diff --git a/changelog.txt b/changelog.txt
index 9c77d20..eee67fa 100644
--- a/changelog.txt
+++ b/changelog.txt
@@ -71,6 +71,10 @@ add: r_shadingRate <0 to 6> (default: 0) sets the variable-rate shading (VRS) mo
prefer horizontal subsampling as many maps have textures with thin horizontal lines
which become an aliased mess when vertically subsampled
+add: r_normalSmoothing <0|1> (default: 1) enables smooth vertex normal generation
+add: r_normalAreaWeight <0|1> (default: 1) enables area weighting for vertex normal generation
add: Cinematic Rendering Pipeline CVars
depth of field:
crp_dof <0|1|2> (default: 1) selects the depth of field mode
@@ -99,6 +103,9 @@ add: Cinematic Rendering Pipeline CVars
0 - disabled
1 - 1/4 pixel count, 9 samples total
2 - 1/16 pixel count, 25 samples total
+ miscellaneous:
+ crp_drawNormals <0|1> (default: 0) draws vertex normals as colorized wireframe lines
+ crp_updateRTAS <0|1> (default: 1) enables raytracing acceleration structure builds every frame
fix: allocating enough memory for 4K screenshots and video captures
@@ -128,9 +135,10 @@ chg: reworked renderer with 2 new rendering pipelines
chg: removed cl_drawMouseLag, r_backend, r_frameSleep, r_gpuMipGen, r_alphaToCoverage, r_alphaToCoverageMipBoost
removed r_d3d11_syncOffsets, r_d3d11_presentMode, r_gl3_geoStream, r_ignoreGLErrors, r_finish, r_khr_debug
- removed r_verbose, r_customaspect, r_speeds, r_msaa, r_showsky, r_showtris, r_shownormals
+ removed r_verbose, r_customaspect, r_speeds, r_msaa, r_showsky, r_showtris
replaced r_swapInterval with r_vsync <0|1> (default: 0) to enable V-Sync
replaced r_textureMode with r_lego <0|1> (default: 0) to enable nearest-neighbor texture filtering
+ replaced r_shownormals with crp_debugNormals <0|1> (default: 0) to draw vertex normals
30 Oct 23 - 1.53
diff --git a/code/client/cl_imgui.cpp b/code/client/cl_imgui.cpp
index 623db02..bdcb38d 100644
--- a/code/client/cl_imgui.cpp
+++ b/code/client/cl_imgui.cpp
@@ -183,31 +183,31 @@ static void ImGUI_ApplyTheme()
ImVec4* colors = ImGui::GetStyle().Colors;
colors[ImGuiCol_Text] = ImVec4(1.00f, 1.00f, 1.00f, 1.00f);
colors[ImGuiCol_TextDisabled] = ImVec4(0.50f, 0.50f, 0.50f, 1.00f);
- colors[ImGuiCol_WindowBg] = ImVec4(0.10f, 0.10f, 0.10f, 1.00f);
+ colors[ImGuiCol_WindowBg] = ImVec4(0.20f, 0.20f, 0.20f, 1.00f);
colors[ImGuiCol_ChildBg] = ImVec4(0.00f, 0.00f, 0.00f, 0.00f);
colors[ImGuiCol_PopupBg] = ImVec4(0.19f, 0.19f, 0.19f, 0.92f);
colors[ImGuiCol_Border] = ImVec4(0.19f, 0.19f, 0.19f, 0.29f);
colors[ImGuiCol_BorderShadow] = ImVec4(0.00f, 0.00f, 0.00f, 0.24f);
colors[ImGuiCol_FrameBg] = ImVec4(0.05f, 0.05f, 0.05f, 0.54f);
colors[ImGuiCol_FrameBgHovered] = ImVec4(0.19f, 0.19f, 0.19f, 0.54f);
- colors[ImGuiCol_FrameBgActive] = ImVec4(0.20f, 0.22f, 0.23f, 1.00f);
+ colors[ImGuiCol_FrameBgActive] = ImVec4(0.40f, 0.44f, 0.46f, 1.00f);
colors[ImGuiCol_TitleBg] = ImVec4(0.00f, 0.00f, 0.00f, 1.00f);
- colors[ImGuiCol_TitleBgActive] = ImVec4(0.06f, 0.06f, 0.06f, 1.00f);
+ colors[ImGuiCol_TitleBgActive] = ImVec4(0.12f, 0.12f, 0.12f, 1.00f);
colors[ImGuiCol_TitleBgCollapsed] = ImVec4(0.00f, 0.00f, 0.00f, 1.00f);
colors[ImGuiCol_MenuBarBg] = ImVec4(0.14f, 0.14f, 0.14f, 1.00f);
colors[ImGuiCol_ScrollbarBg] = ImVec4(0.05f, 0.05f, 0.05f, 0.54f);
colors[ImGuiCol_ScrollbarGrab] = ImVec4(0.34f, 0.34f, 0.34f, 0.54f);
colors[ImGuiCol_ScrollbarGrabHovered] = ImVec4(0.40f, 0.40f, 0.40f, 0.54f);
colors[ImGuiCol_ScrollbarGrabActive] = ImVec4(0.56f, 0.56f, 0.56f, 0.54f);
- colors[ImGuiCol_CheckMark] = ImVec4(0.33f, 0.67f, 0.86f, 1.00f);
+ colors[ImGuiCol_CheckMark] = ImVec4(0.49f, 1.00f, 1.00f, 1.00f);
colors[ImGuiCol_SliderGrab] = ImVec4(0.34f, 0.34f, 0.34f, 0.54f);
colors[ImGuiCol_SliderGrabActive] = ImVec4(0.56f, 0.56f, 0.56f, 0.54f);
colors[ImGuiCol_Button] = ImVec4(0.05f, 0.05f, 0.05f, 0.54f);
colors[ImGuiCol_ButtonHovered] = ImVec4(0.19f, 0.19f, 0.19f, 0.54f);
- colors[ImGuiCol_ButtonActive] = ImVec4(0.20f, 0.22f, 0.23f, 1.00f);
+ colors[ImGuiCol_ButtonActive] = ImVec4(0.40f, 0.44f, 0.46f, 1.00f);
colors[ImGuiCol_Header] = ImVec4(0.00f, 0.00f, 0.00f, 0.52f);
colors[ImGuiCol_HeaderHovered] = ImVec4(0.00f, 0.00f, 0.00f, 0.36f);
- colors[ImGuiCol_HeaderActive] = ImVec4(0.20f, 0.22f, 0.23f, 0.33f);
+ colors[ImGuiCol_HeaderActive] = ImVec4(0.40f, 0.44f, 0.46f, 0.33f);
colors[ImGuiCol_Separator] = ImVec4(0.28f, 0.28f, 0.28f, 0.29f);
colors[ImGuiCol_SeparatorHovered] = ImVec4(0.44f, 0.44f, 0.44f, 0.29f);
colors[ImGuiCol_SeparatorActive] = ImVec4(0.40f, 0.44f, 0.47f, 1.00f);
@@ -215,10 +215,10 @@ static void ImGUI_ApplyTheme()
colors[ImGuiCol_ResizeGripHovered] = ImVec4(0.44f, 0.44f, 0.44f, 0.29f);
colors[ImGuiCol_ResizeGripActive] = ImVec4(0.40f, 0.44f, 0.47f, 1.00f);
colors[ImGuiCol_Tab] = ImVec4(0.00f, 0.00f, 0.00f, 0.52f);
- colors[ImGuiCol_TabHovered] = ImVec4(0.14f, 0.14f, 0.14f, 1.00f);
- colors[ImGuiCol_TabActive] = ImVec4(0.20f, 0.20f, 0.20f, 0.36f);
+ colors[ImGuiCol_TabHovered] = ImVec4(0.28f, 0.28f, 0.28f, 1.00f);
+ colors[ImGuiCol_TabActive] = ImVec4(0.49f, 1.00f, 1.00f, 1.00f);
colors[ImGuiCol_TabUnfocused] = ImVec4(0.00f, 0.00f, 0.00f, 0.52f);
- colors[ImGuiCol_TabUnfocusedActive] = ImVec4(0.14f, 0.14f, 0.14f, 1.00f);
+ colors[ImGuiCol_TabUnfocusedActive] = ImVec4(0.56f, 0.56f, 0.56f, 1.00f);
colors[ImGuiCol_PlotLines] = ImVec4(1.00f, 0.00f, 0.00f, 1.00f);
colors[ImGuiCol_PlotLinesHovered] = ImVec4(1.00f, 0.00f, 0.00f, 1.00f);
colors[ImGuiCol_PlotHistogram] = ImVec4(1.00f, 0.00f, 0.00f, 1.00f);
@@ -235,8 +235,8 @@ static void ImGUI_ApplyTheme()
colors[ImGuiCol_NavWindowingDimBg] = ImVec4(1.00f, 0.00f, 0.00f, 0.20f);
colors[ImGuiCol_ModalWindowDimBg] = ImVec4(1.00f, 0.00f, 0.00f, 0.35f);
- const ImVec4 hover(0.26f, 0.59f, 0.98f, 0.4f);
- const ImVec4 active(0.2f, 0.41f, 0.68f, 0.5f);
+ const ImVec4 hover(0.49f, 0.75f, 0.75f, 0.35f);
+ const ImVec4 active(0.49f, 1.00f, 1.00f, 0.55f);
colors[ImGuiCol_HeaderHovered] = hover;
colors[ImGuiCol_HeaderActive] = active;
colors[ImGuiCol_TabHovered] = hover;
diff --git a/code/qcommon/q_shared.h b/code/qcommon/q_shared.h
index 7c8e323..6269f61 100644
--- a/code/qcommon/q_shared.h
+++ b/code/qcommon/q_shared.h
@@ -266,6 +266,7 @@ typedef float vec_t;
typedef vec_t vec2_t[2];
typedef vec_t vec3_t[3];
typedef vec_t vec4_t[4];
+typedef vec_t matrix4x4_t[16];
extern const vec3_t vec2_zero;
extern const vec3_t vec2_one;
extern const vec3_t vec3_origin;
diff --git a/code/renderer/crp_dof_gather.cpp b/code/renderer/crp_dof_gather.cpp
index 05de309..e152cd7 100644
--- a/code/renderer/crp_dof_gather.cpp
+++ b/code/renderer/crp_dof_gather.cpp
@@ -239,10 +239,7 @@ void GatherDepthOfField::Draw()
- if(backEnd.viewParms.viewportX != 0 ||
- backEnd.viewParms.viewportY != 0 ||
- backEnd.viewParms.viewportWidth != glConfig.vidWidth ||
- backEnd.viewParms.viewportHeight != glConfig.vidHeight)
+ if(!IsViewportFullscreen(backEnd.viewParms))
diff --git a/code/renderer/crp_dynamic_lights.cpp b/code/renderer/crp_dynamic_lights.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7ba4262
--- /dev/null
+++ b/code/renderer/crp_dynamic_lights.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,130 @@
+Copyright (C) 2024 Gian 'myT' Schellenbaum
+This file is part of Challenge Quake 3 (CNQ3).
+Challenge Quake 3 is free software; you can redistribute it
+and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
+published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License,
+or (at your option) any later version.
+Challenge Quake 3 is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+GNU General Public License for more details.
+You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+along with Challenge Quake 3. If not, see .
+// Cinematic Rendering Pipeline - direct lighting from dynamic lights
+#include "crp_local.h"
+#include "compshaders/crp/fullscreen.h"
+#include "compshaders/crp/dl_draw.h"
+#include "compshaders/crp/dl_denoising.h"
+#pragma pack(push, 4)
+struct DynamicLightsRC
+ uint32_t blueNoiseTextureIndex;
+struct DenoiseRC
+ uint32_t textureIndex;
+#pragma pack(pop)
+void DynamicLights::Init()
+ {
+ GraphicsPipelineDesc desc("Dynamic Lights");
+ desc.shortLifeTime = true;
+ desc.vertexShader = ShaderByteCode(g_fullscreen_vs);
+ desc.pixelShader = ShaderByteCode(g_dl_draw_ps);
+ desc.depthStencil.DisableDepth();
+ desc.rasterizer.cullMode = CT_TWO_SIDED;
+ desc.AddRenderTarget(0, crp.renderTargetFormat);
+ pipeline = CreateGraphicsPipeline(desc);
+ }
+ {
+ GraphicsPipelineDesc desc("Dynamic Lights Denoising");
+ desc.shortLifeTime = true;
+ desc.vertexShader = ShaderByteCode(g_fullscreen_vs);
+ desc.pixelShader = ShaderByteCode(g_dl_denoising_ps);
+ desc.depthStencil.DisableDepth();
+ desc.rasterizer.cullMode = CT_TWO_SIDED;
+ desc.AddRenderTarget(0, crp.renderTargetFormat);
+ denoisingPipeline = CreateGraphicsPipeline(desc);
+ }
+void DynamicLights::Draw()
+ if(r_dynamiclight->integer == 0 ||
+ (backEnd.refdef.rdflags & RDF_NOWORLDMODEL) != 0 ||
+ !IsViewportFullscreen(backEnd.viewParms))
+ {
+ return;
+ }
+ const HBuffer tlasBuffer = crp.raytracing.GetTLAS();
+ if(IsNullHandle(tlasBuffer) ||
+ backEnd.refdef.num_dlights <= 0)
+ {
+ CmdBeginBarrier();
+ CmdTextureBarrier(crp.lightTexture, ResourceStates::RenderTargetBit);
+ CmdEndBarrier();
+ CmdClearColorTarget(crp.lightTexture, colorBlack);
+ return;
+ }
+ srp.renderMode = RenderMode::None;
+ {
+ SCOPED_RENDER_PASS("Dynamic Lights", 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f);
+ CmdSetViewportAndScissor(0, 0, glConfig.vidWidth, glConfig.vidHeight);
+ CmdBeginBarrier();
+ CmdTextureBarrier(crp.shadingPositionTexture, ResourceStates::PixelShaderAccessBit);
+ CmdTextureBarrier(crp.normalTexture, ResourceStates::PixelShaderAccessBit);
+ CmdTextureBarrier(crp.noisyLightTexture, ResourceStates::RenderTargetBit);
+ CmdEndBarrier();
+ DynamicLightsRC rc = {};
+ rc.blueNoiseTextureIndex = GetTextureIndexSRV(crp.blueNoise2D);
+ CmdBindRenderTargets(1, &crp.noisyLightTexture, NULL);
+ CmdBindPipeline(pipeline);
+ CmdSetGraphicsRootConstants(0, sizeof(rc), &rc);
+ CmdDraw(3, 0);
+ }
+ {
+ SCOPED_RENDER_PASS("DL Denoising", 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f);
+ CmdSetViewportAndScissor(0, 0, glConfig.vidWidth, glConfig.vidHeight);
+ CmdBeginBarrier();
+ CmdTextureBarrier(crp.shadingPositionTexture, ResourceStates::PixelShaderAccessBit);
+ CmdTextureBarrier(crp.noisyLightTexture, ResourceStates::PixelShaderAccessBit);
+ CmdTextureBarrier(crp.lightTexture, ResourceStates::RenderTargetBit);
+ CmdEndBarrier();
+ DenoiseRC rc = {};
+ rc.textureIndex = GetTextureIndexSRV(crp.noisyLightTexture);
+ CmdBindRenderTargets(1, &crp.lightTexture, NULL);
+ CmdBindPipeline(denoisingPipeline);
+ CmdSetGraphicsRootConstants(0, sizeof(rc), &rc);
+ CmdDraw(3, 0);
+ }
diff --git a/code/renderer/crp_gbuffer_viz.cpp b/code/renderer/crp_gbuffer_viz.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a5c0a06
--- /dev/null
+++ b/code/renderer/crp_gbuffer_viz.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,202 @@
+Copyright (C) 2024 Gian 'myT' Schellenbaum
+This file is part of Challenge Quake 3 (CNQ3).
+Challenge Quake 3 is free software; you can redistribute it
+and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
+published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License,
+or (at your option) any later version.
+Challenge Quake 3 is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+GNU General Public License for more details.
+You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+along with Challenge Quake 3. If not, see .
+// Cinematic Rendering Pipeline - G-Buffer texture visualization
+#include "crp_local.h"
+#include "../client/cl_imgui.h"
+#include "compshaders/crp/fullscreen.h"
+#include "compshaders/crp/gbufferviz_depth.h"
+#include "compshaders/crp/gbufferviz_normal.h"
+#include "compshaders/crp/gbufferviz_position.h"
+#pragma pack(push, 4)
+struct LinearizeDepthRC
+ uint32_t depthTextureIndex;
+ float linearDepthA;
+ float linearDepthB;
+ float zFarInv;
+struct DecodeNormalsRC
+ uint32_t normalTextureIndex;
+struct DecodePositionRC
+ uint32_t textureIndex;
+ uint32_t coloredDelta;
+#pragma pack(pop)
+void GBufferViz::Init()
+ {
+ GraphicsPipelineDesc desc("G-Buffer Depth");
+ desc.shortLifeTime = true;
+ desc.vertexShader = ShaderByteCode(g_fullscreen_vs);
+ desc.pixelShader = ShaderByteCode(g_gbufferviz_depth_ps);
+ desc.depthStencil.DisableDepth();
+ desc.rasterizer.cullMode = CT_TWO_SIDED;
+ desc.AddRenderTarget(0, crp.renderTargetFormat);
+ linearizeDepthPipeline = CreateGraphicsPipeline(desc);
+ }
+ {
+ GraphicsPipelineDesc desc("G-Buffer Normal");
+ desc.shortLifeTime = true;
+ desc.vertexShader = ShaderByteCode(g_fullscreen_vs);
+ desc.pixelShader = ShaderByteCode(g_gbufferviz_normal_ps);
+ desc.depthStencil.DisableDepth();
+ desc.rasterizer.cullMode = CT_TWO_SIDED;
+ desc.AddRenderTarget(0, crp.renderTargetFormat);
+ decodeNormalsPipeline = CreateGraphicsPipeline(desc);
+ }
+ {
+ GraphicsPipelineDesc desc("G-Buffer Position");
+ desc.shortLifeTime = true;
+ desc.vertexShader = ShaderByteCode(g_fullscreen_vs);
+ desc.pixelShader = ShaderByteCode(g_gbufferviz_position_ps);
+ desc.depthStencil.DisableDepth();
+ desc.rasterizer.cullMode = CT_TWO_SIDED;
+ desc.AddRenderTarget(0, crp.renderTargetFormat);
+ decodeShadingPositionPipeline = CreateGraphicsPipeline(desc);
+ }
+void GBufferViz::DrawGUI()
+ GUI_AddMainMenuItem(GUI_MainMenu::Tools, "Show G-Buffer", "", &windowActive);
+ if(!windowActive)
+ {
+ return;
+ }
+ const HTexture renderTarget = crp.GetReadRenderTarget();
+ if(textureIndex == GBufferTexture::Depth)
+ {
+ srp.renderMode = RenderMode::None;
+ SCOPED_RENDER_PASS("Debug Depth", 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f);
+ CmdSetViewportAndScissor(0, 0, glConfig.vidWidth, glConfig.vidHeight);
+ CmdBeginBarrier();
+ CmdTextureBarrier(crp.depthTexture, ResourceStates::PixelShaderAccessBit);
+ CmdTextureBarrier(renderTarget, ResourceStates::RenderTargetBit);
+ CmdEndBarrier();
+ LinearizeDepthRC rc = {};
+ rc.depthTextureIndex = GetTextureIndexSRV(crp.depthTexture);
+ RB_LinearDepthConstants(&rc.linearDepthA, &rc.linearDepthB);
+ rc.zFarInv = 1.0f / backEnd.viewParms.zFar;
+ CmdBindRenderTargets(1, &renderTarget, NULL);
+ CmdBindPipeline(linearizeDepthPipeline);
+ CmdSetGraphicsRootConstants(0, sizeof(rc), &rc);
+ CmdDraw(3, 0);
+ }
+ else if(textureIndex == GBufferTexture::Normal)
+ {
+ srp.renderMode = RenderMode::None;
+ SCOPED_RENDER_PASS("Debug Normal", 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f);
+ CmdSetViewportAndScissor(0, 0, glConfig.vidWidth, glConfig.vidHeight);
+ CmdBeginBarrier();
+ CmdTextureBarrier(crp.normalTexture, ResourceStates::PixelShaderAccessBit);
+ CmdTextureBarrier(renderTarget, ResourceStates::RenderTargetBit);
+ CmdEndBarrier();
+ DecodeNormalsRC rc = {};
+ rc.normalTextureIndex = GetTextureIndexSRV(crp.normalTexture);
+ CmdBindRenderTargets(1, &renderTarget, NULL);
+ CmdBindPipeline(decodeNormalsPipeline);
+ CmdSetGraphicsRootConstants(0, sizeof(rc), &rc);
+ CmdDraw(3, 0);
+ }
+ else if(textureIndex == GBufferTexture::ShadingPositionDelta)
+ {
+ srp.renderMode = RenderMode::None;
+ SCOPED_RENDER_PASS("Debug Position", 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f);
+ CmdSetViewportAndScissor(0, 0, glConfig.vidWidth, glConfig.vidHeight);
+ CmdBeginBarrier();
+ CmdTextureBarrier(crp.shadingPositionTexture, ResourceStates::PixelShaderAccessBit);
+ CmdTextureBarrier(renderTarget, ResourceStates::RenderTargetBit);
+ CmdEndBarrier();
+ DecodePositionRC rc = {};
+ rc.textureIndex = GetTextureIndexSRV(crp.shadingPositionTexture);
+ rc.coloredDelta = coloredPositionDelta ? 1 : 0;
+ CmdBindRenderTargets(1, &renderTarget, NULL);
+ CmdBindPipeline(decodeShadingPositionPipeline);
+ CmdSetGraphicsRootConstants(0, sizeof(rc), &rc);
+ CmdDraw(3, 0);
+ }
+ if(ImGui::Begin("G-Buffer", &windowActive, ImGuiWindowFlags_AlwaysAutoResize))
+ {
+ ImGui::RadioButton("Depth", &textureIndex, GBufferTexture::Depth);
+ ImGui::SameLine();
+ ImGui::RadioButton("Normal", &textureIndex, GBufferTexture::Normal);
+ ImGui::SameLine();
+ ImGui::RadioButton("Light", &textureIndex, GBufferTexture::Light);
+ ImGui::SameLine();
+ ImGui::RadioButton("Shading Position Delta", &textureIndex, GBufferTexture::ShadingPositionDelta);
+ if(textureIndex == GBufferTexture::ShadingPositionDelta)
+ {
+ ImGui::SameLine();
+ ImGui::Checkbox("Per-axis delta", &coloredPositionDelta);
+ }
+ const ImVec2 resolution = ImVec2(glConfig.vidWidth / 2, glConfig.vidHeight / 2);
+ HTexture texture;
+ switch(textureIndex)
+ {
+ case GBufferTexture::Depth: texture = renderTarget; break;
+ case GBufferTexture::Normal: texture = renderTarget; break;
+ case GBufferTexture::Light: texture = crp.lightTexture; break;
+ case GBufferTexture::ShadingPositionDelta: texture = renderTarget; break;
+ default: Q_assert(!"Invalid G-Buffer texture index"); texture = crp.lightTexture; break;
+ }
+ ImGui::Image((ImTextureID)GetTextureIndexSRV(texture), resolution);
+ CmdBeginBarrier();
+ CmdTextureBarrier(texture, ResourceStates::PixelShaderAccessBit);
+ CmdEndBarrier();
+ }
+ ImGui::End();
diff --git a/code/renderer/crp_geometry.cpp b/code/renderer/crp_geometry.cpp
index 966a1a8..29a0f88 100644
--- a/code/renderer/crp_geometry.cpp
+++ b/code/renderer/crp_geometry.cpp
@@ -153,3 +153,73 @@ void GeoBuffers::DrawStage(uint32_t vertexCount, uint32_t indexCount)
+void GeoBuffers::DrawPositionOnly(uint32_t vertexCount, uint32_t indexCount)
+ const HBuffer buffer = vertexBuffers[BaseBufferId::Position];
+ const uint32_t stride = vertexBufferStrides[BaseBufferId::Position];
+ const uint32_t byteOffset = 0;
+ CmdBindVertexBuffers(1, &buffer, &stride, &byteOffset);
+ CmdDrawIndexed(indexCount, indexBuffer.batchFirst, baseVertexBuffers[0].batchFirst);
+void GeoBuffers::UploadAndDrawDebugNormals()
+ if(!baseVertexBuffers[0].CanAdd(tess.numVertexes * 2) ||
+ !indexBuffer.CanAdd(tess.numVertexes * 3))
+ {
+ return;
+ }
+ const uint32_t posBatchOffset = baseVertexBuffers[BaseBufferId::Position].batchFirst + baseVertexBuffers[BaseBufferId::Position].batchCount;
+ float* positions = (float*)baseVertexBuffers[BaseBufferId::Position].mapped + 3 * posBatchOffset;
+ for(uint32_t v = 0; v < tess.numVertexes; v++)
+ {
+ vec3_t newPoint;
+ VectorMA(tess.xyz[v], 4.0f, tess.normal[v], newPoint);
+ *positions++ = tess.xyz[v][0];
+ *positions++ = tess.xyz[v][1];
