/* * Copyright (C) 2012, 2013 * Dale Weiler * Wolfgang Bumiller * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of * this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in * the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to * use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies * of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do * so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all * copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE * SOFTWARE. */ #include "gmqcc.h" #include "lexer.h" #include <time.h> /* TODO: cleanup this whole file .. it's a fuckign mess */ /* set by the standard */ const oper_info *operators = NULL; size_t operator_count = 0; static bool opts_output_wasset = false; typedef struct { char *filename; int type; } argitem; typedef struct { char *name; char *value; } ppitem; static argitem *items = NULL; static ppitem *ppems = NULL; #define TYPE_QC 0 #define TYPE_ASM 1 #define TYPE_SRC 2 static const char *app_name; static void version() { con_out("GMQCC %d.%d.%d Built %s %s\n" GMQCC_DEV_VERSION_STRING, GMQCC_VERSION_MAJOR, GMQCC_VERSION_MINOR, GMQCC_VERSION_PATCH, __DATE__, __TIME__ ); } static int usage() { con_out("usage: %s [options] [files...]", app_name); con_out("options:\n" " -h, --help show this help message\n" " -debug turns on compiler debug messages\n" " -memchk turns on compiler memory leak check\n"); con_out(" -o, --output=file output file, defaults to progs.dat\n" " -s filename add a progs.src file to be used\n"); con_out(" -E stop after preprocessing\n"); con_out(" -q, --quiet be less verbose\n"); con_out(" -config file use the specified ini file\n"); con_out(" -std=standard select one of the following standards\n" " -std=qcc original QuakeC\n" " -std=fteqcc fteqcc QuakeC\n" " -std=gmqcc this compiler (default)\n"); con_out(" -f<flag> enable a flag\n" " -fno-<flag> disable a flag\n" " -fhelp list possible flags\n"); con_out(" -W<warning> enable a warning\n" " -Wno-<warning> disable a warning\n" " -Wall enable all warnings\n"); con_out(" -Werror treat warnings as errors\n" " -Werror-<warning> treat a warning as error\n" " -Wno-error-<warning> opposite of the above\n"); con_out(" -Whelp list possible warnings\n"); con_out(" -O<number> optimization level\n" " -O<name> enable specific optimization\n" " -Ono-<name> disable specific optimization\n" " -Ohelp list optimizations\n"); con_out(" -force-crc=num force a specific checksum into the header\n"); return -1; } /* command line parsing */ static bool options_witharg(int *argc_, char ***argv_, char **out) { int argc = *argc_; char **argv = *argv_; if (argv[0][2]) { *out = argv[0]+2; return true; } /* eat up the next */ if (argc < 2) /* no parameter was provided */ return false; *out = argv[1]; --*argc_; ++*argv_; return true; } static bool options_long_witharg_all(const char *optname, int *argc_, char ***argv_, char **out, int ds, bool split) { int argc = *argc_; char **argv = *argv_; size_t len = strlen(optname); if (strncmp(argv[0]+ds, optname, len)) return false; /* it's --optname, check how the parameter is supplied */ if (argv[0][ds+len] == '=') { /* using --opt=param */ *out = argv[0]+ds+len+1; return true; } if (!split || argc < ds) /* no