--[[ There are only 2 build toolchains supported: - Visual C++ on Windows - GCC on Linux @TODO: prevent UNICODE and _UNICODE from being #define'd with premake @TODO: enable Minimal Rebuild from premake (instead of adding /Gm) --]] newoption { trigger = "quake3dir", description = "Quake 3 directory path, used for copying the binaries and running the debugger" } if not _OPTIONS["quake3dir"] then error "quake3dir must be specified on the command-line" end -- relative to the LUA script path_root = "../.." path_src = path_root.."/cnq3/code" path_build = path_root.."/cnq3/build" path_bin = path_root.."/.bin" -- relative to the makefile make_path_git_scripts = "../../../cnq3tools/git" make_path_git_header = "../../code/qcommon/git.h" make_path_bin = "../../../.bin" -- the only absolute path we allow abs_path_q3 = path.getabsolute(_OPTIONS["quake3dir"]) -- os.realpath won't work if we pass in an env. var. here extra_warnings = 1 local function GetBinDirName() return "%{cfg.buildcfg}_%{cfg.platform}" end local function CreateGitPreBuildCommand(scriptExtension) local make_path_script = string.format("%s/create_git_header%s", make_path_git_scripts, scriptExtension) return string.format("\"%s\" \"%s\"", make_path_script, make_path_git_header) end local function CreateExeCopyPostBuildCommand(copyCommand, exeName, exeExtension) local make_path_exe = string.format("%s/%s/%s%s", make_path_bin, GetBinDirName(), exeName, exeExtension) return string.format("%s \"%s\" \"%s\"", copyCommand, make_path_exe, abs_path_q3) end local function WIN_CreatePdbCopyPostBuildCommand(exeName) local make_path_pdb = string.format("%s/%s/%s.pdb", make_path_bin, GetBinDirName(), exeName) return string.format("copy \"%s\" \"%s\"", make_path_pdb, abs_path_q3) end local function SetTargetAndLink(dirPath) targetdir(dirPath) libdirs(dirPath) end local function AddSourcesAndHeaders(dirPath) files { path_src.."/"..dirPath.."/*.cpp", path_src.."/"..dirPath.."/*.c", path_src.."/"..dirPath.."/*.h", } end local function AddSources(dirPath) files { path_src.."/"..dirPath.."/*.cpp", path_src.."/"..dirPath.."/*.c" } end local function AddHeaders(dirPath) files { path_src.."/"..dirPath.."/*.h" } end local function AddSourcesFromArray(dir, sourceFiles) for idx,path in pairs(sourceFiles) do files { string.format("%s/%s/%s", path_src, dir, path) } end end local function AddAssemblerSourcesFromArray(dir, fileNames) for idx,path in pairs(fileNames) do files { string.format("%s/%s/%s.asm", path_src, dir, path) } end end local function GetMakePath(premakePath) return "../"..premakePath end -- premake tokens for this script: -- cfg.buildcfg -> "debug", "release" -- cfg.architecture -> "x86", "x86_64" -- cfg.system -> "windows", "linux" -- cfg.platform -> "x32", "x64" local function GetLibJpegTurboNasmFlags() libjpeg_turbo_nasm_flags_map = { windows_x32 = "-fwin32 -DWIN32", windows_x64 = "-fwin64 -DWIN64 -D__x86_64__", linux_x32 = "-felf32 -DELF", linux_x64 = "-felf64 -DELF -D__x86_64__" } return "%{libjpeg_turbo_nasm_flags_map[cfg.system..\"_\"..cfg.platform]}" end local function GetCompilerObjectExtension() if _ACTION == "gmake" then return ".o" end return ".obj" end local function GetExeNameSuffix() platform_exe_name_suffix_map = { x32 = "-x86", x64 = "-x64" } return "%{platform_exe_name_suffix_map[cfg.platform]}" end local function ApplyProjectSettings() -- -- General -- filter { } location ( path_build.."