/* =========================================================================== Copyright (C) 1999-2005 Id Software, Inc. This file is part of Quake III Arena source code. Quake III Arena source code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. Quake III Arena source code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with Quake III Arena source code; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA =========================================================================== */ #include "../client/client.h" #include "../qcommon/qcommon.h" #include "win_local.h" #include "win_help.h" #include "resource.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "../renderdoc/renderdoc_app.h" WinVars_t g_wv; static qbool win_timePeriodActive = qfalse; static void WIN_BeginTimePeriod() { if ( win_timePeriodActive ) return; timeBeginPeriod( 1 ); win_timePeriodActive = qtrue; } void WIN_EndTimePeriod() { if ( !win_timePeriodActive ) return; timeEndPeriod( 1 ); win_timePeriodActive = qfalse; } #define MEM_THRESHOLD 96*1024*1024 qbool Sys_LowPhysicalMemory() { MEMORYSTATUS stat; GlobalMemoryStatus( &stat ); return (stat.dwTotalPhys <= MEM_THRESHOLD); } // show the early console as an error dialog void QDECL Sys_Error( PRINTF_FORMAT_STRING const char *error, ... ) { va_list argptr; char text[4096]; va_start (argptr, error); vsprintf (text, error, argptr); va_end (argptr); WIN_AppendConsoleText( text ); WIN_AppendConsoleText( "\n" ); Sys_SetErrorText( text ); Sys_ShowConsole( 3, qtrue ); WIN_EndTimePeriod(); #ifndef DEDICATED Sys_ShutdownInput(); #endif // wait for the user to quit while (1) { MSG msg; if (!GetMessage(&msg, NULL, 0, 0)) Com_Quit( 1 ); TranslateMessage(&msg); DispatchMessage(&msg); } WIN_DestroyConsole(); exit(1); } void Sys_Quit( int status ) { WIN_EndTimePeriod(); #ifndef DEDICATED Sys_ShutdownInput(); #endif WIN_DestroyConsole(); exit( status ); } void Sys_Print( const char *msg ) { WIN_AppendConsoleText( msg ); } void Sys_Mkdir( const char* path ) { _mkdir( path ); } const char* Sys_Cwd() { static char cwd[MAX_OSPATH]; _getcwd( cwd, sizeof( cwd ) - 1 ); cwd[MAX_OSPATH-1] = 0; return cwd; } /* ============================================================== DIRECTORY SCANNING ============================================================== */ #define MAX_FOUND_FILES 0x1000 static void Sys_ListFilteredFiles( const char *basedir, const char *subdirs, const char *filter, char **list, int *numfiles ) { if ( *numfiles >= MAX_FOUND_FILES - 1 ) { return; } char search[MAX_OSPATH]; if (subdirs[0]) { Com_sprintf( search, sizeof(search), "%s\\%s\\*", basedir, subdirs ); } else { Com_sprintf( search, sizeof(search), "%s\\*", basedir ); } struct _finddata_t findinfo; const intptr_t findhandle = _findfirst (search, &findinfo); if (findhandle == -1) { return; } char newsubdirs[MAX_OSPATH]; char filename[MAX_OSPATH]; do { if (findinfo.attrib & _A_SUBDIR) { if (Q_stricmp(findinfo.name, ".") && Q_stricmp(findinfo.name, "..")) { if (subdirs[0]) { Com_sprintf( newsubdirs, sizeof(newsubdirs), "%s\\%s", subdirs, findinfo.name); } else { Com_sprintf( newsubdirs, sizeof(newsubdirs), "%s", findinfo.name); } Sys_ListFilteredFiles( basedir, newsubdirs, filter, list, numfiles ); } } if ( *numfiles >= MAX_FOUND_FILES - 1 ) { break; } Com_sprintf( filename, sizeof(filename), "%s\\%s", subdirs, findinfo.name ); if (!Com_FilterPath( filter, filename )) continue; list[ *numfiles ] = CopyString( filename ); (*numfiles)++; } while ( _findnext (findhandle, &findinfo) != -1 ); _findclose (findhandle); } char **Sys_ListFiles( const char *directory, const char *extension, const char *filter, int *numfiles, qbool wantsubs ) { int nfiles; char **listCopy; char *list[MAX_FOUND_FILES]; struct _finddata_t findinfo; int flag; int i; if (filter) { nfiles = 0; Sys_ListFilteredFiles( directory, "", filter, list, &nfiles ); list[ nfiles ] = 0; *numfiles = nfiles; if (!nfiles) return NULL; listCopy = (char**)Z_Malloc( ( nfiles + 1 ) * sizeof( *listCopy ) ); for ( i = 0 ; i < nfiles ; i++ ) { listCopy[i] = list[i]; } listCopy[i] = NULL; return listCopy; } if ( !extension) { extension = ""; } // passing a slash as extension will find directories if ( extension[0] == '/' && extension[1] == 0 ) { extension = ""; flag = 0; } else { flag = _A_SUBDIR; } char search[MAX_OSPATH]; Com_sprintf( search, sizeof(search), "%s\\*%s", directory, extension ); // search nfiles = 0; const intptr_t findhandle = _findfirst (search, &findinfo); if (findhandle == -1) { *numfiles = 0; return NULL; } do { if ( (!wantsubs && flag ^ ( findinfo.attrib & _A_SUBDIR )) || (wantsubs && findinfo.attrib & _A_SUBDIR) ) { if ( nfiles == MAX_FOUND_FILES - 1 ) { break; } list[ nfiles ] = CopyString( findinfo.name ); nfiles++; } } while ( _findnext (findhandle, &findinfo) != -1 ); list[ nfiles ] = 0; _findclose (findhandle); // return a copy of the list *numfiles = nfiles; if ( !nfiles ) { return NULL; } listCopy = (char**)Z_Malloc( ( nfiles + 1 ) * sizeof( *listCopy ) ); for ( i = 0 ; i < nfiles ; i++ ) { listCopy[i] = list[i]; } listCopy[i] = NULL; do { flag = 0; for(i=1; i (5 * 60000)) && !Cvar_VariableIntegerValue( "dedicated" ) && !Cvar_VariableIntegerValue( "com_blindlyLoadDLLs" ) ) { if (FS_FileExists(filename)) { lastWarning = timestamp; if (IDOK != MessageBoxEx( NULL, "You are about to load a .DLL executable that\n" "has not been verified for use with Quake III Arena.\n" "This type of file can compromise the security of\n" "your computer.\n\n" "Select 'OK' if you choose to load it anyway.", "Security Warning", MB_OKCANCEL | MB_ICONEXCLAMATION | MB_DEFBUTTON2 | MB_TOPMOST | MB_SETFOREGROUND, MAKELANGID( LANG_NEUTRAL, SUBLANG_DEFAULT ) ) ) return NULL; } } #endif HINSTANCE libHandle = LoadLibrary( fn ); #ifndef NDEBUG Com_Printf( "LoadLibrary '%s' %s\n", fn, libHandle ? "ok" : "failed" ); #endif if ( !libHandle ) return NULL; dllEntry_t dllEntry = ( dllEntry_t ) GetProcAddress( libHandle, "dllEntry" ); *entryPoint = ( dllSyscall_t ) GetProcAddress( libHandle, "vmMain" ); if ( !*entryPoint || !dllEntry ) { FreeLibrary( libHandle ); return NULL; } dllEntry( systemcalls ); return libHandle; } /* ======================================================================== EVENT LOOP ======================================================================== */ #define MAX_QUED_EVENTS 512 #define MASK_QUED_EVENTS ( MAX_QUED_EVENTS - 1 ) static sysEvent_t eventQue[MAX_QUED_EVENTS]; static int eventHead, eventTail; // a time of 0 will get the current time // ptr should either be null, or point to a block of data that can be freed by the game later void WIN_QueEvent( int time, sysEventType_t type, int value, int value2, int