/* =========================================================================== Copyright (C) 2006 Tony J. White (tjw@tjw.org) This file is part of Quake III Arena source code. Quake III Arena source code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. Quake III Arena source code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with Quake III Arena source code; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA =========================================================================== */ #include "client.h" #if defined(USE_CURL) #if defined(USE_CURL_DLOPEN) cvar_t* cl_cURLLib; #if defined _WIN32 #include #define OBJTYPE HMODULE #define OBJLOAD(x) LoadLibrary(x) #define SYMLOAD(x,y) GetProcAddress(x,y) #define OBJFREE(x) FreeLibrary(x) #elif defined __linux__ || defined __FreeBSD__ || defined MACOS_X || defined __sun #include #define OBJTYPE void * #define OBJLOAD(x) dlopen(x, RTLD_LAZY | RTLD_GLOBAL) #define SYMLOAD(x,y) dlsym(x,y) #define OBJFREE(x) dlclose(x) #else #error "Your platform has no lib loading code or it is disabled" #endif #if defined __linux__ || defined __FreeBSD__ || defined MACOS_X #include #include #endif char* (*qcurl_version)(void); CURL* (*qcurl_easy_init)(void); CURLcode (*qcurl_easy_setopt)(CURL *curl, CURLoption option, ...); CURLcode (*qcurl_easy_perform)(CURL *curl); void (*qcurl_easy_cleanup)(CURL *curl); CURLcode (*qcurl_easy_getinfo)(CURL *curl, CURLINFO info, ...); CURL* (*qcurl_easy_duphandle)(CURL *curl); void (*qcurl_easy_reset)(CURL *curl); const char *(*qcurl_easy_strerror)(CURLcode); CURLM* (*qcurl_multi_init)(void); CURLMcode (*qcurl_multi_add_handle)(CURLM *multi_handle, CURL *curl_handle); CURLMcode (*qcurl_multi_remove_handle)(CURLM *multi_handle, CURL *curl_handle); CURLMcode (*qcurl_multi_fdset)(CURLM *multi_handle, fd_set *read_fd_set, fd_set *write_fd_set, fd_set *exc_fd_set, int *max_fd); CURLMcode (*qcurl_multi_perform)(CURLM *multi_handle, int *running_handles); CURLMcode (*qcurl_multi_cleanup)(CURLM *multi_handle); CURLMsg *(*qcurl_multi_info_read)(CURLM *multi_handle, int *msgs_in_queue); const char *(*qcurl_multi_strerror)(CURLMcode); static OBJTYPE cURLLib = NULL; /* ================= GPA ================= */ static void *GPA(char *str) { void *rv; rv = SYMLOAD(cURLLib, str); if(!rv) { Com_Printf("Can't load symbol %s\n", str); clc.cURLEnabled = qfalse; return NULL; } else { Com_DPrintf("Loaded symbol %s (0x%p)\n", str, rv); return rv; } } #endif /* USE_CURL_DLOPEN */ /* ================= CL_cURL_Init ================= */ qbool CL_cURL_Init() { #if defined(USE_CURL_DLOPEN) if(cURLLib) return qtrue; Com_Printf("Loading \"%s\"...", cl_cURLLib->string); if( (cURLLib = OBJLOAD(cl_cURLLib->string)) == 0 ) { #ifdef _WIN32 return qfalse; #else char fn[1024]; getcwd(fn, sizeof(fn)); strncat(fn, "/", sizeof(fn)-strlen(fn)-1); strncat(fn, cl_cURLLib->string, sizeof(fn)-strlen(fn)-1); if( (cURLLib = OBJLOAD(fn)) == 0 ) { return qfalse; } #endif /* _WIN32 */ } clc.cURLEnabled = qtrue; qcurl_version = GPA("curl_version"); qcurl_easy_init = GPA("curl_easy_init"); qcurl_easy_setopt = GPA("curl_easy_setopt"); qcurl_easy_perform = GPA("curl_easy_perform"); qcurl_easy_cleanup = GPA("curl_easy_cleanup"); qcurl_easy_getinfo = GPA("curl_easy_getinfo"); qcurl_easy_duphandle = GPA("curl_easy_duphandle"); qcurl_easy_reset = GPA("curl_easy_reset"); qcurl_easy_strerror = GPA("curl_easy_strerror"); qcurl_multi_init = GPA("curl_multi_init"); qcurl_multi_add_handle = GPA("curl_multi_add_handle"); qcurl_multi_remove_handle = GPA("curl_multi_remove_handle"); qcurl_multi_fdset = GPA("curl_multi_fdset"); qcurl_multi_perform = GPA("curl_multi_perform"); qcurl_multi_cleanup = GPA("curl_multi_cleanup"); qcurl_multi_info_read = GPA("curl_multi_info_read"); qcurl_multi_strerror = GPA("curl_multi_strerror"); if(!clc.cURLEnabled) { CL_cURL_Shutdown(); Com_Printf("FAIL One or more symbols not found\n"); return qfalse; } Com_Printf("OK\n"); return qtrue; #else clc.cURLEnabled = qtrue; return qtrue; #endif /* USE_CURL_DLOPEN */ } /* ================= CL_cURL_Shutdown ================= */ void CL_cURL_Shutdown( void ) { CL_cURL_Cleanup(); #if defined(USE_CURL_DLOPEN) if(cURLLib) { OBJFREE(cURLLib); cURLLib = NULL; } qcurl_easy_init = NULL; qcurl_easy_setopt = NULL; qcurl_easy_perform = NULL; qcurl_easy_cleanup = NULL; qcurl_easy_getinfo = NULL; qcurl_easy_duphandle = NULL; qcurl_easy_reset = NULL; qcurl_multi_init = NULL; qcurl_multi_add_handle = NULL; qcurl_multi_remove_handle = NULL; qcurl_multi_fdset = NULL; qcurl_multi_perform = NULL; qcurl_multi_cleanup = NULL; qcurl_multi_info_read = NULL; qcurl_multi_strerror = NULL; #endif /* USE_CURL_DLOPEN */ } void CL_cURL_Cleanup(void) { if(clc.downloadCURLM) { if(clc.downloadCURL) { qcurl_multi_remove_handle(clc.downloadCURLM, clc.downloadCURL); qcurl_easy_cleanup(clc.downloadCURL); } qcurl_multi_cleanup(clc.downloadCURLM); clc.downloadCURLM = NULL; clc.downloadCURL = NULL; } else if(clc.downloadCURL) { qcurl_easy_cleanup(clc.downloadCURL); clc.downloadCURL = NULL; } } static int CL_cURL_CallbackProgress( void *dummy, double dltotal, double dlnow, double ultotal, double ulnow ) { clc.downloadSize = (int)dltotal; Cvar_SetValue( "cl_downloadSize", clc.downloadSize ); clc.downloadCount = (int)dlnow; Cvar_SetValue( "cl_downloadCount", clc.downloadCount ); return 0; } static int CL_cURL_CallbackWrite(void *buffer, size_t size, size_t nmemb, void *stream) { FS_Write( buffer, size*nmemb, ((fileHandle_t*)stream)[0] ); return size*nmemb; } void CL_cURL_BeginDownload( const char *localName, const char *remoteURL ) { clc.cURLUsed = qtrue; Com_Printf("URL: %s\n", remoteURL); Com_DPrintf("***** CL_cURL_BeginDownload *****\n" "Localname: %s\n" "RemoteURL: %s\n" "****************************\n", localName, remoteURL); CL_cURL_Cleanup(); Q_strncpyz(clc.downloadURL, remoteURL, sizeof(clc.downloadURL)); Q_strncpyz(clc.downloadName, localName, sizeof(clc.downloadName)); Com_sprintf(clc.downloadTempName, sizeof(clc.downloadTempName), "%s.tmp", localName); // Set