t path; idVec3 pos; bool onGround; if ( !enemyEnt ) { return; } lastVisibleReachableEnemyPos = lastReachableEnemyPos; lastVisibleEnemyEyeOffset = enemyEnt->EyeOffset(); lastVisibleEnemyPos = enemyEnt->GetPhysics()->GetOrigin(); if ( move.moveType == MOVETYPE_FLY ) { pos = lastVisibleEnemyPos; onGround = true; } else { onGround = enemyEnt->GetFloorPos( 64.0f, pos ); if ( enemyEnt->OnLadder() ) { onGround = false; } } if ( !onGround ) { if ( move.moveCommand == MOVE_TO_ENEMY ) { AI_DEST_UNREACHABLE = true; } return; } // when we don't have an AAS, we can't tell if an enemy is reachable or not, // so just assume that he is. if ( !aas ) { lastVisibleReachableEnemyPos = lastVisibleEnemyPos; if ( move.moveCommand == MOVE_TO_ENEMY ) { AI_DEST_UNREACHABLE = false; } enemyAreaNum = 0; areaNum = 0; } else { lastVisibleReachableEnemyAreaNum = move.toAreaNum; enemyAreaNum = PointReachableAreaNum( lastVisibleEnemyPos, 1.0f ); if ( !enemyAreaNum ) { enemyAreaNum = PointReachableAreaNum( lastReachableEnemyPos, 1.0f ); pos = lastReachableEnemyPos; } if ( !enemyAreaNum ) { if ( move.moveCommand == MOVE_TO_ENEMY ) { AI_DEST_UNREACHABLE = true; } areaNum = 0; } else { const idVec3 &org = physicsObj.GetOrigin(); areaNum = PointReachableAreaNum( org ); if ( PathToGoal( path, areaNum, org, enemyAreaNum, pos ) ) { lastVisibleReachableEnemyPos = pos; lastVisibleReachableEnemyAreaNum = enemyAreaNum; if ( move.moveCommand == MOVE_TO_ENEMY ) { AI_DEST_UNREACHABLE = false; } } else if ( move.moveCommand == MOVE_TO_ENEMY ) { AI_DEST_UNREACHABLE = true; } } } if ( move.moveCommand == MOVE_TO_ENEMY ) { if ( !aas ) { // keep the move destination up to date for wandering move.moveDest = lastVisibleReachableEnemyPos; } else if ( enemyAreaNum ) { move.toAreaNum = lastVisibleReachableEnemyAreaNum; move.moveDest = lastVisibleReachableEnemyPos; } if ( move.moveType == MOVETYPE_FLY ) { predictedPath_t path; idVec3 end = move.moveDest; end.z += enemyEnt->EyeOffset().z + fly_offset; idAI::PredictPath( this, aas, move.moveDest, end - move.moveDest, 1000, 1000, SE_BLOCKED, path ); move.moveDest = path.endPos; move.toAreaNum = PointReachableAreaNum( move.moveDest, 1.0f ); } } } //ivan start /* ================ idEntity::UpdateRenderEntity ================ bool idAI::UpdateRenderEntity( renderEntity_s *renderEntity, const renderView_t *renderView ) { if ( gameLocal.inCinematic && gameLocal.skipCinematic ) { return false; } //ivan start modelCallBackDone = true; //ivan end idAnimator *animator = GetAnimator(); if ( animator ) { return animator->CreateFrame( gameLocal.time, false ); } return false; } */ /* ================ idAI::ModelCallback NOTE: overrides idEntity::ModelCallback just to know if we are visible! NOTE: this is indirectly called by UpdateEntityDef in Present, that is called by Think. ================ bool idAI::ModelCallback( renderEntity_s *renderEntity, const renderView_t *renderView ) { idAI *ent; ent = static_cast(gameLocal.entities[ renderEntity->entityNum ]); if ( !ent ) { gameLocal.Error( "idAI::ModelCallback: callback with NULL game entity" ); } return ent->UpdateRenderEntity( renderEntity, renderView ); } */ //not used /* bool idAI::AllowSeeEnemy( idActor *enemyEnt ) { //called after UpdateInhibitAttack // let it see on Z axis? //if( deltaZfromEnemy > AI_Z_DELTA_CANSEE_MAX ){ // return false; //} //was: //test if( isXlocked && enemyEnt->isXlocked && (enemyEnt->lockedXpos != lockedXpos ) ){ //both locked on different planes! return true; } if( !isXlocked || updXlock ){ //if he can (or soon it will able to) follow the enemy --> don't check X delta return ( deltaYfromEnemy < gameLocal.aiSeeDistanceY ); }else{ //isXlocked && !updXlock //cannot follow the enemy --> see enemy only when can attack return ( !AI_INHIBIT_ATTACK ); //if attack is not inhibited, we can see } } */ /* ===================== idAI::RunPhysicsWrapper ===================== */ void idAI::RunPhysicsWrapper( void ){ RunPhysics(); //lock the X position if( isXlocked ){ physicsObj.SetOrigin( idVec3( fastXpos, physicsObj.GetOrigin().y, physicsObj.GetOrigin().z ) ); }else{ fastXpos = physicsObj.GetOrigin().x; //always upd so others can easily know our X pos } //upd is on screen //UpdateIsOnScreen(); //NOTE: my "isOnScreen" value is useful also to other entities. } bool idAI::AllowSeeActor( idActor *actor ) { float deltaXfromEntity; //one of us is out of screen if( !isOnScreen || !actor->isOnScreen ){ return false; } deltaXfromEntity = idMath::Fabs( fastXpos - actor->fastXpos ); //too far on X-axis. NOTE: if locked but cannot change, then he can see regardless X pos if ( (!isXlocked || updXlock ) && ( deltaXfromEntity > AI_X_DELTA_CANSEE_MAX ) ){ return false; } return true; } void idAI::UpdateInhibitAttack( idActor *enemyEnt ) { //upd this also for other functions deltaXfromEnemy = idMath::Fabs( fastXpos - enemyEnt->fastXpos ); //one of us is out of screen if( !isOnScreen || !enemyEnt->isOnScreen ){ AI_INHIBIT_ATTACK = true; //gameLocal.Warning("%s AI_INHIBIT_ATTACK 0", GetName() ); return; } //too far on X-axis. NOTE: if locked but cannot change, then he can fire regardless X pos if ( (!isXlocked || updXlock ) && ( deltaXfromEnemy > AI_X_DELTA_CANSEE_MAX ) ){ AI_INHIBIT_ATTACK = true; //gameLocal.Warning("%s AI_INHIBIT_ATTACK 1", GetName() ); return; } AI_INHIBIT_ATTACK = false; //gameLocal.Warning("%s AI_INHIBIT_ATTACK NO", GetName() ); } void idAI::UpdateXlock( idActor *enemyEnt ) { /* if( deltaYfromEnemy > gameLocal.aiSeeDistanceY ){ //we can unlock if too far! isXlocked = false; return; //don't upd if too far (outside of the screen) } */ if( updXlock ){ //Xlocked position can be updated if( !enemyEnt->updXlock ){ //never lock with someone who is not locked isXlocked = false; } else if( deltaXfromEnemy > AI_X_DELTA_LOCK_MIN ){ //too far --> unlock isXlocked = false; } else if ( !isXlocked ){ //gameLocal.Printf("%s is now locked\n", GetName() ); isXlocked = true; fastXpos = enemyEnt->fastXpos; //we'll