2016-12-18 04:43:04 +00:00
Copyright (C) 1999-2005 Id Software, Inc.
This file is part of Quake III Arena source code.
Quake III Arena source code is free software; you can redistribute it
and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License,
or (at your option) any later version.
Quake III Arena source code is distributed in the hope that it will be
useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with Quake III Arena source code; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
// cl_main.c -- client main loop
#include "client.h"
2017-10-03 17:11:10 +00:00
#include "client_help.h"
2016-12-18 04:43:04 +00:00
cvar_t *cl_debugMove;
2017-10-03 17:11:10 +00:00
cvar_t *rconPassword;
2016-12-18 04:43:04 +00:00
cvar_t *rconAddress;
cvar_t* cl_timeout;
cvar_t* cl_maxpackets;
cvar_t* cl_packetdup;
cvar_t* cl_showTimeDelta;
cvar_t* cl_serverStatusResendTime;
cvar_t* cl_shownet;
cvar_t* cl_showSend;
cvar_t *cl_timedemo;
cvar_t *cl_aviFrameRate;
cvar_t *cl_aviMotionJpeg;
cvar_t *cl_allowDownload;
cvar_t *cl_inGameVideo;
clientActive_t cl;
clientConnection_t clc;
clientStatic_t cls;
vm_t *cgvm;
refexport_t re; // functions exported from refresh DLL
#define RETRANSMIT_TIMEOUT 3000 // time between connection packet retransmits
Called by Com_Error when a cd is needed
void CL_CDDialog( void ) {
cls.cddialog = qtrue; // start it next frame
The given command will be transmitted to the server, and is guaranteed to
not have future usercmd_t executed before it is executed
void CL_AddReliableCommand( const char *cmd ) {
int index;
// if we would be losing an old command that hasn't been acknowledged,
// we must drop the connection
if ( clc.reliableSequence - clc.reliableAcknowledge > MAX_RELIABLE_COMMANDS ) {
Com_Error( ERR_DROP, "Client command overflow" );
index = clc.reliableSequence & ( MAX_RELIABLE_COMMANDS - 1 );
Q_strncpyz( clc.reliableCommands[ index ], cmd, sizeof( clc.reliableCommands[ index ] ) );
// saves the current net message to file, prefixed by the length
static void CL_WriteDemoMessage ( msg_t *msg, int headerBytes )
int len, swlen;
// write the packet sequence
len = clc.serverMessageSequence;
swlen = LittleLong( len );
FS_Write( &swlen, 4, clc.demofile );
// skip the packet sequencing information
len = msg->cursize - headerBytes;
swlen = LittleLong(len);
FS_Write( &swlen, 4, clc.demofile );
FS_Write( msg->data + headerBytes, len, clc.demofile );
static void CL_StopRecord_f( void )
if ( !clc.demorecording ) {
Com_Printf ("Not recording a demo.\n");
// finish up
int len = -1;
FS_Write (&len, 4, clc.demofile);
FS_Write (&len, 4, clc.demofile);
FS_FCloseFile (clc.demofile);
clc.demofile = 0;
clc.demorecording = qfalse;
clc.showAnnoyingDemoRecordMessage = qfalse;
Com_Printf ("Stopped demo.\n");
static const char* CL_DemoFilename()
static char s[MAX_OSPATH];
qtime_t t;
Com_RealTime( &t );
Com_sprintf( s, sizeof(s), "demos/%d_%02d_%02d-%02d_%02d_%02d.dm_%d",
1900+t.tm_year, 1+t.tm_mon, t.tm_mday, t.tm_hour, t.tm_min, t.tm_sec, PROTOCOL_VERSION );
return s;
// record [demoname]
// starts recording a demo from the current position
static void CL_Record_f()
if ( Cmd_Argc() > 2 ) {
Com_Printf ("record [demoname]\n");
if ( clc.demorecording ) {
if (!clc.showAnnoyingDemoRecordMessage) {
Com_Printf ("Already recording.\n");
if ( cls.state != CA_ACTIVE ) {
Com_Printf ("You must be in a level to record.\n");
char name[MAX_OSPATH];
int i;
const char* s;
if ( Cmd_Argc() == 2 ) {
Com_sprintf( name, sizeof(name), "demos/%s.dm_%d", Cmd_Argv(1), PROTOCOL_VERSION );
s = name;
} else {
s = CL_DemoFilename();
clc.demofile = FS_FOpenFileWrite( s );
if ( !clc.demofile ) {
Com_Printf( "ERROR: couldn't open %s\n", s );
Com_Printf( "recording to %s\n", s );
clc.demorecording = qtrue;
clc.showAnnoyingDemoRecordMessage = !Cvar_VariableValue("ui_recordSPDemo");
Q_strncpyz( clc.demoName, s, sizeof( clc.demoName ) );
// don't start saving messages until a non-delta compressed message is received
clc.demowaiting = qtrue;
// write out the gamestate message
msg_t msg;
byte buf[MAX_MSGLEN];
MSG_Init( &msg, buf, sizeof(buf) );
MSG_Bitstream( &msg );
// NOTE, MRE: all server->client messages now acknowledge
MSG_WriteLong( &msg, clc.reliableSequence );
MSG_WriteByte( &msg, svc_gamestate );
MSG_WriteLong( &msg, clc.serverCommandSequence );
// configstrings
for ( i = 0 ; i < MAX_CONFIGSTRINGS ; i++ ) {
if ( !cl.gameState.stringOffsets[i] )
MSG_WriteByte( &msg, svc_configstring );
MSG_WriteShort( &msg, i );
MSG_WriteBigString( &msg, cl.gameState.stringData + cl.gameState.stringOffsets[i] );
// baselines
entityState_t nullstate;
Com_Memset( &nullstate, 0, sizeof(nullstate) );
for ( i = 0; i < MAX_GENTITIES ; i++ ) {
entityState_t* ent = &cl.entityBaselines[i];
if (!ent->number)
MSG_WriteByte( &msg, svc_baseline );
MSG_WriteDeltaEntity( &msg, &nullstate, ent, qtrue );
MSG_WriteByte( &msg, svc_EOF ); // finished writing the gamestate stuff
MSG_WriteLong( &msg, clc.clientNum );
MSG_WriteLong( &msg, clc.checksumFeed );
MSG_WriteByte( &msg, svc_EOF ); // finished writing the client packet
int len;
// write it to the demo file
len = LittleLong( clc.serverMessageSequence - 1 );
FS_Write( &len, 4, clc.demofile );
len = LittleLong( msg.cursize );
FS_Write( &len, 4, clc.demofile );
FS_Write( msg.data, msg.cursize, clc.demofile );