ptrLength, void *ptr ) { sysEvent_t* ev = &eventQue[ eventHead & MASK_QUED_EVENTS ]; if ( eventHead - eventTail >= MAX_QUED_EVENTS ) { Com_Printf("Sys_QueEvent: overflow\n"); // we are discarding an event, but don't leak memory if ( ev->evPtr ) { Z_Free( ev->evPtr ); } eventTail++; } eventHead++; if ( time == 0 ) { time = Sys_Milliseconds(); } ev->evTime = time; ev->evType = type; ev->evValue = value; ev->evValue2 = value2; ev->evPtrLength = ptrLength; ev->evPtr = ptr; } sysEvent_t Sys_GetEvent() { // return if we have data if ( eventHead > eventTail ) { eventTail++; return eventQue[ ( eventTail - 1 ) & MASK_QUED_EVENTS ]; } // pump the message loop MSG msg; while (PeekMessage( &msg, NULL, 0, 0, PM_NOREMOVE )) { if (!GetMessage( &msg, NULL, 0, 0 )) { Com_Quit( 0 ); } // save the msg time, because wndprocs don't have access to the timestamp // msg.time seems to use values from GetTickCount g_wv.sysMsgTime = Sys_Milliseconds(); TranslateMessage( &msg ); DispatchMessage( &msg ); } // check for console commands const char* s = WIN_ConsoleInput(); if ( s ) { int len = strlen( s ) + 1; char* b = (char*)Z_Malloc( len ); Q_strncpyz( b, s, len-1 ); WIN_QueEvent( 0, SE_CONSOLE, 0, 0, len, b ); } // check for network packets msg_t netmsg; netadr_t adr; static byte sys_packetReceived[MAX_MSGLEN]; // static or it'll blow half the stack MSG_Init( &netmsg, sys_packetReceived, sizeof( sys_packetReceived ) ); if ( Sys_GetPacket( &adr, &netmsg ) ) { // copy out to a seperate buffer for qeueing // the readcount stepahead is for SOCKS support int len = sizeof( netadr_t ) + netmsg.cursize - netmsg.readcount; netadr_t* buf = (netadr_t*)Z_Malloc( len ); *buf = adr; memcpy( buf+1, &netmsg.data[netmsg.readcount], netmsg.cursize - netmsg.readcount ); WIN_QueEvent( 0, SE_PACKET, 0, 0, len, buf ); } // return if we have data if ( eventHead > eventTail ) { eventTail++; return eventQue[ ( eventTail - 1 ) & MASK_QUED_EVENTS ]; } // create an empty event to return sysEvent_t ev; memset( &ev, 0, sizeof( ev ) ); ev.evTime = Sys_Milliseconds(); return ev; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// static void Sys_Net_Restart_f( void ) { NET_Restart(); } // called after the common systems (cvars, files, etc) are initialized void Sys_Init() { // make sure the timer is high precision, otherwise NT gets 18ms resolution WIN_BeginTimePeriod(); Cmd_AddCommand( "net_restart", Sys_Net_Restart_f ); Cmd_SetHelp( "net_restart", "restarts the network system" ); if ( !IsWindowsVistaOrGreater() ) Sys_Error( "%s requires Windows Vista or later", Q3_VERSION ); Cvar_Set( "arch", "winnt" ); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #ifndef DEDICATED static void WIN_StartTaskBarFlashing() { FLASHWINFO info; ZeroMemory( &info, sizeof( info ) ); info.cbSize = sizeof( info ); info.dwFlags = FLASHW_TRAY | FLASHW_TIMERNOFG; info.dwTimeout = 0; // use the default value info.hwnd = g_wv.hWnd; info.uCount = 0; // it's continuous because of FLASHW_TIMERNOFG FlashWindowEx( &info ); } static void WIN_StopTaskBarFlashing() { FLASHWINFO info; ZeroMemory( &info, sizeof( info ) ); info.cbSize = sizeof( info ); info.dwFlags = FLASHW_STOP; info.hwnd = g_wv.hWnd; FlashWindowEx( &info ); } static void WIN_MatchStartAlert() { const int alerts = cl_matchAlerts->integer; const qbool unfocusedBit = ( alerts & MAF_UNFOCUSED ) != 