2011-11-22 21:28:15 +00:00
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
Doom 3 GPL Source Code
2011-12-06 18:20:15 +00:00
Copyright ( C ) 1999 - 2011 id Software LLC , a ZeniMax Media company .
2011-11-22 21:28:15 +00:00
2011-12-06 16:14:59 +00:00
This file is part of the Doom 3 GPL Source Code ( " Doom 3 Source Code " ) .
2011-11-22 21:28:15 +00:00
Doom 3 Source Code is free software : you can redistribute it and / or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation , either version 3 of the License , or
( at your option ) any later version .
Doom 3 Source Code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful ,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY ; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details .
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with Doom 3 Source Code . If not , see < http : //www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
In addition , the Doom 3 Source Code is also subject to certain additional terms . You should have received a copy of these additional terms immediately following the terms and conditions of the GNU General Public License which accompanied the Doom 3 Source Code . If not , please request a copy in writing from id Software at the address below .
If you have questions concerning this license or the applicable additional terms , you may contact in writing id Software LLC , c / o ZeniMax Media Inc . , Suite 120 , Rockville , Maryland 20850 USA .
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
# ifndef __GAME_LOCAL_H__
# define __GAME_LOCAL_H__
2011-12-18 21:11:29 +00:00
# include "GameBase.h"
2011-12-16 22:28:29 +00:00
# include "idlib/containers/StrList.h"
# include "idlib/containers/LinkList.h"
# include "idlib/BitMsg.h"
# include "framework/Game.h"
2011-11-22 21:28:15 +00:00
2011-12-16 22:28:29 +00:00
# include "gamesys/SaveGame.h"
# include "physics/Clip.h"
# include "physics/Push.h"
# include "script/Script_Program.h"
# include "ai/AAS.h"
# include "anim/Anim.h"
# include "Pvs.h"
# include "MultiplayerGame.h"
2011-11-22 21:28:15 +00:00
2019-12-16 00:56:37 +00:00
# include "../d3cclib/CCBst.h" // DG: for d3cc
2011-11-22 21:28:15 +00:00
// This is real evil but allows the code to inspect arbitrary class variables.
# define private public
# define protected public
# endif
2011-12-16 22:28:29 +00:00
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
Local implementation of the public game interface .
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
class idDeclEntityDef ;
class idRenderWorld ;
class idSoundWorld ;
class idUserInterface ;
2011-11-22 21:28:15 +00:00
extern idRenderWorld * gameRenderWorld ;
extern idSoundWorld * gameSoundWorld ;
// classes used by idGameLocal
class idEntity ;
class idActor ;
class idPlayer ;
class idCamera ;
class idWorldspawn ;
class idTestModel ;
class idSmokeParticles ;
class idEntityFx ;
class idTypeInfo ;
class idThread ;
class idEditEntities ;
class idLocationEntity ;
2011-12-16 22:28:29 +00:00
extern const int NUM_RENDER_PORTAL_BITS ;
2011-11-22 21:28:15 +00:00
2011-12-16 22:28:29 +00:00
void gameError ( const char * fmt , . . . ) ;
2011-11-22 21:28:15 +00:00
2011-12-16 22:28:29 +00:00
extern idRenderWorld * gameRenderWorld ;
extern idSoundWorld * gameSoundWorld ;
2011-11-22 21:28:15 +00:00
2011-12-02 16:22:12 +00:00
extern const int NUM_RENDER_PORTAL_BITS ;
2011-12-16 22:28:29 +00:00
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
Local implementation of the public game interface .