// the rest of the demo file will be copied from net messages
2017-01-19 08:59:44 +00:00
static void CL_CompleteDemoRecord_f( int startArg, int compArg )
if ( startArg + 1 == compArg )
2017-07-05 03:53:05 +00:00
Field_AutoCompleteCustom( startArg, compArg, &Field_AutoCompleteDemoNameWrite );
2017-01-19 08:59:44 +00:00
2016-12-18 04:43:04 +00:00
2017-09-12 01:21:11 +00:00
void CL_DemoCompleted()
2016-12-18 04:43:04 +00:00
if (cl_timedemo && cl_timedemo->integer) {
int time = Sys_Milliseconds() - clc.timeDemoStart;
if ( time > 0 ) {
Com_Printf ("%i frames, %3.1f seconds: %3.1f fps\n", clc.timeDemoFrames,
time/1000.0, clc.timeDemoFrames*1000.0 / time);
CL_Disconnect( qtrue );
void CL_ReadDemoMessage( void ) {
if ( !clc.demofile ) {
// get the sequence number
int s;
int r = FS_Read( &s, 4, clc.demofile);
if ( r != 4 ) {
clc.serverMessageSequence = LittleLong( s );
msg_t buf;
byte bufData[ MAX_MSGLEN ];
// init the message
MSG_Init( &buf, bufData, sizeof( bufData ) );
// get the length
r = FS_Read (&buf.cursize, 4, clc.demofile);
if ( r != 4 ) {
buf.cursize = LittleLong( buf.cursize );
if ( buf.cursize == -1 ) {
if ( buf.cursize > buf.maxsize ) {
Com_Error (ERR_DROP, "CL_ReadDemoMessage: demoMsglen > MAX_MSGLEN");
r = FS_Read( buf.data, buf.cursize, clc.demofile );
if ( r != buf.cursize ) {
Com_Printf( "Demo file was truncated.\n");
clc.lastPacketTime = cls.realtime;
buf.readcount = 0;
CL_ParseServerMessage( &buf );
static const int demo_protocols[] = { 68, 67, 66, 0 };
static void CL_WalkDemoExt( const char* arg, char* name, fileHandle_t* fh )
*fh = 0;
for (int i = 0; demo_protocols[i]; ++i)
Com_sprintf( name, MAX_OSPATH, "demos/%s.dm_%d", arg, demo_protocols[i] );
FS_FOpenFileRead( name, fh, qtrue );
if (*fh)
Com_Printf("Demo file: %s\n", name);
Com_Printf( "No match: demos/%s.dm_*\n", arg );
void CL_PlayDemo_f()
if (Cmd_Argc() != 2) {
Com_Printf ("demo <demoname>\n");
// make sure a local server is killed
Cvar_Set( "sv_killserver", "1" );
CL_Disconnect( qtrue );
char name[MAX_OSPATH];
// open the demo file
const char* arg = Cmd_Argv(1);
// check for an extension .dm_?? (?? is protocol)
const char* ext = arg + strlen(arg) - 6;
if ((strlen(arg) > 6) && (ext[0] == '.') && ((ext[1] == 'd') || (ext[1] == 'D')) && ((ext[2] == 'm') || (ext[2] == 'M')) && (ext[3] == '_'))
int protocol = atoi(ext + 4), i = 0;
while (demo_protocols[i]) {
if (demo_protocols[i] == protocol)
if (demo_protocols[i])
Com_sprintf( name, sizeof(name), "demos/%s", arg );
FS_FOpenFileRead( name, &clc.demofile, qtrue );
} else {
char retry[MAX_OSPATH];
Com_Printf("Protocol %d not supported for demos\n", protocol);
Q_strncpyz(retry, arg, sizeof(retry));
retry[strlen(retry)-6] = 0;
CL_WalkDemoExt( retry, name, &clc.demofile );
} else {
CL_WalkDemoExt( arg, name, &clc.demofile );
if (!clc.demofile) {
Com_Error( ERR_DROP, "couldn't open %s", name);
Q_strncpyz( clc.demoName, Cmd_Argv(1), sizeof( clc.demoName ) );
cls.state = CA_CONNECTED;
clc.demoplaying = qtrue;
Q_strncpyz( cls.servername, Cmd_Argv(1), sizeof( cls.servername ) );
// read demo messages until connected
2017-09-12 01:21:11 +00:00
while (cls.state >= CA_CONNECTED && cls.state < CA_PRIMED && !CL_MapDownload_Active()) {
2016-12-18 04:43:04 +00:00
// don't get the first snapshot this frame, to prevent the long
// time from the gamestate load from messing causing a time skip
clc.firstDemoFrameSkipped = qfalse;
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static void CL_CompleteDemoPlay_f( int startArg, int compArg )
if ( startArg + 1 == compArg )
2017-07-05 03:53:05 +00:00
Field_AutoCompleteCustom( startArg, compArg, &Field_AutoCompleteDemoNameRead );
2017-01-19 08:59:44 +00:00
2016-12-18 04:43:04 +00:00
Closing the main menu will restart the demo loop
void CL_StartDemoLoop( void ) {
// start the demo loop again
Cbuf_AddText ("d1\n");
cls.keyCatchers = 0;
Called when a demo or cinematic finishes
If the "nextdemo" cvar is set, that command will be issued
void CL_NextDemo( void ) {
Q_strncpyz( v, Cvar_VariableString ("nextdemo"), sizeof(v) );
Com_DPrintf("CL_NextDemo: %s\n", v );
if (!v[0]) {
Cvar_Set ("nextdemo","");
Cbuf_AddText (v);
Cbuf_AddText ("\n");
void CL_ShutdownAll(void)
// clear sounds
// shutdown CGame
// shutdown UI
// shutdown the renderer
if ( re.Shutdown ) {
re.Shutdown( qfalse ); // don't destroy window or context
cls.uiStarted = qfalse;
cls.cgameStarted = qfalse;
cls.rendererStarted = qfalse;
cls.soundRegistered = qfalse;
Authorization server protocol
All commands are text in Q3 out of band packets (leading 0xff 0xff 0xff 0xff).
Whenever the client tries to get a challenge from the server it wants to
connect to, it also blindly fires off a packet to the authorize server:
getKeyAuthorize <challenge> <cdkey>
cdkey may be "demo"
#OLD The authorize server returns a:
#OLD keyAthorize <challenge> <accept | deny>
#OLD A client will be accepted if the cdkey is valid and it has not been used by any other IP
#OLD address in the last 15 minutes.
The server sends a:
getIpAuthorize <challenge> <ip>
The authorize server returns a:
ipAuthorize <challenge> <accept | deny | demo | unknown >
A client will be accepted if a valid cdkey was sent by that ip (only) in the last 15 minutes.
If no response is received from the authorize server after two tries, the client will be let
in anyway.
