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synced 2025-03-13 22:23:04 +00:00
improved the map download initiation logic and updated the CNQ3 map server addresses
This commit is contained in:
3 changed files with 85 additions and 33 deletions
@ -100,6 +100,8 @@ add: the renderer can now batch surfaces with different (but sufficiently simila
add: /modellist /skinlist /imagelist /shaderlist can now filter results with pattern matching
chg: improved the map download initiation logic and updated the CNQ3 map server addresses
chg: increased the small zone allocator's size from 512 KB to 4 MB (1 MB in the dedicated executable)
chg: dynamic lights now use a softer fall-off curve to create softer edges
@ -132,8 +132,8 @@ static void FormatQueryWS( char* query, int querySize, const char* mapName );
static const mapDownloadSource_t cl_mapDLSources[2] = {
{ "CNQ3", "maps.playmorepromode.org", "", 8000, &FormatQueryCNQ3 },
{ "WorldSpawn", "ws.q3df.org", "", 80, &FormatQueryWS }
{ "CNQ3", "maps.playmorepromode.com", "", 8000, &FormatQueryCNQ3 },
{ "WorldSpawn", "ws.q3df.org", "", 80, &FormatQueryWS }
@ -1149,25 +1149,51 @@ static qbool MapDL_FileExists( const char* path )
// returns qtrue if a download started
static qbool CL_StartDownloads()
int mode = cl_allowDownload->integer;
if (mode < -1 || mode > 1) {
mode = 1;
static unsigned int pakChecksums[MAX_PAKFILES];
// never launch a download when starting a listen server...
if (com_sv_running->integer)
return qfalse;
// note that CL_SystemInfoChanged won't change our local values of "sv_pure" and "sv_currentPak",
// so we have to read them from the server's gamestate data
char mapName[MAX_NAME_LENGTH];
char mapPath[MAX_NAME_LENGTH];
const char* const systemInfo = cl.gameState.stringData + cl.gameState.stringOffsets[CS_SYSTEMINFO];
const char* const serverInfo = cl.gameState.stringData + cl.gameState.stringOffsets[CS_SERVERINFO];
const qbool pureServer = atoi(Info_ValueForKey(systemInfo, "sv_pure")) == 1;
const qbool exactMatch = !clc.demoplaying && pureServer;
Q_strncpyz(mapName, Info_ValueForKey(serverInfo, "mapname"), sizeof(mapName));
Q_strncpyz(mapPath, va("maps/%s.bsp", mapName), sizeof(mapPath));
const int mode = cl_allowDownload->integer;
unsigned int pakChecksum = 0;
if (sscanf(Info_ValueForKey(serverInfo, "sv_currentPak"), "%d", &pakChecksum) != 1)
pakChecksum = 0;
// downloads disabled
if (mode == 0) {
// autodownload is disabled on the client
// but it's possible that some referenced files on the server are missing
char missingfiles[1024];
if (FS_ComparePaks(missingfiles, sizeof(missingfiles), qfalse)) {
// NOTE TTimo I would rather have that printed as a modal message box
// but at this point while joining the game we don't know whether we will successfully join or not
Com_Printf("\nWARNING: You are missing some files referenced by the server:\n%s"
"To enable downloads, set cl_allowDownload to 1 (new) or -1 (old)\n\n", missingfiles);
if (exactMatch && pakChecksum != 0) {
// don't allow connections to pure CNQ3 servers if we don't have the right file
int pakCount;
FS_MissingPaks(pakChecksums, &pakCount, ARRAY_LEN(pakChecksums));
for (int i = 0; i < pakCount; ++i) {
if (pakChecksums[i] == pakChecksum) {
Com_Printf("\nERROR: You are missing the PK3 file the pure server has loaded the current map from. "
"To enable downloads, set cl_allowDownload to 1 (new) or -1 (old).\n\n");
Com_Error(ERR_DROP, "Missing map! Try cl_allowDownload 1");
} else if (exactMatch) {
// we can't be sure whether we're about to break sv_pure or not :-(
// it's possible that some referenced files on the server are missing
char missingfiles[1024];
if (FS_ComparePaks(missingfiles, sizeof(missingfiles), qfalse)) {
// NOTE TTimo I would rather have that printed as a modal message box
