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#pragma once
// Define IM3D_CONFIG "myfilename.h" from your build system if you do not want to modify im3d_config.h directly.
#ifdef IM3D_CONFIG
#include IM3D_CONFIG
#include "im3d_config.h"
#define IM3D_VERSION "1.16"
#ifndef IM3D_API
#define IM3D_API
#ifndef IM3D_ASSERT
#include <cassert>
#define IM3D_ASSERT(e) assert(e)
#include <cstdarg> // va_list
namespace Im3d {
typedef unsigned int U32;
struct Vec2;
struct Vec3;
struct Vec4;
struct Mat3;
struct Mat4;
struct Color;
struct VertexData;
struct AppData;
struct DrawList;
struct TextDrawList;
struct Context;
typedef U32 Id;
constexpr Id Id_Invalid = 0;
// Get AppData struct from the current context, fill before calling NewFrame().
IM3D_API AppData& GetAppData();
// Call at the start of each frame, after filling the AppData struct.
IM3D_API void NewFrame();
// Call after all Im3d calls have been made for the current frame, before accessing draw data.
IM3D_API void EndFrame();
// Access draw data. Draw lists are valid after calling EndFrame() and before calling NewFrame().
IM3D_API const DrawList* GetDrawLists();
IM3D_API U32 GetDrawListCount();
// Access to text draw data. Draw lists are valid after calling EndFrame() and before calling NewFrame().
IM3D_API const TextDrawList* GetTextDrawLists();
IM3D_API U32 GetTextDrawListCount();
// DEPRECATED (use EndFrame() + GetDrawLists()).
// Call after all Im3d calls have been made for the current frame.
IM3D_API void Draw();
// Begin/end primitive. End() must be called before starting each new primitive type.
IM3D_API void BeginPoints();
IM3D_API void BeginLines();
IM3D_API void BeginLineLoop();
IM3D_API void BeginLineStrip();
IM3D_API void BeginTriangles();
IM3D_API void BeginTriangleStrip();
IM3D_API void End();
// Add a vertex to the current primitive (call between Begin*() and End()).
IM3D_API void Vertex(const Vec3& _position);
IM3D_API void Vertex(const Vec3& _position, Color _color);
IM3D_API void Vertex(const Vec3& _position, float _size);
IM3D_API void Vertex(const Vec3& _position, float _size, Color _color);
IM3D_API void Vertex(float _x, float _y, float _z);
IM3D_API void Vertex(float _x, float _y, float _z, Color _color);
IM3D_API void Vertex(float _x, float _y, float _z, float _size);
IM3D_API void Vertex(float _x, float _y, float _z, float _size, Color _color);
// Color draw state (per vertex).
IM3D_API void PushColor(); // push the stack top
IM3D_API void PushColor(Color _color);
IM3D_API void PopColor();
IM3D_API void SetColor(Color _color);
IM3D_API void SetColor(float _r, float _g, float _b, float _a = 1.0f);
IM3D_API Color GetColor();
// Alpha draw state, multiplies the alpha set by the color draw state (per vertex).
IM3D_API void PushAlpha(); // push the stack top
IM3D_API void PushAlpha(float _alpha);
IM3D_API void PopAlpha();
IM3D_API void SetAlpha(float _alpha);
IM3D_API float GetAlpha();
// Size draw state, for points/lines this is the radius/width in pixels (per vertex).
IM3D_API void PushSize(); // push the stack top
IM3D_API void PushSize(float _size);
IM3D_API void PopSize();
IM3D_API void SetSize(float _size);
IM3D_API float GetSize();
// Sorting draw state, enable depth sorting between primitives (per primitive).
IM3D_API void PushEnableSorting(); // push the stack top
IM3D_API void PushEnableSorting(bool _enable);
IM3D_API void PopEnableSorting();
IM3D_API void EnableSorting(bool _enable);
// Push/pop all draw states (color, alpha, size, sorting).
IM3D_API void PushDrawState();
IM3D_API void PopDrawState();
// Transform state (per vertex).
IM3D_API void PushMatrix(); // push stack top
IM3D_API void PushMatrix(const Mat4& _mat4);
IM3D_API void PopMatrix();
IM3D_API void SetMatrix(const Mat4& _mat4);
IM3D_API void SetIdentity();
IM3D_API void MulMatrix(const Mat4& _mat4);
IM3D_API void Translate(float _x, float _y, float _z);
IM3D_API void Translate(const Vec3& _vec3);
IM3D_API void Rotate(const Vec3& _axis, float _angle);
IM3D_API void Rotate(const Mat3& _rotation);
IM3D_API void Scale(float _x, float _y, float _z);
// High order shapes. Where _detail = -1, an automatic level of detail is chosen based on the distance to the view origin (as specified via the AppData struct).