+ *positions++ = tess.xyz[v][2];
+ *positions++ = newPoint[0];
+ *positions++ = newPoint[1];
+ *positions++ = newPoint[2];
+ }
+ const uint32_t colBatchOffset = stageVertexBuffers[StageBufferId::Color].batchFirst + stageVertexBuffers[StageBufferId::Color].batchCount;
+ uint8_t* const colBuffer = stageVertexBuffers[StageBufferId::Color].mapped;
+ uint32_t* col = (uint32_t*)colBuffer + colBatchOffset;
+ for(uint32_t v = 0; v < tess.numVertexes; v++)
+ {
+ *col++ = 0xFF0000FF;
+ *col++ = 0xFFFF7F00;
+ }
+ uint32_t* indices = indexBuffer.GetCurrentAddress();
+ for(uint32_t i = 0; i < tess.numVertexes; i++)
+ {
+ *indices++ = i * 2 + 0;
+ *indices++ = i * 2 + 0;
+ *indices++ = i * 2 + 1;
+ }
+ const uint32_t vertexOffset = stageVertexBuffers[0].batchFirst - baseVertexBuffers[0].batchFirst;
+ const uint32_t byteOffsets[2] = { 0, vertexOffset * sizeof(color4ub_t) };
+ HBuffer vb[2];
+ vb[0] = vertexBuffers[BaseBufferId::Position];
+ vb[1] = vertexBuffers[BaseBufferId::Count + StageBufferId::Color];
+ uint32_t strides[2];
+ strides[0] = vertexBufferStrides[BaseBufferId::Position];
+ strides[1] = vertexBufferStrides[BaseBufferId::Count + StageBufferId::Color];
+ CmdBindVertexBuffers(ARRAY_LEN(vb), vb, strides, byteOffsets);
+ CmdDrawIndexed(tess.numVertexes * 3, indexBuffer.batchFirst, baseVertexBuffers[0].batchFirst);
+ for(int b = 0; b < ARRAY_LEN(baseVertexBuffers); b++)
+ {
+ baseVertexBuffers[b].EndBatch(tess.numVertexes * 2);
+ }
+ for(int b = 0; b < ARRAY_LEN(stageVertexBuffers); b++)
+ {
+ stageVertexBuffers[b].EndBatch(tess.numVertexes * 2);
+ }
+ indexBuffer.EndBatch(tess.numVertexes * 3);
diff --git a/code/renderer/crp_local.h b/code/renderer/crp_local.h
index f77a20b..39b7750 100644
--- a/code/renderer/crp_local.h
+++ b/code/renderer/crp_local.h
@@ -40,6 +40,12 @@ extern cvar_t* crp_accumDof_focusDist;
extern cvar_t* crp_accumDof_radius;
extern cvar_t* crp_accumDof_samples;
extern cvar_t* crp_accumDof_preview;
+extern cvar_t* crp_drawNormals;
+extern cvar_t* crp_updateRTAS;
+extern cvar_t* crp_debug0;
+extern cvar_t* crp_debug1;
+extern cvar_t* crp_debug2;
+extern cvar_t* crp_debug3;
struct DOFMethod
@@ -71,8 +77,6 @@ using namespace RHI;
struct WorldVertexRC
float modelViewMatrix[16];
- float projectionMatrix[16];
- float clipPlane[4];
struct PSOCache
@@ -105,7 +109,6 @@ private:
PSOCache::Entry psoCacheEntries[128];
PSOCache psoCache;
- float clipPlane[4];
bool batchOldDepthHack;
bool batchDepthHack;
@@ -127,9 +130,10 @@ private:
PSOCache::Entry psoCacheEntries[128];
PSOCache psoCache;
- float clipPlane[4];
bool batchOldDepthHack;
bool batchDepthHack;
+ HPipeline wireframeNormalsPipeline;
struct WorldTransp
@@ -146,7 +150,6 @@ private:
PSOCache::Entry psoCacheEntries[32];
PSOCache psoCache;
- float clipPlane[4];
bool batchOldDepthHack;
bool batchDepthHack;
@@ -246,6 +249,119 @@ struct Magnifier
HPipeline pipeline;
+ bool magnifierActive = false;
+struct GBufferViz
+ void Init();
+ void DrawGUI();
+ struct GBufferTexture
+ {
+ enum Id
+ {
+ Depth,
+ Normal,
+ Light,
+ ShadingPositionDelta,
+ Count
+ };
+ };
+ HPipeline linearizeDepthPipeline;
+ HPipeline decodeNormalsPipeline;
+ HPipeline decodeShadingPositionPipeline;
+ bool windowActive = false;
+ int textureIndex = 0;
+ bool coloredPositionDelta = false;
+struct DynamicLights
+ void Init();
+ void Draw();
+ HPipeline pipeline;
+ HPipeline denoisingPipeline;
+struct Raytracing
+ void Init();
+ void ProcessWorld(world_t& world);
+ void BeginFrame();
+ HBuffer GetTLAS() { return tlasBuffer; }
+ HBuffer GetInstanceBuffer() { return tlasInstanceBuffer; }
+ void TagMapSurfacesRecursively(mnode_t* node);
+ struct BLASBucket
+ {
+ enum Constants
+ {
+ Count = CT_COUNT
+ };
+ };
+ struct BLASBuildBuffers
+ {
+ HBuffer vertexBuffer;
+ HBuffer indexBuffer;
+ uint32_t vertexBufferByteCount;
+ uint32_t indexBufferByteCount;
+ };
+ struct BLASBuffers
+ {
+ HBuffer blasBuffer;
+ HBuffer vertexBuffer;
+ HBuffer indexBuffer;
+ HBuffer meshBuffer;
+ uint32_t vertexBufferByteCount;
+ uint32_t indexBufferByteCount;
+ uint32_t meshBufferByteCount;
+ };
+ struct Surface
+ {
+ const surfaceType_t* surface;
+ const shader_t* shader;
+ int entityNum;
+ };
+ struct ISurfaceList
+ {
+ virtual uint32_t GetSurfaceCount() = 0;
+ virtual bool GetSurface(Surface& surface, uint32_t index) = 0; // true when skipped
+ };
+ struct WorldSurfaceList : ISurfaceList
+ {
+ uint32_t GetSurfaceCount() override;
+ bool GetSurface(Surface& surface, uint32_t index) override;
+ };
+ struct DynamicSurfaceList : ISurfaceList
+ {
+ uint32_t GetSurfaceCount() override;
+ bool GetSurface(Surface& surface, uint32_t index) override;
+ };
+ void EnsureBuffersAreLargeEnough(BLASBuildBuffers& buffers, uint32_t maxVertexCount, uint32_t maxIndexCount);
+ void EnsureBuffersAreLargeEnough(BLASBuffers& buffers, uint32_t maxVertexCount, uint32_t maxIndexCount, uint32_t maxMeshCount);
+ void BuildBLASes(BLASBuffers* blasBuffers, struct BLASBuilder* blasBuilders, ISurfaceList* surfaceList);
+ BLASBuildBuffers blasBuildBuffers[BLASBucket::Count] = {};
+ BLASBuffers staticBLASBuffers[BLASBucket::Count] = {};
+ BLASBuffers dynamicBLASBuffers[BLASBucket::Count] = {};
+ StaticUnorderedArray tlasInstanceDescs;
+ uint32_t staticTLASInstanceCount = 0;
+ HBuffer tlasBuffer = RHI_MAKE_NULL_HANDLE();
+ HBuffer tlasInstanceBuffer = RHI_MAKE_NULL_HANDLE();
struct BaseBufferId
@@ -279,6 +395,8 @@ struct GeoBuffers
void EndBaseBatch(uint32_t vertexCount);
bool CanAdd(uint32_t vertexCount, uint32_t indexCount, uint32_t stageCount);
void DrawStage(uint32_t vertexCount, uint32_t indexCount);
+ void DrawPositionOnly(uint32_t vertexCount, uint32_t indexCount);
+ void UploadAndDrawDebugNormals();
GeometryBuffer baseVertexBuffers[BaseBufferId::Count];
GeometryBuffer stageVertexBuffers[StageBufferId::Count];
@@ -290,6 +408,7 @@ struct GeoBuffers
struct CRP : IRenderPipeline
void Init() override;
+ void LoadResources() override;
void ShutDown(bool fullShutDown) override;
void ProcessWorld(world_t& world) override;
@@ -315,6 +434,7 @@ struct CRP : IRenderPipeline
void Blit(HTexture destination, HTexture source, const char* passName, bool hdr, const vec2_t tcScale, const vec2_t tcBias);
void BlitRenderTarget(HTexture destination, const char* passName);
void DrawSceneView(const drawSceneViewCommand_t& cmd);
+ void UploadSceneViewData();
HTexture GetReadRenderTarget();
HTexture GetWriteRenderTarget();
@@ -326,12 +446,16 @@ struct CRP : IRenderPipeline
HTexture depthTexture;
HTexture normalTexture;
HTexture motionVectorTexture;
+ HTexture noisyLightTexture;
+ HTexture lightTexture;
+ HTexture shadingPositionTexture;
HTexture renderTarget;
TextureFormat::Id renderTargetFormat;
HTexture renderTargets[2];
uint32_t renderTargetIndex; // the one to write to
HSampler samplers[BASE_SAMPLER_COUNT]; // all base samplers
uint32_t samplerIndices[BASE_SAMPLER_COUNT]; // descriptor heap indices
+ HTexture blueNoise2D;
// blit
HPipeline blitPipelineLDR;
@@ -340,6 +464,11 @@ struct CRP : IRenderPipeline
// world geometry
GeoBuffers dynBuffers[FrameCount]; // for rendering world surfaces
+ // scene view data
+ HBuffer sceneViewUploadBuffers[FrameCount];
+ HBuffer sceneViewBuffer; // this is the buffer that lives at ResourceDescriptorHeap[0]
+ uint32_t sceneViewIndex;
// for rendering transparent world surfaces
HTexture oitIndexTexture;
HBuffer oitFragmentBuffer;
@@ -359,6 +488,9 @@ struct CRP : IRenderPipeline
AccumDepthOfField accumDof;
Fog fog;
Magnifier magnifier;
+ DynamicLights dynamicLights;
+ Raytracing raytracing;
+ GBufferViz gbufferViz;
extern CRP crp;
diff --git a/code/renderer/crp_magnifier.cpp b/code/renderer/crp_magnifier.cpp
index 4ccf2a4..1bddb60 100644
--- a/code/renderer/crp_magnifier.cpp
+++ b/code/renderer/crp_magnifier.cpp
@@ -40,8 +40,6 @@ struct MagnifierRC
#pragma pack(pop)
-static bool s_magnifierActive = false;
void Magnifier::Init()
@@ -57,7 +55,7 @@ void Magnifier::Init()
void Magnifier::Draw()
- if(r_debugUI->integer == 0 || !s_magnifierActive)
+ if(r_debugUI->integer == 0 || !magnifierActive)
@@ -92,6 +90,6 @@ void Magnifier::Draw()
void Magnifier::DrawGUI()
- ToggleBooleanWithShortcut(s_magnifierActive, ImGuiKey_M);
- GUI_AddMainMenuItem(GUI_MainMenu::Tools, "Magnifier", "Ctrl+M", &s_magnifierActive);
+ ToggleBooleanWithShortcut(magnifierActive, ImGuiKey_M);
+ GUI_AddMainMenuItem(GUI_MainMenu::Tools, "Magnifier", "Ctrl+M", &magnifierActive);
diff --git a/code/renderer/crp_main.cpp b/code/renderer/crp_main.cpp
index 8417d15..8ebadc4 100644
--- a/code/renderer/crp_main.cpp
+++ b/code/renderer/crp_main.cpp
@@ -24,6 +24,7 @@ along with Challenge Quake 3. If not, see .
#include "crp_local.h"
#include "../client/cl_imgui.h"
#include "shaders/crp/oit.h.hlsli"
+#include "shaders/crp/scene_view.h.hlsli"
#include "compshaders/crp/fullscreen.h"
#include "compshaders/crp/blit.h"
#include "compshaders/crp/ui.h"
@@ -34,6 +35,19 @@ along with Challenge Quake 3. If not, see .
#include "compshaders/crp/mip_3.h"
+struct SceneViewConst
+ enum Constants
+ {
+ MaxViews = 1024,
+ LightBytes = sizeof(DynamicLight),
+ StructBytes = sizeof(SceneView),
+ BufferBytes = MaxViews * StructBytes
+ };
CRP crp;
IRenderPipeline* crpp = &crp;
@@ -50,6 +64,12 @@ cvar_t* crp_accumDof_focusDist;
cvar_t* crp_accumDof_radius;
cvar_t* crp_accumDof_samples;
cvar_t* crp_accumDof_preview;
+cvar_t* crp_drawNormals;
+cvar_t* crp_updateRTAS;
+cvar_t* crp_debug0;
+cvar_t* crp_debug1;
+cvar_t* crp_debug2;
+cvar_t* crp_debug3;
static const cvarTableItem_t crp_cvars[] =
@@ -129,7 +149,34 @@ static const cvarTableItem_t crp_cvars[] =
&crp_gatherDof_brightness, "crp_gatherDof_brightness", "2", CVAR_ARCHIVE, CVART_FLOAT, "0", "8", "blur brightness weight",
"Gather DoF bokeh brightness", CVARCAT_GRAPHICS, "Blur brightness weight", ""
+ },
+ {
+ &crp_drawNormals, "crp_drawNormals", "0", CVAR_TEMP, CVART_BOOL, NULL, NULL, "draws vertex normals",
+ "Draw vertex normals", CVARCAT_GRAPHICS | CVARCAT_DEBUGGING, "", ""
+ },
+ {
+ &crp_updateRTAS, "crp_updateRTAS", "1", CVAR_TEMP, CVART_BOOL, NULL, NULL, "enables RTAS builds every frame",
+ "Enable RTAS builds", CVARCAT_GRAPHICS | CVARCAT_DEBUGGING, "Allows raytracing acceleration structure updates", ""
+#if defined(_DEBUG)
+ ,
+ {
+ &crp_debug0, "crp_debug0", "0", CVAR_TEMP, CVART_FLOAT, "0", "1", "debug value 0",
+ },
+ {
+ &crp_debug1, "crp_debug1", "0", CVAR_TEMP, CVART_FLOAT, "0", "1", "debug value 1",
+ },
+ {
+ &crp_debug2, "crp_debug2", "0", CVAR_TEMP, CVART_FLOAT, "0", "1", "debug value 2",
+ },
+ {
+ &crp_debug3, "crp_debug3", "0", CVAR_TEMP, CVART_FLOAT, "0", "1", "debug value 3",
+ }
@@ -177,6 +224,7 @@ void CRP::Init()
InitDesc initDesc;
initDesc.directDescriptorHeapIndexing = true;
+ initDesc.inlineRaytracing = true;
srp.firstInit = RHI::Init(initDesc);
srp.psoStatsValid = false;
@@ -328,8 +376,33 @@ void CRP::Init()
motionVectorTexture = RHI::CreateTexture(desc);
+ {
+ TextureDesc desc("GBuffer direct light", glConfig.vidWidth, glConfig.vidHeight);
+ desc.committedResource = true;
+ desc.shortLifeTime = true;
+ desc.initialState = ResourceStates::RenderTargetBit;
+ desc.allowedState = ResourceStates::RenderTargetBit | ResourceStates::PixelShaderAccessBit | ResourceStates::ComputeShaderAccessBit;
+ desc.format = TextureFormat::RGBA64_Float;
+ desc.SetClearColor(colorBlack);
+ lightTexture = RHI::CreateTexture(desc);
+ desc.name = "GBuffer raw direct light";
+ noisyLightTexture = RHI::CreateTexture(desc);
+ }
+ {
+ TextureDesc desc("GBuffer shading position", glConfig.vidWidth, glConfig.vidHeight);
+ desc.committedResource = true;
+ desc.shortLifeTime = true;
+ desc.initialState = ResourceStates::RenderTargetBit;
+ desc.allowedState = ResourceStates::RenderTargetBit | ResourceStates::PixelShaderAccessBit | ResourceStates::ComputeShaderAccessBit;
+ desc.format = TextureFormat::RGBA128_Float;
+ desc.SetClearColor(vec4_zero);
+ shadingPositionTexture = RHI::CreateTexture(desc);
+ }
GraphicsPipelineDesc desc("blit LDR");
+ desc.shortLifeTime = true;
desc.vertexShader = ShaderByteCode(g_fullscreen_vs);
desc.pixelShader = ShaderByteCode(g_blit_ps);
@@ -341,6 +414,24 @@ void CRP::Init()
blitPipelineHDR = CreateGraphicsPipeline(desc);
+ {
+ BufferDesc desc("scene view upload #1", SceneViewConst::BufferBytes, ResourceStates::ShaderAccessBits);
+ desc.shortLifeTime = true;
+ desc.memoryUsage = MemoryUsage::Upload;
+ desc.structureByteCount = SceneViewConst::StructBytes;
+ sceneViewUploadBuffers[0] = CreateBuffer(desc);
+ desc.name = "scene view upload #2";
+ sceneViewUploadBuffers[1] = CreateBuffer(desc);
+ }
+ {
+ BufferDesc desc("scene view", SceneViewConst::StructBytes, ResourceStates::ShaderAccessBits);
+ desc.shortLifeTime = true;
+ desc.structureByteCount = SceneViewConst::StructBytes;
+ desc.useSrvIndex0 = true; // the one and only buffer allowed to be there
+ sceneViewBuffer = CreateBuffer(desc);
+ }
ui.Init(true, ShaderByteCode(g_ui_vs), ShaderByteCode(g_ui_ps), renderTargetFormat, RHI_MAKE_NULL_HANDLE(), NULL);
imgui.Init(true, ShaderByteCode(g_imgui_vs), ShaderByteCode(g_imgui_ps), renderTargetFormat, RHI_MAKE_NULL_HANDLE(), NULL);
nuklear.Init(true, ShaderByteCode(g_nuklear_vs), ShaderByteCode(g_nuklear_ps), renderTargetFormat, RHI_MAKE_NULL_HANDLE(), NULL);
@@ -354,10 +445,19 @@ void CRP::Init()
+ dynamicLights.Init();
+ raytracing.Init();
+ gbufferViz.Init();
srp.firstInit = false;
+void CRP::LoadResources()
+ blueNoise2D = R_FindImageFile("textures/stbn_2d.tga", flags, TW_REPEAT)->texture;
void CRP::ShutDown(bool fullShutDown)
@@ -367,12 +467,16 @@ void CRP::BeginFrame()
renderTargetIndex = 0;
renderTarget = renderTargets[0];
+ sceneViewIndex = 0;
// have it be first to we can use ImGUI in the other components too
+ // must be run outside of the RHI::BeginFrame/RHI::EndFrame pair
+ raytracing.BeginFrame();
@@ -392,6 +496,7 @@ void CRP::BeginFrame()
void CRP::EndFrame()
+ gbufferViz.DrawGUI();
@@ -476,8 +581,9 @@ void CRP::EndTextureUpload()
-void CRP::ProcessWorld(world_t&)
+void CRP::ProcessWorld(world_t& world)
+ raytracing.ProcessWorld(world);
void CRP::ProcessModel(model_t&)
@@ -605,10 +711,7 @@ void CRP::DrawSceneView(const drawSceneViewCommand_t& cmd)
if(crp_dof->integer == DOFMethod::Accumulation &&
- vp.viewportX == 0 &&
- vp.viewportY == 0 &&
- vp.viewportWidth == glConfig.vidWidth &&
- vp.viewportHeight == glConfig.vidHeight)
+ IsViewportFullscreen(vp))
const Rect rect(0, 0, glConfig.vidWidth, glConfig.vidHeight);
@@ -620,11 +723,17 @@ void CRP::DrawSceneView(const drawSceneViewCommand_t& cmd)
srp.enableRenderPassQueries = x == 0 && y == 0;
drawSceneViewCommand_t newCmd;
accumDof.FixCommand(newCmd, cmd, x, y);
+ backEnd.refdef = newCmd.refdef;
+ backEnd.viewParms = newCmd.viewParms;
+ UploadSceneViewData();
CmdTextureBarrier(renderTarget, ResourceStates::RenderTargetBit);
CmdClearColorTarget(renderTarget, cmd.clearColor, &rect);
+ dynamicLights.Draw();
@@ -647,7 +756,12 @@ void CRP::DrawSceneView(const drawSceneViewCommand_t& cmd)
+ backEnd.refdef = cmd.refdef;
+ backEnd.viewParms = cmd.viewParms;
+ UploadSceneViewData();
+ dynamicLights.Draw();
@@ -657,6 +771,78 @@ void CRP::DrawSceneView(const drawSceneViewCommand_t& cmd)
+void CRP::UploadSceneViewData()
+ Q_assert(sceneViewIndex < SceneViewConst::MaxViews);
+ if(sceneViewIndex >= SceneViewConst::MaxViews)
+ {
+ return;
+ }
+ SCOPED_RENDER_PASS("Scene View Upload", 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f);
+ const trRefdef_t& refdef = backEnd.refdef;
+ const viewParms_t& vp = backEnd.viewParms;
+ const HBuffer uploadBuffer = sceneViewUploadBuffers[GetFrameIndex()];
+ const uint32_t uploadByteOffset = sceneViewIndex * SceneViewConst::StructBytes;
+ const HBuffer tlasBuffer = raytracing.GetTLAS();
+ const HBuffer tlasInstanceBuffer = raytracing.GetInstanceBuffer();
+ SceneView& dest = *(SceneView*)(MapBuffer(uploadBuffer) + uploadByteOffset);
+ // @NOTE: yes, world.modelMatrix is actually the view matrix
+ // it's the model-view matrix for the world entity, thus the view matrix
+ memcpy(dest.projectionMatrix, vp.projectionMatrix, sizeof(dest.projectionMatrix));
+ R_InvMatrix(dest.projectionMatrix, dest.invProjectionMatrix);
+ memcpy(dest.viewMatrix, vp.world.modelMatrix, sizeof(dest.viewMatrix));
+ R_InvMatrix(dest.viewMatrix, dest.invViewMatrix);
+ RB_CreateClipPlane(dest.clipPlane);
+#if defined(_DEBUG)
+ dest.debug[0] = crp_debug0->value;
+ dest.debug[1] = crp_debug1->value;
+ dest.debug[2] = crp_debug2->value;
+ dest.debug[3] = crp_debug3->value;
+ const uint32_t deadBeef = 0xDEADBEEF;
+ dest.debug[0] = *(const float*)&deadBeef;
+ dest.debug[1] = *(const float*)&deadBeef;
+ dest.debug[2] = *(const float*)&deadBeef;
+ dest.debug[3] = *(const float*)&deadBeef;
+ dest.sceneViewIndex = sceneViewIndex;
+ dest.frameIndex = tr.frameCount;
+ dest.depthTextureIndex = GetTextureIndexSRV(depthTexture);
+ dest.normalTextureIndex = GetTextureIndexSRV(normalTexture);
+ dest.shadingPositionTextureIndex = GetTextureIndexSRV(shadingPositionTexture);
+ dest.lightTextureIndex = GetTextureIndexSRV(lightTexture);
+ dest.tlasBufferIndex = IsNullHandle(tlasBuffer) ? 0 : GetBufferIndexSRV(tlasBuffer);
+ dest.tlasInstanceBufferIndex = IsNullHandle(tlasInstanceBuffer) ? 0 : GetBufferIndexSRV(tlasInstanceBuffer);
+ dest.lightCount = refdef.num_dlights;
+ for(int i = 0; i < refdef.num_dlights; i++)
+ {
+ const dlight_t& srcLight = refdef.dlights[i];
+ DynamicLight& destLight = dest.lights[i];
+ VectorCopy(srcLight.origin, destLight.position);
+ VectorCopy(srcLight.color, destLight.color);
+ destLight.radius = srcLight.radius;
+ destLight.padding = 0.0f;
+ }
+ UnmapBuffer(uploadBuffer);
+ CmdBeginBarrier();
+ CmdBufferBarrier(uploadBuffer, ResourceStates::CopySourceBit);
+ CmdBufferBarrier(sceneViewBuffer, ResourceStates::CopyDestinationBit);
+ CmdEndBarrier();
+ CmdCopyBuffer(sceneViewBuffer, 0, uploadBuffer, uploadByteOffset, SceneViewConst::StructBytes);
+ CmdBeginBarrier();
+ CmdBufferBarrier(sceneViewBuffer, ResourceStates::ShaderAccessBits);
+ CmdEndBarrier();
+ sceneViewIndex++;
void CRP::ReadPixels(int w, int h, int alignment, colorSpace_t colorSpace, void* outPixels)
ReadTextureImage(outPixels, readbackRenderTarget, w, h, alignment, colorSpace);
diff --git a/code/renderer/crp_opaque.cpp b/code/renderer/crp_opaque.cpp
index 82c635a..7138223 100644
--- a/code/renderer/crp_opaque.cpp
+++ b/code/renderer/crp_opaque.cpp
@@ -23,6 +23,8 @@ along with Challenge Quake 3. If not, see .
