2022-12-28 19:49:18 +00:00
2024-01-13 21:40:13 +00:00
Copyright (C) 2022-2024 Gian 'myT' Schellenbaum
2022-12-28 19:49:18 +00:00
This file is part of Challenge Quake 3 (CNQ3).
Challenge Quake 3 is free software; you can redistribute it
and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License,
or (at your option) any later version.
Challenge Quake 3 is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with Challenge Quake 3. If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
// Rendering Hardware Interface - private interface
#pragma once
#include "tr_local.h"
namespace RHI
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// FrameCount has 2 meanings:
2022-12-28 19:49:18 +00:00
// 1. maximum number of frames queued
// 2. number of frames in the back buffer
const uint32_t FrameCount = 2;
2023-11-11 15:47:05 +00:00
const uint32_t MaxVertexBuffers = 16;
const uint32_t MaxVertexAttributes = 32;
const uint32_t MaxRenderTargets = 8;
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const uint32_t MaxDurationQueries = 64;
const uint32_t MaxTextureMips = 16;
const uint32_t InvalidDescriptorIndex = UINT16_MAX;
2023-11-11 15:47:05 +00:00
const uint32_t MaxCPUGenericDescriptors = 16384; // real max: unlimited
const uint32_t MaxCPUSamplerDescriptors = 128; // real max: 2048
const uint32_t MaxCPURTVDescriptors = 64;
const uint32_t MaxCPUDSVDescriptors = 64;
const uint32_t MaxCPUDescriptors =
MaxCPUGenericDescriptors +
MaxCPUSamplerDescriptors +
MaxCPURTVDescriptors +
2022-12-28 19:49:18 +00:00
#define RHI_ENUM_OPERATORS(EnumType) \
inline EnumType operator|(EnumType a, EnumType b) { return (EnumType)((uint32_t)(a) | (uint32_t)(b)); } \
inline EnumType operator&(EnumType a, EnumType b) { return (EnumType)((uint32_t)(a) & (uint32_t)(b)); } \
inline EnumType operator|=(EnumType& a, EnumType b) { return a = (a | b); } \
inline EnumType operator&=(EnumType& a, EnumType b) { return a = (a & b); } \
inline EnumType operator~(EnumType a) { return (EnumType)(~(uint32_t)(a)); }
#define RHI_BIT(Bit) (1 << Bit)
#define RHI_BIT_MASK(BitCount) ((1 << BitCount) - 1)
#define RHI_GET_HANDLE_VALUE(Handle) (Handle.v)
#define RHI_MAKE_HANDLE(Value) { Value }
#define RHI_MAKE_NULL_HANDLE() { 0 }
struct IndexType
enum Id
struct ResourceStates
enum Flags
Common = 0,
VertexBufferBit = RHI_BIT(0),
IndexBufferBit = RHI_BIT(1),
ConstantBufferBit = RHI_BIT(2),
RenderTargetBit = RHI_BIT(3),
VertexShaderAccessBit = RHI_BIT(4),
PixelShaderAccessBit = RHI_BIT(5),
ComputeShaderAccessBit = RHI_BIT(6),
CopySourceBit = RHI_BIT(7),
CopyDestinationBit = RHI_BIT(8),
DepthReadBit = RHI_BIT(9),
DepthWriteBit = RHI_BIT(10),
UnorderedAccessBit = RHI_BIT(11),
PresentBit = RHI_BIT(12),
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RaytracingASBit = RHI_BIT(13),
2022-12-28 19:49:18 +00:00
ShaderAccessBits = VertexShaderAccessBit | PixelShaderAccessBit | ComputeShaderAccessBit,
DepthAccessBits = DepthReadBit | DepthWriteBit
struct MemoryUsage
enum Id
CPU, // Host
GPU, // DeviceLocal
Upload, // CPU -> GPU
Readback, // GPU -> CPU
struct ShaderStage
enum Id
struct ShaderStages
enum Flags
None = 0,
VertexBit = 1 << ShaderStage::Vertex,
PixelBit = 1 << ShaderStage::Pixel,
ComputeBit = 1 << ShaderStage::Compute,
AllGraphicsBits = VertexBit | PixelBit
struct DataType
enum Id
struct ShaderSemantic
enum Id
struct TextureFormat
enum Id
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struct ComparisonFunction