0; const qbool minimized = !!IsIconic( g_wv.hWnd ); const qbool hasFocus = GetFocus() == g_wv.hWnd; const qbool enable = minimized || ( unfocusedBit && !hasFocus ); if ( !enable ) return; const qbool flashBit = ( alerts & MAF_FLASH ) != 0; const qbool beepBit = ( alerts & MAF_BEEP ) != 0; const qbool unmuteBit = ( alerts & MAF_UNMUTE ) != 0; if ( flashBit ) WIN_StartTaskBarFlashing(); if ( beepBit ) MessageBeep( MB_OK ); if ( unmuteBit ) g_wv.forceUnmute = qtrue; } static void WIN_MatchEndAlert() { g_wv.forceUnmute = qfalse; WIN_StopTaskBarFlashing(); } void Sys_MatchAlert( sysMatchAlertEvent_t event ) { if ( event == SMAE_MATCH_START ) WIN_MatchStartAlert(); else if ( event == SMAE_MATCH_END ) WIN_MatchEndAlert(); } static void S_Frame() { if ( g_wv.forceUnmute ) { WIN_S_Mute( qfalse ); return; } qbool mute = qfalse; if ( s_autoMute->integer == AMM_UNFOCUSED ) { const qbool hasFocus = GetFocus() == g_wv.hWnd; mute = !hasFocus; } else if ( s_autoMute->integer == AMM_MINIMIZED ) { const qbool minimized = !!IsIconic( g_wv.hWnd ); mute = minimized; } WIN_S_Mute( mute ); } static void WIN_LoadRenderDoc() { renderDocAPI = NULL; const HMODULE module = GetModuleHandleA( "renderdoc.dll" ); if ( module != NULL ) { const pRENDERDOC_GetAPI RENDERDOC_GetAPI = (pRENDERDOC_GetAPI)GetProcAddress( module, "RENDERDOC_GetAPI" ); if ( RENDERDOC_GetAPI( CNQ3_RENDERDOC_API_VERSION, (void**)&renderDocAPI ) != 1 ) { renderDocAPI = NULL; } } if ( renderDocAPI ) { renderDocAPI->UnloadCrashHandler(); } } #endif /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// static BOOL CALLBACK WIN_MonitorEnumCallback( HMONITOR hMonitor, HDC hdcMonitor, LPRECT lprcMonitor, LPARAM dwData ) { if ( lprcMonitor ) { g_wv.monitorRects[g_wv.monitorCount] = *lprcMonitor; g_wv.hMonitors[g_wv.monitorCount] = hMonitor; g_wv.monitorCount++; } if ( g_wv.monitorCount >= MAX_MONITOR_COUNT ) return FALSE; return TRUE; } void WIN_InitMonitorList() { g_wv.monitor = 0; g_wv.primaryMonitor = 0; g_wv.monitorCount = 0; EnumDisplayMonitors( NULL, NULL, &WIN_MonitorEnumCallback, 0 ); const POINT zero = { 0, 0 }; const HMONITOR hMonitor = MonitorFromPoint( zero, MONITOR_DEFAULTTOPRIMARY ); for ( int i = 0; i < g_wv.monitorCount; i++ ) { if ( hMonitor == g_wv.hMonitors[i] ) { g_wv.primaryMonitor = i; g_wv.monitor = i; break; } } } void WIN_UpdateMonitorIndexFromCvar() { // r_monitor is the 1-based monitor index, 0 means primary monitor // use Cvar_Get to enforce the latched change, if any const int monitor = Cvar_Get( "r_monitor", "0", CVAR_ARCHIVE | CVAR_LATCH )->integer; Cvar_SetRange( "r_monitor", CVART_INTEGER, "0", va("%d", g_wv.monitorCount) ); Cvar_SetHelp( "r_monitor", help_r_monitor ); if ( monitor <= 0 || monitor > g_wv.monitorCount ) { g_wv.monitor = g_wv.primaryMonitor; return; } g_wv.monitor = Com_ClampInt( 0, g_wv.monitorCount - 1, monitor - 1 ); } void WIN_UpdateMonitorIndexFromMainWindow() { const HMONITOR hMonitor = MonitorFromWindow( g_wv.hWnd, MONITOR_DEFAULTTONEAREST ); for ( int i = 0; i < g_wv.monitorCount; i++ ) { if ( hMonitor == g_wv.hMonitors[i] ) { g_wv.monitor = i; break; } } // if r_monitor is 0 and we're already on the primary monitor, // don't change the cvar to a non-zero number if ( Cvar_VariableIntegerValue( "r_monitor" ) == 0 && g_wv.monitor == g_wv.primaryMonitor ) { return; } // use the function to apply the change properly Cvar_Set( "r_monitor", va( "%d", g_wv.monitor + 1 ) ); } static void WIN_MonitorList_f() { WIN_InitMonitorList(); WIN_UpdateMonitorIndexFromCvar(); if ( g_wv.monitorCount <= 0 ) { Com_Printf( "No monitor detected.