be pushed in place. } }else if( isXlocked ){ //locked and never update --> clear enemies if cannot fight if( AI_INHIBIT_ATTACK ){ //if attack is inhibited, we cannot fight this enemy ClearEnemy(); } } } /* ===================== idAI::UpdateIsOnScreen ===================== */ void idAI::UpdateIsOnScreen( void ) { if( IsHidden() ){ isOnScreen = false; return; } idPlayer *player = gameLocal.GetLocalPlayer(); //Rev 2020 save game crash fix from DG. check needed to stop crash. // WAS: if ( !player ) { if( player == NULL || player->GetRenderView() == NULL ) { isOnScreen = false; //no player, no camera return; } //Rev 2020 End const idVec3 &myPos = physicsObj.GetOrigin(); const idVec3 &cameraPos = player->GetRenderView()->vieworg; idVec3 delta; //ivan start - upd deltas stuff delta = cameraPos - myPos; /* delta.x = cameraPos.x - myPos.x; //how far we are from the camera. delta.y = idMath::Fabs( cameraPos.y - myPos.y ); //horizontal distance delta.z = idMath::Fabs( cameraPos.z - myPos.z ); //vertical distance */ //X axis - how far we are from the camera if( delta.x > 0 ){ //gameLocal.Printf("left\n"); isOnScreen = false; return; }else{ delta.x = -delta.x; //use the positive value next } //Y axis - horizontal distance if( idMath::Fabs( delta.y ) > delta.x + 120 ){ //if horizontal dist is greater than camera dist, than we are out of view (Horizontal FOV 90 --> 90 45 45 triangle) //Rev 2018 increased range by 120. this allows enemies to attack as soon as they are fully on screen. isOnScreen = false; return; } //Z axis - vertical distance if( delta.z > EyeHeight() ){ //positive value --> camera is higher than me --> remove the eye offset delta.z -= EyeHeight(); //like being closer } if( idMath::Fabs( delta.z ) > delta.x * 0.75f ){ //if vertical dist is greater than camera dist*0.75, than we are out of view (Vertical FOV < 90 --> NOT 90 45 45 triangle! Use 4:3 ratio). isOnScreen = false; }else{ isOnScreen = true; } //Assuming FOV = 90, delta.x is also the horizontal max distance //isOnScreen = ( (delta.y < delta.x) && (delta.z < delta.x * 0.75f) ); /* if( isOnScreen ){ gameLocal.Warning("%s isOnScreen", GetName() ); }else{ gameLocal.Warning("%s not isOnScreen", GetName() ); } */ } //ivan end /* ===================== idAI::UpdateEnemyPosition ===================== */ void idAI::UpdateEnemyPosition( void ) { idActor *enemyEnt = enemy.GetEntity(); int enemyAreaNum; int areaNum; aasPath_t path; idVec3 enemyPos; bool onGround; if ( !enemyEnt ) { AI_INHIBIT_ATTACK = true; return; } const idVec3 &org = physicsObj.GetOrigin(); if ( move.moveType == MOVETYPE_FLY ) { enemyPos = enemyEnt->GetPhysics()->GetOrigin(); onGround = true; } else { onGround = enemyEnt->GetFloorPos( 64.0f, enemyPos ); if ( enemyEnt->OnLadder() ) { onGround = false; } } //ivan start - upd deltas stuff UpdateInhibitAttack( enemyEnt ); //Inhibit Attacks based on deltas UpdateXlock( enemyEnt ); if( !enemy.GetEntity() ){ //UpdateXlock could have cleared the enemy AI_ENEMY_IN_FOV = false; AI_ENEMY_VISIBLE = false; return; } //ivan end if ( onGround ) { // when we don't have an AAS, we can't tell if an enemy is reachable or not, // so just assume that he is. if ( !aas ) { enemyAreaNum = 0; lastReachableEnemyPos = enemyPos; } else { enemyAreaNum = PointReachableAreaNum( enemyPos, 1.0f ); if ( enemyAreaNum ) { areaNum = PointReachableAreaNum( org ); if ( PathToGoal( path, areaNum, org, enemyAreaNum, enemyPos ) ) { lastReachableEnemyPos = enemyPos; } } } } AI_ENEMY_IN_FOV = false; AI_ENEMY_VISIBLE = false; if ( CanSee( enemyEnt, false ) ) { //ivan - AllowSeeEnemy( enemyEnt ) && AI_ENEMY_VISIBLE = true; if ( CheckFOV( enemyEnt->GetPhysics()->GetOrigin() ) ) { AI_ENEMY_IN_FOV = true; } SetEnemyPosition(); } else { // check if we heard any sounds in the last frame if ( enemyEnt == gameLocal.GetAlertEntity() ) { float dist = ( enemyEnt->GetPhysics()->GetOrigin() - org ).LengthSqr(); if ( dist < Square( AI_HEARING_RANGE ) ) { SetEnemyPosition(); } } } if ( ai_debugMove.GetBool() ) { gameRenderWorld->DebugBounds( colorLtGrey, enemyEnt->GetPhysics()->GetBounds(), lastReachableEnemyPos, gameLocal.msec ); gameRenderWorld->DebugBounds( colorWhite, enemyEnt->GetPhysics()->GetBounds(), lastVisibleReachableEnemyPos, gameLocal.msec ); } } /* ===================== idAI::SetEnemy ===================== */ void idAI::SetEnemy( idActor *newEnemy ) { int enemyAreaNum; if ( AI_DEAD ) { ClearEnemy(); return; } AI_ENEMY_DEAD = false; if ( !newEnemy ) { ClearEnemy(); } else if ( enemy.GetEntity() != newEnemy ) { enemy = newEnemy; //ivan start - upd deltas stuff UpdateInhibitAttack( newEnemy ); //Inhibit Attacks based on deltas UpdateXlock( newEnemy ); if( !enemy.GetEntity() ) return; //UpdateXlock could have cleared the enemy //ivan end enemyNode.AddToEnd( newEnemy->enemyList ); if ( newEnemy->health <= 0 ) { EnemyDead(); return; } // let the monster know where the enemy is newEnemy->GetAASLocation( aas, lastReachableEnemyPos, enemyAreaNum ); SetEnemyPosition(); SetChatSound(); lastReachableEnemyPos = lastVisibleEnemyPos; lastVisibleReachableEnemyPos = lastReachableEnemyPos; enemyAreaNum = PointReachableAreaNum( lastReachableEnemyPos, 1.0f ); if ( aas && enemyAreaNum ) { aas->PushPointIntoAreaNum( enemyAreaNum, lastReachableEnemyPos ); lastVisibleReachableEnemyPos = lastReachableEnemyPos; } } } /* ============ idAI::FirstVisiblePointOnPath ============ */ idVec3 idAI::FirstVisiblePointOnPath( const idVec3 origin, const idVec3 &target, int travelFlags ) const { int i, areaNum, targetAreaNum, curAreaNum, travelTime; idVec3 curOrigin; idReachability *reach; if ( !aas ) { return origin; } areaNum = PointReachableAreaNum( origin ); targetAreaNum = PointReachableAreaNum( target ); if ( !areaNum || !targetAreaNum ) { return origin; } if ( ( areaNum == targetAreaNum ) || PointVisible( origin ) ) { return origin; } curAreaNum = areaNum; curOrigin = origin; for( i = 0; i < 10; i++ ) { if ( !aas->RouteToGoalArea( curAreaNum, curOrigin, targetAreaNum, travelFlags, travelTime, &reach ) ) { break; } if ( !reach ) { return target; } curAreaNum = reach->toAreaNum; curOrigin = reach->end; if ( PointVisible( curOrigin ) ) { return curOrigin; } } return origin; } /* =================== idAI::CalculateAttackOffsets calculate joint positions on attack frames so we can do proper "can hit" tests =================== */ void idAI::CalculateAttackOffsets( void ) { const idDeclModelDef *modelDef; int num; int i; int frame; const frameCommand_t *command; idMat3 axis; const idAnim *anim; jointHandle_t joint; modelDef = animator.ModelDef(); if ( !modelDef ) { return; } num = modelDef->NumAnims(); // needs to be off while getting the offsets so that we account for the distance the monster moves in the attack anim animator.RemoveOriginOffset( false ); // anim number 0 is reserved for non-existant anims. to avoid off by one issues, just allocate an extra spot for // launch offsets so that anim number can be used without subtracting 1. missileLaunchOffset.SetGranularity( 1 ); missileLaunchOffset.SetNum( num + 1 ); missileLaunchOffset[ 0 ].Zero(); for( i = 1; i <= num; i++ ) { missileLaunchOffset[ i ].Zero(); anim = modelDef->GetAnim( i ); if ( anim ) { frame = anim->FindFrameForFrameCommand( FC_LAUNCHMISSILE, &command ); if ( frame >= 0 ) { joint = animator.GetJointHandle( command->string->c_str() ); if ( joint == INVALID_JOINT ) { gameLocal.Error( "Invalid joint '%s' on 'launch_missile' frame command on frame %d of model '%s'", command->string->c_str(), frame, modelDef->GetName() ); } GetJointTransformForAnim( joint, i, FRAME2MS( frame ), missileLaunchOffset[ i ], axis ); } } } animator.RemoveOriginOffset( true ); } /* ===================== idAI::CreateProjectileClipModel ===================== */ void idAI::CreateProjectileClipModel( void ) const { if ( projectileClipModel == NULL ) { idBounds projectileBounds( vec3_origin ); projectileBounds.ExpandSelf( projectileRadius ); projectileClipModel = new idClipModel( idTraceModel( projectileBounds ) ); } } /* ===================== idAI::GetAimDir ===================== */ bool idAI::GetAimDir( const idVec3 &firePos, idEntity *aimAtEnt, const idEntity *ignore, idVec3 &aimDir ) const { idVec3 targetPos1; idVec3 targetPos2; idVec3 delta; float max_height; bool result; // if no aimAtEnt or projectile set if ( !aimAtEnt || !projectileDef ) { aimDir = viewAxis[ 0 ] * physicsObj.GetGravityAxis(); return false; } if ( projectileClipModel == NULL ) { CreateProjectileClipModel(); } if ( aimAtEnt == enemy.GetEntity() ) { static_cast( aimAtEnt )->GetAIAimTargets( lastVisibleEnemyPos, targetPos1, targetPos2 ); } else if ( aimAtEnt->IsType( idActor::Type ) ) { static_cast( aimAtEnt )->GetAIAimTargets( aimAtEnt->GetPhysics()->GetOrigin(), targetPos1, targetPos2 ); } else { targetPos1 = aimAtEnt->GetPhysics()->GetAbsBounds().GetCenter(); targetPos2 = targetPos1; } // try aiming for chest delta = firePos - targetPos1; max_height = delta.LengthFast() * projectile_height_to_distance_ratio; result = PredictTrajectory( firePos, targetPos1, projectileSpeed, projectileGravity, projectileClipModel, MASK_SHOT_RENDERMODEL, max_height, ignore, aimAtEnt, ai_debugTrajectory.GetBool() ? 1000 : 0, aimDir ); if ( result || !aimAtEnt->IsType( idActor::Type ) ) { return result; } // try aiming for head delta = firePos - targetPos2; max_height = delta.LengthFast() * projectile_height_to_distance_ratio; result = PredictTrajectory( firePos, targetPos2, projectileSpeed, projectileGravity, projectileClipModel, MASK_SHOT_RENDERMODEL, max_height, ignore, aimAtEnt, ai_debugTrajectory.GetBool() ? 1000 : 0, aimDir ); return result; } /* ===================== idAI::BeginAttack ===================== */ void idAI::BeginAttack( const char *name ) { attack = name; lastAttackTime = gameLocal.time; } /* ===================== idAI::EndAttack ===================== */ void idAI::EndAttack( void ) { attack = ""; } /* ===================== idAI::CreateProjectile ===================== */ idProjectile *idAI::CreateProjectile( const idVec3 &pos, const idVec3 &dir ) { idEntity *ent; const char *clsname; if ( !projectile.GetEntity() ) { gameLocal.SpawnEntityDef( *projectileDef, &ent, false ); if ( !ent ) { clsname = projectileDef->GetString( "classname" ); gameLocal.Error( "Could not spawn entityDef '%s'", clsname ); } if ( !ent->IsType( idProjectile::Type ) ) { clsname = ent->GetClassname(); gameLocal.Error( "'%s' is not an idProjectile", clsname ); } projectile = ( idProjectile * )ent; } projectile.GetEntity()->Create( this, pos, dir ); return projectile.GetEntity(); } /* ===================== idAI::RemoveProjectile ===================== */ void idAI::RemoveProjectile( void ) { if ( projectile.GetEntity() ) { projectile.GetEntity()->PostEventMS( &EV_Remove, 0 ); projectile = NULL; } } /* ===================== idAI::LaunchProjectile ===================== */ idProjectile *idAI::LaunchProjectile( const char *jointname, idEntity *target, bool clampToAttackCone ) { idVec3 muzzle; idVec3 dir; idVec3 start; trace_t tr; idBounds projBounds; float distance; const idClipModel *projClip; float attack_accuracy; float attack_cone; float projectile_spread; float diff; float angle = 0.0f; float spin; idAngles ang; int num_projectiles; int i; idMat3 axis; idVec3 tmp; idProjectile *lastProjectile; int noAim; //rev 2019 if ( !projectileDef ) { gameLocal.Warning( "%s (%s) doesn't have a projectile specified", name.c_str(), GetEntityDefName() ); return NULL; } attack_accuracy = spawnArgs.GetFloat( "attack_accuracy", "7" ); attack_cone = spawnArgs.GetFloat( "attack_cone", "70" ); projectile_spread = spawnArgs.GetFloat( "projectile_spread", "0" ); num_projectiles = spawnArgs.GetInt( "num_projectiles", "1" ); GetMuzzle( jointname, muzzle, axis ); if ( !projectile.GetEntity() ) { CreateProjectile( muzzle, axis[ 0 ] ); } lastProjectile = projectile.GetEntity(); //rev 2019 start. make the ai shoot