#include "crp_local.h"
#include "compshaders/crp/opaque.h"
+#include "compshaders/crp/wireframe_normals.h"
+#include "compshaders/crp/add_light.h"
#pragma pack(push, 4)
@@ -38,6 +40,8 @@ struct OpaquePixelRC
uint32_t samplerIndex;
uint32_t shaderIndexBufferIndex;
uint32_t alphaTest;
+ uint32_t lightTextureIndex;
+ uint32_t lightmapPass;
float greyscale;
// shader trace
@@ -46,12 +50,35 @@ struct OpaquePixelRC
uint16_t centerPixelY;
+struct AddLightVertexRC : WorldVertexRC
#pragma pack(pop)
void WorldOpaque::Init()
psoCache.Init(psoCacheEntries, ARRAY_LEN(psoCacheEntries));
+ {
+ GraphicsPipelineDesc desc("Debug Normals");
+ desc.shortLifeTime = true;
+ desc.vertexShader.Set(g_wireframe_normals_vs);
+ desc.pixelShader.Set(g_wireframe_normals_ps);
+ desc.vertexLayout.AddAttribute(0, ShaderSemantic::Position, DataType::Float32, 3, 0);
+ desc.vertexLayout.AddAttribute(1, ShaderSemantic::Color, DataType::UNorm8, 4, 0);
+ desc.depthStencil.depthStencilFormat = TextureFormat::Depth32_Float;
+ desc.depthStencil.depthComparison = ComparisonFunction::GreaterEqual;
+ desc.depthStencil.enableDepthTest = true;
+ desc.depthStencil.enableDepthWrites = false;
+ desc.rasterizer.cullMode = CT_TWO_SIDED;
+ desc.rasterizer.polygonOffset = false;
+ desc.rasterizer.clampDepth = false;
+ desc.rasterizer.wireFrame = true;
+ desc.AddRenderTarget(0, crp.renderTargetFormat);
+ wireframeNormalsPipeline = CreateGraphicsPipeline(desc);
+ }
void WorldOpaque::Draw(const drawSceneViewCommand_t& cmd)
@@ -65,7 +92,6 @@ void WorldOpaque::Draw(const drawSceneViewCommand_t& cmd)
backEnd.refdef = cmd.refdef;
backEnd.viewParms = cmd.viewParms;
- RB_CreateClipPlane(clipPlane);
batchOldDepthHack = false;
@@ -73,6 +99,7 @@ void WorldOpaque::Draw(const drawSceneViewCommand_t& cmd)
CmdTextureBarrier(crp.depthTexture, ResourceStates::DepthReadBit);
+ CmdTextureBarrier(crp.lightTexture, ResourceStates::PixelShaderAccessBit);
CmdBufferBarrier(srp.traceRenderBuffer, ResourceStates::UnorderedAccessBit);
@@ -196,6 +223,27 @@ void WorldOpaque::ProcessShader(shader_t& shader)
p.mirrorPipeline = psoCache.AddPipeline(desc, va("opaque %d %d mirrored", psoCache.entryCount, s + 1));
+ if(!shader.hasLightmapStage)
+ {
+ static int counter = 0;
+ GraphicsPipelineDesc desc = {};
+ desc.name = "Add Light";
+ desc.rootSignature = RHI_MAKE_NULL_HANDLE();
+ desc.shortLifeTime = true;
+ desc.vertexShader.Set(g_add_light_vs);
+ desc.pixelShader.Set(g_add_light_ps);
+ desc.vertexLayout.AddAttribute(0, ShaderSemantic::Position, DataType::Float32, 3, 0);
+ desc.depthStencil.depthStencilFormat = TextureFormat::Depth32_Float;
+ desc.depthStencil.depthComparison = shader.isSky ? ComparisonFunction::GreaterEqual : ComparisonFunction::Equal;
+ desc.depthStencil.enableDepthTest = true;
+ desc.depthStencil.enableDepthWrites = false;
+ desc.rasterizer.cullMode = shader.cullType;
+ desc.rasterizer.polygonOffset = shader.polygonOffset != 0;
+ desc.rasterizer.clampDepth = clampDepth;
+ desc.AddRenderTarget(GLS_SRCBLEND_DST_COLOR | GLS_DSTBLEND_ONE, crp.renderTargetFormat);
+ shader.addLightPipeline = psoCache.AddPipeline(desc, va("Add Light #%d", counter++ + 1));
+ }
shader.numPipelines = shader.numStages;
@@ -254,8 +302,6 @@ void WorldOpaque::EndBatch()
OpaqueVertexRC vertexRC = {};
memcpy(vertexRC.modelViewMatrix, backEnd.orient.modelMatrix, sizeof(vertexRC.modelViewMatrix));
- memcpy(vertexRC.projectionMatrix, backEnd.viewParms.projectionMatrix, sizeof(vertexRC.projectionMatrix));
- memcpy(vertexRC.clipPlane, clipPlane, sizeof(vertexRC.clipPlane));
CmdSetGraphicsRootConstants(0, sizeof(vertexRC), &vertexRC);
for(int s = 0; s < shader->numStages; ++s)
@@ -284,6 +330,8 @@ void WorldOpaque::EndBatch()
pixelRC.samplerIndex = sampIdx;
pixelRC.shaderIndexBufferIndex = bufferIndex;
pixelRC.alphaTest = alphaTest;
+ pixelRC.lightTextureIndex = GetTextureIndexSRV(crp.lightTexture);
+ pixelRC.lightmapPass = stage->type == ST_LIGHTMAP ? 1 : 0;
pixelRC.greyscale = tess.greyscale;
pixelRC.shaderTrace = ((uint32_t)shader->index << 1) | enableShaderTrace;
pixelRC.centerPixelX = glConfig.vidWidth / 2;
@@ -293,8 +341,23 @@ void WorldOpaque::EndBatch()
db.DrawStage(vertexCount, indexCount);
+ if(!shader->hasLightmapStage)
+ {
+ AddLightVertexRC rc = {};
+ memcpy(rc.modelViewMatrix, backEnd.orient.modelMatrix, sizeof(rc.modelViewMatrix));
+ CmdSetGraphicsRootConstants(0, sizeof(rc), &rc);
+ CmdBindPipeline(psoCache.entries[shader->addLightPipeline].handle);
+ db.DrawPositionOnly(vertexCount, indexCount);
+ }
+ if(crp_drawNormals->integer)
+ {
+ CmdBindPipeline(wireframeNormalsPipeline);
+ db.UploadAndDrawDebugNormals();
+ }
tess.tessellator = Tessellator::None;
tess.numVertexes = 0;
diff --git a/code/renderer/crp_prepass.cpp b/code/renderer/crp_prepass.cpp
index bbeb1cd..903393c 100644
--- a/code/renderer/crp_prepass.cpp
+++ b/code/renderer/crp_prepass.cpp
@@ -26,22 +26,15 @@ along with Challenge Quake 3. If not, see .
#pragma pack(push, 4)
-struct PrepassVertexRC
+struct PrepassRC
float modelViewMatrix[16];
- float projectionMatrix[16];
+ float modelMatrix[16];
float normalMatrix[16];
- float clipPlane[4];
-struct PrepassPixelRC
uint32_t textureIndex;
uint32_t samplerIndex;
uint32_t alphaTest;
#pragma pack(pop)
@@ -59,9 +52,10 @@ void Prepass::Draw(const drawSceneViewCommand_t& cmd)
srp.renderMode = RenderMode::World;
+ SCOPED_RENDER_PASS("Pre-pass", 1.0f, 0.5f, 0.5f);
backEnd.refdef = cmd.refdef;
backEnd.viewParms = cmd.viewParms;
- RB_CreateClipPlane(clipPlane);
batchOldDepthHack = false;
@@ -71,18 +65,18 @@ void Prepass::Draw(const drawSceneViewCommand_t& cmd)
CmdTextureBarrier(crp.depthTexture, ResourceStates::DepthWriteBit);
CmdTextureBarrier(crp.normalTexture, ResourceStates::RenderTargetBit);
CmdTextureBarrier(crp.motionVectorTexture, ResourceStates::RenderTargetBit);
+ CmdTextureBarrier(crp.shadingPositionTexture, ResourceStates::RenderTargetBit);
CmdClearDepthStencilTarget(crp.depthTexture, true, 0.0f);
CmdClearColorTarget(crp.normalTexture, vec4_zero, NULL);
CmdClearColorTarget(crp.motionVectorTexture, vec4_zero, NULL);
+ CmdClearColorTarget(crp.shadingPositionTexture, vec4_zero, NULL);
GeoBuffers& db = crp.dynBuffers[GetFrameIndex()];
- SCOPED_RENDER_PASS("Pre-pass", 1.0f, 0.5f, 0.5f);
- const HTexture renderTargets[] = { crp.normalTexture, crp.motionVectorTexture };
+ const HTexture renderTargets[] = { crp.normalTexture, crp.motionVectorTexture, crp.shadingPositionTexture };
CmdBindRenderTargets(ARRAY_LEN(renderTargets), renderTargets, &crp.depthTexture);
CmdBindVertexBuffers(ARRAY_LEN(db.vertexBuffers), db.vertexBuffers, db.vertexBufferStrides, NULL);
CmdBindIndexBuffer(db.indexBuffer.buffer, IndexType::UInt32, 0);
@@ -189,6 +183,7 @@ void Prepass::ProcessShader(shader_t& shader)
desc.rasterizer.clampDepth = clampDepth;
desc.AddRenderTarget(0, TextureFormat::RG32_SNorm);
desc.AddRenderTarget(0, TextureFormat::RG32_Float);
+ desc.AddRenderTarget(0, TextureFormat::RGBA128_Float);
pipeline_t& p = shader.prepassPipeline;
p.firstStage = 0;
@@ -222,8 +217,7 @@ void Prepass::BeginBatch(const shader_t* shader)
void Prepass::EndBatch()
- PrepassVertexRC vertexRC = {};
- PrepassPixelRC pixelRC = {};
+ PrepassRC rc = {};
float tempMatrix[16];
const int vertexCount = tess.numVertexes;
@@ -253,13 +247,6 @@ void Prepass::EndBatch()
CmdSetViewport(vp.viewportX, vp.viewportY, vp.viewportWidth, vp.viewportHeight, batchDepthHack ? 0.7f : 0.0f, 1.0f);
batchOldDepthHack = batchDepthHack;
- memcpy(vertexRC.modelViewMatrix, backEnd.orient.modelMatrix, sizeof(vertexRC.modelViewMatrix));
- memcpy(vertexRC.projectionMatrix, backEnd.viewParms.projectionMatrix, sizeof(vertexRC.projectionMatrix));
- memcpy(vertexRC.clipPlane, clipPlane, sizeof(vertexRC.clipPlane));
- R_InvMatrix(backEnd.modelMatrix, tempMatrix);
- R_TransposeMatrix(tempMatrix, vertexRC.normalMatrix);
- CmdSetGraphicsRootConstants(0, sizeof(vertexRC), &vertexRC);
const shaderStage_t* const stage = shader->stages[0];
@@ -278,10 +265,14 @@ void Prepass::EndBatch()
const uint32_t alphaTest = AlphaTestShaderConstFromStateBits(stage->stateBits);
Q_assert(sampIdx < ARRAY_LEN(crp.samplers));
- pixelRC.textureIndex = texIdx;
- pixelRC.samplerIndex = sampIdx;
- pixelRC.alphaTest = alphaTest;
- CmdSetGraphicsRootConstants(sizeof(vertexRC), sizeof(pixelRC), &pixelRC);
+ memcpy(rc.modelViewMatrix, backEnd.orient.modelMatrix, sizeof(rc.modelViewMatrix));
+ memcpy(rc.modelMatrix, backEnd.modelMatrix, sizeof(rc.modelMatrix));
+ R_InvMatrix(backEnd.modelMatrix, tempMatrix);
+ R_TransposeMatrix(tempMatrix, rc.normalMatrix);
+ rc.textureIndex = texIdx;
+ rc.samplerIndex = sampIdx;
+ rc.alphaTest = alphaTest;
+ CmdSetGraphicsRootConstants(0, sizeof(rc), &rc);
db.DrawStage(vertexCount, indexCount);
diff --git a/code/renderer/crp_raytracing.cpp b/code/renderer/crp_raytracing.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..36300b2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/code/renderer/crp_raytracing.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,652 @@
+Copyright (C) 2024 Gian 'myT' Schellenbaum
+This file is part of Challenge Quake 3 (CNQ3).
+Challenge Quake 3 is free software; you can redistribute it
+and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
+published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License,
+or (at your option) any later version.
+Challenge Quake 3 is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+GNU General Public License for more details.
+You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+along with Challenge Quake 3. If not, see .
+// Cinematic Rendering Pipeline - raytracing acceleration structures management
+#include "crp_local.h"
+#include "shaders/crp/raytracing.h.hlsli"
+struct BLASBuilder
+ bool IsEmpty()
+ {
+ return totalVertexCount <= 0 || totalIndexCount <= 0;
+ }
+ uint32_t totalVertexCount;
+ uint32_t totalIndexCount;
+ uint32_t meshCount;
+ float* buildVertices;
+ uint32_t* buildIndices;
+ BLASMeshDesc* buildMeshes;
+ uint32_t firstVertex;
+ uint32_t firstIndex;
+ uint32_t meshIndex;
+ BLASVertex* traceVertices;
+ uint32_t* traceIndices;
+ BLASMesh* traceMeshes;
+static world_t* s_world;
+static bool IsStaticBLASSurface(const msurface_t* surf)
+ if(surf->shader->numStages == 0 ||
+ surf->shader->isDynamic ||
+ surf->shader->polygonOffset)
+ {
+ return false;
+ }
+ return true;
+static uint32_t GetBLASBucketIndex(const shader_t* shader)
+ const uint32_t index = (uint32_t)shader->cullType;
+ return index;
+static const char* GetBLASBucketName(uint32_t index)
+ switch(index)
+ {
+ case CT_FRONT_SIDED: return "front-sided";
+ case CT_BACK_SIDED: return "back-sided";
+ case CT_TWO_SIDED: return "two-sided";
+ default: Q_assert(!"Invalid bucket index"); return "???";
+ }
+static void TransformPoint(const vec3_t original, const float* matrix4x4, vec3_t result)
+ float x = original[0] * matrix4x4[0] + original[1] * matrix4x4[4] + original[2] * matrix4x4[ 8] + matrix4x4[12];
+ float y = original[0] * matrix4x4[1] + original[1] * matrix4x4[5] + original[2] * matrix4x4[ 9] + matrix4x4[13];
+ float z = original[0] * matrix4x4[2] + original[1] * matrix4x4[6] + original[2] * matrix4x4[10] + matrix4x4[14];
+ float w = original[0] * matrix4x4[3] + original[1] * matrix4x4[7] + original[2] * matrix4x4[11] + matrix4x4[15];
+ if(w != 1.0f && w != 0.0f)
+ {
+ x /= w;
+ y /= w;
+ z /= w;
+ }
+ result[0] = x;
+ result[1] = y;
+ result[2] = z;
+// true when the surface should be skipped
+static bool Tessellate(
+ int& surfVertexCount, int& surfIndexCount, const surfaceType_t* surface,
+ const shader_t* shader, int entityNum, double originalTime)
+ if(shader->numStages <= 0)
+ {
+ return true;
+ }
+ bool depthHack;
+ tess.numVertexes = 0;
+ tess.numIndexes = 0;
+ tess.shader = shader; // needed by R_ComputeTexCoords etc.
