
Doom 3 GPL Source Code
Copyright (C) 1999-2011 id Software LLC, a ZeniMax Media company.

This file is part of the Doom 3 GPL Source Code ("Doom 3 Source Code").

Doom 3 Source Code is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.

Doom 3 Source Code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with Doom 3 Source Code.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

In addition, the Doom 3 Source Code is also subject to certain additional terms. You should have received a copy of these additional terms immediately following the terms and conditions of the GNU General Public License which accompanied the Doom 3 Source Code.  If not, please request a copy in writing from id Software at the address below.

If you have questions concerning this license or the applicable additional terms, you may contact in writing id Software LLC, c/o ZeniMax Media Inc., Suite 120, Rockville, Maryland 20850 USA.


#include "sys/platform.h"
#include "idlib/Heap.h"
#include "framework/Common.h"
#include "framework/FileSystem.h"

#include "idlib/Lexer.h"


//longer punctuations first
static const punctuation_t default_punctuations[] = {
	//binary operators
	//define merge operator
	{"##",P_PRECOMPMERGE},				// pre-compiler
	//logic operators
	{"&&",P_LOGIC_AND},					// pre-compiler
	{"||",P_LOGIC_OR},					// pre-compiler
	{">=",P_LOGIC_GEQ},					// pre-compiler
	{"<=",P_LOGIC_LEQ},					// pre-compiler
	{"==",P_LOGIC_EQ},					// pre-compiler
	{"!=",P_LOGIC_UNEQ},				// pre-compiler
	//arithmatic operators
	//binary operators
	{">>",P_RSHIFT},					// pre-compiler
	{"<<",P_LSHIFT},					// pre-compiler
	//reference operators
	//arithmatic operators
	{"*",P_MUL},						// pre-compiler
	{"/",P_DIV},						// pre-compiler
	{"%",P_MOD},						// pre-compiler
	{"+",P_ADD},						// pre-compiler
	{"-",P_SUB},						// pre-compiler
	//binary operators
	{"&",P_BIN_AND},					// pre-compiler
	{"|",P_BIN_OR},						// pre-compiler
	{"^",P_BIN_XOR},					// pre-compiler
	{"~",P_BIN_NOT},					// pre-compiler
	//logic operators
	{"!",P_LOGIC_NOT},					// pre-compiler
	{">",P_LOGIC_GREATER},				// pre-compiler
	{"<",P_LOGIC_LESS},					// pre-compiler
	//reference operator
	{",",P_COMMA},						// pre-compiler
	//label indication
	{":",P_COLON},						// pre-compiler
	//if statement
	{"?",P_QUESTIONMARK},				// pre-compiler
	{"(",P_PARENTHESESOPEN},			// pre-compiler
	{")",P_PARENTHESESCLOSE},			// pre-compiler
	{"{",P_BRACEOPEN},					// pre-compiler
	{"}",P_BRACECLOSE},					// pre-compiler
	//precompiler operator
	{"#",P_PRECOMP},					// pre-compiler
	{NULL, 0}

int default_punctuationtable[256];
int default_nextpunctuation[sizeof(default_punctuations) / sizeof(punctuation_t)];
int default_setup;

char idLexer::baseFolder[ 256 ];

void idLexer::CreatePunctuationTable( const punctuation_t *punctuations ) {
	int i, n, lastp;
	const punctuation_t *p, *newp;

	//get memory for the table
	if ( punctuations == default_punctuations ) {
		idLexer::punctuationtable = default_punctuationtable;
		idLexer::nextpunctuation = default_nextpunctuation;
		if ( default_setup ) {
		default_setup = true;
		i = sizeof(default_punctuations) / sizeof(punctuation_t);
	else {
		if ( !idLexer::punctuationtable || idLexer::punctuationtable == default_punctuationtable ) {
			idLexer::punctuationtable = (int *) Mem_Alloc(256 * sizeof(int));
		if ( idLexer::nextpunctuation && idLexer::nextpunctuation != default_nextpunctuation ) {
			Mem_Free( idLexer::nextpunctuation );
		for (i = 0; punctuations[i].p; i++) {
		idLexer::nextpunctuation = (int *) Mem_Alloc(i * sizeof(int));
	memset(idLexer::punctuationtable, 0xFF, 256 * sizeof(int));
	memset(idLexer::nextpunctuation, 0xFF, i * sizeof(int));
	//add the punctuations in the list to the punctuation table
	for (i = 0; punctuations[i].p; i++) {
		newp = &punctuations[i];
		lastp = -1;
		//sort the punctuations in this table entry on length (longer punctuations first)
		for (n = idLexer::punctuationtable[(unsigned int) newp->p[0]]; n >= 0; n = idLexer::nextpunctuation[n] ) {
			p = &punctuations[n];
			if (strlen(p->p) < strlen(newp->p)) {
				idLexer::nextpunctuation[i] = n;
				if (lastp >= 0) {
					idLexer::nextpunctuation[lastp] = i;
				else {
					idLexer::punctuationtable[(unsigned int) newp->p[0]] = i;
			lastp = n;
		if (n < 0) {
			idLexer::nextpunctuation[i] = -1;
			if (lastp >= 0) {
				idLexer::nextpunctuation[lastp] = i;
			else {
				idLexer::punctuationtable[(unsigned int) newp->p[0]] = i;