static void CL_RequestAuthorization()
char key[CDKEY_LEN + 1];
if ( !cls.authorizeServer.port ) {
Com_Printf( "Resolving %s\n", AUTHORIZE_SERVER_NAME );
if ( !NET_StringToAdr( AUTHORIZE_SERVER_NAME, &cls.authorizeServer ) ) {
Com_Printf( "Couldn't resolve address\n" );
cls.authorizeServer.port = BigShort( PORT_AUTHORIZE );
Com_Printf( "%s resolved to %i.%i.%i.%i:%i\n", AUTHORIZE_SERVER_NAME,
cls.authorizeServer.ip[0], cls.authorizeServer.ip[1],
cls.authorizeServer.ip[2], cls.authorizeServer.ip[3],
BigShort( cls.authorizeServer.port ) );
if ( cls.authorizeServer.type == NA_BAD ) {
int i;
for (i = 0; (i < CDKEY_LEN) && cl_cdkey[i]; ++i) {
// the cd key should have already been checked for validity, but just in case:
if ( ( cl_cdkey[i] >= '0' && cl_cdkey[i] <= '9' )
|| ( cl_cdkey[i] >= 'a' && cl_cdkey[i] <= 'z' )
|| ( cl_cdkey[i] >= 'A' && cl_cdkey[i] <= 'Z' )
) {
key[i] = cl_cdkey[i];
} else {
Com_Error( ERR_DROP, "Invalid CD Key" );
key[i] = 0;
2017-10-03 17:11:10 +00:00
int anonymous = 0; // previously set by cl_anonymous
NET_OutOfBandPrint( NS_CLIENT, cls.authorizeServer, va("getKeyAuthorize %i %s", anonymous, key) );
2016-12-18 04:43:04 +00:00
// resend a connect message if the last one has timed out
static void CL_CheckForResend()
// don't send anything if playing back a demo
if ( clc.demoplaying ) {
// resend if we haven't gotten a reply yet
if ( cls.state != CA_CONNECTING && cls.state != CA_CHALLENGING ) {
if ( cls.realtime - clc.connectTime < RETRANSMIT_TIMEOUT ) {
clc.connectTime = cls.realtime; // for retransmit requests
switch ( cls.state ) {
// requesting a challenge
if ( !Sys_IsLANAddress( clc.serverAddress ) ) {
NET_OutOfBandPrint(NS_CLIENT, clc.serverAddress, "getchallenge");
int port, i;
char info[MAX_INFO_STRING];
char data[MAX_INFO_STRING];
// sending back the challenge
port = Cvar_VariableIntegerValue ("net_qport");
Q_strncpyz( info, Cvar_InfoString( CVAR_USERINFO ), sizeof( info ) );
Info_SetValueForKey( info, "protocol", va("%i", PROTOCOL_VERSION ) );
Info_SetValueForKey( info, "qport", va("%i", port ) );
Info_SetValueForKey( info, "challenge", va("%i", clc.challenge ) );
strcpy(data, "connect ");
// TTimo adding " " around the userinfo string to avoid truncated userinfo on the server
// (Com_TokenizeString tokenizes around spaces)
data[8] = '"';
for(i=0;i<strlen(info);i++) {
data[9+i] = info[i]; // + (clc.challenge)&0x3;
data[9+i] = '"';
data[10+i] = 0;
NET_OutOfBandData( NS_CLIENT, clc.serverAddress, (byte *) &data[0], i+10 );
// the most current userinfo has been sent, so watch for any
// newer changes to userinfo variables
cvar_modifiedFlags &= ~CVAR_USERINFO;
Com_Error( ERR_FATAL, "CL_CheckForResend: bad cls.state" );
Called by CL_MapLoading, CL_Connect_f, CL_PlayDemo_f, and CL_ParseGamestate, the only
ways a client gets into a game
Also called by Com_Error
void CL_FlushMemory()
// shutdown all the client stuff
// if not running a server clear the whole hunk
if ( !com_sv_running->integer ) {
// clear the whole hunk
// clear collision map data
else {
// clear all the client data on the hunk
A local server is starting to load a map, so update the
screen to let the user know about it, then dump all client
memory on the hunk from cgame, ui, and renderer
void CL_MapLoading( void ) {
if ( !com_cl_running->integer ) {
cls.keyCatchers = 0;
// if we are already connected to the local host, stay connected
if ( cls.state >= CA_CONNECTED && !Q_stricmp( cls.servername, "localhost" ) ) {
cls.state = CA_CONNECTED; // so the connect screen is drawn
Com_Memset( cls.updateInfoString, 0, sizeof( cls.updateInfoString ) );
Com_Memset( clc.serverMessage, 0, sizeof( clc.serverMessage ) );
Com_Memset( &cl.gameState, 0, sizeof( cl.gameState ) );
clc.lastPacketSentTime = -9999;
} else {
// clear nextmap so the cinematic shutdown doesn't execute it
Cvar_Set( "nextmap", "" );
CL_Disconnect( qtrue );
Q_strncpyz( cls.servername, "localhost", sizeof(cls.servername) );
cls.state = CA_CHALLENGING; // so the connect screen is drawn
cls.keyCatchers = 0;
clc.connectTime = -RETRANSMIT_TIMEOUT;
NET_StringToAdr( cls.servername, &clc.serverAddress);
// we don't need a challenge on the localhost
// called before parsing a gamestate
void CL_ClearState()
Com_Memset( &cl, 0, sizeof( cl ) );
Called when a connection, demo, or cinematic is being terminated.
Goes from a connected state to either a menu state or a console state
Sends a disconnect message to the server
This is also called on Com_Error and Com_Quit, so it shouldn't cause any errors
void CL_Disconnect( qbool showMainMenu ) {
if ( !com_cl_running || !com_cl_running->integer ) {
// shutting down the client so enter full screen ui mode
Cvar_Set("r_uiFullScreen", "1");
if ( clc.demorecording ) {
CL_StopRecord_f ();
if (clc.download) {
FS_FCloseFile( clc.download );
clc.download = 0;
*clc.downloadTempName = *clc.downloadName = 0;
Cvar_Set( "cl_downloadName", "" );
if ( clc.demofile ) {
FS_FCloseFile( clc.demofile );
clc.demofile = 0;
if ( uivm && showMainMenu ) {
SCR_StopCinematic ();
// send a disconnect message to the server
// send it a few times in case one is dropped
if ( cls.state >= CA_CONNECTED ) {
CL_AddReliableCommand( "disconnect" );
// wipe the client connection
Com_Memset( &clc, 0, sizeof( clc ) );
cls.state = CA_DISCONNECTED;
// allow cheats locally
Cvar_Set( "sv_cheats", "1" );
// not connected to a pure server anymore
cl_connectedToPureServer = qfalse;
// Stop recording any video
if( CL_VideoRecording( ) ) {
CL_CloseAVI( );
adds the current command line as a clientCommand
things like godmode, noclip, etc, are commands directed to the server,
so when they are typed in at the console, they will need to be forwarded.