+ UpdateEntityData(depthHack, entityNum, originalTime);
+ R_TessellateSurface(surface);
+ surfVertexCount = tess.numVertexes;
+ surfIndexCount = tess.numIndexes;
+ if(surfVertexCount <= 0 || surfIndexCount <= 0)
+ {
+ return true;
+ }
+ RB_DeformTessGeometry(0, surfVertexCount, 0, surfIndexCount);
+ const shaderStage_t& stage = *shader->stages[0];
+ R_ComputeColors(&stage, tess.svars[0], 0, surfVertexCount);
+ R_ComputeTexCoords(&stage, tess.svars[0], 0, surfVertexCount, qfalse);
+ return false;
+// true when the surface should be skipped
+static bool EstimateTessellatedSize(
+ int& surfVertexCount, int& surfIndexCount, const surfaceType_t* surface,
+ const shader_t* shader, int entityNum, double originalTime)
+ if(shader->numStages <= 0)
+ {
+ return true;
+ }
+ bool depthHack;
+ tess.numVertexes = 0;
+ tess.numIndexes = 0;
+ tess.shader = shader;
+ UpdateEntityData(depthHack, entityNum, originalTime);
+ R_ComputeTessellatedSize(&surfVertexCount, &surfIndexCount, surface);
+ if(surfVertexCount <= 0 || surfIndexCount <= 0)
+ {
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+static void CreateOrGrowBuffer(HBuffer& buffer, uint32_t& curByteCount, const BufferDesc& desc)
+ if(desc.byteCount <= curByteCount)
+ {
+ return;
+ }
+ curByteCount = max(curByteCount * 2, desc.byteCount);
+ DestroyBufferDelayed(buffer);
+ buffer = CreateBuffer(desc);
+void Raytracing::Init()
+ const uint32_t structByteCount = sizeof(TLASInstance);
+ BufferDesc desc("BLAS support instance", 2 * BLASBucket::Count * structByteCount, ResourceStates::ShaderAccessBits);
+ desc.shortLifeTime = true;
+ desc.structureByteCount = structByteCount;
+ tlasInstanceBuffer = CreateBuffer(desc);
+void Raytracing::ProcessWorld(world_t& world)
+ TagMapSurfacesRecursively(world.nodes);
+ // make sure we're not trying to use deleted buffers after a video restart
+ for(uint32_t i = 0; i < BLASBucket::Count; i++)
+ {
+ blasBuildBuffers[i] = {};
+ staticBLASBuffers[i] = {};
+ dynamicBLASBuffers[i] = {};
+ }
+ tlasBuffer = RHI_MAKE_NULL_HANDLE();
+ BLASBuilder staticBLASes[BLASBucket::Count];
+ WorldSurfaceList surfaceList;
+ s_world = &world;
+ BuildBLASes(staticBLASBuffers, staticBLASes, &surfaceList);
+ s_world = NULL;
+ // create ASes
+ BeginTempCommandList();
+ for(uint32_t i = 0; i < BLASBucket::Count; i++)
+ {
+ BLASBuilder& bucket = staticBLASes[i];
+ if(bucket.IsEmpty())
+ {
+ continue;
+ }
+ BLASBuildBuffers& buffers = blasBuildBuffers[i];
+ BLASDesc desc = {};
+ desc.name = va("static BLAS %s", GetBLASBucketName(i));
+ desc.vertexBuffer = buffers.vertexBuffer;
+ desc.indexBuffer = buffers.indexBuffer;
+ desc.meshes = bucket.buildMeshes;
+ desc.meshCount = bucket.meshCount;
+ CmdCreateBLAS(&staticBLASBuffers[i].blasBuffer, desc);
+ }
+ EndTempCommandList();
+ for(uint32_t i = 0; i < BLASBucket::Count; i++)
+ {
+ BLASBuilder& bucket = staticBLASes[i];
+ if(bucket.IsEmpty())
+ {
+ continue;
+ }
+ free(bucket.buildMeshes);
+ }
+ staticTLASInstanceCount = 0;
+ tlasInstanceDescs.Clear();
+ for(uint32_t i = 0; i < BLASBucket::Count; i++)
+ {
+ BLASBuilder& bucket = staticBLASes[i];
+ if(bucket.IsEmpty())
+ {
+ continue;
+ }
+ TLASInstanceDesc inst;
+ inst = {};
+ inst.blasBuffer = staticBLASBuffers[i].blasBuffer;
+ inst.cullMode = (cullType_t)i;
+ inst.instanceId = staticTLASInstanceCount++;
+ inst.instanceMask = 0xFF;
+ inst.transform[0] = 1.0f;
+ inst.transform[4] = 1.0f;
+ inst.transform[8] = 1.0f;
+ tlasInstanceDescs.Add(inst);
+ }
+void Raytracing::BeginFrame()
+ if(tr.world == NULL || tr.sceneCounterRT == 0)
+ {
+ return;
+ }
+ if(crp_updateRTAS->integer == 0 && !IsNullHandle(tlasBuffer))
+ {
+ return;
+ }
+ backEnd.refdef = tr.rtRefdef;
+ BeginTempCommandList();
+ const uint32_t renderPass = srp.BeginRenderPass("RTAS Build", 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f);
+ BLASBuilder dynamicBLASes[BLASBucket::Count];
+ DynamicSurfaceList surfaceList;
+ BuildBLASes(dynamicBLASBuffers, dynamicBLASes, &surfaceList);
+ for(uint32_t i = 0; i < BLASBucket::Count; i++)
+ {
+ BLASBuilder& bucket = dynamicBLASes[i];
+ if(bucket.IsEmpty())
+ {
+ continue;
+ }
+ BLASBuildBuffers& buffers = blasBuildBuffers[i];
+ BLASDesc desc = {};
+ desc.name = va("dynamic BLAS %s", GetBLASBucketName(i));
+ desc.vertexBuffer = buffers.vertexBuffer;
+ desc.indexBuffer = buffers.indexBuffer;
+ desc.meshes = bucket.buildMeshes;
+ desc.meshCount = bucket.meshCount;
+ CmdCreateBLAS(&dynamicBLASBuffers[i].blasBuffer, desc);
+ }
+ {
+ uint32_t instanceId = staticTLASInstanceCount;
+ tlasInstanceDescs.count = staticTLASInstanceCount;
+ for(uint32_t i = 0; i < BLASBucket::Count; i++)
+ {
+ BLASBuilder& bucket = dynamicBLASes[i];
+ if(bucket.IsEmpty())
+ {
+ continue;
+ }
+ TLASInstanceDesc inst = {};
+ inst.blasBuffer = dynamicBLASBuffers[i].blasBuffer;
+ inst.cullMode = (cullType_t)i;
+ inst.instanceId = instanceId++;
+ inst.instanceMask = 0xFF;
+ inst.transform[0] = 1.0f;
+ inst.transform[4] = 1.0f;
+ inst.transform[8] = 1.0f;
+ tlasInstanceDescs.Add(inst);
+ }
+ TLASDesc desc = {};
+ desc.instanceCount = tlasInstanceDescs.count;
+ desc.instances = tlasInstanceDescs.items;
+ CmdCreateTLAS(&tlasBuffer, desc);
+ }
+ srp.EndRenderPass(renderPass);
+ EndTempCommandList();
+ TLASInstance* traceInstances = (TLASInstance*)BeginBufferUpload(tlasInstanceBuffer);
+ uint32_t instanceId = 0;
+ for(uint32_t i = 0; i < ARRAY_LEN(staticBLASBuffers); i++)
+ {
+ const BLASBuffers& buffers = staticBLASBuffers[i];
+ if(IsNullHandle(buffers.blasBuffer))
+ {
+ continue;
+ }
+ Q_assert(instanceId == tlasInstanceDescs[instanceId].instanceId);
+ TLASInstance traceInst = {};
+ traceInst.meshBufferIndex = GetBufferIndexSRV(buffers.meshBuffer);
+ traceInst.vertexBufferIndex = GetBufferIndexSRV(buffers.vertexBuffer);
+ traceInst.indexBufferIndex = GetBufferIndexSRV(buffers.indexBuffer);
+ traceInst.cullMode = (uint32_t)tlasInstanceDescs[instanceId++].cullMode;
+ *traceInstances++ = traceInst;
+ }
+ for(uint32_t i = 0; i < ARRAY_LEN(dynamicBLASBuffers); i++)
+ {
+ const BLASBuffers& buffers = dynamicBLASBuffers[i];
+ if(IsNullHandle(buffers.blasBuffer))
+ {
+ continue;
+ }
+ Q_assert(instanceId == tlasInstanceDescs[instanceId].instanceId);
+ TLASInstance traceInst = {};
+ traceInst.meshBufferIndex = GetBufferIndexSRV(buffers.meshBuffer);
+ traceInst.vertexBufferIndex = GetBufferIndexSRV(buffers.vertexBuffer);
+ traceInst.indexBufferIndex = GetBufferIndexSRV(buffers.indexBuffer);
+ traceInst.cullMode = (uint32_t)tlasInstanceDescs[instanceId++].cullMode;
+ *traceInstances++ = traceInst;
+ }
+ EndBufferUpload(tlasInstanceBuffer);
+#if defined(_DEBUG)
+ for(uint32_t i = 0; i < tlasInstanceDescs.count; i++)
+ {
+ Q_assert(tlasInstanceDescs[i].instanceId == i);
+ }
+void Raytracing::TagMapSurfacesRecursively(mnode_t* node)
+ do
+ {
+ if(node->contents != CONTENTS_NODE)
+ {
+ break;
+ }
+ // recurse down the children, front side first
+ TagMapSurfacesRecursively(node->children[0]);
+ // tail recurse
+ node = node->children[1];
+ }
+ while(true);
+ // add the individual surfaces
+ int c = node->nummarksurfaces;
+ msurface_t** mark = node->firstmarksurface;
+ while(c--)
+ {
+ msurface_t* const surf = *mark++;
+ if(IsStaticBLASSurface(surf))
+ {
+ surf->rtSurfType = RTST_STATIC;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ surf->rtSurfType = RTST_DYNAMIC;
+ }
+ }
+void Raytracing::EnsureBuffersAreLargeEnough(Raytracing::BLASBuildBuffers& buffers, uint32_t maxVertexCount, uint32_t maxIndexCount)
+ {
+ BufferDesc desc("BLAS build vertex", 2 * maxVertexCount * sizeof(vec3_t), ResourceStates::Common);
+ desc.shortLifeTime = true;
+ CreateOrGrowBuffer(buffers.vertexBuffer, buffers.vertexBufferByteCount, desc);
+ }
+ {
+ BufferDesc desc("BLAS build index", 2 * maxIndexCount * sizeof(uint32_t), ResourceStates::Common);
+ desc.shortLifeTime = true;
+ CreateOrGrowBuffer(buffers.indexBuffer, buffers.indexBufferByteCount, desc);
+ }
+void Raytracing::EnsureBuffersAreLargeEnough(Raytracing::BLASBuffers& buffers, uint32_t maxVertexCount, uint32_t maxIndexCount, uint32_t maxMeshCount)
+ {
+ const uint32_t structByteCount = sizeof(BLASVertex);
+ BufferDesc desc("BLAS support vertex", maxVertexCount * structByteCount, ResourceStates::ShaderAccessBits);
+ desc.shortLifeTime = true;
+ desc.structureByteCount = structByteCount;
+ CreateOrGrowBuffer(buffers.vertexBuffer, buffers.vertexBufferByteCount, desc);
+ }
+ {
+ const uint32_t structByteCount = sizeof(uint32_t);
+ BufferDesc desc("BLAS support index", maxIndexCount * structByteCount, ResourceStates::ShaderAccessBits);
+ desc.shortLifeTime = true;
+ desc.structureByteCount = structByteCount;
+ CreateOrGrowBuffer(buffers.indexBuffer, buffers.indexBufferByteCount, desc);
+ }
+ {
+ const uint32_t structByteCount = sizeof(BLASMesh);
+ BufferDesc desc("BLAS support mesh", maxMeshCount * structByteCount, ResourceStates::ShaderAccessBits);
+ desc.shortLifeTime = true;
+ desc.structureByteCount = structByteCount;
+ CreateOrGrowBuffer(buffers.meshBuffer, buffers.meshBufferByteCount, desc);
+ }
+void Raytracing::BuildBLASes(BLASBuffers* blasBuffers, BLASBuilder* blasBuilders, ISurfaceList* surfaceList)
+ tess.tessellator = Tessellator::None;
+ tr.forceHighestLod = true;
+ memset(blasBuilders, 0, sizeof(BLASBuilder) * BLASBucket::Count);
+ const double originalTime = backEnd.refdef.floatTime;
+ // gather stats on all surfaces we can bake
+ for(uint32_t i = 0, count = surfaceList->GetSurfaceCount(); i < count; i++)
+ {
+ Surface surface;
+ if(surfaceList->GetSurface(surface, i))
+ {
+ continue;
+ }
+ int surfVertexCount, surfIndexCount;
+ if(EstimateTessellatedSize(surfVertexCount, surfIndexCount, surface.surface, surface.shader, surface.entityNum, originalTime))
+ {
+ continue;
+ }
+ BLASBuilder& bucket = blasBuilders[GetBLASBucketIndex(surface.shader)];
+ bucket.totalVertexCount += surfVertexCount;
+ bucket.totalIndexCount += surfIndexCount;
+ bucket.meshCount++;
+ }
+ // correct the vertex and index counts since the estimations might be a little off
+ for(uint32_t i = 0; i < BLASBucket::Count; i++)
+ {
+ BLASBuilder& bucket = blasBuilders[i];
+ if(!bucket.IsEmpty())
+ {
+ bucket.totalVertexCount = max(2 * bucket.totalVertexCount, 8192u);
+ bucket.totalIndexCount = max(2 * bucket.totalIndexCount, 32768u);
+ }
+ }
+ // create buffers and map them
+ for(uint32_t i = 0; i < BLASBucket::Count; i++)
+ {
+ BLASBuilder& bucket = blasBuilders[i];
+ if(bucket.IsEmpty())
+ {
+ continue;
+ }
+ EnsureBuffersAreLargeEnough(blasBuildBuffers[i], bucket.totalVertexCount, bucket.totalIndexCount);
+ bucket.buildMeshes = (BLASMeshDesc*)malloc(bucket.meshCount * sizeof(BLASMeshDesc));
+ if(bucket.buildMeshes == NULL)
+ {
+ ri.Error(ERR_FATAL, "Failed to allocate %d BLASMeshDesc instances\n", (int)bucket.meshCount);
+ }
+ bucket.buildVertices = (float*)BeginBufferUpload(blasBuildBuffers[i].vertexBuffer);
+ bucket.buildIndices = (uint32_t*)BeginBufferUpload(blasBuildBuffers[i].indexBuffer);
+ EnsureBuffersAreLargeEnough(blasBuffers[i], bucket.totalVertexCount, bucket.totalIndexCount, bucket.meshCount);
+ bucket.traceVertices = (BLASVertex*)BeginBufferUpload(blasBuffers[i].vertexBuffer);
+ bucket.traceIndices = (uint32_t*)BeginBufferUpload(blasBuffers[i].indexBuffer);
+ bucket.traceMeshes = (BLASMesh*)BeginBufferUpload(blasBuffers[i].meshBuffer);
+ }
+ // upload vertex and index data
+ for(uint32_t i = 0, count = surfaceList->GetSurfaceCount(); i < count; i++)
+ {
+ Surface surface;
+ if(surfaceList->GetSurface(surface, i))
+ {
+ continue;
+ }
+ int surfVertexCount, surfIndexCount;
+ if(Tessellate(surfVertexCount, surfIndexCount, surface.surface, surface.shader, surface.entityNum, originalTime))
+ {
+ continue;
+ }
+ BLASBuilder& bucket = blasBuilders[GetBLASBucketIndex(surface.shader)];
+ // tess.xyz is an array of vec4_t
+ for(uint32_t v = 0; v < surfVertexCount; v++)
+ {
+ if(surface.entityNum == ENTITYNUM_WORLD)
+ {
+ bucket.buildVertices[0] = tess.xyz[v][0];
+ bucket.buildVertices[1] = tess.xyz[v][1];
+ bucket.buildVertices[2] = tess.xyz[v][2];
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ const float original[3] = { tess.xyz[v][0], tess.xyz[v][1], tess.xyz[v][2] };
+ float newPos[3];
+ TransformPoint(original, backEnd.modelMatrix, newPos);
+ bucket.buildVertices[0] = newPos[0];
+ bucket.buildVertices[1] = newPos[1];
+ bucket.buildVertices[2] = newPos[2];
+ }
+ bucket.buildVertices += 3;
+ bucket.traceVertices->texCoords[0] = tess.svars[0].texcoords[v][0];
+ bucket.traceVertices->texCoords[1] = tess.svars[0].texcoords[v][1];
+ bucket.traceVertices->color[0] = tess.svars[0].colors[v][0];
+ bucket.traceVertices->color[1] = tess.svars[0].colors[v][1];
+ bucket.traceVertices->color[2] = tess.svars[0].colors[v][2];
+ bucket.traceVertices->color[3] = tess.svars[0].colors[v][3];
+ bucket.traceVertices++;
+ }
+ memcpy(bucket.buildIndices, tess.indexes, surfIndexCount * sizeof(uint32_t));
+ bucket.buildIndices += surfIndexCount;
+ memcpy(bucket.traceIndices, tess.indexes, surfIndexCount * sizeof(uint32_t));
+ bucket.traceIndices += surfIndexCount;
+ const shaderStage_t& stage0 = *surface.shader->stages[0];
+ const image_t& image0 = *stage0.bundle.image[0];
+ bucket.buildMeshes[bucket.meshIndex].firstVertex = bucket.firstVertex;
+ bucket.buildMeshes[bucket.meshIndex].vertexCount = surfVertexCount;
+ bucket.buildMeshes[bucket.meshIndex].firstIndex = bucket.firstIndex;
+ bucket.buildMeshes[bucket.meshIndex].indexCount = surfIndexCount;
+ bucket.buildMeshes[bucket.meshIndex].isFullyOpaque = surface.shader->isOpaque && !surface.shader->isAlphaTestedOpaque;
+ bucket.traceMeshes[bucket.meshIndex].firstVertex = bucket.firstVertex;
+ bucket.traceMeshes[bucket.meshIndex].firstIndex = bucket.firstIndex;
+ bucket.traceMeshes[bucket.meshIndex].textureIndex = image0.textureIndex;
+ bucket.traceMeshes[bucket.meshIndex].samplerIndex = GetSamplerIndex(image0.wrapClampMode, TextureFilter::Linear);
+ bucket.traceMeshes[bucket.meshIndex].alphaTestMode = AlphaTestShaderConstFromStateBits(stage0.stateBits);
+ bucket.traceMeshes[bucket.meshIndex].blendBits = stage0.stateBits & GLS_BLEND_BITS;
+ bucket.meshIndex++;
+ bucket.firstVertex += surfVertexCount;
+ bucket.firstIndex += surfIndexCount;
+ }
+ // unmap buffers
+ for(uint32_t i = 0; i < BLASBucket::Count; i++)
+ {
+ BLASBuilder& bucket = blasBuilders[i];
+ if(bucket.IsEmpty())
+ {
+ continue;
+ }
+ EndBufferUpload(blasBuildBuffers[i].vertexBuffer);
+ EndBufferUpload(blasBuildBuffers[i].indexBuffer);
+ bucket.buildVertices = NULL;
+ bucket.buildIndices = NULL;
+ EndBufferUpload(blasBuffers[i].vertexBuffer);
+ EndBufferUpload(blasBuffers[i].indexBuffer);
+ EndBufferUpload(blasBuffers[i].meshBuffer);
+ bucket.traceVertices = NULL;
+ bucket.traceIndices = NULL;
+ bucket.traceMeshes = NULL;
+ }
+ backEnd.refdef.floatTime = originalTime;
+ tr.forceHighestLod = false;
+uint32_t Raytracing::WorldSurfaceList::GetSurfaceCount()
+ return s_world->numsurfaces;
+bool Raytracing::WorldSurfaceList::GetSurface(Surface& surface, uint32_t index)
+ Q_assert(index < (uint32_t)s_world->numsurfaces);
+ const msurface_t& surf = s_world->surfaces[index];
+ if(surf.rtSurfType != RTST_STATIC || surf.shader->numStages <= 0)
+ {
+ return true;
+ }
+ surface.surface = surf.data;
+ surface.shader = surf.shader;
+ surface.entityNum = ENTITYNUM_WORLD;
+ return false;
+uint32_t Raytracing::DynamicSurfaceList::GetSurfaceCount()
+ return tr.numRTSurfs + tr.world->numsurfaces;
+bool Raytracing::DynamicSurfaceList::GetSurface(Surface& surface, uint32_t index)
+ Q_assert(index < (uint32_t)tr.numRTSurfs + (uint32_t)tr.world->numsurfaces);
+ bool skip = false;
+ if(index < tr.numRTSurfs)
+ {
+ const rtSurf_t& surf = tr.rtSurfs[index];
+ surface.surface = surf.surface;
+ surface.shader = surf.shader;
+ surface.entityNum = surf.entityNum;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ index -= tr.numRTSurfs;
+ Q_assert(index < (uint32_t)tr.world->numsurfaces);
+ const msurface_t& surf = tr.world->surfaces[index];
+ if(surf.rtSurfType != RTST_DYNAMIC)
+ {
+ skip = true;
+ }
+ surface.surface = surf.data;
+ surface.shader = surf.shader;
+ surface.entityNum = ENTITYNUM_WORLD;
+ }
+ skip = skip || surface.shader->numStages <= 0;
+ return skip;
diff --git a/code/renderer/crp_transp_draw.cpp b/code/renderer/crp_transp_draw.cpp
index b337509..34e499c 100644
--- a/code/renderer/crp_transp_draw.cpp
+++ b/code/renderer/crp_transp_draw.cpp
@@ -83,7 +83,6 @@ void WorldTransp::Draw(const drawSceneViewCommand_t& cmd)
backEnd.refdef = cmd.refdef;
backEnd.viewParms = cmd.viewParms;
- RB_CreateClipPlane(clipPlane);
SCOPED_RENDER_PASS("Transparent", 1.0f, 0.5f, 0.5f);
@@ -270,8 +269,6 @@ void WorldTransp::EndBatch()
TranspDrawVertexRC vertexRC = {};
memcpy(vertexRC.modelViewMatrix, backEnd.orient.modelMatrix, sizeof(vertexRC.modelViewMatrix));
- memcpy(vertexRC.projectionMatrix, backEnd.viewParms.projectionMatrix, sizeof(vertexRC.projectionMatrix));
- memcpy(vertexRC.clipPlane, clipPlane, sizeof(vertexRC.clipPlane));
CmdSetGraphicsRootConstants(0, sizeof(vertexRC), &vertexRC);
for(int s = 0; s < shader->numStages; ++s)
diff --git a/code/renderer/grp_local.h b/code/renderer/grp_local.h
index 74f8239..b645d81 100644
--- a/code/renderer/grp_local.h
+++ b/code/renderer/grp_local.h
@@ -308,6 +308,7 @@ private:
struct GRP : IRenderPipeline
void Init() override;
+ void LoadResources() override {}
void ShutDown(bool fullShutDown) override;
void CreateTexture(image_t* image, int mipCount, int width, int height) override;
void UpoadTextureAndGenerateMipMaps(image_t* image, const byte* data) override;
diff --git a/code/renderer/grp_main.cpp b/code/renderer/grp_main.cpp
index ca26e31..c101ff8 100644
--- a/code/renderer/grp_main.cpp
+++ b/code/renderer/grp_main.cpp
@@ -98,6 +98,7 @@ void GRP::Init()
InitDesc initDesc;
initDesc.directDescriptorHeapIndexing = false;
+ initDesc.inlineRaytracing = false;
srp.firstInit = RHI::Init(initDesc);
diff --git a/code/renderer/rhi_d3d12.cpp b/code/renderer/rhi_d3d12.cpp
index 3f9659b..aaa07ff 100644
--- a/code/renderer/rhi_d3d12.cpp
+++ b/code/renderer/rhi_d3d12.cpp
@@ -584,12 +584,13 @@ namespace RHI
struct DescriptorRange
void Init(D3D12_DESCRIPTOR_RANGE_TYPE type, uint32_t start, uint32_t count);
- uint32_t Allocate();
+ uint32_t Allocate(bool slotAtIndex0 = false);
uint32_t start;
uint32_t count;
uint32_t index;
+ bool reservedSlotUsed;
static const uint32_t MaxDescriptorsSRV = 65536;
@@ -640,6 +641,12 @@ namespace RHI
LUID uniqueId;
+ struct BufferToDelete
+ {
+ HBuffer buffer;
+ uint32_t beginFrameCounter;
+ };
struct RHIPrivate
bool initialized;
@@ -653,7 +660,7 @@ namespace RHI
IDXGIFactory1* factory;
IDXGIAdapter1* adapter;
- ID3D12Device* device;
+ ID3D12Device5* device;
D3D12MA::Allocator* allocator;
D3D12MA::Pool* umaPool; // only non-NULL when using a cache-coherent UMA adapter
ID3D12CommandQueue* mainCommandQueue;
@@ -734,6 +741,7 @@ namespace RHI
ReadbackManager readback;
StaticUnorderedArray texturesToTransition;
StaticUnorderedArray buffersToTransition;
+ StaticUnorderedArray buffersToDelete;
FrameQueries frameQueries[FrameCount];
ResolvedQueries resolvedQueries;
PIX pix;
@@ -741,6 +749,9 @@ namespace RHI
int64_t beforeRenderingUS;
GPU gpus[16];
uint32_t gpuCount;
+ HBuffer raytracingScratchBuffer;
+ HBuffer raytracingInstanceBuffer;
+ uint32_t beginFrameCounter;
// immediate-mode barrier API
TextureBarrier textureBarriers[64];
@@ -820,6 +831,30 @@ namespace RHI
return false;
+ static const char* GetUTF8String(const WCHAR* wideStr, const char* defaultUTF8Str)
+ {
+ static char utf8Str[256];
+ const char* utf8StrPtr = defaultUTF8Str;
+ if(WideCharToMultiByte(CP_UTF8, 0, wideStr, -1, utf8Str, sizeof(utf8Str), NULL, NULL) > 0)
+ {
+ utf8StrPtr = utf8Str;
+ }
+ return utf8StrPtr;
+ }
+ static const WCHAR* GetWideString(const char* utf8Str, const WCHAR* defaultWideStr)
+ {
+ static WCHAR wideStr[256];
+ const WCHAR* wideStrPtr = defaultWideStr;
+ if(MultiByteToWideChar(CP_UTF8, 0, utf8Str, -1, wideStr, ARRAY_LEN(wideStr)) > 0)
+ {
+ wideStrPtr = wideStr;
+ }
+ return wideStrPtr;
+ }
static void SetDebugName(ID3D12DeviceChild* resource, const char* resourceName, D3DResourceType::Id resourceType)
if(resourceName == NULL || (uint32_t)resourceType >= D3DResourceType::Count)
@@ -831,13 +866,17 @@ namespace RHI
// ID3D12Object::SetName is a Unicode wrapper for
// ID3D12Object::SetPrivateData with WKPDID_D3DDebugObjectNameW
- resource->SetPrivateData(WKPDID_D3DDebugObjectName, strlen(name), name);
+ // it was good enough for RenderDoc and PIX, but not Nsight
+ //resource->SetPrivateData(WKPDID_D3DDebugObjectName, strlen(name), name);
+ resource->SetName(GetWideString(name, L"???"));
static uint32_t GetBytesPerPixel(TextureFormat::Id format)
+ case TextureFormat::RGBA128_Float:
+ return 16;
case TextureFormat::RGBA64_Float:
return 8;
