/* =========================================================================== Doom 3 GPL Source Code Copyright (C) 1999-2011 id Software LLC, a ZeniMax Media company. This file is part of the Doom 3 GPL Source Code ("Doom 3 Source Code"). Doom 3 Source Code is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. Doom 3 Source Code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with Doom 3 Source Code. If not, see . In addition, the Doom 3 Source Code is also subject to certain additional terms. You should have received a copy of these additional terms immediately following the terms and conditions of the GNU General Public License which accompanied the Doom 3 Source Code. If not, please request a copy in writing from id Software at the address below. If you have questions concerning this license or the applicable additional terms, you may contact in writing id Software LLC, c/o ZeniMax Media Inc., Suite 120, Rockville, Maryland 20850 USA. =========================================================================== */ #include "sys/platform.h" #include "idlib/Timer.h" #include "framework/FileSystem.h" #include "script/Script_Thread.h" #include "Game_local.h" #include "script/Script_Compiler.h" #define FUNCTION_PRIORITY 2 #define INT_PRIORITY 2 #define NOT_PRIORITY 5 #define TILDE_PRIORITY 5 #define TOP_PRIORITY 7 bool idCompiler::punctuationValid[ 256 ]; const char *idCompiler::punctuation[] = { "+=", "-=", "*=", "/=", "%=", "&=", "|=", "++", "--", "&&", "||", "<=", ">=", "==", "!=", "::", ";", ",", "~", "!", "*", "/", "%", "(", ")", "-", "+", "=", "[", "]", ".", "<", ">" , "&", "|", ":", NULL }; const opcode_t idCompiler::opcodes[] = { { "", "RETURN", -1, false, &def_void, &def_void, &def_void }, { "++", "UINC_F", 1, true, &def_float, &def_void, &def_void }, { "++", "UINCP_F", 1, true, &def_object, &def_field, &def_float }, { "--", "UDEC_F", 1, true, &def_float, &def_void, &def_void }, { "--", "UDECP_F", 1, true, &def_object, &def_field, &def_float }, { "~", "COMP_F", -1, false, &def_float, &def_void, &def_float }, { "*", "MUL_F", 3, false, &def_float, &def_float, &def_float }, { "*", "MUL_V", 3, false, &def_vector, &def_vector, &def_float }, { "*", "MUL_FV", 3, false, &def_float, &def_vector, &def_vector }, { "*", "MUL_VF", 3, false, &def_vector, &def_float, &def_vector }, { "/", "DIV", 3, false, &def_float, &def_float, &def_float }, { "%", "MOD_F", 3, false, &def_float, &def_float, &def_float }, { "+", "ADD_F", 4, false, &def_float, &def_float, &def_float }, { "+", "ADD_V", 4, false, &def_vector, &def_vector, &def_vector }, { "+", "ADD_S", 4, false, &def_string, &def_string, &def_string }, { "+", "ADD_FS", 4, false, &def_float, &def_string, &def_string }, { "+", "ADD_SF", 4, false, &def_string, &def_float, &def_string }, { "+", "ADD_VS", 4, false, &def_vector, &def_string, &def_string }, { "+", "ADD_SV", 4, false, &def_string, &def_vector, &def_string }, { "-", "SUB_F", 4, false, &def_float, &def_float, &def_float }, { "-", "SUB_V", 4, false, &def_vector, &def_vector, &def_vector }, { "==", "EQ_F", 5, false, &def_float, &def_float, &def_float }, { "==", "EQ_V", 5, false, &def_vector, &def_vector, &def_float }, { "==", "EQ_S", 5, false, &def_string, &def_string, &def_float }, { "==", "EQ_E", 5, false, &def_entity, &def_entity, &def_float }, { "==", "EQ_EO", 5, false, &def_entity, &def_object, &def_float }, { "==", "EQ_OE", 5, false, &def_object, &def_entity, &def_float }, { "==", "EQ_OO", 5, false, &def_object, &def_object, &def_float }, { "!=", "NE_F", 5, false, &def_float, &def_float, &def_float }, { "!=", "NE_V", 5, false, &def_vector, &def_vector, &def_float }, { "!=", "NE_S", 5, false, &def_string, &def_string, &def_float }, { "!=", "NE_E", 5, false, &def_entity, &def_entity, &def_float }, { "!=", "NE_EO", 5, false, &def_entity, &def_object, &def_float }, { "!=", "NE_OE", 5, false, &def_object, &def_entity, &def_float }, { "!=", "NE_OO", 5, false, &def_object, &def_object, &def_float }, { "<=", "LE", 5, false, &def_float, &def_float, &def_float }, { ">=", "GE", 5, false, &def_float, &def_float, &def_float }, { "<", "LT", 5, false, &def_float, &def_float, &def_float }, { ">", "GT", 5, false, &def_float, &def_float, &def_float }, { ".", "INDIRECT_F", 1, false, &def_object, &def_field, &def_float }, { ".", "INDIRECT_V", 1, false, &def_object, &def_field, &def_vector }, { ".", "INDIRECT_S", 1, false, &def_object, &def_field, &def_string }, { ".", "INDIRECT_E", 1, false, &def_object, &def_field, &def_entity }, { ".", "INDIRECT_BOOL", 1, false, &def_object, &def_field, &def_boolean }, { ".", "INDIRECT_OBJ", 1, false, &def_object, &def_field, &def_object }, { ".", "ADDRESS", 1, false, &def_entity, &def_field, &def_pointer }, { ".", "EVENTCALL", 2, false, &def_entity, &def_function, &def_void }, { ".", "OBJECTCALL", 2, false, &def_object, &def_function, &def_void }, { ".", "SYSCALL", 2, false, &def_void, &def_function, &def_void }, { "=", "STORE_F", 6, true, &def_float, &def_float, &def_float }, { "=", "STORE_V", 6, true, &def_vector, &def_vector, &def_vector }, { "=", "STORE_S", 6, true, &def_string, &def_string, &def_string }, { "=", "STORE_ENT", 6, true, &def_entity, &def_entity, &def_entity }, { "=", "STORE_BOOL", 6, true, &def_boolean, &def_boolean, &def_boolean }, { "=", "STORE_OBJENT", 6, true, &def_object, &def_entity, &def_object }, { "=", "STORE_OBJ", 6, true, &def_object, &def_object, &def_object }, { "=", "STORE_OBJENT", 6, true, &def_entity, &def_object, &def_object }, { "=", "STORE_FTOS", 6, true, &def_string, &def_float, &def_string }, { "=", "STORE_BTOS", 6, true, &def_string, &def_boolean, &def_string }, { "=", "STORE_VTOS", 6, true, &def_string, &def_vector, &def_string }, { "=", "STORE_FTOBOOL", 6, true, &def_boolean, &def_float, &def_boolean }, { "=", "STORE_BOOLTOF", 6, true, &def_float, &def_boolean, &def_float }, { "=", "STOREP_F", 6, true, &def_pointer, &def_float, &def_float }, { "=", "STOREP_V", 6, true, &def_pointer, &def_vector, &def_vector }, { "=", "STOREP_S", 6, true, &def_pointer, &def_string, &def_string }, { "=", "STOREP_ENT", 6, true, &def_pointer, &def_entity, &def_entity }, { "=", "STOREP_FLD", 6, true, &def_pointer, &def_field, &def_field }, { "=", "STOREP_BOOL", 6, true, &def_pointer, &def_boolean, &def_boolean }, { "=", "STOREP_OBJ", 6, true, &def_pointer, &def_object, &def_object }, { "=", "STOREP_OBJENT", 6, true, &def_pointer, &def_object, &def_object }, { "<=>", "STOREP_FTOS", 6, true, &def_pointer, &def_float, &def_string }, { "<=>", "STOREP_BTOS", 6, true, &def_pointer, &def_boolean, &def_string }, { "<=>", "STOREP_VTOS", 6, true, &def_pointer, &def_vector, &def_string }, { "<=>", "STOREP_FTOBOOL", 6, true, &def_pointer, &def_float, &def_boolean }, { "<=>", "STOREP_BOOLTOF", 6, true, &def_pointer, &def_boolean, &def_float }, { "*=", "UMUL_F", 6, true, &def_float, &def_float, &def_void }, { "*=", "UMUL_V", 6, true, &def_vector, &def_float, &def_void }, { "/=", "UDIV_F", 6, true, &def_float, &def_float, &def_void }, { "/=", "UDIV_V", 6, true, &def_vector, &def_float, &def_void }, { "%=", "UMOD_F", 6, true, &def_float, &def_float, &def_void }, { "+=", "UADD_F", 6, true, &def_float, &def_float, &def_void }, { "+=", "UADD_V", 6, true, &def_vector, &def_vector, &def_void }, { "-=", "USUB_F", 6, true, &def_float, &def_float, &def_void }, { "-=", "USUB_V", 6, true, &def_vector, &def_vector, &def_void }, { "&=", "UAND_F", 6, true, &def_float, &def_float, &def_void }, { "|=", "UOR_F", 6, true, &def_float, &def_float, &def_void }, { "!", "NOT_BOOL", -1, false, &def_boolean, &def_void, &def_float }, { "!", "NOT_F", -1, false, &def_float, &def_void, &def_float }, { "!", "NOT_V", -1, false, &def_vector, &def_void, &def_float }, { "!", "NOT_S", -1, false, &def_vector, &def_void, &def_float }, { "!", "NOT_ENT", -1, false, &def_entity, &def_void, &def_float }, { "", "NEG_F", -1, false, &def_float, &def_void, &def_float }, { "", "NEG_V", -1, false, &def_vector, &def_void, &def_vector }, { "int", "INT_F", -1, false, &def_float, &def_void, &def_float }, { "", "IF", -1, false, &def_float, &def_jumpoffset, &def_void }, { "", "IFNOT", -1, false, &def_float, &def_jumpoffset, &def_void }, // calls returns REG_RETURN { "", "CALL", -1, false, &def_function, &def_argsize, &def_void }, { "", "THREAD", -1, false, &def_function, &def_argsize, &def_void }, { "", "OBJTHREAD", -1, false, &def_function, &def_argsize, &def_void }, { "", "PUSH_F", -1, false, &def_float, &def_float, &def_void }, { "", "PUSH_V", -1, false, &def_vector, &def_vector, &def_void }, { "", "PUSH_S", -1, false, &def_string, &def_string, &def_void }, { "", "PUSH_ENT", -1, false, &def_entity, &def_entity, &def_void }, { "", "PUSH_OBJ", -1, false, &def_object, &def_object, &def_void }, { "", "PUSH_OBJENT", -1, false, &def_entity, &def_object, &def_void }, { "", "PUSH_FTOS", -1, false, &def_string, &def_float, &def_void }, { "", "PUSH_BTOF", -1, false, &def_float, &def_boolean, &def_void }, { "", "PUSH_FTOB", -1, false, &def_boolean, &def_float, &def_void }, { "", "PUSH_VTOS", -1, false, &def_string, &def_vector, &def_void }, { "", "PUSH_BTOS", -1, false, &def_string, &def_boolean, &def_void }, { "", "GOTO", -1, false, &def_jumpoffset, &def_void, &def_void }, { "&&", "AND", 7, false, &def_float, &def_float, &def_float }, { "&&", "AND_BOOLF", 7, false, &def_boolean, &def_float, &def_float }, { "&&", "AND_FBOOL", 7, false, &def_float, &def_boolean, &def_float }, { "&&", "AND_BOOLBOOL", 7, false, &def_boolean, &def_boolean, &def_float }, { "||", "OR", 7, false, &def_float, &def_float, &def_float }, { "||", "OR_BOOLF", 7, false, &def_boolean, &def_float, &def_float }, { "||", "OR_FBOOL", 7, false, &def_float, &def_boolean, &def_float }, { "||", "OR_BOOLBOOL", 7, false, &def_boolean, &def_boolean, &def_float }, { "&", "BITAND", 3, false, &def_float, &def_float, &def_float }, { "|", "BITOR", 3, false, &def_float, &def_float, &def_float }, { "", "BREAK", -1, false, &def_float, &def_void, &def_void }, { "", "CONTINUE", -1, false, &def_float, &def_void, &def_void }, { NULL } }; /* ================ idCompiler::idCompiler() ================ */ idCompiler::idCompiler() { const char **ptr; int id; // make sure we have the right # of opcodes in the table assert( ( sizeof( opcodes ) / sizeof( opcodes[ 0 ] ) ) == ( NUM_OPCODES + 1 ) ); eof = true; parserPtr = &parser; callthread = false; loopDepth = 0; eof = false; braceDepth = 0; immediateType = NULL; basetype = NULL; currentLineNumber = 0; currentFileNumber = 0; errorCount = 0; console = false; scope = &def_namespace; memset( &immediate, 0, sizeof( immediate ) ); memset( punctuationValid, 0, sizeof( punctuationValid ) ); for( ptr = punctuation; *ptr != NULL; ptr++ ) { id = parserPtr->GetPunctuationId( *ptr ); if ( ( id >= 0 ) && ( id < 256 ) ) { punctuationValid[ id ] = true; } } } /* ============ idCompiler::Error Aborts the current file load ============ */ void idCompiler::Error( const char *message, ... ) const { va_list argptr; char string[ 1024 ]; va_start( argptr, message ); vsprintf( string, message, argptr ); va_end( argptr ); throw idCompileError( string ); } /* ============ idCompiler::Warning Prints a warning about the current line ============ */ void idCompiler::Warning( const char *message, ... ) const { va_list argptr; char string[ 1024 ]; va_start( argptr, message ); vsprintf( string, message, argptr ); va_end( argptr ); parserPtr->Warning( "%s", string ); } /* ============ idCompiler::VirtualFunctionConstant Creates a def for an index into a virtual function table ============ */ ID_INLINE idVarDef *idCompiler::VirtualFunctionConstant( idVarDef *func ) { eval_t eval; memset( &eval, 0, sizeof( eval ) ); eval._int = func->scope->TypeDef()->GetFunctionNumber( func->value.functionPtr ); if ( eval._int < 0 ) { Error( "Function '%s' not found in scope '%s'", func->Name(), func->scope->Name() ); } return GetImmediate( &type_virtualfunction, &eval, "" ); } /* ============ idCompiler::SizeConstant Creates a def for a size constant ============ */ ID_INLINE idVarDef *idCompiler::SizeConstant( int size ) { eval_t eval; memset( &eval, 0, sizeof( eval ) ); eval._int = size; return GetImmediate( &type_argsize, &eval, "" ); } /* ============ idCompiler::JumpConstant Creates a def for a jump constant ============ */ ID_INLINE idVarDef *idCompiler::JumpConstant( int value ) { eval_t eval; memset( &eval, 0, sizeof( eval ) ); eval._int = value; return GetImmediate( &type_jumpoffset, &eval, "" ); } /* ============ idCompiler::JumpDef Creates a def for a relative jump from one code location to another ============ */ ID_INLINE idVarDef *idCompiler::JumpDef( int jumpfrom, int jumpto ) { return JumpConstant( jumpto - jumpfrom ); } /* ============ idCompiler::JumpTo Creates a def for a relative jump from current code location ============ */ ID_INLINE idVarDef *idCompiler::JumpTo( int jumpto ) { return JumpDef( gameLocal.program.NumStatements(), jumpto ); } /* ============ idCompiler::JumpFrom Creates a def for a relative jump from code location to current code location ============ */ ID_INLINE idVarDef *idCompiler::JumpFrom( int jumpfrom ) { return JumpDef( jumpfrom, gameLocal.program.NumStatements() ); } /* ============ idCompiler::Divide ============ */ ID_INLINE float idCompiler::Divide( float numerator, float denominator ) { if ( denominator == 0 ) { Error( "Divide by zero" ); return 0; } return numerator / denominator; } /* ============ idCompiler::FindImmediate tries to find an existing immediate with the same value ============ */ idVarDef *idCompiler::FindImmediate( const idTypeDef *type, const eval_t *eval, const char *string ) const { idVarDef *def; etype_t etype; etype = type->Type(); // check for a constant with the same value for( def = gameLocal.program.GetDefList( "" ); def != NULL; def = def->Next() ) { if ( def->TypeDef() != type ) { continue; } switch( etype ) { case ev_field : if ( *def->value.intPtr == eval->_int ) { return def; } break; case ev_argsize : if ( def->value.argSize == eval->_int ) { return def; } break; case ev_jumpoffset : if ( def->value.jumpOffset == eval->_int ) { return def; } break; case ev_entity : if ( *def->value.intPtr == eval->entity ) { return def; } break; case ev_string : if ( idStr::Cmp( def->value.stringPtr, string ) == 0 ) { return def; } break; case ev_float : if ( *def->value.floatPtr == eval->_float ) { return def; } break; case ev_virtualfunction : if ( def->value.virtualFunction == eval->_int ) { return def; } break; case ev_vector : if ( ( def->value.vectorPtr->x == eval->vector[ 0 ] ) && ( def->value.vectorPtr->y == eval->vector[ 1 ] ) && ( def->value.vectorPtr->z == eval->vector[ 2 ] ) ) { return def; } break; default : Error( "weird immediate type" ); break; } } return NULL; } /* ============ idCompiler::GetImmediate returns an existing immediate with the same value, or allocates a new one ============ */ idVarDef *idCompiler::GetImmediate( idTypeDef *type, const eval_t *eval, const char *string ) { idVarDef *def; def = FindImmediate( type, eval, string ); if ( def ) { def->numUsers++; } else { // allocate a new def def = gameLocal.program.AllocDef( type, "", &def_namespace, true ); if ( type->Type() == ev_string ) { def->SetString( string, true ); } else { def->SetValue( *eval, true ); } } return def; } /* ============ idCompiler::OptimizeOpcode try to optimize when the operator works on constants only ============ */ idVarDef *idCompiler::OptimizeOpcode( const opcode_t *op, idVarDef *var_a, idVarDef *var_b ) { eval_t c; idTypeDef *type; if ( var_a && var_a->initialized != idVarDef::initializedConstant ) { return NULL; } if ( var_b && var_b->initialized != idVarDef::initializedConstant ) { return NULL; } idVec3 &vec_c = *reinterpret_cast( &c.vector[ 0 ] ); memset( &c, 0, sizeof( c ) ); switch( op - opcodes ) { case OP_ADD_F: c._float = *var_a->value.floatPtr + *var_b->value.floatPtr; type = &type_float; break; case OP_ADD_V: vec_c = *var_a->value.vectorPtr + *var_b->value.vectorPtr; type = &type_vector; break; case OP_SUB_F: c._float = *var_a->value.floatPtr - *var_b->value.floatPtr; type = &type_float; break; case OP_SUB_V: vec_c = *var_a->value.vectorPtr - *var_b->value.vectorPtr; type = &type_vector; break; case OP_MUL_F: c._float = *var_a->value.floatPtr * *var_b->value.floatPtr; type = &type_float; break; case OP_MUL_V: c._float = *var_a->value.vectorPtr * *var_b->value.vectorPtr; type = &type_float; break; case OP_MUL_FV: vec_c = *var_b->value.vectorPtr * *var_a->value.floatPtr; type = &type_vector; break; case OP_MUL_VF: vec_c = *var_a->value.vectorPtr * *var_b->value.floatPtr; type = &type_vector; break; case OP_DIV_F: c._float = Divide( *var_a->value.floatPtr, *var_b->value.floatPtr ); type = &type_float; break; case OP_MOD_F: c._float = (int)*var_a->value.floatPtr % (int)*var_b->value.floatPtr; type = &type_float; break; case OP_BITAND: c._float = ( int )*var_a->value.floatPtr & ( int )*var_b->value.floatPtr; type = &type_float; break; case OP_BITOR: c._float = ( int )*var_a->value.floatPtr | ( int )*var_b->value.floatPtr; type = &type_float; break; case OP_GE: c._float = *var_a->value.floatPtr >= *var_b->value.floatPtr; type = &type_float; break; case OP_LE: c._float = *var_a->value.floatPtr <= *var_b->value.floatPtr; type = &type_float; break; case OP_GT: c._float = *var_a->value.floatPtr > *var_b->value.floatPtr; type = &type_float; break; case OP_LT: c._float = *var_a->value.floatPtr < *var_b->value.floatPtr; type = &type_float; break; case OP_AND: c._float = *var_a->value.floatPtr && *var_b->value.floatPtr; type = &type_float; break; case OP_OR: c._float = *var_a->value.floatPtr || *var_b->value.floatPtr; type = &type_float; break; case OP_NOT_BOOL: c._int = !