/* * Copyright (C) 2012, 2013 * Wolfgang Bumiller * Dale Weiler * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of * this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in * the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to * use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies * of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do * so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all * copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE * SOFTWARE. */ #ifndef QCVM_LOOP #include <errno.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> #include <stdarg.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include "gmqcc.h" static void loaderror(const char *fmt, ...) { int err = errno; va_list ap; va_start(ap, fmt); vprintf(fmt, ap); va_end(ap); printf(": %s\n", util_strerror(err)); } static void qcvmerror(qc_program *prog, const char *fmt, ...) { va_list ap; prog->vmerror++; va_start(ap, fmt); vprintf(fmt, ap); va_end(ap); putchar('\n'); } qc_program* prog_load(const char *filename, bool skipversion) { qc_program *prog; prog_header header; FILE *file = fs_file_open(filename, "rb"); if (!file) return NULL; if (fs_file_read(&header, sizeof(header), 1, file) != 1) { loaderror("failed to read header from '%s'", filename); fs_file_close(file); return NULL; } if (!skipversion && header.version != 6) { loaderror("header says this is a version %i progs, we need version 6\n", header.version); fs_file_close(file); return NULL; } prog = (qc_program*)mem_a(sizeof(qc_program)); if (!prog) { fs_file_close(file); fprintf(stderr, "failed to allocate program data\n"); return NULL; } memset(prog, 0, sizeof(*prog)); prog->entityfields = header.entfield; prog->crc16 = header.crc16; prog->filename = util_strdup(filename); if (!prog->filename) { loaderror("failed to store program name"); goto error; } #define read_data(hdrvar, progvar, reserved) \ if (fs_file_seek(file, header.hdrvar.offset, SEEK_SET) != 0) { \ loaderror("seek failed"); \ goto error; \ } \ if (fs_file_read ( \ vec_add(prog->progvar, header.hdrvar.length + reserved), \ sizeof(*prog->progvar), \ header.hdrvar.length, \ file \ )!= header.hdrvar.length \ ) { \ loaderror("read failed"); \ goto error; \ } #define read_data1(x) read_data(x, x, 0) #define read_data2(x, y) read_data(x, x, y) read_data (statements, code, 0); read_data1(defs); read_data1(fields); read_data1(functions); read_data1(strings); read_data2(globals, 2); /* reserve more in case a RETURN using with the global at "the end" exists */ fs_file_close(file); /* profile counters */ memset(vec_add(prog->profile, vec_size(prog->code)), 0, sizeof(prog->profile[0]) * vec_size(prog->code)); /* Add tempstring area */ prog->tempstring_start = vec_size(prog->strings); prog->tempstring_at = vec_size(prog->strings); memset(vec_add(prog->strings, 16*1024), 0, 16*1024); /* spawn the world entity */ vec_push(prog->entitypool, true); memset(vec_add(prog->entitydata, prog->entityfields), 0, prog->entityfields * sizeof(prog->entitydata[0])); prog->entities = 1; return prog; error: if (prog->filename) mem_d(prog->filename); vec_free(prog->code); vec_free(prog->defs); vec_free(prog->fields); vec_free(prog->functions); vec_free(prog->strings); vec_free(prog->globals); vec_free(prog->entitydata); vec_free(prog->entitypool); mem_d(prog); return NULL; } void prog_delete(qc_program *prog) { if (prog->filename) mem_d(prog->filename); vec_free(prog->code); vec_free(prog->defs); vec_free(prog->fields); vec_free(prog->functions); vec_free(prog->strings); vec_free(prog->globals); vec_free(prog->entitydata); vec_free(prog->entitypool); vec_free(prog->localstack); vec_free(prog->stack); vec_free(prog->profile); mem_d(prog); } /*********************************************************************** * VM code */ const char* prog_getstring(qc_program *prog, qcint str) { /* cast for return required for C++ */ if (str < 0 || str >= (qcint)vec_size(prog->strings)) return "<<<invalid string>>>"; return prog->strings + str; } prog_section_def* prog_entfield(qc_program *prog, qcint off) { size_t i; for (i = 0; i < vec_size(prog->fields); ++i) { if (prog->fields[i].offset == off) return (prog->fields + i); } return NULL; } prog_section_def* prog_getdef(qc_program *prog, qcint off) { size_t i; for (i = 0; i < vec_size(prog->defs); ++i) { if (prog->defs[i].offset == off) return (prog->defs + i); } return NULL; } qcany* prog_getedict(qc_program *prog, qcint e) { if (e >= (qcint)vec_size(prog->entitypool)) { prog->vmerror++; fprintf(stderr, "Accessing out of bounds edict %i\n", (int)e); e = 0; } return (qcany*)(prog->entitydata + (prog->entityfields * e)); } qcint prog_spawn_entity(qc_program *prog) { char *data; qcint e; for (e = 0; e < (qcint)vec_size(prog->entitypool); ++e) { if (!prog->entitypool[e]) { data = (char*)(prog->entitydata + (prog->entityfields * e)); memset(data, 0, prog->entityfields * sizeof(qcint)); return e; } } vec_push(prog->entitypool, true); prog->entities++; data = (char*)vec_add(prog->entitydata, prog->entityfields); memset(data, 0, prog->entityfields * sizeof(qcint)); return e; } void prog_free_entity(qc_program *prog, qcint e) { if (!e) { prog->vmerror++; fprintf(stderr, "Trying to free world entity\n"); return; } if (e >= (qcint)vec_size(prog->entitypool)) { prog->vmerror++; fprintf(stderr, "Trying to free out of bounds entity\n"); return; } if (!prog->entitypool[e]) { prog->vmerror++; fprintf(stderr, "Double free on entity\n"); return; } prog->entitypool[e] = false; } qcint prog_tempstring(qc_program *prog, const char *str) { size_t len = strlen(str); size_t at = prog->tempstring_at; /* when we reach the end we start over */ if (at + len >= vec_size(prog->strings)) at = prog->tempstring_start; /* when it doesn't fit, reallocate */ if (at + len >= vec_size(prog->strings)) { (void)vec_add(prog->strings, len+1); memcpy(prog->strings + at, str, len+1); return at; } /* when it fits, just copy */ memcpy(prog->strings + at, str, len+1); prog->tempstring_at += len+1; return at; } static size_t print_escaped_string(const char *str, size_t maxlen) { size_t len = 2; putchar('"'); --maxlen; /* because we're lazy and have escape sequences */ while (*str) { if (len >= maxlen) { putchar('.'); putchar('.'); putchar('.'); len += 3; break; } switch (*str) { case '\a': len += 2; putchar('\\'); putchar('a'); break; case '\b': len += 2; putchar('\\'); putchar('b'); break; case '\r': len += 2; putchar('\\'); putchar('r'); break; case '\n': len += 2; putchar('\\'); putchar('n'); break; case '\t': len += 2; putchar('\\'); putchar('t'); break; case '\f': len += 2; putchar('\\'); putchar('f'); break; case '\v': len += 2; putchar('\\'); putchar('v'); break; case '\\': len += 2; putchar('\\'); putchar('\\'); break; case '"': len += 2; putchar('\\'); putchar('"'); break; default: ++len; putchar(*str); break; } ++str; } putchar('"'); return len; } static void trace_print_global(qc_program *prog, unsigned int glob, int vtype) { static char spaces[28+1] = " "; prog_section_def *def; qcany *value; int len; if (!glob) { len = printf("<null>,"); goto done; } def = prog_getdef(prog, glob); value = (qcany*)(&prog->globals[glob]); len = printf("[@%u] ", glob); if (def) { const char *name = prog_getstring(prog, def->name); if (name[0] == '#') len += printf("$"); else len += printf("%s ", name); vtype = def->type & DEF_TYPEMASK; } switch (vtype) { case TYPE_VOID: case TYPE_ENTITY: case TYPE_FIELD: case TYPE_FUNCTION: case TYPE_POINTER: len += printf("(%i),", value->_int); break; case TYPE_VECTOR: len += printf("'%g %g %g',", value->vector[0], value->vector[1], value->vector[2]); break; case TYPE_STRING: if (value->string) len += print_escaped_string(prog_getstring(prog, value->string), sizeof(spaces)-len-5); else len += printf("(null)"); len += printf(","); /* len += printf("\"%s\",", prog_getstring(prog, value->string)); */ break; case TYPE_FLOAT: default: len += printf("%g,", value->_float); break; } done: if (len < (int)sizeof(spaces)-1) { spaces[sizeof(spaces)-1-len] = 0; fs_file_puts(stdout, spaces); spaces[sizeof(spaces)-1-len] = ' '; } } static void prog_print_statement(qc_program *prog, prog_section_statement *st) { if (st->opcode >= (sizeof(asm_instr)/sizeof(asm_instr[0]))) { printf("<illegal instruction %d>\n", st->opcode); return; } if ((prog->xflags & VMXF_TRACE) && vec_size(prog->function_stack)) { size_t i; for (i = 0; i < vec_size(prog->function_stack); ++i) printf("->"); printf("%s:", vec_last(prog->function_stack)); } printf(" <> %-12s", asm_instr[st->opcode].m); if (st->opcode >= INSTR_IF && st->opcode <= INSTR_IFNOT) { trace_print_global(prog, st->o1.u1, TYPE_FLOAT); printf("%d\n", st->o2.s1); } else if (st->opcode >= INSTR_CALL0 && st->opcode <= INSTR_CALL8) { trace_print_global(prog, st->o1.u1, TYPE_FUNCTION); printf("\n"); } else if (st->opcode == INSTR_GOTO) { printf("%i\n", st->o1.s1); } else { int t[3] = { TYPE_FLOAT, TYPE_FLOAT, TYPE_FLOAT }; switch (st->opcode) { case INSTR_MUL_FV: t[1] = t[2] = TYPE_VECTOR; break; case INSTR_MUL_VF: t[0] = t[2] = TYPE_VECTOR; break; case INSTR_MUL_V: t[0] = t[1] = TYPE_VECTOR; break; case