mirror of
synced 2025-03-18 16:41:47 +00:00
map download improvements
- numeric addresses as fallbacks - non-blocking connections - writing to $(fs_homepath)/baseq3 instead of $(fs_basepath)/baseq3 - only using valid (TCP/stream) addresses from getaddrinfo - setting send time-outs - ensuring the destination directory exists - the renderer no longer messes up the RNG seed
This commit is contained in:
4 changed files with 399 additions and 100 deletions
@ -22,6 +22,15 @@ chg: faster map loads by limiting the rendering back-end's frame-rate
chg: on Windows, the upper limit of open stdio file handles was raised from 512 to 2048
fix: map download improvements
add: using numeric addresses as fallbacks in case DNS resolves fail
chg: made connections non-blocking so the engine won't freeze for long when starting a download
chg: writing to $(fs_homepath)/baseq3 instead of $(fs_basepath)/baseq3
fix: only using valid (TCP/stream) addresses from getaddrinfo
fix: setting send time-outs so the engine can't freeze indefinitely
fix: creating the destination directory when it doesn't already exist
fix: the file name suffixes generated by /dlmapf would often repeat due to a constant seed
fix: the last byte of a maximum length bitstream string wasn't parsed ("q3msgboom")
fix: aborting demo playback would crash when the "nextdemo" cvar was set to play a demo
@ -16,7 +16,10 @@
#include <sys/socket.h>
#include <sys/time.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <arpa/inet.h>
#include <netinet/in.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <netdb.h>
#include <string.h>
@ -39,18 +42,25 @@ typedef int SOCKET;
#define MAX_TIMEOUT_MS 2000
static const char sockaddr_in_large_enough[sizeof(sockaddr_in) >= sizeof(sockaddr) ? 1 : -1] = { 0 };
struct mapDownload_t {
char recBuffer[1 << 20]; // for both download data and checksumming
char tempMessage[MAXPRINTMSG]; // for PrintError
char tempMessage2[MAXPRINTMSG]; // for PrintSocketError
char errorMessage[MAXPRINTMSG];
char query[512]; // HTTP GET query - e.g. "map?n=akumacpm1a" for the CNQ3 map server
char mapName[MAX_PATH]; // only used if the server doesn't give us a .pk3 name
char tempPath[MAX_PATH]; // full path of the temp file being written to
char finalName[MAX_PATH]; // file name with extension suggested by the server
char finalPath[MAX_PATH]; // full path of the new .pk3 file
sockaddr_in addresses[16]; // addresses to try to connect to
char httpHeaderValue[128]; // only set when BadResponse is qtrue
SOCKET socket;
FILE* file;
int addressIndex;
int addressCount;
int startTimeMS;
unsigned int bytesHeader; // header only
unsigned int bytesContent; // file content only
@ -60,12 +70,13 @@ struct mapDownload_t {
qbool fromCommand; // qtrue if started by a console command
qbool headerParsed; // qtrue if we're done parsing the header
qbool badResponse; // qtrue if we need to read more packets for the custom error message
int timeOutStartTimeMS; // when the recv timeout started
int timeOutStartTimeMS; // when the connect/recv timeout started
qbool lastErrorTimeOut; // qtrue if the last recv error was a timeout
int sourceIndex; // index into the cl_mapDLSources array
qbool exactMatch; // qtrue if an exact match is required
