/* =========================================================================== Copyright (C) 2022-2023 Gian 'myT' Schellenbaum This file is part of Challenge Quake 3 (CNQ3). Challenge Quake 3 is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. Challenge Quake 3 is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with Challenge Quake 3. If not, see . =========================================================================== */ // Gameplay Rendering Pipeline - world/3D rendering #include "grp_local.h" #include "../client/cl_imgui.h" namespace zpp { #include "hlsl/depth_pre_pass_vs.h" #include "hlsl/depth_pre_pass_ps.h" } namespace fog { #include "hlsl/fog_vs.h" } namespace fog_inside { #include "hlsl/fog_inside_ps.h" } namespace fog_outside { #include "hlsl/fog_outside_ps.h" } #pragma pack(push, 4) struct ZPPVertexRC { float modelViewMatrix[16]; float projectionMatrix[16]; }; struct FogVertexRC { float modelViewMatrix[16]; float projectionMatrix[16]; float boxMin[4]; float boxMax[4]; }; struct FogPixelRC { float colorDepth[4]; }; #pragma pack(pop) static bool drawPrePass = false; static bool drawDynamic = true; static bool drawTransparents = true; static bool drawFog = true; static bool drawSky = true; static bool drawClouds = true; static bool forceDynamic = false; static bool HasStaticGeo(const drawSurf_t* drawSurf) { return drawSurf->staticGeoChunk > 0 && drawSurf->staticGeoChunk < ARRAY_LEN(grp.world.statChunks); } static void UpdateEntityData(bool& depthHack, int entityNum, double originalTime) { depthHack = false; if(entityNum != ENTITYNUM_WORLD) { backEnd.currentEntity = &backEnd.refdef.entities[entityNum]; if(backEnd.currentEntity->intShaderTime) backEnd.refdef.floatTime = originalTime - (double)backEnd.currentEntity->e.shaderTime.iShaderTime / 1000.0; else backEnd.refdef.floatTime = originalTime - backEnd.currentEntity->e.shaderTime.fShaderTime; // we have to reset the shaderTime as well otherwise image animations start // from the wrong frame tess.shaderTime = backEnd.refdef.floatTime - tess.shader->timeOffset; // set up the transformation matrix R_RotateForEntity(backEnd.currentEntity, &backEnd.viewParms, &backEnd.orient); if(backEnd.currentEntity->e.renderfx & RF_DEPTHHACK) { depthHack = true; } } else { backEnd.currentEntity = &tr.worldEntity; backEnd.refdef.floatTime = originalTime; backEnd.orient = backEnd.viewParms.world; // we have to reset the shaderTime as well otherwise image animations on // the world (like water) continue with the wrong frame tess.shaderTime = backEnd.refdef.floatTime - tess.shader->timeOffset; } } void World::Init() { { TextureDesc desc("depth buffer", glConfig.vidWidth, glConfig.vidHeight); desc.committedResource = true; desc.shortLifeTime = true; desc.initialState = ResourceStates::DepthWriteBit; desc.allowedState = ResourceStates::DepthAccessBits | ResourceStates::PixelShaderAccessBit; desc.format = TextureFormat::Depth32_Float; desc.SetClearDepthStencil(0.0f, 0); depthTexture = CreateTexture(desc); depthTextureIndex = grp.RegisterTexture(depthTexture); if(!IsNullHandle(fogDescriptorTable)) { DescriptorTableUpdate update; update.SetTextures(1, &depthTexture); UpdateDescriptorTable(fogDescriptorTable, update); } } if(grp.firstInit) { #if defined(ZPP) // // depth pre-pass // { RootSignatureDesc desc("Z pre-pass"); desc.usingVertexBuffers = true; desc.constants[ShaderStage::Vertex].byteCount = sizeof(ZPPVertexRC); desc.constants[ShaderStage::Pixel].byteCount = 0; desc.samplerVisibility = ShaderStages::None; desc.genericVisibility = ShaderStages::None; zppRootSignature = CreateRootSignature(desc); } { zppDescriptorTable = CreateDescriptorTable(DescriptorTableDesc("Z pre-pass", zppRootSignature)); } { GraphicsPipelineDesc desc("Z pre-pass", zppRootSignature); desc.vertexShader = ShaderByteCode(zpp::g_vs); desc.pixelShader = ShaderByteCode(zpp::g_ps); desc.vertexLayout.AddAttribute(0, ShaderSemantic::Position, DataType::Float32, 4, 0); desc.depthStencil.depthComparison = ComparisonFunction::GreaterEqual; desc.depthStencil.depthStencilFormat = TextureFormat::Depth32_Float; desc.depthStencil.enableDepthTest = true; desc.depthStencil.enableDepthWrites = true; desc.rasterizer.cullMode = CT_FRONT_SIDED; // need 1 PSO per cull mode... zppPipeline = CreateGraphicsPipeline(desc); } { const uint32_t maxVertexCount = 1 << 20; const uint32_t maxIndexCount = 8 * maxVertexCount; zppVertexBuffer.Init(maxVertexCount, 16); zppIndexBuffer.Init(maxIndexCount, sizeof(Index)); { BufferDesc desc("depth pre-pass vertex", zppVertexBuffer.byteCount, ResourceStates::VertexBufferBit); zppVertexBuffer.buffer = CreateBuffer(desc); } { BufferDesc desc("depth pre-pass index", zppIndexBuffer.byteCount, ResourceStates::IndexBufferBit); zppIndexBuffer.buffer = CreateBuffer(desc); } } #endif // // dynamic (streamed) geometry // for(uint32_t f = 0; f < FrameCount; ++f) { const int MaxDynamicVertexCount = 256 << 10; const int MaxDynamicIndexCount = MaxDynamicVertexCount * 8; GeometryBuffers& db = dynBuffers[f]; db.vertexBuffers.Create(va("dynamic #%d", f + 1), MemoryUsage::Upload, MaxDynamicVertexCount); db.indexBuffer.Create(va("dynamic #%d", f + 1), MemoryUsage::Upload, MaxDynamicIndexCount); } // // static (GPU-resident) geometry // { const int MaxVertexCount = 256 << 10; const int MaxIndexCount = MaxVertexCount * 8; statBuffers.vertexBuffers.Create("static", MemoryUsage::GPU, MaxVertexCount); statBuffers.indexBuffer.Create("static", MemoryUsage::GPU, MaxIndexCount); } // // fog // { RootSignatureDesc desc("fog"); desc.usingVertexBuffers = true; desc.AddRange(DescriptorType::Texture, 0, 1); desc.genericVisibility = ShaderStages::PixelBit; desc.constants[ShaderStage::Vertex].byteCount = sizeof(FogVertexRC); desc.constants[ShaderStage::Pixel].byteCount = sizeof(FogPixelRC); fogRootSignature = CreateRootSignature(desc); } { DescriptorTableDesc desc("fog", fogRootSignature); fogDescriptorTable = CreateDescriptorTable(desc); DescriptorTableUpdate update; update.SetTextures(1, &depthTexture); UpdateDescriptorTable(fogDescriptorTable, update); } { const uint32_t indices[] = { 0, 1, 2, 2, 1, 3, 4, 0, 6, 6, 0, 2, 7, 5, 6, 6, 5, 4, 3, 1, 7, 7, 1, 5, 4, 5, 0, 0, 5, 1, 3, 7, 2, 2, 7, 6 }; BufferDesc desc("box index", sizeof(indices), ResourceStates::IndexBufferBit); boxIndexBuffer = CreateBuffer(desc); uint8_t* mapped = BeginBufferUpload(boxIndexBuffer); memcpy(mapped, indices, sizeof(indices)); EndBufferUpload(boxIndexBuffer); } { const float vertices[] = { 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f }; BufferDesc desc("box vertex", sizeof(vertices), ResourceStates::VertexBufferBit); boxVertexBuffer = CreateBuffer(desc); uint8_t* mapped = BeginBufferUpload(boxVertexBuffer); memcpy(mapped, vertices, sizeof(vertices)); EndBufferUpload(boxVertexBuffer); } // // shader trace // { BufferDesc desc("shader trace opaque", 2 * sizeof(uint32_t), ResourceStates::UnorderedAccessBit); traceRenderBuffer = CreateBuffer(desc); DescriptorTableUpdate update; update.SetRWBuffers(1, &traceRenderBuffer, MAX_DRAWIMAGES * 2); UpdateDescriptorTable(grp.descriptorTable, update); } { BufferDesc desc("shader trace opaque readback", 2 * sizeof(uint32_t), ResourceStates::Common); desc.memoryUsage = MemoryUsage::Readback; traceReadbackBuffer = CreateBuffer(desc); } } // // fog // { GraphicsPipelineDesc desc("fog outside", fogRootSignature); desc.shortLifeTime = true; desc.vertexShader = ShaderByteCode(fog::g_vs); desc.pixelShader = ShaderByteCode(fog_outside::g_ps); desc.depthStencil.DisableDepth(); desc.rasterizer.cullMode = CT_BACK_SIDED; desc.rasterizer.polygonOffset = false; desc.rasterizer.clampDepth = true; desc.AddRenderTarget(GLS_SRCBLEND_SRC_ALPHA | GLS_DSTBLEND_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA, grp.renderTargetFormat); desc.vertexLayout.AddAttribute(0, ShaderSemantic::Position, DataType::Float32, 3, 0); fogOutsidePipeline = CreateGraphicsPipeline(desc); } { GraphicsPipelineDesc desc("fog inside", fogRootSignature); desc.shortLifeTime = true; desc.vertexShader = ShaderByteCode(fog::g_vs); desc.pixelShader = ShaderByteCode(fog_inside::g_ps); desc.depthStencil.DisableDepth(); desc.rasterizer.cullMode = CT_FRONT_SIDED; desc.rasterizer.polygonOffset = false; desc.rasterizer.clampDepth = true; desc.AddRenderTarget(GLS_SRCBLEND_SRC_ALPHA | GLS_DSTBLEND_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA, grp.renderTargetFormat); desc.vertexLayout.AddAttribute(0, ShaderSemantic::Position, DataType::Float32, 3, 0); fogInsidePipeline = CreateGraphicsPipeline(desc); } } void World::BeginFrame() { dynBuffers[GetFrameIndex()].Rewind(); boundVertexBuffers = BufferFamily::Invalid; boundIndexBuffer = BufferFamily::Invalid; boundStaticVertexBuffersFirst = 0; boundStaticVertexBuffersCount = UINT32_MAX; DrawGUI(); psoChangeCount = 0; // read by the GUI code } void World::EndFrame() { tr.tracedWorldShaderIndex = -1; if(tr.traceWorldShader && tr.world != NULL) { // schedule a GPU -> CPU transfer { BufferBarrier barrier(traceRenderBuffer, ResourceStates::CopySourceBit); CmdBarrier(0, NULL, 1, &barrier); } CmdCopyBuffer(traceReadbackBuffer, traceRenderBuffer); { BufferBarrier barrier(traceRenderBuffer, ResourceStates::UnorderedAccessBit); CmdBarrier(0, NULL, 1, &barrier); } // grab last frame's result uint32_t* shaderIndices = (uint32_t*)MapBuffer(traceReadbackBuffer); const uint32_t shaderIndex = shaderIndices[RHI::GetFrameIndex() ^ 1]; UnmapBuffer(traceReadbackBuffer); if(shaderIndex < (uint32_t)tr.numShaders) { tr.tracedWorldShaderIndex = (int)shaderIndex; } } } void World::Begin() { grp.renderMode = RenderMode::World; if(backEnd.viewParms.isPortal) { float plane[4]; plane[0] = backEnd.viewParms.portalPlane.normal[0]; plane[1] = backEnd.viewParms.portalPlane.normal[1]; plane[2] = backEnd.viewParms.portalPlane.normal[2]; plane[3] = backEnd.viewParms.portalPlane.dist; float plane2[4]; plane2[0] = DotProduct(backEnd.viewParms.orient.axis[0], plane); plane2[1] = DotProduct(backEnd.viewParms.orient.axis[1], plane); plane2[2] = DotProduct(backEnd.viewParms.orient.axis[2], plane); plane2[3] = DotProduct(plane, backEnd.viewParms.orient.origin) - plane[3]; float* o = plane; const float* m = s_flipMatrix; const float* v = plane2; o[0] = m[0] * v[0] + m[4] * v[1] + m[8] * v[2] + m[12] * v[3]; o[1] = m[1] * v[0] + m[5] * v[1] + m[9] * v[2] + m[13] * v[3]; o[2] = m[2] * v[0] + m[6] * v[1] + m[10] * v[2] + m[14] * v[3]; o[3] = m[3] * v[0] + m[7] * v[1] + m[11] * v[2] + m[15] * v[3]; memcpy(clipPlane, plane, sizeof(clipPlane)); } else { memset(clipPlane, 0, sizeof(clipPlane)); } CmdSetViewportAndScissor(backEnd.viewParms); batchOldDepthHack = false; batchDepthHack = false; TextureBarrier tb(depthTexture, ResourceStates::DepthWriteBit); CmdBarrier(1, &tb); } void World::End() { EndBatch(); grp.renderMode = RenderMode::None; } void World::DrawPrePass() { #if defined(ZPP) if(!drawPrePass || tr.world == NULL || zppIndexBuffer.batchCount == 0 || zppVertexBuffer.batchCount == 0) { return; } SCOPED_RENDER_PASS("Depth Pre-Pass", 0.75f, 0.75f, 0.375f); // @TODO: evaluate later whether binding the color target here is OK? CmdBindRenderTargets(0, NULL, &depthTexture); CmdBindRootSignature(zppRootSignature); CmdBindPipeline(zppPipeline); CmdBindDescriptorTable(zppRootSignature, zppDescriptorTable); ZPPVertexRC