mirror of
synced 2025-02-07 08:01:09 +00:00
include git.h only from a single file
1269 lines
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1269 lines
33 KiB
Copyright (C) 1999-2005 Id Software, Inc.
This file is part of Quake III Arena source code.
Quake III Arena source code is free software; you can redistribute it
and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License,
or (at your option) any later version.
Quake III Arena source code is distributed in the hope that it will be
useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with Quake III Arena source code; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
// console.c
#include "client.h"
#include "client_help.h"
static cvar_t* con_noprint;
static cvar_t* con_notifytime;
static cvar_t* con_scale;
static cvar_t* con_scaleMode; // 0 = without res, 1 = with res, 2 = 8x12
static cvar_t* con_speed;
static cvar_t* con_drawHelp;
#define COLOR_LIST(X) \
X(BG, "101013F6", qtrue, "RGBA color of the background", "Console background") \
X(Border, "4778B2FF", qtrue, "RGBA color of the border", "Console border") \
X(Arrow, "4778B2FF", qtrue, "RGBA color of backscroll arrows", "Console backscroll arrows") \
X(Shadow, "000000FF", qtrue, "RGBA color of text shadows", "Console text shadows") \
X(MkBG, "BFBFBFFF", qtrue, "RGBA color of the mark background", "Console mark background") \
X(MkShadow, "FFFFFF00", qtrue, "RGBA color of the mark text shadows", "Console mark text shadows") \
X(Text, "E2E2E2", qfalse, "RGB color of text", "Console text") \
X(MkText, "000000", qfalse, "RGB color of mark text", "Console mark text") \
X(CVar, "4778B2", qfalse, "RGB color of variable names", "Console variable names") \
X(Cmd, "4FA7BD", qfalse, "RGB color of command names", "Console command names") \
X(Value, "E5BC39", qfalse, "RGB color of variable values", "Console variable values") \
X(Help, "ABC1C6", qfalse, "RGB color of help text", "Console help text") \
X(Search, "FFFF00", qfalse, "RGB color of search result marker", "Console search result marker") \
X(HL, "303033FF", qtrue, help_con_colHL, "Console completion highlights")
#define COLOR_LIST_ITEM( Name, Default, HasAlpha, Help, Title ) \
static cvar_t* con_col##Name; \
static vec4_t col##Name;
#define CON_TEXTSIZE (256*1024)
#define COLOR_INVALID '\xFF'
#define COLOR_MKTEXT '\xFE'
#define COLOR_MKSHAD '\xFD'
#define COLOR_SHAD '\xFC'
// con_drawHelp flags
#define DRAWHELP_MAX 15
struct console_t {
qbool initialized;
short text[CON_TEXTSIZE];
int current; // line where next message will be printed
int x; // offset in current line for next print
int y; // virtual screen coordinate of bottom of console
int display; // bottom of console displays this line
float cw, ch; // actual font size in pixels
float xadjust; // supposedly for wide aspect screens, but never actually set properly
int linewidth; // characters across screen
int totallines; // total lines in console scrollback
int rowsVisible; // number of full rows that can currently be rendered in a page
float displayFrac; // approaches finalFrac at con_speed
float finalFrac; // 0.0 to 1.0 lines of console to display
int times[CON_NOTIFYLINES]; // cls.realtime time the line was generated
// for transparent notify lines
qbool wasActive; // was active before Con_PushConsoleInvisible was called?