only shoot straight ahead when the noaim key is set to 1 in their def file /* if ( target != NULL ) { tmp = target->GetPhysics()->GetAbsBounds().GetCenter() - muzzle; tmp.Normalize(); axis = tmp.ToMat3(); } else { axis = viewAxis; } */ noAim = spawnArgs.GetInt( "noaim" ); if ( noAim > 0 ) { if ( target = NULL ) { // FIXME: DG: this is not good tmp = target->GetPhysics()->GetAbsBounds().GetCenter() - muzzle; tmp.Normalize(); axis = tmp.ToMat3(); } else { axis = viewAxis; } } if ( noAim < 1 ) { if ( target != NULL ) { tmp = target->GetPhysics()->GetAbsBounds().GetCenter() - muzzle; tmp.Normalize(); axis = tmp.ToMat3(); } else { axis = viewAxis; } } //rev 2019 noaim end // rotate it because the cone points up by default tmp = axis[2]; axis[2] = axis[0]; axis[0] = -tmp; // make sure the projectile starts inside the monster bounding box const idBounds &ownerBounds = physicsObj.GetAbsBounds(); projClip = lastProjectile->GetPhysics()->GetClipModel(); projBounds = projClip->GetBounds().Rotate( axis ); // check if the owner bounds is bigger than the projectile bounds if ( ( ( ownerBounds[1][0] - ownerBounds[0][0] ) > ( projBounds[1][0] - projBounds[0][0] ) ) && ( ( ownerBounds[1][1] - ownerBounds[0][1] ) > ( projBounds[1][1] - projBounds[0][1] ) ) && ( ( ownerBounds[1][2] - ownerBounds[0][2] ) > ( projBounds[1][2] - projBounds[0][2] ) ) ) { if ( (ownerBounds - projBounds).RayIntersection( muzzle, viewAxis[ 0 ], distance ) ) { start = muzzle + distance * viewAxis[ 0 ]; } else { start = ownerBounds.GetCenter(); } } else { // projectile bounds bigger than the owner bounds, so just start it from the center start = ownerBounds.GetCenter(); } gameLocal.clip.Translation( tr, start, muzzle, projClip, axis, MASK_SHOT_RENDERMODEL, this ); muzzle = tr.endpos; // set aiming direction GetAimDir( muzzle, target, this, dir ); ang = dir.ToAngles(); // adjust his aim so it's not perfect. uses sine based movement so the tracers appear less random in their spread. float t = MS2SEC( gameLocal.time + entityNumber * 497 ); ang.pitch += idMath::Sin16( t * 5.1 ) * attack_accuracy; ang.yaw += idMath::Sin16( t * 6.7 ) * attack_accuracy; if ( clampToAttackCone ) { // clamp the attack direction to be within monster's attack cone so he doesn't do // things like throw the missile backwards if you're behind him diff = idMath::AngleDelta( ang.yaw, current_yaw ); if ( diff > attack_cone ) { ang.yaw = current_yaw + attack_cone; } else if ( diff < -attack_cone ) { ang.yaw = current_yaw - attack_cone; } } axis = ang.ToMat3(); //ivan start - fire modes - setup int firemodeCounter = 0; int firemodeCounterPos = 0; idVec3 updown_offset; updown_offset.Zero(); if( fireMode == AI_FIREMODE_2D_STEP_SPREAD){ if(num_projectiles > 1){ //Example: spread = 90, num projs = 5 angle = 2*projectile_spread/(num_projectiles-1); //Spread step: 2* 90 /(5-1) = 45 degrees angle = angle/180.0f; //normalized from 0 to 1: 45/180 = 0.5 --> % of 180 degrees to use: 0, 0.25, -0.25, 0.5, -0.5 } } //ivan end float spreadRad = DEG2RAD( projectile_spread ); for( i = 0; i < num_projectiles; i++ ) { //ivan start - fire modes - direction if( fireMode == AI_FIREMODE_DEFAULT){ // spread the projectiles out angle = idMath::Sin( spreadRad * gameLocal.random.RandomFloat() ); spin = (float)DEG2RAD( 360.0f ) * gameLocal.random.RandomFloat(); dir = axis[ 0 ] + axis[ 2 ] * ( angle * idMath::Sin( spin ) ) - axis[ 1 ] * ( angle * idMath::Cos( spin ) ); }else if( fireMode == AI_FIREMODE_2D_STEP_SPREAD){ // FIXME: DG: if num_projectiles == 1, angle is not properly initialized // (I initialized it to 0 above, but not sure that's the appropriate value) dir = (axis[ 0 ] * (1-angle*firemodeCounterPos) ) + ( axis[ 2 ] * angle*firemodeCounter ); //upd counter if(firemodeCounter >= 0){ firemodeCounter++; firemodeCounterPos = firemodeCounter; } firemodeCounter = - firemodeCounter; }else if( fireMode == AI_FIREMODE_2D_PARALLEL_SPREAD){ dir = axis[ 0 ]; updown_offset = axis[ 2 ]*projectile_spread*firemodeCounter; //upd counter if(firemodeCounter >= 0){ firemodeCounter++; } firemodeCounter = - firemodeCounter; }else if( fireMode == AI_FIREMODE_2D_RANDOM_SPREAD){ // spread the projectiles out angle = idMath::Sin( spreadRad * gameLocal.random.RandomFloat() ); spin = (float)DEG2RAD( 360.0f ) * gameLocal.random.RandomFloat(); dir = axis[ 0 ] + axis[ 2 ] * ( angle * idMath::Sin( spin ) ); }else{ gameLocal.Error("Unknown AI fire mode: %d", fireMode ); } //ivan end dir.Normalize(); // launch the projectile if ( !projectile.GetEntity() ) { CreateProjectile( muzzle, dir ); } lastProjectile = projectile.GetEntity(); //ivan start - fire modes - postion offset //lastProjectile->Launch( muzzle, dir, vec3_origin ); lastProjectile->Launch( muzzle + updown_offset, dir, vec3_origin ); //ivan test end projectile = NULL; } TriggerWeaponEffects( muzzle ); lastAttackTime = gameLocal.time; return lastProjectile; } /* ================ idAI::DamageFeedback callback function for when another entity received damage from this entity. damage can be adjusted and returned to the caller. FIXME: This gets called when we call idPlayer::CalcDamagePoints from idAI::AttackMelee, which then checks for a saving throw, possibly forcing a miss. This is harmless behavior ATM, but is not intuitive. ================ */ void idAI::DamageFeedback( idEntity *victim, idEntity *inflictor, int &damage ) { if ( ( victim == this ) && inflictor->IsType( idProjectile::Type ) ) { // monsters only get half damage from their own projectiles damage = ( damage + 1 ) / 2; // round up so we don't do 0 damage } else if ( victim == enemy.GetEntity() ) { AI_HIT_ENEMY = true; } } /* ===================== idAI::DirectDamage Causes direct damage to an entity kickDir is specified in the monster's coordinate system, and gives the direction that the view kick and knockback should go ===================== */ void idAI::DirectDamage( const char *meleeDefName, idEntity *ent ) { const idDict *meleeDef; const