const char *idLexer::GetPunctuationFromId( int id ) {
	int i;

	for (i = 0; idLexer::punctuations[i].p; i++) {
		if ( idLexer::punctuations[i].n == id ) {
			return idLexer::punctuations[i].p;
	return "unkown punctuation";

int idLexer::GetPunctuationId( const char *p ) {
	int i;

	for (i = 0; idLexer::punctuations[i].p; i++) {
		if ( !strcmp(idLexer::punctuations[i].p, p) ) {
			return idLexer::punctuations[i].n;
	return 0;

void idLexer::Error( const char *str, ... ) {
	char text[MAX_STRING_CHARS];
	va_list ap;

	hadError = true;

	if ( idLexer::flags & LEXFL_NOERRORS ) {

	va_start(ap, str);
	vsprintf(text, str, ap);

	if ( idLexer::flags & LEXFL_NOFATALERRORS ) {
		idLib::common->Warning( "file %s, line %d: %s", idLexer::filename.c_str(), idLexer::line, text );
	} else {
		idLib::common->Error( "file %s, line %d: %s", idLexer::filename.c_str(), idLexer::line, text );

void idLexer::Warning( const char *str, ... ) {
	char text[MAX_STRING_CHARS];
	va_list ap;

	if ( idLexer::flags & LEXFL_NOWARNINGS ) {

	va_start( ap, str );
	vsprintf( text, str, ap );
	va_end( ap );
	idLib::common->Warning( "file %s, line %d: %s", idLexer::filename.c_str(), idLexer::line, text );

void idLexer::SetPunctuations( const punctuation_t *p ) {
	if (p) {
		idLexer::CreatePunctuationTable( p );
	else {
		idLexer::CreatePunctuationTable( default_punctuations );
#endif //PUNCTABLE
	if (p) {
		idLexer::punctuations = p;
	else {
		idLexer::punctuations = default_punctuations;


Reads spaces, tabs, C-like comments etc.
When a newline character is found the scripts line counter is increased.
int idLexer::ReadWhiteSpace( void ) {
	while(1) {
		// skip white space
		while(*idLexer::script_p <= ' ') {
			if (!*idLexer::script_p) {
				return 0;
			if (*idLexer::script_p == '\n') {
		// skip comments
		if (*idLexer::script_p == '/') {
			// comments //
			if (*(idLexer::script_p+1) == '/') {
				do {
					if ( !*idLexer::script_p ) {
						return 0;
				while( *idLexer::script_p != '\n' );
				if ( !*idLexer::script_p ) {
					return 0;
			// comments /* */
			else if (*(idLexer::script_p+1) == '*') {
				while( 1 ) {
					if ( !*idLexer::script_p ) {
						return 0;
					if ( *idLexer::script_p == '\n' ) {
					else if ( *idLexer::script_p == '/' ) {
						if ( *(idLexer::script_p-1) == '*' ) {
						if ( *(idLexer::script_p+1) == '*' ) {
							idLexer::Warning( "nested comment" );
				if ( !*idLexer::script_p ) {
					return 0;
				if ( !*idLexer::script_p ) {
					return 0;
	return 1;

int idLexer::ReadEscapeCharacter( char *ch ) {
	int c, val, i;

	// step over the leading '\\'
	// determine the escape character
	switch(*idLexer::script_p) {
		case '\\': c = '\\'; break;
		case 'n': c = '\n'; break;
		case 'r': c = '\r'; break;
		case 't': c = '\t'; break;
		case 'v': c = '\v'; break;
		case 'b': c = '\b'; break;
		case 'f': c = '\f'; break;
		case 'a': c = '\a'; break;
		case '\'': c = '\''; break;
		case '\"': c = '\"'; break;
		case '\?': c = '\?'; break;
		case 'x':
			for (i = 0, val = 0; ; i++, idLexer::script_p++) {
				c = *idLexer::script_p;
				if (c >= '0' && c <= '9')
					c = c - '0';
				else if (c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z')
					c = c - 'A' + 10;
				else if (c >= 'a' && c <= 'z')
					c = c - 'a' + 10;
				val = (val << 4) + c;
			if (val > 0xFF) {
				idLexer::Warning( "too large value in escape character" );
				val = 0xFF;
			c = val;
		default: //NOTE: decimal ASCII code, NOT octal
			if (*idLexer::script_p < '0' || *idLexer::script_p > '9') {
				idLexer::Error("unknown escape char");
			for (i = 0, val = 0; ; i++, idLexer::script_p++) {
				c = *idLexer::script_p;
				if (c >= '0' && c <= '9')
					c = c - '0';
				val = val * 10 + c;
			if (val > 0xFF) {
				idLexer::Warning( "too large value in escape character" );
				val = 0xFF;
			c = val;
	// step over the escape character or the last digit of the number
	// store the escape character
	*ch = c;
	// succesfully read escape character
	return 1;


