/* * Copyright (C) 2012, 2013 * Wolfgang Bumiller * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of * this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in * the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to * use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies * of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do * so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all * copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE * SOFTWARE. */ #ifndef GMQCC_IR_HDR #define GMQCC_IR_HDR #include "gmqcc.h" /* ir_value */ typedef struct { /* both inclusive */ size_t start; size_t end; } ir_life_entry_t; struct ir_function_s; typedef struct ir_value_s { char *name; int vtype; int store; lex_ctx context; /* even the IR knows the subtype of a field */ int fieldtype; /* and the output type of a function */ int outtype; /* 'const' vs 'var' qualifier */ int cvq; uint32_t flags; struct ir_instr_s **reads; struct ir_instr_s **writes; /* constantvalues */ bool hasvalue; union { float vfloat; int vint; vector vvec; int32_t ivec[3]; char *vstring; struct ir_value_s *vpointer; struct ir_function_s *vfunc; } constval; struct { int32_t globaladdr; int32_t name; /* filled by the local-allocator */ int32_t local; /* added for members */ int32_t addroffset; /* to generate field-addresses early */ int32_t fieldaddr; } code; /* for acessing vectors */ struct ir_value_s *members[3]; struct ir_value_s *memberof; /* arrays will never overlap with temps */ bool unique_life; /* temps living during a CALL must be locked */ bool locked; bool callparam; /* For the temp allocator */ ir_life_entry_t *life; } ir_value; int32_t ir_value_code_addr(const ir_value*); /* ir_value can be a variable, or created by an operation */ ir_value* ir_value_var(const char *name, int st, int vtype); /* if a result of an operation: the function should store * it to remember to delete it / garbage collect it */ ir_value* ir_value_out(struct ir_function_s *owner, const char *name, int st, int vtype); void ir_value_delete(ir_value*); bool ir_value_set_name(ir_value*, const char *name); ir_value* ir_value_vector_member(ir_value*, unsigned int member); bool GMQCC_WARN vec_ir_value_find(ir_value **vec, const ir_value *what, size_t *idx); bool GMQCC_WARN ir_value_set_float(ir_value*, float f); bool GMQCC_WARN ir_value_set_func(ir_value*, int f); #if 0 bool GMQCC_WARN ir_value_set_int(ir_value*, int i); #endif bool GMQCC_WARN ir_value_set_string(ir_value*, const char *s); bool GMQCC_WARN ir_value_set_vector(ir_value*, vector v); bool GMQCC_WARN ir_value_set_field(ir_value*, ir_value *fld); /*bool ir_value_set_pointer_v(ir_value*, ir_value* p); */ /*bool ir_value_set_pointer_i(ir_value*, int i); */ /* merge an instruction into the life-range */ /* returns false if the lifepoint was already known */ bool ir_value_life_merge(ir_value*, size_t); bool ir_value_life_merge_into(ir_value*, const ir_value*); /* check if a value lives at a specific point */ bool ir_value_lives(ir_value*, size_t); /* check if the life-range of 2 values overlaps */ bool ir_values_overlap(const ir_value*, const ir_value*); void ir_value_dump(ir_value*, int (*oprintf)(const char*,...)); void ir_value_dump_life(const ir_value *self, int (*oprintf)(const char*,...)); /* PHI data */ typedef struct ir_phi_entry_s { ir_value *value; struct ir_block_s *from; } ir_phi_entry_t; /* instruction */ typedef struct ir_instr_s { int opcode; lex_ctx context; ir_value* (_ops[3]); struct ir_block_s* (bops[2]); ir_phi_entry_t *phi; ir_value **params; /* For the temp-allocation */ size_t eid; /* For IFs */ bool likely; struct ir_block_s *owner; } ir_instr; ir_instr* ir_instr_new(lex_ctx ctx, struct ir_block_s *owner, int opcode); void ir_instr_delete(ir_instr*); bool GMQCC_WARN vec_ir_instr_find(ir_instr **vec, ir_instr *what, size_t *idx); bool ir_instr_op(ir_instr*, int op, ir_value *value, bool writing); void ir_instr_dump(ir_instr* in, char *ind, int (*oprintf)(const char*,...)); /* block */ typedef struct ir_block_s { char *label; lex_ctx context; bool final; /* once a jump is added we're done */ ir_instr **instr; struct ir_block_s **entries; struct ir_block_s **exits; ir_value **living; /* For the temp-allocation */ size_t entry_id; size_t eid; bool is_return; struct ir_function_s *owner; bool generated; size_t code_start; } ir_block; ir_block* ir_block_new(struct ir_function_s *owner, const char *label); void ir_block_delete(ir_block*); bool ir_block_set_label(ir_block*, const char *label); ir_value* ir_block_create_binop(ir_block*, lex_ctx, const char *label, int op, ir_value *left, ir_value *right); ir_value* ir_block_create_unary(ir_block*, lex_ctx, const char *label, int op, ir_value *operand); bool GMQCC_WARN ir_block_create_store_op(ir_block*, lex_ctx, int op, ir_value *target, ir_value *what); bool GMQCC_WARN ir_block_create_store(ir_block*, lex_ctx, ir_value *target, ir_value *what); bool GMQCC_WARN ir_block_create_storep(ir_block*, lex_ctx, ir_value *target, ir_value *what); /* field must be of TYPE_FIELD */ ir_value* ir_block_create_load_from_ent(ir_block*, lex_ctx, const char *label, ir_value *ent, ir_value *field, int outype); ir_value* ir_block_create_fieldaddress(ir_block*, lex_ctx, const char *label, ir_value *entity, ir_value *field); /* This is to create an instruction of the form * <outtype>%label := opcode a, b */ ir_value* ir_block_create_general_instr(ir_block *self, lex_ctx, const char *label, int op, ir_value *a, ir_value *b, int outype); ir_instr* ir_block_create_phi(ir_block*, lex_ctx, const char *label, int vtype); ir_value* ir_phi_value(ir_instr*); void ir_phi_add(ir_instr*, ir_block *b, ir_value *v); ir_instr* ir_block_create_call(ir_block*, lex_ctx, const char *label, ir_value *func, bool noreturn); ir_value* ir_call_value(ir_instr*); void ir_call_param(ir_instr*, ir_value*); bool GMQCC_WARN ir_block_create_return(ir_block*, lex_ctx, ir_value *opt_value); bool GMQCC_WARN ir_block_create_if(ir_block*, lex_ctx, ir_value *cond, ir_block *ontrue, ir_block *onfalse); /* A 'goto' is an actual 'goto' coded in QC, whereas * a 'jump' is a virtual construct which simply names the * next block to go to. * A goto usually becomes an OP_GOTO in the resulting code, * whereas a 'jump' usually doesn't add any actual instruction. */ bool GMQCC_WARN ir_block_create_jump(ir_block*, lex_ctx, ir_block *to); bool GMQCC_WARN ir_block_create_goto(ir_block*, lex_ctx, ir_block *to); void ir_block_dump(ir_block*, char *ind, int (*oprintf)(const char*,...)); /* function */ typedef struct ir_function_s { char *name; int outtype; int *params; ir_block **blocks; uint32_t flags; int builtin; ir_value *value; /* values generated from operations * which might get optimized away, so anything * in there needs to be deleted in the dtor. */ ir_value **values; /* locally defined variables */ ir_value **locals; size_t allocated_locals; size_t globaltemps; ir_block* first; ir_block* last; lex_ctx context; /* for prototypes - first we generate all the * globals, and we remember teh function-defs * so we can later fill in the entry pos * * remember the ID: */ qcint code_function_def; /* for temp allocation */ size_t run_id; struct ir_builder_s *owner; /* vararg support: */ size_t max_varargs; } ir_function; #define IR_FLAG_HAS_ARRAYS (1<<1) #define IR_FLAG_HAS_UNINITIALIZED (1<<2) #define IR_FLAG_HAS_GOTO (1<<3) #define IR_FLAG_INCLUDE_DEF (1<<4) #define IR_FLAG_MASK_NO_OVERLAP (IR_FLAG_HAS_ARRAYS | IR_FLAG_HAS_UNINITIALIZED) #define IR_FLAG_MASK_NO_LOCAL_TEMPS (IR_FLAG_HAS_ARRAYS | IR_FLAG_HAS_UNINITIALIZED) ir_function* ir_function_new(struct ir_builder_s *owner, int returntype); void ir_function_delete(ir_function*); void ir_function_collect_value(ir_function*, ir_value *value); bool ir_function_set_name(ir_function*, const char *name); ir_value* ir_function_create_local(ir_function *self, const char *name, int vtype, bool param); bool GMQCC_WARN ir_function_finalize(ir_function*); /* bool ir_function_naive_phi(ir_function*); bool ir_function_enumerate(ir_function*); bool ir_function_calculate_liferanges(ir_function*); */ ir_block* ir_function_create_block(lex_ctx ctx, ir_function*, const char *label); void ir_function_dump(ir_function*, char *ind, int (*oprintf)(const char*,...)); /* builder */ #define IR_HT_SIZE 1024 typedef struct ir_builder_s { char *name; ir_function **functions; ir_value **globals; ir_value **fields; ht htfunctions; ht htglobals; ht htfields; ir_value **extparams; ir_value **extparam_protos; /* the highest func->allocated_locals */ size_t max_locals; size_t max_globaltemps; uint32_t first_common_local; uint32_t first_common_globaltemp; const char **filenames; qcint *filestrings; /* we cache the #IMMEDIATE string here */ qcint str_immediate; /* there should just be this one nil */ ir_value *nil; ir_value *reserved_va_count; } ir_builder; ir_builder* ir_builder_new(const char *modulename); void ir_builder_delete(ir_builder*); bool ir_builder_set_name(ir_builder *self, const char *name); ir_function* ir_builder_get_function(ir_builder*, const char *fun); ir_function* ir_builder_create_function(ir_builder*, const char *name, int outtype); ir_value* ir_builder_get_global(ir_builder*, const char *fun); ir_value* ir_builder_create_global(ir_builder*, const char *name, int vtype); ir_value* ir_builder_get_field(ir_builder*, const char *fun); ir_value* ir_builder_create_field(ir_builder*, const char *name, int vtype); ir_value* ir_builder_get_va_count(ir_builder*); bool ir_builder_generate(code_t *, ir_builder *self, const char *filename); void ir_builder_dump(ir_builder*, int (*oprintf)(const char*, ...)); /* * This code assumes 32 bit floats while generating binary * Blub: don't use extern here, it's annoying and shows up in nm * for some reason :P */ typedef int static_assert_is_32bit_float [(sizeof(int32_t) == 4)?1:-1]; typedef int static_assert_is_32bit_integer[(sizeof(qcfloat) == 4)?1:-1]; #endif