case TextureFormat::RGBA32_UNorm:
@@ -1160,12 +1199,10 @@ namespace RHI
void UploadManager::EndOfBufferReached()
-#if defined(_DEBUG)
- ri.Printf(PRINT_ALL, "Waiting for GPU upload: %s (%d T, %d B)\n",
+ ri.Printf(PRINT_DEVELOPER, "Waiting for GPU upload: %s (%d T, %d B)\n",
bufferByteOffset = 0;
@@ -1385,13 +1422,6 @@ namespace RHI
return index;
- uint32_t DynamicResources::DescriptorRange::Allocate()
- {
- ASSERT_OR_DIE(index + 1 < start + count, "Not enough descriptors");
- return index++;
- }
void DynamicResources::DescriptorRange::Init(D3D12_DESCRIPTOR_RANGE_TYPE type_, uint32_t start_, uint32_t count_)
Q_assert(count_ > 0);
@@ -1399,7 +1429,23 @@ namespace RHI
type = type_;
start = start_;
count = count_;
- index = start_;
+ index = start_ + 1;
+ reservedSlotUsed = false;
+ }
+ uint32_t DynamicResources::DescriptorRange::Allocate(bool slotAtIndex0)
+ {
+ if(slotAtIndex0)
+ {
+ ASSERT_OR_DIE(!reservedSlotUsed, "Can only use 1 reserved slot");
+ reservedSlotUsed = true;
+ return start;
+ }
+ ASSERT_OR_DIE(index + 1 < start + count, "Not enough descriptors");
+ return index++;
static const char* GetDeviceRemovedReasonString(HRESULT reason)
@@ -1426,18 +1472,6 @@ namespace RHI
- static const char* GetUTF8String(const WCHAR* wideStr, const char* defaultUTF8Str)
- {
- static char utf8Str[256];
- const char* utf8StrPtr = defaultUTF8Str;
- if(WideCharToMultiByte(CP_UTF8, 0, wideStr, -1, utf8Str, sizeof(utf8Str), NULL, NULL) > 0)
- {
- utf8StrPtr = utf8Str;
- }
- return utf8StrPtr;
- }
static bool IsSuitableAdapter(IDXGIAdapter1* adapter)
@@ -1771,6 +1805,7 @@ namespace RHI
case TextureFormat::RGBA32_UNorm: return DXGI_FORMAT_R8G8B8A8_UNORM;
case TextureFormat::RGBA64_UNorm: return DXGI_FORMAT_R16G16B16A16_UNORM;
case TextureFormat::RGBA64_Float: return DXGI_FORMAT_R16G16B16A16_FLOAT;
+ case TextureFormat::RGBA128_Float: return DXGI_FORMAT_R32G32B32A32_FLOAT;
case TextureFormat::Depth32_Float: return DXGI_FORMAT_D32_FLOAT;
case TextureFormat::Depth24_Stencil8: return DXGI_FORMAT_D24_UNORM_S8_UINT;
case TextureFormat::RG16_UNorm: return DXGI_FORMAT_R8G8_UNORM;
@@ -1853,6 +1888,7 @@ namespace RHI
return states;
@@ -1952,6 +1988,7 @@ namespace RHI
case D3D12_RESOURCE_STATE_COPY_SOURCE: return "copy source";
case D3D12_RESOURCE_STATE_GENERIC_READ: return "generic read";
case D3D12_RESOURCE_STATE_ALL_SHADER_RESOURCE: return "generic shader resource";
+ case D3D12_RESOURCE_STATE_RAYTRACING_ACCELERATION_STRUCTURE: return "raytracing acceleration structure";
default: return "???";
@@ -2067,7 +2104,9 @@ namespace RHI
- if(before & after & D3D12_RESOURCE_STATE_UNORDERED_ACCESS)
+ if((before & after & D3D12_RESOURCE_STATE_UNORDERED_ACCESS) != 0 ||
// note that UAV barriers are unnecessary in a bunch of cases:
// - before/after access is read-only
@@ -2308,18 +2347,6 @@ namespace RHI
return flags;
- static void WaitForTempCommandList()
- {
- rhi.tempFence.WaitOnCPU(rhi.tempFenceValue);
- if(rhi.tempCommandListOpen)
- {
- rhi.tempCommandList->Close();
- }
- D3D(rhi.tempCommandAllocator->Reset());
- D3D(rhi.tempCommandList->Reset(rhi.tempCommandAllocator, NULL));
- rhi.tempCommandListOpen = true;
- }
static void WaitForSwapChain()
if(rhi.frameLatencyWaitableObject != NULL && rhi.frameLatencyWaitNeeded)
@@ -2330,7 +2357,7 @@ namespace RHI
- static uint32_t CreateSRV(ID3D12Resource* resource, D3D12_SHADER_RESOURCE_VIEW_DESC& desc)
+ static uint32_t CreateSRV(ID3D12Resource* resource, D3D12_SHADER_RESOURCE_VIEW_DESC& desc, bool slotAtIndex0)
@@ -2344,8 +2371,13 @@ namespace RHI
return rhi.descHeapGeneric.CreateSRV(resource, desc);
+ {
+ resource = NULL;
+ }
DynamicResources& dr = rhi.dynamicResources;
- const uint32_t index = dr.srvIndex.Allocate();
+ const uint32_t index = dr.srvIndex.Allocate(slotAtIndex0);
D3D12_CPU_DESCRIPTOR_HANDLE handle = dr.genericDescriptorHeap->GetCPUDescriptorHandleForHeapStart();
handle.ptr += index * rhi.device->GetDescriptorHandleIncrementSize(D3D12_DESCRIPTOR_HEAP_TYPE_CBV_SRV_UAV);
rhi.device->CreateShaderResourceView(resource, &desc, handle);
@@ -2435,7 +2467,16 @@ namespace RHI
srv.Buffer.StructureByteStride = 0;
srv.Buffer.Flags = D3D12_BUFFER_SRV_FLAG_RAW;
- srvIndex = CreateSRV(resource, srv);
+ srvIndex = CreateSRV(resource, srv, rhiDesc.useSrvIndex0);
+ }
+ else if(rhiDesc.initialState & ResourceStates::RaytracingASBit)
+ {
+ srv.Shader4ComponentMapping = D3D12_DEFAULT_SHADER_4_COMPONENT_MAPPING;
+ srv.RaytracingAccelerationStructure.Location = buffer.gpuAddress;
+ srvIndex = CreateSRV(resource, srv, false);
uint32_t cbvIndex = InvalidDescriptorIndex;
@@ -2495,7 +2536,7 @@ namespace RHI
- texture.srvIndex = CreateSRV(resource, srv);
+ texture.srvIndex = CreateSRV(resource, srv, false);
@@ -2756,6 +2797,47 @@ namespace RHI
+ static void EnsureBufferIsThisLarge(HBuffer& hbuffer, const char* name, ResourceStates::Flags state, uint32_t byteCount)
+ {
+ uint32_t oldByteCount = 0;
+ if(!IsNullHandle(hbuffer))
+ {
+ const Buffer& buffer = rhi.buffers.Get(hbuffer);
+ if(buffer.desc.byteCount >= byteCount)
+ {
+ return;
+ }
+ oldByteCount = buffer.desc.byteCount;
+ }
+ byteCount = max(byteCount, 2 * oldByteCount);
+ DestroyBufferDelayed(hbuffer);
+ BufferDesc desc(name, byteCount, state);
+ desc.shortLifeTime = true;
+ hbuffer = CreateBuffer(desc);
+ }
+ static void UpdateGPUIndexRangeAndHelp()
+ {
+ Cvar_SetRange(r_gpuIndex->name, r_gpuIndex->type, "0", va("%d", rhi.gpuCount));
+ char values[256];
+ StringList stringList;
+ stringList.Init(values, sizeof(values));
+ stringList.Append("0");
+ stringList.Append("Default GPU");
+ stringList.Append("");
+ for(uint32_t i = 0; i < rhi.gpuCount; ++i)
+ {
+ stringList.Append(va("%d", (int)i + 1));
+ stringList.Append(rhi.gpus[i].name);
+ stringList.Append("");
+ }
+ stringList.Terminate();
+ Cvar_SetMenuData(r_gpuIndex->name, CVARCAT_DISPLAY | CVARCAT_PERFORMANCE, "GPU selection", "Choose the GPU to use", "", values);
+ }
static void DrawResourceUsage()
if(BeginTable("Handles", 3))
@@ -3057,6 +3139,9 @@ namespace RHI
if(rhi.device != NULL)
+ rhi.raytracingScratchBuffer = RHI_MAKE_NULL_HANDLE();
+ rhi.raytracingInstanceBuffer = RHI_MAKE_NULL_HANDLE();
@@ -3141,6 +3226,8 @@ namespace RHI
+ UpdateGPUIndexRangeAndHelp();
return false;
@@ -3228,24 +3315,7 @@ namespace RHI
ri.Printf(PRINT_ALL, "Selected graphics adapter: %s\n", adapterNamePtr);
Q_strncpyz(rhi.adapterName, adapterNamePtr, sizeof(rhi.adapterName));
- {
- Cvar_SetRange(r_gpuIndex->name, r_gpuIndex->type, "0", va("%d", rhi.gpuCount));
- char values[256];
- StringList stringList;
- stringList.Init(values, sizeof(values));
- stringList.Append("0");
- stringList.Append("Default GPU");
- stringList.Append("");
- for(uint32_t i = 0; i < rhi.gpuCount; ++i)
- {
- stringList.Append(va("%d", (int)i + 1));
- stringList.Append(rhi.gpus[i].name);
- stringList.Append("");
- }
- stringList.Terminate();
- Cvar_SetMenuData(r_gpuIndex->name, CVARCAT_DISPLAY | CVARCAT_PERFORMANCE, "GPU selection", "Choose the GPU to use", "", values);
- }
+ UpdateGPUIndexRangeAndHelp();
D3D(D3D12CreateDevice(rhi.adapter, FeatureLevel, IID_PPV_ARGS(&rhi.device)));
@@ -3271,6 +3341,18 @@ namespace RHI
+ if(initDesc.inlineRaytracing)
+ {
+ D3D12_FEATURE_DATA_D3D12_OPTIONS5 options5 = {};
+ if(SUCCEEDED(rhi.device->CheckFeatureSupport(D3D12_FEATURE_D3D12_OPTIONS5, &options5, sizeof(options5))))
+ {
+ if(options5.RaytracingTier < D3D12_RAYTRACING_TIER_1_1)
+ {
+ ri.Error(ERR_FATAL, "The CRP requires DXR 1.1 capable hardware\n");
+ }
+ }
+ }
D3D12MA::ALLOCATOR_DESC desc = {};
desc.pDevice = rhi.device;
@@ -3668,6 +3750,8 @@ namespace RHI
rhi.frameBegun = true;
+ rhi.beginFrameCounter++;
rhi.beforeRenderingUS = Sys_Microseconds();
@@ -3724,6 +3808,19 @@ namespace RHI
+ for(uint32_t b = 0; b < rhi.buffersToDelete.count; )
+ {
+ if(rhi.buffersToDelete[b].beginFrameCounter >= rhi.beginFrameCounter)
+ {
+ DestroyBuffer(rhi.buffersToDelete[b].buffer);
+ rhi.buffersToDelete.Remove(b);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ b++;
+ }
+ }
CmdInsertDebugLabel("RHI::BeginFrame", 0.8f, 0.8f, 0.8f);
@@ -3814,12 +3911,22 @@ namespace RHI
+ if(rhiDesc.initialState & ResourceStates::RaytracingASBit)
+ {
+ // it's reserved for future use and isn't the right one to use
+ }
bool transitionNeeded = false;
D3D12MA::ALLOCATION_DESC allocDesc = { 0 };
allocDesc.HeapType = D3D12_HEAP_TYPE_DEFAULT;
- if(rhiDesc.memoryUsage == MemoryUsage::CPU || rhiDesc.memoryUsage == MemoryUsage::Upload)
+ if(rhiDesc.initialState == ResourceStates::RaytracingASBit)
+ {
+ }
+ else if(rhiDesc.memoryUsage == MemoryUsage::CPU || rhiDesc.memoryUsage == MemoryUsage::Upload)
allocDesc.HeapType = D3D12_HEAP_TYPE_UPLOAD;
resourceState = D3D12_RESOURCE_STATE_GENERIC_READ; // mandated
@@ -3897,6 +4004,19 @@ namespace RHI
+ void DestroyBufferDelayed(HBuffer buffer)
+ {
+ if(IsNullHandle(buffer))
+ {
+ return;
+ }
+ BufferToDelete b = {};
+ b.beginFrameCounter = rhi.beginFrameCounter + 2;
+ b.buffer = buffer;
+ rhi.buffersToDelete.Add(b);
+ }
uint8_t* MapBuffer(HBuffer handle)
Buffer& buffer = rhi.buffers.Get(handle);
@@ -4509,7 +4629,7 @@ namespace RHI
desc.RasterizerState.DepthBias = rhiDesc.rasterizer.polygonOffset ? 1 : 0;
desc.RasterizerState.DepthBiasClamp = 0.0f;
desc.RasterizerState.SlopeScaledDepthBias = rhiDesc.rasterizer.polygonOffset ? 1.0f : 0.0f;
- desc.RasterizerState.FillMode = D3D12_FILL_MODE_SOLID;
+ desc.RasterizerState.FillMode = rhiDesc.rasterizer.wireFrame ? D3D12_FILL_MODE_WIREFRAME : D3D12_FILL_MODE_SOLID;
desc.RasterizerState.ForcedSampleCount = 0;
desc.RasterizerState.MultisampleEnable = FALSE;
desc.RasterizerState.DepthClipEnable = rhiDesc.rasterizer.clampDepth ? FALSE : TRUE;
@@ -5138,6 +5258,17 @@ namespace RHI
rhi.commandList->CopyBufferRegion(dst.buffer, 0, src.buffer, 0, byteCount);
+ void CmdCopyBuffer(HBuffer dest, uint32_t destOffset, HBuffer source, uint32_t sourceOffset, uint32_t byteCount)
+ {
+ Q_assert(CanWriteCommands());
+ const Buffer& dst = rhi.buffers.Get(dest);
+ const Buffer& src = rhi.buffers.Get(source);
+ Q_assert(destOffset + byteCount <= dst.desc.byteCount);
+ Q_assert(sourceOffset + byteCount <= src.desc.byteCount);
+ rhi.commandList->CopyBufferRegion(dst.buffer, destOffset, src.buffer, sourceOffset, byteCount);
+ }
void CmdSetShadingRate(ShadingRate::Id shadingRate)
@@ -5225,6 +5356,18 @@ namespace RHI
rhi.tempCommandListOpen = false;
+ void WaitForTempCommandList()
+ {
+ rhi.tempFence.WaitOnCPU(rhi.tempFenceValue);
+ if(rhi.tempCommandListOpen)
+ {
+ rhi.tempCommandList->Close();
+ }
+ D3D(rhi.tempCommandAllocator->Reset());
+ D3D(rhi.tempCommandList->Reset(rhi.tempCommandAllocator, NULL));
+ rhi.tempCommandListOpen = true;
+ }
void BeginTextureReadback(MappedTexture& mappedTexture, HTexture htexture)
rhi.readback.BeginTextureReadback(mappedTexture, htexture);
@@ -5363,6 +5506,160 @@ namespace RHI
ri.Printf(PRINT_ALL, "%s%d^7. %s\n", S_COLOR_VAL, (int)i + 1, rhi.gpus[i].name);
+ void CmdCreateBLAS(HBuffer* blasBuffer, const BLASDesc& rhiDesc)
+ {
+ Q_assert(rhi.commandList == rhi.tempCommandList);
+ Q_assert(rhi.tempCommandListOpen);
+ Q_assert(blasBuffer);
+ Q_assert(!IsNullHandle(rhiDesc.vertexBuffer));
+ Q_assert(!IsNullHandle(rhiDesc.indexBuffer));
+ Q_assert(rhiDesc.meshCount > 0);
+ Q_assert(rhiDesc.meshes);
+ const D3D12_GPU_VIRTUAL_ADDRESS baseVertexAddress = rhi.buffers.Get(rhiDesc.vertexBuffer).gpuAddress;
+ const D3D12_GPU_VIRTUAL_ADDRESS baseIndexAddress = rhi.buffers.Get(rhiDesc.indexBuffer).gpuAddress;
+ (D3D12_RAYTRACING_GEOMETRY_DESC*)calloc(rhiDesc.meshCount, sizeof(D3D12_RAYTRACING_GEOMETRY_DESC));
+ if(geos == NULL)
+ {
+ ri.Error(ERR_FATAL, "Failed to allocate %d D3D12_RAYTRACING_GEOMETRY_DESC instances\n", (int)rhiDesc.meshCount);
+ }
+ for(uint32_t i = 0; i < rhiDesc.meshCount; ++i)
+ {
+ const BLASMeshDesc& mesh = rhiDesc.meshes[i];
+ D3D12_RAYTRACING_GEOMETRY_DESC& geoDesc = geos[i];
+ geoDesc.Flags = mesh.isFullyOpaque ?
+ geoDesc.Triangles.IndexFormat = DXGI_FORMAT_R32_UINT;
+ geoDesc.Triangles.IndexCount = mesh.indexCount;
+ geoDesc.Triangles.IndexBuffer = baseIndexAddress + mesh.firstIndex * sizeof(uint32_t);
+ geoDesc.Triangles.VertexFormat = DXGI_FORMAT_R32G32B32_FLOAT;
+ geoDesc.Triangles.VertexCount = mesh.vertexCount;
+ geoDesc.Triangles.VertexBuffer.StartAddress = baseVertexAddress + mesh.firstVertex * sizeof(vec3_t);
+ geoDesc.Triangles.VertexBuffer.StrideInBytes = sizeof(vec3_t);
+ geoDesc.Triangles.Transform3x4 = NULL;
+ }
+ inputs.DescsLayout = D3D12_ELEMENTS_LAYOUT_ARRAY;
+ inputs.NumDescs = rhiDesc.meshCount;
+ inputs.pGeometryDescs = geos;
+ rhi.device->GetRaytracingAccelerationStructurePrebuildInfo(&inputs, &info);
+ if(info.ResultDataMaxSizeInBytes >= UINT64(4ull << 30ull) ||
+ info.ScratchDataSizeInBytes >= UINT64(4ull << 30ull))
+ {
+ ri.Error(ERR_FATAL, "Attempted to create a BLAS larger than 4 GB!\n");
+ }
+ EnsureBufferIsThisLarge(rhi.raytracingScratchBuffer, "RTAS scratch",
+ ResourceStates::UnorderedAccessBit, (uint32_t)info.ScratchDataSizeInBytes);
+ EnsureBufferIsThisLarge(*blasBuffer, rhiDesc.name,
+ ResourceStates::RaytracingASBit, (uint32_t)info.ResultDataMaxSizeInBytes);
+ rtasDesc.SourceAccelerationStructureData = 0;
+ rtasDesc.DestAccelerationStructureData = rhi.buffers.Get(*blasBuffer).gpuAddress;
+ rtasDesc.ScratchAccelerationStructureData = rhi.buffers.Get(rhi.raytracingScratchBuffer).gpuAddress;
+ rtasDesc.Inputs = inputs;
+ rhi.commandList->BuildRaytracingAccelerationStructure(&rtasDesc, 0, NULL);
+ free(geos);
+ CmdBeginBarrier();
+ CmdBufferBarrier(*blasBuffer, ResourceStates::UnorderedAccessBit);
+ CmdEndBarrier();
+ }
+ void CmdCreateTLAS(HBuffer* tlasBuffer, const TLASDesc& rhiDesc)
+ {
+ Q_assert(rhi.commandList == rhi.tempCommandList);
+ Q_assert(rhi.tempCommandListOpen);
+ Q_assert(tlasBuffer != NULL);
+ Q_assert(rhiDesc.instances);
+ Q_assert(rhiDesc.instanceCount > 0);
+ EnsureBufferIsThisLarge(rhi.raytracingInstanceBuffer, "RT TLAS instance",
+ ResourceStates::Common, rhiDesc.instanceCount * sizeof(D3D12_RAYTRACING_INSTANCE_DESC));
+ D3D12_RAYTRACING_INSTANCE_DESC* const instanceDescs =
+ (D3D12_RAYTRACING_INSTANCE_DESC*)BeginBufferUpload(rhi.raytracingInstanceBuffer);
+ for(uint32_t i = 0; i < rhiDesc.instanceCount; ++i)
+ {
+ const TLASInstanceDesc& rhiInstDesc = rhiDesc.instances[i];
+ instDesc.AccelerationStructure = rhi.buffers.Get(rhiInstDesc.blasBuffer).gpuAddress;
+ switch(rhiInstDesc.cullMode)
+ {
+ case CT_BACK_SIDED: instDesc.Flags = D3D12_RAYTRACING_INSTANCE_FLAG_NONE; break;
+ }
+ instDesc.InstanceContributionToHitGroupIndex = 0; // @TODO: do we care for this?
+ instDesc.InstanceID = rhiInstDesc.instanceId;
+ instDesc.InstanceMask = rhiInstDesc.instanceMask;
+ instDesc.Transform[0][0] = rhiInstDesc.transform[0]; // @TODO: confirm order
+ instDesc.Transform[1][0] = rhiInstDesc.transform[1];
+ instDesc.Transform[2][0] = rhiInstDesc.transform[2];
+ instDesc.Transform[0][1] = rhiInstDesc.transform[3];
+ instDesc.Transform[1][1] = rhiInstDesc.transform[4];
+ instDesc.Transform[2][1] = rhiInstDesc.transform[5];
+ instDesc.Transform[0][2] = rhiInstDesc.transform[6];
+ instDesc.Transform[1][2] = rhiInstDesc.transform[7];
+ instDesc.Transform[2][2] = rhiInstDesc.transform[8];
+ instDesc.Transform[0][3] = rhiInstDesc.translation[0];
+ instDesc.Transform[1][3] = rhiInstDesc.translation[1];
+ instDesc.Transform[2][3] = rhiInstDesc.translation[2];
+ memcpy(&instanceDescs[i], &instDesc, sizeof(D3D12_RAYTRACING_INSTANCE_DESC));
+ }
+ EndBufferUpload(rhi.raytracingInstanceBuffer);
+ // GPU wait for the copy queue to be done executing on the GPU
+ rhi.upload.WaitToStartDrawing(rhi.computeCommandQueue);
+ inputs.DescsLayout = D3D12_ELEMENTS_LAYOUT_ARRAY;
+ inputs.NumDescs = rhiDesc.instanceCount;
+ inputs.InstanceDescs = rhi.buffers.Get(rhi.raytracingInstanceBuffer).gpuAddress;
+ rhi.device->GetRaytracingAccelerationStructurePrebuildInfo(&inputs, &info);
+ if(info.ResultDataMaxSizeInBytes >= UINT64(4ull << 30ull) ||
+ info.ScratchDataSizeInBytes >= UINT64(4ull << 30ull))
+ {
+ ri.Error(ERR_FATAL, "Attempted to create a BLAS larger than 4 GB!\n");
+ }
+ EnsureBufferIsThisLarge(rhi.raytracingScratchBuffer, "RTAS scratch",
+ ResourceStates::UnorderedAccessBit, (uint32_t)info.ScratchDataSizeInBytes);
+ EnsureBufferIsThisLarge(*tlasBuffer, "RT TLAS",
+ ResourceStates::RaytracingASBit, (uint32_t)info.ResultDataMaxSizeInBytes);
+ rtasDesc.DestAccelerationStructureData = rhi.buffers.Get(*tlasBuffer).gpuAddress;
+ rtasDesc.ScratchAccelerationStructureData = rhi.buffers.Get(rhi.raytracingScratchBuffer).gpuAddress;
+ rtasDesc.Inputs = inputs;
+ rhi.commandList->BuildRaytracingAccelerationStructure(&rtasDesc, 0, NULL);
+ CmdBeginBarrier();
+ CmdBufferBarrier(*tlasBuffer, ResourceStates::UnorderedAccessBit);
+ CmdEndBarrier();
+ }
void R_WaitBeforeInputSampling()
diff --git a/code/renderer/rhi_local.h b/code/renderer/rhi_local.h
index c6e7bb3..639f562 100644
--- a/code/renderer/rhi_local.h
+++ b/code/renderer/rhi_local.h
@@ -91,6 +91,7 @@ namespace RHI
DepthWriteBit = RHI_BIT(10),
UnorderedAccessBit = RHI_BIT(11),
PresentBit = RHI_BIT(12),
+ RaytracingASBit = RHI_BIT(13),
ShaderAccessBits = VertexShaderAccessBit | PixelShaderAccessBit | ComputeShaderAccessBit,
DepthAccessBits = DepthReadBit | DepthWriteBit
@@ -164,6 +165,7 @@ namespace RHI
+ RGBA128_Float,
@@ -422,6 +424,7 @@ namespace RHI
cullType_t cullMode = CT_FRONT_SIDED;
bool polygonOffset = false;
bool clampDepth = false;
+ bool wireFrame = false;
struct RenderTarget
@@ -467,10 +470,13 @@ namespace RHI
BufferDesc(const char* name_, uint32_t byteCount_, ResourceStates::Flags initialState_)
name = name_;
+ shortLifeTime = false;
byteCount = byteCount_;
initialState = initialState_;
memoryUsage = MemoryUsage::GPU;
committedResource = false;
+ structureByteCount = 0;
+ useSrvIndex0 = false;
const char* name = NULL;
@@ -480,6 +486,7 @@ namespace RHI
MemoryUsage::Id memoryUsage = MemoryUsage::GPU;
bool committedResource = false;
uint32_t structureByteCount = 0; // > 0 means structured buffer, == 0 means byte address buffer
+ bool useSrvIndex0 = false;
struct TextureDesc
@@ -671,12 +678,49 @@ namespace RHI
const ShaderMacro* macros = NULL;
+ struct BLASMeshDesc
+ {
+ uint32_t firstVertex;
+ uint32_t vertexCount;
+ uint32_t firstIndex;
+ uint32_t indexCount;
+ bool isFullyOpaque; // alpha testing the first stage doesn't count as opaque here
+ };
+ struct BLASDesc
+ {
+ const char* name;
+ HBuffer vertexBuffer; // GPU resident, 3x float32, no padding, released by the RHI
+ HBuffer indexBuffer; // GPU resident, 1x uint32, released by the RHI
+ const BLASMeshDesc* meshes;
+ uint32_t meshCount;
+ };
+ struct TLASInstanceDesc
+ {
+ HBuffer blasBuffer;
+ float transform[9]; // scale + rotation
+ float translation[3];
+ cullType_t cullMode;
+ uint32_t instanceId;
+ uint8_t instanceMask;
+ };
+ struct TLASDesc
+ {
+ const TLASInstanceDesc* instances;
+ uint32_t instanceCount;
+ };
struct InitDesc
// HLSL 6.6 Dynamic Resources
// - all shader resources are exclusively used through ResourceDescriptorHeap and SamplerDescriptorHeap
// - all root signature and descriptor table functions are disabled
bool directDescriptorHeapIndexing = false;
+ // shut down if DXR 1.1 isn't available
+ bool inlineRaytracing = false;
bool Init(const InitDesc& desc); // true when a full init happened (the device was created)
@@ -690,6 +734,7 @@ namespace RHI
HBuffer CreateBuffer(const BufferDesc& desc);
void DestroyBuffer(HBuffer buffer);
+ void DestroyBufferDelayed(HBuffer buffer);
uint8_t* MapBuffer(HBuffer buffer);
void UnmapBuffer(HBuffer buffer);
@@ -742,7 +787,10 @@ namespace RHI
void CmdEndDebugLabel();
void CmdSetStencilReference(uint8_t stencilRef);
void CmdCopyBuffer(HBuffer dest, HBuffer source);
+ void CmdCopyBuffer(HBuffer dest, uint32_t destOffset, HBuffer source, uint32_t sourceOffset, uint32_t byteCount);
void CmdSetShadingRate(ShadingRate::Id shadingRate);
+ void CmdCreateBLAS(HBuffer* blasBuffer, const BLASDesc& desc);
+ void CmdCreateTLAS(HBuffer* tlasBuffer, const TLASDesc& desc);
// only available when dynamic resources are enabled
uint32_t GetTextureIndexSRV(HTexture texture);
@@ -766,6 +814,7 @@ namespace RHI
// the temporary command list is guaranteed to be done executing before the next BeginFrame call ends
void BeginTempCommandList();
void EndTempCommandList();
+ void WaitForTempCommandList();
void BeginTextureReadback(MappedTexture& mappedTexture, HTexture texture);
void EndTextureReadback();
diff --git a/code/renderer/shaders/crp/add_light.hlsl b/code/renderer/shaders/crp/add_light.hlsl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..86d09c0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/code/renderer/shaders/crp/add_light.hlsl
@@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
+Copyright (C) 2024 Gian 'myT' Schellenbaum
+This file is part of Challenge Quake 3 (CNQ3).
