#include "client.h" #include #include #if defined(_WIN32) #include #endif #include #include #include #if defined(_WIN32) #include #include #include #else #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #endif #if defined(_WIN32) typedef ADDRINFOA addrInfo_t; #define Q_closesocket closesocket #define Q_unlink _unlink #else typedef addrinfo addrInfo_t; typedef int SOCKET; #define INVALID_SOCKET (-1) #define SOCKET_ERROR (-1) #define MAX_PATH (256) #define Q_closesocket close #define Q_unlink unlink #endif struct mapDownload_t { char recBuffer[1 << 20]; // for both download data and checksumming char tempMessage[MAXPRINTMSG]; // for PrintError char tempMessage2[MAXPRINTMSG]; // for PrintSocketError char errorMessage[MAXPRINTMSG]; char mapName[MAX_PATH]; // only used if the server doesn't give us a .pk3 name char tempPath[MAX_PATH]; // full path of the temp file being written to char finalName[MAX_PATH]; // file name with extension suggested by the server char finalPath[MAX_PATH]; // full path of the new .pk3 file char httpHeaderValue[128]; // only set when BadResponse is qtrue SOCKET socket; FILE* file; int startTimeMS; unsigned int bytesHeader; // header only unsigned int bytesContent; // file content only unsigned int bytesTotal; // message header + file content unsigned int bytesDownloaded; // total downloaded, including the header unsigned int crc32; qbool fromCommand; // qtrue if started by a console command qbool headerParsed; // qtrue if we're done parsing the header qbool badResponse; // qtrue if we need to read more packets for the custom error message int timeOutStartTimeMS; // when the recv timeout started qbool lastErrorTimeOut; // qtrue if the last recv error was a timeout int sourceIndex; // index into the cl_mapDLSources array qbool exactMatch; // qtrue if an exact match is required qbool cleared; // qtrue if Download_Clear was called at least once qbool realMapName; // qtrue if the name of a .bsp - otherwise, might be invalid or auto-generated }; enum mapDownloadStatus_t { MDLS_NOTHING, MDLS_ERROR, // just finished unsuccessfully MDLS_SUCCESS, // just finished successfully MDLS_IN_PROGRESS, MDLS_COUNT }; typedef void (*mapdlQueryFormatter_t)( char* query, int querySize, const char* mapName ); // map download source for queries by map name only struct mapDownloadSource_t { const char* name; const char* hostName; // don't put in the scheme (e.g. "http://") int port; mapdlQueryFormatter_t formatQuery; }; static mapDownload_t cl_mapDL; static void FormatQueryCNQ3( char* query, int querySize, const char* mapName ); static void FormatQueryWS( char* query, int querySize, const char* mapName ); static const mapDownloadSource_t cl_mapDLSources[2] = { { "CNQ3", "maps.playmorepromode.org", 8000, &FormatQueryCNQ3 }, { "WorldSpawn", "ws.q3df.org", 80, &FormatQueryWS } }; static void FormatQueryCNQ3( char* query, int querySize, const char* mapName ) { Com_sprintf(query, querySize, "map?n=%s", mapName); } static void FormatQueryWS( char* query, int querySize, const char* mapName ) { Com_sprintf(query, querySize, "getpk3bymapname.php/%s", mapName); } static void PrintError( mapDownload_t* dl, const char* format, ... ) { va_list ap; va_start(ap, format); Q_vsnprintf(dl->tempMessage, sizeof(dl->tempMessage), format, ap); va_end(ap); if (dl->realMapName && dl->mapName[0] != '\0') Com_sprintf(dl->errorMessage, sizeof(dl->errorMessage), "^bMap DL failed: ^7map '%s' - %s", dl->mapName, dl->tempMessage); else Com_sprintf(dl->errorMessage, sizeof(dl->errorMessage), "^bMap DL failed: ^7%s", dl->tempMessage); // only append a line return if there wasn't one already const int l = strlen(dl->errorMessage); if (l > 0 && dl->errorMessage[l - 1] != '\n') Q_strcat(dl->errorMessage, sizeof(dl->errorMessage), "\n"); Com_Printf(dl->errorMessage); } #if defined(_WIN32) static void PrintSocketError( mapDownload_t* dl, const char* functionName, int ec ) { const int bufferSize = sizeof(dl->tempMessage2); const int bw = FormatMessageA(FORMAT_MESSAGE_FROM_SYSTEM | FORMAT_MESSAGE_IGNORE_INSERTS, NULL, (DWORD)ec, MAKELANGID(LANG_NEUTRAL, SUBLANG_DEFAULT), dl->tempMessage2, (DWORD)bufferSize, NULL); if (bw <= 0) { *dl->tempMessage2 = '\0'; PrintError(dl, "%s failed: %d", functionName, ec); return; } int lastByte = bw; if (lastByte >= bufferSize) lastByte = bufferSize - 1; dl->tempMessage2[lastByte] = '\0'; PrintError(dl, "%s failed: %d -> %s", functionName, ec, dl->tempMessage2); } #else static void PrintSocketError( mapDownload_t* dl, const char* functionName, int ec ) { #if (_POSIX_C_SOURCE >= 200112L || _XOPEN_SOURCE >= 600) && !_GNU_SOURCE // XSI strerror_r const int serec = strerror_r(ec, dl->tempMessage2, sizeof(dl->tempMessage2)); const char* const errorMsg = dl->tempMessage2; if (serec != 0) { #else // GNU strerror_r const char* const errorMsg = strerror_r(ec, dl->tempMessage2, sizeof(dl->tempMessage2)); if (errorMsg == NULL) { #endif PrintError(dl, "%s failed with error %d", functionName, ec); return; } PrintError(dl, "%s failed with error %d (%s)", functionName, ec, errorMsg); } #endif static void PrintSocketError( mapDownload_t* dl, const char* functionName ) { #if defined(_WIN32) PrintSocketError(dl, functionName, WSAGetLastError()); #else PrintSocketError(dl, functionName, errno); #endif } static qbool IsSocketTimeoutError() { #if defined(_WIN32) const int ec = WSAGetLastError(); return ec == WSAEWOULDBLOCK || ec == WSAETIMEDOUT; #else const int ec = errno; return ec == EAGAIN || ec == EWOULDBLOCK; #endif } static void Download_Clear( mapDownload_t* dl ) { // NOTE: we must not reset mapName, realMapName *dl->tempPath = '\0'; *dl->finalName = '\0'; *dl->errorMessage = '\0'; dl->socket = INVALID_SOCKET; dl->file = NULL; dl->startTimeMS = INT_MIN; dl->crc32 = 0; dl->bytesHeader = 0; dl->bytesTotal = 0; dl->bytesDownloaded = 0; dl->headerParsed = qfalse; dl->badResponse = qfalse; dl->timeOutStartTimeMS = INT_MIN; dl->lastErrorTimeOut = qfalse; dl->sourceIndex = 0; dl->exactMatch = qfalse; dl->cleared = qtrue; } static qbool Download_IsFileValid( mapDownload_t* dl ) { const unsigned int fileSize = dl->bytesTotal - dl->bytesHeader; if (fileSize == 0) return qfalse; FILE* const file = fopen(dl->tempPath, "rb"); if (file == NULL) return qfalse; const unsigned int maxBlockSize = (unsigned int)sizeof(dl->recBuffer); const unsigned int fullBlockCount = fileSize / maxBlockSize; const unsigned int lastBlockSize = fileSize - fullBlockCount * maxBlockSize; unsigned int crc32; CRC32_Begin(&crc32); for (unsigned int i = 0; i < fullBlockCount; ++i) { if (fread(dl->recBuffer, maxBlockSize, 1, file) != 1) { fclose(file); return qfalse; } CRC32_ProcessBlock(&crc32, dl->recBuffer, maxBlockSize); } if (lastBlockSize > 0) { if (fread(dl->recBuffer, lastBlockSize, 1, file) != 1) { fclose(file); return qfalse; } CRC32_ProcessBlock(&crc32, dl->recBuffer, lastBlockSize); } CRC32_End(&crc32); fclose(file); if (crc32 != dl->crc32) { PrintError(dl, "The CRC32 for %s was %08X instead of %08X", dl->finalName, crc32, dl->crc32); return qfalse; } return qtrue; } // fails if the dest path already exists static qbool RenameFile( const char* source, const char* dest ) { // note: the rename function behaves differently on Windows and Linux // Windows: dest path cannot exist // Linux: if dest path exists, old file gets erased #if defined(_WIN32) return MoveFileA(source, dest) != 0; #else struct stat destInfo; if (stat(dest, &destInfo) == 0) return qfalse; return rename(source, dest) == 0; #endif } static qbool Download_Rename( mapDownload_t* dl ) { char dir[MAX_PATH]; #if defined(_WIN32) Q_strncpyz(dir, "baseq3\\", sizeof(dir)); #else Q_strncpyz(dir, "baseq3/", sizeof(dir)); #endif char name[MAX_PATH]; if (*dl->finalName == '\0') { Q_strncpyz(name, dl->mapName, sizeof(name)); } else { Q_strncpyz(name, dl->finalName, sizeof(name)); const int l = strlen(dl->finalName); if (Q_stricmp(name + l - 4, ".pk3") == 0) name[l - 4] = '\0'; } // try with the desired name Com_sprintf(dl->finalPath, sizeof(dl->finalPath), "%s%s.pk3", dir, name); if (RenameFile(dl->tempPath, dl->finalPath)) return qtrue; // try a few more times with random name suffixes for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) { // the suffix is 24 bits long, i.e. 6 characters const unsigned int suffix0 = (unsigned int)rand() % (1 << 12); const unsigned int suffix1 = (unsigned int)rand() % (1 << 12); const unsigned int suffix = suffix0 | (suffix1 << 12); Com_sprintf(dl->finalPath, sizeof(dl->finalPath), "%s%s_%06x.pk3", dir, name, suffix); if (RenameFile(dl->tempPath, dl->finalPath)) return qtrue; } PrintError(dl, "Failed to rename '%s' to '%s' or a similar name", dl->tempPath, name); return qfalse; } static qbool Download_CleanUp( mapDownload_t* dl, qbool rename ) { if (!cl_mapDL.cleared) return qfalse; if (dl->socket != INVALID_SOCKET) { Q_closesocket(dl->socket); dl->socket = INVALID_SOCKET; } if (dl->file != NULL) { fclose(dl->file); dl->file = NULL; } qbool success = qtrue; if (rename) { if (dl->crc32 != 0) success = Download_IsFileValid(dl); if (success) success = Download_Rename(dl); } if (Q_unlink(dl->tempPath) != 0 && errno != ENOENT) { // ENOENT means the file wasn't found, which is good because // it means our previous code was successful PrintError(dl, "Failed to delete file '%s'", dl->tempPath); } return success; } static qbool Download_Begin( mapDownload_t* dl, int port, const char* server, const char* file ) { Download_CleanUp(dl, qfalse); Download_Clear(dl); char portString[16]; Com_sprintf(portString, sizeof(portString), "%d", port); addrInfo_t* address; const int ec = getaddrinfo(server, portString, NULL, &address); if (ec != 0) { // EAI* errors map to WSA* errors, so it's ok to call this PrintSocketError(dl, "getaddrinfo", ec); return qfalse; } qbool connected = qfalse; for (addrInfo_t* a = address; a != NULL; a = a->ai_next) { dl->socket = socket(a->ai_family, a->ai_socktype, a->ai_protocol); if (dl->socket == INVALID_SOCKET) { PrintSocketError(dl, "socket"); continue; } if (connect(dl->socket, address->ai_addr, address->ai_addrlen) == SOCKET_ERROR) { PrintSocketError(dl, "connect"); if (dl->socket != INVALID_SOCKET) { Q_closesocket(dl->socket); dl->socket = INVALID_SOCKET; } continue; } connected = qtrue; break; } freeaddrinfo(address); if (!connected) { PrintError(dl, "Failed to connect to the host"); return qfalse; } #if defined(_WIN32) const DWORD timeoutMs = 1; if (setsockopt(dl->socket, SOL_SOCKET, SO_RCVTIMEO, (const char*)&timeoutMs, sizeof(timeoutMs)) == SOCKET_ERROR) { PrintSocketError(dl, "setsockopt"); return qfalse; } #else timeval timeout; timeout.tv_sec = 0; timeout.tv_usec = 1000; if (setsockopt(dl->socket, SOL_SOCKET, SO_RCVTIMEO, (const char*)&timeout, sizeof(timeout)) == SOCKET_ERROR) { PrintSocketError(dl, "setsockopt"); return qfalse; } #endif char request[256]; Com_sprintf(request, sizeof(request), "GET /%s HTTP/1.0\r\nHost: %s:%d\r\n\r\n", file, server, port); const int requestLength = strlen(request); if (send(dl->socket, request, requestLength, 0) != requestLength) { PrintSocketError(dl, "send"); return qfalse; } #if defined(_WIN32) if (GetTempFileNameA("baseq3", "", 0, dl->tempPath) == 0) { PrintError(dl, "Couldn't create a file name"); return qfalse; } dl->file = fopen(dl->tempPath, "wb"); #else Q_strncpyz(dl->tempPath, "baseq3/XXXXXX.tmp", sizeof(dl->tempPath)); const int fd = mkstemps(dl->tempPath, 4); dl->file = fd != -1 ? fdopen(fd, "wb") : NULL; #endif if (dl->file == NULL) { const int error = errno; char* const errorString = strerror(error); PrintError(dl, "Failed to open file '%s': %s (%d)", dl->tempPath, errorString ? errorString : "?", error); return qfalse; } dl->startTimeMS = Sys_Milliseconds(); return qtrue; } static qbool IsWhiteSpace( char c ) { return c == '\r' || c == '\n' || c == '\t' || c == ' '; } static void RemoveTrailingWhiteSpace( char* s ) { const int l = strlen(s); int i = l; while (i--) { if (!IsWhiteSpace(s[i])) { if (i + 1 < l) s[i + 1] = '\0'; break; } } } static qbool ParseHeader( unsigned int* headerLength, mapDownload_t* dl ) { if (dl->badResponse) { RemoveTrailingWhiteSpace(dl->recBuffer); if (*dl->recBuffer != '\0') PrintError(dl, "HTTP status %s - %s", dl->httpHeaderValue, dl->recBuffer); else PrintError(dl, "HTTP status %s", dl->httpHeaderValue); return qfalse; } // note: sscanf %s with the width specifier will null terminate in overflow cases too #define MAXSTRLEN 512 #define STR(X) #X #define XSTR(X) STR(X) #define WSPEC XSTR(MAXSTRLEN) static char httpHeaderValue[MAXSTRLEN]; static char header[MAXSTRLEN]; static char value[MAXSTRLEN]; static char fileName[MAXSTRLEN]; qbool badResponse = qfalse; const char* s = dl->recBuffer; for (;;) { qbool httpHeader = qfalse; int bytesRead = 0; if (sscanf(s, "HTTP/1.1 %"WSPEC"[^\r]\r\n%n", httpHeaderValue, &bytesRead) == 1) httpHeader = qtrue; else if (sscanf(s, "%"WSPEC"[^:]: %"WSPEC"[^\r]\r\n%n", header, value, &bytesRead) != 2) break; s += bytesRead; if (badResponse) continue; if (httpHeader) { int code; if (sscanf(httpHeaderValue, "%d", &code) == 1 && code != 200) badResponse = qtrue; } else if (Q_stricmp(header, "Content-Length") == 0) { int temp; if (sscanf(value, "%d", &temp) == 1) dl->bytesContent = temp; } else if (Q_stricmp(header, "Content-Disposition") == 0) { const size_t l = strlen("filename="); const char* valueFileName = strstr(value, "filename="); if (valueFileName != NULL) { valueFileName += l; if (*valueFileName == '\"') valueFileName++; if (sscanf(valueFileName, "%"WSPEC"[^\";\r]", fileName) == 1) Q_strncpyz(dl->finalName, fileName, sizeof(dl->finalName)); } } else if (Q_stricmp(header, "X-CNQ3-CRC32") == 0) { unsigned int temp; if (sscanf(value, "%x", &temp) == 1) dl->crc32 = temp; } } if (badResponse) { if (Q_stricmpn(s - 4, "\r\n\r\n", 4) == 0) { RemoveTrailingWhiteSpace((char*)s); if (*s != '\0') { PrintError(dl, "%s - %s", httpHeaderValue, s); return qfalse; } else { dl->badResponse = qtrue; Q_strncpyz(dl->httpHeaderValue, httpHeaderValue, sizeof(dl->httpHeaderValue)); return qtrue; } } return qfalse; } if (Q_stricmpn(s - 4, "\r\n\r\n", 4) == 0) { if (dl->bytesContent == 0) { PrintError(dl, "Content-Length wasn't defined or was invalid"); return qfalse; } if (dl->finalName[0] == '\0') { PrintError(dl, "Content-Disposition wasn't defined or was missing the filename field"); return qfalse; } dl->headerParsed = qtrue; } const unsigned int headerBytes = s - dl->recBuffer; dl->bytesHeader += headerBytes; if (dl->headerParsed) { dl->bytesTotal = dl->bytesHeader + dl->bytesContent; *headerLength = headerBytes; } return qtrue; #undef WSPEC #undef XSTR #undef STR #undef MAXSTRLEN } int Download_Continue( mapDownload_t* dl ) { if (dl->socket == INVALID_SOCKET) return MDLS_NOTHING; // the -1 is necessary because we need to be able to safely null-terminate // the buffer for ParseHeader without stomping another buffer's memory const int ec = recv(dl->socket, dl->recBuffer, sizeof(dl->recBuffer) - 1, 0); if (ec < 0) { if (IsSocketTimeoutError()) { const int now = Sys_Milliseconds(); if (!dl->lastErrorTimeOut) dl->timeOutStartTimeMS = now; if (now - dl->timeOutStartTimeMS >= 1000) { PrintError(dl, "Timed out for more than a full second"); Download_CleanUp(dl, qfalse); return MDLS_ERROR; } dl->lastErrorTimeOut = qtrue; return MDLS_IN_PROGRESS; } PrintSocketError(dl, "recv"); Download_CleanUp(dl, qfalse); return MDLS_ERROR; } if (ec == 0) { if (dl->bytesDownloaded == dl->bytesTotal) return Download_CleanUp(dl, qtrue) ? MDLS_SUCCESS : MDLS_ERROR; if (dl->badResponse) PrintError(dl, "HTTP status %s", dl->httpHeaderValue); else PrintError(dl, "Connection closed too early"); Download_CleanUp(dl, qfalse); return MDLS_ERROR; } dl->bytesDownloaded += ec; unsigned int offset = 0; if (!dl->headerParsed) { // make sure ParseHeader can read the buffer as a C string dl->recBuffer[ec] = '\0'; if (!ParseHeader(&offset, dl)) { Download_CleanUp(dl, qfalse); return MDLS_ERROR; } } const unsigned int bytesToWrite = ec - offset; if (dl->headerParsed && bytesToWrite > 0) { if (fwrite(dl->recBuffer + offset, bytesToWrite, 1, dl->file) != 1) { const int error = errno; char* const errorString = strerror(error); PrintError(dl, "Failed to write %d bytes to '%s': %s (%d)", (int)(ec - offset), dl->tempPath, errorString ? errorString : "?", error); Download_CleanUp(dl, qfalse); return MDLS_ERROR; } } if (dl->bytesDownloaded == dl->bytesTotal) return Download_CleanUp(dl, qtrue) ? MDLS_SUCCESS : MDLS_ERROR; dl->timeOutStartTimeMS = INT_MIN; dl->lastErrorTimeOut = qfalse; return MDLS_IN_PROGRESS; } static qbool CL_MapDownload_StartImpl( const char* mapName, int source, const char* query, qbool fromCommand, qbool exactMatch, qbool realMapName ) { Com_Printf("Attempting download from the %s map server...