mirror of
synced 2025-03-12 04:02:52 +00:00

- fixed crash due to missing blue noise texture - added motion vector viz - renamed TextureFormat entries
458 lines
12 KiB
458 lines
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Copyright (C) 1999-2005 Id Software, Inc.
This file is part of Quake III Arena source code.
Quake III Arena source code is free software; you can redistribute it
and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License,
or (at your option) any later version.
Quake III Arena source code is distributed in the hope that it will be
useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with Quake III Arena source code; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
#include "tr_local.h"
#define RC(Enum, Type) (int)sizeof(Type),
const int renderCommandSizes[RC_COUNT + 1] =
#undef RC
// we reserve space for frame ending commands as well as transition commands (begin/end 2D/3D rendering)
static const int CmdListReservedBytes = (int)(sizeof(swapBuffersCommand_t) + sizeof(screenshotCommand_t) + 16 * sizeof(void*));
static qbool R_IsReadbackRequested( readbackCommands_t* readback )
Q_assert( readback );
readback->screenshot.requested != 0 ||
readback->videoFrame.requested != 0;
void R_IssueRenderCommands()
// add an end-of-list command
renderCommandList_t* cmdList = &backEndData->commands;
((renderCommandBase_t*)(cmdList->cmds + cmdList->used))->commandId = RC_END_OF_LIST;
// clear it out, in case this is a sync and not a buffer flip
cmdList->used = 0;
// process render commands
readbackCommands_t* const readback = &backEndData->readbackCommands;
renderPipeline->ExecuteRenderCommands( cmdList->cmds, R_IsReadbackRequested( readback ) );
// process readback commands
if ( readback->screenshot.requested ) {
RB_TakeScreenshotCmd( &readback->screenshot );
if ( readback->videoFrame.requested ) {
RB_TakeVideoFrameCmd( &readback->videoFrame );
readback->screenshot.requested = qfalse;
readback->videoFrame.requested = qfalse;
static qbool CanAllocateRenderCommand( int bytes, qbool endFrame )
const int endOffset = endFrame ? 0 : CmdListReservedBytes;
const renderCommandList_t* const cmdList = &backEndData->commands;
if ( cmdList->used + bytes + endOffset > MAX_RENDER_COMMANDS ) {
return qfalse;
return qtrue;
template<typename T>
static qbool CanAllocateRenderCommand( qbool endFrame = qfalse )
return CanAllocateRenderCommand( sizeof(T), endFrame );
byte* R_AllocateRenderCommand( int bytes, int commandId, qbool endFrame )
Q_assert( bytes % 8 == 0 );
const int endOffset = endFrame ? 0 : CmdListReservedBytes;
renderCommandList_t* const cmdList = &backEndData->commands;
// always leave room for the end of list command
if ( cmdList->used + bytes + endOffset > MAX_RENDER_COMMANDS ) {
if ( bytes > MAX_RENDER_COMMANDS - endOffset ) {
ri.Error( ERR_FATAL, "R_GetCommandBuffer: bad size %i", bytes );
if ( endFrame ) {
// we reserved memory specifically for this case
// so this really shouldn't ever happen
ri.Error( ERR_FATAL, "R_GetCommandBuffer: can't allocate %i bytes to end the frame", bytes );
// if we run out of room, just start dropping commands
return NULL;
cmdList->used += bytes;
byte* const cmd = cmdList->cmds + cmdList->used - bytes;
((renderCommandBase_t*)cmd)->commandId = commandId;
return cmd;
template<typename T>
static T* AllocateRenderCommand( int commandId, qbool endFrame = qfalse )
Q_assert( commandId >= 0 );
Q_assert( commandId < RC_COUNT );
Q_assert( (int)sizeof(T) == renderCommandSizes[commandId] );
return (T*)R_AllocateRenderCommand( sizeof(T), commandId, endFrame );
