/* * Copyright (C) 2012, 2013 * Dale Weiler * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of * this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in * the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to * use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies * of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do * so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all * copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE * SOFTWARE. */ #include "gmqcc.h" #include <stdio.h> /* * isatty/STDERR_FILENO/STDOUT_FILNO * + some other things likewise. */ #ifndef _WIN32 # include <unistd.h> #else # include <io.h> /* * Windows and it's posix underscore bullshit. We simply fix this * with yay, another macro :P */ # define isatty _isatty #endif #define GMQCC_IS_STDOUT(X) ((FILE*)((void*)X) == stdout) #define GMQCC_IS_STDERR(X) ((FILE*)((void*)X) == stderr) #define GMQCC_IS_DEFINE(X) (GMQCC_IS_STDERR(X) || GMQCC_IS_STDOUT(X)) typedef struct { FILE *handle_err; FILE *handle_out; int color_err; int color_out; } con_t; /* * Doing colored output on windows is fucking stupid. The linux way is * the real way. So we emulate it on windows :) */ #ifdef _WIN32 #define WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN #include <windows.h> /* * Windows doesn't have constants for FILENO, sadly but the docs tell * use the constant values. */ #undef STDERR_FILENO #undef STDOUT_FILENO #define STDERR_FILENO 2 #define STDOUT_FILENO 1 enum { RESET = 0, BOLD = 1, BLACK = 30, RED, GREEN, YELLOW, BLUE, MAGENTA, CYAN, GRAY, WHITE = GRAY }; enum { WBLACK, WBLUE, WGREEN = 2, WRED = 4, WINTENSE = 8, WCYAN = WBLUE | WGREEN, WMAGENTA = WBLUE | WRED, WYELLOW = WGREEN | WRED, WWHITE = WBLUE | WGREEN | WRED }; static const int ansi2win[] = { WBLACK, WRED, WGREEN, WYELLOW, WBLUE, WMAGENTA, WCYAN, WWHITE }; static int win_fputs(FILE *h, const char *str) { /* state for translate */ int acolor; int wcolor; int icolor; int state; /* attributes */ int intense = -1; int colors[] = {-1, -1 }; int colorpos = 1; int length = 0; CONSOLE_SCREEN_BUFFER_INFO cinfo; GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo ( (GMQCC_IS_STDOUT(h)) ? GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE) : GetStdHandle(STD_ERROR_HANDLE), &cinfo ); icolor = cinfo.wAttributes; while (*str) { if (*str == '\x1B') state = '\x1B'; else if (state == '\x1B' && *str == '[') state = '['; else if (state == '[') { if (*str != 'm') { colors[colorpos] = *str; colorpos--; } else { int find; int mult; for (find = colorpos + 1, acolor = 0, mult = 1; find < 2; find++) { acolor += (colors[find] - 48) * mult; mult *= 10; } /* convert to windows color */ if (acolor == BOLD) intense = WINTENSE; else if (acolor == RESET) { intense = WBLACK; wcolor = icolor; } else if (BLACK <= acolor && acolor <= WHITE) wcolor = ansi2win[acolor - 30]; else if (acolor == 90) { /* special gray really white man */ wcolor = WWHITE; intense = WBLACK; } SetConsoleTextAttribute ( (GMQCC_IS_STDOUT(h)) ? GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE) : GetStdHandle(STD_ERROR_HANDLE), wcolor | intense | (icolor & 0xF0) ); colorpos = 1; state = -1; } } else { file_putc(h, *str); length ++; } str++; } /* restore */ SetConsoleTextAttribute( (GMQCC_IS_STDOUT(h)) ? GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE) : GetStdHandle(STD_ERROR_HANDLE), icolor ); return length; } #endif /* * We use standard files as default. These can be changed at any time * with con_change(F, F) */ static con_t console; /* * Enables color on output if supported. * NOTE: The support for checking colors is NULL. On windows this will * always work, on *nix it depends if the term has colors. * * NOTE: This prevents colored output to piped stdout/err via isatty * checks. */ static void con_enablecolor() { if (console.handle_err == stderr || console.handle_err == stdout) console.color_err = !!(isatty(STDERR_FILENO)); if (console.handle_out == stderr || console.handle_out == stdout) console.color_out = !!(isatty(STDOUT_FILENO)); } /* * Does a write to the handle with the format string and list of * arguments. This colorizes for windows as well via translate * step. */ static int con_write(FILE *handle, const char *fmt, va_list va) { int ln; #ifndef _WIN32 ln = vfprintf(handle, fmt, va); #else { char data[4096]; memset(data, 0, sizeof(data)); vsnprintf(data, sizeof(data), fmt, va); ln = (GMQCC_IS_DEFINE(handle)) ? win_fputs(handle, data) : file_puts(handle, data); } #endif return ln; } /********************************************************************** * EXPOSED INTERFACE BEGINS *********************************************************************/ void con_close() { if (!GMQCC_IS_DEFINE(console.handle_err)) file_close(console.handle_err); if (!GMQCC_IS_DEFINE(console.handle_out)) file_close(console.handle_out); } void con_color(int state) { if (state) con_enablecolor(); else { console.color_err = 0; console.color_out = 0; } } void con_init() { console.handle_err = stderr; console.handle_out = stdout; con_enablecolor(); } void