/* =========================================================================== Copyright (C) 1999-2005 Id Software, Inc. This file is part of Quake III Arena source code. Quake III Arena source code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. Quake III Arena source code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with Quake III Arena source code; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA =========================================================================== */ #include #include #include #include "../qcommon/q_shared.h" #include "../qcommon/qcommon.h" #include "../qcommon/crash.h" #ifndef DEDICATED #include "../renderer/tr_local.h" #endif #include "linux_local.h" // columns: Symbol, IsCrash, Desc #define SIGNAL_LIST(X) \ X(SIGHUP, qfalse, "hangup detected on controlling terminal or death of controlling process") \ X(SIGQUIT, qfalse, "quit from keyboard") \ X(SIGILL, qtrue, "illegal instruction") \ X(SIGTRAP, qfalse, "trace/breakpoint trap") \ X(SIGIOT, qtrue, "IOT trap (a synonym for SIGABRT)") \ X(SIGBUS, qtrue, "bus error (bad memory access)") \ X(SIGFPE, qtrue, "fatal arithmetic error") \ X(SIGSEGV, qtrue, "invalid memory reference") \ X(SIGTERM, qfalse, "termination signal") \ X(SIGINT, qfalse, "interrupt") static qboolean Sig_IsCrashSignal(int sig) { #define SIGNAL_ITEM(Symbol, IsCrash, Desc) case Symbol: return IsCrash; switch (sig) { SIGNAL_LIST(SIGNAL_ITEM) default: return qfalse; } #undef SIGNAL_ITEM } static const char* Sig_GetDescription(int sig) { #define SIGNAL_ITEM(Symbol, IsCrash, Desc) case Symbol: return Desc; switch (sig) { SIGNAL_LIST(SIGNAL_ITEM) default: return "unhandled signal"; } #undef SIGNAL_ITEM } static const char* Sig_GetName(int sig) { #define SIGNAL_ITEM(Symbol, IsCrash, Desc) case Symbol: return #Symbol; switch (sig) { SIGNAL_LIST(SIGNAL_ITEM) default: return "unhandled signal"; } #undef SIGNAL_ITEM } static void Sig_WriteJSON(int sig) { FILE* const file = fopen(va("%s-crash.json", q_argv[0]), "w"); if (file == NULL) return; JSONW_BeginFile(file); JSONW_IntegerValue("signal", sig); JSONW_StringValue("signal_name", Sig_GetName(sig)); JSONW_StringValue("signal_description", Sig_GetDescription(sig)); Crash_PrintToFile(q_argv[0]); JSONW_EndFile(); fclose(file); } // only uses functions safe to call in a signal handler static void Sig_WriteBacktraceSafe() { FILE* const file = fopen(va("%s-crash.bt", q_argv[0]), "w"); if (file == NULL) return; void* addresses[64]; const int addresscount = backtrace(addresses, sizeof(addresses)); if (addresscount > 0) { fprintf(file, "backtrace_symbols_fd stack trace:\r\n"); fflush(file); backtrace_symbols_fd(addresses, addresscount, fileno(file)); } else { fprintf(file, "The call to backtrace failed\r\n"); } fclose(file); } static void libbt_ErrorCallback(void* data, const char* msg, int errnum) { fprintf((FILE*)data, "libbacktrace error: %s (%d)\r\n", msg, errnum); } // might not be safe in a signal handler static void Sig_WriteBacktraceUnsafe() { FILE* const file = fopen(va("%s-crash.bt", q_argv[0]), "a"); if (file == NULL) return; fprintf(file, "\r\n\r\n"); backtrace_state* const state = backtrace_create_state(q_argv[0], 0, libbt_ErrorCallback, file); if (state) { fprintf(file, "libbacktrace stack trace:\r\n"); fflush(file); backtrace_print(state, 0, file); } else { fprintf(file, "The call to backtrace_create_state failed\r\n"); } fclose(file); } static qbool sig_crashed = qfalse; static int sig_signal = 0; // Every call in there needs to be safe when called more than once. static void SIG_HandleCrash() { // We crashed and only care about restoring system settings // that the process clean-up won't handle for us. #ifndef DEDICATED LIN_RestoreGamma(); #endif Sys_ConsoleInputShutdown(); if (!sig_crashed) return; Sig_WriteJSON(sig_signal); Sig_WriteBacktraceSafe(); Sig_WriteBacktraceUnsafe(); } static void Sig_HandleSignal(int sig) { static int faultCounter = 0; static qbool crashHandled = qfalse; sig_signal = sig; faultCounter++; if (faultCounter >= 3) { // We're here because the double fault handler failed. // We take no chances this time and exit right away to avoid // calling this function many more times. exit(3); } sig_crashed = Sig_IsCrashSignal(sig); if (faultCounter == 2) { // The termination handler failed which means that if we exit right now, // some system settings might still be in a bad state. printf("DOUBLE SIGNAL FAULT: Received signal %d (%s), exiting...\n", sig, Sig_GetName(sig)); if (sig_crashed && !crashHandled) { SIG_HandleCrash(); } exit(2); } fprintf(sig_crashed ? stderr : stdout, "Received %s signal %d: %s (%s), exiting...\n", sig_crashed ? "crash" : "termination", sig, Sig_GetName(sig), Sig_GetDescription(sig)); if (sig_crashed) { SIG_HandleCrash(); crashHandled = qtrue; exit(1); } else { // attempt a proper shutdown sequence #ifndef DEDICATED CL_Shutdown(); #endif SV_Shutdown("Signal caught"); Sys_ConsoleInputShutdown(); exit(0); } } void SIG_Init() { // This is unfortunately needed because some code might // call exit and bypass all the clean-up work without // there ever being a real crash. // This happens for instance with the "fatal IO error" // of the X server. atexit(SIG_HandleCrash); signal(SIGILL, Sig_HandleSignal); signal(SIGIOT, Sig_HandleSignal); signal(SIGBUS, Sig_HandleSignal); signal(SIGFPE, Sig_HandleSignal); signal(SIGSEGV, Sig_HandleSignal); signal(SIGHUP, Sig_HandleSignal); signal(SIGQUIT, Sig_HandleSignal); signal(SIGTRAP, Sig_HandleSignal); signal(SIGTERM, Sig_HandleSignal); signal(SIGINT, Sig_HandleSignal); }