parameter was provided, or only single-arg form accepted */ return false; /* using --opt param */ *out = argv[1]; --*argc_; ++*argv_; return true; } static bool options_long_witharg(const char *optname, int *argc_, char ***argv_, char **out) { return options_long_witharg_all(optname, argc_, argv_, out, 2, true); } static bool options_long_gcc(const char *optname, int *argc_, char ***argv_, char **out) { return options_long_witharg_all(optname, argc_, argv_, out, 1, false); } static bool options_parse(int argc, char **argv) { bool argend = false; size_t itr; char buffer[1024]; char *redirout = NULL; char *redirerr = NULL; char *config = NULL; char *memdumpcols = NULL; while (!argend && argc > 1) { char *argarg; argitem item; ppitem macro; ++argv; --argc; if (argv[0][0] == '-') { /* All gcc-type long options */ if (options_long_gcc("std", &argc, &argv, &argarg)) { if (!strcmp(argarg, "gmqcc") || !strcmp(argarg, "default")) { opts_set(opts.flags, ADJUST_VECTOR_FIELDS, true); opts_set(opts.flags, CORRECT_LOGIC, true); opts_set(opts.flags, FALSE_EMPTY_STRINGS, false); opts_set(opts.flags, TRUE_EMPTY_STRINGS, true); opts_set(opts.flags, LOOP_LABELS, true); opts_set(opts.flags, TRANSLATABLE_STRINGS, true); opts_set(opts.flags, INITIALIZED_NONCONSTANTS, true); opts_set(opts.werror, WARN_INVALID_PARAMETER_COUNT, true); opts_set(opts.werror, WARN_MISSING_RETURN_VALUES, true); opts_set(opts.flags, EXPRESSIONS_FOR_BUILTINS, true); OPTS_OPTION_U32(OPTION_STANDARD) = COMPILER_GMQCC; OPTS_OPTION_BOOL(OPTION_STATISTICS) = true; } else if (!strcmp(argarg, "qcc")) { opts_set(opts.flags, ADJUST_VECTOR_FIELDS, false); opts_set(opts.flags, ASSIGN_FUNCTION_TYPES, true); OPTS_OPTION_U32(OPTION_STANDARD) = COMPILER_QCC; } else if (!strcmp(argarg, "fte") || !strcmp(argarg, "fteqcc")) { opts_set(opts.flags, FTEPP, true); opts_set(opts.flags, TRANSLATABLE_STRINGS, true); opts_set(opts.flags, ADJUST_VECTOR_FIELDS, false); opts_set(opts.flags, ASSIGN_FUNCTION_TYPES, true); opts_set(opts.flags, CORRECT_TERNARY, false); opts_set(opts.warn, WARN_TERNARY_PRECEDENCE, true); OPTS_OPTION_U32(OPTION_STANDARD) = COMPILER_FTEQCC; } else if (!strcmp(argarg, "qccx")) { opts_set(opts.flags, ADJUST_VECTOR_FIELDS, false); OPTS_OPTION_U32(OPTION_STANDARD) = COMPILER_QCCX; } else { con_out("Unknown standard: %s\n", argarg); return false; } continue; } if (options_long_gcc("force-crc", &argc, &argv, &argarg)) { OPTS_OPTION_BOOL(OPTION_FORCECRC) = true; OPTS_OPTION_U16 (OPTION_FORCED_CRC) = strtol(argarg, NULL, 0); continue; } if (options_long_gcc("redirout", &argc, &argv, &redirout)) { con_change(redirout, redirerr); continue; } if (options_long_gcc("redirerr", &argc, &argv, &redirerr)) { con_change(redirout, redirerr); continue; } if (options_long_gcc("config", &argc, &argv, &argarg)) { config = argarg; continue; } if (options_long_gcc("memdumpcols", &argc, &argv, &memdumpcols)) { OPTS_OPTION_U16(OPTION_MEMDUMPCOLS) = (uint16_t)strtol(memdumpcols, NULL, 10); continue; } /* show defaults (like pathscale) */ if (!strcmp(argv[0]+1, "show-defaults")) { for (itr = 0; itr < COUNT_FLAGS; ++itr) { if (!OPTS_FLAG(itr)) continue; memset(buffer, 0, sizeof(buffer)); util_strtononcmd(opts_flag_list[itr].name, buffer, strlen(opts_flag_list[itr].name) + 