/* =========================================================================== Copyright (C) 2022-2023 Gian 'myT' Schellenbaum This file is part of Challenge Quake 3 (CNQ3). Challenge Quake 3 is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. Challenge Quake 3 is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with Challenge Quake 3. If not, see . =========================================================================== */ // Gameplay Rendering Pipeline - main interface #include "grp_local.h" #include "uber_shaders.h" #include "hlsl/uber_shader.h" #include "hlsl/complete_uber_vs.h" #include "hlsl/complete_uber_ps.h" #include "../client/cl_imgui.h" GRP grp; static const ShaderByteCode vertexShaderByteCodes[8] = { ShaderByteCode(g_vs_1), ShaderByteCode(g_vs_2), ShaderByteCode(g_vs_3), ShaderByteCode(g_vs_4), ShaderByteCode(g_vs_5), ShaderByteCode(g_vs_6), ShaderByteCode(g_vs_7), ShaderByteCode(g_vs_8) }; #define PS(Data) #Data, static const char* uberPixelShaderStateStrings[] = { UBER_SHADER_PS_LIST(PS) }; #undef PS #define PS(Data) ShaderByteCode(g_ps_##Data), static const ShaderByteCode uberPixelShaderByteCodes[] = { UBER_SHADER_PS_LIST(PS) }; #undef PS #define PS(Data) 1 + static const uint32_t uberPixelShaderCacheSize = UBER_SHADER_PS_LIST(PS) 0; #undef PS static UberPixelShaderState uberPixelShaderStates[uberPixelShaderCacheSize]; static ImPlotPoint FrameTimeGetter(int index, void*) { const FrameStats& fs = grp.frameStats; const int realIndex = (fs.frameIndex + index) % fs.frameCount; const float value = fs.p2pMS[realIndex]; ImPlotPoint p; p.x = index; p.y = value; return p; } static void UpdateAnimatedImage(image_t* image, int w, int h, const byte* data, qbool dirty) { if(w != image->width || h != image->height) { // @TODO: ? /*image->width = w; image->height = h; CreateTexture(&d3d.textures[image->texnum], image, 1, w, h); GAL_UpdateTexture(image, 0, 0, 0, w, h, data);*/ } else if(dirty) { // @TODO: ? //GAL_UpdateTexture(image, 0, 0, 0, w, h, data); } } const image_t* GetBundleImage(const textureBundle_t& bundle) { return R_UpdateAndGetBundleImage(&bundle, &UpdateAnimatedImage); } uint32_t GetSamplerIndex(textureWrap_t wrap, TextureFilter::Id filter, uint32_t minLOD) { Q_assert((uint32_t)wrap < TW_COUNT); Q_assert((uint32_t)filter < TextureFilter::Count); const uint32_t index = (uint32_t)filter + (uint32_t)TextureFilter::Count * (uint32_t)wrap + (uint32_t)TextureFilter::Count * (uint32_t)TW_COUNT * minLOD; return index; } uint32_t GetSamplerIndex(const image_t* image) { TextureFilter::Id filter = TextureFilter::Anisotropic; if(r_lego->integer && grp.renderMode == RenderMode::World && (image->flags & (IMG_LMATLAS | IMG_EXTLMATLAS | IMG_NOPICMIP)) == 0) { filter = TextureFilter::Point; } else if((image->flags & IMG_NOAF) != 0 || grp.renderMode != RenderMode::World) { filter = TextureFilter::Linear; } int minLOD = 0; if(grp.renderMode == RenderMode::World && (image->flags & IMG_NOPICMIP) == 0) { minLOD = Com_ClampInt(0, MaxTextureMips - 1, r_picmip->integer); } return GetSamplerIndex(image->wrapClampMode, filter, (uint32_t)minLOD); } static bool IsCommutativeBlendState(unsigned int stateBits) { const unsigned int blendStates[] = { GLS_SRCBLEND_ONE | GLS_DSTBLEND_ONE, // additive GLS_SRCBLEND_DST_COLOR | GLS_DSTBLEND_ZERO, // modulate GLS_SRCBLEND_ZERO | GLS_DSTBLEND_SRC_COLOR, // modulate GLS_SRCBLEND_SRC_ALPHA | GLS_DSTBLEND_ONE // pre-multiplied alpha blend }; const unsigned int blendBits = stateBits & GLS_BLEND_BITS; for(int b = 0; b < ARRAY_LEN(blendStates); ++b) { if(blendBits == blendStates[b]) { return true; } } return false; } static cullType_t GetMirrorredCullType(cullType_t cullType) { switch(cullType) { case CT_BACK_SIDED: return CT_FRONT_SIDED; case CT_FRONT_SIDED: return CT_BACK_SIDED; default: return CT_TWO_SIDED; } } void FrameStats::EndFrame() { frameCount = min(frameCount + 1, (int)MaxFrames); frameIndex = (frameIndex + 1) % MaxFrames; Com_StatsFromArray(p2pMS, frameCount, temp, &p2pStats); } void RenderPassStats::EndFrame(uint32_t cpu, uint32_t gpu) { static uint32_t tempSamples[MaxStatsFrameCount]; samplesCPU[index] = cpu; samplesGPU[index] = gpu; count = min(count + 1, (uint32_t)MaxStatsFrameCount); index = (index + 1) % MaxStatsFrameCount; Com_StatsFromArray((const int*)samplesCPU, count, (int*)tempSamples, &statsCPU); Com_StatsFromArray((const int*)samplesGPU, count, (int*)tempSamples, &statsGPU); } void GRP::Init() { firstInit = RHI::Init(); if(firstInit) { RootSignatureDesc desc("main"); desc.usingVertexBuffers = true; desc.samplerCount = ARRAY_LEN(samplers); desc.samplerVisibility = ShaderStages::PixelBit; desc.genericVisibility = ShaderStages::PixelBit; desc.AddRange(DescriptorType::Texture, 0, MAX_DRAWIMAGES * 2); desc.AddRange(DescriptorType::RWBuffer, MAX_DRAWIMAGES * 2, 1); rootSignatureDesc = desc; rootSignature = CreateRootSignature(desc); descriptorTable = CreateDescriptorTable(DescriptorTableDesc("game textures", rootSignature)); desc.name = "world"; desc.usingVertexBuffers = true; desc.constants[ShaderStage::Vertex].byteCount = sizeof(WorldVertexRC); desc.constants[ShaderStage::Pixel].byteCount = sizeof(WorldPixelRC); desc.samplerVisibility = ShaderStages::PixelBit; desc.genericVisibility = ShaderStages::VertexBit | ShaderStages::PixelBit; uberRootSignature = CreateRootSignature(desc); for(uint32_t i = 0; i < uberPixelShaderCacheSize; ++i) { if(!ParseUberPixelShaderState(uberPixelShaderStates[i], uberPixelShaderStateStrings[i])) { Q_assert(!"ParseUberPixelShaderState failed!"); } } } // we recreate the samplers on every vid_restart to create the right level // of anisotropy based on the latched CVar for(uint32_t w = 0; w < TW_COUNT; ++w) { for(uint32_t f = 0; f < TextureFilter::Count; ++f) { for(uint32_t m = 0; m < MaxTextureMips; ++m) { const textureWrap_t wrap = (textureWrap_t)w; const TextureFilter::Id filter = (TextureFilter::Id)f; const uint32_t s = GetSamplerIndex(wrap, filter, m); SamplerDesc desc(wrap, filter, (float)m); desc.shortLifeTime = true; samplers[s] = CreateSampler(desc); } } } // update our descriptor table with the new sampler descriptors { DescriptorTableUpdate update; update.SetSamplers(ARRAY_LEN(samplers), samplers); UpdateDescriptorTable(descriptorTable, update); } textureIndex = 0; psoCount = 1; // we treat index 0 as invalid { switch(r_rtColorFormat->integer) { case RTCF_R10G10B10A2: renderTargetFormat = TextureFormat::R10G10B10A2_UNorm; break; case RTCF_R16G16B16A16: renderTargetFormat = TextureFormat::RGBA64_UNorm; break; case RTCF_R8G8B8A8: default: renderTargetFormat = TextureFormat::RGBA32_UNorm; break; } TextureDesc desc("render target", glConfig.vidWidth, glConfig.vidHeight); desc.initialState = ResourceStates::RenderTargetBit; desc.allowedState = ResourceStates::RenderTargetBit | ResourceStates::PixelShaderAccessBit; Vector4Clear(desc.clearColor); desc.usePreferredClearValue = true; desc.committedResource = true; desc.format = renderTargetFormat; desc.shortLifeTime = true; renderTarget = RHI::CreateTexture(desc); } { TextureDesc desc("readback render target", glConfig.vidWidth, glConfig.vidHeight); desc.initialState = ResourceStates::RenderTargetBit; desc.allowedState = ResourceStates::RenderTargetBit | ResourceStates::PixelShaderAccessBit; Vector4Clear(desc.clearColor); desc.usePreferredClearValue = true; desc.committedResource = true; desc.format = TextureFormat::RGBA32_UNorm; desc.shortLifeTime = true; readbackRenderTarget = RHI::CreateTexture(desc); } ui.Init(); world.Init(); mipMapGen.Init(); imgui.Init(); nuklear.Init(); post.Init(); post.SetToneMapInput(renderTarget); smaa.Init(); // must be after post firstInit = false; } void GRP::ShutDown(bool fullShutDown) { RHI::ShutDown(fullShutDown); } void GRP::BeginFrame() { renderPasses[tr.frameCount % FrameCount].count = 0; R_SetColorMappings(); smaa.Update(); // have it be first to we can use ImGUI in the other components too grp.imgui.SafeBeginFrame(); RHI::BeginFrame(); ui.BeginFrame(); world.BeginFrame(); nuklear.BeginFrame(); const float clearColor[4] = { 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f }; const TextureBarrier barrier(renderTarget, ResourceStates::RenderTargetBit); CmdBarrier(1, &barrier); CmdClearColorTarget(renderTarget, clearColor); // nothing is bound to the command list yet! renderMode = RenderMode::None; frameSeed = (float)rand() / (float)RAND_MAX; } void GRP::EndFrame() { DrawGUI(); R_DrawGUI(); imgui.Draw(); post.Draw("Post-process", GetSwapChainTexture()); world.EndFrame(); UpdateReadbackTexture(); RHI::EndFrame(); if(rhie.presentToPresentUS > 0) { frameStats.p2pMS[frameStats.frameIndex] = (float)rhie.presentToPresentUS / 1000.0f; frameStats.EndFrame(); } else { frameStats.skippedFrames++; } if(backEnd.renderFrame) { Sys_V_EndFrame(); } } void GRP::UpdateReadbackTexture() { if(!updateReadbackTexture) { return; } post.Draw("Readback post-process", readbackRenderTarget); } void GRP::CreateTexture(image_t* image, int mipCount, int width, int height) { TextureDesc desc(image->name, width, height, mipCount); desc.committedResource = width * height >= (1 << 20); desc.shortLifeTime = true; if(mipCount > 1) { desc.allowedState |= ResourceStates::UnorderedAccessBit; // for mip-map generation } image->texture = ::RHI::CreateTexture(desc); image->textureIndex = RegisterTexture(image->texture); } void GRP::UpoadTextureAndGenerateMipMaps(image_t* image, const byte* data) { MappedTexture texture; RHI::BeginTextureUpload(texture, image->texture); for(uint32_t r = 0; r < texture.rowCount; ++r) { memcpy(texture.mappedData + r * texture.dstRowByteCount, data + r * texture.srcRowByteCount, texture.srcRowByteCount); } RHI::EndTextureUpload(); mipMapGen.GenerateMipMaps(image->texture); } void GRP::BeginTextureUpload(MappedTexture& mappedTexture, image_t* image) { RHI::BeginTextureUpload(mappedTexture, image->texture); } void GRP::EndTextureUpload() { RHI::EndTextureUpload(); } void GRP::ProcessWorld(world_t& world_) { world.ProcessWorld(world_); } void GRP::ProcessModel(model_t& model) { // @TODO: !!! //__debugbreak(); } void GRP::ProcessShader(shader_t& shader) { shader.numPipelines = 0; if(shader.numStages < 1) { return; } // @TODO: GLS_POLYMODE_LINE const bool clampDepth = r_depthClamp->integer != 0 || shader.isSky; if(shader.isOpaque) { Q_assert(IsDepthFadeEnabled(shader) == false); // @TODO: fix up cache.stageStateBits[0] based on depth state from follow-up states CachedPSO cache = {}; cache.desc.depthFade = false; cache.desc.polygonOffset = !!shader.polygonOffset; cache.desc.clampDepth = clampDepth; cache.stageStateBits[0] = shader.stages[0]->stateBits & (~GLS_POLYMODE_LINE); for(int s = 1; s < shader.numStages; ++s) { cache.stageStateBits[s] = shader.stages[s]->stateBits & (GLS_BLEND_BITS | GLS_ATEST_BITS); } cache.stageCount = shader.numStages; cache.desc.cullType = shader.cullType; shader.pipelines[0].pipeline = CreatePSO(cache, shader.name); cache.desc.cullType = GetMirrorredCullType(shader.cullType); shader.pipelines[0].mirrorPipeline = CreatePSO(cache, va("%s mirror", shader.name)); shader.pipelines[0].firstStage = 0; shader.pipelines[0].numStages = shader.numStages; shader.numPipelines = 1; } else { CachedPSO cache = {}; cache.desc.depthFade = IsDepthFadeEnabled(shader); cache.desc.polygonOffset = !!shader.polygonOffset; cache.desc.clampDepth = clampDepth; cache.stageCount = 0; unsigned int prevStateBits = 0xFFFFFFFF; int firstStage = 0; for(int s = 0; s < shader.numStages; ++s) { const unsigned int currStateBits = shader.stages[s]->stateBits & (~GLS_POLYMODE_LINE); if(cache.stageCount > 0) { // we could combine AT/DW in some circumstances, but we don't care to for now const bool cantCombine = (shader.stages[s]->stateBits & (GLS_ATEST_BITS | GLS_DEPTHMASK_TRUE)) != 0; if(currStateBits == prevStateBits && !cantCombine && IsCommutativeBlendState(currStateBits)) { cache.stageStateBits[cache.stageCount++] = currStateBits; } else { pipeline_t& p = shader.pipelines[shader.numPipelines++]; cache.desc.cullType = shader.cullType; p.pipeline = CreatePSO(cache, va("%s #%d", shader.name, shader.numPipelines)); cache.desc.cullType = GetMirrorredCullType(shader.cullType); p.mirrorPipeline = CreatePSO(cache, va("%s #%d mirror", shader.name, shader.numPipelines)); p.firstStage = firstStage; p.numStages = cache.stageCount; cache.stageStateBits[0] = currStateBits; cache.stageCount = 1; firstStage = s; } } else { cache.stageStateBits[0] = currStateBits; cache.stageCount = 1; } prevStateBits = currStateBits; } if(cache.stageCount > 0) { pipeline_t& p = shader.pipelines[shader.numPipelines++]; cache.desc.cullType = shader.cullType; p.pipeline = CreatePSO(cache, va("%s #%d", shader.name, shader.numPipelines)); cache.desc.cullType = GetMirrorredCullType(shader.cullType); p.mirrorPipeline = CreatePSO(cache, va("%s #%d mirror", shader.name, shader.numPipelines)); p.firstStage = firstStage; p.numStages = cache.stageCount; } } } uint32_t GRP::RegisterTexture(HTexture htexture) { const uint32_t index = textureIndex++; DescriptorTableUpdate update; update.SetTextures(1, &htexture, index); UpdateDescriptorTable(descriptorTable, update); return index; } uint32_t GRP::BeginRenderPass(const char* name, float r, float g, float b) { RenderPassFrame& f = renderPasses[tr.frameCount % FrameCount]; if(f.count >= ARRAY_LEN(f.passes)) { Q_assert(0); return UINT32_MAX; } CmdBeginDebugLabel(name, r, g, b); const uint32_t index = f.count++; RenderPassQueries& q = f.passes[index]; Q_strncpyz(q.name, name, sizeof(q.name)); q.cpuStartUS = Sys_Microseconds(); q.queryIndex = CmdBeginDurationQuery(); return index; } void GRP::EndRenderPass(uint32_t index) { RenderPassFrame& f = renderPasses[tr.frameCount % FrameCount]; if(index >= f.count) { Q_assert(0); return; } CmdEndDebugLabel(); RenderPassQueries& q = f.passes[index]; q.cpuDurationUS = (uint32_t)(Sys_Microseconds() - q.cpuStartUS); CmdEndDurationQuery(q.queryIndex); } void GRP::DrawGUI() { uint32_t durations[MaxDurationQueries]; GetDurations(durations); wholeFrameStats.EndFrame(rhie.renderToPresentUS, durations[0]); const RenderPassFrame& currFrame = renderPasses[(tr.frameCount % FrameCount) ^ 1]; RenderPassFrame& tempFrame = tempRenderPasses; // see if the render pass list is the same as the previous frame's bool sameRenderPass = true; if(currFrame.count == tempRenderPasses.count) { for(uint32_t p = 0; p < currFrame.count; ++p) { if(Q_stricmp(currFrame.passes[p].name, tempRenderPasses.passes[p].name) != 0) { sameRenderPass = false; break; } } } else { sameRenderPass = false; } // write out the displayed timings into the temp buffer tempFrame.count = currFrame.count; if(sameRenderPass) { for(uint32_t p = 0; p < currFrame.count; ++p) { const uint32_t index = currFrame.passes[p].queryIndex; if(index < MaxDurationQueries) { renderPassStats[p].EndFrame(currFrame.passes[p].cpuDurationUS, durations[index]); tempFrame.passes[p].gpuDurationUS = renderPassStats[p].statsGPU.median; tempFrame.passes[p].cpuDurationUS = renderPassStats[p].statsCPU.median; } } } else { for(uint32_t p = 0; p < currFrame.count; ++p) { const uint32_t index = currFrame.passes[p].queryIndex; if(index < MaxDurationQueries) { tempFrame.passes[p].gpuDurationUS = durations[index]; tempFrame.passes[p].cpuDurationUS = currFrame.passes[p].cpuDurationUS; } } } static bool breakdownActive = false; ToggleBooleanWithShortcut(breakdownActive, ImGuiKey_F); GUI_AddMainMenuItem(GUI_MainMenu::Perf, "Frame breakdown", "Ctrl+F", &breakdownActive); if(breakdownActive) { if(ImGui::Begin("Frame breakdown", &breakdownActive, ImGuiWindowFlags_AlwaysAutoResize)) { if(BeginTable("Frame breakdown", 3)) { TableHeader(3, "Pass", "GPU [us]", "CPU [us]"); TableRow(3, "Whole frame", va("%d", (int)wholeFrameStats.statsGPU.median), va("%d", (int)wholeFrameStats.statsCPU.median)); for(uint32_t p = 0; p < currFrame.count; ++p) { const RenderPassQueries& rp = tempFrame.passes[p]; if(rp.queryIndex < MaxDurationQueries) { TableRow(3, rp.name, va("%d", (int)rp.gpuDurationUS), va("%d", (int)rp.cpuDurationUS)); } } ImGui::EndTable(); } ImGui::Text("PSO