/* An implementation of MD4 designed for use in the samba SMB authentication protocol Copyright (C) 1997-1998 Andrew Tridgell This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to: Free Software Foundation, Inc. 59 Temple Place - Suite 330 Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA */ // NOTE: This code makes no attempt to be fast! // It assumes that a int is at least 32 bits long #include "q_shared.h" #include "qcommon.h" struct md4ctx { uint32_t A, B, C, D; uint32_t totalN; }; #define F(X,Y,Z) (((X)&(Y)) | ((~(X))&(Z))) #define G(X,Y,Z) (((X)&(Y)) | ((X)&(Z)) | ((Y)&(Z))) #define H(X,Y,Z) ((X)^(Y)^(Z)) #define lshift(x,s) (((x)<<(s)) | ((x)>>(32-(s)))) #define ROUND1(a,b,c,d,k,s) a = lshift(a + F(b,c,d) + X[k], s) #define ROUND2(a,b,c,d,k,s) a = lshift(a + G(b,c,d) + X[k] + 0x5A827999, s) #define ROUND3(a,b,c,d,k,s) a = lshift(a + H(b,c,d) + X[k] + 0x6ED9EBA1, s) // this applies md4 to 64 byte chunks static void mdfour64( md4ctx& md, const uint32_t* M ) { int j; uint32_t AA, BB, CC, DD; uint32_t X[16]; uint32_t A,B,C,D; for (j=0;j<16;j++) X[j] = M[j]; A = md.A; B = md.B; C = md.C; D = md.D; AA = A; BB = B; CC = C; DD = D; ROUND1(A,B,C,D, 0, 3); ROUND1(D,A,B,C, 1, 7); ROUND1(C,D,A,B, 2, 11); ROUND1(B,C,D,A, 3, 19); ROUND1(A,B,C,D, 4, 3); ROUND1(D,A,B,C, 5, 7); ROUND1(C,D,A,B, 6, 11); ROUND1(B,C,D,A, 7, 19); ROUND1(A,B,C,D, 8, 3); ROUND1(D,A,B,C, 9, 7); ROUND1(C,D,A,B, 10, 11); ROUND1(B,C,D,A, 11, 19); ROUND1(A,B,C,D, 12, 3); ROUND1(D,A,B,C, 13, 7); ROUND1(C,D,A,B, 14, 11); ROUND1(B,C,D,A, 15, 19); ROUND2(A,B,C,D, 0, 3); ROUND2(D,A,B,C, 4, 5); ROUND2(C,D,A,B, 8, 9); ROUND2(B,C,D,A, 12, 13); ROUND2(A,B,C,D, 1, 3); ROUND2(D,A,B,C, 5, 5); ROUND2(C,D,A,B, 9, 9); ROUND2(B,C,D,A, 13, 13); ROUND2(A,B,C,D, 2, 3); ROUND2(D,A,B,C, 6, 5); ROUND2(C,D,A,B, 10, 9); ROUND2(B,C,D,A, 14, 13); ROUND2(A,B,C,D, 3, 3); ROUND2(D,A,B,C, 7, 5); ROUND2(C,D,A,B, 11, 9); ROUND2(B,C,D,A, 15, 13); ROUND3(A,B,C,D, 0, 3); ROUND3(D,A,B,C, 8, 9); ROUND3(C,D,A,B, 4, 11); ROUND3(B,C,D,A, 12, 15); ROUND3(A,B,C,D, 2, 3); ROUND3(D,A,B,C, 10, 9); ROUND3(C,D,A,B, 6, 11); ROUND3(B,C,D,A, 14, 15); ROUND3(A,B,C,D, 1, 3); ROUND3(D,A,B,C, 9, 9); ROUND3(C,D,A,B, 5, 11); ROUND3(B,C,D,A, 13, 15); ROUND3(A,B,C,D, 3, 3); ROUND3(D,A,B,C, 11, 9); ROUND3(C,D,A,B, 7, 11); ROUND3(B,C,D,A, 15, 15); A += AA; B += BB; C += CC; D += DD; for (j=0;j<16;j++) X[j] = 0; md.A = A; md.B = B; md.C = C; md.D = D; } static void copy64( uint32_t* M, const byte* in ) { int i; for (i=0;i<16;i++) M[i] = (in[i*4+3]<<24) | (in[i*4+2]<<16) | (in[i*4+1]<<8) | (in[i*4+0]<<0); } static void copy4( byte* out, uint32_t x ) { out[0] = x & 0xFF; out[1] = (x>>8) & 0xFF; out[2] = (x>>16) & 0xFF; out[3] = (x>>24) & 0xFF; } static void mdfour_begin( md4ctx& md ) { md.A = 0x67452301; md.B = 0xefcdab89; md.C = 0x98badcfe; md.D = 0x10325476; md.totalN = 0; } static void mdfour_tail( md4ctx& md, const byte* in, int n ) { byte buf[128]; uint32_t M[16]; uint32_t b; md.totalN += n; b = md.totalN * 8; Com_Memset(buf, 0, 128); if (n) Com_Memcpy(buf, in, n); buf[n] = 0x80; if (n <= 55) { copy4(buf+56, b); copy64(M, buf); mdfour64(md, M); } else { copy4(buf+120, b); copy64(M, buf); mdfour64(md, M); copy64(M, buf+64); mdfour64(md, M); } } static void mdfour_update( md4ctx& md, const byte* in, int n ) { uint32_t M[16]; if (n == 0) mdfour_tail(md, in, n); while (n >= 64) { copy64(M, in); mdfour64(md, M); in += 64; n -= 64; md.totalN += 64; } mdfour_tail(md, in, n); } static void mdfour_result( md4ctx& md, byte* out ) { copy4(out, md.A); copy4(out+4, md.B); copy4(out+8, md.C); copy4(out+12, md.D); } static void mdfour( byte* out, const byte* in, int n ) { md4ctx md; mdfour_begin(md); mdfour_update(md, in, n); mdfour_result(md, out); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// unsigned Com_BlockChecksum( const void* buffer, int length ) { int digest[4]; mdfour( (byte*)digest, (const byte*)buffer, length ); return (unsigned)( digest[0] ^ digest[1] ^ digest[2] ^ digest[3] ); }