2011-11-22 21:28:15 +00:00
2011-12-16 22:28:29 +00:00
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
2011-11-22 21:28:15 +00:00
typedef struct entityState_s {
int entityNumber ;
idBitMsg state ;
byte stateBuf [ MAX_ENTITY_STATE_SIZE ] ;
struct entityState_s * next ;
} entityState_t ;
typedef struct snapshot_s {
int sequence ;
entityState_t * firstEntityState ;
int pvs [ ENTITY_PVS_SIZE ] ;
struct snapshot_s * next ;
} snapshot_t ;
const int MAX_EVENT_PARAM_SIZE = 128 ;
typedef struct entityNetEvent_s {
int spawnId ;
int event ;
int time ;
int paramsSize ;
byte paramsBuf [ MAX_EVENT_PARAM_SIZE ] ;
struct entityNetEvent_s * next ;
struct entityNetEvent_s * prev ;
} entityNetEvent_t ;
enum {
} ;
typedef enum {
GAMESTATE_UNINITIALIZED , // prior to Init being called
GAMESTATE_NOMAP , // no map loaded
GAMESTATE_STARTUP , // inside InitFromNewMap(). spawning map entities.
GAMESTATE_ACTIVE , // normal gameplay
GAMESTATE_SHUTDOWN // inside MapShutdown(). clearing memory.
} gameState_t ;
typedef struct {
idEntity * ent ;
int dist ;
} spawnSpot_t ;
class idEventQueue {
public :
typedef enum {
} outOfOrderBehaviour_t ;
idEventQueue ( ) : start ( NULL ) , end ( NULL ) { }
entityNetEvent_t * Alloc ( ) ;
void Free ( entityNetEvent_t * event ) ;
void Shutdown ( ) ;
void Init ( ) ;
void Enqueue ( entityNetEvent_t * event , outOfOrderBehaviour_t oooBehaviour ) ;
entityNetEvent_t * Dequeue ( void ) ;
entityNetEvent_t * RemoveLast ( void ) ;
entityNetEvent_t * Start ( void ) { return start ; }
private :
entityNetEvent_t * start ;
entityNetEvent_t * end ;
idBlockAlloc < entityNetEvent_t , 32 > eventAllocator ;
} ;
template < class type >
class idEntityPtr {
public :
idEntityPtr ( ) ;
// save games
void Save ( idSaveGame * savefile ) const ; // archives object for save game file
void Restore ( idRestoreGame * savefile ) ; // unarchives object from save game file
idEntityPtr < type > & operator = ( type * ent ) ;
// synchronize entity pointers over the network
int GetSpawnId ( void ) const { return spawnId ; }
bool SetSpawnId ( int id ) ;
bool UpdateSpawnId ( void ) ;
bool IsValid ( void ) const ;
type * GetEntity ( void ) const ;
int GetEntityNum ( void ) const ;
private :
int spawnId ;
} ;
class idGameLocal : public idGame {
public :
idDict serverInfo ; // all the tunable parameters, like numclients, etc
int numClients ; // pulled from serverInfo and verified
idDict userInfo [ MAX_CLIENTS ] ; // client specific settings
usercmd_t usercmds [ MAX_CLIENTS ] ; // client input commands
idDict persistentPlayerInfo [ MAX_CLIENTS ] ;
idEntity * entities [ MAX_GENTITIES ] ; // index to entities
int spawnIds [ MAX_GENTITIES ] ; // for use in idEntityPtr
int firstFreeIndex ; // first free index in the entities array
int num_entities ; // current number <= MAX_GENTITIES
idHashIndex entityHash ; // hash table to quickly find entities by name
idWorldspawn * world ; // world entity
idLinkList < idEntity > spawnedEntities ; // all spawned entities
idLinkList < idEntity > activeEntities ; // all thinking entities (idEntity::thinkFlags != 0)
int numEntitiesToDeactivate ; // number of entities that became inactive in current frame
bool sortPushers ; // true if active lists needs to be reordered to place pushers at the front
bool sortTeamMasters ; // true if active lists needs to be reordered to place physics team masters before their slaves
idDict persistentLevelInfo ; // contains args that are kept around between levels
// can be used to automatically effect every material in the world that references globalParms
2011-12-06 18:20:15 +00:00
float globalShaderParms [ MAX_GLOBAL_SHADER_PARMS ] ;
2011-11-22 21:28:15 +00:00
idRandom random ; // random number generator used throughout the game
idProgram program ; // currently loaded script and data space
idThread * frameCommandThread ;
idClip clip ; // collision detection
idPush push ; // geometric pushing
idPVS pvs ; // potential visible set
idTestModel * testmodel ; // for development testing of models
idEntityFx * testFx ; // for development testing of fx
2011-12-06 18:20:15 +00:00
idStr sessionCommand ; // a target_sessionCommand can set this to return something to the session
2011-11-22 21:28:15 +00:00
idMultiplayerGame mpGame ; // handles rules for standard dm
idSmokeParticles * smokeParticles ; // global smoke trails
idEditEntities * editEntities ; // in game editing
int cinematicSkipTime ; // don't allow skipping cinemetics until this time has passed so player doesn't skip out accidently from a firefight
int cinematicStopTime ; // cinematics have several camera changes, so keep track of when we stop them so that we don't reset cinematicSkipTime unnecessarily
int cinematicMaxSkipTime ; // time to end cinematic when skipping. there's a possibility of an infinite loop if the map isn't set up right.