char helpText[MAXPRINTMSG];
int helpX; // char index
float helpY; // top coordinate
int helpWidth; // char count of the longest line
int helpLines; // line count
qbool helpDraw;
float helpXAdjust;
char searchPattern[256];
int searchLineIndex;
qbool searchStarted;
qbool markMode;
int markX; // cursor X: offset in the row
int markY; // cursor Y: row index
int markStartX;
int markStartY;
char markText[CON_TEXTSIZE + CON_TEXTSIZE / 100]; // some extra for line endings and the final newline
static console_t con;
// base font size, optionally scaled by screen resolution and con_scale
int g_console_field_width = CONSOLE_WIDTH;
static void Con_BeginSearch_f();
static qbool IsValidHexChar( char c )
( c >= '0' && c <= '9' ) ||
( c >= 'a' && c <= 'f' ) ||
( c >= 'A' && c <= 'F' );
static qbool IsValidHexColor( const char* s, qbool hasAlpha )
const int chars = hasAlpha ? 8 : 6;
for ( int i = 0; i < chars; ++i ) {
if ( *s == '\0' || !IsValidHexChar(*s) )
return qfalse;
return *s == '\0';
static void GetFloatColor( float* c, const cvar_t* cvar, qbool hasAlpha )
const char* s = cvar->string;
if ( !IsValidHexColor(s, hasAlpha) ) {
s = cvar->resetString;
if ( !IsValidHexColor(s, hasAlpha) )
Com_ParseHexColor( c, s, hasAlpha );
const float* ConsoleColorFromChar( char ccode )
if ( ccode == COLOR_WHITE )
return colText;
if ( ccode == COLOR_CVAR )
return colCVar;
if ( ccode == COLOR_CMD )
return colCmd;
if ( ccode == COLOR_VAL )
return colValue;
if ( ccode == COLOR_HELP )
return colHelp;
if ( ccode == COLOR_MKTEXT )
return colMkText;
if ( ccode == COLOR_MKSHAD )
return colMkShadow;
if ( ccode == COLOR_SHAD )
return colShadow;
return ColorFromChar( ccode );
float Con_SetConsoleVisibility( float fraction )
const float oldValue = con.displayFrac;
con.displayFrac = fraction;
return oldValue;
void Con_ToggleConsole_f()
g_consoleField.acOffset = 0;
// closing a full screen console restarts the demo loop
if ( cls.state == CA_DISCONNECTED && cls.keyCatchers == KEYCATCH_CONSOLE ) {
Field_Clear( &g_consoleField );
g_consoleField.widthInChars = g_console_field_width;
cls.keyCatchers ^= KEYCATCH_CONSOLE;
con.markMode = qfalse;
void Con_MessageMode_f (void) {
chat_playerNum = -1;
chat_team = qfalse;
Field_Clear( &chatField );
chatField.widthInChars = 30;
cls.keyCatchers ^= KEYCATCH_MESSAGE;
void Con_MessageMode2_f (void) {
chat_playerNum = -1;
chat_team = qtrue;
Field_Clear( &chatField );
chatField.widthInChars = 25;
cls.keyCatchers ^= KEYCATCH_MESSAGE;
void Con_MessageMode3_f (void) {
chat_playerNum = VM_Call( cgvm, CG_CROSSHAIR_PLAYER );
if ( chat_playerNum < 0 || chat_playerNum >= MAX_CLIENTS ) {
chat_playerNum = -1;
chat_team = qfalse;
Field_Clear( &chatField );
chatField.widthInChars = 30;
cls.keyCatchers ^= KEYCATCH_MESSAGE;
void Con_MessageMode4_f (void) {
chat_playerNum = VM_Call( cgvm, CG_LAST_ATTACKER );
if ( chat_playerNum < 0 || chat_playerNum >= MAX_CLIENTS ) {
chat_playerNum = -1;
chat_team = qfalse;
Field_Clear( &chatField );
chatField.widthInChars = 30;
cls.keyCatchers ^= KEYCATCH_MESSAGE;
static void Con_Clear_f( void )
for ( int i = 0 ; i < CON_TEXTSIZE ; i++ ) {
con.text[i] = (COLOR_WHITE << 8) | ' ';
con.current = con.totallines - 1;
con.searchLineIndex = INT_MIN;
// save the console contents out to a file
void Con_Dump_f( void )
int l, x, i;
short *line;
char buffer[1024];
if (Cmd_Argc() != 2)
Com_Printf ("usage: condump <filename>\n");
Q_strncpyz( buffer, Cmd_Argv(1), sizeof(buffer) );