Escape characters are interpretted.
Reads two strings with only a white space between them as one string.
int idLexer::ReadString( idToken *token, int quote ) {
	int tmpline;
	const char *tmpscript_p;
	char ch;

	if ( quote == '\"' ) {
		token->type = TT_STRING;
	} else {
		token->type = TT_LITERAL;

	// leading quote

	while(1) {
		// if there is an escape character and escape characters are allowed
		if (*idLexer::script_p == '\\' && !(idLexer::flags & LEXFL_NOSTRINGESCAPECHARS)) {
			if ( !idLexer::ReadEscapeCharacter( &ch ) ) {
				return 0;
			token->AppendDirty( ch );
		// if a trailing quote
		else if (*idLexer::script_p == quote) {
			// step over the quote
			// if consecutive strings should not be concatenated
			if ( (idLexer::flags & LEXFL_NOSTRINGCONCAT) &&
					(!(idLexer::flags & LEXFL_ALLOWBACKSLASHSTRINGCONCAT) || (quote != '\"')) ) {

			tmpscript_p = idLexer::script_p;
			tmpline = idLexer::line;
			// read white space between possible two consecutive strings
			if ( !idLexer::ReadWhiteSpace() ) {
				idLexer::script_p = tmpscript_p;
				idLexer::line = tmpline;

			if ( idLexer::flags & LEXFL_NOSTRINGCONCAT ) {
				if ( *idLexer::script_p != '\\' ) {
					idLexer::script_p = tmpscript_p;
					idLexer::line = tmpline;
				// step over the '\\'
				if ( !idLexer::ReadWhiteSpace() || ( *idLexer::script_p != quote ) ) {
					idLexer::Error( "expecting string after '\' terminated line" );
					return 0;

			// if there's no leading qoute
			if ( *idLexer::script_p != quote ) {
				idLexer::script_p = tmpscript_p;
				idLexer::line = tmpline;
			// step over the new leading quote
		else {
			if (*idLexer::script_p == '\0') {
				idLexer::Error( "missing trailing quote" );
				return 0;
			if (*idLexer::script_p == '\n') {
				idLexer::Error( "newline inside string" );
				return 0;
			token->AppendDirty( *idLexer::script_p++ );
	token->data[token->len] = '\0';

	if ( token->type == TT_LITERAL ) {
		if ( !(idLexer::flags & LEXFL_ALLOWMULTICHARLITERALS) ) {
			if ( token->Length() != 1 ) {
				idLexer::Warning( "literal is not one character long" );
		token->subtype = (*token)[0];
	else {
		// the sub type is the length of the string
		token->subtype = token->Length();
	return 1;

int idLexer::ReadName( idToken *token ) {
	char c;

	token->type = TT_NAME;
	do {
		token->AppendDirty( *idLexer::script_p++ );
		c = *idLexer::script_p;
	} while ((c >= 'a' && c <= 'z') ||
				(c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z') ||
				(c >= '0' && c <= '9') ||
				c == '_' ||
				// if treating all tokens as strings, don't parse '-' as a seperate token
				((idLexer::flags & LEXFL_ONLYSTRINGS) && (c == '-')) ||
				// if special path name characters are allowed
				((idLexer::flags & LEXFL_ALLOWPATHNAMES) && (c == '/' || c == '\\' || c == ':' || c == '.')) );
	token->data[token->len] = '\0';
	//the sub type is the length of the name
	token->subtype = token->Length();
	return 1;

ID_INLINE int idLexer::CheckString( const char *str ) const {
	int i;

	for ( i = 0; str[i]; i++ ) {
		if ( idLexer::script_p[i] != str[i] ) {
			return false;
	return true;

int idLexer::ReadNumber( idToken *token ) {
	int i;
	int dot;
	char c, c2;

	token->type = TT_NUMBER;
	token->subtype = 0;
	token->intvalue = 0;
	token->floatvalue = 0;

	c = *idLexer::script_p;
	c2 = *(idLexer::script_p + 1);

