mirror of
synced 2025-02-26 21:51:25 +00:00
1753 lines
31 KiB
1753 lines
31 KiB
"DOS\/4G Copyright (C) Rational Systems, Inc. 1987 - 1993"
" error: "
"Error [35]: "
"eral Protection Fault"
"valid Opcode"
"e Fault"
"Unexpected Interrupt"
"es alloc"
"es free"
"DOS\/16M Protected Mode Run-Time Version "
"voluntary switch to real mode"
"not enough extended memory"
" a DOS\/16M executable"
"no DOS memory for transparent segment"
"cannot make transparent segment"
"o many transparent segments"
"t enough memory to load program"
" relocation segment"
"nnot open file"
"not allocate tstack"
"nnot allocate memory for GDT"
"o passup stack selectors -- GDT too small"
"no control program selectors -- GDT too small"
"cannot allocate transfer buffer"
"emature EOF"
"otected mode available only with 386 or 486"
"nnot run under OS\/2"
"stem software does not follow VCPI or DPMI specifications"
"you must specify an extended memory range (SET DOS16M= )"
"omputer must be AT- or PS\/2- compatible"
"supported DOS16M switchmode choice"
"uires DOS 3.0 or later"
"not free memory"
" memory for VCPI page table"
"PI page table address incorrect"
"nnot initialize VCPI"
"042 timeout"
"tended memory is configured but it cannot be allocated"
"ory error, avail loop"
"memory error, out of range"
"gram must be built -AUTO for DPMI"
"protected mode already in use in this DPMI virtual machine"
"I host error (possibly insufficient memory)"
"MI host error (need 64K XMS)"
"PMI host error (cannot lock stack)"
" DOS16M.386 virtual device driver was never loaded"
"ble to reserve selectors for DOS16M.386 Windows driver"
"not use extended memory: HIMEM.SYS not version 2"
"n obsolete version of DOS16M.386 was loaded"
"t enough available extended memory (XMIN)"
"S\/4GW Professional Protected Mode Run-time"
"Copyright (c) Rational Systems, Inc. 1990-1993"
"Nov 23 1993 20:36:03"
"\/4GW Professional"
"'t lock extender kernel in memory\n"
" Version %s"
" (%s)"
"ntax is 4GWPRO <executable.xxx>\n"
"ugging with 16 bit debugger\n"
" enough memory for dispatcher data\n"
"can't hook interrupts\n"
"rror initializing video: %d\n"
"or initializing mouse: %d\n"
"'t find file %s to load\n"
"'t load executable format for file %s [%ld]\n"
"gram %s is not bound\n"
"ading with %s\n"
"an't initialize loader %s [%ld]\n"
"is not a WATCOM program\n"
"cuting %s with initial registers:"
"null pointer used"
"acc "
"ase "
" USE32, "
"SE16, "
"s=%5X%s%s granular, limit %8lX%s%8lX%s%2X\n"
"ote: this program may have been built for the Phar Lap extender.\n"
"nitializing twice\n"
"OS\/4GW Professional deinitializing\n"
".. deinitializing %s\n"
". deinitializing int31 package\n"
"my fcb"
"stalling 16-bit handler for %X %X:%X autolock code %X and stack %X\n"
"cing 16-bit gate for int %02X\n"
"an't force gate type for int %02X!\n"
"error in interrupt chain\n"
"vide by zero"
"ug exception"
"invalid opcode"
"evice not available"
"double fault"
"alid TSS"
"ment not present"
"ck fault"
"eral protection fault"
"ge fault"
"n't find debug agent\n"
"0: unavailable\n"
"CR0: "
" CR2: %lX CR3: %lX\n"
"ode stream:"
" %02X"
"%04X:%08lX "
"t 4 ints: "
"X @ %X:%lX\/"
"ash address (unrelocated) = %X:%08lX\n"
"evious TSF:"
"exception %02Xh (%s) at %X:%08lX"
"ansfer stack overflow on interrupt %02Xh at %X:%08lX"
"nter loader..."
"n loader]\n"
"eave loader..."