bool inCinematic ; // game is playing cinematic (player controls frozen)
bool skipCinematic ;
// are kept up to date with changes to serverInfo
int framenum ;
int previousTime ; // time in msec of last frame
int time ; // in msec
static const int msec = USERCMD_MSEC ; // time since last update in milliseconds
int vacuumAreaNum ; // -1 if level doesn't have any outside areas
gameType_t gameType ;
bool isMultiplayer ; // set if the game is run in multiplayer mode
bool isServer ; // set if the game is run for a dedicated or listen server
bool isClient ; // set if the game is run for a client
// discriminates between the RunFrame path and the ClientPrediction path
// NOTE: on a listen server, isClient is false
int localClientNum ; // number of the local client. MP: -1 on a dedicated
idLinkList < idEntity > snapshotEntities ; // entities from the last snapshot
int realClientTime ; // real client time
bool isNewFrame ; // true if this is a new game frame, not a rerun due to prediction
float clientSmoothing ; // smoothing of other clients in the view
int entityDefBits ; // bits required to store an entity def number
static const char * sufaceTypeNames [ MAX_SURFACE_TYPES ] ; // text names for surface types
idEntityPtr < idEntity > lastGUIEnt ; // last entity with a GUI, used by Cmd_NextGUI_f
int lastGUI ; // last GUI on the lastGUIEnt
2019-12-16 00:56:37 +00:00
ccBst ccDisplayInfo ; // DG: added for d3cc
2011-11-22 21:28:15 +00:00
// ---------------------- Public idGame Interface -------------------
idGameLocal ( ) ;
virtual void Init ( void ) ;
virtual void Shutdown ( void ) ;
virtual void SetLocalClient ( int clientNum ) ;
virtual void ThrottleUserInfo ( void ) ;
virtual const idDict * SetUserInfo ( int clientNum , const idDict & userInfo , bool isClient , bool canModify ) ;
virtual const idDict * GetUserInfo ( int clientNum ) ;
virtual void SetServerInfo ( const idDict & serverInfo ) ;
virtual const idDict & GetPersistentPlayerInfo ( int clientNum ) ;
virtual void SetPersistentPlayerInfo ( int clientNum , const idDict & playerInfo ) ;
virtual void InitFromNewMap ( const char * mapName , idRenderWorld * renderWorld , idSoundWorld * soundWorld , bool isServer , bool isClient , int randSeed ) ;
virtual bool InitFromSaveGame ( const char * mapName , idRenderWorld * renderWorld , idSoundWorld * soundWorld , idFile * saveGameFile ) ;
virtual void SaveGame ( idFile * saveGameFile ) ;
virtual void MapShutdown ( void ) ;
virtual void CacheDictionaryMedia ( const idDict * dict ) ;
virtual void SpawnPlayer ( int clientNum ) ;
virtual gameReturn_t RunFrame ( const usercmd_t * clientCmds ) ;
virtual bool Draw ( int clientNum ) ;
virtual escReply_t HandleESC ( idUserInterface * * gui ) ;
virtual idUserInterface * StartMenu ( void ) ;
virtual const char * HandleGuiCommands ( const char * menuCommand ) ;
virtual void HandleMainMenuCommands ( const char * menuCommand , idUserInterface * gui ) ;
virtual allowReply_t ServerAllowClient ( int numClients , const char * IP , const char * guid , const char * password , char reason [ MAX_STRING_CHARS ] ) ;
virtual void ServerClientConnect ( int clientNum , const char * guid ) ;
virtual void ServerClientBegin ( int clientNum ) ;
virtual void ServerClientDisconnect ( int clientNum ) ;
virtual void ServerWriteInitialReliableMessages ( int clientNum ) ;
virtual void ServerWriteSnapshot ( int clientNum , int sequence , idBitMsg & msg , byte * clientInPVS , int numPVSClients ) ;
virtual bool ServerApplySnapshot ( int clientNum , int sequence ) ;