COM_DefaultExtension( buffer, sizeof(buffer), ".txt" );
fileHandle_t f = FS_FOpenFileWrite( buffer );
if (!f)
Com_Printf( "ERROR: couldn't open %s\n", buffer );
Com_Printf( "Dumped console text to %s\n", buffer );
// skip empty lines
for (l = con.current - con.totallines + 1 ; l <= con.current ; l++)
line = con.text + (l%con.totallines)*con.linewidth;
for (x=0 ; x<con.linewidth ; x++)
if ((line[x] & 0xff) != ' ')
if (x != con.linewidth)
// write the remaining lines
buffer[con.linewidth] = 0;
for ( ; l <= con.current ; l++)
line = con.text + (l%con.totallines)*con.linewidth;
for(i=0; i<con.linewidth; i++)
buffer[i] = line[i] & 0xff;
for (x=con.linewidth-1 ; x>=0 ; x--)
if (buffer[x] == ' ')
buffer[x] = 0;
strcat( buffer, "\n" );
FS_Write( buffer, strlen(buffer), f );
FS_FCloseFile( f );
void Con_ClearNotify()
for (int i = 0; i < CON_NOTIFYLINES; ++i) {
con.times[i] = 0;
// called on demand by the first CL_ConsolePrint
// before the client subsystem is actually up and running properly
static void Con_Init()
con.initialized = qtrue;
con.linewidth = CONSOLE_WIDTH;
con.totallines = CON_TEXTSIZE / con.linewidth;
static void Con_ResizeFont()
if (!cls.rendererStarted)
con.xadjust = CONCHAR_WIDTH;
if (!con_scale || !con_scaleMode)
if (con_scaleMode->integer == 2)
if (con_scaleMode->integer == 1)
SCR_AdjustFrom640( &con.cw, &con.ch, NULL, NULL );
con.cw *= con_scale->value;
con.ch *= con_scale->value;
if ( cls.glconfig.vidWidth * SCREEN_HEIGHT > cls.glconfig.vidHeight * SCREEN_WIDTH ) {
// the console distorts horribly on widescreens
con.cw = con.ch * SCREEN_HEIGHT / SCREEN_WIDTH;
con.xadjust = con.cw;
static const cvarTableItem_t con_cvars[] =
#define COLOR_LIST_ITEM( Name, Default, HasAlpha, Help, Title ) \
{ \
&con_col##Name, "con_col" #Name, Default, CVAR_ARCHIVE, HasAlpha ? CVART_COLOR_RGBA : CVART_COLOR_RGB, NULL, NULL, Help, \
Title, CVARCAT_CONSOLE, "", "" \
// con_scale:
// bugs in the renderer's overflow handling will cause crashes
// if the console has too many polys/verts because of too small a font
&con_noprint, "con_noprint", "0", 0, CVART_BOOL, NULL, NULL, "disables console printing and history writing",
"No console print", CVARCAT_CONSOLE, "Disables console printing and history writing", ""
&con_notifytime, "con_notifytime", "-1", CVAR_ARCHIVE, CVART_FLOAT, "-1", "30", help_con_notifytime,
"Console notify time", CVARCAT_CONSOLE,
"Seconds messages stay visible in the notify area\n"
"Set to -1 for CPMA to draw the 'Console' SuperHUD element", ""
&con_scale, "con_scale", "1.2", CVAR_ARCHIVE, CVART_FLOAT, "0.25", "10", "console text scaling factor",
"Console text scale", CVARCAT_CONSOLE, "", ""
&con_scaleMode, "con_scaleMode", "0", CVAR_ARCHIVE, CVART_INTEGER, "0", "2", help_con_scaleMode,
"Console text scale mode", CVARCAT_CONSOLE, "", "",
CVAR_GUI_VALUE("0", "Doesn't scale with res", "")
CVAR_GUI_VALUE("1", "Scales with res", "")
CVAR_GUI_VALUE("2", "Fixed 8x12 size", "")
&con_speed, "con_speed", "1000", CVAR_ARCHIVE, CVART_FLOAT, "0.1", "1000", "console opening/closing speed",
"Console open speed", CVARCAT_CONSOLE, "", ""
&con_drawHelp, "con_drawHelp", "1", CVAR_ARCHIVE, CVART_BITMASK, "0", XSTRING(DRAWHELP_MAX), "draws help text below the console",
"Console help panel", CVARCAT_CONSOLE, "Draws a panel below the console", "",
CVAR_GUI_VALUE("0", "Enable panel", "Enables the help panel below the console")
CVAR_GUI_VALUE("1", "Force draw", "Draws the help panel even if the CVar/cmd has no help text")