vertexRC; memcpy(vertexRC.modelViewMatrix, backEnd.viewParms.world.modelMatrix, sizeof(vertexRC.modelViewMatrix)); memcpy(vertexRC.projectionMatrix, backEnd.viewParms.projectionMatrix, sizeof(vertexRC.projectionMatrix)); CmdSetRootConstants(zppRootSignature, ShaderStage::Vertex, &vertexRC); CmdBindPipeline(zppPipeline); CmdBindIndexBuffer(zppIndexBuffer.buffer, indexType, 0); const uint32_t vertexStride = 4 * sizeof(float); CmdBindVertexBuffers(1, &zppVertexBuffer.buffer, &vertexStride, NULL); CmdDrawIndexed(zppIndexBuffer.batchCount, 0, 0); boundVertexBuffers = BufferFamily::PrePass; boundIndexBuffer = BufferFamily::PrePass; #endif } void World::BeginBatch(const shader_t* shader, bool hasStaticGeo) { tess.numVertexes = 0; tess.numIndexes = 0; tess.fogNum = 0; tess.depthFade = DFT_NONE; tess.deformsPreApplied = qfalse; tess.xstages = (const shaderStage_t**)shader->stages; tess.shader = shader; tess.shaderTime = backEnd.refdef.floatTime - tess.shader->timeOffset; if(tess.shader->clampTime && tess.shaderTime >= tess.shader->clampTime) { tess.shaderTime = tess.shader->clampTime; } batchHasStaticGeo = hasStaticGeo; } void World::EndBatch() { const int vertexCount = tess.numVertexes; const int indexCount = tess.numIndexes; if((!batchHasStaticGeo && vertexCount <= 0) || indexCount <= 0 || tess.shader->numStages == 0 || tess.shader->numPipelines <= 0) { // @TODO: make sure we never get tess.shader->numStages 0 here in the first place tess.numVertexes = 0; tess.numIndexes = 0; return; } // for debugging of sort order issues, stop rendering after a given sort value if(r_debugSort->value > 0.0f && r_debugSort->value < tess.shader->sort) { return; } GeometryBuffers& db = dynBuffers[GetFrameIndex()]; if(!db.vertexBuffers.CanAdd(vertexCount) || !db.indexBuffer.CanAdd(indexCount)) { Q_assert(!"Dynamic buffer too small!"); return; } const shader_t* const shader = tess.shader; if(!tess.deformsPreApplied) { RB_DeformTessGeometry(0, vertexCount, 0, indexCount); for(int s = 0; s < shader->numStages; ++s) { R_ComputeColors(shader->stages[s], tess.svars[s], 0, vertexCount); R_ComputeTexCoords(shader->stages[s], tess.svars[s], 0, vertexCount, qfalse); } } // darken the hell fog in the BS pit on cpm21 for debugging #if 0 if(Q_stristr(shader->name, "hellfog")) { for(int v = 0; v < vertexCount; ++v) { tess.svars[0].colors[v][0] = 127; tess.svars[0].colors[v][1] = 127; tess.svars[0].colors[v][2] = 127; tess.svars[0].colors[v][3] = 255; } } #endif if(!batchHasStaticGeo) { db.vertexBuffers.Upload(0, shader->numStages); } db.indexBuffer.Upload(); BindIndexBuffer(false); if(batchDepthHack != batchOldDepthHack) { const viewParms_t& vp = backEnd.viewParms; CmdSetViewport(vp.viewportX, vp.viewportY, vp.viewportWidth, vp.viewportHeight, batchDepthHack ? 0.7f : 0.0f, 1.0f); batchOldDepthHack = batchDepthHack; } for(int p = 0; p < shader->numPipelines; ++p) { const pipeline_t& pipeline = shader->pipelines[p]; const int psoIndex = pipeline.pipeline; if(batchPSO != grp.psos[psoIndex].pipeline) { batchPSO = grp.psos[psoIndex].pipeline; CmdBindPipeline(batchPSO); psoChangeCount++; } WorldVertexRC vertexRC = {}; memcpy(vertexRC.modelViewMatrix, backEnd.orient.modelMatrix, sizeof(vertexRC.modelViewMatrix)); memcpy(vertexRC.projectionMatrix, backEnd.viewParms.projectionMatrix, sizeof(vertexRC.projectionMatrix)); memcpy(vertexRC.clipPlane, clipPlane, sizeof(vertexRC.clipPlane)); CmdSetRootConstants(grp.uberRootSignature, ShaderStage::Vertex, &vertexRC); WorldPixelRC pixelRC = {}; pixelRC.greyscale = tess.greyscale; pixelRC.frameSeed = grp.frameSeed; pixelRC.noiseScale = r_ditherStrength->value; pixelRC.invBrightness = 1.0f / r_brightness->value; pixelRC.invGamma = 1.0f / r_gamma->value; pixelRC.shaderTrace = (uint32_t)!!tr.traceWorldShader; pixelRC.shaderIndex = (uint32_t)shader->index; pixelRC.frameIndex = RHI::GetFrameIndex(); pixelRC.centerPixel = (glConfig.vidWidth / 2) | ((glConfig.vidHeight / 2) << 16); for(int s = 0; s < pipeline.numStages; ++s) { const image_t* image = GetBundleImage(shader->stages[pipeline.firstStage + s]->bundle); const uint32_t texIdx = image->textureIndex; const uint32_t sampIdx = GetSamplerIndex(image); Q_assert(texIdx > 0); pixelRC.stageIndices[s] = (sampIdx << 16) | (texIdx); } CmdSetRootConstants(grp.uberRootSignature, ShaderStage::Pixel, &pixelRC); BindVertexBuffers(batchHasStaticGeo, pipeline.firstStage, pipeline.numStages); CmdDrawIndexed(indexCount, db.indexBuffer.batchFirst, batchHasStaticGeo ? 0 : db.vertexBuffers.batchFirst); } if(!batchHasStaticGeo) { db.vertexBuffers.EndBatch(tess.numVertexes); } db.indexBuffer.EndBatch(tess.numIndexes); tess.numVertexes = 0; tess.numIndexes = 0; } void World::EndSkyBatch() { // this only exists as a separate function from EndBatch so that // we don't have to deal with recursion (through the call to RB_DrawSky) if(tess.shader == NULL || !tess.shader->isSky || (!drawSky && !drawClouds) || tess.numVertexes <= 0 || tess.numIndexes <= 0) { return; } Q_assert(batchHasStaticGeo == false); SCOPED_RENDER_PASS("Sky", 0.0, 0.5f, 1.0f); const viewParms_t& vp = backEnd.viewParms; CmdSetViewport(vp.viewportX, vp.viewportY, vp.viewportWidth, vp.viewportHeight, 0.0f, 0.0f); RB_DrawSky(); CmdSetViewport(vp.viewportX, vp.viewportY, vp.viewportWidth, vp.viewportHeight, 0.0f, 1.0f); tess.numVertexes = 0; tess.numIndexes = 0; batchOldDepthHack = false; batchDepthHack = false; } void World::RestartBatch() { EndBatch(); BeginBatch(tess.shader, batchHasStaticGeo); } void World::DrawGUI() { #if defined(_DEBUG) if(tr.world == NULL) { return; } #if 0 TextureBarrier tb(depthTexture, ResourceStates::DepthReadBit); CmdBarrier(1, &tb); if(ImGui::Begin("depth", NULL, ImGuiWindowFlags_AlwaysAutoResize)) { ImGui::Image((ImTextureID)depthTextureIndex, ImVec2(640, 360)); } ImGui::End(); #endif static bool active = false; ToggleBooleanWithShortcut(active, ImGuiKey_W); GUI_AddMainMenuItem(GUI_MainMenu::Info, "World rendering", "Ctrl+W", &active); if(active) { if(ImGui::Begin("World", &active, ImGuiWindowFlags_AlwaysAutoResize)) { ImGui::Checkbox("Depth Pre-Pass", &drawPrePass); ImGui::Checkbox("Draw Dynamic", &drawDynamic); ImGui::Checkbox("Draw Transparents", &drawTransparents); ImGui::Checkbox("Draw Fog", &drawFog); ImGui::Checkbox("Draw Sky", &drawSky); ImGui::Checkbox("Draw Clouds", &drawClouds); ImGui::Checkbox("Force Dynamic", &forceDynamic); ImGui::Text("PSO count: %d", (int)grp.psoCount); ImGui::Text("PSO changes: %d", psoChangeCount); #if 0 vec3_t axis[3]; R_CameraAxisVectorsFromMatrix(axis[0], axis[1], axis[2], backEnd.viewParms.world.modelMatrix); const char* axisNames[] = { "X", "Y", "Z", }; for(int a = 0; a < 3; ++a) { ImGui::Text("%s: %s", axisNames[a], v3tos(axis[a])); } vec3_t cameraPos; R_CameraPositionFromMatrix(cameraPos, backEnd.viewParms.world.modelMatrix); ImGui::Text("Camera Position: %s", v3tos(cameraPos)); for(int f = 1; f < tr.world->numfogs; ++f) { ImGui::Text("Fog: %s", v4tos(tr.world->fogs[f].surface)); } #endif } ImGui::End(); } #endif } void World::ProcessWorld(world_t& world) { #if defined(ZPP) { zppVertexBuffer.batchFirst = 0; zppIndexBuffer.batchFirst = 0; zppVertexBuffer.batchCount = 0; zppIndexBuffer.batchCount = 0; float* vtx = (float*)BeginBufferUpload(zppVertexBuffer.buffer); Index* idx = (Index*)BeginBufferUpload(zppIndexBuffer.buffer); int firstVertex = 0; int firstIndex = 0; for(int s = 0; s < world.numsurfaces; ++s) { msurface_t* const surf = &world.surfaces[s]; if(surf->shader->numStages == 0 || surf->shader->isDynamic) { continue; } tess.numVertexes = 0; tess.numIndexes = 0; tess.shader = surf->shader; // unsure if needed, but just in case R_TessellateSurface(surf->data); const int surfVertexCount = tess.numVertexes; const int surfIndexCount = tess.numIndexes; if(surfVertexCount <= 0 || surfIndexCount <= 0) { continue; } if(firstVertex + surfVertexCount >= zppVertexBuffer.totalCount || firstIndex + surfIndexCount >= zppIndexBuffer.totalCount) { break; } for(int v = 0; v < tess.numVertexes; ++v) { *vtx++ = tess.xyz[v][0]; *vtx++ = tess.xyz[v][1]; *vtx++ = tess.xyz[v][2]; *vtx++ = 1.0f; } for(int i = 0; i < tess.numIndexes; ++i) { *idx++ = tess.indexes[i] + firstVertex; } firstVertex += surfVertexCount; firstIndex += surfIndexCount; tess.numVertexes = 0; tess.numIndexes = 0; } EndBufferUpload(zppVertexBuffer.buffer); EndBufferUpload(zppIndexBuffer.buffer); zppVertexBuffer.batchCount = firstVertex; zppIndexBuffer.batchCount = firstIndex; zppVertexBuffer.batchFirst = 0; zppIndexBuffer.batchFirst = 0; } #endif statChunkCount = 1; // index 0 is invalid statIndexCount = 0; statBuffers.vertexBuffers.Rewind(); statBuffers.indexBuffer.Rewind(); statBuffers.vertexBuffers.BeginUpload(); statBuffers.indexBuffer.BeginUpload(); for(int s = 0; s < world.numsurfaces; ++s) { if(statChunkCount >= ARRAY_LEN(statChunks)) { Q_assert(0); break; } msurface_t* const surf = &world.surfaces[s]; surf->staticGeoChunk = 0; if(surf->shader->numStages == 0 || surf->shader->isDynamic) { continue; } tess.numVertexes = 0; tess.numIndexes = 0; tess.shader = surf->shader; // needed by R_ComputeTexCoords at least R_TessellateSurface(surf->data); const int surfVertexCount = tess.numVertexes; const int surfIndexCount = tess.numIndexes; if(surfVertexCount <= 0 || surfIndexCount <= 0) { continue; } if(!statBuffers.vertexBuffers.CanAdd(surfVertexCount) || !statBuffers.indexBuffer.CanAdd(surfIndexCount) || statIndexCount + surfIndexCount > ARRAY_LEN(statIndices)) { Q_assert(0); break; } for(int i = 0; i < surf->shader->numStages; ++i) { const shaderStage_t* const stage = surf->shader->stages[i]; R_ComputeColors(stage, tess.svars[i], 0, tess.numVertexes); R_ComputeTexCoords(stage, tess.svars[i], 0, tess.numVertexes, qfalse); } // update GPU buffers statBuffers.vertexBuffers.Upload(0, surf->shader->numStages); statBuffers.indexBuffer.Upload(); // update CPU buffer const uint32_t firstGPUVertex = statBuffers.vertexBuffers.batchFirst; const uint32_t firstCPUIndex = statIndexCount; uint32_t* cpuIndices = statIndices + firstCPUIndex; for(int i = 0; i < surfIndexCount; ++i) { cpuIndices[i] = tess.indexes[i] + firstGPUVertex; } statIndexCount += surfIndexCount; const uint32_t chunkIndex = statChunkCount++; StaticGeometryChunk& chunk = statChunks[chunkIndex]; chunk.vertexCount = surfVertexCount; chunk.indexCount = surfIndexCount; chunk.firstGPUVertex = statBuffers.vertexBuffers.batchFirst; chunk.firstGPUIndex = statBuffers.indexBuffer.batchFirst; chunk.firstCPUIndex = firstCPUIndex; surf->staticGeoChunk = chunkIndex; statBuffers.vertexBuffers.EndBatch(surfVertexCount); statBuffers.indexBuffer.EndBatch(surfIndexCount); } statBuffers.vertexBuffers.EndUpload(); statBuffers.indexBuffer.EndUpload(); tess.numVertexes = 0; tess.numIndexes = 0; } void World::DrawSceneView(const drawSceneViewCommand_t& cmd) { if(cmd.shouldClearColor) { const viewParms_t& vp = cmd.viewParms; const Rect rect(vp.viewportX, vp.viewportY, vp.viewportWidth, vp.viewportHeight); CmdClearColorTarget(grp.renderTarget, cmd.clearColor, &rect); } if(cmd.numDrawSurfs <= 0) { return; } backEnd.refdef = cmd.refdef; backEnd.viewParms = cmd.viewParms; Begin(); CmdClearDepthStencilTarget(depthTexture, true, 0.0f); boundVertexBuffers = BufferFamily::Invalid; boundIndexBuffer = BufferFamily::Invalid; // portals get the chance to write to depth and color before everyone else { const