"xit loader\n"
"ng SPAWN command line %s %s\n"
"INEXE: Using OS\/2 2.0 Startup Conditions...\n"
"EXE: Using DOS:Extended Startup Conditions...\n"
"EXE: Built Tiled LDT...\n"
"'t allocate memory for LDT.\n"
"INEXE : Demand Loading Enabled...FMA handle %lX\n"
"EXE : NOT Demand Loading...single process only\n"
"t Model, Non-zero Base Linear Address in effect...\n"
"invalid linear executable format"
" enough memory"
"ot enough lockable memory"
"le I\/O error"
"'t resolve external references"
"an't load requested program"
"noring FLATNZ module...\n"
"EE MODULE %d %s\n"
"EXE misinformation : PROCMAN disagrees with mod_ref_count...\n"
"NIT : Freeing %s\n"
"near allocation too low\n"
"LOADING module %s for %s\n"
"unhandled NRRENT relocation\n"
"andled or unknown relocation\n"
"TANCED ALLOCATION: %s - LA %lX - %lX Bytes - retcode %X\n"
"RED ALLOCATION: %s - LA %lX - %lX Bytes\n"
"VATE ALLOCATION: LA %lX - %lX Bytes\n"
"ternal LINEXE object limit reached\n"
"ble to find %s.%ld - referenced from %s\n"
"ble to find %s.%s - referenced from %s\n"
"unhandled EMPTYFWD, GATE16, or unknown relocation\n"
"nhandled ALIAS16 reference to unaliased object\n"
" Trying SEGEXE loader...\n"
"mporting %s.%s : LA "
"porting %s.%d : LA %lX - SEG = %X\n"
"FLATNZ_ALLOC: Allocated %s: LA %lX - %lX Bytes\n"
"LINEXE: chewing too-low memory %lX bytes...\n"
" Calling DLL initializer for %s @ %X:%lX\n"
"kipping KBD\/VIO...\n"
"Attempting load of %s from %s\n"
"%s = %lX\n"
"EMAND LOAD: %lX => %s Obj %d Page %d LFA %lX\n"
" found\n"
"VMM initialization error [%ld]\n"
"Unknown unit"
"ve not ready"
"nown command"
"a error (bad CRC)"
"d request structure length"
"Unknown media type"
"ector not found"
"Printer out of paper"
"te fault"
"d fault"
"General failure"
"Sharing violation"
"ck violation"
"alid disk change"
" unavailable"
"ring buffer overflow"
"ive "
" error %s%s%s\n"
"bort, "
"etry, Ignore, Fail?"
"SF32: prev_tsf32%5X\n"
"%9X DS %9X ES %9X FS %9X GS %9X\n"
"%9lX EBX%9lX ECX%9lX EDX%9lX\n"
"I%9lX EDI%9lX EBP%9lX ESP%9lX\n"
"S:IP%5X:%08lX ID %02X COD%9lX FLG%9lX\n"
"Locking %lX - %lX Bytes - retcode %d\n"
"exiting in locked region [%d]\n"
"ecking for %s%s%s\n"
"earching LIBPATH32=%s for %s%s\n"
"Searching LIBPATH=%s for %s%s\n"
"rching COMSPEC=%s for %s%s\n"
"Found '%s'\n"
"NOT Found :: %s\n"
"sym "
"ges "
"%s warning (%d): "
" error (%d): "
" fatal error (%d): "
"n-time error "
"ub exec failed:"
"Error 0"
"No such file or directory"
"gument list too big"
"Exec format error"
"d file number"
"t enough memory"
"Permission denied"
"le exists"
"oss-device link"
"Invalid argument"
"e table overflow"
" many open files"
"space left on device"
"ument too large"
"Result too large"
"ource deadlock would occur"
"nknown error"
"5 &&"
"@(5 "
"r v,f=a"
"Gamma correction OFF"
"mma correction level 1"
"Gamma correction level 2"
"mma correction level 3"
"Gamma correction level 4"
"n't give up now...do \nyou still wish to quit?"
"ease don't leave, we\nneed your help!"
"ease don't leave, we\nneed your help!"
"ease don't leave, we\nneed your help!"
"ease don't leave, we\nneed your help!"
"ease don't leave, we\nneed your help!"
"ease don't leave, we\nneed your help!"
"ease don't leave, we\nneed your help!"
"n't give up now...do \nyou still wish to quit?"
"ease don't leave, we\nneed your help!"
"ease don't leave, we\nneed your help!"
"ease don't leave, we\nneed your help!"
"ease don't leave, we\nneed your help!"
"ease don't leave, we\nneed your help!"
"ease don't leave, we\nneed your help!"
"ease don't leave, we\nneed your help!"