static void Begin2D()
if ( tr.renderMode != RM_UI ) {
tr.renderMode = RM_UI;
AllocateRenderCommand<beginUICommand_t>( RC_BEGIN_UI );
static void End2D( qbool endFrame = qfalse )
if ( tr.renderMode == RM_UI ) {
tr.renderMode = RM_NONE;
AllocateRenderCommand<endUICommand_t>( RC_END_UI, endFrame );
static void Begin3D()
if ( tr.renderMode != RM_3D ) {
tr.renderMode = RM_3D;
AllocateRenderCommand<begin3DCommand_t>( RC_BEGIN_3D );
static void End3D( qbool endFrame = qfalse )
if ( tr.renderMode == RM_3D ) {
tr.renderMode = RM_NONE;
AllocateRenderCommand<end3DCommand_t>( RC_END_3D, endFrame );
static void BeginNK()
if ( tr.renderMode != RM_NK ) {
tr.renderMode = RM_NK;
AllocateRenderCommand<beginNuklearCommand_t>( RC_BEGIN_NK );
static void EndNK( qbool endFrame = qfalse )
if ( tr.renderMode == RM_NK ) {
tr.renderMode = RM_NONE;
AllocateRenderCommand<endNuklearCommand_t>( RC_END_NK, endFrame );
void R_AddDrawSurfCmd( drawSurf_t* drawSurfs, int numDrawSurfs, int numTranspSurfs )
if ( !CanAllocateRenderCommand<drawSceneViewCommand_t>() )
drawSceneViewCommand_t* const cmd = AllocateRenderCommand<drawSceneViewCommand_t>(RC_DRAW_SCENE_VIEW);
Q_assert( cmd );
qbool shouldClearColor = qfalse;
qbool shouldDrawScene = qtrue;
vec4_t clearColor = { 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f };
if ( tr.refdef.rdflags & RDF_HYPERSPACE ) {
const float c = RB_HyperspaceColor();
clearColor[0] = c;
clearColor[1] = c;
clearColor[2] = c;
shouldClearColor = qtrue;
shouldDrawScene = qfalse;
} else if ( r_fastsky->integer && !(tr.refdef.rdflags & RDF_NOWORLDMODEL) ) {
shouldClearColor = qtrue;
} else if ( r_clear->integer ) {
clearColor[0] = 1.0f;
clearColor[1] = 0.0f;
clearColor[2] = 1.0f;
shouldClearColor = qtrue;
cmd->drawSurfs = drawSurfs;
cmd->numDrawSurfs = numDrawSurfs;
cmd->numTranspSurfs = numTranspSurfs;
cmd->refdef = tr.refdef;
cmd->viewParms = tr.viewParms;
cmd->shouldClearColor = shouldClearColor;
cmd->shouldDrawScene = shouldDrawScene;
Vector4Copy( clearColor, cmd->clearColor );
// full-screen non-portal view?
if(!tr.viewParms.isPortal &&
tr.viewParms.viewportX == 0 &&
tr.viewParms.viewportY == 0 &&
tr.viewParms.viewportWidth == glConfig.vidWidth &&
tr.viewParms.viewportHeight == glConfig.vidHeight)
// combined view-projection matrices
memcpy(tr.prevViewProjMatrix, tr.currViewProjMatrix, sizeof(tr.prevViewProjMatrix));
R_MultMatrix(tr.viewParms.world.modelMatrix, tr.viewParms.projectionMatrix, tr.currViewProjMatrix);
// separate view and projection matrices
memcpy(tr.prevViewMatrix, tr.currViewMatrix, sizeof(tr.prevViewMatrix));
memcpy(tr.prevProjMatrix, tr.currProjMatrix, sizeof(tr.prevProjMatrix));
memcpy(tr.currViewMatrix, tr.viewParms.world.modelMatrix, sizeof(tr.currViewMatrix));
memcpy(tr.currProjMatrix, tr.viewParms.projectionMatrix, sizeof(tr.currProjMatrix));
// passing NULL will set the color to white
void RE_SetColor( const float* rgba )
if ( !CanAllocateRenderCommand<uiSetColorCommand_t>() )
uiSetColorCommand_t* const cmd = AllocateRenderCommand<uiSetColorCommand_t>(RC_UI_SET_COLOR);
Q_assert( cmd );
if ( !rgba )
rgba = colorWhite;
cmd->color[0] = rgba[0];
cmd->color[1] = rgba[1];
cmd->color[2] = rgba[2];
cmd->color[3] = rgba[3];
void RE_StretchPic( float x, float y, float w, float h, float s1, float t1, float s2, float t2, qhandle_t hShader )
if ( !CanAllocateRenderCommand<uiDrawQuadCommand_t>() )
uiDrawQuadCommand_t* const cmd = AllocateRenderCommand<uiDrawQuadCommand_t>(RC_UI_DRAW_QUAD);
Q_assert( cmd );
cmd->shader = R_GetShaderByHandle( hShader );