1); con_out("-f%s ", buffer); } for (itr = 0; itr < COUNT_WARNINGS; ++itr) { if (!OPTS_WARN(itr)) continue; memset(buffer, 0, sizeof(buffer)); util_strtononcmd(opts_warn_list[itr].name, buffer, strlen(opts_warn_list[itr].name) + 1); con_out("-W%s ", buffer); } con_out("\n"); exit(0); } if (!strcmp(argv[0]+1, "debug")) { OPTS_OPTION_BOOL(OPTION_DEBUG) = true; continue; } if (!strcmp(argv[0]+1, "dump")) { OPTS_OPTION_BOOL(OPTION_DUMP) = true; continue; } if (!strcmp(argv[0]+1, "dumpfin")) { OPTS_OPTION_BOOL(OPTION_DUMPFIN) = true; continue; } if (!strcmp(argv[0]+1, "memchk")) { OPTS_OPTION_BOOL(OPTION_MEMCHK) = true; continue; } if (!strcmp(argv[0]+1, "nocolor")) { con_color(0); continue; } switch (argv[0][1]) { /* -h, show usage but exit with 0 */ case 'h': usage(); exit(0); /* break; never reached because of exit(0) */ case 'v': version(); exit(0); case 'E': OPTS_OPTION_BOOL(OPTION_PP_ONLY) = true; opts_set(opts.flags, FTEPP_PREDEFS, true); /* predefs on for -E */ break; /* debug turns on -flno */ case 'g': opts_setflag("LNO", true); OPTS_OPTION_BOOL(OPTION_G) = true; break; case 'q': OPTS_OPTION_BOOL(OPTION_QUIET) = true; break; case 'D': if (!strlen(argv[0]+2)) { con_err("expected name after -D\n"); exit(0); } if (!(argarg = strchr(argv[0] + 2, '='))) { macro.name = util_strdup(argv[0]+2); macro.value = NULL; } else { *argarg='\0'; /* terminate for name */ macro.name = util_strdup(argv[0]+2); macro.value = util_strdup(argarg+1); } vec_push(ppems, macro); break; /* handle all -fflags */ case 'f': util_strtocmd(argv[0]+2, argv[0]+2, strlen(argv[0]+2)+1); if (!strcmp(argv[0]+2, "HELP") || *(argv[0]+2) == '?') { con_out("Possible flags:\n\n"); for (itr = 0; itr < COUNT_FLAGS; ++itr) { util_strtononcmd(opts_flag_list[itr].name, buffer, sizeof(buffer)); con_out(" -f%s\n", buffer); } exit(0); } else if (!strncmp(argv[0]+2, "NO_", 3)) { if (!opts_setflag(argv[0]+5, false)) { con_out("unknown flag: %s\n", argv[0]+2); return false; } } else if (!opts_setflag(argv[0]+2, true)) { con_out("unknown flag: %s\n", argv[0]+2); return false; } break; case 'W': util_strtocmd(argv[0]+2, argv[0]+2, strlen(argv[0]+2)+1); if (!strcmp(argv[0]+2, "HELP") || *(argv[0]+2) == '?') { con_out("Possible warnings:\n"); for (itr = 0; itr < COUNT_WARNINGS; ++itr) { util_strtononcmd(opts_warn_list[itr].name, buffer, sizeof(buffer)); con_out(" -W%s\n", buffer); if (itr == WARN_DEBUG) con_out(" Warnings included by -Wall:\n"); } exit(0); } else if (!strcmp(argv[0]+2, "NO_ERROR") || !strcmp(argv[0]+2, "NO_ERROR_ALL")) { for (itr = 0; itr < sizeof(opts.werror)/sizeof(opts.werror[0]); ++itr) opts.werror[itr] = 0; break; } else if (!strcmp(argv[0]+2, "ERROR") || !strcmp(argv[0]+2, "ERROR_ALL")) { opts_backup_non_Werror_all(); for (itr = 0; itr < sizeof(opts.werror)/sizeof(opts.werror[0]); ++itr) opts.werror[itr] = 0xFFFFFFFFL; opts_restore_non_Werror_all(); break; } else if (!strcmp(argv[0]+2, "NONE")) { for (itr = 0; itr < sizeof(opts.warn)/sizeof(opts.warn[0]); ++itr) opts.warn[itr] = 0; break; } else if (!strcmp(argv[0]+2, "ALL")) { opts_backup_non_Wall(); for (itr = 0; itr < sizeof(opts.warn)/sizeof(opts.warn[0]); ++itr) opts.warn[itr] = 0xFFFFFFFFL; opts_restore_non_Wall(); break; } else