void CL_ForwardCommandToServer( const char *string )
const char* cmd = Cmd_Argv(0);
// ignore key up commands
if ( cmd[0] == '-' ) {
if ( clc.demoplaying || cls.state < CA_CONNECTED || cmd[0] == '+' ) {
Com_Printf ("Unknown command \"%s\"\n", cmd);
if ( Cmd_Argc() > 1 ) {
CL_AddReliableCommand( string );
} else {
CL_AddReliableCommand( cmd );
static void CL_ForwardToServer_f()
if ( cls.state != CA_ACTIVE || clc.demoplaying ) {
Com_Printf ("Not connected to a server.\n");
// don't forward the first argument
if ( Cmd_Argc() > 1 ) {
CL_AddReliableCommand( Cmd_Args() );
void CL_Disconnect_f( void )
if ( cls.state != CA_DISCONNECTED && cls.state != CA_CINEMATIC ) {
Com_Error (ERR_DISCONNECT, "Disconnected from server");
static void CL_Reconnect_f()
if ( !strlen( cls.servername ) || !strcmp( cls.servername, "localhost" ) ) {
Com_Printf( "Can't reconnect to localhost.\n" );
Cbuf_AddText( va("connect %s\n", cls.servername ) );
static void CL_Connect_f()
if ( Cmd_Argc() != 2 ) {
Com_Printf( "usage: connect <server>\n");
// clear any previous "server full" type messages
clc.serverMessage[0] = 0;
const char* server = Cmd_Argv(1);
if ( com_sv_running->integer && !strcmp( server, "localhost" ) ) {
// if running a local server, kill it
SV_Shutdown( "Server quit" );
// make sure a local server is killed
Cvar_Set( "sv_killserver", "1" );
SV_Frame( 0 );
CL_Disconnect( qtrue );
Q_strncpyz( cls.servername, server, sizeof(cls.servername) );
if (!NET_StringToAdr( cls.servername, &clc.serverAddress) ) {
Com_Printf ("Bad server address\n");
cls.state = CA_DISCONNECTED;
if (clc.serverAddress.port == 0) {
clc.serverAddress.port = BigShort( PORT_SERVER );
Com_Printf( "%s resolved to %i.%i.%i.%i:%i\n", cls.servername,
clc.serverAddress.ip[0], clc.serverAddress.ip[1],
clc.serverAddress.ip[2], clc.serverAddress.ip[3],
BigShort( clc.serverAddress.port ) );
// if we aren't playing on a lan, we need to authenticate
// with the cd key
if ( NET_IsLocalAddress( clc.serverAddress ) ) {
cls.state = CA_CHALLENGING;
} else {
cls.state = CA_CONNECTING;
cls.keyCatchers = 0;
clc.connectTime = -99999; // CL_CheckForResend() will fire immediately
clc.connectPacketCount = 0;
// server connection string
Cvar_Set( "cl_currentServerAddress", server );
#define MAX_RCON_MESSAGE 1024
// send the rest of the command line over as an unconnected command
static void CL_Rcon_f( void )
2017-10-03 17:11:10 +00:00
if ( !rconPassword->string ) {
2016-12-18 04:43:04 +00:00
Com_Printf ("You must set 'rconpassword' before\n"
"issuing an rcon command.\n");
char message[MAX_RCON_MESSAGE];
message[0] = -1;
message[1] = -1;
message[2] = -1;
message[3] = -1;
message[4] = 0;
Q_strcat (message, MAX_RCON_MESSAGE, "rcon ");
2017-10-03 17:11:10 +00:00
Q_strcat (message, MAX_RCON_MESSAGE, rconPassword->string);
2016-12-18 04:43:04 +00:00
Q_strcat (message, MAX_RCON_MESSAGE, " ");
// https://zerowing.idsoftware.com/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=543
Q_strcat (message, MAX_RCON_MESSAGE, Cmd_Cmd()+5);
netadr_t to;
if ( cls.state >= CA_CONNECTED ) {
to = clc.netchan.remoteAddress;
} else {
if (!strlen(rconAddress->string)) {
Com_Printf ("You must either be connected,\n"
"or set the 'rconAddress' cvar\n"
"to issue rcon commands\n");
NET_StringToAdr (rconAddress->string, &to);
if (to.port == 0) {
to.port = BigShort (PORT_SERVER);
NET_SendPacket (NS_CLIENT, strlen(message)+1, message, to);
2017-01-19 08:59:44 +00:00
static void CL_CompleteRcon_f( int startArg, int compArg )
if ( startArg < compArg )
Field_AutoCompleteFrom( startArg + 1, compArg, qtrue, qtrue );
2016-12-18 04:43:04 +00:00
// if we are pure we need to send back a command with our referenced pk3 checksums
static void CL_SendPureChecksums()
char cMsg[MAX_INFO_VALUE];
Com_sprintf( cMsg, sizeof(cMsg), "cp " );
Q_strcat( cMsg, sizeof(cMsg), va("%d ", cl.serverId) );
Q_strcat( cMsg, sizeof(cMsg), FS_ReferencedPakPureChecksums() );
CL_AddReliableCommand( cMsg );
static void CL_ResetPureClientAtServer()
CL_AddReliableCommand( "vdr" );
static void CL_ReferencedPK3List_f( void )
Com_Printf( "Referenced PK3 Names: %s\n", FS_ReferencedPakNames() );
static void CL_Configstrings_f( void )
int i;
int ofs;
if ( cls.state != CA_ACTIVE ) {
Com_Printf( "Not connected to a server.\n");
for ( i = 0 ; i < MAX_CONFIGSTRINGS ; i++ ) {
ofs = cl.gameState.stringOffsets[ i ];
if ( !ofs ) {
Com_Printf( "%4i: %s\n", i, cl.gameState.stringData + ofs );
static void CL_Clientinfo_f( void )
Com_Printf( "--------- Client Information ---------\n" );
Com_Printf( "state: %i\n", cls.state );
Com_Printf( "Server: %s\n", cls.servername );
Com_Printf( "User info settings:\n" );
Info_Print( Cvar_InfoString_Big( CVAR_USERINFO ) ); // 1024 chars + 'userinfo '
Com_Printf( "--------------------------------------\n" );
2017-09-12 01:21:11 +00:00
void CL_DownloadsComplete()
2016-12-18 04:43:04 +00:00
// if we downloaded files we need to restart the file system
if (clc.downloadRestart) {
clc.downloadRestart = qfalse;
FS_Restart(clc.checksumFeed); // we possibly downloaded a pak, restart the file system to load it
// inform the server so we get new gamestate info
CL_AddReliableCommand( "donedl" );
// by sending the donedl command we request a new gamestate
// so we don't want to load stuff yet
// let the client game init and load data
cls.state = CA_LOADING;
// Pump the loop, this may change gamestate!
// if the gamestate was changed by calling Com_EventLoop
// then we loaded everything already and we don't want to do it again.
if ( cls.state != CA_LOADING ) {
// starting to load a map so we get out of full screen ui mode
Cvar_Set("r_uiFullScreen", "0");
// flush client memory and start loading stuff
// this will also (re)load the UI
// if this is a local client then only the client part of the hunk
// will be cleared, note that this is done after the hunk mark has been set
// initialize the CGame
cls.cgameStarted = qtrue;
// set pure checksums
// requests a file to download from the server
// stores it in the current game directory
static void CL_BeginDownload( const char *localName, const char *remoteName )
Com_DPrintf("***** CL_BeginDownload *****\n"
"Localname: %s\n"
"Remotename: %s\n"
"****************************\n", localName, remoteName);
Q_strncpyz ( clc.downloadName, localName, sizeof(clc.downloadName) );
Com_sprintf( clc.downloadTempName, sizeof(clc.downloadTempName), "%s.tmp", localName );
// Set so UI gets access to it
Cvar_Set( "cl_downloadName", remoteName );
Cvar_Set( "cl_downloadSize", "0" );
Cvar_Set( "cl_downloadCount", "0" );
Cvar_SetValue( "cl_downloadTime", cls.realtime );
clc.downloadBlock = 0;
clc.downloadCount = 0;
CL_AddReliableCommand( va("download %s", remoteName) );
A download completed or failed
void CL_NextDownload(void) {
char *s;
char *remoteName, *localName;
// We are looking to start a download here
if (*clc.downloadList) {
s = clc.downloadList;
// format is:
// @remotename@localname@remotename@localname, etc.
