ast and ir testers - to use: compile into gmqcc and execut the functions in main()

This commit is contained in:
Wolfgang Bumiller 2012-04-28 21:42:12 +02:00
parent bdb238b705
commit 6dff77aa95
2 changed files with 199 additions and 0 deletions

test/ast-test.c Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,111 @@
#include "gmqcc.h"
#include "ast.h"
/* NOTE: it's a test - I'll abort() on epic-failure */
#ifdef assert
# undef assert
/* (note: 'do {} while(0)' forces the need for a semicolon after assert() */
#define assert(x) do { if ( !(x) ) { printf("Assertion failed: %s\n", #x); abort(); } } while(0)
VECTOR_MAKE(ast_value*, globals);
VECTOR_MAKE(ast_function*, functions);
void testast()
ast_expression *exp;
size_t i;
lex_ctx ctx;
ctx.file = NULL;
ctx.line = 1;
/* globals */
ast_value *gfoo = ast_value_new(ctx, "foo", TYPE_FLOAT);
assert(globals_add(gfoo) >= 0);
ast_value *gbar = ast_value_new(ctx, "bar", TYPE_FLOAT);
assert(globals_add(gbar) >= 0);
ast_value *const_3 = ast_value_new(ctx, "3", TYPE_FLOAT);
assert(globals_add(const_3) >= 0);
const_3->isconst = true;
const_3->constval.vfloat = 3.0;
ast_value *const_4 = ast_value_new(ctx, "4", TYPE_FLOAT);
assert(globals_add(const_4) >= 0);
const_4->isconst = true;
const_4->constval.vfloat = 4.0;
/* defining a function */
ast_value *vmain = ast_value_new(ctx, "main", TYPE_FUNCTION);
assert(globals_add(vmain) >= 0);
/* This happens in ast_function_new:
vmain->isconst = true;
vmain->constval.vfunc = fmain;
Creating a function node connects the global to the function.
You still have to delete *BOTH*, deleting one will NOT delete the other,
it will only unlink them.
/* creating a function body */
ast_function *fmain = ast_function_new(ctx, "main", vmain);
assert(functions_add(fmain) >= 0);
/* { block */
ast_block *ba = ast_block_new(ctx);
assert(ast_function_blocks_add(fmain, ba));
/* local variable i */
ast_value *li = ast_value_new(ctx, "i", TYPE_FLOAT);
assert(ast_block_locals_add(ba, li));
/* I realize having to provide the opcode isn't the best way to go, but,
* urgh... */
/* foo = 3; */
exp = (ast_expression*)ast_store_new(ctx, INSTR_STORE_F, gfoo, (ast_expression*)const_3);
assert(ast_block_exprs_add(ba, exp));
/* bar = 4; */
exp = (ast_expression*)ast_store_new(ctx, INSTR_STORE_F, gbar, (ast_expression*)const_4);
assert(ast_block_exprs_add(ba, exp));
/* i = foo * bar */
exp = (ast_expression*)ast_binary_new(ctx, INSTR_MUL_F, (ast_expression*)gbar, (ast_expression*)gfoo);
exp = (ast_expression*)ast_store_new(ctx, INSTR_STORE_F, li, exp);
assert(ast_block_exprs_add(ba, exp));
/* } block */
/* Next up: Having the AST generate IR */
/* cleanup */
/* Functions must be deleted FIRST since their expressions
* reference global variables.
for (i = 0; i < functions_elements; ++i) {
if (functions_data)
/* We must delete not only globals, but also the functions'
* ast_values (their type and name), that's why we added them to the globals vector.
for (i = 0; i < globals_elements; ++i) {
if (globals_data)