enum Id
struct DescriptorType
enum Id
Buffer, // CBV, HBuffer
RWBuffer, // UAV, HBuffer
Texture, // SRV, HTexture
RWTexture, // UAV, HTexture
struct TextureFilter
enum Id
struct PipelineType
enum Id
struct StencilOp
enum Id
2023-08-03 00:38:29 +00:00
struct ShadingRate
enum Id
// Guaranteed modes:
// Additional modes:
2022-12-28 19:49:18 +00:00
struct RootSignatureDesc
RootSignatureDesc() = default;
2024-01-22 00:40:31 +00:00
explicit RootSignatureDesc(const char* name_)
2022-12-28 19:49:18 +00:00
name = name_;
const char* name = NULL;
bool shortLifeTime = false;
bool usingVertexBuffers = false;
struct PerStageConstants
uint32_t byteCount = 0;
struct DescriptorRange
DescriptorType::Id type = DescriptorType::Count;
uint32_t firstIndex = 0;
uint32_t count = 0;
uint32_t genericRangeCount = 0;
uint32_t samplerCount = 0;
ShaderStages::Flags genericVisibility = ShaderStages::None; // ignored by compute pipelines
ShaderStages::Flags samplerVisibility = ShaderStages::None; // ignored by compute pipelines
PipelineType::Id pipelineType = PipelineType::Graphics;
void AddRange(DescriptorType::Id type, uint32_t firstIndex, uint32_t count)
Q_assert(genericRangeCount < ARRAY_LEN(genericRanges));
DescriptorRange& r = genericRanges[genericRangeCount++];
r.type = type;
r.firstIndex = firstIndex;
r.count = count;
struct ShaderByteCode
ShaderByteCode() = default;
ShaderByteCode(const void* data_, uint32_t byteCount_)
data = data_;
byteCount = byteCount_;
template<uint32_t N>
2024-01-22 00:40:31 +00:00
explicit ShaderByteCode(const uint8_t (&byteCode)[N])
data = byteCode;
byteCount = N;
template<uint32_t N>
void Set(const uint8_t (&byteCode)[N])
2022-12-28 19:49:18 +00:00
data = byteCode;
byteCount = N;
const void* data = NULL;
uint32_t byteCount = 0;
struct ShaderMacro
ShaderMacro() = default;
ShaderMacro(const char* name_, const char* value_)
name = name_;
value = value_;
const char* name = NULL;
const char* value = NULL;
struct VertexAttribute
uint32_t vertexBufferIndex = 0; // also called "binding" or "input slot"
ShaderSemantic::Id semantic = ShaderSemantic::Count; // intended usage
DataType::Id dataType = DataType::Count; // for a single component of the vector
uint32_t vectorLength = 4; // number of components per vector
uint32_t structByteOffset = 0; // where in the struct to look when using interleaved data
struct DepthStencilOpDesc
ComparisonFunction::Id comparison = ComparisonFunction::Always;
StencilOp::Id passOp = StencilOp::Keep;
StencilOp::Id failOp = StencilOp::Keep;
StencilOp::Id depthFailOp = StencilOp::Keep;
struct GraphicsPipelineDesc
GraphicsPipelineDesc() = default;
GraphicsPipelineDesc(const char* name_, HRootSignature rootSignature_)
name = name_;
rootSignature = rootSignature_;
2024-01-13 21:40:13 +00:00
explicit GraphicsPipelineDesc(const char* name_)
name = name_;
rootSignature = RHI_MAKE_NULL_HANDLE();
2022-12-28 19:49:18 +00:00
const char* name = NULL;
bool shortLifeTime = false;
HRootSignature rootSignature = RHI_MAKE_NULL_HANDLE();
ShaderByteCode vertexShader;
ShaderByteCode pixelShader;
struct VertexLayout
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VertexAttribute attributes[MaxVertexAttributes];
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uint32_t attributeCount = 0;
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uint32_t bindingStrides[MaxVertexBuffers] = { 0 }; // total byte size of a vertex for each buffer
2022-12-28 19:49:18 +00:00