IM3D_API void DrawXyzAxes();
IM3D_API void DrawPoint(const Vec3& _position, float _size, Color _color);
IM3D_API void DrawLine(const Vec3& _a, const Vec3& _b, float _size, Color _color);
IM3D_API void DrawQuad(const Vec3& _a, const Vec3& _b, const Vec3& _c, const Vec3& _d);
IM3D_API void DrawQuad(const Vec3& _origin, const Vec3& _normal, const Vec2& _size);
IM3D_API void DrawQuadFilled(const Vec3& _a, const Vec3& _b, const Vec3& _c, const Vec3& _d);
IM3D_API void DrawQuadFilled(const Vec3& _origin, const Vec3& _normal, const Vec2& _size);
IM3D_API void DrawCircle(const Vec3& _origin, const Vec3& _normal, float _radius, int _detail = -1);
IM3D_API void DrawCircleFilled(const Vec3& _origin, const Vec3& _normal, float _radius, int _detail = -1);
IM3D_API void DrawSphere(const Vec3& _origin, float _radius, int _detail = -1);
IM3D_API void DrawSphereFilled(const Vec3& _origin, float _radius, int _detail = -1);
IM3D_API void DrawAlignedBox(const Vec3& _min, const Vec3& _max);
IM3D_API void DrawAlignedBoxFilled(const Vec3& _min, const Vec3& _max);
IM3D_API void DrawCylinder(const Vec3& _start, const Vec3& _end, float _radius, int _detail = -1);
IM3D_API void DrawCapsule(const Vec3& _start, const Vec3& _end, float _radius, int _detail = -1);
IM3D_API void DrawPrism(const Vec3& _start, const Vec3& _end, float _radius, int _sides);
IM3D_API void DrawArrow(const Vec3& _start, const Vec3& _end, float _headLength = -1.0f, float _headThickness = -1.0f);
IM3D_API void DrawCone(const Vec3& _origin, const Vec3& _normal,float height, float _radius, int _detail);
IM3D_API void DrawConeFilled(const Vec3& _origin, const Vec3& _normal,float height, float _radius, int _detail);
// Add text. See TextFlags_ enum for _textFlags. _size is a hint to the application-side text rendering.
IM3D_API void Text(const Vec3& _position, U32 _textFlags, const char* _text, ...); // use the current draw state for size/color
IM3D_API void Text(const Vec3& _position, float _size, Color _color, U32 _textFlags, const char* _text, ...);
// IDs are used to uniquely identify gizmos and layers. Gizmo should have a unique ID during a frame.
// Note that ids are a hash of the whole ID stack, see PushId(), PopId().
IM3D_API Id MakeId(const char* _str);
IM3D_API Id MakeId(const void* _ptr);
IM3D_API Id MakeId(int _i);
// PushId(), PopId() affect the result of subsequent calls to MakeId(), use when creating gizmos in a loop.
IM3D_API void PushId(); // push stack top
IM3D_API void PushId(Id _id);
IM3D_API void PushId(const char* _str);
IM3D_API void PushId(const void* _ptr);
IM3D_API void PushId(int _i);
IM3D_API void PopId();
IM3D_API Id GetId();
// Layer id state, subsequent primitives are added to a separate draw list associated with the id (per primitive).
IM3D_API void PushLayerId(Id _layer);
IM3D_API void PushLayerId(const char* _str); // calls PushLayerId(MakeId(_str))
IM3D_API void PopLayerId();
IM3D_API Id GetLayerId();
// Manipulate translation/rotation/scale via a gizmo. Return true if the gizmo is 'active' (if it modified the output parameter).
// If _local is true, the Gizmo* functions expect that the local matrix is on the matrix stack; in general the application should
// push the local matrix before calling any of the following.
IM3D_API bool GizmoTranslation(const char* _id, float _translation_[3], bool _local = false);
IM3D_API bool GizmoRotation(const char* _id, float _rotation_[3*3], bool _local = false);
IM3D_API bool GizmoScale(const char* _id, float _scale_[3]); // local scale only
// Unified gizmo, selects local/global, translation/rotation/scale based on the context-global gizmo modes. Return true if the gizmo is active.
IM3D_API bool Gizmo(const char* _id, float _translation_[3], float _rotation_[3*3], float _scale_[3]); // any of _translation_/_rotation_/_scale_ may be null.
IM3D_API bool Gizmo(const char* _id, float _transform_[4*4]);
// Gizmo* overloads which take an ID directly. In some cases the app may want to call MakeId() separately, usually to change the gizmo appearance if hot/active.