if (*s == '@')
remoteName = s;
if ( (s = strchr(s, '@')) == NULL ) {
*s++ = 0;
localName = s;
if ( (s = strchr(s, '@')) != NULL )
*s++ = 0;
s = localName + strlen(localName); // point at the nul byte
2017-09-12 01:21:11 +00:00
if( cl_allowDownload->integer != -1 ) {
Com_Error(ERR_DROP, "The id download system is disabled (cl_allowDownload must be -1)");
} else {
2017-05-18 04:20:28 +00:00
CL_BeginDownload( localName, remoteName );
2016-12-18 04:43:04 +00:00
clc.downloadRestart = qtrue;
// move over the rest
memmove( clc.downloadList, s, strlen(s) + 1);
2017-09-12 01:21:11 +00:00
// returns qtrue if a download started
static qbool CL_StartDownloads()
int mode = cl_allowDownload->integer;
if (mode < -1 || mode > 1) {
mode = 1;
// downloads disabled
if (mode == 0) {
// autodownload is disabled on the client
// but it's possible that some referenced files on the server are missing
char missingfiles[1024];
if (FS_ComparePaks(missingfiles, sizeof(missingfiles), qfalse)) {
// NOTE TTimo I would rather have that printed as a modal message box
// but at this point while joining the game we don't know whether we will successfully join or not
Com_Printf("\nWARNING: You are missing some files referenced by the server:\n%s"
"To enable downloads, set cl_allowDownload to 1 (new) or -1 (old)\n\n", missingfiles);
return qfalse;
// legacy id downloads
if (mode == -1) {
if (FS_ComparePaks(clc.downloadList, sizeof(clc.downloadList), qtrue)) {
Com_Printf("Need paks: %s\n", clc.downloadList);
if (*clc.downloadList) {
// if autodownloading is not enabled on the server
cls.state = CA_CONNECTED;
return qtrue;
return qfalse;
// CNQ3 downloads
// note: the use of FS_FileIsInPAK works here because it rejects paks that aren't in the pure list
const qbool pureServer = Cvar_VariableIntegerValue("sv_pure"); // the cvar is in CS_SYSTEMINFO
const qbool exactMatch = !clc.demoplaying && pureServer;
const char* const serverInfo = cl.gameState.stringData + cl.gameState.stringOffsets[CS_SERVERINFO];
const char* const mapName = Info_ValueForKey(serverInfo, "mapname");
const char* const mapPath = va("maps/%s.bsp", mapName);
if ((!exactMatch && FS_FileExists(mapPath)) || FS_FileIsInPAK(mapPath, NULL, NULL))
return qfalse;
// generate a checksum list of all the pure paks we're missing
unsigned int pakChecksums[256];
int pakCount;
const char* const pakChecksumString = Info_ValueForKey(serverInfo, "sv_currentPak");
unsigned int pakChecksum;
if (sscanf(pakChecksumString, "%d", &pakChecksum) == 1 && pakChecksum != 0) {
pakChecksums[0] = pakChecksum;
pakCount = 1;
} else {
FS_MissingPaks(pakChecksums, &pakCount, ARRAY_LEN(pakChecksums));
if (pakCount > 0) {
const qbool dlStarted = pakCount == 1 ?
// we know exactly which pk3 we need, so no need to send a map name
CL_PakDownload_Start(pakChecksums[0], qfalse) :
// we send the map's name and a list of pk3 checksums (qmd4)
CL_MapDownload_Start_PakChecksums(mapName, pakChecksums, pakCount, exactMatch);
if (dlStarted) {
cls.state = CA_CONNECTED;
return qtrue;
return qfalse;
// we send the map's name only because we have no additional data and
// an exact match isn't needed
if (!exactMatch && CL_MapDownload_Start(mapName, qfalse)) {
cls.state = CA_CONNECTED;
return qtrue;
return qfalse;
2016-12-18 04:43:04 +00:00
After receiving a valid game state, we valid the cgame and local zip files here
and determine if we need to download them
void CL_InitDownloads(void) {
2017-09-12 01:21:11 +00:00
2016-12-18 04:43:04 +00:00
Sometimes the server can drop the client and the netchan based
disconnect can be lost. If the client continues to send packets
to the server, the server will send out of band disconnect packets
to the client so it doesn't have to wait for the full timeout period.
static void CL_DisconnectPacket( const netadr_t& from )
if ( cls.state < CA_AUTHORIZING ) {
// if not from our server, ignore it
if ( !NET_CompareAdr( from, clc.netchan.remoteAddress ) ) {
// if we have received packets within three seconds, ignore it
// (it might be a malicious spoof)
if ( cls.realtime - clc.lastPacketTime < 3000 ) {
// drop the connection
Com_Printf( "Server disconnected for unknown reason\n" );
Cvar_Set("com_errorMessage", "Server disconnected for unknown reason\n" );
CL_Disconnect( qtrue );
// responses to broadcasts, etc
static void CL_ConnectionlessPacket( const netadr_t& from, msg_t* msg )
MSG_BeginReadingOOB( msg );
MSG_ReadLong( msg ); // skip the -1
char* s = MSG_ReadStringLine( msg );
Cmd_TokenizeString( s );
const char* c = Cmd_Argv(0);
Com_DPrintf ("CL packet %s: %s\n", NET_AdrToString(from), c);
// challenge from the server we are connecting to
if ( !Q_stricmp(c, "challengeResponse") ) {
if ( cls.state != CA_CONNECTING ) {
Com_Printf( "Unwanted challenge response received. Ignored.\n" );
} else {
// start sending challenge repsonse instead of challenge request packets
clc.challenge = atoi(Cmd_Argv(1));
cls.state = CA_CHALLENGING;
clc.connectPacketCount = 0;
clc.connectTime = -99999;
// take this address as the new server address. This allows
// a server proxy to hand off connections to multiple servers
clc.serverAddress = from;
Com_DPrintf ("challengeResponse: %d\n", clc.challenge);
// server connection
if ( !Q_stricmp(c, "connectResponse") ) {
if ( cls.state >= CA_CONNECTED ) {
Com_Printf ("Dup connect received. Ignored.\n");
if ( cls.state != CA_CHALLENGING ) {
Com_Printf ("connectResponse packet while not connecting. Ignored.\n");
if ( !NET_CompareBaseAdr( from, clc.serverAddress ) ) {
Com_Printf( "connectResponse from a different address. Ignored.\n" );
Com_Printf( "%s should have been %s\n", NET_AdrToString( from ),
NET_AdrToString( clc.serverAddress ) );
Netchan_Setup (NS_CLIENT, &clc.netchan, from, Cvar_VariableIntegerValue( "net_qport" ) );
cls.state = CA_CONNECTED;
clc.lastPacketSentTime = -9999; // send first packet immediately
// server responding to an info broadcast
if ( !Q_stricmp(c, "infoResponse") ) {
CL_ServerInfoPacket( from, msg );
// server responding to a get playerlist
if ( !Q_stricmp(c, "statusResponse") ) {
CL_ServerStatusResponse( from, msg );
// a disconnect message from the server, which will happen if the server
// dropped the connection but it is still getting packets from us
if (!Q_stricmp(c, "disconnect")) {
CL_DisconnectPacket( from );
// echo request from server
if ( !Q_stricmp(c, "echo") ) {
NET_OutOfBandPrint( NS_CLIENT, from, "%s", Cmd_Argv(1) );
// cd check
if ( !Q_stricmp(c, "keyAuthorize") ) {
// we don't use these now, so dump them on the floor
// global MOTD from id
if ( !Q_stricmp(c, "motd") ) {
// echo request from server
if ( !Q_stricmp(c, "print") ) {
s = MSG_ReadString( msg );
Q_strncpyz( clc.serverMessage, s, sizeof( clc.serverMessage ) );
Com_Printf( "%s", s );
if ( !Q_stricmpn(s, "/reconnect ASAP!", 16) ) {
// echo request from server
if ( !Q_strncmp(c, "getserversResponse", 18) ) {
CL_ServersResponsePacket( from, msg );
Com_DPrintf ("Unknown connectionless packet command.\n");
// a packet has arrived from the main event loop
void CL_PacketEvent( netadr_t from, msg_t* msg )
clc.lastPacketTime = cls.realtime;
if ( msg->cursize >= 4 && *(int *)msg->data == -1 ) {
CL_ConnectionlessPacket( from, msg );
if ( cls.state < CA_CONNECTED ) {
return; // can't be a valid sequenced packet
if ( msg->cursize < 4 ) {
Com_Printf( "%s: Runt packet\n", NET_AdrToString( from ) );
// packet from server
if ( !NET_CompareAdr( from, clc.netchan.remoteAddress ) ) {
Com_DPrintf( "%s:sequenced packet without connection\n", NET_AdrToString( from ) );
// FIXME: send a client disconnect?