*var_a->value.intPtr; type = &type_boolean; break; case OP_NOT_F: c._float = !*var_a->value.floatPtr; type = &type_float; break; case OP_NOT_V: c._float = !var_a->value.vectorPtr->x && !var_a->value.vectorPtr->y && !var_a->value.vectorPtr->z; type = &type_float; break; case OP_NEG_F: c._float = -*var_a->value.floatPtr; type = &type_float; break; case OP_NEG_V: vec_c = -*var_a->value.vectorPtr; type = &type_vector; break; case OP_INT_F: c._float = ( int )*var_a->value.floatPtr; type = &type_float; break; case OP_EQ_F: c._float = ( *var_a->value.floatPtr == *var_b->value.floatPtr ); type = &type_float; break; case OP_EQ_V: c._float = var_a->value.vectorPtr->Compare( *var_b->value.vectorPtr ); type = &type_float; break; case OP_EQ_E: c._float = ( *var_a->value.intPtr == *var_b->value.intPtr ); type = &type_float; break; case OP_NE_F: c._float = ( *var_a->value.floatPtr != *var_b->value.floatPtr ); type = &type_float; break; case OP_NE_V: c._float = !var_a->value.vectorPtr->Compare( *var_b->value.vectorPtr ); type = &type_float; break; case OP_NE_E: c._float = ( *var_a->value.intPtr != *var_b->value.intPtr ); type = &type_float; break; case OP_UADD_F: c._float = *var_b->value.floatPtr + *var_a->value.floatPtr; type = &type_float; break; case OP_USUB_F: c._float = *var_b->value.floatPtr - *var_a->value.floatPtr; type = &type_float; break; case OP_UMUL_F: c._float = *var_b->value.floatPtr * *var_a->value.floatPtr; type = &type_float; break; case OP_UDIV_F: c._float = Divide( *var_b->value.floatPtr, *var_a->value.floatPtr ); type = &type_float; break; case OP_UMOD_F: c._float = ( int ) *var_b->value.floatPtr % ( int )*var_a->value.floatPtr; type = &type_float; break; case OP_UOR_F: c._float = ( int )*var_b->value.floatPtr | ( int )*var_a->value.floatPtr; type = &type_float; break; case OP_UAND_F: c._float = ( int )*var_b->value.floatPtr & ( int )*var_a->value.floatPtr; type = &type_float; break; case OP_UINC_F: c._float = *var_a->value.floatPtr + 1; type = &type_float; break; case OP_UDEC_F: c._float = *var_a->value.floatPtr - 1; type = &type_float; break; case OP_COMP_F: c._float = ( float )~( int )*var_a->value.floatPtr; type = &type_float; break; default: type = NULL; break; } if ( !type ) { return NULL; } if ( var_a ) { var_a->numUsers--; if ( var_a->numUsers <= 0 ) { gameLocal.program.FreeDef( var_a, NULL ); } } if ( var_b ) { var_b->numUsers--; if ( var_b->numUsers <= 0 ) { gameLocal.program.FreeDef( var_b, NULL ); } } return GetImmediate( type, &c, "" ); } /* ============ idCompiler::EmitOpcode Emits a primitive statement, returning the var it places it's value in ============ */ idVarDef *idCompiler::EmitOpcode( const opcode_t *op, idVarDef *var_a, idVarDef *var_b ) { statement_t *statement; idVarDef *var_c; var_c = OptimizeOpcode( op, var_a, var_b ); if ( var_c ) { return var_c; } if ( var_a && !strcmp( var_a->Name(), RESULT_STRING ) ) { var_a->numUsers++; } if ( var_b && !strcmp( var_b->Name(), RESULT_STRING ) ) { var_b->numUsers++; } statement = gameLocal.program.AllocStatement(); statement->linenumber = currentLineNumber; statement->file = currentFileNumber; if ( ( op->type_c == &def_void ) || op->rightAssociative ) { // ifs, gotos, and assignments don't need vars allocated var_c = NULL; } else { // allocate result space // try to reuse result defs as much as possible var_c = gameLocal.program.FindFreeResultDef( op->type_c->TypeDef(), RESULT_STRING, scope, var_a, var_b ); // set user count back to 1, a result def needs to be used twice before it can be reused var_c->numUsers = 1; } statement->op = op - opcodes; statement->a = var_a; statement->b = var_b; statement->c = var_c; if ( op->rightAssociative ) { return var_a; } return var_c; } /* ============ idCompiler::EmitOpcode Emits a primitive statement, returning the var it places it's value in ============ */ ID_INLINE idVarDef *idCompiler::EmitOpcode( int op, idVarDef *var_a, idVarDef *var_b ) { return EmitOpcode( &opcodes[ op ], var_a, var_b ); } /* ============ idCompiler::EmitPush Emits an opcode to push the variable onto the stack. ============ */ bool idCompiler::EmitPush( idVarDef *expression, const idTypeDef *funcArg ) { const opcode_t *op; const opcode_t *out; out = NULL; for( op = &opcodes[ OP_PUSH_F ]; op->name && !strcmp( op->name, "" ); op++ ) { if ( ( funcArg->Type() == op->type_a->Type() ) && ( expression->Type() == op->type_b->Type() ) ) { out = op; break; } } if ( !out ) { if ( ( expression->TypeDef() != funcArg ) && !expression->TypeDef()->Inherits( funcArg ) ) { return false; } out = &opcodes[ OP_PUSH_ENT ]; } EmitOpcode( out, expression, 0 ); return true; } /* ============== idCompiler::NextToken Sets token, immediateType, and possibly immediate ============== */ void idCompiler::NextToken( void ) { int i; // reset our type immediateType = NULL; memset( &immediate, 0, sizeof( immediate ) ); // Save the token's line number and filename since when we emit opcodes the current // token is always the next one to be read currentLineNumber = token.line; currentFileNumber = gameLocal.program.GetFilenum( parserPtr->GetFileName() ); if ( !parserPtr->ReadToken( &token ) ) { eof = true; return; } if ( currentFileNumber != gameLocal.program.GetFilenum( parserPtr->GetFileName() ) ) { if ( ( braceDepth > 0 ) && ( token != "}" ) ) { // missing a closing brace. try to give as much info as possible. if ( scope->Type() == ev_function ) { Error( "Unexpected end of file inside function '%s'. Missing closing braces.", scope->Name() ); } else if ( scope->Type() == ev_object ) { Error( "Unexpected end of file inside object '%s'. Missing closing braces.", scope->Name() ); } else if ( scope->Type() == ev_namespace ) { Error( "Unexpected end of file inside namespace '%s'. Missing closing braces.", scope->Name() ); } else { Error( "Unexpected end of file inside braced section" ); } } } switch( token.type ) { case TT_STRING: // handle quoted strings as a unit immediateType = &type_string; return; case TT_LITERAL: { // handle quoted vectors as a unit immediateType = &type_vector; idLexer lex( token, token.Length(), parserPtr->GetFileName(), LEXFL_NOERRORS ); idToken token2; for( i = 0; i < 3; i++ ) { if ( !lex.ReadToken( &token2 ) ) { Error( "Couldn't read vector. '%s' is not in the form of 'x y z'", token.c_str() ); } if ( token2.type == TT_PUNCTUATION && token2 == "-" ) { if ( !lex.CheckTokenType( TT_NUMBER, 0, &token2 ) ) { Error( "expected a number following '-' but found '%s' in vector '%s'", token2.c_str(), token.c_str() ); } immediate.vector[ i ] = -token2.GetFloatValue(); } else if ( token2.type == TT_NUMBER ) { immediate.vector[ i ] = token2.GetFloatValue(); } else { Error( "vector '%s' is not in the form of 'x y z'. expected float value, found '%s'", token.c_str(), token2.c_str() ); } } return; } case TT_NUMBER: immediateType = &type_float; immediate._float = token.GetFloatValue(); return; case TT_PUNCTUATION: // entity names if ( token == "$" ) { immediateType = &type_entity; parserPtr->ReadToken( &token ); return; } if ( token == "{" ) { braceDepth++; return; } if ( token == "}" ) { braceDepth--; return; } if ( punctuationValid[ token.subtype ] ) { return; } Error( "Unknown punctuation '%s'", token.c_str() ); break; case TT_NAME: return; default: Error( "Unknown token '%s'", token.c_str() ); } } /* ============= idCompiler::ExpectToken Issues an Error if the current token isn't equal to string Gets the next token ============= */ void idCompiler::ExpectToken( const char *string ) { if ( token != string ) { Error( "expected '%s', found '%s'", string, token.c_str() ); } NextToken(); } /* ============= idCompiler::CheckToken Returns true and gets the next token if the current token equals string Returns false and does nothing otherwise ============= */ bool idCompiler::CheckToken( const char *string ) { if ( token != string ) { return false; } NextToken(); return true; } /* ============ idCompiler::ParseName Checks to see if the current token is a valid name ============ */ void idCompiler::ParseName( idStr &name ) { if ( token.type != TT_NAME ) { Error( "'%s' is not a name", token.c_str() ); } name = token; NextToken(); } /* ============ idCompiler::SkipOutOfFunction For error recovery, pops out of nested braces ============ */ void