INSTR_ADD_V: case INSTR_SUB_V: case INSTR_EQ_V: case INSTR_NE_V: t[0] = t[1] = t[2] = TYPE_VECTOR; break; case INSTR_EQ_S: case INSTR_NE_S: t[0] = t[1] = TYPE_STRING; break; case INSTR_STORE_F: case INSTR_STOREP_F: t[2] = -1; break; case INSTR_STORE_V: t[0] = t[1] = TYPE_VECTOR; t[2] = -1; break; case INSTR_STORE_S: t[0] = t[1] = TYPE_STRING; t[2] = -1; break; case INSTR_STORE_ENT: t[0] = t[1] = TYPE_ENTITY; t[2] = -1; break; case INSTR_STORE_FLD: t[0] = t[1] = TYPE_FIELD; t[2] = -1; break; case INSTR_STORE_FNC: t[0] = t[1] = TYPE_FUNCTION; t[2] = -1; break; case INSTR_STOREP_V: t[0] = TYPE_VECTOR; t[1] = TYPE_ENTITY; t[2] = -1; break; case INSTR_STOREP_S: t[0] = TYPE_STRING; t[1] = TYPE_ENTITY; t[2] = -1; break; case INSTR_STOREP_ENT: t[0] = TYPE_ENTITY; t[1] = TYPE_ENTITY; t[2] = -1; break; case INSTR_STOREP_FLD: t[0] = TYPE_FIELD; t[1] = TYPE_ENTITY; t[2] = -1; break; case INSTR_STOREP_FNC: t[0] = TYPE_FUNCTION; t[1] = TYPE_ENTITY; t[2] = -1; break; } if (t[0] >= 0) trace_print_global(prog, st->o1.u1, t[0]); else printf("(none), "); if (t[1] >= 0) trace_print_global(prog, st->o2.u1, t[1]); else printf("(none), "); if (t[2] >= 0) trace_print_global(prog, st->o3.u1, t[2]); else printf("(none)"); printf("\n"); } } static qcint prog_enterfunction(qc_program *prog, prog_section_function *func) { qc_exec_stack st; size_t parampos; int32_t p; /* back up locals */ st.localsp = vec_size(prog->localstack); st.stmt = prog->statement; st.function = func; if (prog->xflags & VMXF_TRACE) { const char *str = prog_getstring(prog, func->name); vec_push(prog->function_stack, str); } #ifdef QCVM_BACKUP_STRATEGY_CALLER_VARS if (vec_size(prog->stack)) { prog_section_function *cur; cur = prog->stack[vec_size(prog->stack)-1].function; if (cur) { qcint *globals = prog->globals + cur->firstlocal; vec_append(prog->localstack, cur->locals, globals); } } #else { qcint *globals = prog->globals + func->firstlocal; vec_append(prog->localstack, func->locals, globals); } #endif /* copy parameters */ parampos = func->firstlocal; for (p = 0; p < func->nargs; ++p) { size_t s; for (s = 0; s < func->argsize[p]; ++s) { prog->globals[parampos] = prog->globals[OFS_PARM0 + 3*p + s]; ++parampos; } } vec_push(prog->stack, st); return func->entry; } static qcint prog_leavefunction(qc_program *prog) { prog_section_function *prev = NULL; size_t oldsp; qc_exec_stack st = vec_last(prog->stack); if (prog->xflags & VMXF_TRACE) { if (vec_size(prog->function_stack)) vec_pop(prog->function_stack); } #ifdef QCVM_BACKUP_STRATEGY_CALLER_VARS if (vec_size(prog->stack) > 1) { prev = prog->stack[vec_size(prog->stack)-2].function; oldsp = prog->stack[vec_size(prog->stack)-2].localsp; } #else prev = prog->stack[vec_size(prog->stack)-1].function; oldsp = prog->stack[vec_size(prog->stack)-1].localsp; #endif if (prev) { qcint *globals = prog->globals + prev->firstlocal; memcpy(globals, prog->localstack + oldsp, prev->locals * sizeof(prog->localstack[0])); /* vec_remove(prog->localstack, oldsp, vec_size(prog->localstack)-oldsp); */ vec_shrinkto(prog->localstack, oldsp); } vec_pop(prog->stack); return st.stmt - 1; /* offset the ++st */ } bool prog_exec(qc_program *prog, prog_section_function *func, size_t flags, long maxjumps) { long jumpcount = 0; size_t oldxflags = prog->xflags; prog_section_statement *st; prog->vmerror = 0; prog->xflags = flags; st = prog->code + prog_enterfunction(prog, func); --st; switch (flags) { default: case 0: { #define QCVM_LOOP 1 #define QCVM_PROFILE 0 #define QCVM_TRACE 0 # include __FILE__ } case (VMXF_TRACE): { #define QCVM_PROFILE 0 #define QCVM_TRACE 1 # include __FILE__ } case (VMXF_PROFILE): { #define QCVM_PROFILE 1 #define QCVM_TRACE 0 # include __FILE__ } case (VMXF_TRACE|VMXF_PROFILE): { #define QCVM_PROFILE 1 #define QCVM_TRACE 1 # include __FILE__ } }; cleanup: prog->xflags = oldxflags; vec_free(prog->localstack); vec_free(prog->stack); if (prog->vmerror) return false; return true; } /*********************************************************************** * main for when building the standalone executor */ #if defined(QCVM_EXECUTOR) #include <math.h> opts_cmd_t opts; const char *type_name[TYPE_COUNT] = { "void", "string", "float", "vector", "entity", "field", "function", "pointer", "integer", "variant", "struct", "union", "array", "nil", "noexpr" }; typedef struct { int vtype; const char *value; } qcvm_parameter; static qcvm_parameter *main_params = NULL; #define CheckArgs(num) do { \ if (prog->argc != (num)) { \ prog->vmerror++; \ fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: invalid