#include #include #include #include /* * protect some information, not that I care, but this is just to stay * safer. */ #define SECURITY_BASE "\ ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/" #define SECURITY_TOKEN "\ P29hdXRoX2NvbnN1bWVyX2tleT03NnZoM3E0Mmhudm16bTMmb2F1dGhfdG9rZW49\ dzBieHpmMGRmdDhlZGZxJm9hdXRoX3NpZ25hdHVyZV9tZXRob2Q9UExBSU5URVhU\ Jm9hdXRoX3NpZ25hdHVyZT10bWVlY2h0MmNtaDcyeGElMjY5dm9zeDd4OGd5NGtn\ amsmb2F1dGhfdGltZXN0YW1wPSZvYXV0aF9ub25jZT0xMjE2NQo=" int isbase64(char c) { return !!(c && strchr(SECURITY_BASE, c) != NULL); } char value(char c) { const char *load = SECURITY_BASE; const char *find = strchr(load, c); return (find) ? find - load : 0; } int security_decode(unsigned char *dest, const unsigned char *src, int srclen) { unsigned char *p; if(!*src) return 0; *dest = 0; p = dest; do { *p++ = (value(src[0]) << 2) | (value(src[1]) >> 4); *p++ = (value(src[1]) << 4) | (value(src[2]) >> 2); *p++ = (value(src[2]) << 6) | (value(src[3]) >> 0); if(!isbase64(src[1])) { p -= 2; break; } else if(!isbase64(src[2])) { p -= 2; break; } else if(!isbase64(src[3])) { p--; break; } src += 4; while(*src && (*src == 13 || *src == 10)) src++; } while(srclen-= 4); *p = 0; return p-dest; } #define BASEURL " https://api-content.dropbox.com/1/files/sandbox/" /* * If more platforms are supported add the entries between the start * tag here, and the end tag below. Nothing else needs to be done * (the table needs to match the HTML too) */ #define ARCHLINUX_32_REF "%sgmqcc-%c.%c.%c-1-i686.pkg.tar.xz%s" #define ARCHLINUX_64_REF "%sgmqcc-%c.%c.%c-1-x86_64.pkg.tar.xz%s" #define DEBIAN_32_REF "%sgmqcc-%c.%c.%c-i686.deb%s" #define DEBIAN_64_REF "%sgmqcc-%c.%c.%c-x86_64.deb%s" #define WINDOWS_32_REF "%sgmqcc-%c.%c.%c-win32.zip%s" #define WINDOWS_64_REF "%sgmqcc-%c.%c.%c-win64.zip%s" #define HTML "\ \ \ \ \ \ GMQCC\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \



An Improved Quake C Compiler

\ \
\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \
Operating System / Distributionx86 Architecturex86_64 Architecture
\ \
\ \ \ \ " static char build_table[][4096] = { ARCHLINUX_32_REF, ARCHLINUX_64_REF, DEBIAN_32_REF, DEBIAN_64_REF, WINDOWS_32_REF, WINDOWS_64_REF }; /*
*/ #define ISXDIGIT(c) ((c >= 48 && c <= 57) || ((c & ~0x20) >= 65 && (c & ~0x20) <= 70)) typedef struct { char *data; unsigned int len; unsigned int size; } url_t; void escape(url_t *str) { char *p, *ptr; char hexstr[3]; unsigned int i=0; unsigned long l=0; p = str->data; for(i=0; i < str->len; i++) { if((p - str->data) >= str->len) break; if(*p == '%' && ((p - str->data)+2) < str->len && ISXDIGIT(*(p+1)) && ISXDIGIT(*(p+2)) ) { p++; hexstr[0] = *p++; hexstr[1] = *p++; hexstr[2] = 0; l = strtoul(hexstr, &ptr, 16); str->data[i] = (char)(l & 0x7f); continue; } if(*p == '+') { *p = ' '; } str->data[i] = *p++; } str->data[i] = 0; str->len = i; } void version(const char *directory, char *major, char *minor, char *patch) { FILE *handle; char file[4096]; size_t size = 0; char *data = NULL; snprintf(file, sizeof(file), "%s/gmqcc.h", directory); handle = fopen(file, "r"); if (!handle) { fprintf(stderr, "failed to open %s for reading version (%s)\n", file, strerror(errno) ); abort(); } while (getline(&data, &size, handle) != EOF) { #define TEST(TYPE, STORE) \ if (strstr(data, "#define GMQCC_VERSION_" TYPE )) { \ char *get = data; \ while (!isdigit(*get)) \ get++; \ *STORE = *get; \ } TEST("MAJOR", major) TEST("MINOR", minor) TEST("PATCH", patch) #undef TEST } free(data); } void genhtml() { FILE *fp = fopen("download.html", "w"); if (!fp) { fprintf(stderr, "failed to generate HTML: %s\n", strerror(errno)); abort(); } fprintf(fp, HTML, build_table[0], build_table[1], build_table[2], build_table[3], build_table[4], build_table[5] ); fclose (fp); } /* * Builds a list of download links with the right version and handles the * rest of the magic. */ void build(const char *directory) { /* Figure out version number */ char find[3]; char decode[4096]; size_t size; version(directory, &find[0], &find[1], &find[2]); /* * decode the secuity stuff for preparing the URLs which will be used * as links. */ memset(decode, 0, sizeof(decode)); security_decode(decode, SECURITY_TOKEN, strlen(SECURITY_TOKEN)); for (size = 0; size < sizeof(build_table) / sizeof(*build_table); size++) { char *load = strdup(build_table[size]); url_t esc = { NULL, 0 }; snprintf(build_table[size], 4096, load, BASEURL, find[0], find[1], find[2], decode); esc.data = strdup(build_table[size]); esc.size = strlen(build_table[size]); esc.len = esc.size; /* Yes we also need to escape URLs just incase */ escape(&esc); free(load); } /* * Now generate the HTML file for those download links by asking tinyurl to */ genhtml(); } int main(int argc, char **argv) { size_t itr; argc--; argv++; if (!argc) { printf("usage: %s [gmqcc.h location]\n", argv[-1]); return 0; } build(*argv); }