	if ( c == '0' && c2 != '.' ) {
		// check for a hexadecimal number
		if ( c2 == 'x' || c2 == 'X' ) {
			token->AppendDirty( *idLexer::script_p++ );
			token->AppendDirty( *idLexer::script_p++ );
			c = *idLexer::script_p;
			while((c >= '0' && c <= '9') ||
						(c >= 'a' && c <= 'f') ||
						(c >= 'A' && c <= 'F')) {
				token->AppendDirty( c );
				c = *(++idLexer::script_p);
			token->subtype = TT_HEX | TT_INTEGER;
		// check for a binary number
		else if ( c2 == 'b' || c2 == 'B' ) {
			token->AppendDirty( *idLexer::script_p++ );
			token->AppendDirty( *idLexer::script_p++ );
			c = *idLexer::script_p;
			while( c == '0' || c == '1' ) {
				token->AppendDirty( c );
				c = *(++idLexer::script_p);
			token->subtype = TT_BINARY | TT_INTEGER;
		// its an octal number
		else {
			token->AppendDirty( *idLexer::script_p++ );
			c = *idLexer::script_p;
			while( c >= '0' && c <= '7' ) {
				token->AppendDirty( c );
				c = *(++idLexer::script_p);
			token->subtype = TT_OCTAL | TT_INTEGER;
	else {
		// decimal integer or floating point number or ip address
		dot = 0;
		while( 1 ) {
			if ( c >= '0' && c <= '9' ) {
			else if ( c == '.' ) {
			else {
			token->AppendDirty( c );
			c = *(++idLexer::script_p);
		if( c == 'e' && dot == 0) {
			//We have scientific notation without a decimal point
		// if a floating point number
		if ( dot == 1 ) {
			token->subtype = TT_DECIMAL | TT_FLOAT;
			// check for floating point exponent
			if ( c == 'e' ) {
				//Append the e so that GetFloatValue code works
				token->AppendDirty( c );
				c = *(++idLexer::script_p);
				if ( c == '-' ) {
					token->AppendDirty( c );
					c = *(++idLexer::script_p);
				else if ( c == '+' ) {
					token->AppendDirty( c );
					c = *(++idLexer::script_p);
				while( c >= '0' && c <= '9' ) {
					token->AppendDirty( c );
					c = *(++idLexer::script_p);
			// check for floating point exception infinite 1.#INF or indefinite 1.#IND or NaN
			else if ( c == '#' ) {
				c2 = 4;
				if ( CheckString( "INF" ) ) {
					token->subtype |= TT_INFINITE;
				else if ( CheckString( "IND" ) ) {
					token->subtype |= TT_INDEFINITE;
				else if ( CheckString( "NAN" ) ) {
					token->subtype |= TT_NAN;
				else if ( CheckString( "QNAN" ) ) {
					token->subtype |= TT_NAN;
				else if ( CheckString( "SNAN" ) ) {
					token->subtype |= TT_NAN;
				for ( i = 0; i < c2; i++ ) {
					token->AppendDirty( c );
					c = *(++idLexer::script_p);
				while( c >= '0' && c <= '9' ) {
					token->AppendDirty( c );
					c = *(++idLexer::script_p);
				if ( !(idLexer::flags & LEXFL_ALLOWFLOATEXCEPTIONS) ) {
					token->AppendDirty( 0 );	// zero terminate for c_str
					idLexer::Error( "parsed %s", token->c_str() );
		else if ( dot > 1 ) {
			if ( !( idLexer::flags & LEXFL_ALLOWIPADDRESSES ) ) {
				idLexer::Error( "more than one dot in number" );
				return 0;
			if ( dot != 3 ) {
				idLexer::Error( "ip address should have three dots" );
				return 0;
			token->subtype = TT_IPADDRESS;
		else {
			token->subtype = TT_DECIMAL | TT_INTEGER;

	if ( token->subtype & TT_FLOAT ) {
		if ( c > ' ' ) {
			// single-precision: float
			if ( c == 'f' || c == 'F' ) {
				token->subtype |= TT_SINGLE_PRECISION;
			// extended-precision: long double
			else if ( c == 'l' || c == 'L' ) {
				token->subtype |= TT_EXTENDED_PRECISION;
			// default is double-precision: double
			else {
				token->subtype |= TT_DOUBLE_PRECISION;
		else {
			token->subtype |= TT_DOUBLE_PRECISION;
	else if ( token->subtype & TT_INTEGER ) {
		if ( c > ' ' ) {
			// default: signed long
			for ( i = 0; i < 2; i++ ) {
				// long integer
				if ( c == 'l' || c == 'L' ) {
					token->subtype |= TT_LONG;
				// unsigned integer
				else if ( c == 'u' || c == 'U' ) {
					token->subtype |= TT_UNSIGNED;
				else {
				c = *(++idLexer::script_p);
	else if ( token->subtype & TT_IPADDRESS ) {
		if ( c == ':' ) {
			token->AppendDirty( c );
			c = *(++idLexer::script_p);
			while( c >= '0' && c <= '9' ) {
				token->AppendDirty( c );
				c = *(++idLexer::script_p);
			token->subtype |= TT_IPPORT;
	token->data[token->len] = '\0';
	return 1;

int idLexer::ReadPunctuation( idToken *token ) {
	int l, n, i;
	const char *p;
	const punctuation_t *punc;

	for (n = idLexer::punctuationtable[(unsigned int)*(idLexer::script_p)]; n >= 0; n = idLexer::nextpunctuation[n])
		punc = &(idLexer::punctuations[n]);
	int i;

	for (i = 0; idLexer::punctuations[i].p; i++) {
		punc = &idLexer::punctuations[i];
		p = punc->p;
		// check for this punctuation in the script
		for ( l = 0; p[l] && idLexer::script_p[l]; l++ ) {
			if ( idLexer::script_p[l] != p[l] ) {
		if ( !p[l] ) {
			token->EnsureAlloced( l+1, false );
			for ( i = 0; i <= l; i++ ) {
				token->data[i] = p[i];
			token->len = l;
			idLexer::script_p += l;
			token->type = TT_PUNCTUATION;
			// sub type is the punctuation id
			token->subtype = punc->n;
			return 1;
	return 0;

int idLexer::ReadToken( idToken *token ) {
	int c;

	if ( !loaded ) {
		idLib::common->Error( "idLexer::ReadToken: no file loaded" );
		return 0;