CVAR_GUI_VALUE("2", "Draw modules", "Draws the list of modules")
CVAR_GUI_VALUE("3", "Draw attributes", "Draws the list of attributes (CVars only)")
static const cmdTableItem_t con_cmds[] =
{ "toggleconsole", Con_ToggleConsole_f, NULL, "toggles console display" },
{ "messagemode", Con_MessageMode_f, NULL, "chat with everyone" },
{ "messagemode2", Con_MessageMode2_f, NULL, "chat with teammates" },
{ "messagemode3", Con_MessageMode3_f, NULL, "chat with the player being aimed at" },
{ "messagemode4", Con_MessageMode4_f, NULL, "chat with the last attacker" },
{ "clear", Con_Clear_f, NULL, "clears the console" },
{ "condump", Con_Dump_f, NULL, "dumps console history to a text file" },
{ "searchconsole", Con_BeginSearch_f, NULL, help_searchconsole }
void CL_ConInit()
Cvar_RegisterArray( con_cvars, MODULE_CONSOLE );
Field_Clear( &g_consoleField );
g_consoleField.widthInChars = g_console_field_width;
History_Clear( &g_history, g_console_field_width );
Cmd_RegisterArray( con_cmds, MODULE_CONSOLE );
void CL_ConShutdown()
Cmd_UnregisterModule( MODULE_CONSOLE );
static void Con_Linefeed()
// mark time for transparent overlay
if (con.current >= 0) {
con.times[con.current % CON_NOTIFYLINES] = cls.realtime;
con.x = 0;
if (con.display == con.current)
for ( int i = 0; i < con.linewidth; ++i ) {
con.text[(con.current%con.totallines)*con.linewidth+i] = (COLOR_WHITE << 8) | ' ';
Handles cursor positioning, line wrapping, etc
All console printing must go through this in order to be logged to disk
If no console is visible, the text will appear at the top of the game window
void CL_ConsolePrint( const char* s )
int c, w, y;
// con_noprint disables ALL console functionality
// use con_notifytime 0 to log the text without the annoying overlay
if ( con_noprint && con_noprint->integer ) {
if (!con.initialized)
char color = COLOR_WHITE;
while ( c = *s ) {
if ( Q_IsColorString( s ) ) {
color = s[1];
s += 2;
// count word length and wordwrap if needed
for (w = 0; w < con.linewidth; ++w) {
if ( s[w] <= ' ') {
if (w != con.linewidth && (con.x + w >= con.linewidth) ) {
switch (c)
case '\n':
case '\r':
con.x = 0;
default: // display character and advance
y = con.current % con.totallines;
con.text[y*con.linewidth+con.x] = (color << 8) | c;
if (con.x >= con.linewidth) {
con.x = 0;
// mark time for transparent overlay
if (con.current >= 0) {
con.times[con.current % CON_NOTIFYLINES] = cls.realtime;
// draw the editline with a prompt in front of it
static void Con_DrawInput()
if ( cls.state != CA_DISCONNECTED && !(cls.keyCatchers & KEYCATCH_CONSOLE ) ) {
float y = con.y - (con.ch * 1.5f);
// highlight the currently auto-completed part of the edit line
if ( g_consoleField.acOffset > 0 ) {
const int length = g_consoleField.acLength;
if ( length > 0 ) {
// note that Field_Draw takes integers as arguments so we need to truncate our coordinates and font sizes to match
const int offset = g_consoleField.acOffset;
re.SetColor( colHL );
re.DrawStretchPic( con.xadjust + (offset + 1) * (int)con.cw, y, length * (int)con.cw, (int)con.ch, 0, 0, 0, 0, cls.whiteShader );
re.SetColor( colShadow );
SCR_DrawChar( con.xadjust + 1, y + 1, con.cw, con.ch, ']' );
re.SetColor( colText );
SCR_DrawChar( con.xadjust, y, con.cw, con.ch, ']' );
Field_Draw( &g_consoleField, con.xadjust + con.cw, y, con.cw, con.ch, qtrue, !Con_IsInMarkMode() );
// draws the last few lines of output transparently over the game area
static void Con_DrawNotify()
int x;
int i;
int time;