"CODEC: Testing I\/O address: %04x\n"
"CODEC: Starting the \"busy\" test.\n"
"CODEC: The \"busy\" test failed.\n"
"CODEC: Passed the \"busy\" test.\n"
"CODEC: Starting the version test.\n"
"CODEC: Failed the version inspection.\n"
"CODEC: Passed the version inspection.\n"
"CODEC: Starting the misc. write test.\n"
"CODEC: Failed the misc. write test.\n"
"CODEC: Passed all I\/O port inspections.\n"
" out of GUS RAM:"
"Ultrasound @ Port:%03Xh, IRQ:%d, DMA:%d\n"
"Sizing GUS RAM:"
"BANK%d:OK "
"BANK%d:N\/A "
"Loading GUS Patches\n"
" - FAILED\n"
" - OK\n"
"PAS IRQ: %d DMA:%d\n"
"Pro Audio Spectrum is NOT version 1.01.\n"
"ECHO Personal Sound System Enabled.\n"
"Pro Audio Spectrum 3D JAZZ\n"
"\nDSP Version: %x.%02x\n"
" IRQ: %d\n"
" DMA: %d\n"
"MixPg: "
"fmt "
"Bad I_UpdateBox (%i, %i, %i, %i)"
"Mouse: not present\n"
"Mouse: detected\n"
"joystick not found\n"
"joystick found\n"
"CENTER the joystick and press button 1:"
"\nPush the joystick to the UPPER LEFT corner and press button 1:"
"\nPush the joystick to the LOWER RIGHT corner and press button 1:"
"INT_SetTimer0: %i is a bad value"
"Using external control API\n"
"DPMI memory: 0x%x"
", 0x%x allocated for zone\n"
"Insufficient memory! You need to have at least 3.7 megabytes of total\n"
"free memory available for Chex(R) Quest. Reconfigure your CONFIG.SYS\n"
"or AUTOEXEC.BAT to load fewer device drivers or TSR's. We recommend\n"
"creating a custom boot menu item in your CONFIG.SYS for optimum play.\n"
"Please consult your DOS manual (\"Making more memory available\") for\n"
"information on how to free up more memory for Chex(R) Quest.\n\n"
"Chex(R) Quest aborted.\n"
"I_AllocLow: DOS alloc of %i failed, %i free"
"malloc() in I_InitNetwork() failed"
"I_NetCmd when not in netgame"
"Can't register 35 Hz timer w\/ DMX library"
"Dude. The ENSONIQ ain't responding.\n"
"CODEC p=0x%x, d=%d\n"
"CODEC. The CODEC ain't responding.\n"
"Dude. The GUS ain't responding.\n"
"cfg p=0x%x, i=%d, d=%d\n"
"SB isn't responding at p=0x%x, i=%d, d=%d\n"
"SB_Detect returned p=0x%x,i=%d,d=%d\n"
"Dude. The Adlib isn't responding.\n"
"cfg p=0x%x\n"
"The MPU-401 isn't reponding @ p=0x%x.\n"
"I_StartupSound: Hope you hear a pop.\n"
" Music device #%d & dmxCode=%d\n"
" Sfx device #%d & dmxCode=%d\n"
" calling DMX_Init\n"
" DMX_Init() returned %d\n"
"CyberMan: Wrong mouse driver - no SWIFT support (AX=%04x).\n"
"CyberMan: no SWIFT device connected.\n"
"CyberMan: SWIFT device is not a CyberMan! (type=%d)\n"
"CyberMan: CyberMan %d.%02d connected.\n"
"Mission accomplished.\n\nAre you prepared for the next mission?\n\n\n\n\n\n\nPress the escape key to continue...\n"
"You've done it!"
"Wonderful Job!"
"Way to go!"
"Thanks for the help!"
"Nicely done!"
"Nice Job!"
"Well done!"
"Eat Chex(R)!"
"Are you ready?"
"Were you ready?"
"There's more to come..."
"Keep up the good work!"
"Get ready!."
"Be Proud."
"debug output to: %s\n"
"French version\n"
"Game mode indeterminate.\n"
"\nNo such response file!"
"Found response file %s!\n"
"%d command-line args:\n"
" Chex(R) Quest Startup "
" Chex(R) Quest "
" Chex(R) Quest "
" Chex(R) Quest "
"\nP_Init: Checking cmd-line parameters...\n"
"Development mode ON.\n"
"CD-ROM Version: default.cfg from c:\\doomdata\n"
"turbo scale: %i%%\n"
"Warping to Episode %s, Map %s.\n"
"Playing demo %s.lmp.\n"
"Levels will end after %d minute"
"Austin Virtual Gaming: Levels will end after 20 minutes\n"
"V_Init: allocate screens.\n"
"M_LoadDefaults: Load system defaults.\n"
"Z_Init: Init zone memory allocation daemon. \n"
"W_Init: Init WADfiles.\n"
"\nYou cannot -file with Chex(R) Quest version. Register!"