shader_t* shader = NULL; int entityNum; R_DecomposeSort(cmd.drawSurfs->shaderSort, &entityNum, &shader); if(shader->sort != SS_PORTAL) { DrawPrePass(); } } SCOPED_RENDER_PASS("3D Scene View", 1.0f, 0.5f, 0.5f); CmdBindRootSignature(grp.uberRootSignature); CmdBindDescriptorTable(grp.uberRootSignature, grp.descriptorTable); CmdBindRenderTargets(1, &grp.renderTarget, &depthTexture); batchPSO = RHI_MAKE_NULL_HANDLE(); const drawSurf_t* drawSurfs = cmd.drawSurfs; const int surfCount = cmd.numDrawSurfs; const int opaqueCount = cmd.numDrawSurfs - cmd.numTranspSurfs; const int transpCount = cmd.numTranspSurfs; const double originalTime = backEnd.refdef.floatTime; const shader_t* shader = NULL; const shader_t* oldShader = NULL; int oldEntityNum = -1; bool oldHasStaticGeo = false; backEnd.currentEntity = &tr.worldEntity; GeometryBuffers& db = dynBuffers[GetFrameIndex()]; db.vertexBuffers.BeginUpload(); db.indexBuffer.BeginUpload(); int ds; const drawSurf_t* drawSurf; for(ds = 0, drawSurf = drawSurfs; ds < surfCount; ++ds, ++drawSurf) { if(ds == opaqueCount) { EndSkyBatch(); EndBatch(); DrawFog(); if(transpCount > 0) { CmdBindRootSignature(grp.uberRootSignature); CmdBindDescriptorTable(grp.uberRootSignature, grp.descriptorTable); CmdBindRenderTargets(1, &grp.renderTarget, &depthTexture); batchPSO = RHI_MAKE_NULL_HANDLE(); boundVertexBuffers = BufferFamily::Invalid; boundIndexBuffer = BufferFamily::Invalid; const TextureBarrier depthWriteBarrier(depthTexture, ResourceStates::DepthWriteBit); CmdBarrier(1, &depthWriteBarrier); } } int entityNum; R_DecomposeSort(drawSurf->sort, &entityNum, &shader); // sky shaders can have no stages and be valid (box drawn with no clouds) if(!shader->isSky) { if(shader->numPipelines == 0 || shader->pipelines[0].pipeline <= 0 || shader->pipelines[0].numStages <= 0) { continue; } } const bool hasStaticGeo = forceDynamic ? false : HasStaticGeo(drawSurf); const bool staticChanged = hasStaticGeo != oldHasStaticGeo; const bool shaderChanged = shader != oldShader; bool entityChanged = entityNum != oldEntityNum; Q_assert(shader != NULL); if(!hasStaticGeo && !drawDynamic) { continue; } if(ds >= opaqueCount && !drawTransparents) { continue; } if(staticChanged || shaderChanged || entityChanged) { oldShader = shader; oldEntityNum = entityNum; oldHasStaticGeo = hasStaticGeo; EndSkyBatch(); EndBatch(); BeginBatch(shader, hasStaticGeo); tess.greyscale = drawSurf->greyscale; } if(entityChanged) { UpdateEntityData(batchDepthHack, entityNum, originalTime); } if(hasStaticGeo) { const StaticGeometryChunk& chunk = statChunks[drawSurf->staticGeoChunk]; if(tess.numIndexes + chunk.indexCount > SHADER_MAX_INDEXES) { EndBatch(); BeginBatch(tess.shader, batchHasStaticGeo); } memcpy(tess.indexes + tess.numIndexes, statIndices + chunk.firstCPUIndex, chunk.indexCount * sizeof(uint32_t)); tess.numIndexes += chunk.indexCount; } else { R_TessellateSurface(drawSurf->surface); } } backEnd.refdef.floatTime = originalTime; EndSkyBatch(); EndBatch(); if(transpCount <= 0) { DrawFog(); } db.vertexBuffers.EndUpload(); db.indexBuffer.EndUpload(); // restores the potentially "hacked" depth range as well CmdSetViewportAndScissor(backEnd.viewParms); batchOldDepthHack = false; batchDepthHack = false; } void World::BindVertexBuffers(bool staticGeo, uint32_t firstStage, uint32_t stageCount) { const BufferFamily::Id type = staticGeo ? BufferFamily::Static : BufferFamily::Dynamic; if(type == boundVertexBuffers && firstStage == boundStaticVertexBuffersFirst && stageCount == boundStaticVertexBuffersCount) { return; } VertexBuffers& vb = staticGeo ? statBuffers.vertexBuffers : dynBuffers[GetFrameIndex()].vertexBuffers; const uint32_t count = VertexBuffers::BaseCount + VertexBuffers::StageCount * stageCount; HBuffer