Installing gmqcc

1. Prerequisites
    - A C-Compiler such as gcc or clang
    - GNU Make or BSD Make

2. Compilation
    If using GNU make program

    If using BSD make program, the BSDmakefile should be
    used instead when you invoke make, if however it ignores BSDmakefile
    you can supply it with -f.

        make -f BSDmakefile

    If no error appears, the following binary files will have been
        - gmqcc
        - qcvm
        - gmqpak

3. Installation
    The `install' target will install the 2 binaries to /usr/local/bin
    by default.
    The Makefile honors the following variables:

        - DESTDIR: The installation directory root.
        - PREFIX:  The installation prefix, default: /usr/local
        - BINDIR:  Directory for binary executables,
                   deafult: $PREFIX/bin

    To install to /usr/local run:

        make install

    To install to /usr run:

        make PREFIX=/usr install

    To install to a package-staging directory such as $pkgdir when
    writing a build script file:

        make DESTDIR=$pkgdir install

    ArchLinux PKGBUILDs (release and git build) can be found in the
    respective folders in ./distro/archlinux
    ArchBSD PKGBUILDs (release and git build) can be found in the
    respective folders in ./distro/archbsd

    Slackware SlackBuilds (git build) can be found in ./distro/slackware
    Gentoo ebuilds (release) can be found in ./distro/gentoo, as well
    as a README explaining how to build them
    Debian archives (git build) can be created invoking make in

    Fedora spec files (release) can be found in ./distro/fedora, as well
    as a README explaining how to build them.