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- brightness-corrected ImGUI drawing - upgraded shader code to HLSL 2021 - vertex normals drawing
444 lines
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444 lines
9.8 KiB
Copyright (C) 2023-2024 Gian 'myT' Schellenbaum
This file is part of Challenge Quake 3 (CNQ3).
Challenge Quake 3 is free software; you can redistribute it
and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License,
or (at your option) any later version.
Challenge Quake 3 is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with Challenge Quake 3. If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
// Shared Rendering Pipeline - private declarations
#pragma once
#include "tr_local.h"
#include "rhi_local.h"
using namespace RHI;
struct BufferBase
bool CanAdd(uint32_t count_)
return batchFirst + batchCount + count_ <= totalCount;
void EndBatch()
batchFirst += batchCount;
batchCount = 0;
void EndBatch(uint32_t size)
batchFirst += size;
batchCount = 0;
void Rewind()
batchFirst = 0;
batchCount = 0;
uint32_t totalCount = 0;
uint32_t batchFirst = 0;
uint32_t batchCount = 0;
struct IndexBuffer : BufferBase
void Create(const char* name, MemoryUsage::Id memoryUsage, uint32_t indexCount)
totalCount = indexCount;
BufferDesc desc = {};
desc.committedResource = true;
desc.initialState = ResourceStates::IndexBufferBit;
desc.memoryUsage = memoryUsage;
desc.name = va("%s index", name);
desc.byteCount = indexCount * sizeof(uint32_t);
buffer = CreateBuffer(desc);
void BeginUpload()
mapped = (uint32_t*)BeginBufferUpload(buffer);
void EndUpload()
mapped = NULL;
void Upload()
Q_assert(mapped != NULL);
uint32_t* const idx = mapped + batchFirst + batchCount;
memcpy(idx, &tess.indexes[0], tess.numIndexes * sizeof(uint32_t));
uint32_t* GetCurrentAddress()
return mapped + batchFirst + batchCount;
HBuffer buffer = RHI_MAKE_NULL_HANDLE();
uint32_t* mapped = NULL;
struct GeometryBuffer : BufferBase
void Init(uint32_t count_, uint32_t stride_)
byteCount = count_ * stride_;
stride = stride_;
totalCount = count_;
batchFirst = 0;
batchCount = 0;
void CreateVertexBuffer(const char* name, MemoryUsage::Id memoryUsage, uint32_t count, uint32_t stride_)
BufferDesc desc = {};
desc.committedResource = true;
desc.initialState = ResourceStates::VertexBufferBit;
desc.memoryUsage = memoryUsage;
desc.name = name;
desc.byteCount = count * stride_;
buffer = CreateBuffer(desc);
byteCount = count * stride_;
stride = stride_;
totalCount = count;
batchFirst = 0;
batchCount = 0;
void BeginUpload()
Q_assert(mapped == NULL);
mapped = BeginBufferUpload(buffer);
void EndUpload()
Q_assert(mapped != NULL);
mapped = NULL;
HBuffer buffer = RHI_MAKE_NULL_HANDLE();
uint32_t byteCount = 0;
uint32_t stride = 0;
uint8_t* mapped = NULL;
struct RenderMode
enum Id
struct RenderPassQueries
char name[64];
uint32_t gpuDurationUS;
uint32_t cpuDurationUS;
int64_t cpuStartUS;
uint32_t queryIndex;
MaxRenderPasses = 64, // cg_draw3dIcons forces tons of 2D/3D transitions...
MaxStatsFrameCount = 64
struct RenderPassStats
void EndFrame(uint32_t cpu, uint32_t gpu);
uint32_t samplesCPU[MaxStatsFrameCount];
uint32_t samplesGPU[MaxStatsFrameCount];
stats_t statsCPU;
stats_t statsGPU;
uint32_t count;
uint32_t index;
struct RenderPassFrame
RenderPassQueries passes[MaxRenderPasses];
uint32_t count;
struct FrameStats
enum { MaxFrames = 1024 };
void EndFrame();
float temp[MaxFrames];
float p2pMS[MaxFrames];
stats_t p2pStats;
int frameCount;
int frameIndex;
int skippedFrames;
struct MipMapGenerator
void Init(bool ddhi, const ShaderByteCode& g2l, const ShaderByteCode& down, const ShaderByteCode& l2g);
void GenerateMipMaps(HTexture texture);
struct Stage
enum Id
Start, // gamma to linear
DownSample, // down sample on 1 axis
End, // linear to gamma
HRootSignature rootSignature;
HDescriptorTable descriptorTable;
HPipeline pipeline;
struct MipSlice
enum Id
HTexture textures[MipSlice::Count];
Stage stages[3];
bool ddhi = false;
struct UI
void Init(bool ddhi_, const ShaderByteCode& vs, const ShaderByteCode& ps, TextureFormat::Id rtFormat,
HDescriptorTable descTable, RootSignatureDesc* rootSigDesc);
void BeginFrame();
void Begin(HTexture renderTarget);
void End();
void CmdSetColor(const uiSetColorCommand_t& cmd);
void CmdDrawQuad(const uiDrawQuadCommand_t& cmd);
void CmdDrawTriangle(const uiDrawTriangleCommand_t& cmd);
void DrawBatch();
// 32-bit needed until the render logic is fixed!