number of arguments for %s: %i, expected %i\n", \ __FUNCTION__, prog->argc, (num)); \ return -1; \ } \ } while (0) #define GetGlobal(idx) ((qcany*)(prog->globals + (idx))) #define GetArg(num) GetGlobal(OFS_PARM0 + 3*(num)) #define Return(any) *(GetGlobal(OFS_RETURN)) = (any) static int qc_print(qc_program *prog) { size_t i; const char *laststr = NULL; for (i = 0; i < (size_t)prog->argc; ++i) { qcany *str = (qcany*)(prog->globals + OFS_PARM0 + 3*i); laststr = prog_getstring(prog, str->string); printf("%s", laststr); } if (laststr && (prog->xflags & VMXF_TRACE)) { size_t len = strlen(laststr); if (!len || laststr[len-1] != '\n') printf("\n"); } return 0; } static int qc_error(qc_program *prog) { fprintf(stderr, "*** VM raised an error:\n"); qc_print(prog); prog->vmerror++; return -1; } static int qc_ftos(qc_program *prog) { char buffer[512]; qcany *num; qcany str; CheckArgs(1); num = GetArg(0); util_snprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "%g", num->_float); str.string = prog_tempstring(prog, buffer); Return(str); return 0; } static int qc_stof(qc_program *prog) { qcany *str; qcany num; CheckArgs(1); str = GetArg(0); num._float = (float)strtod(prog_getstring(prog, str->string), NULL); Return(num); return 0; } static int qc_vtos(qc_program *prog) { char buffer[512]; qcany *num; qcany str; CheckArgs(1); num = GetArg(0); util_snprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "'%g %g %g'", num->vector[0], num->vector[1], num->vector[2]); str.string = prog_tempstring(prog, buffer); Return(str); return 0; } static int qc_etos(qc_program *prog) { char buffer[512]; qcany *num; qcany str; CheckArgs(1); num = GetArg(0); util_snprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "%i", num->_int); str.string = prog_tempstring(prog, buffer); Return(str); return 0; } static int qc_spawn(qc_program *prog) { qcany ent; CheckArgs(0); ent.edict = prog_spawn_entity(prog); Return(ent); return (ent.edict ? 0 : -1); } static int qc_kill(qc_program *prog) { qcany *ent; CheckArgs(1); ent = GetArg(0); prog_free_entity(prog, ent->edict); return 0; } static int qc_sqrt(qc_program *prog) { qcany *num, out; CheckArgs(1); num = GetArg(0); out._float = sqrt(num->_float); Return(out); return 0; } static int qc_vlen(qc_program *prog) { qcany *vec, len; CheckArgs(1); vec = GetArg(0); len._float = sqrt(vec->vector[0] * vec->vector[0] + vec->vector[1] * vec->vector[1] + vec->vector[2] * vec->vector[2]); Return(len); return 0; } static int qc_normalize(qc_program *prog) { double len; qcany *vec; qcany out; CheckArgs(1); vec = GetArg(0); len = sqrt(vec->vector[0] * vec->vector[0] + vec->vector[1] * vec->vector[1] + vec->vector[2] * vec->vector[2]); if (len) len = 1.0 / len; else len = 0; out.vector[0] = len * vec->vector[0]; out.vector[1] = len * vec->vector[1]; out.vector[2] = len * vec->vector[2]; Return(out); return 0; } static int qc_strcat(qc_program *prog) { char *buffer; size_t len1, len2; qcany *str1, *str2; qcany out; const char *cstr1; const char *cstr2; CheckArgs(2); str1 = GetArg(0); str2 = GetArg(1); cstr1 = prog_getstring(prog, str1->string); cstr2 = prog_getstring(prog, str2->string); len1 = strlen(cstr1); len2 = strlen(cstr2); buffer = (char*)mem_a(len1 + len2 + 1); memcpy(buffer, cstr1, len1); memcpy(buffer+len1, cstr2, len2+1); out.string = prog_tempstring(prog, buffer); mem_d(buffer); Return(out); return 0; } static int qc_strcmp(qc_program *prog) { qcany *str1, *str2; qcany out; const char *cstr1; const char *cstr2; if (prog->argc != 2 && prog->argc != 3) { fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: invalid number of arguments for strcmp/strncmp: %i, expected 2 or 3\n", prog->argc); return -1; } str1 = GetArg(0); str2 = GetArg(1); cstr1 = prog_getstring(prog, str1->string); cstr2 = prog_getstring(prog, str2->string); if (prog->argc == 3) out._float = strncmp(cstr1, cstr2, GetArg(2)->_float); else out._float = strcmp(cstr1, cstr2); Return(out); return 0; } static int qc_floor(qc_program *prog) { qcany *num, out; CheckArgs(1); num = GetArg(0); out._float = floor(num->_float); Return(out); return 0; } static prog_builtin qc_builtins[] = { NULL, &qc_print, /* 1 */ &qc_ftos, /* 2 */ &qc_spawn, /* 3 */ &qc_kill, /* 4 */ &qc_vtos, /* 5 */ &qc_error, /* 6 */ &qc_vlen, /* 7 */ &qc_etos, /* 8 */ &qc_stof, /* 9 */ &qc_strcat, /* 10 */ &qc_strcmp, /* 11 */ &qc_normalize, /* 12 */ &qc_sqrt, /* 13 */ &qc_floor /* 14 */ }; static size_t qc_builtins_count = sizeof(qc_builtins) / sizeof(qc_builtins[0]); static const char *arg0 = NULL; static void version() { printf("GMQCC-QCVM %d.