\n", cl_mapDLSources[source].name); Q_strncpyz(cl_mapDL.mapName, mapName, sizeof(cl_mapDL.mapName)); cl_mapDL.realMapName = realMapName; const qbool success = Download_Begin(&cl_mapDL, cl_mapDLSources[source].port, cl_mapDLSources[source].hostName, query); if (!success) { if (!fromCommand) Com_Error(ERR_DROP, cl_mapDL.errorMessage); return qfalse; } // We set these after the Download_Begin call since it clears cl_mapDL. cl_mapDL.fromCommand = fromCommand; cl_mapDL.sourceIndex = source; cl_mapDL.exactMatch = exactMatch; if (!fromCommand) { Cvar_Set("cl_downloadName", mapName); Cvar_Set("cl_downloadSize", "0"); Cvar_Set("cl_downloadCount", "0"); Cvar_SetValue("cl_downloadTime", cls.realtime); } return qtrue; } static qbool CL_MapDownload_CheckActive() { if (!CL_MapDownload_Active()) return qfalse; PrintError(&cl_mapDL, "Download already in progress for map %s", cl_mapDL.mapName); return qtrue; } qbool CL_MapDownload_Start( const char* mapName, qbool fromCommand ) { if (CL_MapDownload_CheckActive()) return qfalse; char query[256]; (*cl_mapDLSources[0].formatQuery)(query, sizeof(query), mapName); if (CL_MapDownload_StartImpl(mapName, 0, query, fromCommand, qfalse, qtrue)) return qtrue; (*cl_mapDLSources[1].formatQuery)(query, sizeof(query), mapName); return CL_MapDownload_StartImpl(mapName, 1, query, fromCommand, qfalse, qtrue); } qbool CL_MapDownload_Start_MapChecksum( const char* mapName, unsigned int mapCrc32, qbool exactMatch ) { if (mapCrc32 == 0 || CL_MapDownload_CheckActive()) return qfalse; char query[256]; Com_sprintf(query, sizeof(query), "map?n=%s&m=%x", mapName, mapCrc32); if (!exactMatch) Q_strcat(query, sizeof(query), "&e=0"); return CL_MapDownload_StartImpl(mapName, 0, query, qfalse, exactMatch, qtrue); } qbool CL_MapDownload_Start_PakChecksums( const char* mapName, unsigned int* pakChecksums, int pakCount, qbool exactMatch ) { if (pakCount == 0 || CL_MapDownload_CheckActive()) return qfalse; static char query[1024]; Com_sprintf(query, sizeof(query), "map?n=%s&p=", mapName); Q_strcat(query, sizeof(query), va("%x", pakChecksums[0])); for (int i = 1; i < pakCount; ++i) { Q_strcat(query, sizeof(query), va(",%x", pakChecksums[i])); } if (!exactMatch) Q_strcat(query, sizeof(query), "&e=0"); return CL_MapDownload_StartImpl(mapName, 0, query, qfalse, exactMatch, qtrue); } qbool CL_PakDownload_Start( unsigned int checksum, qbool fromCommand, const char* mapName ) { if (checksum == 0 || CL_MapDownload_CheckActive()) return qfalse; char query[64]; Com_sprintf(query, sizeof(query), "pak?%x", checksum); qbool realMapName = qtrue; char name[64]; if (mapName == NULL || mapName[0] == '\0') { Com_sprintf(name, sizeof(name), "%x", checksum); mapName = name; realMapName = qfalse; } return CL_MapDownload_StartImpl(mapName, 0, query, fromCommand, qtrue, realMapName); } static void CL_MapDownload_ClearCvars() { Cvar_Set("cl_downloadSize", "0"); Cvar_Set("cl_downloadCount", "0"); Cvar_Set("cl_downloadName", ""); Cvar_SetValue("cl_downloadTime", cls.realtime); } void CL_MapDownload_Continue() { const int status = Download_Continue(&cl_mapDL); if (status == MDLS_SUCCESS) { FS_Restart(clc.checksumFeed); if (!cl_mapDL.fromCommand) { CL_DownloadsComplete(); CL_MapDownload_ClearCvars(); } Com_Printf("'%s' downloaded successfully to '%s'\n", cl_mapDL.finalName, cl_mapDL.finalPath); } else if (status == MDLS_IN_PROGRESS) { if (!cl_mapDL.fromCommand) { Cvar_Set("cl_downloadSize", va("%d", cl_mapDL.bytesTotal)); Cvar_Set("cl_downloadCount", va("%d", cl_mapDL.bytesDownloaded)); } } else if (status == MDLS_ERROR) { if (!cl_mapDL.fromCommand) { if (clc.demoplaying) CL_DemoCompleted(); CL_MapDownload_ClearCvars(); Com_Error(ERR_DROP, cl_mapDL.errorMessage); } else if (cl_mapDL.sourceIndex == 0 && !cl_mapDL.exactMatch) { char