typedef uint32_t Index;
const IndexType::Id indexType = IndexType::UInt32;
uint32_t renderPassIndex;
#pragma pack(push, 1)
struct Vertex
vec2_t position;
vec2_t texCoords;
uint32_t color;
#pragma pack(pop)
int maxIndexCount;
int maxVertexCount;
int firstIndex;
int firstVertex;
int indexCount;
int vertexCount;
HRootSignature rootSignature;
HDescriptorTable descriptorTable;
HPipeline pipeline;
HBuffer indexBuffer;
HBuffer vertexBuffer;
Index* indices;
Vertex* vertices;
uint32_t color;
const shader_t* shader;
bool ddhi; // direct descriptor heap indexing
struct ImGUI
HTexture Init(bool ddhi, const ShaderByteCode& vs, const ShaderByteCode& ps, TextureFormat::Id rtFormat, HDescriptorTable descTable, RootSignatureDesc* rootSigDesc);
void RegisterFontAtlas(uint32_t fontIndex);
void Draw(HTexture renderTarget);
void BeginFrame();
void EndFrame();
struct FrameResources
HBuffer indexBuffer;
HBuffer vertexBuffer;
HRootSignature rootSignature;
HDescriptorTable descriptorTable;
HPipeline pipeline;
HTexture fontAtlas;
FrameResources frameResources[FrameCount];
bool frameStarted = false;
bool ddhi = false;
struct Nuklear
void Init(bool ddhi, const ShaderByteCode& vs, const ShaderByteCode& ps, TextureFormat::Id rtFormat, HDescriptorTable descTable, RootSignatureDesc* rootSigDesc);
void BeginFrame();
void Begin(HTexture renderTarget);
void End();
void Upload(const nuklearUploadCommand_t& cmd);
void Draw(const nuklearDrawCommand_t& cmd);
struct FrameResources
HBuffer indexBuffer;
HBuffer vertexBuffer;
HRootSignature rootSignature;
HDescriptorTable descriptorTable;
HPipeline pipeline;
FrameResources frameResources[FrameCount];
uint32_t renderPassIndex;
int prevScissorRect[4];
// reset every frame
int firstVertex;
int firstIndex;
int numVertexes; // set in Upload
int numIndexes; // set in Upload
bool ddhi = false;
struct SRP
uint32_t BeginRenderPass(const char* name, float r, float g, float b);
void EndRenderPass(uint32_t index);
// @NOTE: SRP::BeginFrame doesn't call RHI::BeginFrame
// @NOTE: SRP::EndFrame calls RHI::EndFrame and Sys_V_EndFrame
void BeginFrame(); // call at the start of IRenderPipeline::BeginFrame
void EndFrame(); // call at the end of IRenderPipeline::EndFrame
void DrawGUI();
// call this in Init but only on srp.firstInit
// you need to register them in your own local descriptor table(s)
void CreateShaderTraceBuffers();
bool firstInit = true; // first RP init after a RHI init?
RenderMode::Id renderMode; // necessary for sampler selection, useful for debugging
// shader trace
HBuffer traceRenderBuffer;
HBuffer traceReadbackBuffer;
// data for frame breakdown and frame graph
RenderPassFrame renderPasses[FrameCount];
RenderPassFrame tempRenderPasses;
RenderPassStats renderPassStats[MaxRenderPasses];
RenderPassStats wholeFrameStats;
FrameStats frameStats;
bool enableRenderPassQueries = true;
// PSO stats
bool psoStatsValid = false;
int psoCount = 0;
int psoChangeCount = 0;
extern SRP srp;
struct ScopedRenderPass
ScopedRenderPass(const char* name, float r, float g, float b)
index = srp.BeginRenderPass(name, r, g, b);
uint32_t index;
#define SCOPED_RENDER_PASS(Name, R, G, B) ScopedRenderPass CONCAT(rp_, __LINE__)(Name, R, G, B)
#define BASE_SAMPLER_COUNT ((int)(TW_COUNT * TextureFilter::Count * MaxTextureMips))
const image_t* GetBundleImage(const textureBundle_t& bundle);
uint32_t GetBaseSamplerIndex(textureWrap_t wrap, TextureFilter::Id filter, uint32_t minLOD);
uint32_t GetSamplerIndex(textureWrap_t wrap, TextureFilter::Id filter, uint32_t minLOD = 0);
uint32_t GetSamplerIndex(const image_t* image);
void ReadTextureImage(void* outPixels, HTexture hreadback, int w, int h, int alignment, colorSpace_t colorSpace);
void UpdateEntityData(bool& depthHack, int entityNum, double originalTime);
cullType_t GetMirrorredCullType(cullType_t cullType);
uint32_t AlphaTestShaderConstFromStateBits(unsigned int stateBits);
inline void CmdSetViewportAndScissor(uint32_t x, uint32_t y, uint32_t w, uint32_t h)
CmdSetViewport(x, y, w, h);
CmdSetScissor(x, y, w, h);
inline void CmdSetViewportAndScissor(const viewParms_t& vp)
CmdSetViewportAndScissor(vp.viewportX, vp.viewportY, vp.viewportWidth, vp.viewportHeight);
inline bool IsDepthFadeEnabled(const shader_t& shader)
r_depthFade->integer != 0 &&
shader.dfType > DFT_NONE &&
shader.dfType < DFT_TBD;
inline bool IsViewportFullscreen(const viewParms_t& vp)
vp.viewportX == 0 &&
vp.viewportY == 0 &&
vp.viewportWidth == glConfig.vidWidth &&
vp.viewportHeight == glConfig.vidHeight;