int skip;
if (cls.keyCatchers & (KEYCATCH_UI | KEYCATCH_CGAME)) {
char color = COLOR_WHITE;
re.SetColor( ColorFromChar( color ) );
int y = 0;
for (i = con.current-CON_NOTIFYLINES+1 ; i <= con.current ; i++)
if (i < 0)
time = con.times[i % CON_NOTIFYLINES];
if (time == 0)
time = cls.realtime - time;
if (time >= con_notifytime->value*1000)
const short* text = con.text + (i % con.totallines)*con.linewidth;
for (x = 0 ; x < con.linewidth ; x++) {
if ( ( text[x] & 0xff ) == ' ' ) {
if ( (text[x] >> 8) != color ) {
color = (text[x] >> 8);
re.SetColor( ColorFromChar( color ) );
SCR_DrawChar( con.xadjust + x * con.cw, y, con.cw, con.ch, text[x] & 0xff );
y += con.ch;
re.SetColor( NULL );
// draw the chat line - this shit has NO business being in the engine >:(
if ( cls.keyCatchers & KEYCATCH_MESSAGE )
float cw = 12, ch = 16;
SCR_AdjustFrom640( &cw, &ch, NULL, NULL );
if (chat_team)
SCR_DrawString( 8, y, cw, ch, "say_team:", qfalse );
skip = 10;
SCR_DrawString( 8, y, cw, ch, "say:", qfalse );
skip = 5;
Field_Draw( &chatField, skip * cw, y, cw, ch, qfalse );
y += ch;
static void Con_FillRect( float x, float y, float w, float h, const vec4_t color )
re.SetColor( color );
re.DrawStretchPic( x, y, w, h, 0, 0, 0, 0, cls.whiteShader );
re.SetColor( NULL );
static void QDECL Con_HelpPrintf( PRINTF_FORMAT_STRING const char* fmt, ... )
va_list argptr;
va_start( argptr, fmt );
Q_vsnprintf( con.helpText, sizeof(con.helpText), fmt, argptr );
va_end( argptr );
const float* color = colText;
const char* c = con.helpText;
while ( *c != '\0' ) {
// measure the length of the current word
int wl = 0;
while ( c[wl] != '\0' && c[wl] > ' ' )
const qbool wordBreak = (wl > 0) && (con.helpX + wl >= CONSOLE_WIDTH) && (wl < CONSOLE_WIDTH);
const qbool forcedBreak = con.helpX >= CONSOLE_WIDTH;
if ( *c == '\n' || forcedBreak || wordBreak ) {
if ( !forcedBreak && !wordBreak )
con.helpWidth = max( con.helpWidth, con.helpX );
con.helpX = 0;
con.helpY += con.ch;
if ( Q_IsColorString(c) ) {
color = ConsoleColorFromChar( c[1] );
c += 2;
if ( con.helpDraw ) {
re.SetColor( colShadow );
SCR_DrawChar( con.helpXAdjust + con.helpX * con.cw + 1, con.helpY + 1, con.cw, con.ch, *c );
re.SetColor( color );
SCR_DrawChar( con.helpXAdjust + con.helpX * con.cw, con.helpY, con.cw, con.ch, *c );
static void Con_DrawHelp()
if( !(con_drawHelp->integer & DRAWHELP_ENABLE_BIT) )
if ( *g_consoleField.buffer == '\0' )
if ( con.displayFrac == 0.0f || con.displayFrac < con.finalFrac )
Cmd_TokenizeString( g_consoleField.buffer );
if ( Cmd_Argc() < 1 )
const char* name = Cmd_Argv(0);
if ( *name == '/' || *name == '\\' )
if ( *name == '\0' )
const qbool printAlways = (con_drawHelp->integer & DRAWHELP_NOTFOUND_BIT) != 0;
const qbool printModules = (con_drawHelp->integer & DRAWHELP_MODULES_BIT) != 0;
const qbool printAttribs = (con_drawHelp->integer & DRAWHELP_ATTRIBS_BIT) != 0;
con.helpDraw = qfalse;
con.helpX = 0;
con.helpWidth = 0;
con.helpLines = 0;
con.helpXAdjust = con.xadjust + 2 * con.cw;
const printHelpResult_t result = Com_PrintHelp( name, &Con_HelpPrintf, qfalse, printModules, printAttribs );
if ( result == PHR_NOTFOUND || ( result == PHR_NOHELP && !printAlways ) )
const float d = (int)con.ch;
const float x = (int)(con.helpXAdjust - con.cw);
const float y = (int)(cls.glconfig.vidHeight * con.displayFrac);
const float w = (int)((con.helpWidth + 2) * con.cw);
const float h = (int)((con.helpLines + 1) * con.ch);
con.helpDraw = qtrue;
con.helpX = 0;