/".._ACTION ) rtti "Off" exceptionhandling "Off" flags { "NoPCH", "StaticRuntime", "NoManifest", "NoNativeWChar" } filter "configurations:debug" defines { "DEBUG", "_DEBUG" } flags { } filter "configurations:release" defines { "NDEBUG" } flags -- others: NoIncrementalLink NoCopyLocal NoImplicitLink NoBufferSecurityChecks { "NoMinimalRebuild", "OptimizeSize", "NoFramePointer", "EnableSSE2", "FloatFast", "MultiProcessorCompile", "NoRuntimeChecks" } -- Build directories filter { } SetTargetAndLink ( string.format("%s/%s", path_bin, GetBinDirName()) ) -- -- Visual C++ -- -- Some build options: -- /GT => Support Fiber-Safe Thread-Local Storage -- /GS- => Buffer Security Check disabled -- /GL => Whole Program Optimization -- /Zi => Debug info, but not for edit and continue -- /Os => Favor size over speed -- /Gm => Enable Minimal Rebuild filter "action:vs*" symbols "On" editandcontinue "Off" defines { "_CRT_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS", "WIN32", "_WIN32" } if extra_warnings == 1 then flags { "ExtraWarnings" } end filter { "action:vs*", "kind:WindowedApp" } flags { "WinMain" } filter { "action:vs*", "configurations:debug" } buildoptions { "/Gm" } linkoptions { "" } filter { "action:vs*", "configurations:release" } flags { "LinkTimeOptimization" } -- I had no success with GCC's -flto buildoptions { "/GL" } linkoptions { "" } -- disable the "conversion from 'X' to 'Y', possible loss of data" warning -- this should be removed once the x64 port is complete filter { "action:vs*", "platforms:x64" } buildoptions { "/wd4267" } -- -- GCC -- -- "-g1" is the minimum amount of debug information -- it should be just enough to get a symbolic stack trace filter "action:gmake" symbols "On" buildoptions { "-Wno-unused-parameter -Wno-write-strings" } linkoptions { "" } filter { "action:gmake", "configurations:rebug" } buildoptions { "" } linkoptions { "" } filter { "action:gmake", "configurations:release" } buildoptions { "-g1" } linkoptions { "" } end local function ApplyLibProjectSettings() ApplyProjectSettings() end local function ApplyExeProjectSettings(exeName, server) ApplyProjectSettings() filter { } exeName = exeName..GetExeNameSuffix() targetname(exeName) local server_sources = { "qcommon/cmd.cpp", "qcommon/cm_load.cpp", "qcommon/cm_patch.cpp", "qcommon/cm_polylib.cpp", "qcommon/cm_test.cpp", "qcommon/cm_trace.cpp", "qcommon/common.cpp", "qcommon/cvar.cpp", "qcommon/files.cpp", "qcommon/huffman.cpp", "qcommon/huffman_static.cpp", "qcommon/md4.cpp", "qcommon/md5.cpp", "qcommon/msg.cpp", "qcommon/net_chan.cpp", "qcommon/net_ip.cpp", "qcommon/q_math.c", "qcommon/q_shared.c", "qcommon/unzip.cpp", "qcommon/vm.cpp", "qcommon/vm_interpreted.cpp", "qcommon/vm_x86.cpp", "server/sv_bot.cpp", "server/sv_ccmds.cpp", "server/sv_client.cpp", "server/sv_game.cpp", "server/sv_init.cpp", "server/sv_main.cpp", "server/sv_net_chan.cpp", "server/sv_snapshot.cpp", "server/sv_world.cpp" } local server_sources_windows = { "win32/win_main.cpp", "win32/win_shared.cpp", "win32/win_syscon.cpp" } local server_sources_unix = { "unix/unix_main.cpp", "unix/unix_shared.cpp", "unix/linux_signals.cpp" } local client_sources = { "client/cl_avi.cpp", "client/cl_browser.cpp", "client/cl_cgame.cpp", "client/cl_cin.cpp", "client/cl_console.cpp", "client/cl_curl.cpp", "client/cl_input.cpp", "client/cl_keys.cpp", "client/cl_main.cpp", "client/cl_net_chan.cpp", "client/cl_parse.cpp", "client/cl_scrn.cpp", "client/cl_ui.cpp", "client/snd_codec.cpp", "client/snd_codec_wav.cpp", "client/snd_dma.cpp", "client/snd_main.cpp", "client/snd_mem.cpp", "client/snd_mix.cpp", "qcommon/cmd.cpp", "qcommon/cm_load.cpp", "qcommon/cm_patch.cpp", "qcommon/cm_polylib.cpp", "qcommon/cm_test.cpp", "qcommon/cm_trace.cpp", "qcommon/common.cpp", "qcommon/cvar.cpp", "qcommon/files.cpp", "qcommon/huffman.cpp", "qcommon/huffman_static.cpp", "qcommon/md4.cpp", "qcommon/md5.cpp", "qcommon/msg.cpp", "qcommon/net_chan.cpp", "qcommon/net_ip.cpp", "qcommon/q_math.c", "qcommon/q_shared.c", "qcommon/unzip.cpp", "qcommon/vm.cpp", "qcommon/vm_interpreted.cpp", "qcommon/vm_x86.cpp", "server/sv_bot.cpp", "server/sv_ccmds.cpp", "server/sv_client.cpp", "server/sv_game.cpp", "server/sv_init.cpp", "server/sv_main.cpp", "server/sv_net_chan.cpp", "server/sv_snapshot.cpp", "server/sv_world.cpp" } local