if (!strncmp(argv[0]+2, "ERROR_", 6)) { if (!opts_setwerror(argv[0]+8, true)) { con_out("unknown warning: %s\n", argv[0]+2); return false; } } else if (!strncmp(argv[0]+2, "NO_ERROR_", 9)) { if (!opts_setwerror(argv[0]+11, false)) { con_out("unknown warning: %s\n", argv[0]+2); return false; } } else if (!strncmp(argv[0]+2, "NO_", 3)) { if (!opts_setwarn(argv[0]+5, false)) { con_out("unknown warning: %s\n", argv[0]+2); return false; } } else if (!opts_setwarn(argv[0]+2, true)) { con_out("unknown warning: %s\n", argv[0]+2); return false; } break; case 'O': if (!options_witharg(&argc, &argv, &argarg)) { con_out("option -O requires a numerical argument, or optimization name with an optional 'no-' prefix\n"); return false; } if (isdigit(argarg[0])) { uint32_t val = (uint32_t)strtol(argarg, NULL, 10); OPTS_OPTION_U32(OPTION_O) = val; opts_setoptimlevel(val); } else { util_strtocmd(argarg, argarg, strlen(argarg)+1); if (!strcmp(argarg, "HELP")) { con_out("Possible optimizations:\n"); for (itr = 0; itr < COUNT_OPTIMIZATIONS; ++itr) { util_strtononcmd(opts_opt_list[itr].name, buffer, sizeof(buffer)); con_out(" -O%-20s (-O%u)\n", buffer, opts_opt_oflag[itr]); } exit(0); } else if (!strcmp(argarg, "ALL")) opts_setoptimlevel(OPTS_OPTION_U32(OPTION_O) = 9999); else if (!strncmp(argarg, "NO_", 3)) { if (!opts_setoptim(argarg+3, false)) { con_out("unknown optimization: %s\n", argarg+3); return false; } } else { if (!opts_setoptim(argarg, true)) { con_out("unknown optimization: %s\n", argarg); return false; } } } break; case 'o': if (!options_witharg(&argc, &argv, &argarg)) { con_out("option -o requires an argument: the output file name\n"); return false; } OPTS_OPTION_STR(OPTION_OUTPUT) = argarg; opts_output_wasset = true; break; case 'a': case 's': item.type = argv[0][1] == 'a' ? TYPE_ASM : TYPE_SRC; if (!options_witharg(&argc, &argv, &argarg)) { con_out("option -a requires a filename %s\n", (argv[0][1] == 'a' ? "containing QC-asm" : "containing a progs.src formatted list")); return false; } item.filename = argarg; vec_push(items, item); break; case '-': if (!argv[0][2]) { /* anything following -- is considered a non-option argument */ argend = true; break; } /* All long options without arguments */ else if (!strcmp(argv[0]+2, "help")) { usage(); exit(0); } else if (!strcmp(argv[0]+2, "version")) { version(); exit(0); } else if (!strcmp(argv[0]+2, "quiet")) { OPTS_OPTION_BOOL(OPTION_QUIET) = true; break; } else if (!strcmp(argv[0]+2, "correct")) { OPTS_OPTION_BOOL(OPTION_CORRECTION) = true; break; } else if (!strcmp(argv[0]+2, "no-correct")) { OPTS_OPTION_BOOL(OPTION_CORRECTION) = false; break; } else if (!strcmp(argv[0]+2, "add-info")) { OPTS_OPTION_BOOL(OPTION_ADD_INFO) = true; break; } else { /* All long options with arguments */ if (options_long_witharg("output", &argc, &argv, &argarg)) { OPTS_OPTION_STR(OPTION_OUTPUT) = argarg; opts_output_wasset = true; } else { con_out("Unknown parameter: %s\n", argv[0]); return false; } } break; default: con_out("Unknown parameter: %s\n", argv[0]); return false; } } else { /* it's a QC filename */ item.filename = argv[0]; item.type = TYPE_QC; vec_push(items, item); } } opts_ini_init(config); return true; } /* returns