con.helpY = y + 1.5f * con.ch;
const float yh = (int)(con.helpY - con.ch / 2.0f);
re.SetColor( colBG );
re.DrawTriangle( x, y, x + d, y + d, x, y + d, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, cls.whiteShader );
Con_FillRect( x, yh, w, h, colBG );
Con_FillRect( x + 1, yh + h + 0, w - 1, 1, colBorder );
Con_FillRect( x + 2, yh + h + 1, w - 2, 1, colBorder );
Con_FillRect( x + w + 0, yh + 1, 1, h + 1, colBorder );
Con_FillRect( x + w + 1, yh + 2, 1, h + 0, colBorder );
Com_PrintHelp( name, &Con_HelpPrintf, qfalse, printModules, printAttribs );
static void Con_DrawSolidConsole( float frac )
int i, x, y;
int rows;
int row;
int scanlines = Com_Clamp( 0, cls.glconfig.vidHeight, cls.glconfig.vidHeight * frac );
if (scanlines <= 0)
// draw the background
y = scanlines - 2;
Con_FillRect( 0, 0, cls.glconfig.vidWidth, y, colBG );
Con_FillRect( 0, y, cls.glconfig.vidWidth, 2, colBorder );
re.SetColor( colText );
i = strlen( com_cnq3VersionWithHash );
x = cls.glconfig.vidWidth - SMALLCHAR_WIDTH;
while (--i >= 0) {
SCR_DrawChar( x, scanlines - (SMALLCHAR_HEIGHT * 1.5), SMALLCHAR_WIDTH, SMALLCHAR_HEIGHT, com_cnq3VersionWithHash[i] );
const int cw = (int)ceilf( con.cw );
const int ch = (int)ceilf( con.ch );
re.SetColor( NULL );
rows = (scanlines - ch) / ch;
con.y = scanlines;
y = scanlines - (ch * 3);
// draw the console text from the bottom up
if (con.display != con.current) {
// draw arrows to show the buffer is backscrolled
const int xEnd = ( cls.glconfig.vidWidth - con.xadjust ) / cw;
re.SetColor( colArrow );
for (x = 0; x < xEnd; x += 4)
SCR_DrawChar( con.xadjust + x * cw, y, cw, ch, '^' );
y -= ch;
row = con.display;
if ( con.x == 0 ) {
const int markStartX = min( con.markStartX, con.markX );
const int markStartY = min( con.markStartY, con.markY );
const int markEndX = max( con.markStartX, con.markX );
const int markEndY = max( con.markStartY, con.markY );
qbool drawMark = qfalse;
if (con.markMode) {
// draw the mark area background, if any
const float mhu = ( markEndY - markStartY + 1 ) * ch; // unclipped
const float mh = min( mhu, (float)(con.display - markStartY) * ch );
drawMark =
markEndX != markStartX ||
markEndY != markStartY ||
Sys_Milliseconds() % 1000 < 500;
if (drawMark && mh > 0.0f) {
const float mx = con.xadjust + markStartX * cw;
const float my = y - ( con.display - markStartY - 1 ) * ch;
const float mw = ( markEndX - markStartX + 1 ) * cw;
Con_FillRect( mx, my, mw, mh, colMkBG );
con.rowsVisible = 0;
for (i = 0; i < rows; ++i, --row, y -= ch )
if (row < 0)
if (con.current - row >= con.totallines) {
// past scrollback wrap point
if (y >= 0)
const short* const text = con.text + (row % con.totallines)*con.linewidth;
const qbool markRow = drawMark && row >= markStartY && row <= markEndY;
char color = COLOR_INVALID;
for (int j = 0; j < con.linewidth; ++j) {
char newColor = COLOR_SHAD;
if (markRow && j >= markStartX && j <= markEndX)
newColor = COLOR_MKSHAD;
if (newColor != color) {
color = newColor;
re.SetColor( ConsoleColorFromChar( color ) );
SCR_DrawChar( 1 + con.xadjust + j * cw, 1 + y, cw, ch, (text[j] & 0xFF) );
if ((row % con.totallines) == con.searchLineIndex) {
re.SetColor( colSearch );
SCR_DrawChar( con.xadjust - con.cw, y, con.cw, con.ch, 141 );
for (int j = 0; j < con.linewidth; ++j) {
char newColor = text[j] >> 8;
if (markRow && j >= markStartX && j <= markEndX)
newColor = COLOR_MKTEXT;
if (newColor != color) {
color = newColor;
re.SetColor( ConsoleColorFromChar( color ) );