idCompiler::SkipOutOfFunction( void ) { while( braceDepth ) { parserPtr->SkipBracedSection( false ); braceDepth--; } NextToken(); } /* ============ idCompiler::SkipToSemicolon For error recovery ============ */ void idCompiler::SkipToSemicolon( void ) { do { if ( CheckToken( ";" ) ) { return; } NextToken(); } while( !eof ); } /* ============ idCompiler::CheckType Parses a variable type, including functions types ============ */ idTypeDef *idCompiler::CheckType( void ) { idTypeDef *type; if ( token == "float" ) { type = &type_float; } else if ( token == "vector" ) { type = &type_vector; } else if ( token == "entity" ) { type = &type_entity; } else if ( token == "string" ) { type = &type_string; } else if ( token == "void" ) { type = &type_void; } else if ( token == "object" ) { type = &type_object; } else if ( token == "boolean" ) { type = &type_boolean; } else if ( token == "namespace" ) { type = &type_namespace; } else if ( token == "scriptEvent" ) { type = &type_scriptevent; } else { type = gameLocal.program.FindType( token.c_str() ); if ( type && !type->Inherits( &type_object ) ) { type = NULL; } } return type; } /* ============ idCompiler::ParseType Parses a variable type, including functions types ============ */ idTypeDef *idCompiler::ParseType( void ) { idTypeDef *type; type = CheckType(); if ( !type ) { Error( "\"%s\" is not a type", token.c_str() ); } if ( ( type == &type_scriptevent ) && ( scope != &def_namespace ) ) { Error( "scriptEvents can only defined in the global namespace" ); } if ( ( type == &type_namespace ) && ( scope->Type() != ev_namespace ) ) { Error( "A namespace may only be defined globally, or within another namespace" ); } NextToken(); return type; } /* ============ idCompiler::ParseImmediate Looks for a preexisting constant ============ */ idVarDef *idCompiler::ParseImmediate( void ) { idVarDef *def; def = GetImmediate( immediateType, &immediate, token.c_str() ); NextToken(); return def; } /* ============ idCompiler::EmitFunctionParms ============ */ idVarDef *idCompiler::EmitFunctionParms( int op, idVarDef *func, int startarg, int startsize, idVarDef *object ) { idVarDef *e; const idTypeDef *type; const idTypeDef *funcArg; idVarDef *returnDef; idTypeDef *returnType; int arg; int size; int resultOp; type = func->TypeDef(); if ( func->Type() != ev_function ) { Error( "'%s' is not a function", func->Name() ); } // copy the parameters to the global parameter variables arg = startarg; size = startsize; if ( !CheckToken( ")" ) ) { do { if ( arg >= type->NumParameters() ) { Error( "too many parameters" ); } e = GetExpression( TOP_PRIORITY ); funcArg = type->GetParmType( arg ); if ( !EmitPush( e, funcArg ) ) { Error( "type mismatch on parm %i of call to '%s'", arg + 1, func->Name() ); } if ( funcArg->Type() == ev_object ) { size += type_object.Size(); } else { size += funcArg->Size(); } arg++; } while( CheckToken( "," ) ); ExpectToken( ")" ); } if ( arg < type->NumParameters() ) { Error( "too few parameters for function '%s'", func->Name() ); } if ( op == OP_CALL ) { EmitOpcode( op, func, 0 ); } else if ( ( op == OP_OBJECTCALL ) || ( op == OP_OBJTHREAD ) ) { EmitOpcode( op, object, VirtualFunctionConstant( func ) ); // need arg size seperate since script object may be NULL statement_t &statement = gameLocal.program.GetStatement( gameLocal.program.NumStatements() - 1 ); statement.c = SizeConstant( func->value.functionPtr->parmTotal ); } else { EmitOpcode( op, func, SizeConstant( size ) ); } // we need to copy off the result into a temporary result location, so figure out the opcode returnType = type->ReturnType(); if ( returnType->Type() == ev_string ) { resultOp = OP_STORE_S; returnDef = gameLocal.program.returnStringDef; } else { gameLocal.program.returnDef->SetTypeDef( returnType ); returnDef = gameLocal.program.returnDef; switch( returnType->Type() ) { case ev_void : resultOp = OP_STORE_F; break; case ev_boolean : resultOp = OP_STORE_BOOL; break; case ev_float : resultOp = OP_STORE_F; break; case ev_vector : resultOp = OP_STORE_V; break; case ev_entity : resultOp = OP_STORE_ENT; break; case ev_object : resultOp = OP_STORE_OBJ; break; default : Error( "Invalid return type for function '%s'", func->Name() ); // shut up compiler resultOp = OP_STORE_OBJ; break; } } if ( returnType->Type() == ev_void ) { // don't need result space since there's no result, so just return the normal result def. return returnDef; } // allocate result space // try to reuse result defs as much as possible statement_t &statement = gameLocal.program.GetStatement( gameLocal.program.NumStatements() - 1 ); idVarDef *resultDef = gameLocal.program.FindFreeResultDef( returnType, RESULT_STRING, scope, statement.a, statement.b ); // set user count back to 0, a result def needs to be used twice before it can be reused resultDef->numUsers = 0; EmitOpcode( resultOp, returnDef, resultDef ); return resultDef; } /* ============ idCompiler::ParseFunctionCall ============ */ idVarDef *idCompiler::ParseFunctionCall( idVarDef *funcDef ) { assert( funcDef ); if ( funcDef->Type() != ev_function ) { Error( "'%s' is not a function", funcDef->Name() ); } if ( funcDef->initialized == idVarDef::uninitialized ) { Error( "Function '%s' has not been defined yet", funcDef->GlobalName() ); } assert( funcDef->value.functionPtr ); if ( callthread ) { if ( ( funcDef->initialized != idVarDef::uninitialized ) && funcDef->value.functionPtr->eventdef ) { Error( "Built-in functions cannot be called as threads" ); } callthread = false; return EmitFunctionParms( OP_THREAD, funcDef, 0, 0, NULL ); } else { if ( ( funcDef->initialized != idVarDef::uninitialized ) && funcDef->value.functionPtr->eventdef ) { if ( ( scope->Type() != ev_namespace ) && ( scope->scope->Type() == ev_object ) ) { // get the local object pointer idVarDef *thisdef = gameLocal.program.GetDef( scope->scope->TypeDef(), "self", scope ); if ( !thisdef ) { Error( "No 'self' within scope" ); } return ParseEventCall( thisdef, funcDef ); } else { Error( "Built-in functions cannot be called without an object" ); } } return EmitFunctionParms( OP_CALL, funcDef, 0, 0, NULL ); } } /* ============ idCompiler::ParseObjectCall ============ */ idVarDef *idCompiler::ParseObjectCall( idVarDef *object, idVarDef *func ) { EmitPush( object, object->TypeDef() ); if ( callthread ) { callthread = false; return EmitFunctionParms( OP_OBJTHREAD, func, 1, type_object.Size(), object ); } else { return EmitFunctionParms( OP_OBJECTCALL, func, 1, 0, object ); } } /* ============ idCompiler::ParseEventCall ============ */ idVarDef *idCompiler::ParseEventCall( idVarDef *object, idVarDef *funcDef ) { if ( callthread ) { Error( "Cannot call built-in functions as a thread" ); } if ( funcDef->Type() != ev_function ) { Error( "'%s' is not a function", funcDef->Name() ); } if ( !funcDef->value.functionPtr->eventdef ) { Error( "\"%s\" cannot be called with object notation", funcDef->Name() ); } if ( object->Type() == ev_object ) { EmitPush( object, &type_entity ); } else { EmitPush( object, object->TypeDef() ); } return EmitFunctionParms( OP_EVENTCALL, funcDef, 0, type_object.Size(), NULL ); } /* ============ idCompiler::ParseSysObjectCall ============ */ idVarDef *idCompiler::ParseSysObjectCall( idVarDef *funcDef ) { if ( callthread ) { Error( "Cannot call built-in functions as a thread" ); } if ( funcDef->Type() != ev_function ) { Error( "'%s' is not a function", funcDef->Name() ); } if ( !funcDef->value.functionPtr->eventdef ) { Error( "\"%s\" cannot be called with object notation", funcDef->Name() ); } if ( !idThread::Type.RespondsTo( *funcDef->value.functionPtr->eventdef ) ) { Error( "\"%s\" is not callable as a 'sys' function", funcDef->Name() ); } return EmitFunctionParms( OP_SYSCALL, funcDef, 0, 0, NULL ); } /* ============ idCompiler::LookupDef ============ */ idVarDef *idCompiler::LookupDef( const char *name, const idVarDef *baseobj ) { idVarDef *def; idVarDef *field; etype_t type_b; etype_t type_c; const opcode_t *op; // check if we're accessing a field if ( baseobj && ( baseobj->Type() == ev_object ) ) { const idVarDef *tdef; def = NULL; for( tdef = baseobj; tdef != &def_object; tdef = tdef->TypeDef()->SuperClass()->def ) { def = gameLocal.program.GetDef( NULL, name, tdef ); if ( def ) { break; } } } else { // first look through the defs in our scope def = gameLocal.program.GetDef( NULL, name, scope ); if ( !def ) { // if we're in a member function, check types local to the object if ( ( scope->Type() != ev_namespace ) && ( scope->scope->Type() == ev_object ) ) { // get the local object pointer idVarDef *thisdef = gameLocal.program.GetDef( scope->scope->TypeDef(), "self", scope ); field = LookupDef( name, scope->scope->TypeDef()->def ); if ( !field ) { Error( "Unknown value \"%s\"", name ); } // type check type_b = field->Type(); if ( field->Type() == ev_function ) { type_c = field->TypeDef()->ReturnType()->Type(); } else { type_c = field->TypeDef()->FieldType()->Type(); // field access gets type from field if ( CheckToken( "++" ) ) { if ( type_c != ev_float ) { Error( "Invalid type for ++" ); } def = EmitOpcode( OP_UINCP_F, thisdef, field ); return def; } else if ( CheckToken( "--" ) ) { if ( type_c != ev_float ) { Error( "Invalid type for --" ); } def = EmitOpcode( OP_UDECP_F, thisdef, field ); return def; } } op = &opcodes[ OP_INDIRECT_F ]; while( ( op->type_a->Type() != ev_object ) || ( type_b != op->type_b->Type() ) || ( type_c != op->type_c->Type() ) ) { if ( ( op->priority == FUNCTION_PRIORITY ) && ( op->type_a->Type() == ev_object ) && ( op->type_c->Type() == ev_void ) && ( type_c != op->type_c->Type() ) ) { // catches object calls that return a value break; } op++; if ( !op->name || strcmp( op->name, "." ) ) { Error( "no valid opcode to access type '%s'", field->TypeDef()->SuperClass()->Name() ); } } if ( ( op - opcodes ) == OP_OBJECTCALL ) { ExpectToken( "(" ); def = ParseObjectCall( thisdef, field ); } else { // emit the conversion opcode def = EmitOpcode( op, thisdef, field ); // field access gets type from field def->SetTypeDef( field->TypeDef()->FieldType() ); } } } } return def; } /* ============ idCompiler::ParseValue Returns the def for the current token ============ */ idVarDef *idCompiler::ParseValue( void ) { idVarDef *def; idVarDef *namespaceDef; idStr name; if ( immediateType == &type_entity ) { // if an immediate entity ($-prefaced name) then create or lookup a def for it. // when entities are spawned, they'll lookup the def and point it to them. def = gameLocal.program.GetDef( &type_entity, "$" + token, &def_namespace ); if ( !def ) { def = gameLocal.program.AllocDef( &type_entity, "$" + token, &def_namespace, true ); } NextToken(); return def; } else if ( immediateType ) { // if the token is an immediate, allocate a constant for it return ParseImmediate(); } ParseName( name ); def = LookupDef( name, basetype ); if ( !def ) { if ( basetype ) { Error( "%s is not a member of %s", name.c_str(), basetype->TypeDef()->Name() ); } else { Error( "Unknown value \"%s\"", name.c_str() ); } // if namespace, then look up the variable in that namespace } else if ( def->Type() == ev_namespace ) { while( def->Type() == ev_namespace ) { ExpectToken( "::" ); ParseName( name ); namespaceDef = def; def = gameLocal.program.GetDef( NULL, name, namespaceDef ); if ( !def ) { Error( "Unknown value \"%s::%s\"", namespaceDef->GlobalName(), name.c_str() ); } } //def = LookupDef( name, basetype ); } return def; } /* ============ idCompiler::GetTerm ============ */ idVarDef *idCompiler::GetTerm( void ) { idVarDef *e; int op; if ( !immediateType && CheckToken( "~" ) ) { e = GetExpression( TILDE_PRIORITY ); switch( e->Type() ) { case ev_float : op = OP_COMP_F; break; default : Error( "type mismatch for ~" ); // shut up compiler op = OP_COMP_F; break; } return EmitOpcode( op, e, 0 ); } if ( !immediateType && CheckToken( "!" ) ) { e = GetExpression( NOT_PRIORITY ); switch( e->Type() ) { case ev_boolean : op = OP_NOT_BOOL; break; case ev_float : op = OP_NOT_F; break; case ev_string : op = OP_NOT_S; break; case ev_vector : op = OP_NOT_V; break; case ev_entity : op = OP_NOT_ENT; break; case ev_function : Error( "Invalid type for !" ); // shut up compiler op = OP_NOT_F; break; case ev_object : op = OP_NOT_ENT; break; default : Error( "type mismatch for !" ); // shut up compiler op = OP_NOT_F; break; } return EmitOpcode( op, e, 0 ); } // check for negation operator if ( !immediateType && CheckToken( "-" ) ) { // constants are directly negated without an instruction if ( immediateType == &type_float ) { immediate._float = -immediate._float; return ParseImmediate(); } else if ( immediateType == &type_vector ) { immediate.vector[0] = -immediate.vector[0]; immediate.vector[1] = -immediate.vector[1]; immediate.vector[2] = -immediate.vector[2]; return ParseImmediate(); } else { e = GetExpression( NOT_PRIORITY ); switch( e->Type() ) { case ev_float : op = OP_NEG_F; break; case ev_vector : op = OP_NEG_V; break; default : Error( "type mismatch for -" ); // shut up compiler op = OP_NEG_F; break; } return EmitOpcode( &opcodes[ op ], e, 0 ); } } if ( CheckToken( "int" ) ) { ExpectToken( "(" ); e = GetExpression( INT_PRIORITY ); if ( e->Type() != ev_float ) { Error( "type mismatch for int()" ); } ExpectToken( ")" ); return EmitOpcode( OP_INT_F, e, 0 ); } if ( CheckToken( "thread" ) ) { callthread = true; e = GetExpression( FUNCTION_PRIORITY ); if ( callthread ) { Error( "Invalid thread call" ); } // threads return the thread number gameLocal.program.returnDef->SetTypeDef( &type_float ); return gameLocal.program.returnDef; } if ( !immediateType && CheckToken( "(" ) ) { e = GetExpression( TOP_PRIORITY ); ExpectToken( ")" ); return e; } return ParseValue(); } /* ============== idCompiler::TypeMatches ============== */ bool idCompiler::TypeMatches( etype_t type1, etype_t type2 ) const { if ( type1 == type2 ) { return true; } //if ( ( type1 == ev_entity ) && ( type2 == ev_object ) ) { // return true; //} //if ( ( type2 == ev_entity ) && ( type1 == ev_object ) ) { // return true; //} return false; } /* ============== idCompiler::GetExpression ============== */ idVarDef *idCompiler::GetExpression( int priority ) { const opcode_t *op; const opcode_t *oldop; idVarDef *e; idVarDef *e2; const idVarDef *oldtype; etype_t type_a; etype_t type_b; etype_t type_c; if ( priority == 0 ) { return GetTerm(); } e = GetExpression( priority - 1 ); if ( token == ";" ) { // save us from searching through the opcodes unneccesarily return e; } while( 1 ) { if ( ( priority == FUNCTION_PRIORITY ) && CheckToken( "(" ) ) { return ParseFunctionCall( e ); } // has to be a punctuation if ( immediateType ) { break; } for( op = opcodes; op->name; op++ ) { if ( ( op->priority == priority ) && CheckToken( op->name ) ) { break; } } if ( !op->name ) { // next token isn't at this priority level break; } // unary operators act only on the left operand if ( op->type_b == &def_void ) { e = EmitOpcode( op, e, 0 ); return e; } // preserve our base type oldtype = basetype; // field access needs scope from object if ( ( op->name[ 0 ] == '.' ) && e->TypeDef()->Inherits( &type_object ) ) { // save off what type this field is part of basetype = e->TypeDef()->def; } if ( op->rightAssociative ) { // if last statement is an indirect, change it to an address of if ( gameLocal.program.NumStatements() > 0 ) { statement_t &statement = gameLocal.program.GetStatement( gameLocal.program.NumStatements() - 1 ); if ( ( statement.op >= OP_INDIRECT_F ) && ( statement.op < OP_ADDRESS ) ) { statement.op = OP_ADDRESS; type_pointer.SetPointerType( e->TypeDef() ); e->SetTypeDef( &type_pointer ); } } e2 = GetExpression( priority ); } else { e2 = GetExpression( priority - 1 ); } // restore type basetype = oldtype; // type check type_a = e->Type(); type_b = e2->Type(); // field access gets type from field if ( op->name[ 0 ] == '.' ) { if ( ( e2->Type() == ev_function ) && e2->TypeDef()->ReturnType() ) { type_c = e2->TypeDef()->ReturnType()->Type(); } else if ( e2->TypeDef()->FieldType() ) { type_c = e2->TypeDef()->FieldType()->Type(); } else { // not a field type_c = ev_error; } } else { type_c = ev_void; } oldop = op; while( !TypeMatches( type_a, op->type_a->Type() ) || !TypeMatches( type_b, op->type_b->Type() ) || ( ( type_c != ev_void ) && !TypeMatches( type_c, op->type_c->Type() ) ) ) { if ( ( op->priority == FUNCTION_PRIORITY ) && TypeMatches( type_a, op->type_a->Type() ) && TypeMatches( type_b, op->type_b->Type() ) ) { break; } op++; if ( !op->name || strcmp( op->name, oldop->name ) ) { Error( "type mismatch for '%s'", oldop->name ); } } switch( op - opcodes ) { case OP_SYSCALL : ExpectToken( "(" ); e = ParseSysObjectCall( e2 ); break; case OP_OBJECTCALL : ExpectToken( "(" ); if ( ( e2->initialized != idVarDef::uninitialized ) && e2->value.functionPtr->eventdef ) { e = ParseEventCall( e, e2 ); } else { e = ParseObjectCall( e, e2 ); } break; case OP_EVENTCALL : ExpectToken( "(" ); if ( ( e2->initialized != idVarDef::uninitialized ) && e2->value.functionPtr->eventdef ) { e = ParseEventCall( e, e2 ); } else { e = ParseObjectCall( e, e2 ); } break; default: if ( callthread ) { Error( "Expecting function call after 'thread'" ); } if ( ( type_a == ev_pointer ) && ( type_b != e->TypeDef()->PointerType()->Type() ) ) { // FIXME: need to make a general case for this if ( ( op - opcodes == OP_STOREP_F ) && ( e->TypeDef()->PointerType()->Type() == ev_boolean ) ) { // copy from float to boolean pointer op = &opcodes[ OP_STOREP_FTOBOOL ]; } else if ( ( op - opcodes == OP_STOREP_BOOL ) && ( e->TypeDef()->PointerType()->Type() == ev_float ) ) { // copy from boolean to float pointer op = &opcodes[ OP_STOREP_BOOLTOF ]; } else if ( ( op - opcodes == OP_STOREP_F ) && ( e->TypeDef()->PointerType()->Type() == ev_string ) ) { // copy from float to string pointer op = &opcodes[ OP_STOREP_FTOS ]; } else if ( ( op - opcodes == OP_STOREP_BOOL ) && ( e->TypeDef()->PointerType()->Type() == ev_string ) ) { // copy from boolean to string pointer op = &opcodes[ OP_STOREP_BTOS ]; } else if ( ( op - opcodes == OP_STOREP_V ) && ( e->TypeDef()->PointerType()->Type() == ev_string ) ) { // copy from vector to string pointer op = &opcodes[ OP_STOREP_VTOS ]; } else if ( ( op - opcodes == OP_STOREP_ENT ) && ( e->TypeDef()->PointerType()->Type() == ev_object ) ) { // store an entity into an object pointer op = &opcodes[ OP_STOREP_OBJENT ]; } else { Error( "type mismatch for '%s'", op->name ); } } if ( op->rightAssociative ) { e = EmitOpcode( op, e2, e ); } else { e = EmitOpcode( op, e, e2 ); } if ( op - opcodes == OP_STOREP_OBJENT ) { // statement.b points to type_pointer, which is just a temporary that gets its type reassigned, so we store the real type in statement.c // so that we can do a type check during run time since we don't know what type the script object is at compile time because it // comes from an entity statement_t &statement = gameLocal.program.GetStatement( gameLocal.program.NumStatements() - 1 ); statement.c = type_pointer.PointerType()->def; } // field access gets type from field if ( type_c != ev_void ) { e->SetTypeDef( e2->TypeDef()->FieldType() ); } break; } } return e; } /* ================ idCompiler::PatchLoop ================ */ void idCompiler::PatchLoop( int start, int continuePos ) { int i; statement_t *pos; pos = &gameLocal.program.GetStatement( start ); for( i = start; i < gameLocal.program.NumStatements(); i++, pos++ ) { if ( pos->op == OP_BREAK ) { pos->op = OP_GOTO; pos->a = JumpFrom( i ); } else if ( pos->op == OP_CONTINUE ) { pos->op = OP_GOTO; pos->a = JumpDef( i, continuePos ); } } } /* ================ idCompiler::ParseReturnStatement ================ */ void idCompiler::ParseReturnStatement( void ) { idVarDef *e; etype_t type_a; etype_t type_b; const opcode_t *op; if ( CheckToken( ";" ) ) { if ( scope->TypeDef()->ReturnType()->Type() != ev_void ) { Error( "expecting return value" ); } EmitOpcode( OP_RETURN, 0, 0 ); return; } e = GetExpression( TOP_PRIORITY ); ExpectToken( ";" ); type_a = e->Type(); type_b = scope->TypeDef()->ReturnType()->Type(); if ( TypeMatches( type_a, type_b ) ) { EmitOpcode( OP_RETURN, e, 0 ); return; } for( op = opcodes; op->name; op++ ) { if ( !strcmp( op->name, "=" ) ) { break; } } assert( op->name ); while( !TypeMatches( type_a, op->type_a->Type() ) || !TypeMatches( type_b, op->type_b->Type() ) ) { op++; if ( !op->name || strcmp( op->name, "=" ) ) { Error( "type mismatch for return value" ); } } idTypeDef *returnType = scope->TypeDef()->ReturnType(); if ( returnType->Type() == ev_string ) { EmitOpcode( op, e, gameLocal.program.returnStringDef ); } else { gameLocal.program.returnDef->SetTypeDef( returnType ); EmitOpcode( op, e, gameLocal.program.returnDef ); } EmitOpcode( OP_RETURN, 0, 0 ); } /* ================ idCompiler::ParseWhileStatement ================ */ void idCompiler::ParseWhileStatement( void ) { idVarDef *e; int patch1; int patch2; loopDepth++; ExpectToken( "(" ); patch2 = gameLocal.program.NumStatements(); e = GetExpression( TOP_PRIORITY ); ExpectToken( ")" ); if ( ( e->initialized == idVarDef::initializedConstant ) && ( *e->value.intPtr != 0 ) ) { //FIXME: we can completely skip generation of this code in the opposite case ParseStatement(); EmitOpcode( OP_GOTO, JumpTo( patch2 ), 0 ); } else { patch1 = gameLocal.program.NumStatements(); EmitOpcode( OP_IFNOT, e, 0 ); ParseStatement(); EmitOpcode( OP_GOTO, JumpTo( patch2 ), 0 ); gameLocal.program.GetStatement( patch1 ).b = JumpFrom( patch1 ); } // fixup breaks and continues PatchLoop( patch2, patch2 ); loopDepth--; } /* ================ idCompiler::ParseForStatement Form of for statement with a counter: a = 0; start: << patch4 if ( !( a < 10 ) ) { goto end; << patch1 } else { goto process; << patch3 } increment: << patch2 a = a + 1; goto start; << goto patch4 process: statements; goto increment; << goto patch2 end: Form of for statement without a counter: a = 0; start: << patch2 if ( !( a < 10 ) ) { goto end; << patch1 } process: statements; goto start; << goto patch2 end: ================ */ void idCompiler::ParseForStatement( void ) { idVarDef *e; int start; int patch1; int patch2; int patch3; int patch4; loopDepth++; start = gameLocal.program.NumStatements(); ExpectToken( "(" ); // init if ( !CheckToken( ";" ) ) { do { GetExpression( TOP_PRIORITY ); } while( CheckToken( "," ) ); ExpectToken( ";" ); } // condition patch2 = gameLocal.program.NumStatements(); e = GetExpression( TOP_PRIORITY ); ExpectToken( ";" ); //FIXME: add check for constant expression patch1 = gameLocal.program.NumStatements(); EmitOpcode( OP_IFNOT, e, 0 ); // counter if ( !CheckToken( ")" ) ) { patch3 = gameLocal.program.NumStatements(); EmitOpcode( OP_IF, e, 0 ); patch4 = patch2; patch2 = gameLocal.program.NumStatements(); do { GetExpression( TOP_PRIORITY ); } while( CheckToken( "," ) ); ExpectToken( ")" ); // goto patch4 EmitOpcode( OP_GOTO, JumpTo( patch4 ), 0 ); // fixup patch3 gameLocal.program.GetStatement( patch3 ).b = JumpFrom( patch3 ); } ParseStatement(); // goto patch2 EmitOpcode( OP_GOTO, JumpTo( patch2 ), 0 ); // fixup patch1 gameLocal.program.GetStatement( patch1 ).b = JumpFrom( patch1 ); // fixup breaks and continues PatchLoop( start, patch2 ); loopDepth--; } /* ================ idCompiler::ParseDoWhileStatement ================ */ void idCompiler::ParseDoWhileStatement( void ) { idVarDef *e; int patch1; loopDepth++; patch1 = gameLocal.program.NumStatements(); ParseStatement(); ExpectToken( "while" ); ExpectToken( "(" ); e = GetExpression( TOP_PRIORITY ); ExpectToken( ")" ); ExpectToken( ";" ); EmitOpcode( OP_IF, e, JumpTo( patch1 ) ); // fixup breaks and continues PatchLoop( patch1, patch1 ); loopDepth--; } /* ================ idCompiler::ParseIfStatement ================ */ void idCompiler::ParseIfStatement( void ) { idVarDef *e; int patch1; int patch2; ExpectToken( "(" ); e = GetExpression( TOP_PRIORITY ); ExpectToken( ")" ); //FIXME: add check for constant expression patch1 = gameLocal.program.NumStatements(); EmitOpcode( OP_IFNOT, e, 0 ); ParseStatement(); if ( CheckToken( "else" ) ) { patch2 = gameLocal.program.NumStatements(); EmitOpcode( OP_GOTO, 0, 0 ); gameLocal.program.GetStatement( patch1 ).b = JumpFrom( patch1 ); ParseStatement(); gameLocal.program.GetStatement( patch2 ).a = JumpFrom( patch2 ); } else { gameLocal.program.GetStatement( patch1 ).b = JumpFrom( patch1 ); } } /* ============ idCompiler::ParseStatement ============ */ void idCompiler::ParseStatement( void ) { if ( CheckToken( ";" ) ) { // skip semicolons, which are harmless and ok syntax return; } if ( CheckToken( "{" ) ) { do { ParseStatement(); } while( !CheckToken( "}" ) ); return; } if ( CheckToken( "return" ) ) { ParseReturnStatement(); return; } if ( CheckToken( "while" ) ) { ParseWhileStatement(); return; } if ( CheckToken( "for" ) ) { ParseForStatement(); return; } if ( CheckToken( "do" ) ) { ParseDoWhileStatement(); return; } if ( CheckToken( "break" ) ) { ExpectToken( ";" ); if ( !loopDepth ) { Error( "cannot break outside of a loop" ); } EmitOpcode( OP_BREAK, 0, 0 ); return; } if ( CheckToken( "continue" ) ) { ExpectToken( ";" ); if ( !loopDepth ) { Error( "cannot contine outside of a loop" ); } EmitOpcode( OP_CONTINUE, 0, 0 ); return; } if ( CheckType() != NULL ) { ParseDefs(); return; } if ( CheckToken( "if" ) ) { ParseIfStatement(); return; } GetExpression( TOP_PRIORITY ); ExpectToken(";"); } /* ================ idCompiler::ParseObjectDef ================ */ void idCompiler::ParseObjectDef( const char *objname ) { idTypeDef *objtype; idTypeDef *type; idTypeDef *parentType; idTypeDef *fieldtype; idStr name; const char *fieldname; idTypeDef newtype( ev_field, NULL, "", 0, NULL ); idVarDef *oldscope; int i; oldscope = scope; if ( scope->Type() != ev_namespace ) { Error( "Objects cannot be defined within functions or other objects" ); } // make sure it doesn't exist before we create it if ( gameLocal.program.FindType( objname ) != NULL ) { Error( "'%s' : redefinition; different basic types", objname ); } // base type if ( !CheckToken( ":" ) ) { parentType = &type_object; } else { parentType = ParseType(); if ( !parentType->Inherits( &type_object ) ) { Error( "Objects may only inherit from objects." ); } } objtype = gameLocal.program.AllocType( ev_object, NULL, objname, parentType == &type_object ? 