"\nThis is Chex(R) Quest."
"istered version.\n"
"reware version.\n"
"mercial version.\n"
"M_Init: Init miscellaneous info.\n"
"R_Init: Init Chex(R) Quest refresh daemon - "
"\nP_Init: Init Playloop state.\n"
"I_Init: Setting up machine state.\n"
"D_CheckNetGame: Checking network game status.\n"
"S_Init: Setting up sound.\n"
"HU_Init: Setting up heads up display.\n"
"ST_Init: Init status bar.\n"
"External statistics registered.\n"
"ExpandTics: strange value %i at maketic %i"
"Tried to transmit to another node"
"i, R %i) [%i] "
"bad packet length %i\n"
"bad packet checksum\n"
"setup packet\n"
"i, R %i)[%i] "
"Player 1 left the game"
"Killed by network driver"
"retransmit from %i\n"
"missed tics from %i (%i - %i)\n"
"NetUpdate: netbuffer->numtics > BACKUPTICS"
"Network game synchronization aborted."
"listening for network start info...\n"
"Different Chex(R) Quest versions cannot play a net quest!"
"sending network start info...\n"
"Doomcom buffer invalid!"
"startskill %i deathmatch: %i startmap: %i startepisode: %i\n"
"player %i of %i (%i nodes)\n"
"=======real: %i avail: %i game: %i\n"
"TryRunTics: lowtic < gametic"
"%s is turbo!"
"consistency failure (%i should be %i)"
"Only %i deathmatch spots, 4 required"
"version %i"
"Bad savegame"
"Savegame buffer overrun"
"game saved."
"Demo is from a different game version!"
"timed %i gametics in %i realtics"
"Z_CT at g_game.c:%i"
"Demo %s recorded"
"empty slot"
"you can't do load while in a net quest!\n\npress a key."
"you can't save if you aren't playing!\n\npress a key."
"quicksave over your quest named\n\n'%s'?\n\npress y or n."
"you can't quickload during a netquest!\n\npress a key."
"you haven't picked a quicksave slot yet!\n\npress a key."
"do you want to quickload the quest named\n\n'%s'?\n\npress y or n."
"you can't start a new quest\nwhile in a network quest.\n\npress a key."
"Careful, this will be tough.\nDo you wish to continue?\n\npress y or n."
"this is Chex(R) Quest. look for\n\nfuture levels at www.chexquest.com.\n\npress a key."
"Messages OFF"
"Messages ON"
"you can't end a netquest!\n\npress a key."
"are you sure you want to end the quest?\n\npress y or n."
"%s\n\n(press y to quit to dos.)"
"High detail"
"Low detail"
"Couldn't read file %s"
"I'm ready to zorch!"
"I'm feeling great!"
"I'm getting pretty gooed up!"
"Somebody help me!"
"Go back to your own dimension!"
"Stop that Flemoid"
"I think I'm lost!"
"I'll get you out of this gunk."
"ault file: %s\n"
"M_ScreenShot: Couldn't create a PCX"
"screen shot"
"Z_CT at am_map.c:%i"
"Follow Mode ON"
"Follow Mode OFF"
"Grid ON"
"Grid OFF"
"Marked Spot"
"%s %d"
"All Marks Cleared"
"You need a blue key to activate this object"
"You need a red key to activate this object"
"You need a yellow key to activate this object"
"You need a blue key to open this door"
"You need a yellow key to open this door"
"You need a red key to open this door"
"Weird actor->movedir!"
"P_NewChaseDir: called with no target"
"P_GiveAmmo: bad type %i"
"Picked up the Chex(R) Armor."
"Picked up the Super Chex(R) Armor!"
"Picked up a glass of water."
"Picked up slime repellent."
"Supercharge Breakfast!"
"Picked up a blue key."
"Picked up a yellow key."
"Picked up a red key."
"Picked up a bowl of fruit."
"Picked up some needed vegetables!"
"Picked up a bowl of vegetables."
"Partial Invisibility"
"Slimeproof Suit"
"Computer Area Map"
"Light Amplification Visor"
"Picked up a mini zorch recharge."
"Picked up a mini zorch pack."
"Picked up a zorch propulsor recharge."