if (!CL_Netchan_Process( &clc.netchan, msg )) {
return; // out of order, duplicated, etc
// the header is different lengths for reliable and unreliable messages
int headerBytes = msg->readcount;
// track the last message received so it can be returned in
// client messages, allowing the server to detect a dropped
// gamestate
clc.serverMessageSequence = LittleLong( *(int *)msg->data );
clc.lastPacketTime = cls.realtime;
CL_ParseServerMessage( msg );
// we don't know if it is ok to save a demo message until
// after we have parsed the frame
if ( clc.demorecording && !clc.demowaiting ) {
CL_WriteDemoMessage( msg, headerBytes );
static void CL_CheckTimeout()
if (clc.demoplaying && (com_timescale->value == 0)) {
cl.timeoutcount = 0;
if ( ( !cl_paused->integer || !sv_paused->integer )
&& cls.state >= CA_CONNECTED && cls.state != CA_CINEMATIC
&& cls.realtime - clc.lastPacketTime > cl_timeout->value*1000) {
if (++cl.timeoutcount > 5) { // timeoutcount saves debugger
Com_Printf ("\nServer connection timed out.\n");
CL_Disconnect( qtrue );
} else {
cl.timeoutcount = 0;
static void CL_CheckUserinfo()
// don't add reliable commands when not yet connected
if ( cls.state < CA_CHALLENGING ) {
// don't overflow the reliable command buffer when paused
if ( cl_paused->integer ) {
// send a reliable userinfo update if needed
if ( cvar_modifiedFlags & CVAR_USERINFO ) {
cvar_modifiedFlags &= ~CVAR_USERINFO;
CL_AddReliableCommand( va("userinfo \"%s\"", Cvar_InfoString( CVAR_USERINFO ) ) );
void CL_Frame( int msec )
if ( !com_cl_running->integer ) {
if ( cls.cddialog ) {
// bring up the cd error dialog if needed
cls.cddialog = qfalse;
} else if ( cls.state == CA_DISCONNECTED && !( cls.keyCatchers & KEYCATCH_UI )
&& !com_sv_running->integer ) {
// if disconnected, bring up the menu
// if recording an avi, lock to a fixed fps
if ( CL_VideoRecording() && cl_aviFrameRate->integer && msec ) {
// save the current screen
// fixed time for next frame
msec = (int)ceil( (1000.0f / cl_aviFrameRate->value) * com_timescale->value );
if (msec == 0) {
msec = 1;
// save the msec before checking pause
cls.realFrametime = msec;
// decide the simulation time
cls.frametime = msec;
cls.realtime += cls.frametime;
if ( cl_timegraph->integer ) {
SCR_DebugGraph ( cls.realFrametime * 0.25, 0 );
2017-09-12 01:21:11 +00:00
// advance the current map download, if any
2016-12-18 04:43:04 +00:00
// see if we need to update any userinfo
// if we haven't gotten a packet in a long time,
// drop the connection
// send intentions now
// resend a connection request if necessary
// decide on the serverTime to render
// update the screen
// update audio
// advance local effects for next frame
int CL_ScaledMilliseconds()
return Sys_Milliseconds()*com_timescale->value;
static void CL_InitRenderer()
// this sets up the renderer and calls R_Init
re.BeginRegistration( &cls.glconfig );
// load character sets
cls.charSetShader = re.RegisterShader( "gfx/2d/bigchars" );
cls.whiteShader = re.RegisterShader( "white" );
g_console_field_width = cls.glconfig.vidWidth / SMALLCHAR_WIDTH - 2;
g_consoleField.widthInChars = g_console_field_width;
// after the server has cleared the hunk, these will need to be restarted
// this is the only place that any of these functions are called from
void CL_StartHunkUsers( void ) {
if (!com_cl_running) {
if ( !com_cl_running->integer ) {
if ( !cls.rendererStarted ) {
cls.rendererStarted = qtrue;
if ( !cls.soundStarted ) {
cls.soundStarted = qtrue;
if ( !cls.soundRegistered ) {
cls.soundRegistered = qtrue;
if ( !cls.uiStarted ) {
cls.uiStarted = qtrue;
static void QDECL CL_RefPrintf( printParm_t print_level, const char* fmt, ... )
va_list va;
char msg[MAXPRINTMSG];
va_start( va, fmt );
Q_vsnprintf( msg, sizeof(msg), fmt, va );
va_end( va );
if ( print_level == PRINT_ALL ) {
Com_Printf( "%s", msg );
} else if ( print_level == PRINT_WARNING ) {
Com_Printf( S_COLOR_YELLOW "%s", msg );
} else if ( print_level == PRINT_DEVELOPER ) {
2017-01-19 18:08:59 +00:00
Com_DPrintf( S_COLOR_CYAN "%s", msg );
2016-12-18 04:43:04 +00:00
static void* CL_RefMalloc( int size )
return Z_TagMalloc( size, TAG_RENDERER );
static void CL_ShutdownRef()
if ( !re.Shutdown ) {
re.Shutdown( qtrue );
Com_Memset( &re, 0, sizeof( re ) );
2017-10-03 17:11:10 +00:00
static void RI_Cmd_RegisterTable( const cmdTableItem_t* cmds, int count )
Cmd_RegisterTable( cmds, count, MODULE_RENDERER );
static void RI_Cvar_RegisterTable( const cvarTableItem_t* cvars, int count )
Cvar_RegisterTable( cvars, count, MODULE_RENDERER );
2017-10-03 22:35:26 +00:00
static void RI_Cmd_UnregisterModule()
Cmd_UnregisterModule( MODULE_RENDERER );
2016-12-18 04:43:04 +00:00
static void CL_InitRef()
refimport_t ri;
2017-10-03 17:11:10 +00:00
ri.Cmd_RegisterTable = RI_Cmd_RegisterTable;
2017-10-03 22:35:26 +00:00
ri.Cmd_UnregisterModule = RI_Cmd_UnregisterModule;
2016-12-18 04:43:04 +00:00
ri.Cmd_Argc = Cmd_Argc;
ri.Cmd_Argv = Cmd_Argv;
ri.Printf = CL_RefPrintf;
ri.Error = Com_Error;
ri.Milliseconds = CL_ScaledMilliseconds;
ri.Malloc = CL_RefMalloc;
ri.Free = Z_Free;
ri.Hunk_AllocDebug = Hunk_AllocDebug;
ri.Hunk_Alloc = Hunk_Alloc;
ri.Hunk_AllocateTempMemory = Hunk_AllocateTempMemory;
ri.Hunk_FreeTempMemory = Hunk_FreeTempMemory;
ri.CM_DrawDebugSurface = CM_DrawDebugSurface;
