This was the list I used to port the grabber code from D3 ROE to Vanilla Doom3 -Rev look up and add the following stuff: grab x Game_local.h x AFEntity.cpp x Entity.cpp x Entity.h X Weapon.cpp X weapon.h X SysCvar.cpp X SysCvar.h X AI_events.cpp drag X Weapon.cpp X SysCvar.cpp X SysCvar.h monster_damage X Moveable.cpp attacker x Moveable.cpp X Moveable.h g_moveableDamageScale X SysCvar.h X syscvar.cpp x Moveable.cpp IsStable X Moveable.h x movalbe.cpp CatchProjectile X Projectile.cpp *****1162 OTHER STUFF WAS ADDED THAT COULD BE RELATED. x Projectile.h StartBurning X Moveable.cpp X Moveable.h StopBurning X Moveable.cpp X Moveable.h SetThrown X AFEntity.cpp X AFEntity.h wasThrown X AFEntity.cpp X AFEntity.h SetAttacker X Moveable.cpp X Moveable.h SetStability X Moveable.cpp X Moveable.h GetProjectileState X Projectile.cpp x Projectile.h IsStable X movables.cpp X and h. monsterDamage X movables.cpp X movables.h SetEnemy X Projectile.h x projectile.cpp attacker X movables.cpp X movables.h to bypass the slow errors, we replaced those parts with gamelocal.time instead of gamelocal.slow.time in the grabber cpp. The time group stuff and anything with warp in it was also commented out of the grabber.cpp and grabber.h The following stuff might be related, but most likely isn't. slow Actor.cpp AFEntity.cpp AI.cpp Fx.cpp Class.cpp Event.cpp SysCvar.cpp SysCvar.h Game_local.cpp Game_local.h Game_network.cpp Item.cpp Mover.cpp Physics_AF.h Physics_Player.cpp Player.cpp Player.h PlayerView.cpp PlayerView.h attacker Actor.cpp Actor.h AfEntity.cpp AfEntity.h AI.cpp AI.h BrittleFracture.cpp BrittleFracture.h Entity.h Game_local.cpp Game_local.h Light.h Light.cpp Misc.cpp Misc.h Mover.cpp Mover.h Player.cpp Player.h Projectile.cpp Projectile.h Script_Thread.h SecurityCamera.cpp SecurityCamera.h CreateProjectile x PROJECTILE.CPP projectile.h x WEAPON.CPP LaunchProjectile AI.CPP AI.H AI_EVENTS.CPP ANIM_BLEND.CPP x PROJECTILE.H X WEAPON.H SetGravity Projectile.h Projectile.cpp Player.cpp Physics_StaticMulti.h Physics_StaticMulti.cpp Physics_Static.h Physics_Static.cpp Physics_Base.h Physics_Base.cpp Physics_Actor.h Physics_Actor.CPP Physics.h Moveable.cpp Item.cpp BrittleFracture.cpp AI.cpp AFEntity.cpp AF.cpp