qbool cleared; // qtrue if Download_Clear was called at least once
qbool realMapName; // qtrue if the name of a .bsp - otherwise, might be invalid or auto-generated
qbool connecting; // qtrue if the work started by connect is still in progress
@ -84,7 +95,8 @@ typedef void (*mapdlQueryFormatter_t)( char* query, int querySize, const char* m
// map download source for queries by map name only
struct mapDownloadSource_t {
const char* name;
const char* hostName; // don't put in the scheme (e.g. "http://")
const char* hostName; // don't put in the scheme (e.g. "http://")
const char* numericHostName; // used as a fallback
int port;
mapdlQueryFormatter_t formatQuery;
@ -98,8 +110,8 @@ static void FormatQueryWS( char* query, int querySize, const char* mapName );
static const mapDownloadSource_t cl_mapDLSources[2] = {
{ "CNQ3", "maps.playmorepromode.org", 8000, &FormatQueryCNQ3 },
{ "WorldSpawn", "ws.q3df.org", 80, &FormatQueryWS }
{ "CNQ3", "maps.playmorepromode.org", "", 8000, &FormatQueryCNQ3 },
{ "WorldSpawn", "ws.q3df.org", "", 80, &FormatQueryWS }
@ -178,28 +190,111 @@ static void PrintSocketError( mapDownload_t* dl, const char* functionName, int e
static void PrintSocketError( mapDownload_t* dl, const char* functionName )
static int GetSocketError()
#if defined(_WIN32)
PrintSocketError(dl, functionName, WSAGetLastError());
return WSAGetLastError();
PrintSocketError(dl, functionName, errno);
return errno;
static void PrintSocketError( mapDownload_t* dl, const char* functionName )
PrintSocketError(dl, functionName, GetSocketError());
static qbool IsSocketTimeoutError()
const int ec = GetSocketError();
#if defined(_WIN32)
const int ec = WSAGetLastError();
const int ec = errno;
return ec == EAGAIN || ec == EWOULDBLOCK;
static qbool IsConnectionInProgressError()
const int ec = GetSocketError();
#if defined(_WIN32)
// WSAEWOULDBLOCK "A non-blocking socket operation could not be completed immediately."
// WSAEINPROGRESS "A blocking operation is currently executing."
return ec == WSAEWOULDBLOCK;
// EINPROGRESS "The socket is nonblocking and the connection cannot be completed immediately."
return ec == EINPROGRESS;
static qbool SetSocketBlocking( SOCKET socket, qbool blocking )
#if defined(_WIN32)
u_long option = blocking ? 0 : 1;
return ioctlsocket(socket, FIONBIO, &option) != SOCKET_ERROR;
const int flags = fcntl(socket, F_GETFL, 0);
if (flags == -1)
return qfalse;
const int newFlags = blocking ? (flags & ~O_NONBLOCK) : (flags | O_NONBLOCK);
return fcntl(socket, F_SETFL, newFlags) != SOCKET_ERROR;
static qbool SetSocketOption( mapDownload_t* dl, int option, const void* data, size_t dataLength )
#if defined _WIN32
if (setsockopt(dl->socket, SOL_SOCKET, option, (const char*)data, (int)dataLength) == SOCKET_ERROR) {
if (setsockopt(dl->socket, SOL_SOCKET, option, data, (socklen_t)dataLength) == SOCKET_ERROR) {
PrintSocketError(dl, va("setsockopt %d", option));
return qfalse;
return qtrue;
static qbool GetSocketOption( mapDownload_t* dl, int option, void* data, size_t* dataLength )
#if defined _WIN32
int optionLength = (int)*dataLength;
if (getsockopt(dl->socket, SOL_SOCKET, option, (char*)data, &optionLength) == SOCKET_ERROR) {
socklen_t optionLength = (socklen_t)*dataLength;