SCR_DrawChar( con.xadjust + j * cw, y, cw, ch, (text[j] & 0xFF) );
CL_MapDownload_DrawConsole( con.cw, con.ch );
re.SetColor( NULL );
void Con_DrawConsole()
// check for console width changes from a vid mode change
// if disconnected, render console full screen
if ( cls.state == CA_DISCONNECTED ) {
if ( !( cls.keyCatchers & (KEYCATCH_UI | KEYCATCH_CGAME)) ) {
Con_DrawSolidConsole( 1.0 );
if ( con.displayFrac ) {
Con_DrawSolidConsole( con.displayFrac );
} else {
// draw notify lines
if ( cls.state == CA_ACTIVE ) {
// slide the console onto/off the screen
void Con_RunConsole()
// decide on the destination height of the console
if ( cls.keyCatchers & KEYCATCH_CONSOLE )
con.finalFrac = 0.5f; // half screen
con.finalFrac = 0.0f; // none visible
// scroll towards the destination height
if (con.finalFrac < con.displayFrac)
con.displayFrac -= con_speed->value * (float)cls.realFrametime / 1000.0f;
if (con.finalFrac > con.displayFrac)
con.displayFrac = con.finalFrac;
else if (con.finalFrac > con.displayFrac)
con.displayFrac += con_speed->value * (float)cls.realFrametime / 1000.0f;
if (con.finalFrac < con.displayFrac)
con.displayFrac = con.finalFrac;
#define COLOR_LIST_ITEM( Name, Default, HasAlpha, Help, Title ) GetFloatColor( col##Name, con_col##Name, HasAlpha );
static void Con_FixPosition()
if ( con.display < con.totallines ) {
con.display = con.totallines;
} else if ( con.display > con.current ) {
con.display = con.current;
void Con_ScrollLines( int lines )
if (lines == 0)
con.display += lines;
void Con_ScrollPages( int pages )
if (pages == 0)
// we allow a single line of overlap for readability
con.display += pages * (con.rowsVisible - 1);
void Con_Top()
con.display = con.totallines;
if ( con.current - con.display >= con.totallines ) {
con.display = con.current - con.totallines + 1;
void Con_Bottom()
con.display = con.current;
void Con_Close()
if ( !com_cl_running->integer ) {
Field_Clear( &g_consoleField );
cls.keyCatchers &= ~KEYCATCH_CONSOLE;
con.finalFrac = 0; // none visible
con.displayFrac = 0;
static void Con_BeginSearch_f()
if ( Cmd_Argc() != 2 ) {
Com_Printf( "usage: %s search_pattern\n", Cmd_Argv(0) );
Q_strncpyz( con.searchPattern, Cmd_Argv(1), sizeof(con.searchPattern) );
con.searchLineIndex = con.current;
con.searchStarted = qtrue;
Con_ContinueSearch( qtrue );
void Con_ContinueSearch( qbool forward )
if ( !con.searchStarted )
// end is 1 past the end
int incr, start, end;
if ( forward ) {
// bottom-up
incr = -1;
start = con.searchLineIndex + con.totallines - 1;
end = start - con.totallines;
} else {
// top-down
incr = 1;
start = con.searchLineIndex + 1;
end = start + con.totallines;
char rawText[256];
assert( sizeof(rawText) > con.linewidth );
rawText[con.linewidth] = '\0';
for ( int l = start; l != end; l += incr ) {
const int line = l % con.totallines;
const short* const coloredText = &con.text[line * con.linewidth];
for ( int i = 0; i < con.linewidth; i++ ) {
rawText[i] = coloredText[i] & 0xFF;
for ( int x = con.linewidth - 1; x >= 0; x-- ) {
if ( rawText[x] == ' ' ) {
rawText[x] = '\0';
} else {
// ignore all "searchconsole" calls
if ( rawText[0] == ']' &&
(rawText[1] == '/' || rawText[1] == '\\') &&
Q_strncmp(rawText + 2, "searchconsole ", 14) == 0) {
if ( Com_Filter( con.searchPattern, rawText ) ) {
con.searchLineIndex = line;
const int display = con.searchLineIndex + con.totallines + 1;
if ( display > con.display || display <= con.display - con.rowsVisible )