	// if there is a token available (from unreadToken)
	if ( tokenavailable ) {
		tokenavailable = 0;
		*token = idLexer::token;
		return 1;
	// save script pointer
	lastScript_p = script_p;
	// save line counter
	lastline = line;
	// clear the token stuff
	token->data[0] = '\0';
	token->len = 0;
	// start of the white space
	whiteSpaceStart_p = script_p;
	token->whiteSpaceStart_p = script_p;
	// read white space before token
	if ( !ReadWhiteSpace() ) {
		return 0;
	// end of the white space
	idLexer::whiteSpaceEnd_p = script_p;
	token->whiteSpaceEnd_p = script_p;
	// line the token is on
	token->line = line;
	// number of lines crossed before token
	token->linesCrossed = line - lastline;
	// clear token flags
	token->flags = 0;

	c = *idLexer::script_p;

	// if we're keeping everything as whitespace deliminated strings
	if ( idLexer::flags & LEXFL_ONLYSTRINGS ) {
		// if there is a leading quote
		if ( c == '\"' || c == '\'' ) {
			if (!idLexer::ReadString( token, c )) {
				return 0;
		} else if ( !idLexer::ReadName( token ) ) {
			return 0;
	// if there is a number
	else if ( (c >= '0' && c <= '9') ||
			(c == '.' && (*(idLexer::script_p + 1) >= '0' && *(idLexer::script_p + 1) <= '9')) ) {
		if ( !idLexer::ReadNumber( token ) ) {
			return 0;
		// if names are allowed to start with a number
		if ( idLexer::flags & LEXFL_ALLOWNUMBERNAMES ) {
			c = *idLexer::script_p;
			if ( (c >= 'a' && c <= 'z') ||	(c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z') || c == '_' ) {
				if ( !idLexer::ReadName( token ) ) {
					return 0;
	// if there is a leading quote
	else if ( c == '\"' || c == '\'' ) {
		if (!idLexer::ReadString( token, c )) {
			return 0;
	// if there is a name
	else if ( (c >= 'a' && c <= 'z') ||	(c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z') || c == '_' ) {
		if ( !idLexer::ReadName( token ) ) {
			return 0;
	// names may also start with a slash when pathnames are allowed
	else if ( ( idLexer::flags & LEXFL_ALLOWPATHNAMES ) && ( (c == '/' || c == '\\') || c == '.' ) ) {
		if ( !idLexer::ReadName( token ) ) {
			return 0;
	// check for punctuations
	else if ( !idLexer::ReadPunctuation( token ) ) {
		idLexer::Error( "unknown punctuation %c", c );
		return 0;
	// succesfully read a token
	return 1;

int idLexer::ExpectTokenString( const char *string ) {
	idToken token;

	if (!idLexer::ReadToken( &token )) {
		idLexer::Error( "couldn't find expected '%s'", string );
		return 0;
	if ( token != string ) {
		idLexer::Error( "expected '%s' but found '%s'", string, token.c_str() );
		return 0;
	return 1;

int idLexer::ExpectTokenType( int type, int subtype, idToken *token ) {
	idStr str;

	if ( !idLexer::ReadToken( token ) ) {
		idLexer::Error( "couldn't read expected token" );
		return 0;

	if ( token->type != type ) {
		switch( type ) {
			case TT_STRING: str = "string"; break;
			case TT_LITERAL: str = "literal"; break;
			case TT_NUMBER: str = "number"; break;
			case TT_NAME: str = "name"; break;
			case TT_PUNCTUATION: str = "punctuation"; break;
			default: str = "unknown type"; break;
		idLexer::Error( "expected a %s but found '%s'", str.c_str(), token->c_str() );
		return 0;
	if ( token->type == TT_NUMBER ) {
		if ( (token->subtype & subtype) != subtype ) {
			if ( subtype & TT_DECIMAL ) str = "decimal ";
			if ( subtype & TT_HEX ) str = "hex ";
			if ( subtype & TT_OCTAL ) str = "octal ";
			if ( subtype & TT_BINARY ) str = "binary ";
			if ( subtype & TT_UNSIGNED ) str += "unsigned ";
			if ( subtype & TT_LONG ) str += "long ";
			if ( subtype & TT_FLOAT ) str += "float ";
			if ( subtype & TT_INTEGER ) str += "integer ";
			str.StripTrailing( ' ' );
			idLexer::Error( "expected %s but found '%s'", str.c_str(), token->c_str() );
			return 0;
	else if ( token->type == TT_PUNCTUATION ) {
		if ( subtype < 0 ) {
			idLexer::Error( "BUG: wrong punctuation subtype" );
			return 0;
		if ( token->subtype != subtype ) {
			idLexer::Error( "expected '%s' but found '%s'", GetPunctuationFromId( subtype ), token->c_str() );
			return 0;
	return 1;