+Challenge Quake 3 is free software; you can redistribute it
+and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
+published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License,
+or (at your option) any later version.
+Challenge Quake 3 is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+GNU General Public License for more details.
+You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+along with Challenge Quake 3. If not, see .
+// fetches and returns direct light data for non-lightmapped surfaces
+#include "common.hlsli"
+#include "scene_view.h.hlsli"
+cbuffer RootConstants
+ matrix modelViewMatrix;
+struct VIn
+ float3 position : POSITION;
+struct VOut
+ float4 position : SV_Position;
+ float clipDist : SV_ClipDistance0;
+VOut vs(VIn input)
+ SceneView scene = GetSceneView();
+ float4 positionVS = mul(modelViewMatrix, float4(input.position.xyz, 1));
+ VOut output;
+ output.position = mul(scene.projectionMatrix, positionVS);
+ output.clipDist = dot(positionVS, scene.clipPlane);
+ return output;
+float4 ps(VOut input) : SV_Target
+ SceneView scene = GetSceneView();
+ Texture2D lightTexture = ResourceDescriptorHeap[scene.lightTextureIndex];
+ uint3 tc = uint3(input.position.xy, 0);
+ float3 color = lightTexture.Load(tc).rgb;
+ float4 result = float4(color, 0);
+ return result;
diff --git a/code/renderer/shaders/crp/world.hlsli b/code/renderer/shaders/crp/alpha_test.h.hlsli
similarity index 83%
rename from code/renderer/shaders/crp/world.hlsli
rename to code/renderer/shaders/crp/alpha_test.h.hlsli
index c8934a2..c8f3dc4 100644
--- a/code/renderer/shaders/crp/world.hlsli
+++ b/code/renderer/shaders/crp/alpha_test.h.hlsli
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-Copyright (C) 2023 Gian 'myT' Schellenbaum
+Copyright (C) 2023-2024 Gian 'myT' Schellenbaum
This file is part of Challenge Quake 3 (CNQ3).
@@ -18,12 +18,18 @@ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with Challenge Quake 3. If not, see .
-// shared world surface rendering functions
+// shared alpha test symbols and functions
#pragma once
+#define ATEST_NONE 0u
+#define ATEST_GT_0 1u
+#define ATEST_LT_HALF 2u
+#define ATEST_GE_HALF 3u
+#if !defined(__cplusplus)
bool FailsAlphaTest(float alpha, uint alphaTest)
if(alphaTest == ATEST_GT_0)
@@ -35,3 +41,4 @@ bool FailsAlphaTest(float alpha, uint alphaTest)
else // ATEST_NONE
return false;
diff --git a/code/renderer/shaders/crp/common.hlsli b/code/renderer/shaders/crp/common.hlsli
index e035b7f..40a0a9c 100644
--- a/code/renderer/shaders/crp/common.hlsli
+++ b/code/renderer/shaders/crp/common.hlsli
@@ -149,7 +149,7 @@ float smoothstep01(float x)
float2 OctWrap(float2 v)
- return (1.0 - abs(v.yx)) * (v.xy >= 0.0 ? 1.0 : -1.0);
+ return (1.0 - abs(v.yx)) * select(v.xy >= 0.0, 1.0, -1.0);
float2 OctEncode(float3 n)
@@ -166,12 +166,12 @@ float3 OctDecode(float2 f)
f = f * 2.0 - 1.0;
float3 n = float3(f.x, f.y, 1.0 - abs(f.x) - abs(f.y));
float t = saturate(-n.z);
- n.xy += n.xy >= 0.0 ? -t : t;
+ n.xy += select(n.xy >= 0.0, -t, t);
return normalize(n);
-float3 GetPositionFromDepth(float2 tc01, float depthZW, float4x4 invMatrix)
+float3 GetPositionFromDepth(float2 tc01, float depthZW, matrix invMatrix)
float x = tc01.x * 2.0 - 1.0;
float y = (1.0 - tc01.y) * 2.0 - 1.0;
@@ -180,3 +180,139 @@ float3 GetPositionFromDepth(float2 tc01, float depthZW, float4x4 invMatrix)
return result;
+float3 TransformNormal(float3 normal, matrix transform)
+ return mul(transform, float4(normal, 0)).xyz;
+float3 TransformPoint(float3 position, matrix transform)
+ float4 result = mul(transform, float4(position, 1));
+ return result.xyz / result.w;
+float3 RandomColorFromUInt(uint id)
+ float r = frac(0.420 + 1.337 * id);
+ float g = frac(0.69 + 1.666 * id);
+ float b = frac(0.13 + 1.777 * id);
+ return float3(r, g, b);
+float3 BiasPosition(float3 position, float3 normal)
+ float3 result = position + sign(normal) * abs(position * 0.0000002);
+ return result;
+// from Mauricio Vives, https://gist.github.com/pixnblox/5e64b0724c186313bc7b6ce096b08820
+// Projects the specified position (point) onto the plane with the specified origin and normal.
+float3 ProjectPointOnPlane(float3 position, float3 planeOrigin, float3 planeNormal)
+ return position - dot(position - planeOrigin, planeNormal) * planeNormal;
+// from Mauricio Vives, https://gist.github.com/pixnblox/5e64b0724c186313bc7b6ce096b08820
+// Computes the shading position of the specified geometric position and vertex positions and
+// normals. For a triangle with normals describing a convex surface, this point will be slightly
+// above the surface. For a concave surface, the geometry position is used directly.
+// NOTE: The difference between the shading position and geometry position is significant when
+// casting shadow rays. If the geometric position is used, a triangle may fully shadow itself when
+// it should be partly lit based on the shading normals; this is the "shadow terminator" problem.
+float3 GetShadingPosition(
+ float3 geomPosition, float3 shadingNormal,
+ float3 positions[3], float3 normals[3], float3 barycentrics)
+ // Project the geometric position (inside the triangle) to the planes defined by the vertex
+ // positions and normals.
+ float3 p0 = ProjectPointOnPlane(geomPosition, positions[0], normals[0]);
+ float3 p1 = ProjectPointOnPlane(geomPosition, positions[1], normals[1]);
+ float3 p2 = ProjectPointOnPlane(geomPosition, positions[2], normals[2]);
+ // Interpolate the projected positions using the barycentric coordinates, which gives the
+ // shading position.
+ float3 shadingPosition = p0 * barycentrics.x + p1 * barycentrics.y + p2 * barycentrics.z;
+ // Return the shading position for a convex triangle, where the shading point is above the
+ // triangle based on the shading normal. Otherwise use the geometric position.
+ bool convex = dot(shadingPosition - geomPosition, shadingNormal) > 0.0;
+ float3 result = convex ? shadingPosition : BiasPosition(geomPosition, shadingNormal);
+ return result;
+// based on "Hacking the Shadow Terminator" by Johannes Hanika in "Ray Tracing Gems II"
+float3 GetShadingPositionV2(float3 geomPosition, float3 positions[3], float3 normals[3], float3 barycentrics)
+ float3 tmpu = geomPosition - positions[0];
+ float3 tmpv = geomPosition - positions[1];
+ float3 tmpw = geomPosition - positions[2];
+ float dotu = min(0.0, dot(tmpu, normals[0]));
+ float dotv = min(0.0, dot(tmpv, normals[1]));
+ float dotw = min(0.0, dot(tmpw, normals[2]));
+ tmpu -= dotu * normals[0];
+ tmpv -= dotv * normals[1];
+ tmpw -= dotw * normals[2];
+ float3 shadingPosition = geomPosition + 1.0 * (barycentrics.x * tmpu + barycentrics.y * tmpv + barycentrics.z * tmpw);
+ return shadingPosition;
+T trilerp(T v0, T v1, T v2, float3 barycentrics)
+ return
+ barycentrics.x * v0 +
+ barycentrics.y * v1 +
+ barycentrics.z * v2;
+float trilerp(float v0, float v1, float v2, float3 barycentrics)
+ return dot(float3(v0, v1, v2), barycentrics);
+// Interleaved Gradient Noise by Jorge Jimenez
+// from "Next Generation Post Processing in Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare"
+float InterleavedGradientNoise(float2 uv)
+ float3 magic = float3(0.06711056, 0.00583715, 52.9829189);
+ return frac(magic.z * frac(dot(uv, magic.xy)));
+bool IsValueInRange(T p, T min, T max)
+ return all(p >= min) && all(p <= max);
+uint2 GetTextureSize(Texture2D texture0)
+ uint2 size;
+ texture0.GetDimensions(size.x, size.y);
+ return size;
+// by Sakib Saikia, https://sakibsaikia.github.io/graphics/2022/01/04/Nan-Checks-In-HLSL.html
+bool IsNan(float x)
+ return (asuint(x) & 0x7FFFFFFFu) > 0x7F800000u;
+bool isnan(float x)
+ return IsNan(x);
+// from "Using Blue Noise For Raytraced Soft Shadows" by Alan Wolfe in "Ray Tracing Gems II"
+// this turns the blue noise into a low discrepancy additive recurrence
+float AnimateBlueNoise(float blueNoise, uint frameIndex)
+ return frac(blueNoise + float(frameIndex % 32) * 0.61803399);
diff --git a/code/renderer/shaders/crp/dl_denoising.hlsl b/code/renderer/shaders/crp/dl_denoising.hlsl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c4b899a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/code/renderer/shaders/crp/dl_denoising.hlsl
@@ -0,0 +1,93 @@
+Copyright (C) 2024 Gian 'myT' Schellenbaum
+This file is part of Challenge Quake 3 (CNQ3).
+Challenge Quake 3 is free software; you can redistribute it
+and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
+published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License,
+or (at your option) any later version.
+Challenge Quake 3 is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+GNU General Public License for more details.
+You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+along with Challenge Quake 3. If not, see .
+// denoising direct lighting from dynamic lights
+#include "common.hlsli"
+#include "fullscreen.hlsli"
+#include "scene_view.h.hlsli"
+cbuffer RootConstants
+ uint textureIndex;
+float4 ps(VOut input) : SV_Target
+ SceneView scene = GetSceneView();
+ Texture2D shadingPositionTexture = ResourceDescriptorHeap[scene.shadingPositionTextureIndex];
+ Texture2D texture0 = ResourceDescriptorHeap[textureIndex];
+ int2 textureMax = GetTextureSize(texture0) - int2(1, 1);
+ int2 tcFrag = int2(input.position.xy);
+ float3 positionFrag = shadingPositionTexture.Load(uint3(tcFrag, 0)).xyz;
+ float distThreshold = 8.0;
+ float maxError = 0.0;
+ for(int y = -4; y <= 4; y++)
+ {
+ for(int x = -4; x <= 4; x++)
+ {
+ int2 tc = tcFrag + int2(x, y);
+ if(!IsValueInRange(tcFrag, int2(0, 0), textureMax))
+ {
+ continue;
+ }
+ uint3 tc3 = uint3(tc, 0);
+ float errorFrag = texture0.Load(tc3).w;
+ maxError = max(maxError, errorFrag);
+ }
+ }
+ maxError = saturate(maxError);
+ float3 accum = float3(0, 0, 0);
+ float weightSum = 0.0;
+ int blurRadius = 1 + int(maxError * 8.0);
+ for(int y = -blurRadius; y <= blurRadius; y++)
+ {
+ for(int x = -blurRadius; x <= blurRadius; x++)
+ {
+ int2 tc = tcFrag + int2(x, y);
+ if(!IsValueInRange(tcFrag, int2(0, 0), textureMax))
+ {
+ continue;
+ }
+ uint3 tc3 = uint3(tc, 0);
+ float3 positionSample = shadingPositionTexture.Load(tc3).xyz;
+ float3 colorSample = texture0.Load(tc3).rgb;
+ float posWeight = 1.0 - saturate(distance(positionSample, positionFrag) / distThreshold);
+ float weight = posWeight;
+ accum += colorSample * posWeight;
+ weightSum += weight;
+ }
+ }
+ if(weightSum > 0.0)
+ {
+ accum /= weightSum;
+ }
+ float4 result = float4(accum, 1);
+ return result;
diff --git a/code/renderer/shaders/crp/dl_draw.hlsl b/code/renderer/shaders/crp/dl_draw.hlsl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..24cb1d4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/code/renderer/shaders/crp/dl_draw.hlsl
@@ -0,0 +1,256 @@
+Copyright (C) 2024 Gian 'myT' Schellenbaum
+This file is part of Challenge Quake 3 (CNQ3).
+Challenge Quake 3 is free software; you can redistribute it
+and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
+published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License,
+or (at your option) any later version.
+Challenge Quake 3 is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+GNU General Public License for more details.
+You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+along with Challenge Quake 3. If not, see .
+// direct lighting from dynamic lights
+#include "common.hlsli"
+#include "fullscreen.hlsli"
+#include "raytracing.h.hlsli"
+#include "scene_view.h.hlsli"
+#include "alpha_test.h.hlsli"
+cbuffer RootConstants
+ uint blueNoiseTextureIndex;
+#define CLASS_OPAQUE 0u
+uint ClassifyNonOpaqueTriangle(inout float3 light, StructuredBuffer tlasInstanceBuffer, uint instanceId, uint meshId, uint triangleId, float2 bary2, bool frontFace)
+ TLASInstance instance = tlasInstanceBuffer[instanceId];
+#if 0
+ // @TODO: is this needed or not?
+ // cull mode: 0 is front-sided, 1 is back-sided
+ if((frontFace && instance.cullMode == 1) ||
+ (!frontFace && instance.cullMode == 0))
+ {
+ }
+ StructuredBuffer meshBuffer = ResourceDescriptorHeap[instance.meshBufferIndex];
+ BLASMesh mesh = meshBuffer[meshId];
+ float3 barycentrics = float3(1.0 - bary2.x - bary2.y, bary2.x, bary2.y);
+ StructuredBuffer vertexBuffer = ResourceDescriptorHeap[instance.vertexBufferIndex];
+ StructuredBuffer indexBuffer = ResourceDescriptorHeap[instance.indexBufferIndex];
+ uint firstIndex = mesh.firstIndex + triangleId * 3;
+ uint vtxIdx0 = mesh.firstVertex + indexBuffer[firstIndex + 0];
+ uint vtxIdx1 = mesh.firstVertex + indexBuffer[firstIndex + 1];
+ uint vtxIdx2 = mesh.firstVertex + indexBuffer[firstIndex + 2];
+ BLASVertex v0 = vertexBuffer[vtxIdx0];
+ BLASVertex v1 = vertexBuffer[vtxIdx1];
+ BLASVertex v2 = vertexBuffer[vtxIdx2];
+ float2 texCoords = trilerp(v0.texCoords, v1.texCoords, v2.texCoords, barycentrics);
+ float4 vertexColor = trilerp(UnpackColor(v0.color), UnpackColor(v1.color), UnpackColor(v2.color), barycentrics);
+ Texture2D texture0 = ResourceDescriptorHeap[mesh.textureIndex];
+ SamplerState sampler0 = SamplerDescriptorHeap[mesh.samplerIndex];
+ float4 textureColor = texture0.SampleLevel(sampler0, texCoords, 0);
+ float4 hitColor = vertexColor * textureColor;
+ if(mesh.alphaTestMode == 0)
+ {
+ float3 blended;
+ if(mesh.blendBits == (GLS_SRCBLEND_ONE | GLS_DSTBLEND_ONE))
+ {
+ blended = lerp(light, hitColor.rgb, Brightness(hitColor.rgb));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ blended = Blend(hitColor, float4(light, 1), mesh.blendBits).rgb;
+ }
+ if(all(blended == light))
+ {
+ }
+ light = blended;
+ }
+ if(FailsAlphaTest(hitColor.a, mesh.alphaTestMode))
+ {
+ }
+ return CLASS_OPAQUE;
+float2 MapSquareToDisk(float2 square01)
+ float radius = sqrt(square01.x);
+ float angle = square01.y * 2.0 * 3.14159265359;
+ float2 sinCos;
+ sincos(angle, sinCos.x, sinCos.y);
+ float2 result = radius * sinCos;
+ return result;
+float3 GetRayDirectionForSphereLight(float2 square01, float3 surfacePos, float3 lightPos, float worldRadius)
+ float3 direction = normalize(lightPos - surfacePos);
+ float radius = worldRadius / length(lightPos - surfacePos);
+ float2 pointInDisk = MapSquareToDisk(square01) * radius;
+ float3 tangent = normalize(cross(direction, float3(0, 1, 0)));
+ float3 bitangent = normalize(cross(tangent, direction));
+ float3 result = normalize(direction + pointInDisk.x * tangent + pointInDisk.y * bitangent);
+ return result;
+// true when fully in shadow
+bool TraceShadowRay(
+ out float t, inout float3 light,
+ RaytracingAccelerationStructure rtas, StructuredBuffer instBuffer,
+ float3 position, float3 direction, float dist)
+ RayDesc ray;
+ ray.Origin = position;
+ ray.Direction = direction;
+ ray.TMin = 0.0;
+ ray.TMax = dist;
+ t = 0.0;
+ float translucentT = 0.0;
+ RayQuery q;
+ q.TraceRayInline(rtas, RAY_FLAG_NONE, 0xFF, ray);
+ while(q.Proceed())
+ {
+ if(q.CandidateType() == CANDIDATE_NON_OPAQUE_TRIANGLE)
+ {
+ uint type = ClassifyNonOpaqueTriangle(
+ light,
+ instBuffer,
+ q.CandidateInstanceIndex(),
+ q.CandidateGeometryIndex(),
+ q.CandidatePrimitiveIndex(),
+ q.CandidateTriangleBarycentrics(),
+ q.CandidateTriangleFrontFace());
+ if(type == CLASS_OPAQUE)
+ {
+ q.CommitNonOpaqueTriangleHit();
+ }
+ else if(type == CLASS_TRANSLUCENT)
+ {
+ translucentT = q.CandidateTriangleRayT();
+ t = translucentT;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if(q.CommittedStatus() == COMMITTED_TRIANGLE_HIT)
+ {
+ t = q.CommittedRayT();
+ }
+ if(q.CommittedStatus() == COMMITTED_TRIANGLE_HIT && t > translucentT)
+ {
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+// true when fully in shadow
+bool TraceShadowRayOpaqueOnly(
+ out float t, inout float3 light,
+ RaytracingAccelerationStructure rtas, StructuredBuffer instBuffer,
+ float3 position, float3 direction, float dist)
+ RayDesc ray;
+ ray.Origin = position;
+ ray.Direction = direction;
+ ray.TMin = 0.0;
+ ray.TMax = dist;
+ t = 0.0;
+ bool keepLight = false;
+ RayQuery q;
+ q.TraceRayInline(rtas, RAY_FLAG_NONE, 0xFF, ray);
+ q.Proceed();
+ if(q.CommittedStatus() == COMMITTED_TRIANGLE_HIT)
+ {
+ t = q.CommittedRayT();
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+float4 ps(VOut input) : SV_Target
+ SceneView scene = GetSceneView();
+ RaytracingAccelerationStructure rtas = ResourceDescriptorHeap[scene.tlasBufferIndex];
+ Texture2D normalTexture = ResourceDescriptorHeap[scene.normalTextureIndex];
+ Texture2D shadingPositionTexture = ResourceDescriptorHeap[scene.shadingPositionTextureIndex];
+ StructuredBuffer tlasInstanceBuffer = ResourceDescriptorHeap[scene.tlasInstanceBufferIndex];
+ Texture2D blueNoiseTexture = ResourceDescriptorHeap[blueNoiseTextureIndex];
+ uint2 blueNoiseTextureSize;
+ blueNoiseTexture.GetDimensions(blueNoiseTextureSize.x, blueNoiseTextureSize.y);
+ uint3 tc = uint3(input.position.xy, 0);
+ float3 normalWS = normalize(OctDecode(normalTexture.Load(tc)));
+ float3 positionWS = shadingPositionTexture.Load(tc).xyz;
+ float error = 0.0;
+ float3 pixelAccum = float3(0, 0, 0);
+ for(uint i = 0; i < scene.lightCount; i++)
+ {
+ float3 lightPosition = scene.lights[i].position;
+ float dist = distance(positionWS, lightPosition);
+ float radius = scene.lights[i].radius;
+ if(dist >= radius)
+ {
+ continue;
+ }
+ float innerRadius = radius / 100.0;
+ float intensity = saturate(1.0 - dist / radius);
+ float3 lightDir = normalize(lightPosition - positionWS);
+ float3 lightRaw = scene.lights[i].color * intensity * max(dot(normalWS, lightDir), 0.0);
+ const uint SampleCount = 4;
+ float3 lightAccum = float3(0, 0, 0);
+ for(uint r = 0; r < SampleCount; r++)
+ {
+ float3 light = lightRaw;
+ uint2 pos = uint2(input.position.xy) + uint2(r * 17, r * 13 + 7);
+ uint2 tc = pos % blueNoiseTextureSize;
+ float2 square01 = blueNoiseTexture.Load(uint3(tc, 0)).xy;
+ float3 dir = GetRayDirectionForSphereLight(square01, positionWS, lightPosition, innerRadius);
+ float t;
+ bool inShadow = TraceShadowRay(t, light, rtas, tlasInstanceBuffer, positionWS, dir, dist);
+ error = max(error, t / radius);
+ if(inShadow)
+ {
+ continue;
+ }
+ lightAccum += light;
+ }
+ pixelAccum += lightAccum / float(SampleCount);
+ }
+ float4 result = float4(pixelAccum, saturate(error));
+ return result;
diff --git a/code/renderer/shaders/crp/gbufferviz_depth.hlsl b/code/renderer/shaders/crp/gbufferviz_depth.hlsl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7b7751f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/code/renderer/shaders/crp/gbufferviz_depth.hlsl
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+Copyright (C) 2024 Gian 'myT' Schellenbaum
+This file is part of Challenge Quake 3 (CNQ3).
+Challenge Quake 3 is free software; you can redistribute it
+and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
+published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License,
+or (at your option) any later version.
+Challenge Quake 3 is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+GNU General Public License for more details.
+You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+along with Challenge Quake 3. If not, see .