if (getsockopt(dl->socket, SOL_SOCKET, option, data, &optionLength) == SOCKET_ERROR) {
PrintSocketError(dl, "getsockopt");
return qfalse;
*dataLength = (size_t)optionLength;
return qtrue;
static bool EnsureDirectoryExists( const char* path )
#if defined(_WIN32)
return CreateDirectoryA(path, NULL) != 0 || GetLastError() == ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS;
struct stat st = { 0 };
if (stat(path, &st) == 0 && S_ISDIR(st.st_mode))
return qtrue;
// 0755 -> user RWX group/others RX
if (mkdir(path, 0755) == 0)
return qtrue;
return qfalse;
static void Download_Clear( mapDownload_t* dl )
// NOTE: we must not reset mapName, realMapName
@ -208,6 +303,8 @@ static void Download_Clear( mapDownload_t* dl )
*dl->errorMessage = '\0';
dl->socket = INVALID_SOCKET;
dl->file = NULL;
dl->addressIndex = 0;
dl->addressCount = 0;
dl->startTimeMS = INT_MIN;
dl->crc32 = 0;
dl->bytesHeader = 0;
@ -220,6 +317,7 @@ static void Download_Clear( mapDownload_t* dl )
dl->sourceIndex = 0;
dl->exactMatch = qfalse;
dl->cleared = qtrue;
dl->connecting = qfalse;
@ -304,8 +402,8 @@ static qbool Download_Rename( mapDownload_t* dl )
// try with the desired name
const char* const fs_basepath = Cvar_VariableString("fs_basepath");
const char* finalPath = FS_BuildOSPath(fs_basepath, "baseq3", va("%s.pk3", name));
const char* const fs_homepath = Cvar_VariableString("fs_homepath");
const char* finalPath = FS_BuildOSPath(fs_homepath, "baseq3", va("%s.pk3", name));
Q_strncpyz(dl->finalPath, finalPath, sizeof(dl->finalPath));
if (RenameFile(dl->tempPath, dl->finalPath))
return qtrue;
@ -316,13 +414,14 @@ static qbool Download_Rename( mapDownload_t* dl )
const unsigned int suffix0 = (unsigned int)rand() % (1 << 12);
const unsigned int suffix1 = (unsigned int)rand() % (1 << 12);
const unsigned int suffix = suffix0 | (suffix1 << 12);
finalPath = FS_BuildOSPath(fs_basepath, "baseq3", va("%s_%06x.pk3", name, suffix));
finalPath = FS_BuildOSPath(fs_homepath, "baseq3", va("%s_%06x.pk3", name, suffix));
Q_strncpyz(dl->finalPath, finalPath, sizeof(dl->finalPath));
if (RenameFile(dl->tempPath, dl->finalPath))
return qtrue;
PrintError(dl, "Failed to rename '%s' to '%s' or a similar name", dl->tempPath, name);
finalPath = FS_BuildOSPath(fs_homepath, "baseq3", va("%s.pk3", name));
PrintError(dl, "Failed to rename '%s' to '%s' or a similar name", dl->tempPath, finalPath);
return qfalse;
@ -362,75 +461,27 @@ static qbool Download_CleanUp( mapDownload_t* dl, qbool rename )
static qbool Download_Begin( mapDownload_t* dl, int port, const char* server, const char* file )
static qbool Download_SendFileRequest( mapDownload_t* dl )
Download_CleanUp(dl, qfalse);
char portString[16];
Com_sprintf(portString, sizeof(portString), "%d", port);
addrInfo_t* address;
const int ec = getaddrinfo(server, portString, NULL, &address);
if (ec != 0) {
// EAI* errors map to WSA* errors, so it's ok to call this
PrintSocketError(dl, "getaddrinfo", ec);
return qfalse;
qbool connected = qfalse;
for (addrInfo_t* a = address; a != NULL; a = a->ai_next) {
dl->socket = socket(a->ai_family, a->ai_socktype, a->ai_protocol);
if (dl->socket == INVALID_SOCKET) {
PrintSocketError(dl, "socket");