ri.FS_ReadFile = FS_ReadFile;
ri.FS_FreeFile = FS_FreeFile;
ri.FS_WriteFile = FS_WriteFile;
ri.FS_FreeFileList = FS_FreeFileList;
ri.FS_ListFiles = FS_ListFiles;
ri.Cvar_Get = Cvar_Get;
2017-10-03 17:11:10 +00:00
ri.Cvar_SetHelp = Cvar_SetHelp;
2016-12-18 04:43:04 +00:00
ri.Cvar_Set = Cvar_Set;
2017-10-03 17:11:10 +00:00
ri.Cvar_RegisterTable = RI_Cvar_RegisterTable;
2016-12-18 04:43:04 +00:00
// cinematic stuff
ri.CIN_UploadCinematic = CIN_UploadCinematic;
ri.CIN_PlayCinematic = CIN_PlayCinematic;
ri.CIN_RunCinematic = CIN_RunCinematic;
ri.CL_WriteAVIVideoFrame = CL_WriteAVIVideoFrame;
re = *(GetRefAPI(&ri));
// unpause so the cgame definitely gets a snapshot and renders a frame
Cvar_Set( "cl_paused", "0" );
Restart the video subsystem
we also have to reload the UI and CGame because the renderer
doesn't know what graphics to reload
static void CL_Vid_Restart_f()
// Settings may have changed so stop recording now
if( CL_VideoRecording( ) ) {
CL_CloseAVI( );
S_StopAllSounds(); // don't let them loop during the restart
2017-10-04 15:33:35 +00:00
2016-12-18 04:43:04 +00:00
// client is no longer pure until new checksums are sent
FS_ClearPakReferences( FS_UI_REF | FS_CGAME_REF );
// reinitialize the filesystem if the game directory or checksum has changed
FS_ConditionalRestart( clc.checksumFeed );
cls.rendererStarted = qfalse;
cls.uiStarted = qfalse;
cls.cgameStarted = qfalse;
cls.soundRegistered = qfalse;
// unpause so the cgame definitely gets a snapshot and renders a frame
Cvar_Set( "cl_paused", "0" );
// if not running a server clear the whole hunk
if ( !com_sv_running->integer ) {
else {
// clear all the client data on the hunk
// initialize the renderer interface
2017-10-04 15:33:35 +00:00
// initialize input
2016-12-18 04:43:04 +00:00
// startup all the client stuff
// start the cgame if connected
if ( cls.state > CA_CONNECTED && cls.state != CA_CINEMATIC ) {
cls.cgameStarted = qtrue;
// send pure checksums
// restart the sound subsystem
// the cgame must also be forced to restart because handles will be invalid
static void CL_Snd_Restart_f()
static void CL_Video_f()
char s[ MAX_OSPATH ];
if( Cmd_Argc( ) == 2 )
Com_sprintf( s, MAX_OSPATH, "videos/%s.avi", Cmd_Argv( 1 ) );
qtime_t t;
Com_RealTime( &t );
Com_sprintf( s, sizeof(s), "videos/%d_%02d_%02d-%02d_%02d_%02d.avi",
1900+t.tm_year, 1+t.tm_mon, t.tm_mday, t.tm_hour, t.tm_min, t.tm_sec );
Com_Printf( "recording to %s\n", s );
CL_OpenAVIForWriting( s );
static void CL_StopVideo_f()
static void CL_ShowIP_f()
qbool CL_CDKeyValidate( const char *key, const char *checksum )
char ch;
byte sum;
char chs[3];
int i, len;
len = strlen(key);
if( len != CDKEY_LEN ) {
return qfalse;
if( checksum && strlen( checksum ) != CDCHKSUM_LEN ) {
return qfalse;
sum = 0;
// for loop gets rid of conditional assignment warning
for (i = 0; i < len; i++) {
ch = *key++;
if (ch>='a' && ch<='z') {
ch -= 32;
switch( ch ) {
case '2':
case '3':
case '7':
case 'A':
case 'B':
case 'C':
case 'D':
case 'G':
case 'H':
case 'J':
case 'L':
case 'P':
case 'R':
case 'S':
case 'T':
case 'W':
sum += ch;
return qfalse;
sprintf(chs, "%02x", sum);
if (checksum && !Q_stricmp(chs, checksum)) {
return qtrue;
if (!checksum) {
return qtrue;
return qfalse;
2017-01-19 08:59:44 +00:00
static void CL_CallVote_f()
CL_ForwardCommandToServer( Cmd_Cmd() );
static void CL_CompleteCallVote_f( int startArg, int compArg )
if ( compArg == startArg + 2 && !Q_stricmp( Cmd_Argv( startArg + 1 ), "map" ) )
2017-07-05 03:53:05 +00:00
Field_AutoCompleteCustom( startArg, compArg, &Field_AutoCompleteMapName );
2017-01-19 08:59:44 +00:00
2017-10-03 17:11:10 +00:00
2017-09-12 01:21:11 +00:00
static void CL_PrintDownloadPakUsage()
Com_Printf( "Usage: %s checksum (signed decimal, '0x' or '0X' prefix for hex)\n", Cmd_Argv(0) );
static void CL_DownloadPak_f()
unsigned int checksum;
if ( Cmd_Argc() != 2 ) {
const char* const arg1 = Cmd_Argv(1);
const int length = strlen( arg1 );
if ( length > 2 && arg1[0] == '0' && (arg1[1] == 'x' || arg1[1] == 'X') ) {
if ( sscanf(arg1 + 2, "%x", &checksum) != 1 ) {
} else {
int crc32;
if ( sscanf(arg1, "%d", &crc32) != 1 ) {
checksum = (unsigned int)crc32;
if ( checksum == 0 ) {
Com_Printf( "%s: invalid checksum 0\n", Cmd_Argv(0) );
if ( FS_PakExists(checksum) ) {
Com_Printf( "%s: pk3 with checksum 0x%08x (%d) already present\n", Cmd_Argv(0), checksum, (int)checksum );
CL_PakDownload_Start( checksum, qtrue );
static void CL_DownloadMap( qbool forceDL )
if ( Cmd_Argc() != 2 ) {
Com_Printf( "Usage: %s mapname\n", Cmd_Argv(0) );
const char* const mapName = Cmd_Argv(1);
if ( !forceDL ) {
const char* const mapPath = va( "maps/%s.bsp", mapName );
if ( FS_FileExists(mapPath) || FS_FileIsInPAK(mapPath, NULL, NULL) ) {
Com_Printf( "Map already exists! To force the download, use /%sf\n", Cmd_Argv(0) );
CL_MapDownload_Start(mapName, qtrue);
static void CL_DownloadMap_f()
CL_DownloadMap( qfalse );
static void CL_ForceDownloadMap_f()
CL_DownloadMap( qtrue );
static void CL_CancelDownload_f()
2017-10-03 17:11:10 +00:00
static const cvarTableItem_t cl_cvars[] =
{ &cl_timeout, "cl_timeout", "200", 0, CVART_INTEGER, "30", "300", "connection time-out, in seconds" },
{ NULL, "cl_timeNudge", "0", CVAR_TEMP, CVART_INTEGER, NULL, NULL, help_cl_timeNudge },