con.display = display;
static void Con_AutoScrollMarkPosition()
if (con.markY >= con.display) {
con.display = con.markY + 1;
} else if (con.markY < con.display - con.rowsVisible) {
// we need to jump past 1 more line when we're all the way at the bottom
const int extra = con.display == con.current ? 1 : 0;
con.display += con.markY - ( con.display - con.rowsVisible ) - extra;
qbool Con_HandleMarkMode( qbool ctrlDown, qbool shiftDown, int key )
// ctrl-m = toggle mark mode
if ( ctrlDown && tolower(key) == 'm' ) {
con.markMode = !con.markMode;
if (con.markMode) {
con.markX = 0;
con.markY = con.display - 1;
con.markStartX = 0;
con.markStartY = con.display - 1;
return qtrue;
if (!con.markMode) {
return qfalse;
if (key == K_HOME) {
if (ctrlDown)
return qfalse;
con.markX = 0;
if (!shiftDown) {
con.markStartX = con.markX;
con.markStartY = con.markY;
return qtrue;
if (key == K_END) {
if (ctrlDown)
return qfalse;
con.markX = con.linewidth - 1;
if (shiftDown) {
// avoid selecting trailing columns of whitespace
const int markStartY = min( con.markStartY, con.markY );
const int markEndY = max( con.markStartY, con.markY );
while (con.markX > 0) {
qboolean skip = qtrue;
for (int y = markStartY; y <= markEndY; ++y) {
const int row = y % con.totallines;
const short* const text = con.text + row * con.linewidth;
const char c = text[con.markX] & 0xFF;
if (c != ' ')
skip = qfalse;
if (!skip)
} else {
// avoid jumping into whitespace
const int row = con.markY % con.totallines;
const short* const text = con.text + row * con.linewidth;
while (con.markX > 0) {
const char c = text[con.markX] & 0xFF;
if (c != ' ')
// back to single character selection
con.markStartX = con.markX;
con.markStartY = con.markY;
return qtrue;
if (key == K_LEFTARROW) {
con.markX = max( con.markX - 1, 0 );
if (!shiftDown) {
con.markStartX = con.markX;
con.markStartY = con.markY;
return qtrue;
if (key == K_RIGHTARROW) {
con.markX = min( con.markX + 1, con.linewidth );
if (!shiftDown) {
con.markStartX = con.markX;
con.markStartY = con.markY;
return qtrue;
if (key == K_UPARROW) {
con.markY = max( con.markY - 1, con.totallines - 1 );
if (!shiftDown) {
con.markStartX = con.markX;
con.markStartY = con.markY;
return qtrue;
if (key == K_DOWNARROW) {
con.markY = min( con.markY + 1, con.current - 1 );
if (!shiftDown) {
con.markStartX = con.markX;
con.markStartY = con.markY;
return qtrue;
if (shiftDown && key == K_PGUP) {
con.markY = max( con.markY - 6, con.totallines - 1 );
return qtrue;
if (shiftDown && key == K_PGDN) {
con.markY = min( con.markY + 6, con.current - 1 );
return qtrue;
if ((ctrlDown && tolower(key) == 'c') || key == K_ENTER) {
const int markStartX = min( con.markStartX, con.markX );
const int markStartY = min( con.markStartY, con.markY );
const int markEndX = max( con.markStartX, con.markX );
const int markEndY = max( con.markStartY, con.markY );
char* dst = con.markText;
for (int y = markStartY; y <= markEndY; ++y) {
if (y > markStartY) {
*dst++ = '\r';
*dst++ = '\n';
const int row = y % con.totallines;
const short* const text = con.text + row * con.linewidth;
for (int x = markStartX; x <= markEndX; ++x) {
*dst++ = text[x] & 0xFF;
*dst++ = '\0';
Sys_SetClipboardData( con.markText );
con.markMode = qfalse;
return qtrue;
// let the original scrolling code run...
if (key == K_PGDN || key == K_PGUP ||
key == K_MWHEELDOWN || key == K_MWHEELUP) {
return qfalse;
// ...but block everything else
return qtrue;
qbool Con_IsInMarkMode()
return con.markMode;