virtual void ServerProcessReliableMessage ( int clientNum , const idBitMsg & msg ) ;
virtual void ClientReadSnapshot ( int clientNum , int sequence , const int gameFrame , const int gameTime , const int dupeUsercmds , const int aheadOfServer , const idBitMsg & msg ) ;
virtual bool ClientApplySnapshot ( int clientNum , int sequence ) ;
virtual void ClientProcessReliableMessage ( int clientNum , const idBitMsg & msg ) ;
virtual gameReturn_t ClientPrediction ( int clientNum , const usercmd_t * clientCmds , bool lastPredictFrame ) ;
virtual void GetClientStats ( int clientNum , char * data , const int len ) ;
virtual void SwitchTeam ( int clientNum , int team ) ;
virtual bool DownloadRequest ( const char * IP , const char * guid , const char * paks , char urls [ MAX_STRING_CHARS ] ) ;
// ---------------------- Public idGameLocal Interface -------------------
void Printf ( const char * fmt , . . . ) const id_attribute ( ( format ( printf , 2 , 3 ) ) ) ;
void DPrintf ( const char * fmt , . . . ) const id_attribute ( ( format ( printf , 2 , 3 ) ) ) ;
void Warning ( const char * fmt , . . . ) const id_attribute ( ( format ( printf , 2 , 3 ) ) ) ;
void DWarning ( const char * fmt , . . . ) const id_attribute ( ( format ( printf , 2 , 3 ) ) ) ;
void Error ( const char * fmt , . . . ) const id_attribute ( ( format ( printf , 2 , 3 ) ) ) ;
// Initializes all map variables common to both save games and spawned games
void LoadMap ( const char * mapName , int randseed ) ;
void LocalMapRestart ( void ) ;
void MapRestart ( void ) ;
static void MapRestart_f ( const idCmdArgs & args ) ;
bool NextMap ( void ) ; // returns wether serverinfo settings have been modified
static void NextMap_f ( const idCmdArgs & args ) ;
idMapFile * GetLevelMap ( void ) ;
const char * GetMapName ( void ) const ;
int NumAAS ( void ) const ;
idAAS * GetAAS ( int num ) const ;
idAAS * GetAAS ( const char * name ) const ;
void SetAASAreaState ( const idBounds & bounds , const int areaContents , bool closed ) ;
aasHandle_t AddAASObstacle ( const idBounds & bounds ) ;
void RemoveAASObstacle ( const aasHandle_t handle ) ;
void RemoveAllAASObstacles ( void ) ;
bool CheatsOk ( bool requirePlayer = true ) ;
void SetSkill ( int value ) ;
gameState_t GameState ( void ) const ;
idEntity * SpawnEntityType ( const idTypeInfo & classdef , const idDict * args = NULL , bool bIsClientReadSnapshot = false ) ;
bool SpawnEntityDef ( const idDict & args , idEntity * * ent = NULL , bool setDefaults = true ) ;
int GetSpawnId ( const idEntity * ent ) const ;
const idDeclEntityDef * FindEntityDef ( const char * name , bool makeDefault = true ) const ;
const idDict * FindEntityDefDict ( const char * name , bool makeDefault = true ) const ;
void RegisterEntity ( idEntity * ent ) ;
void UnregisterEntity ( idEntity * ent ) ;
bool RequirementMet ( idEntity * activator , const idStr & requires , int removeItem ) ;
void AlertAI ( idEntity * ent ) ;
idActor * GetAlertEntity ( void ) ;
bool InPlayerPVS ( idEntity * ent ) const ;
bool InPlayerConnectedArea ( idEntity * ent ) const ;
void SetCamera ( idCamera * cam ) ;
idCamera * GetCamera ( void ) const ;
bool SkipCinematic ( void ) ;
void CalcFov ( float base_fov , float & fov_x , float & fov_y ) const ;
void AddEntityToHash ( const char * name , idEntity * ent ) ;
bool RemoveEntityFromHash ( const char * name , idEntity * ent ) ;
int GetTargets ( const idDict & args , idList < idEntityPtr < idEntity > > & list , const char * ref ) const ;
// returns the master entity of a trace. for example, if the trace entity is the player's head, it will return the player.
