/* =========================================================================== Copyright (C) 2024 Gian 'myT' Schellenbaum This file is part of Challenge Quake 3 (CNQ3). Challenge Quake 3 is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. Challenge Quake 3 is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with Challenge Quake 3. If not, see . =========================================================================== */ // Cinematic Rendering Pipeline - full opaque pre-pass #include "crp_local.h" #include "compshaders/crp/prepass.h" #pragma pack(push, 4) struct PrepassRC { float modelViewMatrix[16]; float modelMatrix[16]; float normalMatrix[16]; uint32_t textureIndex; uint32_t samplerIndex; uint32_t alphaTest; }; #pragma pack(pop) void Prepass::Init() { psoCache.Init(psoCacheEntries, ARRAY_LEN(psoCacheEntries)); } void Prepass::Draw(const drawSceneViewCommand_t& cmd) { if(cmd.numDrawSurfs - cmd.numTranspSurfs <= 0) { return; } srp.renderMode = RenderMode::World; SCOPED_RENDER_PASS("Pre-pass", 1.0f, 0.5f, 0.5f); backEnd.refdef = cmd.refdef; backEnd.viewParms = cmd.viewParms; CmdSetViewportAndScissor(backEnd.viewParms); batchOldDepthHack = false; batchDepthHack = false; CmdBeginBarrier(); CmdTextureBarrier(crp.depthTexture, ResourceStates::DepthWriteBit); CmdTextureBarrier(crp.normalTexture, ResourceStates::RenderTargetBit); CmdTextureBarrier(crp.motionVectorTexture, ResourceStates::RenderTargetBit); CmdTextureBarrier(crp.shadingPositionTexture, ResourceStates::RenderTargetBit); CmdEndBarrier(); CmdClearDepthStencilTarget(crp.depthTexture, true, 0.0f); CmdClearColorTarget(crp.normalTexture, vec4_zero, NULL); CmdClearColorTarget(crp.motionVectorTexture, vec4_zero, NULL); CmdClearColorTarget(crp.shadingPositionTexture, vec4_zero, NULL); GeoBuffers& db = crp.dynBuffers[GetFrameIndex()]; db.BeginUpload(); const HTexture renderTargets[] = { crp.normalTexture, crp.motionVectorTexture, crp.shadingPositionTexture }; CmdBindRenderTargets(ARRAY_LEN(renderTargets), renderTargets, &crp.depthTexture); CmdBindVertexBuffers(ARRAY_LEN(db.vertexBuffers), db.vertexBuffers, db.vertexBufferStrides, NULL); CmdBindIndexBuffer(db.indexBuffer.buffer, IndexType::UInt32, 0); const drawSurf_t* drawSurfs = cmd.drawSurfs; const int surfCount = cmd.numDrawSurfs - cmd.numTranspSurfs; const double originalTime = backEnd.refdef.floatTime; const shader_t* shader = NULL; const shader_t* oldShader = NULL; int oldEntityNum = -1; backEnd.currentEntity = &tr.worldEntity; tess.numVertexes = 0; tess.numIndexes = 0; int ds; const drawSurf_t* drawSurf; for(ds = 0, drawSurf = drawSurfs; ds < surfCount; ++ds, ++drawSurf) { int entityNum; R_DecomposeSort(drawSurf->sort, &entityNum, &shader); Q_assert(shader != NULL); Q_assert(shader->isOpaque); if(shader->isSky || shader->numStages <= 0) { continue; } const bool shaderChanged = shader != oldShader; const bool entityChanged = entityNum != oldEntityNum; if(shaderChanged || entityChanged) { oldShader = shader; oldEntityNum = entityNum; EndBatch(); BeginBatch(shader); tess.greyscale = drawSurf->greyscale; } if(entityChanged) { UpdateEntityData(batchDepthHack, entityNum, originalTime); } R_TessellateSurface(drawSurf->surface); } backEnd.refdef.floatTime = originalTime; EndBatch(); db.EndUpload(); // restores the potentially "hacked" depth range as well CmdSetViewportAndScissor(backEnd.viewParms); batchOldDepthHack = false; batchDepthHack = false; } void Prepass::ProcessShader(shader_t& shader) { if(shader.isSky) { return; } Q_assert(shader.isOpaque); if(shader.numStages < 1) { return; } const bool clampDepth = r_depthClamp->integer != 0 || shader.isSky; int a = 0; #if defined(DEBUG) const shaderStage_t& stage = *shader.stages[0]; const unsigned int stateBits = stage.stateBits & (~GLS_POLYMODE_LINE); Q_assert((stateBits & GLS_DEPTHTEST_DISABLE) == 0); // depth test enabled Q_assert((stateBits & GLS_DEPTHMASK_TRUE) != 0); // depth write enabled Q_assert((stateBits & GLS_DEPTHFUNC_EQUAL) == 0); // depth comparison GE #endif // @NOTE: we 0-init the struct so that padding