the line number, or -1 on error */ static bool progs_nextline(char **out, size_t *alen,FILE *src) { int len; char *line; char *start; char *end; line = *out; len = fs_file_getline(&line, alen, src); if (len == -1) return false; /* start at first non-blank */ for (start = line; isspace(*start); ++start) {} /* end at the first non-blank */ for (end = start; *end && !isspace(*end); ++end) {} *out = line; /* move the actual filename to the beginning */ while (start != end) { *line++ = *start++; } *line = 0; return true; } int main(int argc, char **argv) { size_t itr; int retval = 0; bool opts_output_free = false; bool operators_free = false; bool progs_src = false; FILE *outfile = NULL; struct parser_s *parser = NULL; struct ftepp_s *ftepp = NULL; app_name = argv[0]; con_init (); opts_init("progs.dat", COMPILER_GMQCC, (1024 << 3)); util_seed(time(0)); if (!options_parse(argc, argv)) { return usage(); } if (OPTS_FLAG(TRUE_EMPTY_STRINGS) && OPTS_FLAG(FALSE_EMPTY_STRINGS)) { con_err("-ftrue-empty-strings and -ffalse-empty-strings are mutually exclusive"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } /* the standard decides which set of operators to use */ if (OPTS_OPTION_U32(OPTION_STANDARD) == COMPILER_GMQCC) { operators = c_operators; operator_count = c_operator_count; } else if (OPTS_OPTION_U32(OPTION_STANDARD) == COMPILER_FTEQCC) { operators = fte_operators; operator_count = fte_operator_count; } else { operators = qcc_operators; operator_count = qcc_operator_count; } if (operators == fte_operators) { /* fix ternary? */ if (OPTS_FLAG(CORRECT_TERNARY)) { oper_info *newops; if (operators[operator_count-2].id != opid1(',') || operators[operator_count-1].id != opid2(':','?')) { con_err("internal error: operator precedence table wasn't updated correctly!\n"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } operators_free = true; newops = (oper_info*)mem_a(sizeof(operators[0]) * operator_count); memcpy(newops, operators, sizeof(operators[0]) * operator_count); memcpy(&newops[operator_count-2], &operators[operator_count-1], sizeof(newops[0])); memcpy(&newops[operator_count-1], &operators[operator_count-2], sizeof(newops[0])); newops[operator_count-2].prec = newops[operator_count-1].prec+1; operators = newops; } } if (OPTS_OPTION_BOOL(OPTION_DUMP)) { for (itr = 0; itr < COUNT_FLAGS; ++itr) con_out("Flag %s = %i\n", opts_flag_list[itr].name, OPTS_FLAG(itr)); for (itr = 0; itr < COUNT_WARNINGS; ++itr) con_out("Warning %s = %i\n", opts_warn_list[itr].name, OPTS_WARN(itr)); con_out("output = %s\n", OPTS_OPTION_STR(OPTION_OUTPUT)); con_out("optimization level = %u\n", OPTS_OPTION_U32(OPTION_O)); con_out("standard = %u\n", OPTS_OPTION_U32(OPTION_STANDARD)); } if (OPTS_OPTION_BOOL(OPTION_PP_ONLY)) { if (opts_output_wasset) { outfile = fs_file_open(OPTS_OPTION_STR(OPTION_OUTPUT), "wb"); if (!outfile) { con_err("failed to open `%s` for writing\n", OPTS_OPTION_STR(OPTION_OUTPUT)); retval = 1; goto cleanup; } } else { outfile = con_default_out(); } } if (!OPTS_OPTION_BOOL(OPTION_PP_ONLY)) { if (!(parser = parser_create())) { con_err("failed to initialize parser\n"); retval = 1; goto cleanup; } } if (OPTS_OPTION_BOOL(OPTION_PP_ONLY) || OPTS_FLAG(FTEPP)) { if (!