if (connect(dl->socket, a->ai_addr, a->ai_addrlen) == SOCKET_ERROR) {
PrintSocketError(dl, "connect");
if (dl->socket != INVALID_SOCKET) {
dl->socket = INVALID_SOCKET;
connected = qtrue;
if (!connected) {
PrintError(dl, "Failed to connect to the host");
return qfalse;
#if defined(_WIN32)
const DWORD timeoutMs = 1;
if (setsockopt(dl->socket, SOL_SOCKET, SO_RCVTIMEO, (const char*)&timeoutMs, sizeof(timeoutMs)) == SOCKET_ERROR) {
PrintSocketError(dl, "setsockopt");
return qfalse;
timeval timeout;
timeout.tv_sec = 0;
timeout.tv_usec = 1000;
if (setsockopt(dl->socket, SOL_SOCKET, SO_RCVTIMEO, (const char*)&timeout, sizeof(timeout)) == SOCKET_ERROR) {
PrintSocketError(dl, "setsockopt");
return qfalse;
const mapDownloadSource_t& source = cl_mapDLSources[dl->sourceIndex];
const int port = source.port;
const char* const hostName = dl->addressIndex >= dl->addressCount ? source.numericHostName : source.hostName;
const char* const query = dl->query;
char request[256];
Com_sprintf(request, sizeof(request), "GET /%s HTTP/1.0\r\nHost: %s:%d\r\n\r\n", file, server, port);
Com_sprintf(request, sizeof(request), "GET /%s HTTP/1.0\r\nHost: %s:%d\r\n\r\n", query, hostName, port);
const int requestLength = strlen(request);
if (send(dl->socket, request, requestLength, 0) != requestLength) {
PrintSocketError(dl, "send");
return qfalse;
const char* const tempPathBase = FS_BuildOSPath(Cvar_VariableString("fs_basepath"), "baseq3", "");
const char* const tempPathBase = FS_BuildOSPath(Cvar_VariableString("fs_homepath"), "baseq3", "");
if (!EnsureDirectoryExists(tempPathBase)) {
PrintError(dl, "Couldn't create the baseq3 directory in fs_homepath");
return qfalse;
#if defined(_WIN32)
if (GetTempFileNameA(tempPathBase, "", 0, dl->tempPath) == 0) {
PrintError(dl, "Couldn't create a file name");
@ -455,6 +506,211 @@ static qbool Download_Begin( mapDownload_t* dl, int port, const char* server, co
static qbool Download_CreateSocket( mapDownload_t* dl )
if (dl->socket != INVALID_SOCKET) {
dl->socket = INVALID_SOCKET;
dl->socket = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, IPPROTO_IP);
if (dl->socket == INVALID_SOCKET) {
PrintSocketError(dl, "socket");
return qfalse;
if (!SetSocketBlocking(dl->socket, qfalse)) {
PrintSocketError(dl, "ioctlsocket/fnctl");
return qfalse;
// We want to block no longer than 1 ms every frame.
#if defined(_WIN32)
DWORD timeout = 1;
timeval timeout;
timeout.tv_sec = 0;
timeout.tv_usec = 1000;
if (!SetSocketOption(dl, SO_RCVTIMEO, &timeout, sizeof(timeout)))
return qfalse;
// We want to block no longer than MAX_TIMEOUT_MS ms once.
#if defined(_WIN32)
timeout = MAX_TIMEOUT_MS;
timeout.tv_sec = MAX_TIMEOUT_MS / 1000;
timeout.tv_usec = MAX_TIMEOUT_MS * 1000 - timeout.tv_sec * 1000000;
if (!SetSocketOption(dl, SO_SNDTIMEO, &timeout, sizeof(timeout)))
return qfalse;
return qtrue;
enum connState_t {
static connState_t Download_OpenNextConnection( mapDownload_t* dl )
if (dl->addressIndex >= dl->addressCount)
if (dl->addressIndex >= 1) {
Com_Printf("Attempting download again at address #%d...\n", dl->addressIndex + 1);
// We destroy and re-create the socket because non-blocking connect calls can't be canceled.
// Making it blocking to wait around means our custom time-out duration is gone.