void AddAttribute(
uint32_t vertexBufferIndex,
ShaderSemantic::Id semantic,
DataType::Id dataType,
uint32_t vectorLength,
uint32_t structByteOffset)
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Q_assert(attributeCount < MaxVertexAttributes);
2022-12-28 19:49:18 +00:00
VertexAttribute& va = attributes[attributeCount++];
va.dataType = dataType;
va.semantic = semantic;
va.structByteOffset = structByteOffset;
va.vectorLength = vectorLength;
va.vertexBufferIndex = vertexBufferIndex;
struct DepthStencil
void DisableDepth()
enableDepthTest = false;
enableDepthWrites = false;
bool enableDepthTest = true;
bool enableDepthWrites = true;
ComparisonFunction::Id depthComparison = ComparisonFunction::GreaterEqual;
TextureFormat::Id depthStencilFormat = TextureFormat::Depth32_Float;
bool enableStencil = false;
uint8_t stencilReadMask = 0xFF;
uint8_t stencilWriteMask = 0xFF;
DepthStencilOpDesc frontFace;
DepthStencilOpDesc backFace;
struct Rasterizer
cullType_t cullMode = CT_FRONT_SIDED;
bool polygonOffset = false;
bool clampDepth = false;
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bool wireFrame = false;
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struct RenderTarget
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2024-02-18 15:26:05 +00:00
TextureFormat::Id format = TextureFormat::R8G8B8A8_UNorm;
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2023-11-11 15:47:05 +00:00
2022-12-28 19:49:18 +00:00
uint32_t renderTargetCount = 0;
void AddRenderTarget(uint32_t q3BlendMode, TextureFormat::Id format)
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Q_assert(renderTargetCount < MaxRenderTargets);
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RenderTarget& rt = renderTargets[renderTargetCount++];
rt.q3BlendMode = q3BlendMode;
rt.format = format;
struct ComputePipelineDesc
ComputePipelineDesc() = default;
ComputePipelineDesc(const char* name_, HRootSignature rootSignature_)
name = name_;
rootSignature = rootSignature_;
2024-01-13 21:40:13 +00:00
explicit ComputePipelineDesc(const char* name_)
name = name_;
rootSignature = RHI_MAKE_NULL_HANDLE();
2022-12-28 19:49:18 +00:00
const char* name = NULL;
bool shortLifeTime = false;
HRootSignature rootSignature = RHI_MAKE_NULL_HANDLE();
ShaderByteCode shader;
struct BufferDesc
BufferDesc() = default;
BufferDesc(const char* name_, uint32_t byteCount_, ResourceStates::Flags initialState_)
name = name_;
2024-02-06 22:15:31 +00:00
shortLifeTime = false;
2022-12-28 19:49:18 +00:00
byteCount = byteCount_;
initialState = initialState_;
memoryUsage = MemoryUsage::GPU;
committedResource = false;
2024-02-06 22:15:31 +00:00
structureByteCount = 0;
useSrvIndex0 = false;
2022-12-28 19:49:18 +00:00
const char* name = NULL;
bool shortLifeTime = false;
uint32_t byteCount = 0;
ResourceStates::Flags initialState = ResourceStates::Common;
MemoryUsage::Id memoryUsage = MemoryUsage::GPU;
bool committedResource = false;
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uint32_t structureByteCount = 0; // > 0 means structured buffer, == 0 means byte address buffer
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bool useSrvIndex0 = false;
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struct TextureDesc
TextureDesc() = default;
TextureDesc(const char* name_, uint32_t width_, uint32_t height_, uint32_t mipCount_ = 1)
name = name_;
width = width_;
height = height_;
mipCount = mipCount_;
sampleCount = 1;