+// linearizes raw depth buffer values for visualization
+#include "common.hlsli"
+#include "fullscreen.hlsli"
+cbuffer RootConstants
+ uint depthTextureIndex;
+ float linearDepthA;
+ float linearDepthB;
+ float zFarInv;
+float4 ps(VOut input) : SV_Target
+ Texture2D depthTexture = ResourceDescriptorHeap[depthTextureIndex];
+ uint3 tc = uint3(input.position.xy, 0);
+ float depthZW = depthTexture.Load(tc);
+ float depth = LinearDepth(depthZW, linearDepthA, linearDepthB);
+ float depth01 = depth * zFarInv;
+ float4 result = float4(depth01.xxx, 1);
+ return result;
diff --git a/code/renderer/shaders/crp/gbufferviz_normal.hlsl b/code/renderer/shaders/crp/gbufferviz_normal.hlsl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..97e7909
--- /dev/null
+++ b/code/renderer/shaders/crp/gbufferviz_normal.hlsl
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+Copyright (C) 2024 Gian 'myT' Schellenbaum
+This file is part of Challenge Quake 3 (CNQ3).
+Challenge Quake 3 is free software; you can redistribute it
+and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
+published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License,
+or (at your option) any later version.
+Challenge Quake 3 is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+GNU General Public License for more details.
+You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+along with Challenge Quake 3. If not, see .
+// decodes octahedron-encoded normals for visualization
+#include "common.hlsli"
+#include "fullscreen.hlsli"
+cbuffer RootConstants
+ uint normalTextureIndex;
+float4 ps(VOut input) : SV_Target
+ Texture2D normalTexture = ResourceDescriptorHeap[normalTextureIndex];
+ uint3 tc = uint3(input.position.xy, 0);
+ float3 normalWS = OctDecode(normalTexture.Load(tc));
+ float3 normal = normalize(normalWS) * 0.5 + 0.5;
+ float4 result = float4(normal, 1);
+ return result;
diff --git a/code/renderer/shaders/crp/gbufferviz_position.hlsl b/code/renderer/shaders/crp/gbufferviz_position.hlsl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..41179c3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/code/renderer/shaders/crp/gbufferviz_position.hlsl
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+Copyright (C) 2024 Gian 'myT' Schellenbaum
+This file is part of Challenge Quake 3 (CNQ3).
+Challenge Quake 3 is free software; you can redistribute it
+and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
+published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License,
+or (at your option) any later version.
+Challenge Quake 3 is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+GNU General Public License for more details.
+You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+along with Challenge Quake 3. If not, see .
+// decodes the per-axis differences between geometry and shading positions
+#include "common.hlsli"
+#include "fullscreen.hlsli"
+cbuffer RootConstants
+ uint textureIndex;
+ uint coloredDelta;
+float4 ps(VOut input) : SV_Target
+ Texture2D positionTexture = ResourceDescriptorHeap[textureIndex];
+ uint3 tc = uint3(input.position.xy, 0);
+ float delta = positionTexture.Load(tc).w;
+ float4 unpacked = UnpackColor(asuint(delta));
+ float3 color = coloredDelta > 0 ? unpacked.rgb : unpacked.aaa;
+ float4 result = float4(color, 1);
+ return result;
diff --git a/code/renderer/shaders/crp/imgui.hlsl b/code/renderer/shaders/crp/imgui.hlsl
index bd1c65c..f5f8f33 100644
--- a/code/renderer/shaders/crp/imgui.hlsl
+++ b/code/renderer/shaders/crp/imgui.hlsl
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-Copyright (C) 2023 Gian 'myT' Schellenbaum
+Copyright (C) 2023-2024 Gian 'myT' Schellenbaum
This file is part of Challenge Quake 3 (CNQ3).
@@ -27,6 +27,7 @@ cbuffer RootConstants : register(b0)
uint textureIndex;
uint samplerIndex;
float mipIndex;
+ float colorScale;
struct VIn
@@ -57,7 +58,8 @@ float4 ps(VOut input) : SV_Target
Texture2D texture0 = ResourceDescriptorHeap[textureIndex];
SamplerState sampler0 = SamplerDescriptorHeap[samplerIndex];
- float4 result = input.col * texture0.SampleLevel(sampler0, input.uv, mipIndex);
+ float4 color = float4(colorScale.xxx, 1);
+ float4 result = input.col * color * texture0.SampleLevel(sampler0, input.uv, mipIndex);
return result;
diff --git a/code/renderer/shaders/crp/magnifier.hlsl b/code/renderer/shaders/crp/magnifier.hlsl
index 32f9e41..cddb663 100644
--- a/code/renderer/shaders/crp/magnifier.hlsl
+++ b/code/renderer/shaders/crp/magnifier.hlsl
@@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ float4 ps(VOut input) : SV_Target
// we need to map diff values -N..-1 to -1 and 0..N-1 to 0 after division
// hence the N-1 offset for negative diff values
int2 negOffset = int2(magnifierScale - 1, magnifierScale - 1);
- diff -= diff < int2(0, 0) ? negOffset : int2(0, 0);
+ diff -= select(diff < int2(0, 0), negOffset, int2(0, 0));
tc = tcCursor + diff / magnifierScale;
float3 color = colorTexture.Load(int3(tc.x, tc.y, 0)).rgb;
diff --git a/code/renderer/shaders/crp/opaque.hlsl b/code/renderer/shaders/crp/opaque.hlsl
index d9c7cb1..2d3738b 100644
--- a/code/renderer/shaders/crp/opaque.hlsl
+++ b/code/renderer/shaders/crp/opaque.hlsl
@@ -22,22 +22,22 @@ along with Challenge Quake 3. If not, see .
#include "common.hlsli"
-#include "world.h.hlsli"
-#include "world.hlsli"
+#include "alpha_test.h.hlsli"
+#include "scene_view.h.hlsli"
cbuffer RootConstants
// geometry
matrix modelViewMatrix;
- matrix projectionMatrix;
- float4 clipPlane;
// general
uint textureIndex;
uint samplerIndex;
uint shaderIndexBufferIndex;
uint alphaTest;
+ uint lightTextureIndex;
+ uint lightmapPass;
float greyscale;
// shader trace
@@ -64,14 +64,15 @@ struct VOut
VOut vs(VIn input)
+ SceneView scene = GetSceneView();
float4 positionVS = mul(modelViewMatrix, float4(input.position.xyz, 1));
VOut output;
- output.position = mul(projectionMatrix, positionVS);
+ output.position = mul(scene.projectionMatrix, positionVS);
output.normal = input.normal;
output.texCoords = input.texCoords;
output.color = input.color;
- output.clipDist = dot(positionVS, clipPlane);
+ output.clipDist = dot(positionVS, scene.clipPlane);
return output;
@@ -88,6 +89,13 @@ float4 ps(VOut input) : SV_Target
+ if(lightmapPass)
+ {
+ Texture2D lightTexture = ResourceDescriptorHeap[lightTextureIndex];
+ float3 directLight = lightTexture.Load(uint3(input.position.xy, 0)).rgb;
+ dst.rgb += directLight;
+ }
dst = MakeGreyscale(dst, greyscale);
// @TODO: dithering (need to figure out the tone mapping function first)
diff --git a/code/renderer/shaders/crp/prepass.hlsl b/code/renderer/shaders/crp/prepass.hlsl
index b2673ab..e8a333c 100644
--- a/code/renderer/shaders/crp/prepass.hlsl
+++ b/code/renderer/shaders/crp/prepass.hlsl
@@ -22,19 +22,15 @@ along with Challenge Quake 3. If not, see .
#include "common.hlsli"
-#include "world.h.hlsli"
-#include "world.hlsli"
+#include "alpha_test.h.hlsli"
+#include "scene_view.h.hlsli"
cbuffer RootConstants
- // geometry
matrix modelViewMatrix;
- matrix projectionMatrix;
+ matrix modelMatrix;
matrix normalMatrix;
- float4 clipPlane;
- // general
uint textureIndex;
uint samplerIndex;
uint alphaTest;
@@ -51,7 +47,8 @@ struct VIn
struct VOut
float4 position : SV_Position;
- float3 normal : NORMAL;
+ nointerpolation float3 normalWS : NORMAL;
+ nointerpolation float3 positionWS : POSITION;
float2 texCoords : TEXCOORD0;
float4 color : COLOR0;
float clipDist : SV_ClipDistance0;
@@ -59,14 +56,17 @@ struct VOut
VOut vs(VIn input)
+ SceneView scene = GetSceneView();
+ matrix projectionMatrix = scene.projectionMatrix;
float4 positionVS = mul(modelViewMatrix, float4(input.position.xyz, 1));
VOut output;
output.position = mul(projectionMatrix, positionVS);
- output.normal = mul(normalMatrix, float4(input.normal, 0)).xyz;
+ output.normalWS = mul(normalMatrix, float4(input.normal, 0)).xyz;
+ output.positionWS = mul(modelMatrix, float4(input.position, 1)).xyz;
output.texCoords = input.texCoords;
output.color = input.color;
- output.clipDist = dot(positionVS, clipPlane);
+ output.clipDist = dot(positionVS, scene.clipPlane);
return output;
@@ -75,9 +75,25 @@ struct POut
float2 normal : SV_Target0;
float2 motionVector : SV_Target1;
+ float4 shadingPosition : SV_Target2;
-POut ps(VOut input)
+float3 FixNormal(float3 vertexNormal, float3 faceNormal)
+ if(length(vertexNormal) < 0.5)
+ {
+ return faceNormal;
+ }
+ if(dot(vertexNormal, faceNormal) < 0.0)
+ {
+ return -vertexNormal;
+ }
+ return vertexNormal;
+POut ps(VOut input, float3 barycentrics : SV_Barycentrics)
if(alphaTest != ATEST_NONE)
@@ -90,9 +106,29 @@ POut ps(VOut input)
+ float3 p0 = GetAttributeAtVertex(input.positionWS, 0);
+ float3 p1 = GetAttributeAtVertex(input.positionWS, 1);
+ float3 p2 = GetAttributeAtVertex(input.positionWS, 2);
+ float3 position = barycentrics.x * p0 + barycentrics.y * p1 + barycentrics.z * p2;
+ float3 n0 = GetAttributeAtVertex(input.normalWS, 0);
+ float3 n1 = GetAttributeAtVertex(input.normalWS, 1);
+ float3 n2 = GetAttributeAtVertex(input.normalWS, 2);
+ float3 normal = barycentrics.x * n0 + barycentrics.y * n1 + barycentrics.z * n2;
+ float3 pos[3] = { p0, p1, p2 };
+ float3 nor[3] = { n0, n1, n2 };
+ float3 shadingPosition = GetShadingPosition(position, normal, pos, nor, barycentrics);
+ shadingPosition += 0.01 * normal;
+ float3 dist3 = saturate(abs(shadingPosition - position));
+ float dist = saturate(distance(shadingPosition, position));
+ float positionDelta = asfloat(PackColor(float4(dist3, dist)));
POut output;
- output.normal = OctEncode(normalize(input.normal));
+ output.normal = OctEncode(normalize(normal));
output.motionVector = float2(0, 0); // @TODO:
+ output.shadingPosition = float4(shadingPosition, positionDelta);
return output;
diff --git a/code/renderer/shaders/crp/raytracing.h.hlsli b/code/renderer/shaders/crp/raytracing.h.hlsli
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9c040fd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/code/renderer/shaders/crp/raytracing.h.hlsli
@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
+Copyright (C) 2024 Gian 'myT' Schellenbaum
+This file is part of Challenge Quake 3 (CNQ3).
+Challenge Quake 3 is free software; you can redistribute it
+and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
+published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License,
+or (at your option) any later version.
+Challenge Quake 3 is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+GNU General Public License for more details.
+You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+along with Challenge Quake 3. If not, see .
+// raytracing structures shared with C++ code
+#pragma once
+#include "typedefs.h.hlsli"
+#if defined(__cplusplus)
+# pragma pack(push, 4)
+struct BLASVertex
+ float2 texCoords;
+ color4ub color;
+struct BLASMesh
+ uint firstVertex;
+ uint firstIndex;
+ uint textureIndex;
+ uint samplerIndex;
+ uint alphaTestMode;
+ uint blendBits;
+struct TLASInstance
+ uint vertexBufferIndex;
+ uint indexBufferIndex;
+ uint meshBufferIndex;
+ uint cullMode;
+#if defined(__cplusplus)
+# pragma pack(pop)
diff --git a/code/renderer/shaders/crp/scene_view.h.hlsli b/code/renderer/shaders/crp/scene_view.h.hlsli
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..862de44
--- /dev/null
+++ b/code/renderer/shaders/crp/scene_view.h.hlsli
@@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
+Copyright (C) 2024 Gian 'myT' Schellenbaum
+This file is part of Challenge Quake 3 (CNQ3).
+Challenge Quake 3 is free software; you can redistribute it
+and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
+published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License,
+or (at your option) any later version.
+Challenge Quake 3 is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+GNU General Public License for more details.
+You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+along with Challenge Quake 3. If not, see .
+// shared structure for a given scene view
+#pragma once
+#include "typedefs.h.hlsli"
+#if defined(__cplusplus)
+# pragma pack(push, 4)
+struct DynamicLight
+ float3 position;
+ float radius;
+ float3 color;
+ float padding;
+struct SceneView
+ matrix projectionMatrix;
+ matrix invProjectionMatrix;
+ matrix viewMatrix;
+ matrix invViewMatrix;
+ float4 clipPlane;
+ float4 debug;
+ uint sceneViewIndex;
+ uint frameIndex;
+ uint depthTextureIndex;
+ uint normalTextureIndex;
+ uint shadingPositionTextureIndex;
+ uint lightTextureIndex;
+ uint tlasBufferIndex;
+ uint tlasInstanceBufferIndex;
+ uint lightCount;
+ DynamicLight lights[SCENE_VIEW_MAX_LIGHTS];
+#if defined(__cplusplus)
+# pragma pack(pop)
+#if defined(__cplusplus)
+ static_assert(sizeof(DynamicLight) == 32, "sizeof(DynamicLight) is wrong");
+#if !defined(__cplusplus)
+ SceneView GetSceneView()
+ {
+ StructuredBuffer sceneViewBuffer = ResourceDescriptorHeap[0];
+ SceneView sceneView = sceneViewBuffer[0];
+ return sceneView;
+ }
diff --git a/code/renderer/shaders/crp/transp_draw.hlsl b/code/renderer/shaders/crp/transp_draw.hlsl
index fb45ff9..17456ea 100644
--- a/code/renderer/shaders/crp/transp_draw.hlsl
+++ b/code/renderer/shaders/crp/transp_draw.hlsl
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-Copyright (C) 2023 Gian 'myT' Schellenbaum
+Copyright (C) 2023-2024 Gian 'myT' Schellenbaum
This file is part of Challenge Quake 3 (CNQ3).
@@ -22,17 +22,17 @@ along with Challenge Quake 3. If not, see .
#include "common.hlsli"
-#include "world.h.hlsli"
-#include "world.hlsli"
+#include "alpha_test.h.hlsli"
#include "oit.h.hlsli"
+#include "scene_view.h.hlsli"
cbuffer RootConstants
+ // geometry
matrix modelViewMatrix;
- matrix projectionMatrix;
- float4 clipPlane;
+ // general
uint textureIndex;
uint samplerIndex;
uint alphaTest;
@@ -67,14 +67,16 @@ struct VOut
VOut vs(VIn input)
+ SceneView scene = GetSceneView();
float4 positionVS = mul(modelViewMatrix, float4(input.position.xyz, 1));
+ matrix projectionMatrix = scene.projectionMatrix;
VOut output;
output.position = mul(projectionMatrix, positionVS);
output.normal = input.normal;
output.texCoords = input.texCoords;
output.color = input.color;
- output.clipDist = dot(positionVS, clipPlane);
+ output.clipDist = dot(positionVS, scene.clipPlane);
output.proj2232 = float2(-projectionMatrix[2][2], projectionMatrix[2][3]);
output.depthVS = -positionVS.z;
diff --git a/code/renderer/shaders/crp/world.h.hlsli b/code/renderer/shaders/crp/typedefs.h.hlsli
similarity index 73%
rename from code/renderer/shaders/crp/world.h.hlsli
rename to code/renderer/shaders/crp/typedefs.h.hlsli
index 336f92a..ca3b746 100644
--- a/code/renderer/shaders/crp/world.h.hlsli
+++ b/code/renderer/shaders/crp/typedefs.h.hlsli
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-Copyright (C) 2023 Gian 'myT' Schellenbaum
+Copyright (C) 2024 Gian 'myT' Schellenbaum
This file is part of Challenge Quake 3 (CNQ3).
@@ -18,13 +18,19 @@ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with Challenge Quake 3. If not, see .
-// shared world rendering constants
+// type definitions shared with C++ code
#pragma once
-#define ATEST_NONE 0
-#define ATEST_GT_0 1
-#define ATEST_LT_HALF 2
-#define ATEST_GE_HALF 3
+#if defined(__cplusplus)
+ typedef uint32_t uint;
+ typedef vec2_t float2;
+ typedef vec3_t float3;
+ typedef vec4_t float4;
+ typedef matrix4x4_t matrix;
+ typedef color4ub_t color4ub;
+ typedef uint color4ub;
diff --git a/code/renderer/shaders/crp/wireframe_normals.hlsl b/code/renderer/shaders/crp/wireframe_normals.hlsl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4e5d554
--- /dev/null
+++ b/code/renderer/shaders/crp/wireframe_normals.hlsl
@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
+Copyright (C) 2024 Gian 'myT' Schellenbaum
+This file is part of Challenge Quake 3 (CNQ3).
+Challenge Quake 3 is free software; you can redistribute it
+and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
+published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License,
+or (at your option) any later version.
+Challenge Quake 3 is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+GNU General Public License for more details.
+You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+along with Challenge Quake 3. If not, see .
+// wireframe normals for debugging
+#include "common.hlsli"
+#include "scene_view.h.hlsli"
+cbuffer RootConstants
+ matrix modelViewMatrix;
+struct VIn
+ float3 position : POSITION;
+ float4 color : COLOR0;
+struct VOut
+ float4 position : SV_Position;
+ float4 color : COLOR0;
+ float clipDist : SV_ClipDistance0;
+VOut vs(VIn input)
+ SceneView scene = GetSceneView();
+ float4 positionVS = mul(modelViewMatrix, float4(input.position.xyz, 1));
+ VOut output;
+ output.position = mul(scene.projectionMatrix, positionVS);
+ output.clipDist = dot(positionVS, scene.clipPlane);
+ output.color = input.color;
+ return output;
+float4 ps(VOut input) : SV_Target
+ float4 result = float4(input.color.rgb, 1);
+ return result;
diff --git a/code/renderer/srp_imgui.cpp b/code/renderer/srp_imgui.cpp
index f962986..46903a8 100644
--- a/code/renderer/srp_imgui.cpp
+++ b/code/renderer/srp_imgui.cpp
@@ -30,6 +30,7 @@ along with Challenge Quake 3. If not, see .
#pragma pack(push, 4)
struct VertexRC
float mvp[16];
@@ -40,7 +41,9 @@ struct PixelRC
uint32_t texture;
uint32_t sampler;
float mip;
+ float colorScale;
#pragma pack(pop)
@@ -256,6 +259,7 @@ void ImGUI::Draw(HTexture renderTarget)
pixelRC.texture = (uint32_t)cmd->TextureId & 0xFFFF;
pixelRC.sampler = GetSamplerIndex(TW_CLAMP_TO_EDGE, TextureFilter::Linear);
pixelRC.mip = (float)(((uint32_t)cmd->TextureId >> 16) & 0xFFFF);
+ pixelRC.colorScale = tr.identityLight;
CmdSetGraphicsRootConstants(sizeof(vertexRC), sizeof(pixelRC), &pixelRC);
diff --git a/code/renderer/srp_local.h b/code/renderer/srp_local.h
index de16472..beb334a 100644
--- a/code/renderer/srp_local.h
+++ b/code/renderer/srp_local.h
@@ -433,3 +433,12 @@ inline bool IsDepthFadeEnabled(const shader_t& shader)
shader.dfType > DFT_NONE &&
shader.dfType < DFT_TBD;
+inline bool IsViewportFullscreen(const viewParms_t& vp)
+ return
+ vp.viewportX == 0 &&
+ vp.viewportY == 0 &&
+ vp.viewportWidth == glConfig.vidWidth &&
+ vp.viewportHeight == glConfig.vidHeight;
diff --git a/code/renderer/srp_main.cpp b/code/renderer/srp_main.cpp
index 661dd1a..7123593 100644
--- a/code/renderer/srp_main.cpp
+++ b/code/renderer/srp_main.cpp
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ along with Challenge Quake 3. If not, see .
#include "srp_local.h"
#include "../client/cl_imgui.h"
-#include "shaders/crp/world.h.hlsli"
+#include "shaders/crp/alpha_test.h.hlsli"
extern IRenderPipeline* grpp;
diff --git a/code/renderer/tr_bsp.cpp b/code/renderer/tr_bsp.cpp
index 0f789a6..d773783 100644
--- a/code/renderer/tr_bsp.cpp
+++ b/code/renderer/tr_bsp.cpp
@@ -405,6 +405,9 @@ static void ParseFace( const dsurface_t* ds, const drawVert_t* verts, msurface_t
VectorAdd(mins, maxs, cv->localOrigin);
VectorScale(cv->localOrigin, 0.5f, cv->localOrigin);
+ R_SmoothNormals( &cv->verts[0].normal[0], sizeof(cv->verts[0]), cv->indexes,
+ &cv->verts[0].xyz[0], sizeof(cv->verts[0]), cv->numVerts, cv->numIndexes );
@@ -511,6 +514,9 @@ static void ParseTriSurf( const dsurface_t* ds, const drawVert_t* verts, msurfac
ri.Error( ERR_DROP, "Bad index in triangle surface" );
+ R_SmoothNormals( &tri->verts[0].normal[0], sizeof(tri->verts[0]), tri->indexes,
+ &tri->verts[0].xyz[0], sizeof(tri->verts[0]), tri->numVerts, tri->numIndexes );
@@ -1638,6 +1644,7 @@ void RE_LoadWorldMap( const char* name )
// clear tr.world so if the level fails to load, the next
// try will not look at the partially loaded version
tr.world = NULL;
+ tr.forceHighestLod = true;
Com_Memset( &s_worldData, 0, sizeof( s_worldData ) );
Q_strncpyz( s_worldData.name, name, sizeof( s_worldData.name ) );
@@ -1689,6 +1696,7 @@ void RE_LoadWorldMap( const char* name )
tr.worldMapLoaded = qtrue;
+ tr.forceHighestLod = false;
diff --git a/code/renderer/tr_cmds.cpp b/code/renderer/tr_cmds.cpp
index 914b661..3e1a95d 100644
--- a/code/renderer/tr_cmds.cpp
+++ b/code/renderer/tr_cmds.cpp
@@ -307,6 +307,8 @@ void RE_BeginFrame( stereoFrame_t stereoFrame )
tr.frameSceneNum = 0;
tr.renderMode = RM_NONE;
+ tr.sceneCounterRT = 0;
+ tr.numRTSurfs = 0;
// delayed screenshot
if ( r_delayedScreenshotPending ) {
diff --git a/code/renderer/tr_gui.cpp b/code/renderer/tr_gui.cpp
index 282c92c..edb2efc 100644
--- a/code/renderer/tr_gui.cpp
+++ b/code/renderer/tr_gui.cpp
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-Copyright (C) 2023 Gian 'myT' Schellenbaum
+Copyright (C) 2023-2024 Gian 'myT' Schellenbaum
This file is part of Challenge Quake 3 (CNQ3).