idEntity * GetTraceEntity ( const trace_t & trace ) const ;
static void ArgCompletion_EntityName ( const idCmdArgs & args , void ( * callback ) ( const char * s ) ) ;
idEntity * FindTraceEntity ( idVec3 start , idVec3 end , const idTypeInfo & c , const idEntity * skip ) const ;
idEntity * FindEntity ( const char * name ) const ;
idEntity * FindEntityUsingDef ( idEntity * from , const char * match ) const ;
int EntitiesWithinRadius ( const idVec3 org , float radius , idEntity * * entityList , int maxCount ) const ;
void KillBox ( idEntity * ent , bool catch_teleport = false ) ;
void RadiusDamage ( const idVec3 & origin , idEntity * inflictor , idEntity * attacker , idEntity * ignoreDamage , idEntity * ignorePush , const char * damageDefName , float dmgPower = 1.0f ) ;
void RadiusPush ( const idVec3 & origin , const float radius , const float push , const idEntity * inflictor , const idEntity * ignore , float inflictorScale , const bool quake ) ;
void RadiusPushClipModel ( const idVec3 & origin , const float push , const idClipModel * clipModel ) ;
void ProjectDecal ( const idVec3 & origin , const idVec3 & dir , float depth , bool parallel , float size , const char * material , float angle = 0 ) ;
void BloodSplat ( const idVec3 & origin , const idVec3 & dir , float size , const char * material ) ;
void CallFrameCommand ( idEntity * ent , const function_t * frameCommand ) ;
void CallObjectFrameCommand ( idEntity * ent , const char * frameCommand ) ;
const idVec3 & GetGravity ( void ) const ;
// added the following to assist licensees with merge issues
int GetFrameNum ( ) const { return framenum ; } ;
int GetTime ( ) const { return time ; } ;
int GetMSec ( ) const { return msec ; } ;
int GetNextClientNum ( int current ) const ;
idPlayer * GetClientByNum ( int current ) const ;
idPlayer * GetClientByName ( const char * name ) const ;
idPlayer * GetClientByCmdArgs ( const idCmdArgs & args ) const ;
idPlayer * GetLocalPlayer ( ) const ;
void SpreadLocations ( ) ;
idLocationEntity * LocationForPoint ( const idVec3 & point ) ; // May return NULL
idEntity * SelectInitialSpawnPoint ( idPlayer * player ) ;
void SetPortalState ( qhandle_t portal , int blockingBits ) ;
void SaveEntityNetworkEvent ( const idEntity * ent , int event , const idBitMsg * msg ) ;
void ServerSendChatMessage ( int to , const char * name , const char * text ) ;
int ServerRemapDecl ( int clientNum , declType_t type , int index ) ;
int ClientRemapDecl ( declType_t type , int index ) ;
void SetGlobalMaterial ( const idMaterial * mat ) ;
const idMaterial * GetGlobalMaterial ( ) ;
void SetGibTime ( int _time ) { nextGibTime = _time ; } ;
int GetGibTime ( ) { return nextGibTime ; } ;
bool NeedRestart ( ) ;
private :
const static int INITIAL_SPAWN_COUNT = 1 ;
2024-03-18 23:47:28 +00:00
const static int INTERNAL_SAVEGAME_VERSION = 1 ; // DG: added this for >= 1305 savegames
2011-11-22 21:28:15 +00:00
idStr mapFileName ; // name of the map, empty string if no map loaded
idMapFile * mapFile ; // will be NULL during the game unless in-game editing is used
bool mapCycleLoaded ;
int spawnCount ;