initialState = ResourceStates::PixelShaderAccessBit;
allowedState = ResourceStates::PixelShaderAccessBit;
2024-02-18 15:26:05 +00:00
format = TextureFormat::R8G8B8A8_UNorm;
2022-12-28 19:49:18 +00:00
committedResource = false;
usePreferredClearValue = false;
const char* name = NULL;
bool shortLifeTime = false;
uint32_t width = 0;
uint32_t height = 0;
uint32_t mipCount = 1;
uint32_t sampleCount = 1;
ResourceStates::Flags initialState = ResourceStates::PixelShaderAccessBit;
ResourceStates::Flags allowedState = ResourceStates::PixelShaderAccessBit;
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TextureFormat::Id format = TextureFormat::R8G8B8A8_UNorm;
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bool committedResource = false;
bool usePreferredClearValue = false; // for render targets and depth/stencil buffers
float clearColor[4] = { 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f };
float clearDepth = 1.0f;
byte clearStencil = 0;
void* nativeResource = NULL; // ID3D12Resource*, VkImage, etc.
void SetClearColor(const vec4_t rgba)
usePreferredClearValue = true;
Vector4Copy(rgba, clearColor);
void SetClearDepthStencil(float depth, byte stencil = 0)
usePreferredClearValue = true;
clearDepth = depth;
clearStencil = stencil;
struct SamplerDesc
SamplerDesc() = default;
SamplerDesc(textureWrap_t wrapMode_, TextureFilter::Id filterMode_, float minLOD_ = 0.0f, float mipLODBias_ = 0.0f)
wrapMode = wrapMode_;
filterMode = filterMode_;
minLOD = minLOD_;
mipLODBias = mipLODBias_;
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textureWrap_t wrapMode = TW_REPEAT;
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TextureFilter::Id filterMode = TextureFilter::Linear;
float minLOD = 0.0f;
float mipLODBias = 0.0f;
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bool shortLifeTime = false;
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struct DescriptorTableDesc
DescriptorTableDesc() = default;
DescriptorTableDesc(const char* name_, HRootSignature rootSignature_)
name = name_;
rootSignature = rootSignature_;
const char* name = NULL;
bool shortLifeTime = false;
HRootSignature rootSignature = RHI_MAKE_NULL_HANDLE();
struct DescriptorTableUpdate
// note that for our texture UAVs,
// we only allow 2 options:
// 1) "bind all mips" (mip chain)
// 2) "bind this single mip" (slide)
uint32_t firstIndex = 0;
uint32_t resourceCount = 0;
DescriptorType::Id type = DescriptorType::Count;
union // based on type
const HTexture* textures = NULL;
const HBuffer* buffers;
const HSampler* samplers;
uint32_t uavMipSlice = 0; // UAV textures: bind this specific mip
bool uavMipChain = false; // UAV textures: bind all mips if true, the specific mip slice otherwise
void SetSamplers(uint32_t count, const HSampler* samplers_, uint32_t tableIndex = 0)
firstIndex = tableIndex;
resourceCount = count;
type = DescriptorType::Sampler;
samplers = samplers_;
void SetBuffers(uint32_t count, const HBuffer* buffers_, uint32_t tableIndex = 0)
firstIndex = tableIndex;
resourceCount = count;
type = DescriptorType::Buffer;
buffers = buffers_;
void SetRWBuffers(uint32_t count, const HBuffer* buffers_, uint32_t tableIndex = 0)
firstIndex = tableIndex;
resourceCount = count;
type = DescriptorType::RWBuffer;
buffers = buffers_;
void SetTextures(uint32_t count, const HTexture* textures_, uint32_t tableIndex = 0)
firstIndex = tableIndex;
resourceCount = count;
type = DescriptorType::Texture;
textures = textures_;
