/* =========================================================================== Doom 3 GPL Source Code Copyright (C) 1999-2011 id Software LLC, a ZeniMax Media company. This file is part of the Doom 3 GPL Source Code ("Doom 3 Source Code"). Doom 3 Source Code is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. Doom 3 Source Code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with Doom 3 Source Code. If not, see . In addition, the Doom 3 Source Code is also subject to certain additional terms. You should have received a copy of these additional terms immediately following the terms and conditions of the GNU General Public License which accompanied the Doom 3 Source Code. If not, please request a copy in writing from id Software at the address below. If you have questions concerning this license or the applicable additional terms, you may contact in writing id Software LLC, c/o ZeniMax Media Inc., Suite 120, Rockville, Maryland 20850 USA. =========================================================================== */ #ifndef __GAME_MOVER_H__ #define __GAME_MOVER_H__ #include "physics/Physics_Parametric.h" #include "Entity.h" extern const idEventDef EV_TeamBlocked; extern const idEventDef EV_PartBlocked; extern const idEventDef EV_ReachedPos; extern const idEventDef EV_ReachedAng; //ivan start extern const idEventDef EV_GoToBinaryPos; //ivan end /* =============================================================================== General movers. =============================================================================== */ class idMover : public idEntity { public: CLASS_PROTOTYPE( idMover ); idMover( void ); void Spawn( void ); void Save( idSaveGame *savefile ) const; void Restore( idRestoreGame *savefile ); virtual void Killed( idEntity *inflictor, idEntity *attacker, int damage, const idVec3 &dir, int location ); virtual void WriteToSnapshot( idBitMsgDelta &msg ) const; virtual void ReadFromSnapshot( const idBitMsgDelta &msg ); virtual void Hide( void ); virtual void Show( void ); void SetPortalState( bool open ); protected: typedef enum { ACCELERATION_STAGE, LINEAR_STAGE, DECELERATION_STAGE, FINISHED_STAGE } moveStage_t; typedef enum { MOVER_NONE, MOVER_ROTATING, MOVER_MOVING, MOVER_SPLINE } moverCommand_t; // // mover directions. make sure to change script/doom_defs.script if you add any, or change their order // typedef enum { DIR_UP = -1, DIR_DOWN = -2, DIR_LEFT = -3, DIR_RIGHT = -4, DIR_FORWARD = -5, DIR_BACK = -6, DIR_REL_UP = -7, DIR_REL_DOWN = -8, DIR_REL_LEFT = -9, DIR_REL_RIGHT = -10, DIR_REL_FORWARD = -11, DIR_REL_BACK = -12 } moverDir_t; typedef struct { moveStage_t stage; int acceleration; int movetime; int deceleration; idVec3 dir; } moveState_t; typedef struct { moveStage_t stage; int acceleration; int movetime; int deceleration; idAngles rot; } rotationState_t; idPhysics_Parametric physicsObj; //ivan start - promoted to protected float move_speed; int move_time; int deceltime; int acceltime; moverCommand_t lastCommand; idVec3 dest_position; //ivan end void Event_OpenPortal( void ); void Event_ClosePortal( void ); void Event_PartBlocked( idEntity *blockingEntity ); void MoveToPos( const idVec3 &pos); void UpdateMoveSound( moveStage_t stage ); void UpdateRotationSound( moveStage_t stage ); void SetGuiStates( const char *state ); void FindGuiTargets( void ); void SetGuiState( const char *key, const char *val ) const; virtual void DoneMoving( void ); virtual void DoneRotating( void ); virtual void BeginMove( idThread *thread = NULL ); virtual void BeginRotation( idThread *thread, bool stopwhendone ); moveState_t move; private: rotationState_t rot; int move_thread; int rotate_thread; idAngles dest_angles; idAngles angle_delta; //idVec3 dest_position; //ivan - promoted to protected idVec3 move_delta; /* //ivan - promoted to protected float move_speed; int move_time; int deceltime; int