"PLAYPAL" "E1M1: THE DOCKS" "E1M2: THE DUNGEONS" "E1M3: THE GATEHOUSE" "E1M4: THE GUARD TOWER" "E1M5: THE CITADEL" "E1M6: THE CATHEDRAL" "E1M7: THE CRYPTS" "E1M8: HELL'S MAW" "E1M9: THE GRAVEYARD" "E2M1: THE CRATER" "E2M2: THE LAVA PITS" "E2M3: THE RIVER OF FIRE" "E2M4: THE ICE GROTTO" "E2M5: THE CATACOMBS" "E2M6: THE LABYRINTH" "E2M7: THE GREAT HALL" "E2M8: THE PORTALS OF CHAOS" "E2M9: THE GLACIER" "E3M1: THE STOREHOUSE" "E3M2: THE CESSPOOL" "E3M3: THE CONFLUENCE" "E3M4: THE AZURE FORTRESS" "E3M5: THE OPHIDIAN LAIR" "E3M6: THE HALLS OF FEAR" "E3M7: THE CHASM" "E3M8: D'SPARIL'S KEEP" "E3M9: THE AQUIFER" "E4M1: CATAFALQUE" "E4M2: BLOCKHOUSE" "E4M3: AMBULATORY" "E4M4: SEPULCHER" "E4M5: GREAT STAIR" "E4M6: HALLS OF THE APOSTATE" "E4M7: RAMPARTS OF PERDITION" "E4M8: SHATTERED BRIDGE" "E4M9: MAUSOLEUM" "E5M1: OCHRE CLIFFS" "E5M2: RAPIDS" "E5M3: QUAY" "E5M4: COURTYARD" "E5M5: HYDRATYR" "E5M6: COLONNADE" "E5M7: FOETID MANSE" "E5M8: FIELD OF JUDGEMENT" "E5M9: SKEIN OF D'SPARIL" "AUTOPAGE" "FOLLOW MODE ON" "FOLLOW MODE OFF" "GREEN: " "YELLOW: " "RED: " "BLUE: " "FONTA_S" "-MESSAGE SENT-" "THERE ARE NO OTHER PLAYERS IN THE GAME!" "FONTA59" "PAUSED" "ADVISOR" "TITLE" "demo1" "CREDIT" "demo2" "ORDER" "demo3" "Exited from HERETIC.\n" "c:\\heretic.cd" "Playing demo %s.lmp.\n" "V_Init: allocate screens.\n" "M_LoadDefaults: Load system defaults.\n" "Z_Init: Init zone memory allocation daemon.\n" "W_Init: Init WADfiles.\n" "E2M1" "EXTENDED" "LOADING" "DeathMatch..." "No Monsters..." "Respawning..." "Warp to Episode %d, Map %d, Skill %d " "MN_Init: Init menu system.\n" "R_Init: Init Heretic refresh daemon." "Loading graphics" "P_Init: Init Playloop state." "Init game engine." "I_Init: Setting up machine state.\n" "D_CheckNetGame: Checking network game status.\n" "Checking network game status." "SB_Init: Loading patches.\n" "PLAYER 1 LEFT THE GAME" "Network game synchronization aborted." "Different DOOM versions cannot play a net game!" "SKY1" "SKY2" "SKY3" "NET GAME" "SAVE GAME" "Only %i deathmatch spots, 4 required" "version %i" "c:\\heretic.cd\\hticsav%d.hsg" "hticsav%d.hsg" "GAME SAVED" "with the destruction of the iron\nliches and their minions, the last\nof the undead are cleared from this\nplane of existence.\n\nthose creatures had to come from\nsomewhere, though, and you have the\nsneaky suspicion that the fiery\nportal of hell's maw opens onto\ntheir home dimension.\n\nto make sure that more undead\n(or even worse things) don't come\nthrough, you'll have to seal hell's\nmaw from the other side. of course\nthis means you may get stuck in a\nvery unfriendly world, but no one\never said being a Heretic was easy!" "the mighty maulotaurs have proved\nto be no match for you, and as\ntheir steaming corpses slide to the\nground you feel a sense of grim\nsatisfaction that they have been\ndestroyed.\n\nthe gateways which they guarded\nhave opened, revealing what you\nhope is the way home. but as you\nstep through, mocking laughter\nrings in your ears.