test/ir-test.c Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
#include "ir.h"
void builder1()
ir_builder *b = ir_builder_new("test");
ir_value *va = ir_builder_create_global(b, "a", TYPE_FLOAT);
ir_value *v3 = ir_builder_create_global(b, "const_f_3", TYPE_FLOAT);
ir_value *vb = ir_builder_create_global(b, "b", TYPE_FLOAT);
ir_value *vc = ir_builder_create_global(b, "c", TYPE_FLOAT);
ir_value *vd = ir_builder_create_global(b, "d", TYPE_FLOAT);
if (!ir_value_set_float(v3, 3.0f) ||
!ir_value_set_float(vb, 4.0f) ||
!ir_value_set_float(vc, 10.0f) ||
!ir_value_set_float(vd, 20.0f) )
ir_function *fmain = ir_builder_create_function(b, "main");
ir_value *la = ir_function_create_local(fmain, "loc1", TYPE_FLOAT);
ir_block *bmain = ir_function_create_block(fmain, "top");
ir_block *blt = ir_function_create_block(fmain, "less");
ir_block *bge = ir_function_create_block(fmain, "greaterequal");
ir_block *bend = ir_function_create_block(fmain, "end");
if (!ir_block_create_store_op(bmain, INSTR_STORE_F, va, v3)) abort();
ir_value *sum = ir_block_create_add(bmain, "%sum", va, vb);
ir_value *prd = ir_block_create_mul(bmain, "%mul", sum, vc);
ir_value *less = ir_block_create_binop(bmain, "%less",
INSTR_LT, prd, vd);
if (!ir_block_create_if(bmain, less, blt, bge)) abort();
ir_value *x1 = ir_block_create_binop(blt, "%x1", INSTR_ADD_F, sum, v3);
if (!ir_block_create_goto(blt, bend)) abort();
ir_value *vig = ir_block_create_binop(bge, "%ignore", INSTR_ADD_F, va, vb);
if (!ir_block_create_store_op(bge, INSTR_STORE_F, la, vig)) abort();
ir_value *x2 = ir_block_create_binop(bge, "%x2", INSTR_ADD_F, sum, v3);
if (!ir_block_create_goto(bge, bend)) abort();
ir_instr *retphi = ir_block_create_phi(bend, "%retval", TYPE_FLOAT);
if (!ir_phi_add(retphi, blt, x1) ||
!ir_phi_add(retphi, bge, x2) )
ir_value *retval = ir_phi_value(retphi);
if (!ir_block_create_return(bend, retval)) abort();
printf("%i should be 1\n", ir_value_life_merge(va, 31));
printf("%i should be 1\n", ir_value_life_merge(va, 33));
printf("%i should be 0\n", ir_value_life_merge(va, 33));
printf("%i should be 1\n", ir_value_life_merge(va, 1));
printf("%i should be 1\n", ir_value_life_merge(va, 2));
printf("%i should be 1\n", ir_value_life_merge(va, 20));
printf("%i should be 1\n", ir_value_life_merge(va, 21));
printf("%i should be 1\n", ir_value_life_merge(va, 8));
printf("%i should be 1\n", ir_value_life_merge(va, 9));
printf("%i should be 1\n", ir_value_life_merge(va, 3));
printf("%i should be 0\n", ir_value_life_merge(va, 9));
printf("%i should be 1\n", ir_value_life_merge(va, 17));
printf("%i should be 1\n", ir_value_life_merge(va, 18));
printf("%i should be 1\n", ir_value_life_merge(va, 19));
printf("%i should be 0\n", ir_value_life_merge(va, 19));
ir_value_dump_life(va, printf);
printf("%i should be 1\n", ir_value_life_merge(va, 10));
printf("%i should be 1\n", ir_value_life_merge(va, 9));
printf("%i should be 0\n", ir_value_life_merge(va, 10));
printf("%i should be 0\n", ir_value_life_merge(va, 10));
ir_value_dump_life(va, printf);
ir_builder_dump(b, printf);
if (!ir_function_finalize(fmain)) abort();
ir_builder_dump(b, printf);
ir_value_dump_life(sum, printf);
ir_value_dump_life(prd, printf);
ir_value_dump_life(less, printf);
ir_value_dump_life(x1, printf);
ir_value_dump_life(x2, printf);
ir_value_dump_life(retval, printf);
ir_value_dump_life(vig, printf);
ir_value_dump_life(la, printf);