cmd->x = x;
cmd->y = y;
cmd->w = w;
cmd->h = h;
cmd->s1 = s1;
cmd->t1 = t1;
cmd->s2 = s2;
cmd->t2 = t2;
void RE_DrawTriangle( float x0, float y0, float x1, float y1, float x2, float y2, float s0, float t0, float s1, float t1, float s2, float t2, qhandle_t hShader )
if ( !CanAllocateRenderCommand<uiDrawTriangleCommand_t>() )
uiDrawTriangleCommand_t* const cmd = AllocateRenderCommand<uiDrawTriangleCommand_t>(RC_UI_DRAW_TRIANGLE);
Q_assert( cmd );
cmd->shader = R_GetShaderByHandle( hShader );
cmd->x0 = x0;
cmd->y0 = y0;
cmd->x1 = x1;
cmd->y1 = y1;
cmd->x2 = x2;
cmd->y2 = y2;
cmd->s0 = s0;
cmd->t0 = t0;
cmd->s1 = s1;
cmd->t1 = t1;
cmd->s2 = s2;
cmd->t2 = t2;
// if running in stereo, RE_BeginFrame will be called twice for each RE_EndFrame
void RE_BeginFrame( stereoFrame_t stereoFrame )
if ( !tr.registered )
tr.frameSceneNum = 0;
tr.renderMode = RM_NONE;
tr.sceneCounterRT = 0;
tr.numRTSurfs = 0;
// delayed screenshot
if ( r_delayedScreenshotPending ) {
if ( r_delayedScreenshotFrame >= 1 ) {
backEndData->readbackCommands.screenshot = r_delayedScreenshot;
backEndData->readbackCommands.screenshot.requested = qtrue;
r_delayedScreenshotPending = qfalse;
r_delayedScreenshotFrame = 0;
// draw buffer stuff
AllocateRenderCommand<beginFrameCommand_t>( RC_BEGIN_FRAME );
void RE_EndFrame( qbool render )
if ( !tr.registered )
if ( !render && r_delayedScreenshotPending )
render = qtrue;
if ( !render ) {
readbackCommands_t* const readback = &backEndData->readbackCommands;
if ( R_IsReadbackRequested( readback ) )
render = qtrue;
backEnd.renderFrame = render;
End2D( qtrue );
End3D( qtrue );
EndNK( qtrue );
if ( render ) {
AllocateRenderCommand<swapBuffersCommand_t>( RC_SWAP_BUFFERS, qtrue );
} else {
Com_Memset( &tr.pc, 0, sizeof( tr.pc ) );
Com_Memset( &backEnd.pc2D, 0, sizeof( backEnd.pc2D ) );
Com_Memset( &backEnd.pc3D, 0, sizeof( backEnd.pc3D ) );
void RE_TakeVideoFrame( int width, int height, byte *captureBuffer, byte *encodeBuffer, qbool motionJpeg )
if ( !CanAllocateRenderCommand<videoFrameCommand_t>() )
videoFrameCommand_t* const cmd = &backEndData->readbackCommands.videoFrame;
cmd->requested = qtrue;
cmd->width = width;
cmd->height = height;
cmd->captureBuffer = captureBuffer;
cmd->encodeBuffer = encodeBuffer;
cmd->motionJpeg = motionJpeg;
void R_EndScene( const viewParms_t* viewParms )
if ( !CanAllocateRenderCommand<endSceneCommand_t>() )
Q_assert( tr.renderMode == RM_3D );
endSceneCommand_t* const cmd = AllocateRenderCommand<endSceneCommand_t>( RC_END_SCENE );
Q_assert( cmd );
cmd->viewParms = *viewParms;
void RE_UploadNuklear( void* vertexes, int numVertexBytes, void* indexes, int numIndexBytes )
if ( !CanAllocateRenderCommand<nuklearUploadCommand_t>() )
Q_assert( tr.renderMode == RM_NK );
nuklearUploadCommand_t* const cmd = AllocateRenderCommand<nuklearUploadCommand_t>( RC_NK_UPLOAD );
Q_assert( cmd );
cmd->vertexes = vertexes;
cmd->numVertexBytes = numVertexBytes;
cmd->indexes = indexes;
cmd->numIndexBytes = numIndexBytes;
void RE_DrawNuklear( int firstIndex, int numIndexes, qhandle_t shader, const int* scissorRect )
if ( !CanAllocateRenderCommand<nuklearDrawCommand_t>() )
Q_assert( tr.renderMode == RM_NK );
if ( tr.renderMode != RM_NK )
nuklearDrawCommand_t* const cmd = AllocateRenderCommand<nuklearDrawCommand_t>( RC_NK_DRAW );
Q_assert( cmd );
cmd->firstIndex = firstIndex;
cmd->numIndexes = numIndexes;
cmd->shader = shader;
cmd->scissorRect[0] = scissorRect[0];
cmd->scissorRect[1] = scissorRect[1];
cmd->scissorRect[2] = scissorRect[2];
cmd->scissorRect[3] = scissorRect[3];