\n" ); return; } Com_Printf( "Monitors detected (left is " S_COLOR_CVAR "r_monitor ^7value):\n" ); for ( int i = 0; i < g_wv.monitorCount; i++ ) { const RECT r = g_wv.monitorRects[i]; const int w = (int)( r.right - r.left ); const int h = (int)( r.bottom - r.top ); const char* const p = i == g_wv.primaryMonitor ? " (primary)" : ""; Com_Printf( S_COLOR_VAL "%d ^7%dx%d at %d,%d%s\n", i + 1, w, h, (int)r.left, (int)r.top, p ); } } static void WIN_RegisterMonitorCommands() { Cmd_AddCommand( "monitorlist", &WIN_MonitorList_f ); Cmd_SetModule( "monitorlist", MODULE_CLIENT ); Cmd_SetHelp( "monitorlist", "refreshes and prints the monitor list" ); } static void WIN_FixCurrentDirectory() { char dirPath[1024]; Q_strncpyz( dirPath, __argv[0], sizeof( dirPath ) ); size_t i = strlen( dirPath ); if ( i <= 1 ) { return; } --i; for ( ; i > 0; --i ) { if ( dirPath[i] == '/' || dirPath[i] == '\\' ) { dirPath[i] = '\0'; SetCurrentDirectoryA( dirPath ); break; } } } static void WIN_RegisterDemoExtensions() { HKEY hkcr; if ( RegOpenKeyExA( HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, NULL, 0, KEY_ALL_ACCESS, &hkcr ) == ERROR_SUCCESS ) { HKEY command; if ( RegCreateKeyA( hkcr, "CNQ3.demo\\Shell\\Open\\Command", &command ) == ERROR_SUCCESS ) { const char* const appCmdLine = va( "\"%s\" +demo \"%%1\"", __argv[0] ); RegSetValueA( command, "", REG_SZ, appCmdLine, 0 ); RegCloseKey( command ); } HKEY cnq3Demo; if ( RegOpenKeyA( hkcr, "CNQ3.demo", &cnq3Demo ) == ERROR_SUCCESS ) { RegSetValueA( cnq3Demo, "", REG_SZ, "CNQ3 Demo File", 0 ); RegCloseKey( cnq3Demo ); } const char* extensions[] = { ".dm_68", ".dm_67", ".dm_66" }; for ( int i = 0; i < ARRAY_LEN( extensions ); ++i ) { HKEY demoExt; if ( RegCreateKeyA( hkcr, extensions[i], &demoExt ) == ERROR_SUCCESS ) { RegSetValueA( demoExt, "", REG_SZ, "CNQ3.demo", 0 ); RegCloseKey( demoExt ); } } RegCloseKey( hkcr ); } } static void WIN_UnregisterDemoExtensions() { RegDeleteTreeA( HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, "CNQ3.demo" ); } static void WIN_RunProcessElevated( const char* cmdLine ) { char exeFileName[MAX_PATH]; if ( GetModuleFileNameA( NULL, exeFileName, sizeof( exeFileName ) ) == 0 || GetLastError() == ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER ) { Com_Printf( "^1ERROR: WIN_RunProcessElevated: GetModuleFileNameA failed\n" ); return; } SHELLEXECUTEINFOA shExInfo = { 0 }; shExInfo.cbSize = sizeof(shExInfo); shExInfo.fMask = SEE_MASK_NOCLOSEPROCESS; shExInfo.lpVerb = "runas"; shExInfo.lpFile = exeFileName; shExInfo.lpParameters = cmdLine; shExInfo.nShow = SW_HIDE; if ( ShellExecuteEx( &shExInfo ) ) { WaitForSingleObject( shExInfo.hProcess, INFINITE ); CloseHandle( shExInfo.hProcess ); } else { Com_Printf("^1ERROR: WIN_RunProcessElevated: ShellExecuteEx failed\n"); } } static void WIN_RegisterDemoExtensions_f() { WIN_RunProcessElevated( "/reg_demo_ext" ); } static void WIN_UnregisterDemoExtensions_f() { WIN_RunProcessElevated( "/unreg_demo_ext" ); } static void WIN_RegisterDemoShellCommands() { Cmd_AddCommand( "registerdemos", &WIN_RegisterDemoExtensions_f ); Cmd_SetModule( "registerdemos", MODULE_CLIENT ); Cmd_SetHelp( "registerdemos", "associates demo files with CNQ3\n" "Double-clicking a demo in the file explorer will open CNQ3 for playback.