IM3D_API bool GizmoTranslation(Id _id, float _translation_[3], bool _local = false);
IM3D_API bool GizmoRotation(Id _id, float _rotation_[3*3], bool _local = false);
IM3D_API bool GizmoScale(Id _id, float _scale_[3]);
IM3D_API bool Gizmo(Id _id, float _transform_[4*4]);
IM3D_API bool Gizmo(Id _id, float _translation_[3], float _rotation_[3*3], float _scale_[3]);
// Active gizmo ID. This will match the _id parameter passed to a Gizmo* function. Return Id_Invalid if no gizmo is in use.
IM3D_API Id GetActiveId();
// ID of the current current 'hot' gizmo (nearest intersecting gizmo along the cursor ray).
IM3D_API Id GetHotId();
// Visibility tests. The application must set a culling frustum via AppData.
IM3D_API bool IsVisible(const Vec3& _origin, float _radius); // sphere
IM3D_API bool IsVisible(const Vec3& _min, const Vec3& _max); // axis-aligned bounding box
// Get/set the current context. All Im3d calls affect the currently bound context.
IM3D_API Context& GetContext();
IM3D_API void SetContext(Context& _ctx);
// Merge vertex data from _src into _dst_. Layers are preserved. Call before EndFrame().
IM3D_API void MergeContexts(Context& _dst_, const Context& _src);
struct IM3D_API Vec2
float x, y;
Vec2() {}
Vec2(float _xy): x(_xy), y(_xy) {}
Vec2(float _x, float _y): x(_x), y(_y) {}
operator float*() { return &x; }
operator const float*() const { return &x; }
#ifdef IM3D_VEC2_APP
struct IM3D_API Vec3
float x, y, z;
Vec3() {}
Vec3(float _xyz): x(_xyz), y(_xyz), z(_xyz) {}
Vec3(float _x, float _y, float _z): x(_x), y(_y), z(_z) {}
Vec3(const Vec2& _xy, float _z): x(_xy.x), y(_xy.y), z(_z) {}
Vec3(const Vec4& _v); // discards w
operator float*() { return &x; }
operator const float*() const { return &x; }
#ifdef IM3D_VEC3_APP
struct IM3D_API Vec4
float x, y, z, w;
Vec4() {}
Vec4(float _xyzw): x(_xyzw), y(_xyzw), z(_xyzw), w(_xyzw) {}
Vec4(float _x, float _y, float _z, float _w): x(_x), y(_y), z(_z), w(_w) {}
Vec4(const Vec3& _xyz, float _w): x(_xyz.x), y(_xyz.y), z(_xyz.z), w(_w) {}
Vec4(Color _rgba);
operator float*() { return &x; }
operator const float*() const { return &x; }
#ifdef IM3D_VEC4_APP
struct IM3D_API Mat3
float m[3*3]; // column-major unless IM3D_MATRIX_ROW_MAJOR defined
Mat3() {}
Mat3(float _diagonal);
float m00, float m01, float m02,
float m10, float m11, float m12,
float m20, float m21, float m22
Mat3(const Vec3& _colX, const Vec3& _colY, const Vec3& _colZ);
Mat3(const Mat4& _mat4); // extract upper 3x3
operator float*() { return m; }
operator const float*() const { return m; }
Vec3 getCol(int _i) const;
Vec3 getRow(int _i) const;
void setCol(int _i, const Vec3& _v);
void setRow(int _i, const Vec3& _v);
Vec3 getScale() const;
void setScale(const Vec3& _scale);
float operator()(int _row, int _col) const
int i = _row * 3 + _col;
int i = _col * 3 + _row;
return m[i];
float& operator()(int _row, int _col)
int i = _row * 3 + _col;
int i = _col * 3 + _row;
return m[i];
#ifdef IM3D_MAT3_APP
struct IM3D_API Mat4
float m[4*4]; // column-major unless IM3D_MATRIX_ROW_MAJOR defined
Mat4() {}
Mat4(float _diagonal);
float m00, float m01, float m02, float m03,
float m10, float m11, float m12, float m13,
float m20, float m21, float m22, float m23,
float m30 = 0.0f, float m31 = 0.0f, float m32 = 0.0f, float m33 = 1.0f
Mat4(const Mat3& _mat3);
Mat4(const Vec3& _translation, const Mat3& _rotation, const Vec3& _scale);
operator float*() { return m; }
operator const float*() const { return m; }
Vec4 getCol(int _i) const;
Vec4 getRow(int _i) const;
void setCol(int _i, const Vec4& _v);
void setRow(int _i, const Vec4& _v);
Vec3 getTranslation() const;
void setTranslation(const Vec3& _translation);
Mat3 getRotation() const;
void setRotation(const Mat3& _rotation);
Vec3 getScale() const;
void setScale(const Vec3& _scale);
float operator()(int _row, int _col) const
int i = _row * 4 + _col;
