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synced 2025-03-13 22:23:04 +00:00
added console mark mode
This commit is contained in:
9 changed files with 280 additions and 32 deletions
@ -4,6 +4,10 @@ See the end of this file for known issues.
DD Mmm 20 - 1.53
add: console mark mode (selection mode) can be toggled with Ctrl-M
use arrow keys, home/end or page up/down to move the cursor or extend the area when pressing shift
Ctrl-C/enter copies the selected text to the clipboard without color codes and exits mark mode
add: /searchconsole begins a new console search
press ctrl-F when the console is down to bring up the command
press (shift-)F3 to find the next match going up or down
@ -37,7 +37,10 @@ static cvar_t* con_drawHelp;
X(Border, "4778B2FF", qtrue, "RGBA color of the border") \
X(Arrow, "4778B2FF", qtrue, "RGBA color of backscroll arrows") \
X(Shadow, "000000FF", qtrue, "RGBA color of text shadows") \
X(MkBG, "BFBFBFFF", qtrue, "RGBA color of the mark background") \
X(MkShadow, "FFFFFF00", qtrue, "RGBA color of the mark text shadows") \
X(Text, "E2E2E2", qfalse, "RGB color of text") \
X(MkText, "000000", qfalse, "RGB color of mark text") \
X(CVar, "4778B2", qfalse, "RGB color of variable names") \
X(Cmd, "4FA7BD", qfalse, "RGB color of command names") \
X(Value, "E5BC39", qfalse, "RGB color of variable values") \
@ -55,6 +58,11 @@ COLOR_LIST( COLOR_LIST_ITEM )
#define CON_TEXTSIZE (256*1024)
#define COLOR_INVALID '\xFF'
#define COLOR_MKTEXT '\xFE'
#define COLOR_MKSHAD '\xFD'
#define COLOR_SHAD '\xFC'
// con_drawHelp flags
@ -87,17 +95,24 @@ struct console_t {
qbool wasActive; // was active before Con_PushConsoleInvisible was called?
char helpText[MAXPRINTMSG];
int helpX; // char index
float helpY; // top coordinate
int helpWidth; // char count of the longest line
int helpLines; // line count
qbool helpDraw;
float helpXAdjust;
char helpText[MAXPRINTMSG];
int helpX; // char index
float helpY; // top coordinate
int helpWidth; // char count of the longest line
int helpLines; // line count
qbool helpDraw;
float helpXAdjust;
char searchPattern[256];
qbool searchLineIndex;
qbool searchStarted;
qbool markMode;
int markX; // cursor X: offset in the row
int markY; // cursor Y: row index
int markStartX;
int markStartY;
char markText[CON_TEXTSIZE + CON_TEXTSIZE / 100]; // some extra for line endings and the final newline
static console_t con;
@ -175,6 +190,12 @@ const float* ConsoleColorFromChar( char ccode )
return colValue;
if ( ccode == COLOR_HELP )
return colHelp;
if ( ccode == COLOR_MKTEXT )
return colMkText;
if ( ccode == COLOR_MKSHAD )
return colMkShadow;
if ( ccode == COLOR_SHAD )
return colShadow;
return ColorFromChar( ccode );
@ -201,6 +222,7 @@ void Con_ToggleConsole_f()
cls.keyCatchers ^= KEYCATCH_CONSOLE;
con.markMode = qfalse;
@ -561,7 +583,7 @@ static void Con_DrawInput()
re.SetColor( colText );
SCR_DrawChar( con.xadjust, y, con.cw, con.ch, ']' );
Field_Draw( &g_consoleField, con.xadjust + con.cw, y, con.cw, con.ch, qtrue );
Field_Draw( &g_consoleField, con.xadjust + con.cw, y, con.cw, con.ch, qtrue, !Con_IsInMarkMode() );
@ -768,20 +790,23 @@ static void Con_DrawSolidConsole( float frac )
const int cw = (int)ceilf( con.cw );
const int ch = (int)ceilf( con.ch );
re.SetColor( NULL );
rows = (scanlines - con.ch) / con.ch;
rows = (scanlines - ch) / ch;
con.y = scanlines;
y = scanlines - (con.ch * 3);
y = scanlines - (ch * 3);
// draw the console text from the bottom up
if (con.display != con.current) {
// draw arrows to show the buffer is backscrolled
const int xEnd = ( cls.glconfig.vidWidth - con.xadjust ) / con.cw;
const int xEnd = ( cls.glconfig.vidWidth - con.xadjust ) / cw;
re.SetColor( colArrow );
for (x = 0; x < xEnd; x += 4)
SCR_DrawChar( con.xadjust + x * con.cw, y, con.cw, con.ch, '^' );
y -= con.ch;
SCR_DrawChar( con.xadjust + x * cw, y, cw, ch, '^' );
y -= ch;
@ -790,11 +815,29 @@ static void Con_DrawSolidConsole( float frac )
char color = COLOR_WHITE;
re.SetColor( ConsoleColorFromChar( color ) );
const int markStartX = min( con.markStartX, con.markX );
const int markStartY = min( con.markStartY, con.markY );
const int markEndX = max( con.markStartX, con.markX );
const int markEndY = max( con.markStartY, con.markY );
qbool drawMark = qfalse;
if (con.markMode) {
// draw the mark area background, if any
const float mhu = ( markEndY - markStartY + 1 ) * ch; // unclipped
const float mh = min( mhu, (float)(con.display - markStartY) * ch );