\n\nwas some other force controlling\nthe maulotaurs? could there be even\nmore horrific beings through this\ngate? the sweep of a crystal dome\noverhead where the sky should be is\ncertainly not a good sign...." "the death of d'sparil has loosed\nthe magical bonds holding his\ncreatures on this plane, their\ndying screams overwhelming his own\ncries of agony.\n\nyour oath of vengeance fulfilled,\nyou enter the portal to your own\nworld, mere moments before the dome\nshatters into a million pieces.\n\nbut if d'sparil's power is broken\nforever, why don't you feel safe?\nwas it that last shout just before\nhis death, the one that sounded\nlike a curse? or a summoning? you\ncan't really be sure, but it might\njust have been a scream.\n\nthen again, what about the other\nserpent riders?" "you thought you would return to your\nown world after d'sparil died, but\nhis final act banished you to his\nown plane. here you entered the\nshattered remnants of lands\nconquered by d'sparil. you defeated\nthe last guardians of these lands,\nbut now you stand before the gates\nto d'sparil's stronghold. until this\nmoment you had no doubts about your\nability to face anything you might\nencounter, but beyond this portal\nlies the very heart of the evil\nwhich invaded your world. d'sparil\nmight be dead, but the pit where he\nwas spawned remains. now you must\nenter that pit in the hopes of\nfinding a way out. and somewhere,\nin the darkest corner of d'sparil's\ndemesne, his personal bodyguards\nawait your arrival ..." "as the final maulotaur bellows his\ndeath-agony, you realize that you\nhave never come so close to your own\ndestruction. not even the fight with\nd'sparil and his disciples had been\nthis desperate. grimly you stare at\nthe gates which open before you,\nwondering if they lead home, or if\nthey open onto some undreamed-of\nhorror. you find yourself wondering\nif you have the strength to go on,\nif nothing but death and pain await\nyou. but what else can you do, if\nthe will to fight is gone? can you\nforce yourself to continue in the\nface of such despair? do you have\nthe courage? you find, in the end,\nthat it is not within you to\nsurrender without a fight. eyes\nwide, you go to meet your fate." "FLOOR25" "FLATHUH1" "FLTWAWA2" "FLOOR28" "FLOOR08" "FONTA_S" "PLAYPAL" "FINAL1" "FINAL2" "E2PAL" "E2END" "TITLE" "ORDER" "CREDIT" "IMPX" "ACLO" "PTN1" "SHLD" "SHD2" "BAGH" "SPMP" "INVS" "PTN2" "SOAR" "INVU" "PWBK" "EGGC" "EGGM" "FX01" "SPHL" "TRCH" "FBMB" "XPL1" "ATLP" "PPOD" "AMG1" "SPSH" "LVAS" "SLDG" "SKH1" "SKH2" "SKH3" "SKH4" "CHDL" "SRTC" "SMPL" "STGS" "STGL" "STCS" "STCL" "KFR1" "BARL" "BRPL" "MOS1" "MOS2" "WTRH" "HCOR" "KGZ1" "KGZB" "KGZG" "KGZY" "VLCO" "VFBL" "VTFB" "SFFI" "TGLT" "TELE" "STFF" "PUF3" "PUF4" "BEAK" "WGNT" "GAUN" "PUF1" "WBLS" "BLSR" "FX18" "FX17" "WMCE" "MACE" "FX02" "WSKL" "HROD" "FX00" "FX20" "FX21" "FX22" "FX23" "GWND" "PUF2" "WPHX" "PHNX" "FX04" "FX08" "FX09" "WBOW" "CRBW" "FX03" "BLOD" "PLAY" "FDTH" "BSKL" "CHKN" "MUMM" "FX15" "BEAS" "FRB1" "SNKE" "SNFX" "HEAD" "FX05" "FX06" "FX07" "CLNK" "WZRD" "FX11" "FX10" "KNIG" "SPAX" "RAXE" "SRCR" "FX14" "SOR2" "SDTH" "FX16" "MNTR" "FX12" "FX13" "AKYY" "BKYY" "CKYY" "AMG2" "AMM1" "AMM2" "AMC1" "AMC2" "AMS1" "AMS2" "AMP1" "AMP2" "AMB1" "AMB2" "K" "I" "L" "E" "R" "S" "PLAYPAL" "MAPE1" "MAPE2" "MAPE3" "IN_X" "IN_YAH" "FONTB16" "FONTB_S" "FONTB13" "FONTB15" "FONTB05" "FACEA0" "FACEB0" "FLOOR16" "FINISHED" "NOW