bytes don't mess up comparisons in the PSO cache GraphicsPipelineDesc desc = {}; desc.name = "pre-pass"; desc.rootSignature = RHI_MAKE_NULL_HANDLE(); desc.shortLifeTime = true; // the PSO cache is only valid for this map! desc.vertexShader.Set(g_prepass_vs); desc.pixelShader.Set(g_prepass_ps); desc.vertexLayout.AddAttribute(a++, ShaderSemantic::Position, DataType::Float32, 3, 0); desc.vertexLayout.AddAttribute(a++, ShaderSemantic::Normal, DataType::Float32, 3, 0); desc.vertexLayout.AddAttribute(a++, ShaderSemantic::TexCoord, DataType::Float32, 2, 0); desc.vertexLayout.AddAttribute(a++, ShaderSemantic::Color, DataType::UNorm8, 4, 0); desc.depthStencil.depthStencilFormat = TextureFormat::Depth32_Float; desc.depthStencil.depthComparison = ComparisonFunction::GreaterEqual; desc.depthStencil.enableDepthTest = true; desc.depthStencil.enableDepthWrites = true; desc.rasterizer.cullMode = shader.cullType; desc.rasterizer.polygonOffset = shader.polygonOffset != 0; desc.rasterizer.clampDepth = clampDepth; desc.AddRenderTarget(0, TextureFormat::RG32_SNorm); desc.AddRenderTarget(0, TextureFormat::RG32_Float); desc.AddRenderTarget(0, TextureFormat::RGBA128_Float); pipeline_t& p = shader.prepassPipeline; p.firstStage = 0; p.numStages = 1; p.pipeline = psoCache.AddPipeline(desc, va("pre-pass %d", psoCache.entryCount)); desc.rasterizer.cullMode = GetMirrorredCullType(desc.rasterizer.cullMode); p.mirrorPipeline = psoCache.AddPipeline(desc, va("pre-pass %d mirrored", psoCache.entryCount)); } void Prepass::TessellationOverflow() { EndBatch(); BeginBatch(tess.shader); } void Prepass::BeginBatch(const shader_t* shader) { tess.tessellator = Tessellator::Prepass; tess.numVertexes = 0; tess.numIndexes = 0; tess.depthFade = DFT_NONE; tess.deformsPreApplied = qfalse; tess.xstages = (const shaderStage_t**)shader->stages; tess.shader = shader; tess.shaderTime = backEnd.refdef.floatTime - tess.shader->timeOffset; if(tess.shader->clampTime && tess.shaderTime >= tess.shader->clampTime) { tess.shaderTime = tess.shader->clampTime; } } void Prepass::EndBatch() { PrepassRC rc = {}; float tempMatrix[16]; const int vertexCount = tess.numVertexes; const int indexCount = tess.numIndexes; if(vertexCount <= 0 || indexCount <= 0 || tess.shader->numStages <= 0) { goto clean_up; } const shader_t* const shader = tess.shader; GeoBuffers& db = crp.dynBuffers[GetFrameIndex()]; if(!db.CanAdd(vertexCount, indexCount, shader->numStages)) { Q_assert(!"World surface geometry buffer too small!"); goto clean_up; } RB_DeformTessGeometry(0, vertexCount, 0, indexCount); db.UploadBase(); if(batchDepthHack != batchOldDepthHack) { const viewParms_t& vp = backEnd.viewParms; CmdSetViewport(vp.viewportX, vp.viewportY, vp.viewportWidth, vp.viewportHeight, batchDepthHack ? 0.7f : 0.0f, 1.0f); batchOldDepthHack = batchDepthHack; } const shaderStage_t* const stage = shader->stages[0]; R_ComputeColors(stage, tess.svars[0], 0, vertexCount); R_ComputeTexCoords(stage, tess.svars[0], 0, vertexCount, qfalse); db.UploadStage(0); const pipeline_t& pipeline = shader->prepassPipeline; const int psoIndex = backEnd.viewParms.isMirror ? pipeline.mirrorPipeline : pipeline.pipeline; Q_assert(psoIndex > 0); CmdBindPipeline(psoCache.entries[psoIndex].handle); const image_t* image = GetBundleImage(stage->bundle); const uint32_t texIdx = image->textureIndex; const uint32_t sampIdx = GetSamplerIndex(image); const uint32_t alphaTest = AlphaTestShaderConstFromStateBits(stage->stateBits); Q_assert(sampIdx < ARRAY_LEN(crp.samplers)); memcpy(rc.modelViewMatrix, backEnd.orient.modelMatrix, sizeof(rc.modelViewMatrix)); memcpy(rc.modelMatrix, backEnd.modelMatrix, sizeof(rc.modelMatrix)); R_InvMatrix(backEnd.modelMatrix, tempMatrix); R_TransposeMatrix(tempMatrix, rc.normalMatrix); rc.textureIndex = texIdx; rc.samplerIndex = sampIdx; rc.alphaTest = alphaTest; CmdSetGraphicsRootConstants(0, sizeof(rc), &rc); db.DrawStage(vertexCount, indexCount); db.EndBaseBatch(vertexCount); clean_up: tess.tessellator = Tessellator::None; tess.numVertexes = 0; tess.numIndexes = 0; }