if (!Download_CreateSocket(dl))
return CS_CLOSED;
const sockaddr_in& address = dl->addresses[dl->addressIndex];
if (connect(dl->socket, (const sockaddr*)&address, sizeof(sockaddr_in)) != SOCKET_ERROR) {
const connState_t result = Download_SendFileRequest(dl) ? CS_OPEN : CS_CLOSED;
return result;
if (!IsConnectionInProgressError()) {
PrintSocketError(dl, "connect");
return CS_CLOSED;
dl->timeOutStartTimeMS = Sys_Milliseconds();
return CS_OPENING;
static connState_t Download_FinishCurrentConnection( mapDownload_t* dl )
const int now = Sys_Milliseconds();
if (now - dl->timeOutStartTimeMS >= MAX_TIMEOUT_MS) {
PrintError(dl, "Failed to connect longer than " XSTRING(MAX_TIMEOUT_MS) "ms");
return CS_CLOSED;
const SOCKET socket = dl->socket;
fd_set writeSet;
FD_SET(socket, &writeSet);
fd_set exceptionSet;
FD_SET(socket, &exceptionSet);
timeval tv;
tv.tv_sec = 0;
tv.tv_usec = 500;
// see if our socket is write-able yet
const int selectResult = select(socket + 1, NULL, &writeSet, &exceptionSet, &tv);
if (selectResult == -1) {
PrintSocketError(dl, "select");
return CS_CLOSED;
if (selectResult == 0) {
// nothing happened yet, so we wait
return CS_OPENING;
// now we can actually query the connect status
#if defined(_WIN32)
DWORD connectResult = 0;
int connectResult = 0;
size_t connectResultLength = sizeof(connectResult);
if (!GetSocketOption(dl, SO_ERROR, &connectResult, &connectResultLength)) {
PrintSocketError(dl, "getsockopt");
return CS_CLOSED;
if (connectResult != 0) {
PrintSocketError(dl, "connect (delay)", (int)connectResult);
return CS_CLOSED;
if (!SetSocketBlocking(dl->socket, qtrue)) {
PrintSocketError(dl, "ioctlsocket/fnctl");
return CS_CLOSED;
if (!Download_SendFileRequest(dl)) {
return CS_CLOSED;
dl->timeOutStartTimeMS = INT_MIN;
return CS_OPEN;
static qbool Download_Begin( mapDownload_t* dl, int sourceIndex )
Download_CleanUp(dl, qfalse);
dl->sourceIndex = sourceIndex;
if (!Download_CreateSocket(dl))
return qfalse;
addrInfo_t hints;
memset(&hints, 0, sizeof(hints));
hints.ai_family = AF_INET;
hints.ai_socktype = SOCK_STREAM;
hints.ai_protocol = IPPROTO_TCP;
const mapDownloadSource_t& source = cl_mapDLSources[dl->sourceIndex];
addrInfo_t* addresses;
const int ec = getaddrinfo(source.hostName, va("%d", source.port), &hints, &addresses);
if (ec == 0) {
addrInfo_t* a = addresses;
while (a != NULL && dl->addressCount < ARRAY_LEN(dl->addresses)) {
sockaddr_in& address = dl->addresses[dl->addressCount++];
memset(&address, 0, sizeof(sockaddr_in));
memcpy(&address, a->ai_addr, sizeof(*a->ai_addr));
a = a->ai_next;
} else {
// EAI* errors map to WSA* errors, so it's ok to call this
PrintSocketError(dl, "getaddrinfo", ec);
if (dl->addressCount < ARRAY_LEN(dl->addresses)) {
sockaddr_in& address = dl->addresses[dl->addressCount++];
memset(&address, 0, sizeof(address));
address.sin_family = AF_INET;
address.sin_port = htons(source.port);
inet_pton(AF_INET, source.numericHostName, &address.sin_addr.s_addr);
for (;;) {
const connState_t result = Download_OpenNextConnection(dl);
if (result == CS_OPENING) {
dl->connecting = qtrue;
return qtrue;
if (result == CS_OPEN) {
dl->timeOutStartTimeMS = INT_MIN;
return qtrue;
if(result == CS_LIST_EXHAUSTED)
return qfalse;
static qbool IsWhiteSpace( char c )
return c == '\r' || c == '\n' || c == '\t' || c == ' ';