drawMark =
markEndX != markStartX ||
markEndY != markStartY ||
Sys_Milliseconds() % 1000 < 500;
if (drawMark && mh > 0.0f) {
const float mx = con.xadjust + markStartX * cw;
const float my = y - ( con.display - markStartY - 1 ) * ch;
const float mw = ( markEndX - markStartX + 1 ) * cw;
Con_FillRect( mx, my, mw, mh, colMkBG );
con.rowsVisible = 0;
for (i = 0; i < rows; ++i, --row, y -= con.ch )
for (i = 0; i < rows; ++i, --row, y -= ch )
if (row < 0)
@ -806,25 +849,36 @@ static void Con_DrawSolidConsole( float frac )
if (y >= 0)
const short* text = con.text + (row % con.totallines)*con.linewidth;
re.SetColor( colShadow );
const short* const text = con.text + (row % con.totallines)*con.linewidth;
const qbool markRow = drawMark && row >= markStartY && row <= markEndY;
char color = COLOR_INVALID;
for (int j = 0; j < con.linewidth; ++j) {
SCR_DrawChar( 1 + con.xadjust + j * con.cw, 1 + y, con.cw, con.ch, (text[j] & 0xFF) );
char newColor = COLOR_SHAD;
if (markRow && j >= markStartX && j <= markEndX)
newColor = COLOR_MKSHAD;
if (newColor != color) {
color = newColor;
re.SetColor( ConsoleColorFromChar( color ) );
SCR_DrawChar( 1 + con.xadjust + j * cw, 1 + y, cw, ch, (text[j] & 0xFF) );
if ((row % con.totallines) == con.searchLineIndex) {
re.SetColor( colSearch );
SCR_DrawChar( con.xadjust - con.cw, y, con.cw, con.ch, 141 );
re.SetColor( colText );
for (int j = 0; j < con.linewidth; ++j) {
if ((text[j] >> 8) != color) {
color = (text[j] >> 8);
char newColor = text[j] >> 8;
if (markRow && j >= markStartX && j <= markEndX)
newColor = COLOR_MKTEXT;
if (newColor != color) {
color = newColor;
re.SetColor( ConsoleColorFromChar( color ) );
SCR_DrawChar( con.xadjust + j * con.cw, y, con.cw, con.ch, (text[j] & 0xFF) );
SCR_DrawChar( con.xadjust + j * cw, y, cw, ch, (text[j] & 0xFF) );
@ -1022,3 +1076,151 @@ void Con_ContinueSearch( qbool forward )
static void Con_AutoScrollMarkPosition()
if (con.markY >= con.display) {
con.display = con.markY + 1;
} else if (con.markY < con.display - con.rowsVisible) {
// we need to jump past 1 more line when we're all the way at the bottom
const int extra = con.display == con.current ? 1 : 0;
con.display += con.markY - ( con.display - con.rowsVisible ) - extra;
qbool Con_HandleMarkMode( qbool ctrlDown, qbool shiftDown, int key )
// ctrl-m = toggle mark mode
if ( ctrlDown && tolower(key) == 'm' ) {
con.markMode = !con.markMode;
if (con.markMode) {
con.markX = 0;
con.markY = con.display - 1;
con.markStartX = 0;
con.markStartY = con.display - 1;
return qtrue;
if (!con.markMode) {
return qfalse;
if (key == K_HOME) {
if (ctrlDown)
return qfalse;
con.markX = 0;
if (!shiftDown) {
con.markStartX = con.markX;
con.markStartY = con.markY;
return qtrue;
if(key == K_END) {
if (ctrlDown)
return qfalse;
con.markX = con.linewidth - 1;
if (!shiftDown) {
con.markStartX = con.markX;
con.markStartY = con.markY;
return qtrue;
if (key == K_LEFTARROW) {
con.markX = max( con.markX - 1, 0 );
if (!shiftDown) {
con.markStartX = con.markX;
con.markStartY = con.markY;
return qtrue;
if (key == K_RIGHTARROW) {
con.markX = min( con.markX + 1, con.linewidth );
if (!shiftDown) {
con.markStartX = con.markX;
con.markStartY = con.markY;
return qtrue;
if (key == K_UPARROW) {
con.markY = max( con.markY - 1, con.totallines - 1 );
if (!shiftDown) {
con.markStartX = con.markX;
con.markStartY = con.markY;
return qtrue;
if (key == K_DOWNARROW) {
con.markY = min( con.markY + 1, con.current - 1 );
if (!shiftDown) {
con.markStartX = con.markX;
con.markStartY = con.markY;
return qtrue;
if (shiftDown && key == K_PGUP) {
con.markY = max( con.markY - 6, con.totallines - 1 );
return qtrue;
if (shiftDown && key == K_PGDN) {
con.markY = min( con.markY + 6, con.current - 1 );
return qtrue;
if ((ctrlDown && tolower(key) == 'c') || key == K_ENTER) {
const int markStartX = min( con.markStartX, con.markX );
const int markStartY = min( con.markStartY, con.markY );
const int markEndX = max( con.markStartX, con.markX );
const int markEndY = max( con.markStartY, con.markY );
char* dst = con.markText;
for (int y = markStartY; y <= markEndY; ++y) {
if (y > markStartY) {
*dst++ = '\r';
*dst++ = '\n';
const int row = y % con.totallines;
const short* const text = con.text + row * con.linewidth;
for (int x = markStartX; x <= markEndX; ++x) {
*dst++ = text[x] & 0xFF;
*dst++ = '\0';
Sys_SetClipboardData( con.markText );
con.markMode = qfalse;
return qtrue;
// let the original scrolling code run...