count: %d", (int)grp.psoCount); ImGui::Text("PSO changes: %d", (int)grp.world.psoChangeCount); } ImGui::End(); } // save the current render pass list in the temp buffer memcpy(&tempFrame, &currFrame, sizeof(tempFrame)); static bool frameTimeActive = false; GUI_AddMainMenuItem(GUI_MainMenu::Perf, "Frame stats", NULL, &frameTimeActive); if(frameTimeActive) { if(ImGui::Begin("Frame stats", &frameTimeActive, ImGuiWindowFlags_AlwaysAutoResize)) { if(BeginTable("Frame stats", 2)) { const FrameStats& fs = frameStats; const stats_t& s = fs.p2pStats; TableRow2("Skipped frames", fs.skippedFrames); TableRow2("Frame time target", rhie.targetFrameDurationMS); TableRow2("Frame time average", s.average); TableRow2("Frame time std dev.", s.stdDev); TableRow2("Input to render", (float)rhie.inputToRenderUS / 1000.0f); TableRow2("Input to present", (float)rhie.inputToPresentUS / 1000.0f); ImGui::EndTable(); } } ImGui::End(); } static bool graphsActive = false; ToggleBooleanWithShortcut(graphsActive, ImGuiKey_G); GUI_AddMainMenuItem(GUI_MainMenu::Perf, "Frame time graphs", "Ctrl+G", &graphsActive); if(graphsActive) { const int windowFlags = ImGuiWindowFlags_NoDecoration | ImGuiWindowFlags_NoBackground | ImGuiWindowFlags_NoMove; ImGui::SetNextWindowSize(ImVec2(glConfig.vidWidth, glConfig.vidHeight / 2), ImGuiCond_Always); ImGui::SetNextWindowPos(ImVec2(0, glConfig.vidHeight / 2), ImGuiCond_Always); if(ImGui::Begin("Frame time graphs", &graphsActive, windowFlags)) { const FrameStats& fs = frameStats; const double target = (double)rhie.targetFrameDurationMS; static bool autoFit = false; ImGui::Checkbox("Auto-fit", &autoFit); if(ImPlot::BeginPlot("Frame Times", ImVec2(-1, -1), ImPlotFlags_NoInputs)) { const int axisFlags = 0; // ImPlotAxisFlags_NoTickLabels const int axisFlagsY = axisFlags | (autoFit ? ImPlotAxisFlags_AutoFit : 0); ImPlot::SetupAxes(NULL, NULL, axisFlags, axisFlagsY); ImPlot::SetupAxisLimits(ImAxis_X1, 0, FrameStats::MaxFrames, ImGuiCond_Always); if(!autoFit) { ImPlot::SetupAxisLimits(ImAxis_Y1, max(target - 2.0, 0.0), target + 2.0, ImGuiCond_Always); } ImPlot::SetNextFillStyle(IMPLOT_AUTO_COL, 1.0f); ImPlot::SetNextLineStyle(IMPLOT_AUTO_COL, 1.0f); ImPlot::PlotInfLines("Target", &target, 1, ImPlotInfLinesFlags_Horizontal); ImPlot::SetNextFillStyle(IMPLOT_AUTO_COL, 1.0f); ImPlot::SetNextLineStyle(IMPLOT_AUTO_COL, 1.0f); ImPlot::PlotLineG("Frame Time", &FrameTimeGetter, NULL, fs.frameCount, ImPlotLineFlags_None); ImPlot::EndPlot(); } } ImGui::End(); } GUI_DrawMainMenu(); } uint32_t GRP::CreatePSO(CachedPSO& cache, const char* name) { Q_assert(cache.stageCount > 0); const uint32_t pixelShaderStateBits = GLS_BLEND_BITS | GLS_ATEST_BITS; for(uint32_t p = 1; p < psoCount; ++p) { if(cache.stageCount == psos[p].stageCount && memcmp(&cache.desc, &psos[p].desc, sizeof(cache.desc)) == 0 && memcmp(&cache.stageStateBits, &psos[p].stageStateBits, cache.stageCount * sizeof(cache.stageStateBits[0])) == 0) { return p; } } Q_assert(psoCount < ARRAY_LEN(psos)); #if defined(_DEBUG) Q_strncpyz(cache.name, name, sizeof(cache.name)); #endif int uberPixelShaderIndex = -1; for(uint32_t i = 0; i < uberPixelShaderCacheSize; ++i) { const UberPixelShaderState& state = uberPixelShaderStates[i]; const int dither = (state.globalState & UBERPS_DITHER_BIT) != 0 ? 