(ftepp = ftepp_create())) { con_err("failed to initialize parser\n"); retval = 1; goto cleanup; } } util_debug("COM", "starting ...\n"); /* add macros */ if (OPTS_OPTION_BOOL(OPTION_PP_ONLY) || OPTS_FLAG(FTEPP)) { for (itr = 0; itr < vec_size(ppems); itr++) { ftepp_add_macro(ftepp, ppems[itr].name, ppems[itr].value); mem_d(ppems[itr].name); /* can be null */ if (ppems[itr].value) mem_d(ppems[itr].value); } } if (!vec_size(items)) { FILE *src; char *line; size_t linelen = 0; progs_src = true; src = fs_file_open("progs.src", "rb"); if (!src) { con_err("failed to open `progs.src` for reading\n"); retval = 1; goto cleanup; } line = NULL; if (!progs_nextline(&line, &linelen, src) || !line[0]) { con_err("illformatted progs.src file: expected output filename in first line\n"); retval = 1; goto srcdone; } if (!opts_output_wasset) { OPTS_OPTION_STR(OPTION_OUTPUT) = util_strdup(line); opts_output_free = true; } while (progs_nextline(&line, &linelen, src)) { argitem item; if (!line[0] || (line[0] == '/' && line[1] == '/')) continue; item.filename = util_strdup(line); item.type = TYPE_QC; vec_push(items, item); } srcdone: fs_file_close(src); mem_d(line); } if (retval) goto cleanup; if (vec_size(items)) { if (!OPTS_OPTION_BOOL(OPTION_QUIET) && !OPTS_OPTION_BOOL(OPTION_PP_ONLY)) { con_out("Mode: %s\n", (progs_src ? "progs.src" : "manual")); con_out("There are %lu items to compile:\n", (unsigned long)vec_size(items)); } for (itr = 0; itr < vec_size(items); ++itr) { if (!OPTS_OPTION_BOOL(OPTION_QUIET) && !OPTS_OPTION_BOOL(OPTION_PP_ONLY)) { con_out(" item: %s (%s)\n", items[itr].filename, ( (items[itr].type == TYPE_QC ? "qc" : (items[itr].type == TYPE_ASM ? "asm" : (items[itr].type == TYPE_SRC ? "progs.src" : ("unknown")))))); } if (OPTS_OPTION_BOOL(OPTION_PP_ONLY)) { const char *out; if (!ftepp_preprocess_file(ftepp, items[itr].filename)) { retval = 1; goto cleanup; } out = ftepp_get(ftepp); if (out) fs_file_printf(outfile, "%s", out); ftepp_flush(ftepp); } else { if (OPTS_FLAG(FTEPP)) { const char *data; if (!ftepp_preprocess_file(ftepp, items[itr].filename)) { retval = 1; goto cleanup; } data = ftepp_get(ftepp); if (vec_size(data)) { if (!parser_compile_string(parser, items[itr].filename, data, vec_size(data))) { retval = 1; goto cleanup; } } ftepp_flush(ftepp); } else { if (!parser_compile_file(parser, items[itr].filename)) { retval = 1; goto cleanup; } } } if (progs_src) { mem_d(items[itr].filename); items[itr].filename = NULL; } } ftepp_finish(ftepp); ftepp = NULL; if (!OPTS_OPTION_BOOL(OPTION_PP_ONLY)) { if (!parser_finish(parser, OPTS_OPTION_STR(OPTION_OUTPUT))) { retval = 1; goto cleanup; } } } /* stuff */ if (!OPTS_OPTION_BOOL(OPTION_QUIET) && !OPTS_OPTION_BOOL(OPTION_PP_ONLY)) { for (itr = 0; itr < COUNT_OPTIMIZATIONS; ++itr) { if (opts_optimizationcount[itr]) { con_out("%s: %u\n", opts_opt_list[itr].name, (unsigned int)opts_optimizationcount[itr]); } } } cleanup: util_debug("COM", "cleaning ...\n"); if (ftepp) ftepp_finish(ftepp); con_close(); vec_free(items); vec_free(ppems); if (!OPTS_OPTION_BOOL(OPTION_PP_ONLY)) parser_cleanup(parser); if (opts_output_free) mem_d(OPTS_OPTION_STR(OPTION_OUTPUT)); if (operators_free) mem_d((void*)operators); lex_cleanup(); stat_info(); return retval; }