acceltime; */ bool stopRotation; bool useSplineAngles; idEntityPtr splineEnt; //moverCommand_t lastCommand; //ivan - promoted to protected float damage; qhandle_t areaPortal; // 0 = no portal idList< idEntityPtr > guiTargets; void VectorForDir( float dir, idVec3 &vec ); idCurve_Spline *GetSpline( idEntity *splineEntity ) const; void Event_SetCallback( void ); void Event_TeamBlocked( idEntity *blockedPart, idEntity *blockingEntity ); void Event_StopMoving( void ); void Event_StopRotating( void ); void Event_UpdateMove( void ); void Event_UpdateRotation( void ); void Event_SetMoveSpeed( float speed ); void Event_SetMoveTime( float time ); void Event_SetDecelerationTime( float time ); void Event_SetAccellerationTime( float time ); void Event_MoveTo( idEntity *ent ); void Event_MoveToPos( idVec3 &pos ); void Event_MoveDir( float angle, float distance ); void Event_MoveAccelerateTo( float speed, float time ); void Event_MoveDecelerateTo( float speed, float time ); void Event_RotateDownTo( int axis, float angle ); void Event_RotateUpTo( int axis, float angle ); void Event_RotateTo( idAngles &angles ); void Event_Rotate( idAngles &angles ); void Event_RotateOnce( idAngles &angles ); void Event_Bob( float speed, float phase, idVec3 &depth ); void Event_Sway( float speed, float phase, idAngles &depth ); void Event_SetAccelSound( const char *sound ); void Event_SetDecelSound( const char *sound ); void Event_SetMoveSound( const char *sound ); void Event_FindGuiTargets( void ); void Event_InitGuiTargets( void ); void Event_EnableSplineAngles( void ); void Event_DisableSplineAngles( void ); void Event_RemoveInitialSplineAngles( void ); void Event_StartSpline( idEntity *splineEntity ); void Event_StopSpline( void ); void Event_Activate( idEntity *activator ); void Event_PostRestore( int start, int total, int accel, int decel, int useSplineAng ); void Event_IsMoving( void ); void Event_IsRotating( void ); }; #define TEAM_TEST //ivan start class idPathMover : public idMover { public: CLASS_PROTOTYPE( idPathMover ); idPathMover( void ); void Spawn(); void Save( idSaveGame *savefile ) const; void Restore( idRestoreGame *savefile ); #ifdef TEAM_TEST //idPathMover * GetMoveMaster( void ) const { return moveMaster; }; //void SetBlocked( bool b ); //bool IsBlocked( void ); #endif protected: virtual void DoneMoving( void ); private: idEntityPtr currentTarget; bool restoreSettings; bool toggleOnTrigger; bool startOnTrigger; bool nextOnTrigger; bool allowRestart; bool resetOnRestart; //int nextTriggerTime; #ifdef TEAM_TEST //idPathMover * moveMaster; idStr team; //void Event_TeamBlocked( idEntity *blockedEntity, idEntity *blockingEntity ); #endif void StartPath( void ); void SuspendPath( void ); void ContinuePath( void ); bool SetNextTarget( void ); void PerformTriggerEnt( void ); void Event_PostSpawn( void ); void Event_Trigger( idEntity *activator ); void Event_StartNextMov( void ); }; //ivan end class idSplinePath : public idEntity { public: CLASS_PROTOTYPE( idSplinePath ); idSplinePath(); void Spawn( void ); }; struct floorInfo_s { idVec3 pos; idStr door; int floor; }; class idElevator : public idMover { public: CLASS_PROTOTYPE( idElevator ); idElevator( void ); void Spawn(); void Save( idSaveGame *savefile ) const; void Restore( idRestoreGame *savefile ); virtual bool HandleSingleGuiCommand( idEntity *entityGui, idLexer *src ); void Event_GotoFloor( int floor ); floorInfo_s * GetFloorInfo( int floor ); protected: virtual void DoneMoving( void ); virtual void BeginMove( idThread *thread = NULL ); void SpawnTrigger( const idVec3 &pos ); void GetLocalTriggerPosition(); void Event_Touch( idEntity *other, trace_t *trace ); private: typedef enum { INIT, IDLE, WAITING_ON_DOORS } elevatorState_t; elevatorState_t state; idList floorInfo; int currentFloor; int pendingFloor; int lastFloor; bool controlsDisabled; float returnTime; int