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synced 2025-03-03 07:11:20 +00:00
Adding all the warnings to the manpage
This commit is contained in:
1 changed files with 134 additions and 11 deletions
@ -18,11 +18,17 @@ there are also traditional long-options available.
.B "-h, --help"
Show a usage message and exit.
.B "-debug"
Turn on some compiler debugging mechanisms.
.B "-memchk"
Turn on compiler mem-check. (Shows allocations and checks for leaks.)
.BI "-o, --output=" filename
Specify the output filename. Defaults to progs.dat. This will overwrite
the output file listed in a \fIprogs.src\fR file in case such a file is used.
.BI "-O" n
.BI "-O" number
Specify the optimization level
.IP 3
@ -35,14 +41,18 @@ Minimal optimization level
Disable optimization entierly
.BI "-a" filename
Append the specified files to the list of files to assemble using the QC-Assembler.
.BI "-O" name "\fR, " "" -Ono- name
Enable or disable a specific optimization. Note that these options
must be used after setting the optimization level, otherwise they'll
be overwritten.
.BI "-s" filename
Append the specified file which is to be interpreted as a \fIprogs.src\fR file.
.B -Ohelp
List all possible optimizations and the optimization level they're
activated at.
.BI "-std=" standard
Use the specified standard for parsing QC code. The following standards are available:
Use the specified standard for parsing QC code. The following standards
are available:
.IR gmqcc , qcc , fteqcc
.BI -W warning "\fR, " "" -Wno- warning
@ -51,12 +61,15 @@ Enable or disable a warning.
.B -Wall
Enable all warnings. Overrides preceding -W parameters.
.B -fdarkplaces-string-table-bug
Patch the output file to work around a string-table bug in certain darkplaces versions.
.B -Whelp
List all possible warn flags.
.B -fomit-nullbytes
Changes the output format to be more efficient. Requires a patched engine. See the
proposal for a better file structure in the gmqcc source tree.
.BI -f flag "\fR, " "" -fno- flag
Enable or disable a specific compile flag. See the list of flags
.B -fhelp
List all possible compile flags.
.B -nocolor
Disables colored output
@ -66,3 +79,113 @@ Redirects standard output to a \fIfile\fR
.BI "-rediterr=" file
Redirects standard error to a \fIfile\fR
.SH Warnings
.B -Wunused-variable
Generate a warning about variables which are declared but never used.
This can be avoided by adding the \fInoref\fR keyword in front of the
variable declaration. Additionally a complete section of unreferenced
variables can be opened using \fI#pragma noref 1\fR, and closed via
\fI#pragma noref 0\fR.
.B -Wused-uninitialized
Generate a warning if it is possible that a variable can be used
without prior initialization. Note that this warning is not
necessarily reliable if the initialization happens only under certain
conditions. The other way is \fInot\fR possible: that the warning is
\fInot\fR generated when uninitialized use \fIis possible\fR.
.B -Wunknown-control-sequence
Generate an error when an unrecognized control sequence in a string is
used. Meaning: when there's a character after a backslash in a string
which has no known meaning.
.B -Wextensions
Warn when using special extensions which are not part of the selected
.B -Wfield-redeclared
Generally QC compilers ignore redeclaration of fields. Here you can
optionally enable a warning.
.B -Wmissing-return-values
Functions which aren't of type \fIvoid\fR will warn if it possible to
reach the end without returning an actual value.
.B -Wtoo-few-parameters
Warn about a function call with fewer parameters than the function
.B -Wlocal-shadows
Warn when a locally declared variable shadows variable.
.B -Wlocal-constants
Warn when the initialization of a local variable turns the variable
into a constant. This is default behaviour unless
\fI-finitialized-nonconstants\fR is used.
.B -Wvoid-variables
There are only 2 known global variables of type void: end_sys_globals
and end_sys_fields. Any other void-variable will warn.
.B -Wimplicit-function-pointer
A global function which is not declared with the \fIvar\fR keyword is
expected to have an implementing body, or be a builtin. If neither is
the case, it implicitly becomes a function pointer, and a warning is
.B -Wvariadic-function
Currently there's no way for an in QC implemented function to access
variadic parameters. If a function with variadic parameters has an
implementing body, a warning will be generated.
.B -Wframe-macros
Generate warnings about \fI$frame\fR commands, for instance about
duplicate frame definitions.
.B -Weffectless-statement
Warn about statements which have no effect. Any expression which does
not call a function or assigns a variable.
.B -Wend-sys-fields
The \fIend_sys_fields\fR variable is supposed to be a global variable
of type \fIvoid\fR. It is also recognized as a \fIfield\fR but this
will generate a warning.
.B -Wassign-function-types
Warn when assigning to a function pointer with an unmatching
signature. This usually happens in cases like assigning the null
function to an entity's .think function pointer.
.B -Wpreprocessor
Enable warnings coming from the preprocessor. Like duplicate macro
.B -Wmultifile-if
Warn if there's a preprocessor \fI#if\fR spanning across several
.B -Wdouble-declaration
Warn about multiple declarations of globals. This seems pretty common
in QC code so you probably do not want this unless you want to clean
up your code.
.B -Wconst-var
The combination of \fIconst\fR and \fIvar\fR is not illegal, however
different compilers may handle them differently. We were told, the
intention is to create a function-pointer which is not assignable.
This is exactly how we interpret it. However for this interpretation
the \fIvar\fR keyword is considered superfluous (and philosophically
wrong), so it is possible to generate a warning about this.
.B -Wmultibyte-character
Warn about multibyte character constants, they do not work right now.
.B -Wternary-precedence
Warn if a ternary expression which contains a comma operator is used
without enclosing parenthesis, since this is most likely not what you
actually want. We recommend the \fI-fcorrect-ternary\fR option.
.B -Wdebug
Enable some warnings added in order to help debugging in the compiler.
You won't need this.
Reference in a new issue