con_reset() { con_close(); con_init (); } /* * This is clever, say you want to change the console to use two * files for out/err. You pass in two strings, it will properly * close the existing handles (if they're not std* handles) and * open them. Now say you want TO use stdout and stderr, this * allows you to do that so long as you cast them to (char*). * Say you need stdout for out, but want a file for error, you can * do this too, just cast the stdout for (char*) and stick to a * string for the error file. */ int con_change(const char *out, const char *err) { con_close(); if (!out) out = (const char *)((!console.handle_out) ? stdout : console.handle_out); if (!err) err = (const char *)((!console.handle_err) ? stderr : console.handle_err); if (GMQCC_IS_DEFINE(out)) { console.handle_out = GMQCC_IS_STDOUT(out) ? stdout : stderr; con_enablecolor(); } else if (!(console.handle_out = file_open(out, "w"))) return 0; if (GMQCC_IS_DEFINE(err)) { console.handle_err = GMQCC_IS_STDOUT(err) ? stdout : stderr; con_enablecolor(); } else if (!(console.handle_err = file_open(err, "w"))) return 0; /* no buffering */ setvbuf(console.handle_out, NULL, _IONBF, 0); setvbuf(console.handle_err, NULL, _IONBF, 0); return 1; } /* * Defaultizer because stdio.h shouldn't be used anywhere except here * and inside file.c To prevent mis-match of wrapper-interfaces. */ FILE *con_default_out() { return (console.handle_out = stdout); } FILE *con_default_err() { return (console.handle_err = stderr); } int con_verr(const char *fmt, va_list va) { return con_write(console.handle_err, fmt, va); } int con_vout(const char *fmt, va_list va) { return con_write(console.handle_out, fmt, va); } /* * Standard stdout/stderr printf functions used generally where they need * to be used. */ int con_err(const char *fmt, ...) { va_list va; int ln = 0; va_start(va, fmt); con_verr(fmt, va); va_end (va); return ln; } int con_out(const char *fmt, ...) { va_list va; int ln = 0; va_start(va, fmt); con_vout(fmt, va); va_end (va); return ln; } /* * Utility console message writes for lexer contexts. These will allow * for reporting of file:line based on lexer context, These are used * heavily in the parser/ir/ast. */ void con_vprintmsg_c(int level, const char *name, size_t line, const char *msgtype, const char *msg, va_list ap, const char *condname) { /* color selection table */ static int sel[] = { CON_WHITE, CON_CYAN, CON_RED }; int err = !!(level == LVL_ERROR); int color = (err) ? console.color_err : console.color_out; int (*print) (const char *, ...) = (err) ? &con_err : &con_out; int (*vprint)(const char *, va_list) = (err) ? &con_verr : &con_vout; if (color) print("\033[0;%dm%s:%d: \033[0;%dm%s: \033[0m", CON_CYAN, name, (int)line, sel[level], msgtype); else print("%s:%d: %s: ", name, (int)line, msgtype); vprint(msg, ap); if (condname) print(" [%s]\n", condname); else print("\n"); } void con_vprintmsg(int level, const char *name, size_t line, const char *msgtype, const char *msg, va_list ap) { con_vprintmsg_c(level, name, line, msgtype, msg, ap, NULL); } void con_printmsg(int level, const char *name, size_t line, const char *msgtype, const char *msg, ...) { va_list va; va_start(va, msg); con_vprintmsg(level, name, line, msgtype, msg, va); va_end (va); } void con_cvprintmsg(void *ctx, int lvl, const char *msgtype, const char *msg, va_list ap) { con_vprintmsg(lvl, ((lex_ctx*)ctx)->file, ((lex_ctx*)ctx)->line, msgtype, msg, ap); } void con_cprintmsg (void *ctx, int lvl, const char *msgtype, const char *msg, ...) { va_list va; va_start(va, msg); con_cvprintmsg(ctx, lvl, msgtype, msg, va); va_end (va); } /* General error interface */ size_t compile_errors = 0; size_t compile_warnings = 0; size_t compile_Werrors = 0; static lex_ctx first_werror; void compile_show_werrors() { con_cprintmsg((void*)&first_werror, LVL_ERROR, "first warning", "was here"); } void vcompile_error(lex_ctx ctx, const char *msg, va_list ap) { ++compile_errors; con_cvprintmsg((void*)&ctx, LVL_ERROR, "error", msg, ap); } void compile_error(lex_ctx ctx, const char *msg, ...) { va_list ap; va_start(ap, msg); vcompile_error(ctx, msg, ap); va_end(ap); } bool GMQCC_WARN vcompile_warning(lex_ctx ctx, int warntype, const char *fmt, va_list ap) { const char *msgtype = "warning"; int lvl = LVL_WARNING; char warn_name[1024]; if (!OPTS_WARN(warntype)) return false; warn_name[0] = '-'; warn_name[1] = 'W'; (void)util_strtononcmd(opts_warn_list[warntype].name, warn_name+2, sizeof(warn_name)-2); ++compile_warnings; if (OPTS_WERROR(warntype)) { if (!compile_Werrors) first_werror = ctx; ++compile_Werrors; msgtype = "Werror"; if (OPTS_FLAG(BAIL_ON_WERROR)) { msgtype = "error"; ++compile_errors; } lvl = LVL_ERROR; } con_vprintmsg_c(lvl, ctx.file, ctx.line, msgtype, fmt, ap, warn_name); return OPTS_WERROR(warntype) && OPTS_FLAG(BAIL_ON_WERROR); } bool GMQCC_WARN compile_warning(lex_ctx ctx, int warntype, const char *fmt, ...) { bool r; va_list ap; va_start(ap, fmt); r = vcompile_warning(ctx, warntype, fmt, ap); va_end(ap); return r; }