returnFloor; int lastTouchTime; class idDoor * GetDoor( const char *name ); void Think( void ); void OpenInnerDoor( void ); void OpenFloorDoor( int floor ); void CloseAllDoors( void ); void DisableAllDoors( void ); void EnableProperDoors( void ); void Event_TeamBlocked( idEntity *blockedEntity, idEntity *blockingEntity ); void Event_Activate( idEntity *activator ); void Event_PostFloorArrival(); }; /* =============================================================================== Binary movers. =============================================================================== */ typedef enum { MOVER_POS1, MOVER_POS2, MOVER_1TO2, MOVER_2TO1 } moverState_t; class idMover_Binary : public idEntity { public: CLASS_PROTOTYPE( idMover_Binary ); idMover_Binary(); ~idMover_Binary(); void Spawn( void ); void Save( idSaveGame *savefile ) const; void Restore( idRestoreGame *savefile ); virtual void PreBind( void ); virtual void PostBind( void ); void Enable( bool b ); void InitSpeed( idVec3 &mpos1, idVec3 &mpos2, float mspeed, float maccelTime, float mdecelTime ); void InitTime( idVec3 &mpos1, idVec3 &mpos2, float mtime, float maccelTime, float mdecelTime ); void GotoPosition1( void ); void GotoPosition2( void ); void Use_BinaryMover( idEntity *activator ); void SetGuiStates( const char *state ); void UpdateBuddies( int val ); idMover_Binary * GetActivateChain( void ) const { return activateChain; } idMover_Binary * GetMoveMaster( void ) const { return moveMaster; } void BindTeam( idEntity *bindTo ); void SetBlocked( bool b ); bool IsBlocked( void ); idEntity * GetActivator( void ) const; virtual void WriteToSnapshot( idBitMsgDelta &msg ) const; virtual void ReadFromSnapshot( const idBitMsgDelta &msg ); void SetPortalState( bool open ); void DelayReturnToPos1( int delay ); //ivan protected: idVec3 pos1; idVec3 pos2; moverState_t moverState; idMover_Binary * moveMaster; idMover_Binary * activateChain; int soundPos1; int sound1to2; int sound2to1; int soundPos2; int soundLoop; float wait; float damage; int duration; int accelTime; int decelTime; idEntityPtr activatedBy; int stateStartTime; idStr team; bool enabled; int move_thread; int updateStatus; // 1 = lock behaviour, 2 = open close status idStrList buddies; idPhysics_Parametric physicsObj; qhandle_t areaPortal; // 0 = no portal bool blocked; idList< idEntityPtr > guiTargets; void MatchActivateTeam( moverState_t newstate, int time ); void JoinActivateTeam( idMover_Binary *master ); void UpdateMoverSound( moverState_t state ); void SetMoverState( moverState_t newstate, int time ); moverState_t GetMoverState( void ) const { return moverState; } void FindGuiTargets( void ); void SetGuiState( const char *key, const char *val ) const; void Event_SetCallback( void ); void Event_ReturnToPos1( void ); void Event_UseToReturnToPos1( void ); //ivan void Event_Use_BinaryMover( idEntity *activator ); void Event_Reached_BinaryMover( void ); void Event_MatchActivateTeam( moverState_t newstate, int time ); void Event_Enable( void ); void Event_Disable( void ); void Event_OpenPortal( void ); void Event_ClosePortal( void ); void Event_FindGuiTargets( void ); void Event_InitGuiTargets( void ); //ivan start void Event_GoToPos( int dest ); //ivan end static void GetMovedir( float dir, idVec3 &movedir ); }; class idDoor : public idMover_Binary { public: CLASS_PROTOTYPE( idDoor ); idDoor( void ); ~idDoor( void ); void Spawn( void ); void Save( idSaveGame *savefile ) const; void Restore( idRestoreGame *savefile ); virtual void Think( void ); virtual void PreBind( void ); virtual void PostBind( void ); virtual void Hide( void ); virtual void Show( void ); bool IsOpen( void ); bool IsNoTouch( void ); int IsLocked( void ); void Lock( int f ); void Use( idEntity *other, idEntity *activator ); void Close( void ); void Open( void ); void SetCompanion( idDoor *door ); private: float triggersize; bool crusher; bool