int i = _col * 4 + _row;
return m[i];
float& operator()(int _row, int _col)
int i = _row * 4 + _col;
int i = _col * 4 + _row;
return m[i];
#ifdef IM3D_MAT4_APP
struct IM3D_API Color
U32 v; // rgba8 (MSB = r)
constexpr Color(): v(0) {}
constexpr Color(U32 _rgba): v(_rgba) {}
Color(const Vec4& _rgba);
Color(const Vec3& _rgb, float _alpha);
Color(float _r, float _g, float _b, float _a = 1.0f);
operator U32() const { return v; }
void set(int _i, float _val)
_i *= 8;
U32 mask = 0xff << _i;
v = (v & ~mask) | (U32(_val * 255.0f) << _i);
void setR(float _val) { set(3, _val); }
void setG(float _val) { set(2, _val); }
void setB(float _val) { set(1, _val); }
void setA(float _val) { set(0, _val); }
float get(int _i) const
_i *= 8;
U32 mask = 0xff << _i;
return float((v & mask) >> _i) / 255.0f;
float getR() const { return get(3); }
float getG() const { return get(2); }
float getB() const { return get(1); }
float getA() const { return get(0); }
U32 getABGR() const
return 0
| ((v & (0xff << 24)) >> 24) // r
| ((v & (0xff << 16)) >> 8) // g
| ((v & (0xff << 8)) << 8) // b
| ((v & (0xff )) << 24) // a
constexpr Color Color_Black = Color(0x000000ff);
constexpr Color Color_White = Color(0xffffffff);
constexpr Color Color_Gray = Color(0x808080ff);
constexpr Color Color_Red = Color(0xff0000ff);
constexpr Color Color_Green = Color(0x00ff00ff);
constexpr Color Color_Blue = Color(0x0000ffff);
constexpr Color Color_Magenta = Color(0xff00ffff);
constexpr Color Color_Yellow = Color(0xffff00ff);
constexpr Color Color_Cyan = Color(0x00ffffff);
constexpr Color Color_Pink = Color(0xffc0cbff);
constexpr Color Color_Orange = Color(0xffa500ff);
constexpr Color Color_Gold = Color(0xffd700ff);
constexpr Color Color_Brown = Color(0x8b4513ff);
constexpr Color Color_Purple = Color(0x800080ff);
constexpr Color Color_Teal = Color(0x008080ff);
constexpr Color Color_Navy = Color(0x000080ff);
struct alignas(IM3D_VERTEX_ALIGNMENT) VertexData
Vec4 m_positionSize; // xyz = position, w = size
Color m_color; // rgba8 (MSB = r)
VertexData() {}
VertexData(const Vec3& _position, float _size, Color _color): m_positionSize(_position, _size), m_color(_color) {}
enum DrawPrimitiveType
// order here determines the order in which unsorted primitives are drawn
struct DrawList
Id m_layerId;
DrawPrimitiveType m_primType;
const VertexData* m_vertexData;
U32 m_vertexCount;
typedef void (DrawPrimitivesCallback)(const DrawList& _drawList);
enum TextFlags
TextFlags_AlignLeft = (1 << 0),
TextFlags_AlignRight = (1 << 1),
TextFlags_AlignTop = (1 << 3),
TextFlags_AlignBottom = (1 << 4),
TextFlags_Default = 0 // align center
struct alignas(IM3D_VERTEX_ALIGNMENT) TextData
Vec4 m_positionSize; // xyz = position, w = size
Color m_color; // rgba8 (MSB = r)
U32 m_flags; // TextFlags
U32 m_textLength; // # chars in the text, excluding null terminator
U32 m_textBufferOffset; // start of the text in the draw list's text buffer
struct TextDrawList
Id m_layerId;
const TextData* m_textData;
U32 m_textDataCount;
const char* m_textBuffer;
enum Key
// the following map keys -> 'action' states which may be more intuitive
Action_Select = Mouse_Left,
Action_GizmoLocal = Key_L,
Action_GizmoRotation = Key_R,
Action_GizmoScale = Key_S,
Action_GizmoTranslation = Key_T,
enum FrustumPlane
struct AppData
bool m_keyDown[Key_Count] = { false }; // Key states.
Vec4 m_cullFrustum[FrustumPlane_Count] = { Vec4(0.0f) }; // Frustum planes for culling (if culling enabled).
Vec3 m_cursorRayOrigin = Vec3(0.0f); // World space cursor ray origin.
Vec3 m_cursorRayDirection = Vec3(0.0f); // World space cursor ray direction.
Vec3 m_worldUp = Vec3(0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f); // World space 'up' vector.
Vec3 m_viewOrigin = Vec3(0.0f); // World space render origin (camera position).
Vec3 m_viewDirection = Vec3(0.0f); // World space view direction.