int mapSpawnCount ; // it's handy to know which entities are part of the map
idLocationEntity * * locationEntities ; // for location names, etc
idCamera * camera ;
const idMaterial * globalMaterial ; // for overriding everything
idList < idAAS * > aasList ; // area system
idStrList aasNames ;
idEntityPtr < idActor > lastAIAlertEntity ;
int lastAIAlertTime ;
idDict spawnArgs ; // spawn args used during entity spawning FIXME: shouldn't be necessary anymore
pvsHandle_t playerPVS ; // merged pvs of all players
pvsHandle_t playerConnectedAreas ; // all areas connected to any player area
idVec3 gravity ; // global gravity vector
gameState_t gamestate ; // keeps track of whether we're spawning, shutting down, or normal gameplay
bool influenceActive ; // true when a phantasm is happening
int nextGibTime ;
idList < int > clientDeclRemap [ MAX_CLIENTS ] [ DECL_MAX_TYPES ] ;
entityState_t * clientEntityStates [ MAX_CLIENTS ] [ MAX_GENTITIES ] ;
snapshot_t * clientSnapshots [ MAX_CLIENTS ] ;
idBlockAlloc < entityState_t , 256 > entityStateAllocator ;
idBlockAlloc < snapshot_t , 64 > snapshotAllocator ;
idEventQueue eventQueue ;
idEventQueue savedEventQueue ;
idStaticList < spawnSpot_t , MAX_GENTITIES > spawnSpots ;
idStaticList < idEntity * , MAX_GENTITIES > initialSpots ;
int currentInitialSpot ;
idDict newInfo ;
idStrList shakeSounds ;
byte lagometer [ LAGO_IMG_HEIGHT ] [ LAGO_IMG_WIDTH ] [ 4 ] ;
void Clear ( void ) ;
// returns true if the entity shouldn't be spawned at all in this game type or difficulty level
bool InhibitEntitySpawn ( idDict & spawnArgs ) ;
// spawn entities from the map file
void SpawnMapEntities ( void ) ;
// commons used by init, shutdown, and restart
void MapPopulate ( void ) ;
void MapClear ( bool clearClients ) ;
pvsHandle_t GetClientPVS ( idPlayer * player , pvsType_t type ) ;
void SetupPlayerPVS ( void ) ;
void FreePlayerPVS ( void ) ;
void UpdateGravity ( void ) ;
void SortActiveEntityList ( void ) ;
void ShowTargets ( void ) ;
void RunDebugInfo ( void ) ;
void InitScriptForMap ( void ) ;
void InitConsoleCommands ( void ) ;
void ShutdownConsoleCommands ( void ) ;
void InitAsyncNetwork ( void ) ;
void ShutdownAsyncNetwork ( void ) ;
void InitLocalClient ( int clientNum ) ;
void InitClientDeclRemap ( int clientNum ) ;
void ServerSendDeclRemapToClient ( int clientNum , declType_t type , int index ) ;
void FreeSnapshotsOlderThanSequence ( int clientNum , int sequence ) ;
bool ApplySnapshot ( int clientNum , int sequence ) ;
void WriteGameStateToSnapshot ( idBitMsgDelta & msg ) const ;
void ReadGameStateFromSnapshot ( const idBitMsgDelta & msg ) ;
void NetworkEventWarning ( const entityNetEvent_t * event , const char * fmt , . . . ) id_attribute ( ( format ( printf , 3 , 4 ) ) ) ;
void ServerProcessEntityNetworkEventQueue ( void ) ;
void ClientProcessEntityNetworkEventQueue ( void ) ;
void ClientShowSnapshot ( int clientNum ) const ;
// call after any change to serverInfo. Will update various quick-access flags
void UpdateServerInfoFlags ( void ) ;
void RandomizeInitialSpawns ( void ) ;
static int sortSpawnPoints ( const void * ptr1 , const void * ptr2 ) ;
