/* =========================================================================== Copyright (C) 1999-2005 Id Software, Inc. This file is part of Quake III Arena source code. Quake III Arena source code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. Quake III Arena source code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with Quake III Arena source code; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA =========================================================================== */ #include <signal.h> #include <execinfo.h> #include <unistd.h> #include <fcntl.h> #include <errno.h> #include <dlfcn.h> #include <cxxabi.h> #include <sys/stat.h> #include <sys/types.h> // empty struct size being 0 or 1 byte #pragma clang diagnostic push #pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wextern-c-compat" #define UNW_LOCAL_ONLY #include "../libunwind/libunwind.h" #pragma clang diagnostic pop #include "../qcommon/q_shared.h" #include "../qcommon/qcommon.h" #include "../qcommon/crash.h" #include "linux_local.h" /* A sub-process created by fork from a signal handler will most certainly run in the context of the signal handler and should therefore also be limited to calling async-signal-safe functions only. So the idea of launching a new process from a handler for doing the heavy lifting (resolving symbols etc) is completely dead. */ // the app crashed // columns: Symbol, Desc #define CRASH_SIGNAL_LIST(X) \ X(SIGILL, "illegal instruction") \ X(SIGIOT, "IOT trap (a synonym for SIGABRT)") \ X(SIGBUS, "bus error (bad memory access)") \ X(SIGFPE, "fatal arithmetic error") \ X(SIGSEGV, "invalid memory reference") // the app should terminate normally // columns: Symbol, Desc #define TERM_SIGNAL_LIST(X) \ X(SIGHUP, "hangup detected on controlling terminal or death of controlling process") \ X(SIGQUIT, "quit from keyboard") \ X(SIGTRAP, "trace/breakpoint trap") \ X(SIGTERM, "termination signal") \ X(SIGINT, "interrupt") #define SIGNAL_ITEM(Symbol, Desc) 1 + static const int sig_crashSignalCount = CRASH_SIGNAL_LIST(SIGNAL_ITEM) 0; static const int sig_termSignalCount = TERM_SIGNAL_LIST(SIGNAL_ITEM) 0; #undef SIGNAL_ITEM #define SIGNAL_ITEM(Symbol, Desc) Symbol, static const int sig_crashSignals[sig_crashSignalCount + 1] = { CRASH_SIGNAL_LIST(SIGNAL_ITEM) 0 }; static const int sig_termSignals[sig_termSignalCount + 1] = { TERM_SIGNAL_LIST(SIGNAL_ITEM) 0 }; #undef SIGNAL_ITEM static char sig_backTraceFilePath[MAX_OSPATH]; static char sig_jsonFilePath[MAX_OSPATH]; static void Sig_Unwind_OpenLibrary(); static void Sig_Unwind_GetContext(); static void Sig_Unwind_Print(FILE* file); static void Sig_Unwind_PrintASS(int fd); // async-signal-safe // both of these can call Com_Error, which is not safe #define Q_strncpyz Sig_strncpyz #define Q_strcat Sig_strcat // make sure we don't use these #define strcpy do_not_use_strcpy #define strcat do_not_use_strcat // async-signal-safe static void Sig_strncpyz(char* dest, const char* src, int size) { if (!dest || !src || size < 1) return; strncpy(dest, src, size - 1); dest[size - 1] = '\0'; } // async-signal-safe static void Sig_strcat(char* dest, int size, const char* src) { if (!dest || !src || size < 1) return; const int destLength = strlen(dest); if (destLength >= size) return; Sig_strncpyz(dest + destLength, src, size - destLength); } static const char* Sig_GetDescription(int sig) { #define SIGNAL_ITEM(Symbol, Desc) case Symbol: return Desc; switch (sig) { CRASH_SIGNAL_LIST(SIGNAL_ITEM) TERM_SIGNAL_LIST(SIGNAL_ITEM) default: return "unhandled signal"; } #undef SIGNAL_ITEM } static const char* Sig_GetName(int sig) { #define SIGNAL_ITEM(Symbol, Desc) case Symbol: return #Symbol; switch (sig) { CRASH_SIGNAL_LIST(SIGNAL_ITEM) TERM_SIGNAL_LIST(SIGNAL_ITEM) default: return "unhandled signal"; } #undef SIGNAL_ITEM } static void Sig_UpdateFilePaths() { // gmtime and va (sprintf) are not async-signal-safe const time_t epochTime = time(NULL); struct tm* const utcTime = gmtime(&epochTime); const int y = 1900 + utcTime->tm_year; const int m = utcTime->tm_mon + 1; const int d = utcTime->tm_mday; const int h = utcTime->tm_hour; const int mi = utcTime->tm_min; const int s = utcTime->tm_sec; const char* const bn = va( "%s-crash-%d.%02d.%02d-%02d.%02d.%02d", q_argv[0], y, m, d, h, mi, s); char baseName[MAX_OSPATH]; Q_strncpyz(baseName, bn, sizeof(baseName)); Q_strncpyz(sig_backTraceFilePath, va("%s.bt", baseName), sizeof(sig_backTraceFilePath)); Q_strncpyz(sig_jsonFilePath, va("%s.json", baseName), sizeof(sig_jsonFilePath)); } static const char* Sig_BackTraceFilePath() { if (sig_backTraceFilePath[0] == '\0') return "cnq3-crash.bt"; return sig_backTraceFilePath; } static const char* Sig_JSONFilePath() { if (sig_jsonFilePath[0] == '\0') return "cnq3-crash.json"; return sig_jsonFilePath; } static void Sig_WriteJSON(int sig) { FILE* const file = fopen(Sig_JSONFilePath(), "w"); if (file == NULL) return; JSONW_BeginFile(file); JSONW_IntegerValue("signal", sig); JSONW_StringValue("signal_name", Sig_GetName(sig)); JSONW_StringValue("signal_description", Sig_GetDescription(sig)); Crash_PrintToFile(q_argv[0]); JSONW_EndFile(); fclose(file); } static void Sig_Backtrace_Print(FILE* file) { void* addresses[64]; const int addresscount = backtrace(addresses, sizeof(addresses)); if (addresscount > 0) { fflush(file); backtrace_symbols_fd(addresses, addresscount, fileno(file)); } else { fprintf(file, "The call to backtrace failed\r\n"); } } static void libbt_ErrorCallback(void* data, const char* msg, int errnum) { fprintf((FILE*)data, "libbacktrace error: %s (%d)\r\n", msg, errnum); } static void Sig_Print(int fd, const char* msg) { write(fd, msg, strlen(msg)); } static void Sig_PrintLine(int fd, const char* msg) { write(fd, msg, strlen(msg)); write(fd, "\r\n", 2); } static void Sig_PrintSignalCaught(int sig) { // fprintf is not async-signal-safe, but write is Sig_Print(STDERR_FILENO, "\nSignal caught: "); Sig_Print(STDERR_FILENO, Sig_GetName(sig)); Sig_Print(STDERR_FILENO, " ("); Sig_Print(STDERR_FILENO, Sig_GetDescription(sig)); Sig_Print(STDERR_FILENO, ")\r\n"); } static void Sig_HandleExit() { Lin_ConsoleInputShutdown(); } static volatile sig_atomic_t sig_termRequested = 0; static void Sig_HandleTermSignal(int sig) { Sig_PrintSignalCaught(sig); sig_termRequested = 1; } static void Sig_PrintAttempt(const char* what) { Sig_Print(STDERR_FILENO, "Attempting to "); Sig_Print(STDERR_FILENO, what); Sig_Print(STDERR_FILENO, "..."); } static void Sig_PrintDone() { Sig_Print(STDERR_FILENO, " done\r\n"); } static