buffers[VertexBuffers::BufferCount]; memcpy(buffers, vb.buffers, VertexBuffers::BaseCount * sizeof(HBuffer)); memcpy( buffers + VertexBuffers::BaseCount, vb.buffers + VertexBuffers::BaseCount + VertexBuffers::StageCount * firstStage, VertexBuffers::StageCount * stageCount * sizeof(HBuffer)); CmdBindVertexBuffers(count, buffers, vb.strides, NULL); boundVertexBuffers = type; boundStaticVertexBuffersFirst = firstStage; boundStaticVertexBuffersCount = stageCount; } void World::BindIndexBuffer(bool staticGeo) { const BufferFamily::Id type = staticGeo ? BufferFamily::Static : BufferFamily::Dynamic; if(type == boundIndexBuffer) { return; } IndexBuffer& ib = staticGeo ? statBuffers.indexBuffer : dynBuffers[GetFrameIndex()].indexBuffer; CmdBindIndexBuffer(ib.buffer, indexType, 0); boundIndexBuffer = type; } void World::DrawFog() { // fog 0 is invalid if(!drawFog || tr.world == NULL || tr.world->numfogs <= 1) { return; } SCOPED_RENDER_PASS("Fog", 0.25f, 0.125f, 0.0f); CmdBindPipeline(fogOutsidePipeline); CmdBindRootSignature(fogRootSignature); CmdBindDescriptorTable(fogRootSignature, fogDescriptorTable); const uint32_t stride = sizeof(vec3_t); CmdBindVertexBuffers(1, &boxVertexBuffer, &stride, NULL); CmdBindIndexBuffer(boxIndexBuffer, IndexType::UInt32, 0); CmdBindRenderTargets(1, &grp.renderTarget, NULL); const TextureBarrier depthReadBarrier(depthTexture, ResourceStates::PixelShaderAccessBit); CmdBarrier(1, &depthReadBarrier); int insideIndex = -1; for(int f = 1; f < tr.world->numfogs; ++f) { const fog_t& fog = tr.world->fogs[f]; bool inside = true; for(int a = 0; a < 3; ++a) { if(backEnd.viewParms.orient.origin[a] <= fog.bounds[0][a] || backEnd.viewParms.orient.origin[a] >= fog.bounds[1][a]) { inside = false; break; } } if(inside) { insideIndex = f; break; } } for(int f = 1; f < tr.world->numfogs; ++f) { if(f == insideIndex) { continue; } const fog_t& fog = tr.world->fogs[f]; FogVertexRC vertexRC = {}; memcpy(vertexRC.modelViewMatrix, backEnd.viewParms.world.modelMatrix, sizeof(vertexRC.modelViewMatrix)); memcpy(vertexRC.projectionMatrix, backEnd.viewParms.projectionMatrix, sizeof(vertexRC.projectionMatrix)); VectorCopy(fog.bounds[0], vertexRC.boxMin); VectorCopy(fog.bounds[1], vertexRC.boxMax); CmdSetRootConstants(fogRootSignature, ShaderStage::Vertex, &vertexRC); FogPixelRC pixelRC = {}; VectorScale(fog.parms.color, tr.identityLight, pixelRC.colorDepth); pixelRC.colorDepth[3] = fog.parms.depthForOpaque; CmdSetRootConstants(fogRootSignature, ShaderStage::Pixel, &pixelRC); CmdDrawIndexed(36, 0, 0); } if(insideIndex > 0) { CmdBindPipeline(fogInsidePipeline); CmdBindRootSignature(fogRootSignature); CmdBindDescriptorTable(fogRootSignature, fogDescriptorTable); const fog_t& fog = tr.world->fogs[insideIndex]; FogVertexRC vertexRC = {}; memcpy(vertexRC.modelViewMatrix, backEnd.viewParms.world.modelMatrix, sizeof(vertexRC.modelViewMatrix)); memcpy(vertexRC.projectionMatrix, backEnd.viewParms.projectionMatrix, sizeof(vertexRC.projectionMatrix)); VectorCopy(fog.bounds[0], vertexRC.boxMin); VectorCopy(fog.bounds[1], vertexRC.boxMax); CmdSetRootConstants(fogRootSignature, ShaderStage::Vertex, &vertexRC); FogPixelRC pixelRC = {}; VectorScale(fog.parms.color, tr.identityLight, pixelRC.colorDepth); pixelRC.colorDepth[3] = fog.parms.depthForOpaque; CmdSetRootConstants(fogRootSignature, ShaderStage::Pixel, &pixelRC); CmdDrawIndexed(36, 0, 0); } } void World::DrawSkyBox() { if(!drawSky) { tess.numVertexes = 0; tess.numIndexes = 0; return; } // force creation of a PSO for the temp shader grp.ProcessShader((shader_t&)*tess.shader); tess.deformsPreApplied = qtrue; Q_assert(batchHasStaticGeo == false); EndBatch(); } void World::DrawClouds() { if(!drawClouds) { tess.numVertexes = 0; tess.numIndexes = 0; return; } Q_assert(batchHasStaticGeo == false); EndBatch(); }