DESTDIR := OPTIONAL:= PREFIX := /usr/local BINDIR := $(PREFIX)/bin DATADIR := $(PREFIX)/share MANDIR := $(DATADIR)/man UNAME ?= $(shell uname) CYGWIN = $(findstring CYGWIN, $(UNAME)) MINGW = $(findstring MINGW32, $(UNAME)) CC ?= clang CFLAGS += -Wall -Wextra -Werror -I. -fno-strict-aliasing -fsigned-char $(OPTIONAL) ifneq ($(shell git describe --always 2>/dev/null),) CFLAGS += -DGMQCC_GITINFO="\"$(shell git describe --always)\"" endif #turn on tons of warnings if clang is present # but also turn off the STUPID ONES ifeq ($(CC), clang) CFLAGS += \ -Weverything \ -Wno-padded \ -Wno-format-nonliteral \ -Wno-disabled-macro-expansion \ -Wno-conversion \ -Wno-missing-prototypes \ -Wno-float-equal \ -Wno-cast-align \ -Wno-missing-variable-declarations \ -Wno-unknown-warning-option else #Tiny C Compiler doesn't know what -pedantic-errors is # and instead of ignoring .. just errors. ifneq ($(CC), tcc) CFLAGS +=-pedantic-errors else CFLAGS += -Wno-pointer-sign -fno-common endif endif ifeq ($(track), no) CFLAGS += -DNOTRACK endif OBJ_D = util.o code.o ast.o ir.o conout.o ftepp.o opts.o fs.o utf8.o correct.o OBJ_P = util.o fs.o conout.o opts.o pak.o OBJ_T = test.o util.o conout.o fs.o OBJ_C = main.o lexer.o parser.o fs.o OBJ_X = exec-standalone.o util.o conout.o fs.o ifneq ("$(CYGWIN)", "") #nullify the common variables that #most *nix systems have (for windows) PREFIX := BINDIR := DATADIR := MANDIR := QCVM = qcvm.exe GMQCC = gmqcc.exe TESTSUITE = testsuite.exe PAK = pak.exe else ifneq ("$(MINGW)", "") #nullify the common variables that #most *nix systems have (for windows) PREFIX := BINDIR := DATADIR := MANDIR := QCVM = qcvm.exe GMQCC = gmqcc.exe TESTSUITE = testsuite.exe PAK = pak.exe else #arm support for linux .. we need to allow unaligned accesses #to memory otherwise we just segfault everywhere ifneq (, $(findstring arm, $(shell uname -m))) CFLAGS += -munaligned-access endif QCVM = qcvm GMQCC = gmqcc TESTSUITE = testsuite PAK = pak endif endif #gource flags GOURCEFLAGS= \ --date-format "%d %B, %Y" \ --seconds-per-day 0.01 \ --auto-skip-seconds 1 \ --title "GMQCC" \ --key \ --camera-mode overview \ --highlight-all-users \ --file-idle-time 0 \ --hide progress,mouse \ --stop-at-end \ --max-files 99999999999 \ --max-file-lag 0.000001 \ --bloom-multiplier 1.3 \ -1280x720 #ffmpeg flags for gource FFMPEGFLAGS= \ -y \ -r 60 \ -f image2pipe \ -vcodec ppm \ -i - \ -vcodec libx264 \ -preset ultrafast \ -crf 1 \ -threads 0 \ -bf 0 #splint flags SPLINTFLAGS = \ -redef \ -noeffect \ -nullderef \ -usedef \ -type \ -mustfreeonly \ -nullstate \ -varuse \ -mustfreefresh \ -compdestroy \ -compmempass \ -nullpass \ -onlytrans \ -predboolint \ -boolops \ -exportlocal \ -incondefs \ -macroredef \ -retvalint \ -nullret \ -predboolothers \ -globstate \ -dependenttrans \ -branchstate \ -compdef \ -temptrans \ -usereleased \ -warnposix \ -shiftimplementation \ +charindex \ -kepttrans \ -unqualifiedtrans \ +matchanyintegral \ +voidabstract \ -nullassign \ -unrecog \ -casebreak \ -retvalbool \ -retvalother \ -mayaliasunique \ -realcompare \ -observertrans \ -shiftnegative \ -abstract \ -statictrans \ -castfcnptr #standard rules default: all %.o: %.c $(CC) -c $< -o $@ $(CFLAGS) exec-standalone.o: exec.c $(CC) -c $< -o $@ $(CFLAGS) -DQCVM_EXECUTOR=1 $(QCVM): $(OBJ_X) $(CC) -o $@ $^ $(CFLAGS) -lm $(GMQCC): $(OBJ_C) $(OBJ_D) $(CC) -o $@ $^ $(CFLAGS) -lm $(TESTSUITE): $(OBJ_T) $(CC) -o $@ $^ $(CFLAGS) -lm $(PAK): $(OBJ_P) $(CC) -o $@ $^ $(CFLAGS) all: $(GMQCC) $(QCVM) $(TESTSUITE) $(PAK) check: all @ ./$(TESTSUITE) test: all @ ./$(TESTSUITE) clean: rm -f *.o $(GMQCC) $(QCVM) $(TESTSUITE) $(PAK) *.dat gource.mp4 splint: @ splint $(SPLINTFLAGS) *.c *.h gource: @ gource $(GOURCEFLAGS) gource-record: @ gource $(GOURCEFLAGS) -o - | ffmpeg $(FFMPEGFLAGS) gource.mp4 depend: @makedepend -Y -w 65536 2> /dev/null \ $(subst .o,.c,$(OBJ_D)) @makedepend -a -Y -w 65536 2> /dev/null \ $(subst .o,.c,$(OBJ_T)) @makedepend -a -Y -w 65536 2> /dev/null \ $(subst .o,.c,$(OBJ_C)) @makedepend -a -Y -w 65536 2> /dev/null \ $(subst .o,.c,$(OBJ_X)) @makedepend -a -Y -w 65536 2> /dev/null \ $(subst .o,.c,$(OBJ_P)) #install rules install: install-gmqcc install-qcvm install-doc install-gmqcc: $(GMQCC) install -d -m755 $(DESTDIR)$(BINDIR) install -m755 $(GMQCC) $(DESTDIR)$(BINDIR)/gmqcc install-qcvm: $(QCVM) install -d -m755 $(DESTDIR)$(BINDIR) install -m755 $(QCVM) $(DESTDIR)$(BINDIR)/qcvm install-doc: install -d -m755 $(DESTDIR)$(MANDIR)/man1 install -m644 doc/gmqcc.1 $(DESTDIR)$(MANDIR)/man1/ install -m644 doc/qcvm.1 $(DESTDIR)$(MANDIR)/man1/ uninstall: rm $(DESTDIR)$(BINDIR)/gmqcc rm $(DESTDIR)$(BINDIR)/qcvm rm $(DESTDIR)$(MANDIR)/man1/doc/gmqcc.1 rm $(DESTDIR)$(MANDIR)/man1/doc/qcvm.1 # DO NOT DELETE util.o: gmqcc.h opts.def code.o: gmqcc.h opts.def ast.o: gmqcc.h opts.def ast.h ir.h ir.o: gmqcc.h opts.def ir.h conout.o: gmqcc.h opts.def ftepp.o: gmqcc.h opts.def lexer.h opts.o: gmqcc.h opts.def fs.o: gmqcc.h opts.def utf8.o: gmqcc.h opts.def correct.o: gmqcc.h opts.def test.o: gmqcc.h opts.def util.o: gmqcc.h opts.def conout.o: gmqcc.h opts.def fs.o: gmqcc.h opts.def main.o: gmqcc.h opts.def lexer.h lexer.o: gmqcc.h opts.def lexer.h parser.o: gmqcc.h opts.def lexer.h ast.h ir.h intrin.h fs.o: gmqcc.h opts.def util.o: gmqcc.h opts.def conout.o: gmqcc.h opts.def fs.o: gmqcc.h opts.def util.o: gmqcc.h opts.def fs.o: gmqcc.h opts.def conout.o: gmqcc.h opts.def opts.o: gmqcc.h opts.def pak.o: gmqcc.h opts.def