Vec2 m_viewportSize = Vec2(0.0f); // Viewport size (pixels).
float m_projScaleY = 1.0f; // Scale factor used to convert from pixel size -> world scale; use tan(fov) for perspective projections, far plane height for ortho.
bool m_projOrtho = false; // If the projection matrix is orthographic.
float m_deltaTime = 0.0f; // Time since previous frame (seconds).
float m_snapTranslation = 0.0f; // Snap value for translation gizmos (world units). 0 = disabled.
float m_snapRotation = 0.0f; // Snap value for rotation gizmos (radians). 0 = disabled.
float m_snapScale = 0.0f; // Snap value for scale gizmos. 0 = disabled.
bool m_flipGizmoWhenBehind = true; // Flip gizmo axes when viewed from behind.
void* m_appData = nullptr; // App-specific data.
DrawPrimitivesCallback* drawCallback = nullptr; // e.g. void Im3d_Draw(const DrawList& _drawList)
// Extract cull frustum planes from the view-projection matrix.
// Set _ndcZNegativeOneToOne = true if the proj matrix maps z from [-1,1] (OpenGL style).
void setCullFrustum(const Mat4& _viewProj, bool _ndcZNegativeOneToOne);
// Minimal vector.
template <typename T>
struct Vector
Vector() {}
T& operator[](U32 _i) { IM3D_ASSERT(_i < m_size); return m_data[_i]; }
const T& operator[](U32 _i) const { IM3D_ASSERT(_i < m_size); return m_data[_i]; }
T* data() { return m_data; }
const T* data() const { return m_data; }
T& push_back() { if (m_size == m_capacity) { reserve(m_capacity + m_capacity / 2); } return m_data[m_size++]; }
void push_back(const T& _v) { T tmp = _v; if (m_size == m_capacity) { reserve(m_capacity + m_capacity / 2); } m_data[m_size++] = tmp; }
void pop_back() { IM3D_ASSERT(m_size > 0); --m_size; }
void append(const T* _v, U32 _count);
void append(const Vector<T>& _other) { append(_other.data(), _other.size()); }
T* begin() { return m_data; }
const T* begin() const { return m_data; }
T* end() { return m_data + m_size; }
const T* end() const { return m_data + m_size; }
T& front() { IM3D_ASSERT(m_size > 0); return m_data[0]; }
const T& front() const { IM3D_ASSERT(m_size > 0); return m_data[0]; }
T& back() { IM3D_ASSERT(m_size > 0); return m_data[m_size - 1]; }
const T& back() const { IM3D_ASSERT(m_size > 0); return m_data[m_size - 1]; }
U32 size() const { return m_size; }
U32 capacity() const { return m_capacity; }
bool empty() const { return m_size == 0; }
void clear() { m_size = 0; }
void reserve(U32 _capacity);
void resize(U32 _size, const T& _val);
void resize(U32 _size);
static void swap(Vector<T>& _a_, Vector<T>& _b_);
T* m_data = nullptr;
U32 m_size = 0;
U32 m_capacity = 0;
enum PrimitiveMode
enum GizmoMode
// Context stores all relevant state - main interface affects the context currently bound via SetCurrentContext().
struct IM3D_API Context
void begin(PrimitiveMode _mode);
void end();
void vertex(const Vec3& _position, float _size, Color _color);
void vertex(const Vec3& _position ) { vertex(_position, getSize(), getColor()); }
void text(const Vec3& _position, float _size, Color _color, TextFlags _flags, const char* _textStart, const char* _textEnd);
void text(const Vec3& _position, float _size, Color _color, TextFlags _flags, const char* _text, va_list _args);
void reset();
void merge(const Context& _src);
void endFrame();
void draw(); // DEPRECATED (see Im3d::Draw)
const DrawList* getDrawLists() const { return m_drawLists.data(); }
U32 getDrawListCount() const { return m_drawLists.size(); }
const TextDrawList* getTextDrawLists() const { return m_textDrawLists.data(); }
U32 getTextDrawListCount() const { return m_textDrawLists.size(); }
void setColor(Color _color) { m_colorStack.back() = _color; }
Color getColor() const { return m_colorStack.back(); }
void pushColor(Color _color) { m_colorStack.push_back(_color); }
void popColor() { IM3D_ASSERT(m_colorStack.size() > 1); m_colorStack.pop_back(); }
void setAlpha(float _alpha) { m_alphaStack.back() = _alpha; }
float getAlpha() const { return m_alphaStack.back(); }
void pushAlpha(float _alpha) { m_alphaStack.push_back(_alpha); }
void popAlpha() { IM3D_ASSERT(m_alphaStack.size() > 1); m_alphaStack.pop_back(); }
void setSize(float _size) { m_sizeStack.back() = _size; }
float getSize() const { return m_sizeStack.back(); }
void pushSize(float _size) { m_sizeStack.push_back(_size); }
void popSize() { IM3D_ASSERT(m_sizeStack.size() > 1); m_sizeStack.pop_back(); }
void setEnableSorting(bool _enable);
bool getEnableSorting() const { return m_enableSortingStack.back(); }
void pushEnableSorting(bool _enable);
void popEnableSorting();
Id getLayerId() const { return m_layerIdStack.back(); }
void pushLayerId(Id _layer);
void popLayerId();
void setMatrix(const Mat4& _mat4) { m_matrixStack.back() = _mat4; }
const Mat4& getMatrix() const { return m_matrixStack.back(); }
void pushMatrix(const Mat4& _mat4) { m_matrixStack.push_back(_mat4); }
void popMatrix() { IM3D_ASSERT(m_matrixStack.size() > 1); m_matrixStack.pop_back(); }
void setId(Id _id) { m_idStack.back() = _id; }
Id getId() const { return m_idStack.back(); }
void pushId(Id _id) { m_idStack.push_back(_id); }
void popId() { IM3D_ASSERT(m_idStack.size() > 1); m_idStack.pop_back(); }
AppData& getAppData() { return m_appData; }
// Low-level interface for internal and app-defined gizmos. May be subject to breaking changes.