// but at this point while joining the game we don't know whether we will successfully join or not
Com_Printf("\nWARNING: You are missing some files referenced by the server:\n%s\n"
"To enable downloads, set cl_allowDownload to 1 (new) or -1 (old)\n\n", missingfiles);
return qfalse;
@ -1177,7 +1203,6 @@ static qbool CL_StartDownloads()
if (FS_ComparePaks(clc.downloadList, sizeof(clc.downloadList), qtrue)) {
Com_Printf("Need paks: %s\n", clc.downloadList);
if (*clc.downloadList) {
// if autodownloading is not enabled on the server
cls.state = CA_CONNECTED;
return qtrue;
@ -1190,27 +1215,58 @@ static qbool CL_StartDownloads()
// CNQ3 downloads
// note: the use of FS_FileIsInPAK works here because it rejects paks that aren't in the pure list
const qbool pureServer = Cvar_VariableIntegerValue("sv_pure"); // the cvar is in CS_SYSTEMINFO
const qbool exactMatch = !clc.demoplaying && pureServer;
const char* const serverInfo = cl.gameState.stringData + cl.gameState.stringOffsets[CS_SERVERINFO];
const char* const mapName = Info_ValueForKey(serverInfo, "mapname");
const char* const mapPath = va("maps/%s.bsp", mapName);
if ((!exactMatch && MapDL_FileExists(mapPath)) || FS_FileIsInPAK(mapPath, NULL, NULL))
// handle the non-exact case first
if (!exactMatch) {
// if we have something of the same name, we're good (enough)
if (FS_FileIsInPAK(mapPath, NULL, NULL) || MapDL_FileExists(mapPath))
return qfalse;
// if we don't, we look for anything of the same name
if (CL_MapDownload_Start(mapName, qfalse)) {
cls.state = CA_CONNECTED;
return qtrue;
// the above code will trigger a drop error if it fails
return qfalse;
// let's first see if we can assume we have the right file
if (pakChecksum != 0) {
// CNQ3 pure server: we can directly look for a specific pak file and be 100% sure
if (FS_PakExists(pakChecksum)) {
return qfalse;
} else {
// other server: no way to 100% prove we have the pak file the server loaded the map from,
// unless we make sure we have every single pak file the server has...
// let's suppose we have the following scenario:
// - the server has bad_a.pk3 and bad_b.pk3 in baseq3
// - both paks contains "maps/bad.bsp"
// - bad_a.pk3 and bad_b.pk3 are different files with different (Quake 3 FS) checksums
// - the server loads the map "bad" from bad_b.pk3 because of search path ordering
// - the client only has bad_a.pk3 and tries to connect
// - the client decides everything is fine and connects anyway... oops
// This happens with the original quake3.exe too and is a design flaw of the pure system.
// The alternative is for the client to decide not to connect whenever a single pak is missing,
// but that's just going to unjustifiably antagonize users for the sake of an infrequent issue.
// Server owners forgetting to delete old paks certainly isn't rare, however.
// The simplest solutions are diligence and having servers check and warn about duplicate maps.
if (FS_FileIsInPAK(mapPath, NULL, NULL))
return qfalse;
// generate a checksum list of all the pure paks we're missing
unsigned int pakChecksums[256];
int pakCount;
const char* const pakChecksumString = Info_ValueForKey(serverInfo, "sv_currentPak");
unsigned int pakChecksum;
if (sscanf(pakChecksumString, "%d", &pakChecksum) == 1 && pakChecksum != 0) {
if (pakChecksum != 0) {
pakChecksums[0] = pakChecksum;
pakCount = 1;
} else {
FS_MissingPaks(pakChecksums, &pakCount, ARRAY_LEN(pakChecksums));
if (pakCount > 0) {
const qbool dlStarted = pakCount == 1 ?
// we know exactly which pk3 we need, we don't send a map name to the server
@ -1226,12 +1282,6 @@ static qbool CL_StartDownloads()
return qfalse;
// we send the map's name only because we have no additional data and
// an exact match isn't needed
if (!exactMatch && CL_MapDownload_Start(mapName, qfalse)) {
cls.state = CA_CONNECTED;
return qtrue;
return qfalse;
Reference in a new issue