{ &cl_shownet, "cl_shownet", "0", CVAR_TEMP, CVART_INTEGER, "-2", "4", help_cl_shownet },
{ &cl_showSend, "cl_showSend", "0", CVAR_TEMP, CVART_BOOL, NULL, NULL, help_cl_showSend },
{ &cl_showTimeDelta, "cl_showTimeDelta", "0", CVAR_TEMP, CVART_BOOL, NULL, NULL, "prints delta adjustment values and events" },
{ &rconPassword, "rconPassword", "", CVAR_TEMP, CVART_STRING, NULL, NULL, "server password, used by /rcon" },
{ &cl_timedemo, "timedemo", "0", 0, CVART_BOOL, NULL, NULL, "demo benchmarking mode" },
{ &cl_aviFrameRate, "cl_aviFrameRate", "25", CVAR_ARCHIVE, CVART_INTEGER, "1", "250", "frame-rate for /video" },
{ &cl_aviMotionJpeg, "cl_aviMotionJpeg", "1", CVAR_ARCHIVE, CVART_BOOL, NULL, NULL, "/video stores frames as JPEGs" },
{ &rconAddress, "rconAddress", "", 0, CVART_STRING, NULL, NULL, "IP address of the server to /rcon to" },
{ &cl_maxpackets, "cl_maxpackets", "125", CVAR_ARCHIVE, CVART_INTEGER, "15", "125", "max. packet upload rate" },
{ &cl_packetdup, "cl_packetdup", "1", CVAR_ARCHIVE, CVART_INTEGER, "0", "5", "number of extra transmissions per packet" },
{ &cl_allowDownload, "cl_allowDownload", "1", CVAR_ARCHIVE, CVART_INTEGER, "-1", "1", help_cl_allowDownload },
{ &cl_inGameVideo, "r_inGameVideo", "1", CVAR_ARCHIVE, CVART_BOOL, NULL, NULL, "enables roq video playback" },
{ &cl_serverStatusResendTime, "cl_serverStatusResendTime", "750", 0, CVART_INTEGER, "500", "1000", "milli-seconds to wait before resending getstatus" },
{ NULL, "cl_maxPing", "999", CVAR_ARCHIVE, CVART_INTEGER, "80", "999", "max. ping for the server browser" },
{ NULL, "name", "UnnamedPlayer", CVAR_USERINFO | CVAR_ARCHIVE, CVART_STRING, NULL, NULL, "your name" },
{ NULL, "rate", "25000", CVAR_USERINFO | CVAR_ARCHIVE, CVART_INTEGER, "4000", "99999", "network transfer rate" },
{ NULL, "snaps", "30", CVAR_USERINFO | CVAR_ARCHIVE, CVART_INTEGER }, // documented by the mod
{ NULL, "password", "", CVAR_USERINFO, CVART_STRING, NULL, NULL, "used by /connect" }
static const cmdTableItem_t cl_cmds[] =
{ "cmd", CL_ForwardToServer_f, NULL, "forwards all arguments as a command to the server" },
{ "configstrings", CL_Configstrings_f, NULL, "prints all non-empty config strings" },
{ "clientinfo", CL_Clientinfo_f, NULL, "prints some client settings" },
{ "snd_restart", CL_Snd_Restart_f, NULL, "restarts the sound system" },
{ "vid_restart", CL_Vid_Restart_f, NULL, "restarts the video system" },
{ "disconnect", CL_Disconnect_f, NULL, "disconnects from the current server" },
{ "record", CL_Record_f, CL_CompleteDemoRecord_f, "starts recording a demo" },
{ "demo", CL_PlayDemo_f, CL_CompleteDemoPlay_f, "starts demo playback" },
{ "cinematic", CL_PlayCinematic_f, NULL, "starts playback of a .roq video file" },
{ "stoprecord", CL_StopRecord_f, NULL, "stops demo recording" },
{ "connect", CL_Connect_f, NULL, "connects to a server" },
{ "reconnect", CL_Reconnect_f, NULL, "reconnects to the current or last server" },
{ "localservers", CL_LocalServers_f, NULL, "finds and prints local LAN servers" },
{ "globalservers", CL_GlobalServers_f, NULL, "requests server lists from master servers" },
{ "rcon", CL_Rcon_f, CL_CompleteRcon_f, "executes the arguments as a command on the server" },
{ "ping", CL_Ping_f, NULL, "pings a server" },
{ "serverstatus", CL_ServerStatus_f, NULL, "prints server status and player list" },
{ "showip", CL_ShowIP_f, NULL, "shows your open IP address(es)" },
{ "fs_referencedList", CL_ReferencedPK3List_f, NULL, "prints the names of referenced pak files" },
{ "video", CL_Video_f, NULL, "starts writing a .avi file" },
{ "stopvideo", CL_StopVideo_f, NULL, "stops writing the .avi file" },
{ "dlpak", CL_DownloadPak_f, NULL, "starts a pk3 download by checksum if not existing" },
{ "dlmap", CL_DownloadMap_f, NULL, "starts a pk3 download by map name if not existing" },
{ "dlmapf", CL_ForceDownloadMap_f, NULL, "start a pk3 download by map name" },
{ "dlstop", CL_CancelDownload_f, NULL, "stops the current pk3 download" },
// we use these until we get proper handling on the mod side
{ "cv", CL_CallVote_f, CL_CompleteCallVote_f, "calls a vote" },
{ "callvote", CL_CallVote_f, CL_CompleteCallVote_f, "calls a vote" }
2017-09-12 01:21:11 +00:00
2016-12-18 04:43:04 +00:00
void CL_Init()
cls.state = CA_DISCONNECTED; // no longer CA_UNINITIALIZED
cls.realtime = 0;
2017-10-03 17:11:10 +00:00
Cvar_RegisterArray( cl_cvars, MODULE_CLIENT );
Cmd_RegisterArray( cl_cmds, MODULE_CLIENT );
2017-01-19 08:59:44 +00:00
2016-12-18 04:43:04 +00:00
2017-10-04 15:33:35 +00:00
2016-12-18 04:43:04 +00:00
Cvar_Set( "cl_running", "1" );
2017-09-12 01:21:11 +00:00
2016-12-18 04:43:04 +00:00
void CL_Shutdown()
static qbool recursive = qfalse;
// check whether the client is running at all.
if(!(com_cl_running && com_cl_running->integer))
Com_Printf( "----- CL_Shutdown -----\n" );
if ( recursive ) {
printf ("recursive shutdown\n");
recursive = qtrue;
CL_Disconnect( qtrue );
2017-10-03 17:11:10 +00:00
2016-12-18 04:43:04 +00:00
2017-09-12 01:21:11 +00:00
2017-10-03 17:11:10 +00:00
Cmd_UnregisterModule( MODULE_CLIENT );
2017-03-07 21:44:03 +00:00
2017-10-03 17:11:10 +00:00
2017-01-19 08:59:44 +00:00
2016-12-18 04:43:04 +00:00
Cvar_Set( "cl_running", "0" );
recursive = qfalse;
Com_Memset( &cls, 0, sizeof( cls ) );
Com_Printf( "-----------------------\n" );