if (key == K_PGDN || key == K_PGUP ||
key == K_MWHEELDOWN || key == K_MWHEELUP) {
return qfalse;
// ...but block everything else
return qtrue;
qbool Con_IsInMarkMode()
return con.markMode;
@ -213,7 +213,7 @@ EDIT FIELDS
// handles horizontal scrolling and cursor blinking
// position and char sizes are in pixels
void Field_Draw( field_t* edit, int x, int y, int cw, int ch, qbool extColors )
void Field_Draw( field_t* edit, int x, int y, int cw, int ch, qbool extColors, qbool drawCaret )
int len;
int drawLen;
@ -263,8 +263,8 @@ void Field_Draw( field_t* edit, int x, int y, int cw, int ch, qbool extColors )
firstColor = extColors ? ConsoleColorFromChar( colorCode ) : ColorFromChar( colorCode );
SCR_DrawStringEx( x, y, cw, ch, str, extColors ? DSC_CONSOLE : DSC_NORMAL, qtrue, firstColor );
if ( (int)( cls.realtime >> 8 ) & 1 ) {
return; // off blink
if ( !drawCaret || Sys_Milliseconds() % 500 < 250 ) {
if ( key_overstrikeMode ) {
@ -469,6 +469,10 @@ CONSOLE LINE EDITING
static void Console_Key( int key )
if ( Con_HandleMarkMode( keys[K_CTRL].down, keys[K_SHIFT].down, key ) ) {
// clear auto-completion buffer when not pressing tab
if ( key != K_TAB )
g_consoleField.acOffset = 0;
@ -1227,7 +1231,10 @@ void CL_CharEvent( int key ) {
// distribute the key down event to the appropriate handler
if ( cls.keyCatchers & KEYCATCH_CONSOLE )
Field_CharEvent( &g_consoleField, key );
if ( !Con_IsInMarkMode() )
Field_CharEvent( &g_consoleField, key );
else if ( cls.keyCatchers & KEYCATCH_UI )
@ -445,6 +445,8 @@ void Con_Top();
void Con_Bottom();
void Con_Close();
void Con_ContinueSearch( qbool forward );
qbool Con_HandleMarkMode( qbool ctrlDown, qbool shiftDown, int key );
qbool Con_IsInMarkMode();
const float* ConsoleColorFromChar( char ccode );
@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
#include "keycodes.h"
void Field_Draw( field_t* edit, int x, int y, int cw, int ch, qbool extColors );
void Field_Draw( field_t* edit, int x, int y, int cw, int ch, qbool extColors, qbool drawCaret = qtrue );
extern history_t g_history;
extern field_t g_consoleField;
@ -194,10 +194,16 @@ void* QDECL Sys_LoadDll( const char* name, dllSyscall_t *entryPoint, dllSyscall_
char *Sys_GetClipboardData(void)
char* Sys_GetClipboardData()
return NULL;
return NULL;
void Sys_SetClipboardData( const char* )
void Sys_Init()
@ -608,6 +608,12 @@ char* Sys_GetClipboardData()
void Sys_SetClipboardData( const char* text )
void Lin_MatchStartAlert()
const int alerts = cl_matchAlerts->integer;
@ -1107,6 +1107,7 @@ void QDECL Sys_Error( const char *error, ...);
// if it succeeds, returns memory allocated by Z_Malloc
// note that this isn't journaled
char *Sys_GetClipboardData( void );
void Sys_SetClipboardData( const char* text );
void Sys_Print( const char *msg );
@ -339,6 +339,26 @@ char *Sys_GetClipboardData( void )
void Sys_SetClipboardData( const char* text )
if ( OpenClipboard( NULL ) ) {
const int l = strlen( text );
const HGLOBAL hMemory = GlobalAlloc( GMEM_MOVEABLE, l + 1 );
if ( hMemory ) {
void* const dstMemory = GlobalLock( hMemory );
if ( dstMemory ) {
strcpy( (char*)dstMemory, text );
GlobalUnlock( hMemory );
SetClipboardData( CF_TEXT, hMemory );
GlobalFree( hMemory );
Reference in a new issue