0 : parentType->Size(), parentType ); objtype->def = gameLocal.program.AllocDef( objtype, objname, scope, true ); scope = objtype->def; // inherit all the functions for( i = 0; i < parentType->NumFunctions(); i++ ) { const function_t *func = parentType->GetFunction( i ); objtype->AddFunction( func ); } ExpectToken( "{" ); do { if ( CheckToken( ";" ) ) { // skip semicolons, which are harmless and ok syntax continue; } fieldtype = ParseType(); newtype.SetFieldType( fieldtype ); fieldname = va( "%s field", fieldtype->Name() ); newtype.SetName( fieldname ); ParseName( name ); // check for a function prototype or declaraction if ( CheckToken( "(" ) ) { ParseFunctionDef( newtype.FieldType(), name ); } else { type = gameLocal.program.GetType( newtype, true ); assert( !type->def ); gameLocal.program.AllocDef( type, name, scope, true ); objtype->AddField( type, name ); ExpectToken( ";" ); } } while( !CheckToken( "}" ) ); scope = oldscope; ExpectToken( ";" ); } /* ============ idCompiler::ParseFunction parse a function type ============ */ idTypeDef *idCompiler::ParseFunction( idTypeDef *returnType, const char *name ) { idTypeDef newtype( ev_function, NULL, name, type_function.Size(), returnType ); idTypeDef *type; if ( scope->Type() != ev_namespace ) { // create self pointer newtype.AddFunctionParm( scope->TypeDef(), "self" ); } if ( !CheckToken( ")" ) ) { idStr parmName; do { type = ParseType(); ParseName( parmName ); newtype.AddFunctionParm( type, parmName ); } while( CheckToken( "," ) ); ExpectToken( ")" ); } return gameLocal.program.GetType( newtype, true ); } /* ================ idCompiler::ParseFunctionDef ================ */ void idCompiler::ParseFunctionDef( idTypeDef *returnType, const char *name ) { idTypeDef *type; idVarDef *def; idVarDef *oldscope; int i; int numParms; const idTypeDef *parmType; function_t *func; statement_t *pos; if ( ( scope->Type() != ev_namespace ) && !scope->TypeDef()->Inherits( &type_object ) ) { Error( "Functions may not be defined within other functions" ); } type = ParseFunction( returnType, name ); def = gameLocal.program.GetDef( type, name, scope ); if ( !def ) { def = gameLocal.program.AllocDef( type, name, scope, true ); type->def = def; func = &gameLocal.program.AllocFunction( def ); if ( scope->TypeDef()->Inherits( &type_object ) ) { scope->TypeDef()->AddFunction( func ); } } else { func = def->value.functionPtr; assert( func ); if ( func->firstStatement ) { Error( "%s redeclared", def->GlobalName() ); } } // DG: make sure parmSize gets calculated when parsing prototype (not just when parsing // implementation) so calling this function/method before implementation has been parsed // works without getting Assertions in IdInterpreter::Execute() and ::LeaveFunction() // ("st->c->value.argSize == func->parmTotal", "localstackUsed == localstackBase", see #303) // calculate stack space used by parms numParms = type->NumParameters(); if( numParms != func->parmSize.Num() ) { // DG: make sure not to do this twice // if it hasn't been parsed yet, parmSize.Num() should be 0.. assert( func->parmSize.Num() == 0 && "function had different number of arguments before?!" ); func->parmSize.SetNum( numParms ); for( i = 0; i < numParms; i++ ) { parmType = type->GetParmType( i ); if ( parmType->Inherits( &type_object ) ) { func->parmSize[ i ] = type_object.Size(); } else { func->parmSize[ i ] = parmType->Size(); } func->parmTotal += func->parmSize[ i ]; } // define the parms for( i = 0; i < numParms; i++ ) { if ( gameLocal.program.GetDef( type->GetParmType( i ), type->GetParmName( i ), def ) ) { Error( "'%s' defined more than once in function parameters", type->GetParmName( i ) ); } gameLocal.program.AllocDef( type->GetParmType( i ), type->GetParmName( i ), def, false ); } } // DG: moved this down here so parmSize also gets calculated when parsing prototype // check if this is a prototype or declaration if ( !CheckToken( "{" ) ) { // it's just a prototype, so get the ; and move on ExpectToken( ";" ); return; } // DG end oldscope = scope; scope = def; func->firstStatement = gameLocal.program.NumStatements(); // check if we should call the super class constructor if ( oldscope->TypeDef()->Inherits( &type_object ) && !idStr::Icmp( name, "init" ) ) { idTypeDef *superClass; function_t *constructorFunc = NULL; // find the superclass constructor for( superClass = oldscope->TypeDef()->SuperClass(); superClass != &type_object; superClass = superClass->SuperClass() ) { constructorFunc = gameLocal.program.FindFunction( va( "%s::init", superClass->Name() ) ); if ( constructorFunc ) { break; } } // emit the call to the constructor if ( constructorFunc ) { idVarDef *selfDef = gameLocal.program.GetDef( type->GetParmType( 0 ), type->GetParmName( 0 ), def ); assert( selfDef ); EmitPush( selfDef, selfDef->TypeDef() ); EmitOpcode( &opcodes[ OP_CALL ], constructorFunc->def, 0 ); } } // parse regular statements while( !CheckToken( "}" ) ) { ParseStatement(); } // check if we should call the super class destructor if ( oldscope->TypeDef()->Inherits( &type_object ) && !idStr::Icmp( name, "destroy" ) ) { idTypeDef *superClass; function_t *destructorFunc = NULL; // find the superclass destructor for( superClass = oldscope->TypeDef()->SuperClass(); superClass != &type_object; superClass = superClass->SuperClass() ) { destructorFunc = gameLocal.program.FindFunction( va( "%s::destroy", superClass->Name() ) ); if ( destructorFunc ) { break; } } if ( destructorFunc ) { if ( func->firstStatement < gameLocal.program.NumStatements() ) { // change all returns to point to the call to the destructor pos = &gameLocal.program.GetStatement( func->firstStatement ); for( i = func->firstStatement; i < gameLocal.program.NumStatements(); i++, pos++ ) { if ( pos->op == OP_RETURN ) { pos->op = OP_GOTO; pos->a = JumpDef( i, gameLocal.program.NumStatements() ); } } } // emit the call to the destructor idVarDef *selfDef = gameLocal.program.GetDef( type->GetParmType( 0 ), type->GetParmName( 0 ), def ); assert( selfDef ); EmitPush( selfDef, selfDef->TypeDef() ); EmitOpcode( &opcodes[ OP_CALL ], destructorFunc->def, 0 ); } } // Disabled code since it caused a function to fall through to the next function when last statement is in the form "if ( x ) { return; }" #if 0 // don't bother adding a return opcode if the "return" statement was used. if ( ( func->firstStatement == gameLocal.program.NumStatements() ) || ( gameLocal.program.GetStatement( gameLocal.program.NumStatements() - 1 ).op != OP_RETURN ) ) { // emit an end of statements opcode EmitOpcode( OP_RETURN, 0, 0 ); } #else // always emit the return opcode EmitOpcode( OP_RETURN, 0, 0 ); #endif // record the number of statements in the function func->numStatements = gameLocal.program.NumStatements() - func->firstStatement; scope = oldscope; } /* ================ idCompiler::ParseVariableDef ================ */ void idCompiler::ParseVariableDef( idTypeDef *type, const char *name ) { idVarDef *def, *def2; bool negate; def = gameLocal.program.GetDef( type, name, scope ); if ( def ) { Error( "%s redeclared", name ); } def = gameLocal.program.AllocDef( type, name, scope, false ); // check for an initialization if ( CheckToken( "=" ) ) { // if a local variable in a function then write out interpreter code to initialize variable if ( scope->Type() == ev_function ) { def2 = GetExpression( TOP_PRIORITY ); if ( ( type == &type_float ) && ( def2->TypeDef() == &type_float ) ) { EmitOpcode( OP_STORE_F, def2, def ); } else if ( ( type == &type_vector ) && ( def2->TypeDef() == &type_vector ) ) { EmitOpcode( OP_STORE_V, def2, def ); } else if ( ( type == &type_string ) && ( def2->TypeDef() == &type_string ) ) { EmitOpcode( OP_STORE_S, def2, def ); } else if ( ( type == &type_entity ) && ( ( def2->TypeDef() == &type_entity ) || ( def2->TypeDef()->Inherits( &type_object ) ) ) ) { EmitOpcode( OP_STORE_ENT, def2, def ); } else if ( ( type->Inherits( &type_object ) ) && ( def2->TypeDef() == &type_entity ) ) { EmitOpcode( OP_STORE_OBJENT, def2, def ); } else if ( ( type->Inherits( &type_object ) ) && ( def2->TypeDef()->Inherits( type ) ) ) { EmitOpcode( OP_STORE_OBJ, def2, def ); } else if ( ( type == &type_boolean ) && ( def2->TypeDef() == &type_boolean ) ) { EmitOpcode( OP_STORE_BOOL, def2, def ); } else if ( ( type == &type_string ) && ( def2->TypeDef() == &type_float ) ) { EmitOpcode( OP_STORE_FTOS, def2, def ); } else if ( ( type == &type_string ) && ( def2->TypeDef() == &type_boolean ) ) { EmitOpcode( OP_STORE_BTOS, def2, def ); } else if ( ( type == &type_string ) && ( def2->TypeDef() == &type_vector ) ) { EmitOpcode( OP_STORE_VTOS, def2, def ); } else if ( ( type == &type_boolean ) && ( def2->TypeDef() == &type_float ) ) { EmitOpcode( OP_STORE_FTOBOOL, def2, def ); } else if ( ( type == &type_float ) && ( def2->TypeDef() == &type_boolean ) ) { EmitOpcode( OP_STORE_BOOLTOF, def2, def ); } else { Error( "bad initialization for '%s'", name ); } } else { // global variables can only be initialized with immediate values negate = false; if ( token.type == TT_PUNCTUATION && token == "-" ) { negate = true; NextToken(); if ( immediateType != &type_float ) { Error( "wrong immediate type for '-' on variable '%s'", name ); } } if ( immediateType != type ) { Error( "wrong immediate type for '%s'", name ); } // global variables are initialized at start up if ( type == &type_string ) { def->SetString( token, false ); } else { if ( negate ) { immediate._float = -immediate._float; } def->SetValue( immediate, false ); } NextToken(); } } else if ( type == &type_string ) { // local strings on the stack are initialized in the interpreter if ( scope->Type() != ev_function ) { def->SetString( "", false ); } } else if ( type->Inherits( &type_object ) ) { if ( scope->Type() != ev_function ) { def->SetObject( NULL ); } } } /* ================ idCompiler::GetTypeForEventArg ================ */ idTypeDef *idCompiler::GetTypeForEventArg( char argType ) { idTypeDef *type; switch( argType ) { case D_EVENT_INTEGER : // this will get converted to int by the interpreter type = &type_float; break; case D_EVENT_FLOAT : type = &type_float; break; case D_EVENT_VECTOR : type = &type_vector; break; case D_EVENT_STRING : type = &type_string; break; case D_EVENT_ENTITY : case D_EVENT_ENTITY_NULL : type = &type_entity; break; case D_EVENT_VOID : type = &type_void; break; case D_EVENT_TRACE : // This data type isn't available from script type = NULL; break; default: // probably a typo type = NULL; break; } return type; } /* ================ idCompiler::ParseEventDef ================ */ void idCompiler::ParseEventDef( idTypeDef *returnType, const char *name ) { const idTypeDef *expectedType; idTypeDef *argType; idTypeDef *type; int i; int num; const char *format; const idEventDef *ev; idStr parmName; ev = idEventDef::FindEvent( name ); if ( !ev ) { Error( "Unknown event '%s'", name ); } // set the return type expectedType = GetTypeForEventArg( ev->GetReturnType() ); if ( !expectedType ) { Error( "Invalid return type '%c' in definition of '%s' event.", ev->GetReturnType(), name ); } if ( returnType != expectedType ) { Error( "Return type doesn't match internal return type '%s'", expectedType->Name() ); } idTypeDef newtype( ev_function, NULL, name, type_function.Size(), returnType ); ExpectToken( "(" ); format = ev->GetArgFormat(); num = strlen( format ); for( i = 0; i < num; i++ ) { expectedType = GetTypeForEventArg( format[ i ] ); if ( !expectedType || ( expectedType == &type_void ) ) { Error( "Invalid parameter '%c' in definition of '%s' event.", format[ i ], name ); } argType = ParseType(); ParseName( parmName ); if ( argType != expectedType ) { Error( "The type of parm %d ('%s') does not match the internal type '%s' in definition of '%s' event.", i + 1, parmName.c_str(), expectedType->Name(), name ); } newtype.AddFunctionParm( argType, "" ); if ( i < num - 1 ) { if ( CheckToken( ")" ) ) { Error( "Too few parameters for event definition. Internal definition has %d parameters.", num ); } ExpectToken( "," ); } } if ( !CheckToken( ")" ) ) { Error( "Too many parameters for event definition. Internal definition has %d parameters.", num ); } ExpectToken( ";" ); type = gameLocal.program.FindType( name ); if ( type ) { if ( !newtype.MatchesType( *type ) || ( type->def->value.functionPtr->eventdef != ev ) ) { Error( "Type mismatch on redefinition of '%s'", name ); } } else { type = gameLocal.program.AllocType( newtype ); type->def = gameLocal.program.AllocDef( type, name, &def_namespace, true ); function_t &func = gameLocal.program.AllocFunction( type->def ); func.eventdef = ev; func.parmSize.SetNum( num ); for( i = 0; i < num; i++ ) { argType = newtype.GetParmType( i ); func.parmTotal += argType->Size(); func.parmSize[ i ] = argType->Size(); } // mark the parms as local func.locals = func.parmTotal; } } /* ================ idCompiler::ParseDefs Called at the outer layer and when a local statement is hit ================ */ void idCompiler::ParseDefs( void ) { idStr name; idTypeDef *type; idVarDef *def; idVarDef *oldscope; if ( CheckToken( ";" ) ) { // skip semicolons, which are harmless and ok syntax return; } type = ParseType(); if ( type == &type_scriptevent ) { type = ParseType(); ParseName( name ); ParseEventDef( type, name ); return; } ParseName( name ); if ( type == &type_namespace ) { def = gameLocal.program.GetDef( type, name, scope ); if ( !def ) { def = gameLocal.program.AllocDef( type, name, scope, true ); } ParseNamespace( def ); } else if ( CheckToken( "::" ) ) { def = gameLocal.program.GetDef( NULL, name, scope ); if ( !def ) { Error( "Unknown object name '%s'", name.c_str() ); } ParseName( name ); oldscope = scope; scope = def; ExpectToken( "(" ); ParseFunctionDef( type, name.c_str() ); scope = oldscope; } else if ( type == &type_object ) { ParseObjectDef( name.c_str() ); } else if ( CheckToken( "(" ) ) { // check for a function prototype or declaraction ParseFunctionDef( type, name.c_str() ); } else { ParseVariableDef( type, name.c_str() ); while( CheckToken( "," ) ) { ParseName( name ); ParseVariableDef( type, name.c_str() ); } ExpectToken( ";" ); } } /* ================ idCompiler::ParseNamespace Parses anything within a namespace definition ================ */ void idCompiler::ParseNamespace( idVarDef *newScope ) { idVarDef *oldscope; oldscope = scope; if ( newScope != &def_namespace ) { ExpectToken( "{" ); } while( !eof ) { scope = newScope; callthread = false; if ( ( newScope != &def_namespace ) && CheckToken( "}" ) ) { break; } ParseDefs(); } scope = oldscope; } /* ============ idCompiler::CompileFile compiles the 0 terminated text, adding definitions to the program structure ============ */ void idCompiler::CompileFile( const char *text, const char *filename, bool toConsole ) { idTimer compile_time; bool error; compile_time.Start(); idStr origFileName = filename; // DG: filename pointer might become invalid when calling NextToken() below scope = &def_namespace; basetype = NULL; callthread = false; loopDepth = 0; eof = false; braceDepth = 0; immediateType = NULL; currentLineNumber = 0; console = toConsole; memset( &immediate, 0, sizeof( immediate ) ); parser.SetFlags( LEXFL_ALLOWMULTICHARLITERALS ); parser.LoadMemory( text, strlen( text ), filename ); parserPtr = &parser; // unread tokens to include script defines token = SCRIPT_DEFAULTDEFS; token.type = TT_STRING; token.subtype = token.Length(); token.line = token.linesCrossed = 0; parser.UnreadToken( &token ); token = "include"; token.type = TT_NAME; token.subtype = token.Length(); token.line = token.linesCrossed = 0; parser.UnreadToken( &token ); token = "#"; token.type = TT_PUNCTUATION; token.subtype = P_PRECOMP; token.line = token.linesCrossed = 0; parser.UnreadToken( &token ); // init the current token line to be the first line so that currentLineNumber is set correctly in NextToken token.line = 1; error = false; try { // read first token NextToken(); while( !eof && !error ) { // parse from global namespace ParseNamespace( &def_namespace ); } } catch( idCompileError &err ) { idStr error; if ( console ) { // don't print line number of an error if were calling script from the console using the "script" command sprintf( error, "Error: %s\n", err.error ); } else { sprintf( error, "Error: file %s, line %d: %s\n", gameLocal.program.GetFilename( currentFileNumber ), currentLineNumber, err.error ); } parser.FreeSource(); throw idCompileError( error ); } parser.FreeSource(); compile_time.Stop(); if ( !toConsole ) { // DG: filename can be overwritten by NextToken() (via gameLocal.program.GetFilenum()), so // use a copy, origFileName, that's still valid here. Furthermore, the path is nonsense, // as idProgram::CompileText() called fileSystem->RelativePathToOSPath() on it // which does not return the *actual* full path of that file but invents one, // so revert that to the relative filename which at least isn't misleading gameLocal.Printf( "Compiled '%s': %u ms\n", fileSystem->OSPathToRelativePath(origFileName), compile_time.Milliseconds() ); } }