void Sig_HandleCrash(int sig) { // // Phase 1: async-signal-safe code // Sig_Unwind_GetContext(); const int fd = open(Sig_BackTraceFilePath(), O_CREAT | O_TRUNC | O_WRONLY, 0644); if (fd != -1) { Sig_PrintAttempt("write safe libunwind stack trace"); Sig_PrintLine(fd, "safe libunwind stack trace:"); Sig_Unwind_PrintASS(fd); Sig_PrintDone(); Sig_PrintAttempt("write safe mod stack traces"); Sig_PrintLine(fd, "\r\n\r\nmod stack traces:"); Crash_PrintVMStackTracesASS(fd); Sig_PrintDone(); // user R+W - group R - others R chmod(Sig_BackTraceFilePath(), S_IRUSR | S_IWUSR | S_IRGRP | S_IROTH); } // // Phase 2: buckle up // Sig_PrintAttempt("restore tty settings"); Lin_ConsoleInputShutdown(); Sig_PrintDone(); Sig_PrintAttempt("write JSON report"); Sig_WriteJSON(sig); Sig_PrintDone(); if (fd != -1) { FILE* const file = fdopen(fd, "a"); Sig_PrintAttempt("write backtrace stack trace"); fprintf(file, "\r\n\r\nbacktrace_symbols_fd stack trace:\r\n"); Sig_Backtrace_Print(file); fflush(file); Sig_PrintDone(); Sig_PrintAttempt("write detailed libunwind stack trace"); fprintf(file, "\r\n\r\ndetailed libunwind stack trace:\r\n"); Sig_Unwind_Print(file); fflush(file); Sig_PrintDone(); } } static void Sig_HandleCrashSignal(int sig) { static volatile sig_atomic_t counter = 0; Sig_PrintSignalCaught(sig); ++counter; if (counter == 1) Sig_HandleCrash(sig); else if (counter >= 2) Sig_PrintLine(STDERR_FILENO, "Double fault! Shutting down immediately."); _exit(1); } static void Sig_RegisterSignals(const int* signals, int count, void (*handler)(int), int flags) { sigset_t mask; sigemptyset(&mask); struct sigaction action; memset(&action, 0, sizeof(action)); action.sa_handler = handler; action.sa_mask = mask; action.sa_flags = flags; for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i) sigaction(signals[i], &action, NULL); } void SIG_InitChild() { // This is unfortunately needed because some code might // call exit and bypass all the clean-up work without // there ever being a real crash. // This happens for instance with the "fatal IO error" // of the X server. atexit(Sig_HandleExit); // The crash handler gets SA_NODEFER so that we can handle faults it generates. Sig_RegisterSignals(sig_crashSignals, sig_crashSignalCount, Sig_HandleCrashSignal, SA_NODEFER); Sig_RegisterSignals(sig_termSignals, sig_termSignalCount, Sig_HandleTermSignal, 0); // Must do this now because it's not safe in a signal handler. Sig_UpdateFilePaths(); Sig_Unwind_OpenLibrary(); } void SIG_InitParent() { // Signals are sent to both the parent and the child, which can be an issue. // Our parent process has to ignore all signals handled by the child and // let the child do whatever needs to be done. for (int i = 0; i < sig_crashSignalCount; ++i) signal(sig_crashSignals[i], SIG_IGN); for (int i = 0; i < sig_termSignalCount; ++i) signal(sig_termSignals[i], SIG_IGN); } void SIG_Frame() { // Must do this now because it's not safe in a signal handler. Sig_UpdateFilePaths(); if (sig_termRequested != 0) Com_Quit(0); } // We require libunwind8 specifically for now. // Even if there was a general symlink without the number, // it would still not be safe to load it because // the library provides no way to query its version. #define LIBUNWIND_PATH "libunwind-" XSTRING(UNW_TARGET) ".so.8" struct libUnwind_t { unw_context_t context; int (*getcontext)(unw_context_t *); int (*init_local)(unw_cursor_t *, unw_context_t *); int (*step)(unw_cursor_t *); int (*get_reg)(unw_cursor_t *, unw_regnum_t, unw_word_t *); int (*get_proc_name)(unw_cursor_t *, char *, size_t, unw_word_t *); void* handle; qbool valid; }; static libUnwind_t unw; static void Sig_Unwind_GetContext() { if (!unw.valid) return; if (unw.getcontext(&unw.context) != 0) { Sig_PrintLine(STDERR_FILENO, "The call to libunwind's getcontext failed"); unw.valid = qfalse; } } static int Sig_Unwind_GetFunction(void** func, const char* name) { *func = dlsym(unw.handle, name); return *func != NULL; } static void Sig_Unwind_OpenLibrary() { // dlopen, dlsym, fprintf are not async-signal-safe unw.valid = qfalse; unw.handle = dlopen(LIBUNWIND_PATH, RTLD_NOW); if (unw.handle == NULL) { const char* errorMsg = dlerror(); if (errorMsg != NULL) fprintf(stderr, "\nFailed to load %s: %s\n", LIBUNWIND_PATH, errorMsg); else fprintf(stderr, "\nFailed to find/load %s\n", LIBUNWIND_PATH); return; } #define GET2(Var, Name) \ if (!Sig_Unwind_GetFunction((void**)&unw.Var, Name)) \ { \ fprintf(stderr, "\nFailed to find libunwind function %s\n", Name); \ return; \ } #define GET(Name) GET2(Name, XSTRING(UNW_OBJ(Name))) GET2(getcontext, "_Ux86_64_getcontext"); GET(init_local); GET(step); GET(get_reg); GET(get_proc_name); #undef GET #undef GET2 unw.valid = qtrue; } static int Sig_Unwind_GetFileAndLine(unw_word_t addr, char* file, size_t flen, int* line) { static char buf[1024]; sprintf(buf, "addr2line -C -e %s -f -i %lx", q_argv[0], (unsigned long)addr); FILE* f = popen(buf, "r"); if (f == NULL) return 0; fgets(buf, sizeof(buf), f); // function name fgets(buf, sizeof(buf), f); // file and line pclose(f); if (buf[0] == '?') return 0; // file name before ':' char* p = buf; while (*p != ':') ++p; *p = '\0'; // skip the folder names char* name = strrchr(buf, '/'); name = name ? (name + 1) : buf; // line number ++p; Q_strncpyz(file, name, flen); sscanf(p, "%d", line); return 1; } void Sig_Unwind_Print(FILE* fp) { static char name[1024]; static char file[1024]; if (!unw.valid) return; unw_cursor_t cursor; if (unw.init_local(&cursor, &unw.context) != 0) { fprintf(fp, "The call to libunwind's init_local failed\r\n"); return; } while (unw.step(&cursor) > 0) { const char* func = name; unw_word_t ip, sp, offp; if (unw.get_proc_name(&cursor, name, sizeof(name), &offp)) { Q_strncpyz(name, "???", sizeof(name)); } else { int status; char* niceName = abi::__cxa_demangle(name, NULL, NULL, &status); if (status == 0) { Q_strncpyz(name, niceName, sizeof(name)); free(niceName); } } int line = 0; unw.get_reg(&cursor, UNW_REG_IP, &ip); if (Sig_Unwind_GetFileAndLine((long)ip, file, sizeof(file), &line)) fprintf(fp, "%s at %s:%d\n", name, file, line); else fprintf(fp, "%s\n", name); } } // async-signal-safe void Sig_Unwind_PrintASS(int fd) { static char name[1024]; if (!unw.valid) return; unw_cursor_t cursor; if (unw.init_local(&cursor, &unw.context) != 0) return; while (unw.step(&cursor) > 0) { unw_word_t offp; if (unw.get_proc_name(&cursor, name, sizeof(name), &offp)) Q_strncpyz(name, "???", sizeof(name)); Sig_PrintLine(fd, name); } }