%d.%d Built %s %s\n", GMQCC_VERSION_MAJOR, GMQCC_VERSION_MINOR, GMQCC_VERSION_PATCH, __DATE__, __TIME__ ); } static void usage() { printf("usage: %s [options] [parameters] file\n", arg0); printf("options:\n"); printf(" -h, --help print this message\n" " -trace trace the execution\n" " -profile perform profiling during execution\n" " -info print information from the prog's header\n" " -disasm disassemble and exit\n" " -disasm-func func disassemble and exit\n" " -printdefs list the defs section\n" " -printfields list the field section\n" " -printfuns list functions information\n" " -v be verbose\n" " -vv be even more verbose\n"); printf("parameters:\n"); printf(" -vector <V> pass a vector parameter to main()\n" " -float <f> pass a float parameter to main()\n" " -string <s> pass a string parameter to main() \n"); } static void prog_main_setparams(qc_program *prog) { size_t i; qcany *arg; for (i = 0; i < vec_size(main_params); ++i) { arg = GetGlobal(OFS_PARM0 + 3*i); arg->vector[0] = 0; arg->vector[1] = 0; arg->vector[2] = 0; switch (main_params[i].vtype) { case TYPE_VECTOR: #ifdef _MSC_VER (void)sscanf_s(main_params[i].value, " %f %f %f ", &arg->vector[0], &arg->vector[1], &arg->vector[2]); #else (void)sscanf(main_params[i].value, " %f %f %f ", &arg->vector[0], &arg->vector[1], &arg->vector[2]); #endif break; case TYPE_FLOAT: arg->_float = atof(main_params[i].value); break; case TYPE_STRING: arg->string = prog_tempstring(prog, main_params[i].value); break; default: fprintf(stderr, "error: unhandled parameter type: %i\n", main_params[i].vtype); break; } } } void escapestring(char* dest, const char* src) { char c; while ((c = *(src++))) { switch(c) { case '\t': *(dest++) = '\\', *(dest++) = 't'; break; case '\n': *(dest++) = '\\', *(dest++) = 'n'; break; case '\r': *(dest++) = '\\', *(dest++) = 'r'; break; case '\\': *(dest++) = '\\', *(dest++) = '\\'; break; case '\"': *(dest++) = '\\', *(dest++) = '\"'; break; default: *(dest++) = c; } } *dest = '\0'; } void prog_disasm_function(qc_program *prog, size_t id); int main(int argc, char **argv) { size_t i; qcint fnmain = -1; qc_program *prog; size_t xflags = VMXF_DEFAULT; bool opts_printfields = false; bool opts_printdefs = false; bool opts_printfuns = false; bool opts_disasm = false; bool opts_info = false; bool noexec = false; const char *progsfile = NULL; const char **dis_list = NULL; int opts_v = 0; arg0 = argv[0]; if (argc < 2) { usage(); exit(1); } while (argc > 1) { if (!strcmp(argv[1], "-h") || !strcmp(argv[1], "-help") || !strcmp(argv[1], "--help")) { usage(); exit(0); } else if (!strcmp(argv[1], "-v")) { ++opts_v; --argc; ++argv; } else if (!strncmp(argv[1], "-vv", 3)) { const char *av = argv[1]+1; for (; *av; ++av) { if (*av == 'v') ++opts_v; else { usage(); exit(1); } } --argc; ++argv; } else if (!strcmp(argv[1], "-version") || !strcmp(argv[1], "--version")) { version(); exit(0); } else if (!strcmp(argv[1], "-trace")) { --argc; ++argv; xflags |= VMXF_TRACE; } else if (!strcmp(argv[1], "-profile")) { --argc; ++argv; xflags |= VMXF_PROFILE; } else if (!strcmp(argv[1], "-info")) { --argc; ++argv; opts_info = true; noexec = true; } else if (!strcmp(argv[1], "-disasm")) { --argc; ++argv; opts_disasm = true; noexec = true; } else if (!strcmp(argv[1], "-disasm-func")) { --argc; ++argv; if (argc <= 1) { usage(); exit(1); } vec_push(dis_list, argv[1]); --argc; ++argv; noexec = true; } else if (!strcmp(argv[1], "-printdefs")) { --argc; ++argv; opts_printdefs = true; noexec = true; } else if (!strcmp(argv[1], "-printfuns")) { --argc; ++argv; opts_printfuns = true; noexec = true; } else if (!strcmp(argv[1], "-printfields")) { --argc; ++argv; opts_printfields = true; noexec = true; } else if (!strcmp(argv[1], "-vector") || !strcmp(argv[1], "-string") || !strcmp(argv[1], "-float") ) { qcvm_parameter p; if (argv[1][1] == 'f') p.vtype = TYPE_FLOAT; else if (argv[1][1] == 's') p.vtype = TYPE_STRING; else if (argv[1][1] == 'v') p.vtype = TYPE_VECTOR; --argc; ++argv; if (argc < 2) { usage(); exit(1); } p.value = argv[1]; vec_push(main_params, p); --argc; ++argv; } else if (!strcmp(argv[1], "--")) { --argc; ++argv; break; } else if (argv[1][0] != '-') { if (progsfile) { fprintf(stderr, "only 1 program file may be specified\n"); usage(); exit(1); } progsfile = argv[1]; --argc; ++argv; } else { fprintf(stderr, "unknown parameter: %s\n", argv[1]); usage(); exit(1); } } if (argc == 2 && !progsfile) { progsfile = argv[1]; --argc; ++argv; } if (!progsfile) { fprintf(stderr, "must specify a program to execute\n"); usage(); exit(1); } prog = prog_load(progsfile, noexec); if (!prog) { fprintf(stderr, "failed to load program '%s'\n", progsfile); exit(1); } prog->builtins = qc_builtins; prog->builtins_count = qc_builtins_count; if (opts_info) { printf("Program's system-checksum = 0x%04x\n", (unsigned int)prog->crc16); printf("Entity field space: %u\n", (unsigned int)prog->entityfields); printf("Globals: %u\n", (unsigned int)vec_size(prog->globals)); printf("Counts:\n" " code: %lu\n" " defs: %lu\n" " fields: %lu\n" " functions: %lu\n" " strings: %lu\n", (unsigned long)vec_size(prog->code), (unsigned long)vec_size(prog->defs), (unsigned long)vec_size(prog->fields), (unsigned long)vec_size(prog->functions), (unsigned long)vec_size(prog->strings)); } if (opts_info) { prog_delete(prog); return 0; } for (i = 0; i < vec_size(dis_list); ++i) { size_t k; printf("Looking for `%s`\n", dis_list[i]); for (k = 1; k < vec_size(prog->functions); ++k) { const char *name = prog_getstring(prog, prog->functions[k].name); if (!strcmp(name, dis_list[i])) { prog_disasm_function(prog, k); break; } } } if (opts_disasm) { for (i = 1; i < vec_size(prog->functions); ++i) prog_disasm_function(prog, i); return 0; } if (opts_printdefs) { char *escape = NULL; const char *getstring = NULL; for (i = 0; i < vec_size(prog->defs); ++i) { printf("Global: %8s %-16s at %u%s", type_name[prog->defs[i].type & DEF_TYPEMASK], prog_getstring(prog, prog->defs[i].name), (unsigned int)prog->defs[i].offset, ((prog->defs[i].type & DEF_SAVEGLOBAL) ? " [SAVE]" : "")); if (opts_v) { switch (prog->defs[i].type & DEF_TYPEMASK) { case TYPE_FLOAT: printf(" [init: %g]", ((qcany*)(prog->globals + prog->defs[i].offset))->_float); break; case TYPE_INTEGER: printf(" [init: %i]", (int)( ((qcany*)(prog->globals + prog->defs[i].offset))->_int )); break; case TYPE_ENTITY: case TYPE_FUNCTION: case TYPE_FIELD: case TYPE_POINTER: printf(" [init: %u]", (unsigned)( ((qcany*)(prog->globals + prog->defs[i].offset))->_int )); break; case TYPE_STRING: getstring = prog_getstring(prog, ((qcany*)(prog->globals + prog->defs[i].offset))->string); escape = (char*)mem_a(strlen(getstring) * 2 + 1); /* will be enough */ escapestring(escape, getstring); printf(" [init: `%s`]", escape); mem_d(escape); /* free */ break; default: break; } } printf("\n"); } } if (opts_printfields) { for (i = 0; i < vec_size(prog->fields); ++i) { printf("Field: %8s %-16s at %u%s\n", type_name[prog->fields[i].type], prog_getstring(prog, prog->fields[i].name), (unsigned int)prog->fields[i].offset, ((prog->fields[i].type & DEF_SAVEGLOBAL) ? " [SAVE]" : "")); } } if (opts_printfuns) { for (i = 0; i < vec_size(prog->functions); ++i) { int32_t a; printf("Function: %-16s taking %i parameters:(", prog_getstring(prog, prog->functions[i].name), (unsigned int)prog->functions[i].nargs); for (a = 0; a < prog->functions[i].nargs; ++a) { printf(" %i", prog->functions[i].argsize[a]); } if (opts_v > 1) { int32_t start = prog->functions[i].entry; if (start < 0) printf(") builtin %i\n", (int)-start); else { size_t funsize = 0; prog_section_statement *st = prog->code + start; for (;st->opcode != INSTR_DONE; ++st) ++funsize; printf(") - %lu instructions", (unsigned long)funsize); if (opts_v > 2) { printf(" - locals: %i + %i\n", prog->functions[i].firstlocal, prog->functions[i].locals); } else printf("\n"); } } else if (opts_v) { printf(") locals: %i + %i\n", prog->functions[i].firstlocal, prog->functions[i].locals); } else printf(")\n"); } } if (!noexec) { for (i = 1; i < vec_size(prog->functions); ++i) { const char *name = prog_getstring(prog, prog->functions[i].name); if (!strcmp(name, "main")) fnmain = (qcint)i; } if (fnmain > 0) { prog_main_setparams(prog); prog_exec(prog, &prog->functions[fnmain], xflags, VM_JUMPS_DEFAULT); } else fprintf(stderr, "No main function found\n"); } prog_delete(prog); return 0; } void prog_disasm_function(qc_program *prog, size_t id) { prog_section_function *fdef = prog->functions + id; prog_section_statement *st; if (fdef->entry < 0) { printf("FUNCTION \"%s\" = builtin #%i\n", prog_getstring(prog, fdef->name), (int)-fdef->entry); return; } else printf("FUNCTION \"%s\"\n", prog_getstring(prog, fdef->name)); st = prog->code + fdef->entry; while (st->opcode != INSTR_DONE) { prog_print_statement(prog, st); ++st; } } #endif #else /* !QCVM_LOOP */ /* * Everything from here on is not including into the compilation of the * executor. This is simply code that is #included via #include __FILE__ * see when QCVM_LOOP is defined, the rest of the code above do not get * re-included. So this really just acts like one large