noTouch; bool aas_area_closed; idStr buddyStr; idClipModel * trigger; idClipModel * sndTrigger; int nextSndTriggerTime; idVec3 localTriggerOrigin; idMat3 localTriggerAxis; idStr requires; int removeItem; idStr syncLock; int normalAxisIndex; // door faces X or Y for spectator teleports idDoor * companionDoor; void SetAASAreaState( bool closed ); void GetLocalTriggerPosition( const idClipModel *trigger ); void CalcTriggerBounds( float size, idBounds &bounds ); void Event_Reached_BinaryMover( void ); void Event_TeamBlocked( idEntity *blockedEntity, idEntity *blockingEntity ); void Event_PartBlocked( idEntity *blockingEntity ); void Event_Touch( idEntity *other, trace_t *trace ); void Event_Activate( idEntity *activator ); void Event_StartOpen( void ); void Event_SpawnDoorTrigger( void ); void Event_SpawnSoundTrigger( void ); void Event_Close( void ); void Event_Open( void ); void Event_Lock( int f ); void Event_IsOpen( void ); void Event_Locked( void ); void Event_SpectatorTouch( idEntity *other, trace_t *trace ); void Event_OpenPortal( void ); void Event_ClosePortal( void ); }; //ivan start - must match .def values! typedef enum { PLAT_MODE_DEFAULT = 0, PLAT_MODE_AUTOREVERT = 1, PLAT_MODE_BINARY_ELEVATOR = 2 } platMode_t; //ivan end class idPlat : public idMover_Binary { public: CLASS_PROTOTYPE( idPlat ); idPlat( void ); ~idPlat( void ); void Spawn( void ); void Save( idSaveGame *savefile ) const; void Restore( idRestoreGame *savefile ); virtual void Think( void ); virtual void PreBind( void ); virtual void PostBind( void ); private: //ivan - was: private idClipModel * trigger; idClipModel * trigger_dest; //ivan idVec3 localTriggerOrigin; idMat3 localTriggerAxis; platMode_t mode; //ivan void GetLocalTriggerPosition( const idClipModel *trigger ); void SpawnPlatTrigger( bool top ); //ivan - was idVec3 &pos //ivan start void Setup( void ); bool GetTargetPos( idVec3 &pos ); void Event_PostSpawn( void ); void Event_GoToBinaryPos( int dest ); //ivan end void Event_TeamBlocked( idEntity *blockedEntity, idEntity *blockingEntity ); void Event_PartBlocked( idEntity *blockingEntity ); void Event_Touch( idEntity *other, trace_t *trace ); }; #if 0 //ivan start class idPlatAutoRevert : public idPlat { public: CLASS_PROTOTYPE( idPlatAutoRevert ); idPlatAutoRevert( void ); private: void Event_Touch( idEntity *other, trace_t *trace ); }; //ivan end #endif /* =============================================================================== Special periodic movers. =============================================================================== */ class idMover_Periodic : public idEntity { public: CLASS_PROTOTYPE( idMover_Periodic ); idMover_Periodic( void ); void Spawn( void ); void Save( idSaveGame *savefile ) const; void Restore( idRestoreGame *savefile ); virtual void Think( void ); virtual void WriteToSnapshot( idBitMsgDelta &msg ) const; virtual void ReadFromSnapshot( const idBitMsgDelta &msg ); protected: idPhysics_Parametric physicsObj; float damage; void Event_TeamBlocked( idEntity *blockedEntity, idEntity *blockingEntity ); void Event_PartBlocked( idEntity *blockingEntity ); }; class idRotater : public idMover_Periodic { public: CLASS_PROTOTYPE( idRotater ); idRotater( void ); void Spawn( void ); void Save( idSaveGame *savefile ) const; void Restore( idRestoreGame *savefile ); private: idEntityPtr activatedBy; void Event_Activate( idEntity *activator ); }; class idBobber : public idMover_Periodic { public: CLASS_PROTOTYPE( idBobber ); idBobber( void ); void Spawn( void ); private: }; class idPendulum : public idMover_Periodic { public: CLASS_PROTOTYPE( idPendulum ); idPendulum( void ); void Spawn( void ); private: }; class idRiser : public idMover_Periodic { public: CLASS_PROTOTYPE( idRiser ); idRiser( void ); void Spawn( void ); private: void Event_Activate( idEntity *activator ); }; #endif /* !__GAME_MOVER_H__ */