bool gizmoAxisTranslation_Behavior(Id _id, const Vec3& _origin, const Vec3& _axis, float _snap, float _worldHeight, float _worldSize, Vec3* _out_);
void gizmoAxisTranslation_Draw(Id _id, const Vec3& _origin, const Vec3& _axis, float _worldHeight, float _worldSize, Color _color);
bool gizmoPlaneTranslation_Behavior(Id _id, const Vec3& _origin, const Vec3& _normal, float _snap, float _worldSize, Vec3* _out_);
void gizmoPlaneTranslation_Draw(Id _id, const Vec3& _origin, const Vec3& _normal, float _worldSize, Color _color);
bool gizmoAxislAngle_Behavior(Id _id, const Vec3& _origin, const Vec3& _axis, float _snap, float _worldRadius, float _worldSize, float* _out_);
void gizmoAxislAngle_Draw(Id _id, const Vec3& _origin, const Vec3& _axis, float _worldRadius, float _angle, Color _color, float _minAlpha);
bool gizmoAxisScale_Behavior(Id _id, const Vec3& _origin, const Vec3& _axis, float _snap, float _worldHeight, float _worldSize, float *_out_);
void gizmoAxisScale_Draw(Id _id, const Vec3& _origin, const Vec3& _axis, float _worldHeight, float _worldSize, Color _color);
// Convert pixels -> world space size based on distance between _position and view origin.
float pixelsToWorldSize(const Vec3& _position, float _pixels);
// Convert world space size -> pixels based on distance between _position and view origin.
float worldSizeToPixels(const Vec3& _position, float _pixels);
// Blend between _min and _max based on distance betwen _position and view origin.
int estimateLevelOfDetail(const Vec3& _position, float _worldSize, int _min = 4, int _max = 256);
// Make _id hot if _depth < m_hotDepth && _intersects.
bool makeHot(Id _id, float _depth, bool _intersects);
// Make _id active.
void makeActive(Id _id);
// Reset the acive/hot ids and the hot depth.
void resetId();
// Interpret key state.
bool isKeyDown(Key _key) const { return m_keyDownCurr[_key]; }
bool wasKeyPressed(Key _key) const { return m_keyDownCurr[_key] && !m_keyDownPrev[_key]; }
// Visibiity tests for culling.
bool isVisible(const VertexData* _vdata, DrawPrimitiveType _prim); // per-vertex
bool isVisible(const Vec3& _origin, float _radius); // sphere
bool isVisible(const Vec3& _min, const Vec3& _max); // axis-aligned box
// Gizmo state.
bool m_gizmoLocal; // Global mode selection for gizmos.
GizmoMode m_gizmoMode; // "
Id m_activeId; // Currently active gizmo. If set, this is the same as m_hotId.
Id m_hotId; // ID of the current 'hot' gizmo (nearest intersecting gizmo along the cursor ray). NB this is the id of the *sub* gizmo, not the app-specified ID.
float m_hotDepth; // Depth of the current hot gizmo along the cursor ray, for handling occlusion.
Id m_appId; // Current ID *without* the hashing the ID stack (= _id arg to Gizmo* functions).
Id m_appActiveId; // Copied from m_appId for the current active gizmo.
Id m_appHotId; // Copied from m_appId for the current 'hot' gizmo.
Vec3 m_gizmoStateVec3; // Stored state for the active gizmo.
Mat3 m_gizmoStateMat3; // "
float m_gizmoStateFloat; // "
float m_gizmoHeightPixels; // Height/radius of gizmos.
float m_gizmoSizePixels; // Thickness of gizmo lines.
// Stats, debugging.
// Return the total number of primitives (sorted + unsorted) of the given _type in all layers.