ENTERING:" "KILLS" "ITEMS" "SECRETS" "TIME" "BONUS" "SECRET" "TOTAL" "VICTIMS" ":" "NEW GAME" "OPTIONS" "GAME FILES" "INFO" "QUIT GAME" "CITY OF THE DAMNED" "HELL'S MAW" "THE DOME OF D'SPARIL" "THE OSSUARY" "THE STAGNANT DEMESNE" "LOAD GAME" "SAVE GAME" "THOU NEEDETH A WET-NURSE" "YELLOWBELLIES-R-US" "BRINGEST THEM ONETH" "THOU ART A SMITE-MEISTER" "BLACK PLAGUE POSSESSES THEE" "END GAME" "MESSAGES : " "MOUSE SENSITIVITY" "MORE..." "SCREEN SIZE" "SFX VOLUME" "MUSIC VOLUME" "ARE YOU SURE YOU WANT TO QUIT?" "ARE YOU SURE YOU WANT TO END THE GAME?" "DO YOU WANT TO QUICKSAVE THE GAME NAMED" "DO YOU WANT TO QUICKLOAD THE GAME NAMED" "M_SKL00" "FONTA_S" "FONTB_S" "?" "M_SLCTR1" "M_SLCTR2" "M_HTIC" "c:\\heretic.cd\\hticsav%d.hsg" "hticsav%d.hsg" "M_FSLOT" "ON" "OFF" "YOU CAN'T START A NEW GAME IN NETPLAY!" "YOU CAN'T LOAD A GAME IN NETPLAY!" "MESSAGES ON" "MESSAGES OFF" "ONLY AVAILABLE IN THE REGISTERED VERSION" "PLAYPAL" "QUICKSAVING...." "QUICKLOADING...." "CHOOSE A QUICKSAVE SLOT" "CHOOSE A QUICKLOAD SLOT" "TITLE" "M_SLDLT" "M_SLDMD1" "M_SLDMD2" "M_SLDRT" "M_SLDKB" "SCREEN SHOT" "YOU NEED A BLUE KEY TO OPEN THIS DOOR" "YOU NEED A YELLOW KEY TO OPEN THIS DOOR" "YOU NEED A GREEN KEY TO OPEN THIS DOOR" "CRYSTAL VIAL" "SILVER SHIELD" "ENCHANTED SHIELD" "BAG OF HOLDING" "MAP SCROLL" "BLUE KEY" "YELLOW KEY" "GREEN KEY" "QUARTZ FLASK" "WINGS OF WRATH" "RING OF INVINCIBILITY" "TOME OF POWER" "SHADOWSPHERE" "MORPH OVUM" "MYSTIC URN" "TORCH" "TIME BOMB OF THE ANCIENTS" "CHAOS DEVICE" "WAND CRYSTAL" "CRYSTAL GEODE" "MACE SPHERES" "PILE OF MACE SPHERES" "ETHEREAL ARROWS" "QUIVER OF ETHEREAL ARROWS" "CLAW ORB" "ENERGY ORB" "LESSER RUNES" "GREATER RUNES" "FLAME ORB" "INFERNO ORB" "FIREMACE" "ETHEREAL CROSSBOW" "DRAGON CLAW" "HELLSTAFF" "PHOENIX ROD" "GAUNTLETS OF THE NECROMANCER" "FLTWAWA1" "FLTFLWW1" "FLTLAVA1" "FLATHUH1" "FLTSLUD1" "END" "texture2" "PLAYPAL" "PNAMES" "TEXTURE1" "TEXTURE2" "S_END" "S_START" "F_START" "F_END" "COLORMAP" "\nR_InitTextures " "R_InitFlats\n" "R_InitSpriteLumps " "TINTTAB" "FLOOR04" "FLAT513" "bordt" "bordb" "bordl" "bordr" "bordtl" "bordtr" "bordbr" "bordbl" "R_InitData " "R_InitPointToAngle\n" "R_InitTables " "R_InitPlanes\n" "R_InitLightTables " "R_InitSkyMap\n" "F_SKY1" "LTFACE" "RTFACE" "BARBACK" "INVBAR" "CHAIN" "STATBAR" "LIFEBAR" "LIFEGEM2" "LIFEGEM0" "LTFCTOP" "RTFCTOP" "SELECTBOX" "INVGEML1" "INVGEML2" "INVGEMR1" "INVGEMR2" "BLACKSQ" "ARMCLEAR" "CHAINBACK" "IN0" "NEGNUM" "FONTB16" "SMALLIN0" "PLAYPAL" "SPINBK0" "SPFLY0" "LAME" "*** SOUND DEBUG INFO ***" "NAME" "MO.T" "MO.X" "MO.Y" "ID" "PRI" "DIST" "------" "%s" "%d" "GOD1" "GOD2" "useartia" "ykeyicon" "gkeyicon" "bkeyicon" "ARTIBOX" "GOD MODE ON" "GOD MODE OFF" "NO CLIPPING ON" "NO CLIPPING OFF" "ALL WEAPONS" "POWER OFF" "POWER ON" "FULL HEALTH" "ALL KEYS" "SOUND DEBUG ON" "SOUND DEBUG OFF" "TICKER ON" "TICKER OFF" "CHOOSE AN ARTIFACT ( A - J )" "HOW MANY ( 1 - 9 )" "YOU GOT IT" "BAD INPUT" "LEVEL WARP" "CHICKEN OFF" "CHICKEN ON" "MASSACRE" "CHEATER - YOU DON'T DESERVE WEAPONS" "TRYING TO CHEAT, EH? NOW YOU DIE!"