int idLexer::ExpectAnyToken( idToken *token ) {
	if (!idLexer::ReadToken( token )) {
		idLexer::Error( "couldn't read expected token" );
		return 0;
	else {
		return 1;

int idLexer::CheckTokenString( const char *string ) {
	idToken tok;

	if ( !ReadToken( &tok ) ) {
		return 0;
	// if the given string is available
	if ( tok == string ) {
		return 1;
	// unread token
	script_p = lastScript_p;
	line = lastline;
	return 0;

int idLexer::CheckTokenType( int type, int subtype, idToken *token ) {
	idToken tok;

	if ( !ReadToken( &tok ) ) {
		return 0;
	// if the type matches
	if (tok.type == type && (tok.subtype & subtype) == subtype) {
		*token = tok;
		return 1;
	// unread token
	script_p = lastScript_p;
	line = lastline;
	return 0;

int idLexer::PeekTokenString( const char *string ) {
	idToken tok;

	if ( !ReadToken( &tok ) ) {
		return 0;

	// unread token
	script_p = lastScript_p;
	line = lastline;

	// if the given string is available
	if ( tok == string ) {
		return 1;
	return 0;

int idLexer::PeekTokenType( int type, int subtype, idToken *token ) {
	idToken tok;

	if ( !ReadToken( &tok ) ) {
		return 0;

	// unread token
	script_p = lastScript_p;
	line = lastline;

	// if the type matches
	if ( tok.type == type && ( tok.subtype & subtype ) == subtype ) {
		*token = tok;
		return 1;
	return 0;

int idLexer::SkipUntilString( const char *string ) {
	idToken token;

	while(idLexer::ReadToken( &token )) {
		if ( token == string ) {
			return 1;
	return 0;

int idLexer::SkipRestOfLine( void ) {
	idToken token;

	while(idLexer::ReadToken( &token )) {
		if ( token.linesCrossed ) {
			idLexer::script_p = lastScript_p;
			idLexer::line = lastline;
			return 1;
	return 0;


Skips until a matching close brace is found.
Internal brace depths are properly skipped.
int idLexer::SkipBracedSection( bool parseFirstBrace ) {
	idToken token;
	int depth;

	depth = parseFirstBrace ? 0 : 1;
	do {
		if ( !ReadToken( &token ) ) {
			return false;
		if ( token.type == TT_PUNCTUATION ) {
			if ( token == "{" ) {
			} else if ( token == "}" ) {
	} while( depth );
	return true;

void idLexer::UnreadToken( const idToken *token ) {
	if ( idLexer::tokenavailable ) {
		idLib::common->FatalError( "idLexer::unreadToken, unread token twice\n" );
	idLexer::token = *token;
	idLexer::tokenavailable = 1;

int idLexer::ReadTokenOnLine( idToken *token ) {
	idToken tok;

	if (!idLexer::ReadToken( &tok )) {
		idLexer::script_p = lastScript_p;
		idLexer::line = lastline;
		return false;
	// if no lines were crossed before this token
	if ( !tok.linesCrossed ) {
		*token = tok;
		return true;
	// restore our position
	idLexer::script_p = lastScript_p;
	idLexer::line = lastline;
	return false;

const char*	idLexer::ReadRestOfLine(idStr& out) {
	while(1) {

		if(*idLexer::script_p == '\n') {

		if(!*idLexer::script_p) {

		if(*idLexer::script_p <= ' ') {
			out += " ";
		} else {
			out += *idLexer::script_p;


	out.Strip(' ');
	return out.c_str();

int idLexer::ParseInt( void ) {
	idToken token;

	if ( !idLexer::ReadToken( &token ) ) {
		idLexer::Error( "couldn't read expected integer" );
		return 0;
	if ( token.type == TT_PUNCTUATION && token == "-" ) {
		idLexer::ExpectTokenType( TT_NUMBER, TT_INTEGER, &token );
		return -((signed int) token.GetIntValue());
	else if ( token.type != TT_NUMBER || token.subtype == TT_FLOAT ) {
		idLexer::Error( "expected integer value, found '%s'", token.c_str() );
	return token.GetIntValue();

bool idLexer::ParseBool( void ) {
	idToken token;

	if ( !idLexer::ExpectTokenType( TT_NUMBER, 0, &token ) ) {
		idLexer::Error( "couldn't read expected boolean" );
		return false;
	return ( token.GetIntValue() != 0 );

float idLexer::ParseFloat( bool *errorFlag ) {
	idToken token;

	if ( errorFlag ) {
		*errorFlag = false;

	if ( !idLexer::ReadToken( &token ) ) {
		if ( errorFlag ) {
			idLexer::Warning( "couldn't read expected floating point number" );
			*errorFlag = true;
		} else {
			idLexer::Error( "couldn't read expected floating point number" );
		return 0;
	if ( token.type == TT_PUNCTUATION && token == "-" ) {
		idLexer::ExpectTokenType( TT_NUMBER, 0, &token );
		return -token.GetFloatValue();
	else if ( token.type != TT_NUMBER ) {
		if ( errorFlag ) {
			idLexer::Warning( "expected float value, found '%s'", token.c_str() );
			*errorFlag = true;
		} else {
			idLexer::Error( "expected float value, found '%s'", token.c_str() );
	return token.GetFloatValue();