@ -584,6 +840,35 @@ int Download_Continue( mapDownload_t* dl )
if (dl->socket == INVALID_SOCKET)
if (dl->connecting) {
connState_t cs = Download_FinishCurrentConnection(dl);
if (cs == CS_CLOSED) {
for (;;) {
cs = Download_OpenNextConnection(dl);
if (cs == CS_OPENING)
if (cs == CS_OPEN) {
dl->connecting = qfalse;
dl->timeOutStartTimeMS = INT_MIN;
dl->lastErrorTimeOut = qfalse;
if (cs == CS_LIST_EXHAUSTED) {
Download_CleanUp(dl, qfalse);
return MDLS_ERROR;
if (cs == CS_OPENING)
// cs == CS_OPEN
dl->connecting = qfalse;
dl->timeOutStartTimeMS = INT_MIN;
dl->lastErrorTimeOut = qfalse;
// the -1 is necessary because we need to be able to safely null-terminate
// the buffer for ParseHeader without stomping another buffer's memory
const int ec = recv(dl->socket, dl->recBuffer, sizeof(dl->recBuffer) - 1, 0);
@ -651,15 +936,18 @@ int Download_Continue( mapDownload_t* dl )
static qbool CL_MapDownload_StartImpl( const char* mapName, int source, const char* query, qbool fromCommand, qbool exactMatch, qbool realMapName )
static qbool CL_MapDownload_StartImpl( const char* mapName, int sourceIndex, qbool fromCommand, qbool exactMatch, qbool realMapName )
Com_Printf("Attempting download from the %s map server...\n", cl_mapDLSources[source].name);
const mapDownloadSource_t& source = cl_mapDLSources[sourceIndex];
Com_Printf("Attempting download from the %s map server...\n", source.name);
Q_strncpyz(cl_mapDL.mapName, mapName, sizeof(cl_mapDL.mapName));
cl_mapDL.realMapName = realMapName;
const qbool success = Download_Begin(&cl_mapDL, cl_mapDLSources[source].port, cl_mapDLSources[source].hostName, query);
const qbool success = Download_Begin(&cl_mapDL, sourceIndex);
if (!success) {
Download_CleanUp(&cl_mapDL, qfalse);
if (!fromCommand)
Com_Error(ERR_DROP, cl_mapDL.errorMessage);
return qfalse;
@ -667,7 +955,7 @@ static qbool CL_MapDownload_StartImpl( const char* mapName, int source, const ch
// We set these after the Download_Begin call since it clears cl_mapDL.
cl_mapDL.fromCommand = fromCommand;
cl_mapDL.sourceIndex = source;
cl_mapDL.sourceIndex = sourceIndex;
cl_mapDL.exactMatch = exactMatch;
if (!fromCommand) {
@ -696,13 +984,12 @@ qbool CL_MapDownload_Start( const char* mapName, qbool fromCommand )
if (CL_MapDownload_CheckActive())
return qfalse;
char query[256];
(*cl_mapDLSources[0].formatQuery)(query, sizeof(query), mapName);
if (CL_MapDownload_StartImpl(mapName, 0, query, fromCommand, qfalse, qtrue))
(*cl_mapDLSources[0].formatQuery)(cl_mapDL.query, sizeof(cl_mapDL.query), mapName);
if (CL_MapDownload_StartImpl(mapName, 0, fromCommand, qfalse, qtrue))
return qtrue;
(*cl_mapDLSources[1].formatQuery)(query, sizeof(query), mapName);
return CL_MapDownload_StartImpl(mapName, 1, query, fromCommand, qfalse, qtrue);
(*cl_mapDLSources[1].formatQuery)(cl_mapDL.query, sizeof(cl_mapDL.query), mapName);
return CL_MapDownload_StartImpl(mapName, 1, fromCommand, qfalse, qtrue);
@ -711,12 +998,11 @@ qbool CL_MapDownload_Start_MapChecksum( const char* mapName, unsigned int mapCrc
if (mapCrc32 == 0 || CL_MapDownload_CheckActive())
return qfalse;
char query[256];
Com_sprintf(query, sizeof(query), "map?n=%s&m=%x", mapName, mapCrc32);
Com_sprintf(cl_mapDL.query, sizeof(cl_mapDL.query), "map?n=%s&m=%x", mapName, mapCrc32);
if (!exactMatch)