void SetRWTexturesSlice(uint32_t count, const HTexture* textures_, uint32_t tableIndex = 0, uint32_t slice = 0)
firstIndex = tableIndex;
resourceCount = count;
type = DescriptorType::RWTexture;
textures = textures_;
uavMipChain = false;
uavMipSlice = slice;
void SetRWTexturesChain(uint32_t count, const HTexture* textures_, uint32_t tableIndex = 0)
firstIndex = tableIndex;
resourceCount = count;
type = DescriptorType::RWTexture;
textures = textures_;
uavMipChain = true;
uavMipSlice = 0;
struct Rect
Rect() = default;
Rect(uint32_t x_, uint32_t y_, uint32_t w_, uint32_t h_)
x = x_;
y = y_;
w = w_;
h = h_;
uint32_t x = 0;
uint32_t y = 0;
uint32_t w = 0;
uint32_t h = 0;
struct ShaderDesc
ShaderDesc() = default;
ShaderDesc(ShaderStage::Id stage_, uint32_t sourceLength_, const void* source_, const char* entryPoint_ = "main", uint32_t macroCount_ = 0, const ShaderMacro* macros_ = NULL)
stage = stage_;
source = source_;
sourceLength = sourceLength_;
entryPoint = entryPoint_;
macroCount = macroCount_;
macros = macros_;
ShaderStage::Id stage = ShaderStage::Count;
uint32_t sourceLength = 0;
const void* source = NULL;
const char* entryPoint = "main";
uint32_t macroCount = 0;
const ShaderMacro* macros = NULL;
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struct BLASMeshDesc
uint32_t firstVertex;
uint32_t vertexCount;
uint32_t firstIndex;
uint32_t indexCount;
bool isFullyOpaque; // alpha testing the first stage doesn't count as opaque here
struct BLASDesc
const char* name;
HBuffer vertexBuffer; // GPU resident, 3x float32, no padding, released by the RHI
HBuffer indexBuffer; // GPU resident, 1x uint32, released by the RHI
const BLASMeshDesc* meshes;
uint32_t meshCount;
struct TLASInstanceDesc
HBuffer blasBuffer;
float transform[9]; // scale + rotation
float translation[3];
cullType_t cullMode;
uint32_t instanceId;
uint8_t instanceMask;
struct TLASDesc
const TLASInstanceDesc* instances;
uint32_t instanceCount;
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struct InitDesc
// HLSL 6.6 Dynamic Resources
// - all shader resources are exclusively used through ResourceDescriptorHeap and SamplerDescriptorHeap
// - all root signature and descriptor table functions are disabled
bool directDescriptorHeapIndexing = false;
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// shut down if DXR 1.1 isn't available
bool inlineRaytracing = false;
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bool Init(const InitDesc& desc); // true when a full init happened (the device was created)
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void ShutDown(bool destroyWindow);
void BeginFrame();
void EndFrame();
uint32_t GetFrameIndex();
HTexture GetSwapChainTexture();
HBuffer CreateBuffer(const BufferDesc& desc);
void DestroyBuffer(HBuffer buffer);
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void DestroyBufferDelayed(HBuffer buffer);
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uint8_t* MapBuffer(HBuffer buffer);
void UnmapBuffer(HBuffer buffer);
HTexture CreateTexture(const TextureDesc& desc);
void DestroyTexture(HTexture texture);
HSampler CreateSampler(const SamplerDesc& sampler);
void DestroySampler(HSampler sampler);
HRootSignature CreateRootSignature(const RootSignatureDesc& desc);
void DestroyRootSignature(HRootSignature signature);
HDescriptorTable CreateDescriptorTable(const DescriptorTableDesc& desc);
void UpdateDescriptorTable(HDescriptorTable table, const DescriptorTableUpdate& update);