client_sources_windows = { "win32/win_input.cpp", "win32/win_main.cpp", "win32/win_shared.cpp", "win32/win_snd.cpp", "win32/win_syscon.cpp", "win32/win_wndproc.cpp", "win32/win_glimp.cpp", "win32/win_qgl.c" } local client_sources_unix = { "unix/unix_main.cpp", "unix/unix_shared.cpp", "unix/linux_joystick.c", "unix/linux_signals.cpp", "unix/linux_qgl.c", "unix/linux_snd.c", "unix/linux_glimp.cpp" } AddHeaders("botlib") AddHeaders("qcommon") AddHeaders("server") AddHeaders("client") AddHeaders("cgame") AddHeaders("game") AddHeaders("ui") links { "botlib" } if (server == 1) then AddSourcesFromArray(".", server_sources) else AddSourcesFromArray(".", client_sources) includedirs { path_src.."/freetype/include" } AddHeaders("renderer") links { "renderer", "freetype", "libjpeg-turbo" } end filter { "system:windows" } if (server == 1) then AddSourcesFromArray(".", server_sources_windows) else AddSourcesFromArray(".", client_sources_windows) end AddHeaders("win32") filter { "system:not windows" } if (server == 1) then AddSourcesFromArray(".", server_sources_unix) else AddSourcesFromArray(".", client_sources_unix) end -- create git info header -- copy the binaries over to the test q3 install -- it seems that "filter" doesn't work with "prebuildcommands", "postbuildcommands" filter { } if os.is("windows") then prebuildcommands { path.translate(CreateGitPreBuildCommand(".cmd"), "\\") } postbuildcommands { path.translate(CreateExeCopyPostBuildCommand("copy", exeName, ".exe"), "\\") } postbuildcommands { path.translate(WIN_CreatePdbCopyPostBuildCommand(exeName), "\\") } else prebuildcommands { CreateGitPreBuildCommand(".sh") } postbuildcommands { CreateExeCopyPostBuildCommand("cp -u", exeName, "") } end -- create VC++ debug settings filter "action:vs*" local abs_path_exe = string.format("%s\\%s.exe", abs_path_q3, exeName) debugcommand(abs_path_exe) if (server == 1) then debugargs { "+set sv_pure 0" } else debugargs { "+set sv_pure 0 +set r_fullscreen 0" } end debugdir(abs_path_q3) filter "system:windows" links { "Winmm", "ws2_32" } if (server == 0) then links { "opengl32" } end filter "system:not windows" links { "dl", "m" } if (server == 0) then buildoptions { "-pthread" } links { "X11", "pthread" } end -- RC will compile the .rc into a .res -- LINK accepts .res files directly filter "action:vs*" linkoptions { path.translate(path_src.."/win32/winquake.res", "\\"), "/STACK:8388608" } filter { "action:vs*", "configurations:release" } linkoptions { "/OPT:REF", "/OPT:ICF" } -- force everything to be compiled as C++ for now -- otherwise, we run into problems (that should really be fixed) filter "action:gmake" buildoptions { "-x c++" } end local function ApplyLibJpegTurboProjectSettings() local jpeg_sources = { "jcapimin.c", "jcapistd.c", "jccoefct.c", "jccolor.c", "jcdctmgr.c", "jchuff.c", "jcinit.c", "jcmainct.c", "jcmarker.c", "jcmaster.c", "jcomapi.c", "jcparam.c", "jcphuff.c", "jcprepct.c", "jcsample.c", "jctrans.c", "jdapimin.c", "jdapistd.c", "jdatadst.c", "jdatasrc.c", "jdcoefct.c", "jdcolor.c", "jddctmgr.c", "jdhuff.c", "jdinput.c", "jdmainct.c", "jdmarker.c", "jdmaster.c", "jdmerge.c", "jdphuff.c", "jdpostct.c", "jdsample.c", "jdtrans.c", "jerror.c", "jfdctflt.c", "jfdctfst.c", "jfdctint.c", "jidctflt.c", "jidctfst.c", "jidctint.c", "jidctred.c", "jquant1.c", "jquant2.c", "jutils.c", "jmemmgr.c" } local