U32 getPrimitiveCount(DrawPrimitiveType _type) const;
// Return the total number of text primitives in all layers.
U32 getTextCount() const;
// Return the number of layers.
U32 getLayerCount() const { return m_layerIdMap.size(); }
// State stacks.
Vector<Color> m_colorStack;
Vector<float> m_alphaStack;
Vector<float> m_sizeStack;
Vector<bool> m_enableSortingStack;
Vector<Mat4> m_matrixStack;
Vector<Id> m_idStack;
Vector<Id> m_layerIdStack;
// Vertex data: one list per layer, per primitive type, *2 for sorted/unsorted.
typedef Vector<VertexData> VertexList;
Vector<VertexList*> m_vertexData[2]; // Each layer is DrawPrimitive_Count consecutive lists.
int m_vertexDataIndex; // 0, or 1 if sorting enabled.
Vector<Id> m_layerIdMap; // Map Id -> vertex data index.
int m_layerIndex; // Index of the currently active layer in m_layerIdMap.
Vector<DrawList> m_drawLists; // All draw lists for the current frame, available after calling endFrame() before calling reset().
bool m_sortCalled; // Avoid calling sort() during every call to draw().
bool m_endFrameCalled; // For assert, if vertices are pushed after endFrame() was called.
// Text data: one list per layer.
typedef Vector<TextData> TextList;
Vector<TextList*> m_textData;
Vector<char> m_textBuffer;
Vector<TextDrawList> m_textDrawLists;
// Primitive state.
PrimitiveMode m_primMode;
DrawPrimitiveType m_primType;
U32 m_firstVertThisPrim; // Index of the first vertex pushed during this primitive.
U32 m_vertCountThisPrim; // # calls to vertex() since the last call to begin().
Vec3 m_minVertThisPrim;
Vec3 m_maxVertThisPrim;
// App data.
AppData m_appData;
bool m_keyDownCurr[Key_Count]; // Key state captured during reset().
bool m_keyDownPrev[Key_Count]; // Key state from previous frame.
Vec4 m_cullFrustum[FrustumPlane_Count]; // Optimized frustum planes from m_appData.m_cullFrustum.
int m_cullFrustumCount; // # valid frustum planes in m_cullFrustum.
// Sort primitive data.
void sort();
// Return -1 if _id not found.
int findLayerIndex(Id _id) const;
// Access the current vertex/text data based on m_layerIndex.
VertexList* getCurrentVertexList();
TextList* getCurrentTextList();
namespace internal {
#define IM3D_THREAD_LOCAL thread_local
extern IM3D_THREAD_LOCAL Context* g_CurrentContext;
inline AppData& GetAppData() { return GetContext().getAppData(); }
inline void NewFrame() { GetContext().reset(); }
inline void EndFrame() { GetContext().endFrame(); }
inline void Draw() { GetContext().draw(); }
inline const DrawList* GetDrawLists() { return GetContext().getDrawLists(); }
inline U32 GetDrawListCount() { return GetContext().getDrawListCount(); }
inline const TextDrawList* GetTextDrawLists() { return GetContext().getTextDrawLists(); }
inline U32 GetTextDrawListCount() { return GetContext().getTextDrawListCount(); }
inline void BeginPoints() { GetContext().begin(PrimitiveMode_Points); }
inline void BeginLines() { GetContext().begin(PrimitiveMode_Lines); }
inline void BeginLineLoop() { GetContext().begin(PrimitiveMode_LineLoop); }
inline void BeginLineStrip() { GetContext().begin(PrimitiveMode_LineStrip); }
inline void BeginTriangles() { GetContext().begin(PrimitiveMode_Triangles); }
inline void BeginTriangleStrip() { GetContext().begin(PrimitiveMode_TriangleStrip); }
inline void End() { GetContext().end(); }
inline void Vertex(const Vec3& _position) { GetContext().vertex(_position, GetContext().getSize(), GetContext().getColor()); }
inline void Vertex(const Vec3& _position, Color _color) { GetContext().vertex(_position, GetContext().getSize(), _color); }
inline void Vertex(const Vec3& _position, float _size) { GetContext().vertex(_position, _size, GetContext().getColor()); }
inline void Vertex(const Vec3& _position, float _size, Color _color) { GetContext().vertex(_position, _size, _color); }
inline void Vertex(float _x, float _y, float _z) { Vertex(Vec3(_x, _y, _z)); }
inline void Vertex(float _x, float _y, float _z, Color _color) { Vertex(Vec3(_x, _y, _z), _color); }
inline void Vertex(float _x, float _y, float _z, float _size) { Vertex(Vec3(_x, _y, _z), _size); }
inline void Vertex(float _x, float _y, float _z, float _size, Color _color) { Vertex(Vec3(_x, _y, _z), _size, _color); }