char *p; const idSoundShader *shader; meleeDef = gameLocal.FindEntityDefDict( meleeDefName, false ); if ( !meleeDef ) { gameLocal.Error( "Unknown damage def '%s' on '%s'", meleeDefName, name.c_str() ); } if ( !ent->fl.takedamage ) { const idSoundShader *shader = declManager->FindSound(meleeDef->GetString( "snd_miss" )); StartSoundShader( shader, SND_CHANNEL_DAMAGE, 0, false, NULL ); return; } // // do the damage // p = meleeDef->GetString( "snd_hit" ); if ( p && *p ) { shader = declManager->FindSound( p ); StartSoundShader( shader, SND_CHANNEL_DAMAGE, 0, false, NULL ); } idVec3 kickDir; meleeDef->GetVector( "kickDir", "0 0 0", kickDir ); idVec3 globalKickDir; globalKickDir = ( viewAxis * physicsObj.GetGravityAxis() ) * kickDir; ent->Damage( this, this, globalKickDir, meleeDefName, 1.0f, INVALID_JOINT ); // end the attack if we're a multiframe attack EndAttack(); } /* ===================== idAI::TestMelee ===================== */ bool idAI::TestMelee( void ) const { trace_t trace; idActor *enemyEnt = enemy.GetEntity(); if ( !enemyEnt || !melee_range ) { return false; } //FIXME: make work with gravity vector idVec3 org = physicsObj.GetOrigin(); const idBounds &myBounds = physicsObj.GetBounds(); idBounds bounds; // expand the bounds out by our melee range bounds[0][0] = -melee_range; bounds[0][1] = -melee_range; bounds[0][2] = myBounds[0][2] - 4.0f; bounds[1][0] = melee_range; bounds[1][1] = melee_range; bounds[1][2] = myBounds[1][2] + 4.0f; bounds.TranslateSelf( org ); idVec3 enemyOrg = enemyEnt->GetPhysics()->GetOrigin(); idBounds enemyBounds = enemyEnt->GetPhysics()->GetBounds(); enemyBounds.TranslateSelf( enemyOrg ); if ( ai_debugMove.GetBool() ) { gameRenderWorld->DebugBounds( colorYellow, bounds, vec3_zero, gameLocal.msec ); } if ( !bounds.IntersectsBounds( enemyBounds ) ) { return false; } idVec3 start = GetEyePosition(); idVec3 end = enemyEnt->GetEyePosition(); gameLocal.clip.TracePoint( trace, start, end, MASK_SHOT_BOUNDINGBOX, this ); if ( ( trace.fraction == 1.0f ) || ( gameLocal.GetTraceEntity( trace ) == enemyEnt ) ) { return true; } return false; } /* ===================== idAI::AttackMelee jointname allows the endpoint to be exactly specified in the model, as for the commando tentacle. If not specified, it will be set to the facing direction + melee_range. kickDir is specified in the monster's coordinate system, and gives the direction that the view kick and knockback should go ===================== */ bool idAI::AttackMelee( const char *meleeDefName ) { const idDict *meleeDef; idActor *enemyEnt = enemy.GetEntity(); const char *p; const idSoundShader *shader; meleeDef = gameLocal.FindEntityDefDict( meleeDefName, false ); if ( !meleeDef ) { gameLocal.Error( "Unknown melee '%s'", meleeDefName ); } if ( !enemyEnt ) { p = meleeDef->GetString( "snd_miss" ); if ( p && *p ) { shader = declManager->FindSound( p ); StartSoundShader( shader, SND_CHANNEL_DAMAGE, 0, false, NULL ); } return false; } // check for the "saving throw" automatic melee miss on lethal blow // stupid place for this. bool forceMiss = false; if ( enemyEnt->IsType( idPlayer::Type ) && g_skill.GetInteger() < 2 ) { int damage, armor; idPlayer *player = static_cast( enemyEnt ); player->CalcDamagePoints( this, this, meleeDef, 1.0f, INVALID_JOINT, &damage, &armor ); if ( enemyEnt->health <= damage ) { int t = gameLocal.time - player->lastSavingThrowTime; if ( t > SAVING_THROW_TIME ) { player->lastSavingThrowTime = gameLocal.time; t = 0; } if ( t < 1000 ) { gameLocal.Printf( "Saving throw.\n" ); forceMiss = true; } } } // make sure the trace can actually hit the enemy if ( forceMiss || !TestMelee() ) { // missed p = meleeDef->GetString( "snd_miss" ); if ( p && *p ) { shader = declManager->FindSound( p ); StartSoundShader( shader, SND_CHANNEL_DAMAGE, 0, false, NULL ); } return false; } // // do the damage // p = meleeDef->GetString( "snd_hit" ); if ( p && *p ) { shader = declManager->FindSound( p ); StartSoundShader( shader, SND_CHANNEL_DAMAGE, 0, false, NULL ); } idVec3 kickDir; meleeDef->GetVector( "kickDir", "0 0 0", kickDir ); idVec3 globalKickDir; globalKickDir = ( viewAxis * physicsObj.GetGravityAxis() ) * kickDir; enemyEnt->Damage( this, this, globalKickDir, meleeDefName, 1.0f, INVALID_JOINT ); lastAttackTime = gameLocal.time; return true; } /* ================ idAI::PushWithAF ================ */ void idAI::PushWithAF( void ) { int i, j; afTouch_t touchList[ MAX_GENTITIES ]; idEntity *pushed_ents[ MAX_GENTITIES ]; idEntity *ent; idVec3 vel; int num_pushed; num_pushed = 0; af.ChangePose( this, gameLocal.time ); int num = af.EntitiesTouchingAF( touchList ); for( i = 0; i < num; i++ ) { if ( touchList[ i ].touchedEnt->IsType( idProjectile::Type ) ) { // skip projectiles continue; } // make sure we havent pushed this entity already. this avoids causing double damage for( j = 0; j < num_pushed; j++ ) { if ( pushed_ents[ j ] == touchList[ i ].touchedEnt ) { break; } } if ( j >= num_pushed ) { ent = touchList[ i ].touchedEnt; pushed_ents[num_pushed++] = ent; vel = ent->GetPhysics()->GetAbsBounds().GetCenter() - touchList[ i ].touchedByBody->GetWorldOrigin(); vel.Normalize(); if ( attack.Length() && ent->IsType( idActor::Type ) ) { ent->Damage( this, this, vel, attack, 1.0f, INVALID_JOINT ); } else { ent->GetPhysics()->SetLinearVelocity( 100.0f * vel, touchList[ i ].touchedClipModel->GetId() ); } } } } /*********************************************************************** Misc ***********************************************************************/ /* ================ idAI::GetMuzzle ================ */ void idAI::GetMuzzle( const char *jointname, idVec3 &muzzle, idMat3 &axis ) { jointHandle_t joint; if ( !jointname || !jointname[ 0 ] ) { muzzle = physicsObj.GetOrigin() + viewAxis[ 0 ] * physicsObj.GetGravityAxis() * 14; muzzle -= physicsObj.GetGravityNormal() * physicsObj.GetBounds()[ 1 ].z * 0.5f; } else { joint = animator.GetJointHandle( jointname ); if ( joint == INVALID_JOINT ) { gameLocal.Error( "Unknown joint '%s' on %s", jointname, GetEntityDefName() ); } GetJointWorldTransform( joint, gameLocal.time, muzzle, axis ); } } /* ================ idAI::TriggerWeaponEffects ================ */ void idAI::TriggerWeaponEffects( const idVec3 &muzzle ) { idVec3 org; idMat3 axis; if ( !g_muzzleFlash.GetBool() ) { return; } // muzzle flash // offset the shader parms so muzzle flashes show up renderEntity.shaderParms[SHADERPARM_TIMEOFFSET] = -MS2SEC( gameLocal.time ); renderEntity.shaderParms[ SHADERPARM_DIVERSITY ] = gameLocal.random.CRandomFloat(); if ( flashJointWorld != INVALID_JOINT ) { GetJointWorldTransform( flashJointWorld, gameLocal.time, org, axis ); if ( worldMuzzleFlash.lightRadius.x > 0.0f ) { worldMuzzleFlash.axis = axis; worldMuzzleFlash.shaderParms[SHADERPARM_TIMEOFFSET] = -MS2SEC( gameLocal.time ); if ( worldMuzzleFlashHandle != - 1 ) { gameRenderWorld->UpdateLightDef( worldMuzzleFlashHandle, &worldMuzzleFlash ); } else { worldMuzzleFlashHandle = gameRenderWorld->AddLightDef( &worldMuzzleFlash ); } muzzleFlashEnd = gameLocal.time + flashTime; UpdateVisuals(); } } } /* ================ idAI::UpdateMuzzleFlash ================ */ void idAI::UpdateMuzzleFlash( void ) { if ( worldMuzzleFlashHandle != -1 ) { if ( gameLocal.time >= muzzleFlashEnd ) { gameRenderWorld->FreeLightDef( worldMuzzleFlashHandle ); worldMuzzleFlashHandle = -1; } else { idVec3 muzzle; animator.GetJointTransform( flashJointWorld, gameLocal.time, muzzle, worldMuzzleFlash.axis ); animator.GetJointTransform( flashJointWorld, gameLocal.time, muzzle, worldMuzzleFlash.axis ); muzzle = physicsObj.GetOrigin() + ( muzzle + modelOffset ) * viewAxis * physicsObj.GetGravityAxis(); worldMuzzleFlash.origin = muzzle; gameRenderWorld->UpdateLightDef( worldMuzzleFlashHandle, &worldMuzzleFlash ); } } } /* ================ idAI::Hide ================ */ void idAI::Hide( void ) { idActor::Hide(); fl.takedamage = false; physicsObj.SetContents( 0 ); physicsObj.GetClipModel()->Unlink(); StopSound( SND_CHANNEL_AMBIENT, false ); SetChatSound(); AI_ENEMY_IN_FOV = false; AI_ENEMY_VISIBLE = false; StopMove( MOVE_STATUS_DONE ); } /* ================ idAI::Show ================ */ void idAI::Show( void ) { idActor::Show(); if ( spawnArgs.GetBool( "big_monster" ) ) { physicsObj.SetContents( 0 ); } else if ( use_combat_bbox ) { physicsObj.SetContents( CONTENTS_BODY|CONTENTS_SOLID ); } //rev 2020 if( ( spawnArgs.GetInt( "team", "1") ) && spawnArgs.GetBool( "team_non_solid", "1") ){ physicsObj.SetContents( CONTENTS_CORPSE ); //the monster can pass through other monsters but player still detects touch of death //gameLocal.Printf( "corpse" ); } //rev 2020 end else { physicsObj.SetContents( CONTENTS_BODY ); } physicsObj.GetClipModel()->Link( gameLocal.clip ); fl.takedamage = !spawnArgs.GetBool( "noDamage" ); SetChatSound(); StartSound( "snd_ambient", SND_CHANNEL_AMBIENT, 0, false, NULL ); } /* ===================== idAI::SetChatSound ===================== */ void idAI::SetChatSound( void ) { const char *snd; if ( IsHidden() ) { snd = NULL; } else if ( enemy.GetEntity() ) { snd = spawnArgs.GetString( "snd_chatter_combat", NULL ); chat_min = SEC2MS( spawnArgs.GetFloat( "chatter_combat_min", "5" ) ); chat_max = SEC2MS( spawnArgs.GetFloat( "chatter_combat_max", "10" ) ); } else if ( !spawnArgs.GetBool( "no_idle_chatter" ) ) { snd = spawnArgs.GetString( "snd_chatter", NULL ); chat_min = SEC2MS( spawnArgs.GetFloat( "chatter_min", "5" ) ); chat_max = SEC2MS( spawnArgs.GetFloat( "chatter_max", "10" ) ); } else { snd = NULL; } if ( snd && *snd ) { chat_snd = declManager->FindSound( snd ); // set the next chat time chat_time = gameLocal.time + chat_min + gameLocal.random.RandomFloat() * ( chat_max - chat_min ); } else { chat_snd = NULL; } } /* ================ idAI::CanPlayChatterSounds Used for playing chatter sounds on monsters. ================ */ bool idAI::CanPlayChatterSounds( void ) const { if ( AI_DEAD ) { return false; } if ( IsHidden() ) { return false; } if ( enemy.GetEntity() ) { return true; } if ( spawnArgs.GetBool( "no_idle_chatter" ) ) { return false; } return true; } /* ===================== idAI::PlayChatter ===================== */ void idAI::PlayChatter( void ) { // check if it's time to play a chat sound if ( AI_DEAD || !chat_snd || ( chat_time > gameLocal.time ) ) { return; } StartSoundShader( chat_snd, SND_CHANNEL_VOICE, 0, false, NULL ); // set the next chat time chat_time = gameLocal.time + chat_min + gameLocal.random.RandomFloat() * ( chat_max - chat_min ); } /* ===================== idAI::UpdateParticles ===================== */ void idAI::UpdateParticles( void ) { if ( ( thinkFlags & TH_UPDATEPARTICLES) && !IsHidden() ) { idVec3 realVector; idMat3 realAxis; int particlesAlive = 0; for ( int i = 0; i < particles.Num(); i++ ) { if ( particles[i].particle && particles[i].time ) { particlesAlive++; if (af.IsActive()) { realAxis = mat3_identity; realVector = GetPhysics()->GetOrigin(); } else { animator.GetJointTransform( particles[i].joint, gameLocal.time, realVector, realAxis ); realAxis *= renderEntity.axis; realVector = physicsObj.GetOrigin() + ( realVector + modelOffset ) * ( viewAxis * physicsObj.GetGravityAxis() ); } if ( !gameLocal.smokeParticles->EmitSmoke( particles[i].particle, particles[i].time, gameLocal.random.CRandomFloat(), realVector, realAxis )) { if ( restartParticles ) { particles[i].time = gameLocal.time; } else { particles[i].time = 0; particlesAlive--; } } } } if ( particlesAlive == 0 ) { BecomeInactive( TH_UPDATEPARTICLES ); } } } /* ===================== idAI::TriggerParticles ===================== */ void idAI::TriggerParticles( const char *jointName ) { jointHandle_t jointNum; jointNum = animator.GetJointHandle( jointName ); for ( int i = 0; i < particles.Num(); i++ ) { if ( particles[i].joint == jointNum ) { particles[i].time = gameLocal.time; BecomeActive( TH_UPDATEPARTICLES ); } } } /*********************************************************************** Head & torso aiming ***********************************************************************/ /* ================ idAI::UpdateAnimationControllers ================ */ bool idAI::UpdateAnimationControllers( void ) { idVec3 local; idVec3 focusPos; idQuat jawQuat; idVec3 left; idVec3 dir; idVec3 orientationJointPos; idVec3 localDir; idAngles newLookAng; idAngles diff; idMat3 mat; idMat3 axis; idMat3 orientationJointAxis; idAFAttachment *headEnt = head.GetEntity(); idVec3 eyepos; idVec3 pos; int i; idAngles jointAng; float orientationJointYaw; if ( AI_DEAD ) { return idActor::UpdateAnimationControllers(); } if ( orientationJoint == INVALID_JOINT ) { orientationJointAxis = viewAxis; orientationJointPos = physicsObj.GetOrigin(); orientationJointYaw = current_yaw; } else { GetJointWorldTransform( orientationJoint, gameLocal.time, orientationJointPos, orientationJointAxis ); orientationJointYaw = orientationJointAxis[ 2 ].ToYaw(); orientationJointAxis = idAngles( 0.0f, orientationJointYaw, 0.0f ).ToMat3(); } if ( focusJoint != INVALID_JOINT ) { if ( headEnt ) { headEnt->GetJointWorldTransform( focusJoint, gameLocal.time, eyepos, axis ); } else { GetJointWorldTransform( focusJoint, gameLocal.time, eyepos, axis ); } eyeOffset.z = eyepos.z - physicsObj.GetOrigin().z; if ( ai_debugMove.GetBool() ) { gameRenderWorld->DebugLine( colorRed, eyepos, eyepos + orientationJointAxis[ 0 ] * 32.0f, gameLocal.msec ); } } else { eyepos = GetEyePosition(); } if ( headEnt ) { CopyJointsFromBodyToHead(); } // Update the IK after we've gotten all the joint positions we need, but before we set any joint positions. // Getting the joint positions causes the joints to be updated. The IK gets joint positions itself (which // are already up to date because of getting the joints in this function) and then sets their positions, which // forces the heirarchy to be updated again next time we get a joint or present the model. If IK is enabled, // or if we have a seperate head, we end up transforming the joints twice per frame. Characters with no // head entity and no ik will only transform their joints once. Set g_debuganim to the current entity number // in order to see how many times an entity transforms the joints per frame. idActor::UpdateAnimationControllers(); idEntity *focusEnt = focusEntity.GetEntity(); if ( !allowJointMod || !allowEyeFocus || ( gameLocal.time >= focusTime ) ) { focusPos = GetEyePosition() + orientationJointAxis[ 0 ] * 512.0f; } else if ( focusEnt == NULL ) { // keep looking at last position until focusTime is up focusPos = currentFocusPos; } else if ( focusEnt == enemy.GetEntity() ) { focusPos = lastVisibleEnemyPos + lastVisibleEnemyEyeOffset - eyeVerticalOffset * enemy.GetEntity()->GetPhysics()->GetGravityNormal(); } else if ( focusEnt->IsType( idActor::Type ) ) { focusPos = static_cast( focusEnt )->GetEyePosition() - eyeVerticalOffset * focusEnt->GetPhysics()->GetGravityNormal(); } else { focusPos = focusEnt->GetPhysics()->GetOrigin(); } currentFocusPos = currentFocusPos + ( focusPos - currentFocusPos ) * eyeFocusRate; // determine yaw from origin instead of from focus joint since joint may be offset, which can cause us to bounce between two angles dir = focusPos - orientationJointPos; newLookAng.yaw = idMath::AngleNormalize180( dir.ToYaw() - orientationJointYaw ); newLookAng.roll = 0.0f; newLookAng.pitch = 0.0f; #if 0 gameRenderWorld->DebugLine( colorRed, orientationJointPos, focusPos, gameLocal.msec ); gameRenderWorld->DebugLine( colorYellow, orientationJointPos, orientationJointPos + orientationJointAxis[ 0 ] * 32.0f, gameLocal.msec ); gameRenderWorld->DebugLine( colorGreen, orientationJointPos, orientationJointPos + newLookAng.ToForward() * 48.0f, gameLocal.msec ); #endif // determine pitch from joint position dir = focusPos - eyepos; dir.NormalizeFast(); orientationJointAxis.ProjectVector( dir, localDir ); newLookAng.pitch = -idMath::AngleNormalize180( localDir.ToPitch() ); newLookAng.roll = 0.0f; diff = newLookAng - lookAng; if ( eyeAng != diff ) { eyeAng = diff; eyeAng.Clamp( eyeMin, eyeMax ); idAngles angDelta = diff - eyeAng; if ( !angDelta.Compare( ang_zero, 0.1f ) ) { alignHeadTime = gameLocal.time; } else { alignHeadTime = gameLocal.time + ( 0.5f + 0.5f * gameLocal.random.RandomFloat() ) * focusAlignTime; } } if ( idMath::Fabs( newLookAng.yaw ) < 0.1f ) { alignHeadTime = gameLocal.time; } if ( ( gameLocal.time >= alignHeadTime ) || ( gameLocal.time < forceAlignHeadTime ) ) { alignHeadTime = gameLocal.time + ( 0.5f + 0.5f * gameLocal.random.RandomFloat() ) * focusAlignTime; destLookAng = newLookAng; destLookAng.Clamp( lookMin, lookMax ); } diff = destLookAng - lookAng; if ( ( lookMin.pitch == -180.0f ) && ( lookMax.pitch == 180.0f ) ) { if ( ( diff.pitch > 180.0f ) || ( diff.pitch <= -180.0f ) ) { diff.pitch = 360.0f - diff.pitch; } } if ( ( lookMin.yaw == -180.0f ) && ( lookMax.yaw == 180.0f ) ) { if ( diff.yaw > 180.0f ) { diff.yaw -= 360.0f; } else if ( diff.yaw <= -180.0f ) { diff.yaw += 360.0f; } } lookAng = lookAng + diff * headFocusRate; lookAng.Normalize180(); jointAng.roll = 0.0f; for( i = 0; i < lookJoints.Num(); i++ ) { jointAng.pitch = lookAng.pitch * lookJointAngles[ i ].pitch; jointAng.yaw = lookAng.yaw * lookJointAngles[ i ].yaw; animator.SetJointAxis( lookJoints[ i ], JOINTMOD_WORLD, jointAng.ToMat3() ); } if ( move.moveType == MOVETYPE_FLY ) { // lean into turns AdjustFlyingAngles(); } if ( headEnt ) { idAnimator *headAnimator = headEnt->GetAnimator(); if ( allowEyeFocus ) { idMat3 eyeAxis = ( lookAng + eyeAng ).ToMat3(); idMat3 headTranspose = headEnt->GetPhysics()->GetAxis().Transpose(); axis = eyeAxis * orientationJointAxis; left = axis[ 1 ] * eyeHorizontalOffset; eyepos -= headEnt->GetPhysics()->GetOrigin(); headAnimator->SetJointPos( leftEyeJoint, JOINTMOD_WORLD_OVERRIDE, eyepos + ( axis[ 0 ] * 64.0f + left ) * headTranspose ); headAnimator->SetJointPos( rightEyeJoint, JOINTMOD_WORLD_OVERRIDE, eyepos + ( axis[ 0 ] * 64.0f - left ) * headTranspose ); } else { headAnimator->ClearJoint( leftEyeJoint ); headAnimator->ClearJoint( rightEyeJoint ); } } else { if ( allowEyeFocus ) { idMat3 eyeAxis = ( lookAng + eyeAng ).ToMat3(); axis = eyeAxis * orientationJointAxis; left = axis[ 1 ] * eyeHorizontalOffset; eyepos += axis[ 0 ] * 64.0f - physicsObj.GetOrigin(); animator.SetJointPos( leftEyeJoint, JOINTMOD_WORLD_OVERRIDE, eyepos + left ); animator.SetJointPos( rightEyeJoint, JOINTMOD_WORLD_OVERRIDE, eyepos - left ); } else { animator.ClearJoint( leftEyeJoint ); animator.ClearJoint( rightEyeJoint ); } } return true; } /*********************************************************************** idCombatNode ***********************************************************************/ const idEventDef EV_CombatNode_MarkUsed( "markUsed" ); CLASS_DECLARATION( idEntity, idCombatNode ) EVENT( EV_CombatNode_MarkUsed, idCombatNode::Event_MarkUsed ) EVENT( EV_Activate, idCombatNode::Event_Activate ) END_CLASS /* ===================== idCombatNode::idCombatNode ===================== */ idCombatNode::idCombatNode( void ) { min_dist = 0.0f; max_dist = 0.0f; cone_dist = 0.0f; min_height = 0.0f; max_height = 0.0f; cone_left.Zero(); cone_right.Zero(); offset.Zero(); disabled = false; } /* ===================== idCombatNode::Save ===================== */ void idCombatNode::Save( idSaveGame *savefile ) const { savefile->WriteFloat( min_dist ); savefile->WriteFloat( max_dist ); savefile->WriteFloat( cone_dist ); savefile->WriteFloat( min_height ); savefile->WriteFloat( max_height ); savefile->WriteVec3( cone_left ); savefile->WriteVec3( cone_right ); savefile->WriteVec3( offset ); savefile->WriteBool( disabled ); } /* ===================== idCombatNode::Restore ===================== */ void idCombatNode::Restore( idRestoreGame *savefile ) { savefile->ReadFloat( min_dist ); savefile->ReadFloat( max_dist ); savefile->ReadFloat( cone_dist ); savefile->ReadFloat( min_height ); savefile->ReadFloat( max_height ); savefile->ReadVec3( cone_left ); savefile->ReadVec3( cone_right ); savefile->ReadVec3( offset ); savefile->ReadBool( disabled ); } /* ===================== idCombatNode::Spawn ===================== */ void idCombatNode::Spawn( void ) { float fov; float yaw; float height; min_dist = spawnArgs.GetFloat( "min" ); max_dist = spawnArgs.GetFloat( "max" ); height = spawnArgs.GetFloat( "height" ); fov = spawnArgs.GetFloat( "fov", "120" ); //was 60 rev 2018 offset = spawnArgs.GetVector( "offset" ); const idVec3 &org = GetPhysics()->GetOrigin() + offset; min_height = org.z - height * 0.5f; max_height = min_height + height; const idMat3 &axis = GetPhysics()->GetAxis(); yaw = axis[ 0 ].ToYaw(); idAngles leftang( 0.0f, yaw + fov * 0.5f - 90.0f, 0.0f ); cone_left = leftang.ToForward(); idAngles rightang( 0.0f, yaw - fov * 0.5f + 90.0f, 0.0f ); cone_right = rightang.ToForward(); disabled = spawnArgs.GetBool( "start_off" ); } /* ===================== idCombatNode::IsDisabled ===================== */ bool idCombatNode::IsDisabled( void ) const { return disabled; } /* ===================== idCombatNode::DrawDebugInfo ===================== */ void idCombatNode::DrawDebugInfo( void ) { idEntity *ent; idCombatNode *node; idPlayer *player = gameLocal.GetLocalPlayer(); idVec4 color; idBounds bounds( idVec3( -16, -16, 0 ), idVec3( 16, 16, 0 ) ); for( ent = gameLocal.spawnedEntities.Next(); ent != NULL; ent = ent->spawnNode.Next() ) { if ( !ent->IsType( idCombatNode::Type ) ) { continue; } node = static_cast( ent ); if ( node->disabled ) { color = colorMdGrey; } else if ( player && node->EntityInView( player, player->GetPhysics()->GetOrigin() ) ) { color = colorYellow; } else { color = colorRed; } idVec3 leftDir( -node->cone_left.y, node->cone_left.x, 0.0f ); idVec3 rightDir( node->cone_right.y, -node->cone_right.x, 0.0f ); idVec3 org = node->GetPhysics()->GetOrigin() + node->offset; bounds[ 1 ].z = node->max_height; leftDir.NormalizeFast(); rightDir.NormalizeFast(); const idMat3 &axis = node->GetPhysics()->GetAxis(); float cone_dot = node->cone_right * axis[ 1 ]; if ( idMath::Fabs( cone_dot ) > 0.1 ) { float cone_dist = node->max_dist / cone_dot; idVec3 pos1 = org + leftDir * node->min_dist; idVec3 pos2 = org + leftDir * cone_dist; idVec3 pos3 = org + rightDir * node->min_dist; idVec3 pos4 = org + rightDir * cone_dist; gameRenderWorld->DebugLine( color, node->GetPhysics()->GetOrigin(), ( pos1 + pos3 ) * 0.5f, gameLocal.msec ); gameRenderWorld->DebugLine( color, pos1, pos2, gameLocal.msec ); gameRenderWorld->DebugLine( color, pos1, pos3, gameLocal.msec ); gameRenderWorld->DebugLine( color, pos3, pos4, gameLocal.msec ); gameRenderWorld->DebugLine( color, pos2, pos4, gameLocal.msec ); gameRenderWorld->DebugBounds( color, bounds, org, gameLocal.msec ); } } } /* ===================== idCombatNode::EntityInView ===================== */ bool idCombatNode::EntityInView( idActor *actor, const idVec3 &pos ) { if ( !actor || ( actor->health <= 0 ) ) { return false; } const idBounds &bounds = actor->GetPhysics()->GetBounds(); if ( ( pos.z + bounds[ 1 ].z < min_height ) || ( pos.z + bounds[ 0 ].z >= max_height ) ) { return false; } const idVec3 &org = GetPhysics()->GetOrigin() + offset; const idMat3 &axis = GetPhysics()->GetAxis(); idVec3 dir = pos - org; float dist = dir * axis[ 0 ]; if ( ( dist < min_dist ) || ( dist > max_dist ) ) { return false; } float left_dot = dir * cone_left; if ( left_dot < 0.0f ) { return false; } float right_dot = dir * cone_right; if ( right_dot < 0.0f ) { return false; } return true; } /* ===================== idCombatNode::Event_Activate ===================== */ void idCombatNode::Event_Activate( idEntity *activator ) { disabled = !disabled; } /* ===================== idCombatNode::Event_MarkUsed ===================== */ void idCombatNode::Event_MarkUsed( void ) { if ( spawnArgs.GetBool( "use_once" ) ) { disabled = true; } }