"Picked up a zorch propulsor pack."
"Picked up a phasing zorcher recharge."
"Picked up a phasing zorcher pack."
"Picked up a large zorcher recharge."
"Picked up a large zorcher pack."
"Picked up a Zorchpak!"
"You got the LAZ Device!"
"You got the Rapid Zorcher!"
"You got the Super Bootspork!"
"You got the Zorch Propulsor!"
"You got the Phasing Zorcher!"
"You got the Large Zorcher!"
"You got the Super Large Zorcher!"
"P_SpecialThing: Unknown gettable thing"
"PTR_SlideTraverse: not a line?"
"P_AddActivePlat: no more plats!"
"P_RemoveActivePlat: can't find plat!"
"P_GroupLines: miscounted"
"P_CrossSubsector: ss %i with numss = %i"
"P_InitPicAnims: bad cycle from %s to %s"
"P_PlayerInSpecialSector: unknown special %i"
"P_StartButton: no button slots left!"
"P_SpawnMapThing: Unknown type %i at (%i, %i)"
"Unknown tclass %i in savegame"
"P_UnarchiveSpecials:Unknown tclass %i in savegame"
"R_Subsector: ss %i with numss = %i"
"Z_CT at r_data.c:%i"
"R_GenerateLookup: column without a patch (%s)\n"
"R_GenerateLookup: texture %i is >64k"
" ]"
"R_InitTextures: bad texture directory"
"R_InitTextures: Missing patch in texture %s"
"R_FlatNumForName: %s not found"
"R_TextureNumForName: %s not found"
"R_DrawFuzzColumn: %i to %i at %i"
"R_DrawColumn: %i to %i at %i"
"R_MapPlane: %i, %i at %i"
"R_FindPlane: no more visplanes"
"R_DrawPlanes: drawsegs overflow (%i)"
"R_DrawPlanes: visplane overflow (%i)"
"R_DrawPlanes: opening overflow (%i)"
"Z_CT at r_plane.c:%i"
"Bad R_RenderWallRange: %i to %i"
"R_InstallSpriteLump: Bad frame characters in lump %i"
"R_InitSprites: Sprite %s frame %c has multip rot=0 lump"
"R_InitSprites: Sprite %s frame %c has rotations and a rot=0 lump"
"R_InitSprites: Sprite %s frame %c has rotations and a rot=0 lump"
"R_InitSprites: Sprite %s : %c : %c has two lumps mapped to it"
"R_InitSprites: No patches found for %s frame %c"
"R_InitSprites: Sprite %s frame %c is missing rotations"
"R_DrawSpriteRange: bad texturecolumn"
"R_ProjectSprite: invalid sprite number %i "
"R_ProjectSprite: invalid sprite frame %i : %i "
"R_ProjectSprite: invalid sprite number %i "
"R_ProjectSprite: invalid sprite frame %i : %i "
"Filename base of %s >8 chars"
"ldn't open %s\n"
"ing %s\n"
"Wad file %s doesn't have IWAD or PWAD id\n"
"Couldn't realloc lumpinfo"
"W_Reload: couldn't open %s"
"W_InitFiles: no files found"
"Couldn't allocate lumpcache"
"W_GetNumForName: %s not found!"
"W_LumpLength: %i >= numlumps"
"W_ReadLump: %i >= numlumps"
"W_ReadLump: couldn't open %s"
"W_ReadLump: only read %i of %i on lump %i"
"W_CacheLumpNum: %i >= numlumps"
"Z_CT at w_wad.c:%i"
" %c"
"Bad V_CopyRect"
"Bad V_DrawPatch"
"Bad V_DrawPatchDirect"
"Bad V_DrawBlock"
"Z_Free: freed a pointer without ZONEID"
"Z_Malloc: failed on allocation of %i bytes"
"Z_Malloc: an owner is required for purgable blocks"
"zone size: %i location: %p\n"
"tag range: %i to %i\n"
"block:%p size:%7i user:%p tag:%3i\n"
"ERROR: block size does not touch the next block\n"
"ERROR: next block doesn't have proper back link\n"
"ERROR: two consecutive free blocks\n"
"block:%p size:%7i user:%p tag:%3i\n"
"ERROR: block size does not touch the next block\n"
"ERROR: next block doesn't have proper back link\n"
"ERROR: two consecutive free blocks\n"
"Z_CheckHeap: block size does not touch the next block\n"
"Z_CheckHeap: next block doesn't have proper back link\n"
"Z_CheckHeap: two consecutive free blocks\n"
"Z_ChangeTag: freed a pointer without ZONEID"
"Z_ChangeTag: an owner is required for purgable blocks"
"Invincible Mode On"
"Invincible Mode Off"
"Zorch Added"
"Super Zorch Added"
"Music Change"
"No Clipping Mode ON"
"No Clipping Mode OFF"
"Power-up Toggled"
"inVuln, Str, Inviso, Rad, Allmap, or Lite-amp"
"... Eat Chex(R)!"