\n" "Extensions: .dm_68 .dm_67 .dm_66" ); Cmd_AddCommand( "unregisterdemos", &WIN_UnregisterDemoExtensions_f ); Cmd_SetModule( "unregisterdemos", MODULE_CLIENT ); Cmd_SetHelp( "unregisterdemos", "dissociates demo files from CNQ3" ); } static void WIN_SetCorePreference() { struct local_resources_t { ~local_resources_t() { if ( cpuSetBuffer != NULL ) { free( cpuSetBuffer ); } if ( pcoreIdBuffer != NULL ) { free( pcoreIdBuffer ); } if ( library != NULL ) { FreeLibrary( library ); } } byte* cpuSetBuffer = NULL; ULONG* pcoreIdBuffer = NULL; HMODULE library = NULL; }; local_resources_t res; res.library = LoadLibraryA( "kernel32.dll" ); if ( res.library == NULL ) { Com_Printf( "^3WIN_SetCorePreference: Failed to open kernel32.dll\n" ); return; } typedef BOOL (WINAPI* GetSystemCpuSetInformationFPtr)( PSYSTEM_CPU_SET_INFORMATION Information, ULONG BufferLength, PULONG ReturnedLength, HANDLE Process, ULONG Flags ); typedef BOOL (WINAPI* SetThreadSelectedCpuSetsFPtr)( HANDLE Thread, const ULONG* CpuSetIds, ULONG CpuSetIdCount ); const GetSystemCpuSetInformationFPtr pGetSystemCpuSetInformation = (GetSystemCpuSetInformationFPtr)GetProcAddress( res.library, "GetSystemCpuSetInformation" ); const SetThreadSelectedCpuSetsFPtr pSetThreadSelectedCpuSets = (SetThreadSelectedCpuSetsFPtr)GetProcAddress( res.library, "SetThreadSelectedCpuSets" ); if ( pGetSystemCpuSetInformation == NULL || pSetThreadSelectedCpuSets == NULL ) { Com_Printf( "^3WIN_SetCorePreference: Failed to grab function pointers\n" ); Com_Printf( "^3WIN_SetCorePreference: Ignore this if you're not on Windows 10/11\n" ); return; } ULONG requiredByteCount = 0; if ( pGetSystemCpuSetInformation( NULL, 0, &requiredByteCount, GetCurrentProcess(), 0 ) != TRUE && GetLastError() != ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER ) { Com_Printf( "^3WIN_SetCorePreference: GetSystemCpuSetInformation failed\n" ); return; } res.cpuSetBuffer = (byte*)malloc( requiredByteCount ); if ( res.cpuSetBuffer == NULL ) { Com_Printf( "^3WIN_SetCorePreference: malloc failed with %s\n", Com_FormatBytes( (int)requiredByteCount ) ); return; } if ( pGetSystemCpuSetInformation( (SYSTEM_CPU_SET_INFORMATION*)res.cpuSetBuffer, requiredByteCount, &requiredByteCount, GetCurrentProcess(), 0 ) != TRUE ) { Com_Printf( "^3WIN_SetCorePreference: GetSystemCpuSetInformation failed\n" ); return; } ULONG pcoreCount = 0; ULONG ecoreCount = 0; byte* cpuSetByte = res.cpuSetBuffer; for ( ULONG cpuSetByteOffset = 0; cpuSetByteOffset < requiredByteCount; ) { SYSTEM_CPU_SET_INFORMATION* cpuSet = (SYSTEM_CPU_SET_INFORMATION*)cpuSetByte; if ( cpuSet->Type == CpuSetInformation ) { if ( cpuSet->CpuSet.EfficiencyClass > 0 ) { pcoreCount++; } else { ecoreCount++; } } cpuSetByte += cpuSet->Size; cpuSetByteOffset += cpuSet->Size; } if ( pcoreCount + ecoreCount <= 1 ) { Com_Printf( "^3WIN_SetCorePreference: no valid CPU core information found\n" ); return; } const size_t pcoreIdBufferSize = (size_t)pcoreCount * sizeof(ULONG); res.pcoreIdBuffer = (ULONG*)malloc( pcoreIdBufferSize ); if ( res.pcoreIdBuffer == NULL ) { Com_Printf( "^3WIN_SetCorePreference: malloc failed with %s\n", Com_FormatBytes( (int)pcoreIdBufferSize ) ); return; } ULONG* currPCoreId = res.pcoreIdBuffer; cpuSetByte = res.cpuSetBuffer; for ( ULONG cpuSetByteOffset = 0; cpuSetByteOffset < requiredByteCount; ) { SYSTEM_CPU_SET_INFORMATION* cpuSet = (SYSTEM_CPU_SET_INFORMATION*)cpuSetByte; if ( cpuSet->Type == CpuSetInformation ) { if ( cpuSet->CpuSet.EfficiencyClass > 0 ) { *currPCoreId++ = (ULONG)cpuSet->CpuSet.Id; } } cpuSetByte += cpuSet->Size; cpuSetByteOffset += cpuSet->Size; } if ( pcoreCount > 0 && ecoreCount > 0 ) { Com_Printf( "CPU configuration: %dP/%dE hybrid cores\n", (int)pcoreCount, (int)ecoreCount ); if ( pSetThreadSelectedCpuSets( GetCurrentThread(), res.pcoreIdBuffer, pcoreCount) ) { Com_Printf( "Main thread successfully set to run on P-Cores only\n" ); } else { Com_Printf( "^3WIN_SetCorePreference: SetThreadSelectedCpuSets failed\n" ); } } else { Com_Printf( "CPU configuration: %d homogeneous cores\n", (int)(pcoreCount + ecoreCount) ); } } static void WIN_SetThreadName( PCWSTR name ) { // SetThreadDescription is only available since Windows 10 version 1607 typedef HRESULT (WINAPI *SetThreadDescription_t)( HANDLE, PCWSTR ); HINSTANCE module = LoadLibraryA( "KernelBase.dll" ); if ( module == NULL ) return; SetThreadDescription_t pSetThreadDescription = (SetThreadDescription_t)GetProcAddress( module, "SetThreadDescription" ); if ( pSetThreadDescription != NULL ) (*pSetThreadDescription)( GetCurrentThread(), name ); FreeLibrary( module ); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// int WINAPI WinMain( HINSTANCE hInstance, HINSTANCE hPrevInstance, LPSTR lpCmdLine, int nCmdShow ) { // should never get a previous instance in Win32 if ( hPrevInstance ) return 0; g_wv.hInstance = hInstance; #ifndef DEDICATED WIN_LoadRenderDoc(); // load first to avoid messing with our exception handlers #endif WIN_InstallExceptionHandlers(); WIN_SetThreadName( L"main thread" ); WIN_FixCurrentDirectory(); if ( !Q_stricmp( lpCmdLine, "/reg_demo_ext" ) ) { WIN_RegisterDemoExtensions(); return 0; } if ( !Q_stricmp( lpCmdLine, "/unreg_demo_ext" ) ) { WIN_UnregisterDemoExtensions(); return 0; } // prevent child processes from spawning a command prompt window #ifndef DEDICATED AllocConsole(); ShowWindow( GetConsoleWindow(), SW_HIDE ); #endif // done here so the early console can be shown on the primary monitor WIN_InitMonitorList(); // done before Com/Sys_Init since we need this for error output WIN_CreateConsole(); // get the initial time base Sys_Milliseconds(); char sys_cmdline[MAX_STRING_CHARS]; Q_strncpyz( sys_cmdline, lpCmdLine, sizeof( sys_cmdline ) ); Com_Init( sys_cmdline ); WIN_RegisterExceptionCommands(); WIN_RegisterMonitorCommands(); WIN_RegisterDemoShellCommands(); WIN_SetCorePreference(); NET_Init(); char cwd[MAX_OSPATH]; _getcwd( cwd, sizeof(cwd) ); Com_Printf( "Working directory: %s\n", cwd ); // hide the early console since we've reached the point where we // have a working graphics subsystem if ( !com_dedicated->integer && !com_viewlog->integer ) { Sys_ShowConsole( 0, qfalse ); } #ifndef DEDICATED if ( !com_dedicated->integer ) Sys_InitInput(); #endif // main game loop for (;;) { #ifndef DEDICATED // make sure mouse and joystick are only called once a frame IN_Frame(); S_Frame(); #endif // run the game #ifdef DEDICATED Com_Frame( qfalse ); #else Com_Frame( clc.demoplaying ); #endif } // never gets here }