Q_strcat(query, sizeof(query), "&e=0");
Q_strcat(cl_mapDL.query, sizeof(cl_mapDL.query), "&e=0");
return CL_MapDownload_StartImpl(mapName, 0, query, qfalse, exactMatch, qtrue);
return CL_MapDownload_StartImpl(mapName, 0, qfalse, exactMatch, qtrue);
@ -725,16 +1011,15 @@ qbool CL_MapDownload_Start_PakChecksums( const char* mapName, unsigned int* pakC
if (pakCount == 0 || CL_MapDownload_CheckActive())
return qfalse;
static char query[1024];
Com_sprintf(query, sizeof(query), "map?n=%s&p=", mapName);
Q_strcat(query, sizeof(query), va("%x", pakChecksums[0]));
Com_sprintf(cl_mapDL.query, sizeof(cl_mapDL.query), "map?n=%s&p=", mapName);
Q_strcat(cl_mapDL.query, sizeof(cl_mapDL.query), va("%x", pakChecksums[0]));
for (int i = 1; i < pakCount; ++i) {
Q_strcat(query, sizeof(query), va(",%x", pakChecksums[i]));
Q_strcat(cl_mapDL.query, sizeof(cl_mapDL.query), va(",%x", pakChecksums[i]));
if (!exactMatch)
Q_strcat(query, sizeof(query), "&e=0");
Q_strcat(cl_mapDL.query, sizeof(cl_mapDL.query), "&e=0");
return CL_MapDownload_StartImpl(mapName, 0, query, qfalse, exactMatch, qtrue);
return CL_MapDownload_StartImpl(mapName, 0, qfalse, exactMatch, qtrue);
@ -743,8 +1028,7 @@ qbool CL_PakDownload_Start( unsigned int checksum, qbool fromCommand, const char
if (checksum == 0 || CL_MapDownload_CheckActive())
return qfalse;
char query[64];
Com_sprintf(query, sizeof(query), "pak?%x", checksum);
Com_sprintf(cl_mapDL.query, sizeof(cl_mapDL.query), "pak?%x", checksum);
qbool realMapName = qtrue;
char name[64];
@ -754,7 +1038,7 @@ qbool CL_PakDownload_Start( unsigned int checksum, qbool fromCommand, const char
realMapName = qfalse;
return CL_MapDownload_StartImpl(mapName, 0, query, fromCommand, qtrue, realMapName);
return CL_MapDownload_StartImpl(mapName, 0, fromCommand, qtrue, realMapName);
@ -789,9 +1073,8 @@ void CL_MapDownload_Continue()
Com_Error(ERR_DROP, cl_mapDL.errorMessage);
} else if (cl_mapDL.sourceIndex == 0 && !cl_mapDL.exactMatch) {
char query[256];
(*cl_mapDLSources[1].formatQuery)(query, sizeof(query), cl_mapDL.mapName);
CL_MapDownload_StartImpl(cl_mapDL.mapName, 1, query, cl_mapDL.fromCommand, qfalse, cl_mapDL.realMapName);
(*cl_mapDLSources[1].formatQuery)(cl_mapDL.query, sizeof(cl_mapDL.query), cl_mapDL.mapName);
CL_MapDownload_StartImpl(cl_mapDL.mapName, 1, cl_mapDL.fromCommand, qfalse, cl_mapDL.realMapName);
@ -1974,6 +1974,12 @@ static void Com_Exit_f( void )
static void Com_Rand_f( void )
Com_Printf("%d\n", rand());
// force a bus error for development reasons
static void Com_Crash_f( void )
@ -2170,6 +2176,7 @@ static const cmdTableItem_t com_cmds[] =
{ "crash", Com_Crash_f },
{ "freeze", Com_Freeze_f },
{ "exit", Com_Exit_f },
{ "rand", Com_Rand_f },
{ "quit", Com_Quit_f, NULL, "closes the application" },
{ "writeconfig", Com_WriteConfig_f, Com_CompleteWriteConfig_f, "write the cvars and key binds to a file" }
@ -2213,6 +2220,8 @@ void Com_Init( char *commandLine )
Sys_Error ("Error during initialization");
srand( time( NULL ) );
memset( com_pushedEvents, 0, sizeof(com_pushedEvents) );
com_pushedEventsHead = 0;
com_pushedEventsTail = 0;
@ -44,8 +44,6 @@ void R_NoiseInit()
int i;
srand( 1001 );
for ( i = 0; i < NOISE_SIZE; i++ )
s_noise_table[i] = ( float ) ( ( ( rand() / ( float ) RAND_MAX ) * 2.0 - 1.0 ) );
Reference in a new issue