void DestroyDescriptorTable(HDescriptorTable table);
HPipeline CreateGraphicsPipeline(const GraphicsPipelineDesc& desc);
HPipeline CreateComputePipeline(const ComputePipelineDesc& desc);
void DestroyPipeline(HPipeline pipeline);
HShader CreateShader(const ShaderDesc& desc);
ShaderByteCode GetShaderByteCode(HShader shader);
void DestroyShader(HShader shader);
void CmdBindRenderTargets(uint32_t colorCount, const HTexture* colorTargets, const HTexture* depthStencilTarget);
void CmdBindRootSignature(HRootSignature rootSignature);
void CmdBindDescriptorTable(HRootSignature sigHandle, HDescriptorTable table);
void CmdBindPipeline(HPipeline pipeline);
void CmdBindVertexBuffers(uint32_t count, const HBuffer* vertexBuffers, const uint32_t* byteStrides, const uint32_t* startByteOffsets);
void CmdBindIndexBuffer(HBuffer indexBuffer, IndexType::Id type, uint32_t startByteOffset);
void CmdSetViewport(uint32_t x, uint32_t y, uint32_t w, uint32_t h, float minDepth = 0.0f, float maxDepth = 1.0f);
void CmdSetScissor(uint32_t x, uint32_t y, uint32_t w, uint32_t h);
void CmdSetRootConstants(HRootSignature rootSignature, ShaderStage::Id shaderType, const void* constants);
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void CmdSetGraphicsRootConstants(uint32_t byteOffset, uint32_t byteCount, const void* constants);
void CmdSetComputeRootConstants(uint32_t byteOffset, uint32_t byteCount, const void* constants);
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void CmdDraw(uint32_t vertexCount, uint32_t firstVertex);
void CmdDrawIndexed(uint32_t indexCount, uint32_t firstIndex, uint32_t firstVertex);
void CmdDispatch(uint32_t groupCountX, uint32_t groupCountY, uint32_t groupCountZ);
uint32_t CmdBeginDurationQuery();
void CmdEndDurationQuery(uint32_t index);
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void CmdBeginBarrier();
void CmdTextureBarrier(HTexture texture, ResourceStates::Flags newState);
void CmdBufferBarrier(HBuffer buffer, ResourceStates::Flags newState);
void CmdEndBarrier();
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void CmdClearColorTarget(HTexture texture, const vec4_t clearColor, const Rect* rect = NULL);
void CmdClearDepthStencilTarget(HTexture texture, bool clearDepth, float depth, bool clearStencil = false, uint8_t stencil = 0, const Rect* rect = NULL);
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void CmdClearTextureUAV(HTexture texture, uint32_t mipIndex, const uint32_t* values);
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void CmdInsertDebugLabel(const char* name, float r = 1.0f, float g = 1.0f, float b = 1.0f);
void CmdBeginDebugLabel(const char* name, float r = 1.0f, float g = 1.0f, float b = 1.0f);
void CmdEndDebugLabel();
void CmdSetStencilReference(uint8_t stencilRef);
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void CmdCopyBuffer(HBuffer dest, HBuffer source);
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void CmdCopyBuffer(HBuffer dest, uint32_t destOffset, HBuffer source, uint32_t sourceOffset, uint32_t byteCount);
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void CmdSetShadingRate(ShadingRate::Id shadingRate);
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void CmdCreateBLAS(HBuffer* blasBuffer, const BLASDesc& desc);
void CmdCreateTLAS(HBuffer* tlasBuffer, const TLASDesc& desc);
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2024-01-13 21:40:13 +00:00