query[256]; (*cl_mapDLSources[1].formatQuery)(query, sizeof(query), cl_mapDL.mapName); CL_MapDownload_StartImpl(cl_mapDL.mapName, 1, query, cl_mapDL.fromCommand, qfalse, cl_mapDL.realMapName); } } } void CL_MapDownload_Init() { Download_Clear(&cl_mapDL); } qbool CL_MapDownload_Active() { return cl_mapDL.cleared && cl_mapDL.socket != INVALID_SOCKET; } void CL_MapDownload_Cancel() { if (!CL_MapDownload_Active()) return; Download_CleanUp(&cl_mapDL, qfalse); CL_MapDownload_ClearCvars(); } // negative if nothing's going on static float CL_MapDownload_Progress() { if (!CL_MapDownload_Active() || !cl_mapDL.fromCommand || cl_mapDL.bytesTotal < 1 || cl_mapDL.bytesDownloaded < 0) return -1; const uint64_t t = (uint64_t)cl_mapDL.bytesTotal; const uint64_t d = (uint64_t)cl_mapDL.bytesDownloaded; const double p = ((double)d * 100.0) / (double)t; const float progress = min((float)p, 100.0f); return progress; } // bytes/s, negative if nothing's going on static int CL_MapDownload_Speed() { if (!CL_MapDownload_Active() || !cl_mapDL.fromCommand || cl_mapDL.bytesTotal < 1 || cl_mapDL.bytesDownloaded < 0) return -1; const int startMS = cl_mapDL.startTimeMS; const int nowMS = Sys_Milliseconds(); const int elapsedMS = nowMS - startMS; if (startMS == INT_MIN || elapsedMS <= 0) return -1; return (int)(((uint64_t)cl_mapDL.bytesDownloaded * 1000) / (uint64_t)elapsedMS); } static void FormatSize( char* buffer, int bufferSize, unsigned int bytes ) { unsigned int m = (unsigned int)(-1); unsigned int x = bytes; while (x) { x >>= 10; m++; } if (m == 0) Com_sprintf(buffer, bufferSize, "%u bytes", bytes); else if (m == 1) Com_sprintf(buffer, bufferSize, "%u KB", bytes >> 10); else if (m == 2) Com_sprintf(buffer, bufferSize, "%.1f MB", (float)(bytes >> 10) / 1024.0f); else Com_sprintf(buffer, bufferSize, "%.2f GB", (float)(bytes >> 20) / 1024.0f); } static void FormatTime( char* buffer, int bufferSize, unsigned int seconds ) { const int s = seconds % 60; const int m = seconds / 60; if (m > 0) Com_sprintf(buffer, bufferSize, "%dm %2ds", m, s); else Com_sprintf(buffer, bufferSize, "%2ds", s); } void CL_MapDownload_DrawConsole( float cw, float ch ) { const float progress = CL_MapDownload_Progress(); if (progress < 0.0f) return; const float vw = cls.glconfig.vidWidth; char msg0[128]; const char* fileName = cl_mapDL.finalName[0] != '\0' ? cl_mapDL.finalName : "pk3"; Com_sprintf(msg0, sizeof(msg0), "Downloading %s: %2d%%", fileName, (int)progress); const float wl0 = cw * strlen(msg0); re.SetColor(colorWhite); SCR_DrawString(vw - wl0 - cw / 2, ch / 2, cw, ch, msg0, qtrue); const int speed = CL_MapDownload_Speed(); if (speed <= 0) return; char size[64]; FormatSize(size, sizeof(size), speed); char msg1[128]; Com_sprintf(msg1, sizeof(msg1), "Speed: %s/s", size); const float wl1 = cw * strlen(msg1); SCR_DrawString(vw - wl1 - cw / 2, 3 * ch / 2, cw, ch, msg1, qtrue); if (progress <= 0.0f) return; const int elapsedMS = Sys_Milliseconds() - cl_mapDL.startTimeMS; const int totalMS = (int)((elapsedMS * 100.0f) / progress); const int remainingMS = max(totalMS - elapsedMS, 0); char time[64]; FormatTime(time, sizeof(time), remainingMS / 1000); char msg2[128]; Com_sprintf(msg2, sizeof(msg2), "Time left: %s", time); const float wl2 = cw * strlen(msg2); SCR_DrawString(vw - wl2 - cw / 2, 5 * ch / 2, cw, ch, msg2, qtrue); } void CL_MapDownload_CrashCleanUp() { if (cl_mapDL.file != NULL && cl_mapDL.tempPath[0] != '\0') { fclose(cl_mapDL.file); Q_unlink(cl_mapDL.tempPath); } }