int idLexer::Parse1DMatrix( int x, float *m ) {
	int i;

	if ( !idLexer::ExpectTokenString( "(" ) ) {
		return false;

	for ( i = 0; i < x; i++ ) {
		m[i] = idLexer::ParseFloat();

	if ( !idLexer::ExpectTokenString( ")" ) ) {
		return false;
	return true;

int idLexer::Parse2DMatrix( int y, int x, float *m ) {
	int i;

	if ( !idLexer::ExpectTokenString( "(" ) ) {
		return false;

	for ( i = 0; i < y; i++ ) {
		if ( !idLexer::Parse1DMatrix( x, m + i * x ) ) {
			return false;

	if ( !idLexer::ExpectTokenString( ")" ) ) {
		return false;
	return true;

int idLexer::Parse3DMatrix( int z, int y, int x, float *m ) {
	int i;

	if ( !idLexer::ExpectTokenString( "(" ) ) {
		return false;

	for ( i = 0 ; i < z; i++ ) {
		if ( !idLexer::Parse2DMatrix( y, x, m + i * x*y ) ) {
			return false;

	if ( !idLexer::ExpectTokenString( ")" ) ) {
		return false;
	return true;


The next token should be an open brace.
Parses until a matching close brace is found.
Maintains exact characters between braces.

  FIXME: this should use ReadToken and replace the token white space with correct indents and newlines
const char *idLexer::ParseBracedSectionExact( idStr &out, int tabs ) {
	int		depth;
	bool	doTabs;
	bool	skipWhite;


	if ( !idLexer::ExpectTokenString( "{" ) ) {
		return out.c_str( );

	out = "{";
	depth = 1;
	skipWhite = false;
	doTabs = tabs >= 0;

	while( depth && *idLexer::script_p ) {
		char c = *(idLexer::script_p++);

		switch ( c ) {
			case '\t':
			case ' ': {
				if ( skipWhite ) {
			case '\n': {
				if ( doTabs ) {
					skipWhite = true;
					out += c;
			case '{': {
			case '}': {

		if ( skipWhite ) {
			int i = tabs;
			if ( c == '{' ) {
			skipWhite = false;
			for ( ; i > 0; i-- ) {
				out += '\t';
		out += c;
	return out.c_str();


The next token should be an open brace.
Parses until a matching close brace is found.
Internal brace depths are properly skipped.
const char *idLexer::ParseBracedSection( idStr &out ) {
	idToken token;
	int i, depth;

	if ( !idLexer::ExpectTokenString( "{" ) ) {
		return out.c_str();
	out = "{";
	depth = 1;
	do {
		if ( !idLexer::ReadToken( &token ) ) {
			Error( "missing closing brace" );
			return out.c_str();

		// if the token is on a new line
		for ( i = 0; i < token.linesCrossed; i++ ) {
			out += "\r\n";

		if ( token.type == TT_PUNCTUATION ) {
			if ( token[0] == '{' ) {
			else if ( token[0] == '}' ) {

		if ( token.type == TT_STRING ) {
			out += "\"" + token + "\"";
		else {
			out += token;
		out += " ";
	} while( depth );

	return out.c_str();


  parse the rest of the line
const char *idLexer::ParseRestOfLine( idStr &out ) {
	idToken token;

	while(idLexer::ReadToken( &token )) {
		if ( token.linesCrossed ) {
			idLexer::script_p = lastScript_p;
			idLexer::line = lastline;
		if ( out.Length() ) {
			out += " ";
		out += token;
	return out.c_str();

int idLexer::GetLastWhiteSpace( idStr &whiteSpace ) const {
	for ( const char *p = whiteSpaceStart_p; p < whiteSpaceEnd_p; p++ ) {
		whiteSpace.Append( *p );
	return whiteSpace.Length();

int idLexer::GetLastWhiteSpaceStart( void ) const {
	return whiteSpaceStart_p - buffer;

int idLexer::GetLastWhiteSpaceEnd( void ) const {
	return whiteSpaceEnd_p - buffer;

void idLexer::Reset( void ) {
	// pointer in script buffer
	idLexer::script_p = idLexer::buffer;
	// pointer in script buffer before reading token
	idLexer::lastScript_p = idLexer::buffer;
	// begin of white space
	idLexer::whiteSpaceStart_p = NULL;
	// end of white space
	idLexer::whiteSpaceEnd_p = NULL;
	// set if there's a token available in idLexer::token
	idLexer::tokenavailable = 0;

	idLexer::line = 1;
	idLexer::lastline = 1;
	// clear the saved token
	idLexer::token = "";

int idLexer::EndOfFile( void ) {
	return idLexer::script_p >= idLexer::end_p;

int idLexer::NumLinesCrossed( void ) {
	return idLexer::line - idLexer::lastline;