// only available when dynamic resources are enabled
uint32_t GetTextureIndexSRV(HTexture texture);
uint32_t GetTextureIndexUAV(HTexture texture, uint32_t mipIndex);
uint32_t GetBufferIndexSRV(HBuffer buffer);
uint32_t GetBufferIndexUAV(HBuffer buffer);
uint32_t GetBufferIndexCBV(HBuffer buffer);
uint32_t GetSamplerIndex(HSampler sampler);
void CmdBarrierUAV();
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// the duration at index 0 is for the entire frame
uint32_t GetDurationCount();
void GetDurations(uint32_t* gpuMicroSeconds);
uint8_t* BeginBufferUpload(HBuffer buffer);
void EndBufferUpload(HBuffer buffer);
void BeginTextureUpload(MappedTexture& mappedTexture, HTexture texture);
void EndTextureUpload();
// the temporary command list is guaranteed to be done executing before the next BeginFrame call ends
void BeginTempCommandList();
void EndTempCommandList();
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void WaitForTempCommandList();
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void BeginTextureReadback(MappedTexture& mappedTexture, HTexture texture);
void EndTextureReadback();
void WaitUntilDeviceIsIdle();
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void SubmitAndContinue();
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const Handle HandleIndexBitCount = 16;
const Handle HandleIndexBitOffset = 0;
const Handle HandleGenBitCount = 10;
const Handle HandleGenBitOffset = 16;
const Handle HandleTypeBitCount = 6;
const Handle HandleTypeBitOffset = 26;
inline Handle CreateHandle(Handle type, Handle index, Handle generation)
(type << HandleTypeBitOffset) |
(index << HandleIndexBitOffset) |
(generation << HandleGenBitOffset);
inline void DecomposeHandle(Handle* type, Handle* index, Handle* generation, Handle handle)
*type = (handle >> HandleTypeBitOffset) & RHI_BIT_MASK(HandleTypeBitCount);
*index = (handle >> HandleIndexBitOffset) & RHI_BIT_MASK(HandleIndexBitCount);
*generation = (handle >> HandleGenBitOffset) & RHI_BIT_MASK(HandleGenBitCount);
template<typename T>
bool IsNullHandle(T handle)
return RHI_GET_HANDLE_VALUE(handle) == 0;
template<typename T, typename HT, RHI::Handle RT, int N>
struct StaticPool
struct Item
T item;
uint16_t generation;
uint16_t next : 15;
uint16_t used : 1;
void Clear()
freeList = 0;
for(int i = 0; i < N; ++i)
At(i).generation = 0;
At(i).used = 0;
At(i).next = i + 1;
At(N - 1).next = RHI_BIT_MASK(15);
HT Add(const T& item)
ASSERT_OR_DIE(freeList < N, "The pool is full");
At(freeList).item = item;
At(freeList).used = qtrue;
const Handle handle = CreateHandle(RT, freeList, At(freeList).generation);
freeList = At(freeList).next;
return RHI_MAKE_HANDLE(handle);
void Remove(HT handle)
ASSERT_OR_DIE(!IsNullHandle(handle), "Null pool handle");
Item& item = GetItemRef(handle);
ASSERT_OR_DIE(item.used, "Memory pool item was already freed");
item.generation = (item.generation + 1) & RHI_BIT_MASK(HandleGenBitCount);
item.used = 0;
item.next = freeList;
freeList = (uint16_t)(&item - &At(0));
T& Get(HT handle)
ASSERT_OR_DIE(!IsNullHandle(handle), "Null pool handle");
return GetItemRef(handle).item;
T* TryGet(HT handle)
if(handle == 0)
return NULL;
return &GetItemRef(handle).item;
bool FindNext(T** object, HT* handle, int* index)
for(int i = *index; i < N; ++i)
*object = &At(i).item;
*handle = RHI_MAKE_HANDLE(CreateHandle(RT, i, At(i).generation));
*index = i + 1;
return true;
return false;
int CountUsedSlots() const