"Changing Level..."
"Z_CT at st_stuff.c:%i"
"drawNum: n->y - ST_Y < 0"
"updateMultIcon: y - ST_Y < 0"
"updateBinIcon: y - ST_Y < 0"
"I'm ready to zorch!"
"I'm feeling great!"
"I'm getting pretty gooed up!"
"Somebody help me!"
"Go back to your own dimension!"
"Stop that Flemoid"
"I think I'm lost!"
"I'll get you out of this gunk."
"Green: "
"Indigo: "
"Brown: "
"Red: "
"E1M1: Landing Zone"
"E1M2: Storage Facility"
"E1M3: Experimental Lab"
"E1M4: Arboretum"
"E1M5: Caverns of Bazoik"
"level 1: entryway"
"level 2: underhalls"
"level 3: the gantlet"
"level 4: the focus"
"level 5: the waste tunnels"
"level 6: the crusher"
"level 7: dead simple"
"level 8: tricks and traps"
"level 9: the pit"
"level 10: refueling base"
"level 11: 'o' of destruction!"
"level 12: the factory"
"level 13: downtown"
"level 14: the inmost dens"
"level 15: industrial zone"
"level 16: suburbs"
"level 17: tenements"
"level 18: the courtyard"
"level 19: the citadel"
"level 20: gotcha!"
"level 21: nirvana"
"level 22: the catacombs"
"level 23: barrels o' fun"
"level 24: the chasm"
"level 25: bloodfalls"
"level 26: the abandoned mines"
"level 27: monster condo"
"level 28: the spirit world"
"level 29: the living end"
"level 30: icon of sin"
"level 31: wolfenstein"
"level 32: grosse"
"level 1: congo"
"level 2: well of souls"
"level 3: aztec"
"level 4: caged"
"level 5: ghost town"
"level 6: baron's lair"
"level 7: caughtyard"
"level 8: realm"
"level 9: abattoire"
"level 10: onslaught"
"level 11: hunted"
"level 12: speed"
"level 13: the crypt"
"level 14: genesis"
"level 15: the twilight"
"level 16: the omen"
"level 17: compound"
"level 18: neurosphere"
"level 19: nme"
"level 20: the death domain"
"level 21: slayer"
"level 22: impossible mission"
"level 23: tombstone"
"level 24: the final frontier"
"level 25: the temple of darkness"
"level 26: bunker"
"level 27: anti-christ"
"level 28: the sewers"
"level 29: odyssey of noises"
"level 30: the gateway of hell"
"level 31: cyberden"
"level 32: go 2 it"
"level 1: system control"
"level 2: human bbq"
"level 3: power control"
"level 4: wormhole"
"level 5: hanger"
"level 6: open season"
"level 7: prison"
"level 8: metal"
"level 9: stronghold"
"level 10: redemption"
"level 11: storage facility"
"level 12: crater"
"level 13: nukage processing"
"level 14: steel works"
"level 15: dead zone"
"level 16: deepest reaches"
"level 17: processing area"
"level 18: mill"
"level 19: shipping\/respawning"
"level 20: central processing"
"level 21: administration center"
"level 22: habitat"
"level 23: lunar mining project"
"level 24: quarry"
"level 25: baron's den"
"level 26: ballistyx"
"level 27: mount pain"
"level 28: heck"
"level 29: river styx"
"level 30: last call"
"level 31: pharaoh"
"level 32: caribbean"
"[Message unsent]"
"I'm feeling great."
"I think I'm lost."
"Oh No..."
"Gotta break free."
"Could not place patch on level %d"
"Z_CT at wi_stuff.c:%i"
"%s=%d in %s:%d"
"Attempt to set music volume at %d"
"Z_CT at s_sound.c:%i"
"Bad music number %d"
"Attempt to set sfx volume at %d"
"Bad sfx #: %d"
"Bad list in dll_AddEndNode"
"Bad list in dll_AddStartNode"
"Bad list in dll_DelNode"
"Empty list in dll_DelNode"