macro, but it * sort of isn't, which makes it nicer looking. */ #define OPA ( (qcany*) (prog->globals + st->o1.u1) ) #define OPB ( (qcany*) (prog->globals + st->o2.u1) ) #define OPC ( (qcany*) (prog->globals + st->o3.u1) ) #define GLOBAL(x) ( (qcany*) (prog->globals + (x)) ) /* to be consistent with current darkplaces behaviour */ #if !defined(FLOAT_IS_TRUE_FOR_INT) # define FLOAT_IS_TRUE_FOR_INT(x) ( (x) & 0x7FFFFFFF ) #endif while (1) { prog_section_function *newf; qcany *ed; qcany *ptr; ++st; #if QCVM_PROFILE prog->profile[st - prog->code]++; #endif #if QCVM_TRACE prog_print_statement(prog, st); #endif switch (st->opcode) { default: qcvmerror(prog, "Illegal instruction in %s\n", prog->filename); goto cleanup; case INSTR_DONE: case INSTR_RETURN: /* TODO: add instruction count to function profile count */ GLOBAL(OFS_RETURN)->ivector[0] = OPA->ivector[0]; GLOBAL(OFS_RETURN)->ivector[1] = OPA->ivector[1]; GLOBAL(OFS_RETURN)->ivector[2] = OPA->ivector[2]; st = prog->code + prog_leavefunction(prog); if (!vec_size(prog->stack)) goto cleanup; break; case INSTR_MUL_F: OPC->_float = OPA->_float * OPB->_float; break; case INSTR_MUL_V: OPC->_float = OPA->vector[0]*OPB->vector[0] + OPA->vector[1]*OPB->vector[1] + OPA->vector[2]*OPB->vector[2]; break; case INSTR_MUL_FV: { qcfloat f = OPA->_float; OPC->vector[0] = f * OPB->vector[0]; OPC->vector[1] = f * OPB->vector[1]; OPC->vector[2] = f * OPB->vector[2]; break; } case INSTR_MUL_VF: { qcfloat f = OPB->_float; OPC->vector[0] = f * OPA->vector[0]; OPC->vector[1] = f * OPA->vector[1]; OPC->vector[2] = f * OPA->vector[2]; break; } case INSTR_DIV_F: if (OPB->_float != 0.0f) OPC->_float = OPA->_float / OPB->_float; else OPC->_float = 0; break; case INSTR_ADD_F: OPC->_float = OPA->_float + OPB->_float; break; case INSTR_ADD_V: OPC->vector[0] = OPA->vector[0] + OPB->vector[0]; OPC->vector[1] = OPA->vector[1] + OPB->vector[1]; OPC->vector[2] = OPA->vector[2] + OPB->vector[2]; break; case INSTR_SUB_F: OPC->_float = OPA->_float - OPB->_float; break; case INSTR_SUB_V: OPC->vector[0] = OPA->vector[0] - OPB->vector[0]; OPC->vector[1] = OPA->vector[1] - OPB->vector[1]; OPC->vector[2] = OPA->vector[2] - OPB->vector[2]; break; case INSTR_EQ_F: OPC->_float = (OPA->_float == OPB->_float); break; case INSTR_EQ_V: OPC->_float = ((OPA->vector[0] == OPB->vector[0]) && (OPA->vector[1] == OPB->vector[1]) && (OPA->vector[2] == OPB->vector[2]) ); break; case INSTR_EQ_S: OPC->_float = !strcmp(prog_getstring(prog, OPA->string), prog_getstring(prog, OPB->string)); break; case INSTR_EQ_E: OPC->_float = (OPA->_int == OPB->_int); break; case INSTR_EQ_FNC: OPC->_float = (OPA->function == OPB->function); break; case INSTR_NE_F: OPC->_float = (OPA->_float != OPB->_float); break; case INSTR_NE_V: OPC->_float = ((OPA->vector[0] != OPB->vector[0]) || (OPA->vector[1] != OPB->vector[1]) || (OPA->vector[2] != OPB->vector[2]) ); break; case INSTR_NE_S: OPC->_float = !!strcmp(prog_getstring(prog, OPA->string), prog_getstring(prog, OPB->string)); break; case INSTR_NE_E: OPC->_float = (OPA->_int != OPB->_int); break; case INSTR_NE_FNC: OPC->_float = (OPA->function != OPB->function); break; case INSTR_LE: OPC->_float = (OPA->_float <= OPB->_float); break; case INSTR_GE: OPC->_float = (OPA->_float >= OPB->_float); break; case INSTR_LT: OPC->_float = (OPA->_float < OPB->_float); break; case INSTR_GT: OPC->_float = (OPA->_float > OPB->_float); break; case INSTR_LOAD_F: case INSTR_LOAD_S: case INSTR_LOAD_FLD: case INSTR_LOAD_ENT: case INSTR_LOAD_FNC: if (OPA->edict < 0 || OPA->edict >= prog->entities) { qcvmerror(prog, "progs `%s` attempted to read an out of bounds entity", prog->filename); goto cleanup; } if ((unsigned int)(OPB->_int) >= (unsigned int)(prog->entityfields)) { qcvmerror(prog, "prog `%s` attempted to read an invalid field from entity (%i)", prog->filename, OPB->_int); goto cleanup; } ed = prog_getedict(prog, OPA->edict); OPC->_int = ((qcany*)( ((qcint*)ed) + OPB->_int ))->_int; break; case INSTR_LOAD_V: if (OPA->edict < 0 || OPA->edict >= prog->entities) { qcvmerror(prog, "progs `%s` attempted to read an out of bounds entity", prog->filename); goto cleanup; } if (OPB->_int < 0 || OPB->_int + 3 > (qcint)prog->entityfields) { qcvmerror(prog, "prog `%s` attempted to read an invalid field from entity (%i)", prog->filename, OPB->_int + 2); goto cleanup; } ed = prog_getedict(prog, OPA->edict); ptr = (qcany*)( ((qcint*)ed) + OPB->_int ); OPC->ivector[0] = ptr->ivector[0]; OPC->ivector[1] = ptr->ivector[1]; OPC->ivector[2] = ptr->ivector[2]; break; case INSTR_ADDRESS: if (OPA->edict < 0 || OPA->edict >= prog->entities) { qcvmerror(prog, "prog `%s` attempted to address an out of bounds entity %i", prog->filename, OPA->edict); goto cleanup; } if ((unsigned int)(OPB->_int) >= (unsigned int)(prog->entityfields)) { qcvmerror(prog, "prog `%s` attempted to read an invalid field from entity (%i)", prog->filename, OPB->_int); goto cleanup; } ed = prog_getedict(prog, OPA->edict); OPC->_int = ((qcint*)ed) - prog->entitydata + OPB->_int; break; case INSTR_STORE_F: case INSTR_STORE_S: case INSTR_STORE_ENT: case INSTR_STORE_FLD: case INSTR_STORE_FNC: OPB->_int = OPA->_int; break; case INSTR_STORE_V: OPB->ivector[0] = OPA->ivector[0]; OPB->ivector[1] = OPA->ivector[1]; OPB->ivector[2] = OPA->ivector[2]; break; case INSTR_STOREP_F: case INSTR_STOREP_S: case INSTR_STOREP_ENT: case INSTR_STOREP_FLD: case INSTR_STOREP_FNC: if (OPB->_int < 0 || OPB->_int >= (qcint)vec_size(prog->entitydata)) { qcvmerror(prog, "`%s` attempted to write to an out of bounds edict (%i)", prog->filename, OPB->_int); goto cleanup; } if (OPB->_int < (qcint)prog->entityfields && !prog->allowworldwrites) qcvmerror(prog, "`%s` tried to assign to world.%s (field %i)\n", prog->filename, prog_getstring(prog, prog_entfield(prog, OPB->_int)->name), OPB->_int); ptr = (qcany*)(prog->entitydata + OPB->_int); ptr->_int = OPA->_int; break; case INSTR_STOREP_V: if (OPB->_int < 0 || OPB->_int + 2 >= (qcint)vec_size(prog->entitydata)) { qcvmerror(prog, "`%s` attempted to write to an out of bounds edict (%i)", prog->filename, OPB->_int); goto cleanup; } if (OPB->_int < (qcint)prog->entityfields && !prog->allowworldwrites) qcvmerror(prog, "`%s` tried to assign to world.%s (field %i)\n", prog->filename, prog_getstring(prog, prog_entfield(prog, OPB->_int)->name), OPB->_int); ptr = (qcany*)(prog->entitydata + OPB->_int); ptr->ivector[0] = OPA->ivector[0]; ptr->ivector[1] = OPA->ivector[1]; ptr->ivector[2] = OPA->ivector[2]; break; case INSTR_NOT_F: OPC->_float = !FLOAT_IS_TRUE_FOR_INT(OPA->_int); break; case INSTR_NOT_V: OPC->_float = !OPA->vector[0] && !OPA->vector[1] && !OPA->vector[2]; break; case INSTR_NOT_S: OPC->_float = !OPA->string || !*prog_getstring(prog, OPA->string); break; case INSTR_NOT_ENT: OPC->_float = (OPA->edict == 0); break; case INSTR_NOT_FNC: OPC->_float = !OPA->function; break; case INSTR_IF: /* this is consistent with darkplaces' behaviour */ if(FLOAT_IS_TRUE_FOR_INT(OPA->_int)) { st += st->o2.s1 - 1; /* offset the s++ */ if (++jumpcount >= maxjumps) qcvmerror(prog, "`%s` hit the runaway loop counter limit of %li jumps", prog->filename, jumpcount); } break; case INSTR_IFNOT: if(!FLOAT_IS_TRUE_FOR_INT(OPA->_int)) { st += st->o2.s1 - 1; /* offset the s++ */ if (++jumpcount >= maxjumps) qcvmerror(prog, "`%s` hit the runaway loop counter limit of %li jumps", prog->filename, jumpcount); } break; case INSTR_CALL0: case INSTR_CALL1: case INSTR_CALL2: case INSTR_CALL3: case INSTR_CALL4: case INSTR_CALL5: case INSTR_CALL6: case INSTR_CALL7: case INSTR_CALL8: prog->argc = st->opcode - INSTR_CALL0; if (!OPA->function) qcvmerror(prog, "NULL function in `%s`", prog->filename); if(!OPA->function || OPA->function >= (qcint)vec_size(prog->functions)) { qcvmerror(prog, "CALL outside the program in `%s`", prog->filename); goto cleanup; } newf = &prog->functions[OPA->function]; newf->profile++; prog->statement = (st - prog->code) + 1; if (newf->entry < 0) { /* negative statements are built in functions */ qcint builtinnumber = -newf->entry; if (builtinnumber < (qcint)prog->builtins_count && prog->builtins[builtinnumber]) prog->builtins[builtinnumber](prog); else qcvmerror(prog, "No such builtin #%i in %s! Try updating your gmqcc sources", builtinnumber, prog->filename); } else st = prog->code + prog_enterfunction(prog, newf) - 1; /* offset st++ */ if (prog->vmerror) goto cleanup; break; case INSTR_STATE: qcvmerror(prog, "`%s` tried to execute a STATE operation", prog->filename); break; case INSTR_GOTO: st += st->o1.s1 - 1; /* offset the s++ */ if (++jumpcount == 10000000) qcvmerror(prog, "`%s` hit the runaway loop counter limit of %li jumps", prog->filename, jumpcount); break; case INSTR_AND: OPC->_float = FLOAT_IS_TRUE_FOR_INT(OPA->_int) && FLOAT_IS_TRUE_FOR_INT(OPB->_int); break; case INSTR_OR: OPC->_float = FLOAT_IS_TRUE_FOR_INT(OPA->_int) || FLOAT_IS_TRUE_FOR_INT(OPB->_int); break; case INSTR_BITAND: OPC->_float = ((int)OPA->_float) & ((int)OPB->_float); break; case INSTR_BITOR: OPC->_float = ((int)OPA->_float) | ((int)OPB->_float); break; } } #undef QCVM_PROFILE #undef QCVM_TRACE #endif /* !QCVM_LOOP */