int used = 0;
for(int i = 0; i < N; ++i)
return used;
StaticPool(const StaticPool<T, HT, RT, N>&);
void operator=(const StaticPool<T, HT, RT, N>&);
Item& GetItemRef(HT handle)
ASSERT_OR_DIE(!IsNullHandle(handle), "Null pool handle");
Handle type, index, gen;
DecomposeHandle(&type, &index, &gen, RHI_GET_HANDLE_VALUE(handle));
ASSERT_OR_DIE(type == RT, "Invalid pool handle (wrong resource type)");
ASSERT_OR_DIE(index <= (Handle)N, "Invalid pool handle (bad index)");
Item& item = At(index);
ASSERT_OR_DIE(item.used, "Invalid pool handle (unused slot)");
if(gen > (Handle)item.generation)
DIE("Invalid pool handle (allocation from the future)");
else if(gen < (Handle)item.generation)
DIE("Invalid pool handle (the object has been freed)");
return item;
Item& At(uint32_t index)
ASSERT_OR_DIE(index < N, "Invalid pool index");
return *(Item*)&items[index * sizeof(Item)];
const Item& At(uint32_t index) const
ASSERT_OR_DIE(index < N, "Invalid pool index");
return *(Item*)&items[index * sizeof(Item)];
byte items[N * sizeof(Item)];
uint16_t freeList;
const int size = N;
template<typename T, uint32_t N>
struct StaticUnorderedArray
void Add(const T& value)
Q_assert(count < N);
if(count >= N)
items[count++] = value;
void Remove(uint32_t index)
Q_assert(index < N);
if(count >= N)
if(index < count - 1)
items[index] = items[count - 1];
void Clear()
count = 0;
T& operator[](uint32_t index)
Q_assert(index < N);
return items[index];
const T& operator[](uint32_t index) const
Q_assert(index < N);
return items[index];
StaticUnorderedArray(const StaticUnorderedArray<T, N>&);
void operator=(const StaticUnorderedArray<T, N>&);
T items[N];
uint32_t count;
template<typename T, uint32_t Invalid>
struct StaticFreeList
void Init(T* items_, uint32_t size_)
items = items_;
size = size_;
uint32_t Allocate()
ASSERT_OR_DIE(firstFree != Invalid, "Free list out of memory");
const T index = firstFree;
firstFree = items[index];
items[index] = Invalid;
return index;
void Free(uint32_t index)
ASSERT_OR_DIE(index < size, "Invalid free list slot");
const T oldList = firstFree;
firstFree = index;
items[index] = oldList;
void Clear()
for(uint32_t i = 0; i < size - 1; ++i)
items[i] = i + 1;
items[size - 1] = Invalid;
firstFree = 0;
allocatedItemCount = 0;
T* items;
T firstFree;
uint32_t allocatedItemCount;
uint32_t size;
struct LinearAllocator
void Init(byte* data_, uint32_t size_)
data = data_;
size = size_;
offset = 0;
void Clear()
offset = 0;
const char* Allocate(const char* string)
const uint32_t l = strlen(string);
if(offset + l + 1 > size)
Q_assert(!"StringAllocator ran out of memory");
return "out of memory";
char* newString = (char*)data + offset;
memcpy(newString, string, l);
newString[l] = '\0';
offset += l + 1;
return newString;
byte* Allocate(uint32_t byteCount)
if(offset + byteCount > size)
Q_assert(!"StringAllocator ran out of memory");
return data;
byte* newData = data + offset;
offset += byteCount;
return newData;
byte* data = NULL;
uint32_t size = 0;
uint32_t offset = 0;
2024-01-21 01:27:18 +00:00
struct StringList
void Init(char* buffer_, size_t byteCount)
buffer = buffer_;
written = 0;
remaining = byteCount;
void Append(const char* string)
const size_t l = strlen(string);
if(remaining >= l + 2)
memcpy(buffer + written, string, l + 1);
written += l + 1;
remaining -= l + 1;
void Terminate()
buffer[written++] = '\0';
char* buffer = NULL;
size_t written = 0;
size_t remaining = 0;
2022-12-28 19:49:18 +00:00