1 : 0; const bool depthFade = (state.globalState & UBERPS_DEPTHFADE_BIT) != 0; if(cache.stageCount != (uint32_t)state.stageCount || r_dither->integer != dither || cache.desc.depthFade != depthFade) { continue; } bool found = true; for(uint32_t s = 0; s < cache.stageCount; ++s) { const uint32_t psoCacheState = cache.stageStateBits[s] & pixelShaderStateBits; const uint32_t psCacheState = (uint32_t)state.stageStates[s] & pixelShaderStateBits; if(psoCacheState != psCacheState) { found = false; break; } } if(found) { uberPixelShaderIndex = (int)i; break; } } HShader pixelShader = RHI_MAKE_NULL_HANDLE(); ShaderByteCode pixelShaderByteCode; if(uberPixelShaderIndex < 0) { uint32_t macroCount = 0; ShaderMacro macros[64]; macros[macroCount].name = "STAGE_COUNT"; macros[macroCount].value = va("%d", cache.stageCount); macroCount++; if(r_dither->integer) { macros[macroCount].name = "DITHER"; macros[macroCount].value = "1"; macroCount++; } if(cache.desc.depthFade) { macros[macroCount].name = "DEPTH_FADE"; macros[macroCount].value = "1"; macroCount++; } for(int s = 0; s < cache.stageCount; ++s) { macros[macroCount].name = va("STAGE%d_BITS", s); macros[macroCount].value = va("%d", (int)cache.stageStateBits[s] & pixelShaderStateBits); macroCount++; } Q_assert(macroCount <= ARRAY_LEN(macros)); pixelShader = CreateShader(ShaderDesc(ShaderStage::Pixel, sizeof(uber_shader_string), uber_shader_string, "ps", macroCount, macros)); pixelShaderByteCode = GetShaderByteCode(pixelShader); } else { pixelShaderByteCode = uberPixelShaderByteCodes[uberPixelShaderIndex]; } // important missing entries can be copy-pasted into UBER_SHADER_PS_LIST #if 0 if(uberPixelShaderIndex < 0) { unsigned int flags = 0; if(r_dither->integer) { flags |= UBERPS_DITHER_BIT; } if(cache.desc.depthFade) { flags |= UBERPS_DEPTHFADE_BIT; } Sys_DebugPrintf("\tshader: %s\n", name); ri.Printf(PRINT_ALL, "^2 shader: %s\n", name); Sys_DebugPrintf("\tPS(%d_%X", (int)cache.stageCount, flags); ri.Printf(PRINT_ALL, " PS(%d_%X", (int)cache.stageCount, flags); for(int s = 0; s < cache.stageCount; ++s) { Sys_DebugPrintf("_%X", (unsigned int)(cache.stageStateBits[s] & pixelShaderStateBits)); ri.Printf(PRINT_ALL, "_%X", (unsigned int)(cache.stageStateBits[s] & pixelShaderStateBits)); } Sys_DebugPrintf(") \\\n"); ri.Printf(PRINT_ALL, ") \\\n"); } #endif uint32_t a = 0; GraphicsPipelineDesc desc(name, uberRootSignature); desc.shortLifeTime = true; // the PSO cache is only valid for this map! desc.vertexShader = vertexShaderByteCodes[cache.stageCount - 1]; desc.pixelShader = pixelShaderByteCode; desc.vertexLayout.AddAttribute(a++, ShaderSemantic::Position, DataType::Float32, 3, 0); desc.vertexLayout.AddAttribute(a++, ShaderSemantic::Normal, DataType::Float32, 2, 0); for(int s = 0; s < cache.stageCount; ++s) { desc.vertexLayout.AddAttribute(a++, ShaderSemantic::TexCoord, DataType::Float32, 2, 0); desc.vertexLayout.AddAttribute(a++, ShaderSemantic::Color, DataType::UNorm8, 4, 0); } if(cache.desc.depthFade) { desc.depthStencil.DisableDepth(); } else { desc.depthStencil.depthStencilFormat = TextureFormat::Depth32_Float; desc.depthStencil.depthComparison = (cache.stageStateBits[0] & GLS_DEPTHFUNC_EQUAL) != 0 ? ComparisonFunction::Equal : ComparisonFunction::GreaterEqual; desc.depthStencil.enableDepthTest = (cache.stageStateBits[0] & GLS_DEPTHTEST_DISABLE) == 0; desc.depthStencil.enableDepthWrites = (cache.stageStateBits[0] & GLS_DEPTHMASK_TRUE) != 0; } desc.rasterizer.cullMode = cache.desc.cullType; desc.rasterizer.polygonOffset = cache.desc.polygonOffset; desc.rasterizer.clampDepth = cache.desc.clampDepth; desc.AddRenderTarget(cache.stageStateBits[0] & GLS_BLEND_BITS, renderTargetFormat); cache.pipeline = CreateGraphicsPipeline(desc); if(uberPixelShaderIndex < 0) { DestroyShader(pixelShader); } const uint32_t index = psoCount++; psos[index] = cache; return index; } void GRP::ExecuteRenderCommands(const byte* data, bool readbackRequested) { updateReadbackTexture = readbackRequested; for(;;) { const int commandId = ((const renderCommandBase_t*)data)->commandId; if(commandId < 0 || commandId >= RC_COUNT) { assert(!"Invalid render command type"); return; } if(commandId == RC_END_OF_LIST) { return; } switch(commandId) { case RC_UI_SET_COLOR: UISetColor(*(const uiSetColorCommand_t*)data); break; case RC_UI_DRAW_QUAD: UIDrawQuad(*(const uiDrawQuadCommand_t*)data); break; case RC_UI_DRAW_TRIANGLE: UIDrawTriangle(*(const uiDrawTriangleCommand_t*)data); break; case RC_DRAW_SCENE_VIEW: DrawSceneView(*(const drawSceneViewCommand_t*)data); break; case RC_BEGIN_FRAME: BeginFrame(); break; case RC_SWAP_BUFFERS: EndFrame(); break; case RC_BEGIN_UI: ui.Begin(); break; case RC_END_UI: ui.End(); break; case RC_BEGIN_3D: world.Begin(); break; case RC_END_3D: world.End(); break; case RC_END_SCENE: smaa.Draw(((const endSceneCommand_t*)data)->viewParms); break; case RC_BEGIN_NK: nuklear.Begin(); break; case RC_END_NK: nuklear.End(); break; case RC_NK_UPLOAD: nuklear.Upload(*(const nuklearUploadCommand_t*)data); break; case RC_NK_DRAW: nuklear.Draw(*(const nuklearDrawCommand_t*)data); break; default: Q_assert(!"Unsupported render command type"); return; } data += renderCommandSizes[commandId]; } } void GRP::ReadPixels(int w, int h, int alignment, colorSpace_t colorSpace, void* outPixels) { MappedTexture mapped; BeginTextureReadback(mapped, grp.readbackRenderTarget); byte* const out0 = (byte*)outPixels; const byte* const in0 = mapped.mappedData; if(colorSpace == CS_RGBA) { const int dstRowSizeNoPadding = w * 4; mapped.dstRowByteCount = AlignUp(dstRowSizeNoPadding, alignment); for(int y = 0; y < mapped.rowCount; ++y) { byte* out = out0 + (mapped.rowCount - 1 - y) * mapped.dstRowByteCount; const byte* in = in0 + y * mapped.srcRowByteCount; memcpy(out, in, dstRowSizeNoPadding); } } else if(colorSpace == CS_BGR) { mapped.dstRowByteCount = AlignUp(w * 3, alignment); for(int y = 0; y < mapped.rowCount; ++y) { byte* out = out0 + (mapped.rowCount - 1 - y) * mapped.dstRowByteCount; const byte* in = in0 + y * mapped.srcRowByteCount; for(int x = 0; x < mapped.columnCount; ++x) { out[2] = in[0]; out[1] = in[1]; out[0] = in[2]; out += 3; in += 4; } } } else { Q_assert(!"Unsupported color space"); } EndTextureReadback(); } // @TODO: move out once the cinematic render pipeline is added IRenderPipeline* renderPipeline = &grp;