@@ -646,6 +646,11 @@ static void DrawImageWindow()
+ if(ImGui::Button("Copy Name"))
+ {
+ ImGui::SetClipboardText(image->name);
+ }
char pakName[256];
if(FS_GetPakPath(pakName, sizeof(pakName), image->pakChecksum))
@@ -818,6 +823,11 @@ static void DrawShaderWindow()
shader_t* shader = window.shader;
+ if(ImGui::Button("Copy Name"))
+ {
+ ImGui::SetClipboardText(shader->name);
+ }
const char* const shaderPath = R_GetShaderPath(shader);
if(shaderPath != NULL)
@@ -1459,7 +1469,10 @@ static void DrawCVarToolTip(cvar_t* cvar)
static void DrawCVarNoValue(cvar_t* cvar)
Q_assert(cvar != NULL);
- Q_assert(IsNonEmpty(cvar->gui.title));
+ if((cvar->gui.categories & CVARCAT_DEBUGGING) == 0)
+ {
+ Q_assert(IsNonEmpty(cvar->gui.title));
+ }
@@ -1714,10 +1727,12 @@ static bool DrawCVarTable(bool* restartNeeded, const char* title, int categoryMa
for(cvar_t* var = Cvar_GetFirst(); var != NULL; var = var->next)
+#if !defined(_DEBUG)
if(var->gui.categories & CVARCAT_DEBUGGING)
if(var->gui.categories & categoryMask)
@@ -1790,7 +1805,7 @@ static void DrawSettings()
- DrawCVarTable(&restartNeeded, "All settings", -1 & (~CVARCAT_DEBUGGING));
+ DrawCVarTable(&restartNeeded, "All settings", -1);
diff --git a/code/renderer/tr_init.cpp b/code/renderer/tr_init.cpp
index ef1da8f..e34ac26 100644
--- a/code/renderer/tr_init.cpp
+++ b/code/renderer/tr_init.cpp
@@ -115,6 +115,9 @@ cvar_t *r_debugSort;
cvar_t *r_debugUI;
cvar_t *r_debugInput;
+cvar_t *r_normalSmoothing;
+cvar_t *r_normalAreaWeight;
// these limits apply to the sum of all scenes in a frame:
// the main view, all the 3D icons, and even the console etc
#define DEFAULT_MAX_POLYS 8192
@@ -477,6 +480,14 @@ static const cvarTableItem_t r_cvars[] =
&r_singleShader, "r_singleShader", "0", CVAR_CHEAT | CVAR_LATCH, CVART_BOOL, NULL, NULL, "forces the default shader on all world surfaces except the sky",
"Force default shader", CVARCAT_GRAPHICS | CVARCAT_DEBUGGING, "Forces it on all world surfaces except the sky", ""
+ {
+ &r_normalSmoothing, "r_normalSmoothing", "1", CVAR_TEMP | CVAR_LATCH, CVART_BOOL, NULL, NULL, "compute smooth vertex normals",
+ "Smooth vertex normals", CVARCAT_GRAPHICS, "Computes brand new vertex normals", ""
+ },
+ {
+ &r_normalAreaWeight, "r_normalAreaWeight", "1", CVAR_TEMP | CVAR_LATCH, CVART_BOOL, NULL, NULL, "weights normals by area",
+ "Normal area weighting", CVARCAT_GRAPHICS, "Weights vertex normals by area", ""
+ },
// archived variables that can change at any time
@@ -778,6 +789,8 @@ void R_Init()
+ renderPipeline->LoadResources();
diff --git a/code/renderer/tr_local.h b/code/renderer/tr_local.h
index bf4f067..f3188d4 100644
--- a/code/renderer/tr_local.h
+++ b/code/renderer/tr_local.h
@@ -427,7 +427,8 @@ struct shader_t {
qbool isOpaque; // no alpha blending, alpha test is OK if opaque
qbool isAlphaTestedOpaque; // no alpha blending, first stage is alpha tested
- qbool isDynamic; // at least one vertex attribute must generated on the fly
+ qbool isDynamic; // at least one vertex attribute must be generated on the fly
+ qbool hasLightmapStage;
pipeline_t pipelines[MAX_SHADER_STAGES];
int numPipelines;
@@ -437,6 +438,8 @@ struct shader_t {
pipeline_t prepassPipeline;
+ int addLightPipeline;
shader_t* next;
@@ -538,6 +541,9 @@ void R_ComputeTessellatedSize( int* numVertexes, int* numIndexes, const surfaceT
// R_ComputeTessellatedSize is unused for now but might be of use a bit later
// we can use it to compute the required size of the static geometry buffers in the GRP
+void R_SmoothNormals( float* normals, int normalStride, const int* indexes,
+ const float* positions, int positionStride, int numVertexes, int numIndexes );
struct litSurf_t {
unsigned sort; // bit combination for fast compares
@@ -559,6 +565,14 @@ struct dlight_t {
+struct rtSurf_t {
+ const surfaceType_t* surface;
+ const shader_t* shader;
+ int entityNum;
+ qhandle_t model;
#define MAX_FACE_POINTS 64
#define MAX_PATCH_SIZE 32 // max dimensions of a patch mesh in map file
@@ -682,6 +696,13 @@ BRUSH MODELS
// in memory representation
+enum raytracingSurfaceType_t {
#define SIDE_FRONT 0
#define SIDE_BACK 1
#define SIDE_ON 2
@@ -695,6 +716,7 @@ struct msurface_t {
int staticGeoChunk;
int zppFirstIndex;
int zppIndexCount;
+ raytracingSurfaceType_t rtSurfType;
const surfaceType_t* data; // any of srf*_t
@@ -908,6 +930,8 @@ typedef struct {
qbool worldMapLoaded;
world_t* world;
+ qbool forceHighestLod; // for curves and MD3 models alike
const byte* externalVisData; // from RE_SetWorldVisData, shared with CM_Load
image_t* defaultImage;
@@ -982,7 +1006,12 @@ typedef struct {
qbool shaderParseSaveState;
qbool shaderParseFailed;
int shaderParseNumWarnings;
+ rtSurf_t rtSurfs[MAX_DRAWSURFS];
+ int numRTSurfs;
+ int sceneCounterRT;
+ trRefdef_t rtRefdef;
} trGlobals_t;
extern backEndState_t backEnd;
@@ -1099,6 +1128,9 @@ extern cvar_t *r_debugSort;
extern cvar_t *r_debugUI;
extern cvar_t *r_debugInput;
+extern cvar_t *r_normalSmoothing;
+extern cvar_t *r_normalAreaWeight;
void R_NoiseInit();
double R_NoiseGet4f( double x, double y, double z, double t );
@@ -1111,6 +1143,7 @@ void R_AddPolygonSurfaces();
void R_AddDrawSurf( const surfaceType_t* surface, const shader_t* shader, int staticGeoChunk = 0, int zppFirstIndex = 0, int zppIndexCount = 0, float radiusOverZ = 666.0f );
void R_AddLitSurf( const surfaceType_t* surface, const shader_t* shader, int staticGeoChunk );
+void R_AddRTSurf( const surfaceType_t* surface, const shader_t* shader );
uint64_t R_ComposeSort( int entityNum, const shader_t* shader, int staticGeoChunk );
void R_DecomposeSort( uint64_t sort, int* entityNum, const shader_t** shader );
uint32_t R_ComposeLitSort( int entityNum, const shader_t* shader, int staticGeoChunk );
@@ -1664,6 +1697,7 @@ extern int r_delayedScreenshotFrame;
struct IRenderPipeline
virtual void Init() = 0;
+ virtual void LoadResources() = 0;
virtual void ShutDown(bool fullShutDown) = 0;
virtual void ProcessWorld(world_t& world) = 0;
diff --git a/code/renderer/tr_main.cpp b/code/renderer/tr_main.cpp
index 6c92cfe..9e277dd 100644
--- a/code/renderer/tr_main.cpp
+++ b/code/renderer/tr_main.cpp
@@ -1322,6 +1322,39 @@ void R_AddLitSurf( const surfaceType_t* surface, const shader_t* shader, int sta
+void R_AddRTSurf( const surfaceType_t* surface, const shader_t* shader )
+ if (tr.numRTSurfs >= ARRAY_LEN(tr.rtSurfs))
+ return;
+ if (tr.sceneCounterRT != 1)
+ return;
+ if (shader->numStages <= 0 || shader->isSky)
+ return;
+ // the mod uses this for its particles/sprites
+ if (*surface == SF_POLY)
+ return;
+ if (*surface == SF_ENTITY) {
+ const refEntity_t* const ent = &backEnd.refdef.entities[tr.currentEntityNum].e;
+ if (ent->reType == RT_SPRITE ||
+ ent->reType == RT_LIGHTNING ||
+ ent->reType == RT_POLY ||
+ ent->reType == RT_PORTALSURFACE) {
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ rtSurf_t* const surf = &tr.rtSurfs[tr.numRTSurfs++];
+ surf->surface = surface;
+ surf->shader = shader;
+ surf->entityNum = tr.currentEntityNum;
+ surf->model = tr.currentModel != NULL ? tr.currentModel->index : 0;
uint64_t R_ComposeSort( int entityNum, const shader_t* shader, int staticGeoChunk )
@@ -1612,6 +1645,7 @@ static void R_AddEntitySurfaces()
shader = R_GetShaderByHandle( ent->e.customShader );
R_AddDrawSurf( &entitySurface, shader );
+ R_AddRTSurf( &entitySurface, shader ); // @TODO: billboards need to be procedural geometry
case RT_MODEL:
diff --git a/code/renderer/tr_mesh.cpp b/code/renderer/tr_mesh.cpp
index 5fbfcec..32538da 100644
--- a/code/renderer/tr_mesh.cpp
+++ b/code/renderer/tr_mesh.cpp
@@ -161,6 +161,11 @@ static int R_ComputeLOD( const trRefEntity_t* ent )
float projectedRadius;
int lod;
+ if ( tr.forceHighestLod )
+ {
+ return 0;
+ }
if ( tr.currentModel->numLods < 2 )
// model has only 1 LOD level, skip computations and bias
@@ -239,8 +244,8 @@ void R_AddMD3Surfaces( trRefEntity_t* ent )
const md3Header_t* header = tr.currentModel->md3[lod];
// cull the entire model if merged bounding box of both frames is outside the view frustum
- if (R_CullModel(header, ent) == CULL_OUT)
- return;
+ const qbool culled = R_CullModel( header, ent ) == CULL_OUT;
+ // @TODO: early out here if no RT is used
// set up lighting now that we know we aren't culled
if (!personalModel)
@@ -281,7 +286,9 @@ void R_AddMD3Surfaces( trRefEntity_t* ent )
// don't add third_person objects if not viewing through a portal
if ( !personalModel ) {
- R_AddDrawSurf( (const surfaceType_t*)surface, shader );
+ if( !culled )
+ R_AddDrawSurf( (const surfaceType_t*)surface, shader );
+ R_AddRTSurf( (const surfaceType_t*)surface, shader );
surface = (const md3Surface_t*)( (byte *)surface + surface->ofsEnd );
diff --git a/code/renderer/tr_model.cpp b/code/renderer/tr_model.cpp
index 0f6458d..1c9c739 100644
--- a/code/renderer/tr_model.cpp
+++ b/code/renderer/tr_model.cpp
@@ -195,6 +195,11 @@ static qbool R_LoadMD3( model_t *mod, int lod, void *buffer, const char *mod_nam
surf = (md3Surface_t *)( (byte *)surf + surf->ofsEnd );
+ // @TODO: fix normals of MD3 models
+ // decompress positions and normals into tess
+ // call R_SmoothNormals
+ // compress position and normals back into surf
return qtrue;
diff --git a/code/renderer/tr_scene.cpp b/code/renderer/tr_scene.cpp
index ef336bf..bdcef01 100644
--- a/code/renderer/tr_scene.cpp
+++ b/code/renderer/tr_scene.cpp
@@ -84,6 +84,9 @@ void R_AddPolygonSurfaces()
const srfPoly_t* poly = tr.refdef.polys;
for (int i = 0; i < tr.refdef.numPolys; ++i, ++poly) {
R_AddDrawSurf( (const surfaceType_t*)poly, R_GetShaderByHandle( poly->hShader ) );
+ // @TODO: polygons are sometimes used to replace sprites (e.g. CPMA rocket smoke),
+ // they should be procedural geometry
+ R_AddRTSurf( (const surfaceType_t*)poly, R_GetShaderByHandle( poly->hShader ) );
@@ -280,6 +283,9 @@ void RE_RenderScene( const refdef_t* fd, int us )
// each scene / view.
+ if ((tr.refdef.rdflags & RDF_NOWORLDMODEL) == 0) {
+ tr.sceneCounterRT++;
+ }
// setup view parms for the initial view
@@ -306,6 +312,11 @@ void RE_RenderScene( const refdef_t* fd, int us )
R_RenderScene( &parms );
+ if ((tr.refdef.rdflags & RDF_NOWORLDMODEL) == 0 &&
+ tr.sceneCounterRT == 1) {
+ tr.rtRefdef = tr.refdef;
+ }
// the next scene rendered in this frame will tack on after this one
r_firstSceneDrawSurf = tr.refdef.numDrawSurfs;
r_firstSceneLitSurf = tr.refdef.numLitSurfs;
diff --git a/code/renderer/tr_shader.cpp b/code/renderer/tr_shader.cpp
index a30edbe..b2b0e51 100644
--- a/code/renderer/tr_shader.cpp
+++ b/code/renderer/tr_shader.cpp
@@ -2290,7 +2290,6 @@ static qbool UsesExternalLightmap( const shaderStage_t* stage )
stage->active &&
- stage->type == ST_DIFFUSE &&
!stage->bundle.isVideoMap &&
stage->bundle.numImageAnimations <= 1 &&
stage->bundle.image[0] != NULL &&
@@ -2376,8 +2375,6 @@ static void BuildPerImageShaderList( shader_t* newShader )
static shader_t* FinishShader( shader_t* sh = NULL )
- int stage;
// set polygon offset
@@ -2385,9 +2382,18 @@ static shader_t* FinishShader( shader_t* sh = NULL )
shader.sort = SS_DECAL;
+ // it's fine if there's polygonoffset, the effect on the depth buffer is acceptable
+ if ( r_pipeline->integer == 1 ) {
+ const int blendBits = stages[0].stateBits & GLS_BLEND_BITS;
+ if ( blendBits == 0 || blendBits == (GLS_SRCBLEND_ONE | GLS_DSTBLEND_ZERO) ) {
+ shader.sort = SS_OPAQUE;
+ }
+ }
// set appropriate stage information
+ int stage;
for ( stage = 0; stage < MAX_SHADER_STAGES; stage++ ) {
shaderStage_t *pStage = &stages[stage];
@@ -2544,6 +2550,23 @@ static shader_t* FinishShader( shader_t* sh = NULL )
BuildPerImageShaderList( newShader );
+ // make sure external lightmap stages are correctly marked as lightmap stages
+ for ( int s = 0; s < newShader->numStages; s++ ) {
+ shaderStage_t* const stagePtr = newShader->stages[s];
+ if ( stagePtr->type == ST_DIFFUSE && UsesExternalLightmap( stagePtr ) ) {
+ stagePtr->type = ST_LIGHTMAP;
+ }
+ }
+ newShader->hasLightmapStage = qfalse;
+ for ( int s = 0; s < newShader->numStages; s++ ) {
+ shaderStage_t* const stagePtr = newShader->stages[s];
+ if ( stagePtr->type == ST_LIGHTMAP ) {
+ newShader->hasLightmapStage = qtrue;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
return newShader;
diff --git a/code/renderer/tr_surface.cpp b/code/renderer/tr_surface.cpp
index 5ab9561..5e0a849 100644
--- a/code/renderer/tr_surface.cpp
+++ b/code/renderer/tr_surface.cpp
@@ -595,8 +595,7 @@ static float LodErrorForVolume( vec3_t local, float radius ) {
return 0;
- if ( !tr.worldMapLoaded ) {
- // if we tessellate during map load, it's for static geometry pre-processing
+ if ( tr.forceHighestLod ) {
// we want a high level of detail, so consider the distance d to be 1
return r_lodCurveError->value;
@@ -846,6 +845,25 @@ static void (*rb_surfaceTable[SF_NUM_SURFACE_TYPES])( const void* ) = {
+static float Angle( const vec3_t a, const vec3_t b )
+ return acosf( DotProduct( a, b ) );
+// angle between (a - base) and (b - base)
+static float Angle( const vec3_t a, const vec3_t b, const vec3_t base )
+ vec3_t u, v;
+ VectorSubtract( a, base, u );
+ VectorSubtract( b, base, v );
+ VectorNormalize( u );
+ VectorNormalize( v );
+ return Angle( u, v );
void R_TessellateSurface( const surfaceType_t* surfType )
rb_surfaceTable[ *surfType ]( surfType );
@@ -948,3 +966,69 @@ void R_ComputeTessellatedSize( int* numVertexes, int* numIndexes, const surfaceT
rb_surfaceSizeTable[ *surfType ]( numVertexes, numIndexes, surfType );
+void R_SmoothNormals( float* normalsFlt, int normalStride, const int* indexes,
+ const float* positionsFlt, int positionStride, int numVertexes, int numIndexes )
+#define PositionAt(v) ( (const float*)((const byte*)positionsFlt + v * positionStride) )
+#define NormalAt(v) ( (float*)((byte*)normalsFlt + v * normalStride) )
+ static vec3_t normalAccum[SHADER_MAX_VERTEXES];
+ Q_assert( numVertexes <= SHADER_MAX_VERTEXES );
+ numVertexes = min( numVertexes, SHADER_MAX_VERTEXES );
+ if ( r_normalSmoothing->integer == 0 ||
+ numVertexes == 0 ||
+ numIndexes == 0 ) {
+ return;
+ }
+ Com_Memset( normalAccum, 0, numVertexes * sizeof( normalAccum[0] ) );
+ const qbool weightNormalByArea = r_normalAreaWeight->integer != 0;
+ for ( int i = 0; i < numIndexes; i += 3 ) {
+ const int v0 = indexes[i + 0];
+ const int v1 = indexes[i + 1];
+ const int v2 = indexes[i + 2];
+ const float* const p0 = PositionAt(v0);
+ const float* const p1 = PositionAt(v1);
+ const float* const p2 = PositionAt(v2);
+ float* const n0 = normalAccum[v0];
+ float* const n1 = normalAccum[v1];
+ float* const n2 = normalAccum[v2];
+ // n = (p1 - p0) X (p2 - p0)
+ vec3_t p1p0, p2p0, n;
+ VectorSubtract( p1, p0, p1p0 );
+ VectorSubtract( p2, p0, p2p0 );
+ CrossProduct( p1p0, p2p0, n );
+ if ( DotProduct( n, NormalAt(v0) ) < 0.0f ) {
+ VectorNegate( n, n );
+ }
+ if ( !weightNormalByArea ) {
+ VectorNormalize( n );
+ }
+ const float a0 = Angle( p1, p2, p0 );
+ const float a1 = Angle( p2, p0, p1 );
+ const float a2 = Angle( p0, p1, p2 );
+ VectorMA( n0, a0, n, n0 );
+ VectorMA( n1, a1, n, n1 );
+ VectorMA( n2, a2, n, n2 );
+ }
+ for ( int v = 0; v < numVertexes; v++ ) {
+ float* const n = NormalAt(v);
+ float* const accum = normalAccum[v];
+ VectorNormalize( accum );
+ VectorCopy( accum, n );
+ }
+#undef PositionAt
+#undef NormalAt
diff --git a/code/renderer/tr_world.cpp b/code/renderer/tr_world.cpp
index 5f3fd5a..dc4300d 100644
--- a/code/renderer/tr_world.cpp
+++ b/code/renderer/tr_world.cpp
@@ -442,6 +442,11 @@ void R_AddBrushModelSurfaces( const trRefEntity_t* re )
const model_t* model = R_GetModelByHandle( re->e.hModel );
const bmodel_t* bmodel = model->bmodel;
+ for ( int s = 0; s < bmodel->numSurfaces; ++s ) {
+ const msurface_t* const surf = bmodel->firstSurface + s;
+ R_AddRTSurf( surf->data, surf->shader );
+ }
if ( R_CullLocalBox( bmodel->bounds ) == CULL_OUT )
diff --git a/code/shadercomp/shadercomp.cpp b/code/shadercomp/shadercomp.cpp
index 1cf23bc..43a0cab 100644
--- a/code/shadercomp/shadercomp.cpp
+++ b/code/shadercomp/shadercomp.cpp
@@ -101,7 +101,7 @@ void CompileShader(const ShaderArgs& args, int extraCount = 0, const char** extr
// -Gis: Force IEEE strictness
// -Zi: Embed debug info
// -Qembed_debug: Embed debug info in shader container
- strcpy(temp, va("%s -Fh %s -E %s -T %s -WX -Ges -Gis -Zi -Qembed_debug",
+ strcpy(temp, va("%s -HV 2021 -Fh %s -E %s -T %s -WX -Ges -Gis -Zi -Qembed_debug",
dxcPath, headerPath, args.entryPoint, args.targetProfile));
for(int i = 0; i < extraCount; ++i)
@@ -407,6 +407,13 @@ void ProcessCRP()
CompileGraphics("fog_inside.h", "fog_inside.hlsl", "inside");
CompileGraphics("fog_outside.h", "fog_outside.hlsl", "outside");
CompilePixelShader("magnifier.h", "magnifier.hlsl", "magnifier");
+ CompilePixelShader("dl_draw.h", "dl_draw.hlsl", "dl_draw");
+ CompilePixelShader("dl_denoising.h", "dl_denoising.hlsl", "dl_denoising");
+ CompileGraphics("add_light.h", "add_light.hlsl", "add_light");
+ CompilePixelShader("gbufferviz_depth.h", "gbufferviz_depth.hlsl", "gbufferviz_depth");
+ CompilePixelShader("gbufferviz_normal.h", "gbufferviz_normal.hlsl", "gbufferviz_normal");
+ CompilePixelShader("gbufferviz_position.h", "gbufferviz_position.hlsl", "gbufferviz_position");
+ CompileGraphics("wireframe_normals.h", "wireframe_normals.hlsl", "wireframe_normals");
int main(int /*argc*/, const char** argv)
diff --git a/makefiles/windows_vs2019/renderer.vcxproj b/makefiles/windows_vs2019/renderer.vcxproj
index 0c62fc3..1cec637 100644
--- a/makefiles/windows_vs2019/renderer.vcxproj
+++ b/makefiles/windows_vs2019/renderer.vcxproj
@@ -129,12 +129,15 @@
@@ -183,9 +186,18 @@
+ true
+ true
+ true
@@ -216,6 +228,15 @@
+ true
+ true
+ true
@@ -255,6 +276,9 @@
+ true
@@ -308,14 +332,16 @@
diff --git a/makefiles/windows_vs2019/renderer.vcxproj.filters b/makefiles/windows_vs2019/renderer.vcxproj.filters
index c11dcc9..380aeee 100644
--- a/makefiles/windows_vs2019/renderer.vcxproj.filters
+++ b/makefiles/windows_vs2019/renderer.vcxproj.filters
@@ -33,12 +33,15 @@
@@ -87,9 +90,18 @@
+ shaders\crp
+ shaders\crp
+ shaders\crp
@@ -120,6 +132,15 @@
+ shaders\crp
+ shaders\crp
+ shaders\crp
@@ -159,6 +180,9 @@
+ shaders\crp
@@ -218,6 +242,9 @@
+ shaders\crp
@@ -236,10 +263,13 @@
+ shaders\crp
diff --git a/makefiles/windows_vs2022/renderer.vcxproj b/makefiles/windows_vs2022/renderer.vcxproj
index d82fb8c..f386590 100644
--- a/makefiles/windows_vs2022/renderer.vcxproj
+++ b/makefiles/windows_vs2022/renderer.vcxproj
@@ -131,12 +131,15 @@
@@ -185,9 +188,18 @@
+ true
+ true
+ true
@@ -218,6 +230,15 @@
+ true
+ true
+ true
@@ -257,6 +278,9 @@
+ true
@@ -310,14 +334,16 @@
diff --git a/makefiles/windows_vs2022/renderer.vcxproj.filters b/makefiles/windows_vs2022/renderer.vcxproj.filters
index c11dcc9..380aeee 100644
--- a/makefiles/windows_vs2022/renderer.vcxproj.filters
+++ b/makefiles/windows_vs2022/renderer.vcxproj.filters
@@ -33,12 +33,15 @@
@@ -87,9 +90,18 @@
+ shaders\crp
+ shaders\crp
+ shaders\crp
@@ -120,6 +132,15 @@
+ shaders\crp
+ shaders\crp
+ shaders\crp
@@ -159,6 +180,9 @@
+ shaders\crp
@@ -218,6 +242,9 @@
+ shaders\crp
@@ -236,10 +263,13 @@
+ shaders\crp