jpeg_asm_sources_x86 = { "jsimdcpu", "jfdctflt-3dn", "jidctflt-3dn", "jquant-3dn", "jccolor-mmx", "jcgray-mmx", "jcsample-mmx", "jdcolor-mmx", "jdmerge-mmx", "jdsample-mmx", "jfdctfst-mmx", "jfdctint-mmx", "jidctfst-mmx", "jidctint-mmx", "jidctred-mmx", "jquant-mmx", "jfdctflt-sse", "jidctflt-sse", "jquant-sse", "jccolor-sse2", "jcgray-sse2", "jchuff-sse2", "jcsample-sse2", "jdcolor-sse2", "jdmerge-sse2", "jdsample-sse2", "jfdctfst-sse2", "jfdctint-sse2", "jidctflt-sse2", "jidctfst-sse2", "jidctint-sse2", "jidctred-sse2", "jquantf-sse2", "jquanti-sse2" } local jpeg_asm_sources_x64 = { "jfdctflt-sse-64", "jccolor-sse2-64", "jcgray-sse2-64", "jchuff-sse2-64", "jcsample-sse2-64", "jdcolor-sse2-64", "jdmerge-sse2-64", "jdsample-sse2-64", "jfdctfst-sse2-64", "jfdctint-sse2-64", "jidctflt-sse2-64", "jidctfst-sse2-64", "jidctint-sse2-64", "jidctred-sse2-64", "jquantf-sse2-64", "jquanti-sse2-64" } AddSourcesFromArray("libjpeg-turbo", jpeg_sources) includedirs { path_src.."/libjpeg-turbo", path_src.."/libjpeg-turbo/simd" } defines { "WITH_SIMD" } filter "platforms:x32" AddAssemblerSourcesFromArray("libjpeg-turbo/simd", jpeg_asm_sources_x86) files { path_src.."/libjpeg-turbo/simd/jsimd_i386.c" } defines { "SIZEOF_SIZE_T=4" } filter "platforms:x64" AddAssemblerSourcesFromArray("libjpeg-turbo/simd", jpeg_asm_sources_x64) files { path_src.."/libjpeg-turbo/simd/jsimd_x86_64.c" } defines { "SIZEOF_SIZE_T=8" } local asm_inc_path = GetMakePath(path_src.."/libjpeg-turbo") local nasm_flags = GetLibJpegTurboNasmFlags() local nasm_includes if os.is("windows") then asm_inc_path = path.translate(asm_inc_path, "\\") nasm_includes = string.format("-I%s\\ -I%s\\win\\ -I%s\\simd\\", asm_inc_path, asm_inc_path, asm_inc_path) else nasm_includes = string.format("-I%s/ -I%s/win/ -I%s/simd/", asm_inc_path, asm_inc_path, asm_inc_path) end local obj_file_path = string.format("%s%s", "%{cfg.targetdir}/%{file.basename}", GetCompilerObjectExtension()) local command = string.format("nasm -o%s %s %s %s", obj_file_path, nasm_flags, nasm_includes, "%{file.relpath}") if os.is("windows") then command = path.translate(command, "\\") obj_file_path = path.translate(obj_file_path, "\\") end filter "files:**.asm" buildmessage "%{file.basename}.asm" buildcommands { command } buildoutputs { obj_file_path } extra_warnings = 0 ApplyLibProjectSettings() extra_warnings = 1 end solution "cnq3" location ( path_build.."/".._ACTION ) platforms { "x32", "x64" } configurations { "debug", "release" } project "cnq3" kind "WindowedApp" language "C++" ApplyExeProjectSettings("cnq3", 0) project "cnq3-server" kind "WindowedApp" language "C++" defines { "DEDICATED" } ApplyExeProjectSettings("cnq3-server", 1) project "botlib" kind "StaticLib" language "C++" defines { "BOTLIB" } AddSourcesAndHeaders("botlib") ApplyLibProjectSettings() project "renderer" kind "StaticLib" language "C++" AddSourcesAndHeaders("renderer") includedirs { path_src.."/freetype/include" } ApplyLibProjectSettings() project "libjpeg-turbo" kind "StaticLib" language "C" ApplyLibJpegTurboProjectSettings() project "freetype" local ft_sources = { "base/ftbbox.c", "base/ftsynth.c", "base/ftbase.c", "base/ftglyph.c", "base/ftinit.c", "base/ftstroke.c", "base/ftsystem.c", "sfnt/sfnt.c", "smooth/smooth.c", "truetype/truetype.c" } kind "StaticLib" language "C" AddSourcesFromArray("freetype/src", ft_sources) includedirs { path_src.."/freetype/include" } defines { "_LIB", "FT2_BUILD_LIBRARY", "_BIND_TO_CURRENT_VCLIBS_VERSION=1" } ApplyLibProjectSettings() filter "action:vs*" buildoptions { "/wd4324" } -- "structure was padded due to __declspec(align())"