inline void PushDrawState() { Context& ctx = GetContext(); ctx.pushColor(ctx.getColor()); ctx.pushAlpha(ctx.getAlpha()); ctx.pushSize(ctx.getSize()); ctx.pushEnableSorting(ctx.getEnableSorting()); }
inline void PopDrawState() { Context& ctx = GetContext(); ctx.popColor(); ctx.popAlpha(); ctx.popSize(); ctx.popEnableSorting(); }
inline void PushColor() { GetContext().pushColor(GetContext().getColor()); }
inline void PushColor(Color _color) { GetContext().pushColor(_color); }
inline void PopColor() { GetContext().popColor(); }
inline void SetColor(Color _color) { GetContext().setColor(_color); }
inline void SetColor(float _r, float _g, float _b, float _a) { GetContext().setColor(Color(_r, _g, _b, _a)); }
inline Color GetColor() { return GetContext().getColor(); }
inline void PushAlpha() { GetContext().pushAlpha(GetContext().getAlpha()); }
inline void PushAlpha(float _alpha) { GetContext().pushAlpha(_alpha); }
inline void PopAlpha() { GetContext().popAlpha(); }
inline void SetAlpha(float _alpha) { GetContext().setAlpha(_alpha); }
inline float GetAlpha() { return GetContext().getAlpha(); }
inline void PushSize() { GetContext().pushSize(GetContext().getAlpha()); }
inline void PushSize(float _size) { GetContext().pushSize(_size); }
inline void PopSize() { GetContext().popSize(); }
inline void SetSize(float _size) { GetContext().setSize(_size); }
inline float GetSize() { return GetContext().getSize(); }
inline void PushEnableSorting() { GetContext().pushEnableSorting(GetContext().getEnableSorting()); }
inline void PushEnableSorting(bool _enable) { GetContext().pushEnableSorting(_enable); }
inline void PopEnableSorting() { GetContext().popEnableSorting(); }
inline void EnableSorting(bool _enable) { GetContext().setEnableSorting(_enable); }
inline void PushMatrix() { GetContext().pushMatrix(GetContext().getMatrix()); }
inline void PushMatrix(const Mat4& _mat4) { GetContext().pushMatrix(_mat4); }
inline void PopMatrix() { GetContext().popMatrix(); }
inline void SetMatrix(const Mat4& _mat4) { GetContext().setMatrix(_mat4); }
inline void SetIdentity() { GetContext().setMatrix(Mat4(1.0f)); }
inline void PushId() { GetContext().pushId(GetContext().getId()); }
inline void PushId(Id _id) { GetContext().pushId(_id); }
inline void PushId(const char* _str) { GetContext().pushId(MakeId(_str)); }
inline void PushId(const void* _ptr) { GetContext().pushId(MakeId(_ptr)); }
inline void PushId(int _i) { GetContext().pushId(MakeId(_i)); }
inline void PopId() { GetContext().popId(); }
inline Id GetId() { return GetContext().getId(); }
inline void PushLayerId() { GetContext().pushLayerId(GetContext().getLayerId()); }
inline void PushLayerId(Id _layer) { GetContext().pushLayerId(_layer); }
inline void PushLayerId(const char* _str) { PushLayerId(MakeId(_str)); }
inline void PopLayerId() { GetContext().popLayerId(); }
inline Id GetLayerId() { return GetContext().getLayerId(); }
inline bool GizmoTranslation(const char* _id, float _translation_[3], bool _local) { return GizmoTranslation(MakeId(_id), _translation_, _local); }
inline bool GizmoRotation(const char* _id, float _rotation_[3*3], bool _local) { return GizmoRotation(MakeId(_id), _rotation_, _local);}
inline bool GizmoScale(const char* _id, float _scale_[3]) { return GizmoScale(MakeId(_id), _scale_); }
inline bool Gizmo(const char* _id, float _translation_[3], float _rotation_[3*3], float _scale_[3]) { return Gizmo(MakeId(_id), _translation_, _rotation_, _scale_); }
inline bool Gizmo(const char* _id, float _transform_[4*4]) { return Gizmo(MakeId(_id), _transform_); }
inline Id GetActiveId() { return GetContext().m_appActiveId;}
inline Id GetHotId() { return GetContext().m_appHotId; }
inline bool IsVisible(const Vec3& _origin, float _radius) { return GetContext().isVisible(_origin, _radius); }
inline bool IsVisible(const Vec3& _min, const Vec3& _max) { return GetContext().isVisible(_min, _max);}
inline Context& GetContext() { return *internal::g_CurrentContext; }
inline void SetContext(Context& _ctx) { internal::g_CurrentContext = &_ctx; }
inline void MergeContexts(Context& _dst_, const Context& _src) { _dst_.merge(_src); }
} // namespac Im3d