void DumpOggSounds ( void ) ;
void GetShakeSounds ( const idDict * dict ) ;
2011-12-16 17:58:33 +00:00
virtual void SelectTimeGroup ( int timeGroup ) ;
virtual int GetTimeGroupTime ( int timeGroup ) ;
virtual void GetBestGameType ( const char * map , const char * gametype , char buf [ MAX_STRING_CHARS ] ) ;
2011-11-22 21:28:15 +00:00
void Tokenize ( idStrList & out , const char * in ) ;
void UpdateLagometer ( int aheadOfServer , int dupeUsercmds ) ;
2011-12-16 17:58:33 +00:00
virtual void GetMapLoadingGUI ( char gui [ MAX_STRING_CHARS ] ) ;
2011-11-22 21:28:15 +00:00
} ;
extern idGameLocal gameLocal ;
extern idAnimManager animationLib ;
2011-12-16 22:28:29 +00:00
class idGameError : public idException {
public :
idGameError ( const char * text ) : idException ( text ) { }
} ;
2011-11-22 21:28:15 +00:00
template < class type >
ID_INLINE idEntityPtr < type > : : idEntityPtr ( ) {
spawnId = 0 ;
template < class type >
ID_INLINE void idEntityPtr < type > : : Save ( idSaveGame * savefile ) const {
savefile - > WriteInt ( spawnId ) ;
template < class type >
ID_INLINE void idEntityPtr < type > : : Restore ( idRestoreGame * savefile ) {
savefile - > ReadInt ( spawnId ) ;
template < class type >
ID_INLINE idEntityPtr < type > & idEntityPtr < type > : : operator = ( type * ent ) {
if ( ent = = NULL ) {
spawnId = 0 ;
} else {
spawnId = ( gameLocal . spawnIds [ ent - > entityNumber ] < < GENTITYNUM_BITS ) | ent - > entityNumber ;
return * this ;
template < class type >
ID_INLINE bool idEntityPtr < type > : : SetSpawnId ( int id ) {
// the reason for this first check is unclear:
// the function returning false may mean the spawnId is already set right, or the entity is missing
if ( id = = spawnId ) {
return false ;
if ( ( id > > GENTITYNUM_BITS ) = = gameLocal . spawnIds [ id & ( ( 1 < < GENTITYNUM_BITS ) - 1 ) ] ) {
spawnId = id ;
return true ;
return false ;
template < class type >
ID_INLINE bool idEntityPtr < type > : : IsValid ( void ) const {
return ( gameLocal . spawnIds [ spawnId & ( ( 1 < < GENTITYNUM_BITS ) - 1 ) ] = = ( spawnId > > GENTITYNUM_BITS ) ) ;
template < class type >
ID_INLINE type * idEntityPtr < type > : : GetEntity ( void ) const {
int entityNum = spawnId & ( ( 1 < < GENTITYNUM_BITS ) - 1 ) ;
2011-12-08 00:19:54 +00:00
if ( gameLocal . spawnIds [ entityNum ] = = ( spawnId > > GENTITYNUM_BITS ) ) {
2011-11-22 21:28:15 +00:00
return static_cast < type * > ( gameLocal . entities [ entityNum ] ) ;
return NULL ;
template < class type >
ID_INLINE int idEntityPtr < type > : : GetEntityNum ( void ) const {
return ( spawnId & ( ( 1 < < GENTITYNUM_BITS ) - 1 ) ) ;
// these defines work for all startsounds from all entity types
// make sure to change script/doom_defs.script if you add any channels, or change their order
typedef enum {
// internal use only. not exposed to script or framecommands.
} gameSoundChannel_t ;
2011-12-02 16:22:12 +00:00
extern const float DEFAULT_GRAVITY ;
extern const idVec3 DEFAULT_GRAVITY_VEC3 ;
extern const int CINEMATIC_SKIP_DELAY ;
2011-11-22 21:28:15 +00:00
# endif /* !__GAME_LOCAL_H__ */