int idLexer::LoadFile( const char *filename, bool OSPath ) {
	idFile *fp;
	idStr pathname;
	int length;
	char *buf;

	if ( idLexer::loaded ) {
		idLib::common->Error("idLexer::LoadFile: another script already loaded");
		return false;

	if ( !OSPath && ( baseFolder[0] != '\0' ) ) {
		pathname = va( "%s/%s", baseFolder, filename );
	} else {
		pathname = filename;
	if ( OSPath ) {
		fp = idLib::fileSystem->OpenExplicitFileRead( pathname );
	} else {
		fp = idLib::fileSystem->OpenFileRead( pathname );
	if ( !fp ) {
		return false;
	length = fp->Length();
	buf = (char *) Mem_Alloc( length + 1 );
	buf[length] = '\0';
	fp->Read( buf, length );
	idLexer::fileTime = fp->Timestamp();
	idLexer::filename = fp->GetFullPath();
	idLib::fileSystem->CloseFile( fp );

	idLexer::buffer = buf;
	idLexer::length = length;
	// pointer in script buffer
	idLexer::script_p = idLexer::buffer;
	// pointer in script buffer before reading token
	idLexer::lastScript_p = idLexer::buffer;
	// pointer to end of script buffer
	idLexer::end_p = &(idLexer::buffer[length]);

	idLexer::tokenavailable = 0;
	idLexer::line = 1;
	idLexer::lastline = 1;
	idLexer::allocated = true;
	idLexer::loaded = true;

	return true;

int idLexer::LoadMemory( const char *ptr, int length, const char *name, int startLine ) {
	if ( idLexer::loaded ) {
		idLib::common->Error("idLexer::LoadMemory: another script already loaded");
		return false;
	idLexer::filename = name;
	idLexer::buffer = ptr;
	idLexer::fileTime = 0;
	idLexer::length = length;
	// pointer in script buffer
	idLexer::script_p = idLexer::buffer;
	// pointer in script buffer before reading token
	idLexer::lastScript_p = idLexer::buffer;
	// pointer to end of script buffer
	idLexer::end_p = &(idLexer::buffer[length]);

	idLexer::tokenavailable = 0;
	idLexer::line = startLine;
	idLexer::lastline = startLine;
	idLexer::allocated = false;
	idLexer::loaded = true;

	return true;

void idLexer::FreeSource( void ) {
	if ( idLexer::punctuationtable && idLexer::punctuationtable != default_punctuationtable ) {
		Mem_Free( (void *) idLexer::punctuationtable );
		idLexer::punctuationtable = NULL;
	if ( idLexer::nextpunctuation && idLexer::nextpunctuation != default_nextpunctuation ) {
		Mem_Free( (void *) idLexer::nextpunctuation );
		idLexer::nextpunctuation = NULL;
#endif //PUNCTABLE
	if ( idLexer::allocated ) {
		Mem_Free( (void *) idLexer::buffer );
		idLexer::buffer = NULL;
		idLexer::allocated = false;
	idLexer::tokenavailable = 0;
	idLexer::token = "";
	idLexer::loaded = false;

idLexer::idLexer( void ) {
	idLexer::loaded = false;
	idLexer::filename = "";
	idLexer::flags = 0;
	idLexer::SetPunctuations( NULL );
	idLexer::allocated = false;
	idLexer::fileTime = 0;
	idLexer::length = 0;
	idLexer::line = 0;
	idLexer::lastline = 0;
	idLexer::tokenavailable = 0;
	idLexer::token = "";
	idLexer::next = NULL;
	idLexer::hadError = false;

idLexer::idLexer( int flags ) {
	idLexer::loaded = false;
	idLexer::filename = "";
	idLexer::flags = flags;
	idLexer::SetPunctuations( NULL );
	idLexer::allocated = false;
	idLexer::fileTime = 0;
	idLexer::length = 0;
	idLexer::line = 0;
	idLexer::lastline = 0;
	idLexer::tokenavailable = 0;
	idLexer::token = "";
	idLexer::next = NULL;
	idLexer::hadError = false;

idLexer::idLexer( const char *filename, int flags, bool OSPath ) {
	idLexer::loaded = false;
	idLexer::flags = flags;
	idLexer::SetPunctuations( NULL );
	idLexer::allocated = false;
	idLexer::token = "";
	idLexer::next = NULL;
	idLexer::hadError = false;
	idLexer::LoadFile( filename, OSPath );

idLexer::idLexer( const char *ptr, int length, const char *name, int flags ) {
	idLexer::loaded = false;
	idLexer::flags = flags;
	idLexer::SetPunctuations( NULL );
	idLexer::allocated = false;
	idLexer::token = "";
	idLexer::next = NULL;
	idLexer::hadError = false;
	idLexer::LoadMemory( ptr, length, name );

idLexer::~idLexer( void ) {

void idLexer::SetBaseFolder( const char *path ) {
	idStr::Copynz( baseFolder, path, sizeof( baseFolder ) );

bool idLexer::HadError( void ) const {
	return hadError;