so UI gets access to it Cvar_Set("cl_downloadName", localName); Cvar_Set("cl_downloadSize", "0"); Cvar_Set("cl_downloadCount", "0"); Cvar_SetValue("cl_downloadTime", cls.realtime); clc.downloadBlock = 0; // Starting new file clc.downloadCount = 0; clc.downloadCURL = qcurl_easy_init(); if(!clc.downloadCURL) { Com_Error(ERR_DROP, "CL_cURL_BeginDownload: qcurl_easy_init() " "failed\n"); return; } clc.download = FS_SV_FOpenFileWrite(clc.downloadTempName); if(!clc.download) { Com_Error(ERR_DROP, "CL_cURL_BeginDownload: failed to open " "%s for writing\n", clc.downloadTempName); return; } qcurl_easy_setopt(clc.downloadCURL, CURLOPT_WRITEDATA, clc.download); if(com_developer->integer) qcurl_easy_setopt(clc.downloadCURL, CURLOPT_VERBOSE, 1); qcurl_easy_setopt(clc.downloadCURL, CURLOPT_URL, clc.downloadURL); qcurl_easy_setopt(clc.downloadCURL, CURLOPT_TRANSFERTEXT, 0); qcurl_easy_setopt(clc.downloadCURL, CURLOPT_REFERER, va("ioQ3://%s", NET_AdrToString(clc.serverAddress))); qcurl_easy_setopt(clc.downloadCURL, CURLOPT_USERAGENT, va("%s %s", Q3_VERSION, qcurl_version())); qcurl_easy_setopt(clc.downloadCURL, CURLOPT_WRITEFUNCTION, CL_cURL_CallbackWrite); qcurl_easy_setopt(clc.downloadCURL, CURLOPT_WRITEDATA, &clc.download); qcurl_easy_setopt(clc.downloadCURL, CURLOPT_NOPROGRESS, 0); qcurl_easy_setopt(clc.downloadCURL, CURLOPT_PROGRESSFUNCTION, CL_cURL_CallbackProgress); qcurl_easy_setopt(clc.downloadCURL, CURLOPT_PROGRESSDATA, NULL); qcurl_easy_setopt(clc.downloadCURL, CURLOPT_FAILONERROR, 1); qcurl_easy_setopt(clc.downloadCURL, CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION, 1); qcurl_easy_setopt(clc.downloadCURL, CURLOPT_MAXREDIRS, 5); clc.downloadCURLM = qcurl_multi_init(); if(!clc.downloadCURLM) { qcurl_easy_cleanup(clc.downloadCURL); clc.downloadCURL = NULL; Com_Error(ERR_DROP, "CL_cURL_BeginDownload: qcurl_multi_init() " "failed\n"); return; } qcurl_multi_add_handle(clc.downloadCURLM, clc.downloadCURL); if( !clc.cURLDisconnected ) { CL_AddReliableCommand( "disconnect" ); CL_WritePacket(); CL_WritePacket(); CL_WritePacket(); clc.cURLDisconnected = qtrue; } } void CL_cURL_PerformDownload(void) { CURLMcode res; CURLMsg *msg; int c; int i = 0; res = qcurl_multi_perform(clc.downloadCURLM, &c); while(res == CURLM_CALL_MULTI_PERFORM && i < 100) { res = qcurl_multi_perform(clc.downloadCURLM, &c); i++; } if(res == CURLM_CALL_MULTI_PERFORM) return; msg = qcurl_multi_info_read(clc.downloadCURLM, &c); if(msg == NULL) { return; } FS_FCloseFile(clc.download); if(msg->msg == CURLMSG_DONE && msg->data.result == CURLE_OK) { FS_SV_Rename(clc.downloadTempName, clc.downloadName); clc.downloadRestart = qtrue; } else { long code; qcurl_easy_getinfo(msg->easy_handle, CURLINFO_RESPONSE_CODE, &code); Com_Error(ERR_DROP, "Download Error: %s Code: %ld URL: %s", qcurl_easy_strerror(msg->data.result), code, clc.downloadURL); } *clc.downloadTempName = *clc.downloadName = 0; Cvar_Set( "cl_downloadName", "" ); CL_NextDownload(); } #endif /* USE_CURL */