Simon Howard c8824b131a Rewrite to make better use of make.
Instead of having the test runner do the extraction, make can do it for
us. This allows for better parallelization. It also lets the WADs be
extracted separately (and potentially modified) before the tests are
run; I'm planning to reuse this for wadptr so that I can test WADs play
back as intended after being compressed.
2023-10-05 19:21:47 -04:00

119 lines
3.4 KiB

export SOURCE_PORT=/usr/games/chocolate-doom
# Quiet output, convert to lower case, don't restore timestamps,
# overwrite without prompt, extract to extract/ directory.
UNZIPOPTS = -q -LL -DD -o -d extract
WADS = extract/miniwad.wad
all: check
unzip $(UNZIPOPTS) $< $(subst extract/,,$@)
extract/miniwad.wad: miniwad.zip
testrunner: $(SOURCE_PORT) extract/miniwad.wad
# Alien Vendetta, Ancalagon 4:13:37
extract/av.wad: pwads/av_new.zip
extract/30av-25337.lmp: demos/avall-41337.zip
output/av.txt: testrunner extract/av.wad extract/30av-25337.lmp
./testrunner -merge av.wad -timedemo extract/30av-25337.lmp >$@
WADS += extract/av.wad
OUTPUTS += output/av.txt
# Cyberdreams, SuperWeaponDude 19:04
extract/cyber110.wad: pwads/cydreams.zip
extract/cyber110.deh: pwads/cydreams.zip
extract/30cyx1904.lmp: demos/cyallx1904.zip
output/cydreams.txt: testrunner extract/cyber110.wad extract/cyber110.deh extract/30cyx1904.lmp
./testrunner -deh cyber110.deh -merge cyber110.wad -timedemo extract/30cyx1904.lmp >$@
WADS += extract/cyber110.wad
OUTPUTS += output/cydreams.txt
# Doom 2 The Way Id Did, William "crate" Striegl 45:25
extract/d2twid.wad: pwads/d2twid.zip
extract/30id-4525.lmp: demos/30id-4525.zip
output/d2twid.txt: testrunner extract/d2twid.wad extract/30id-4525.lmp
./testrunner -nodehlump -merge d2twid.wad -timedemo extract/30id-4525.lmp >$@
WADS += extract/d2twid.wad
OUTPUTS += output/d2twid.txt
# Eternal Doom, ELMLE 2:18:54
extract/eternall.wad: pwads/eternal.zip
extract/30et-13854.lmp: demos/etall-21854.zip
output/eternal.txt: testrunner extract/eternall.wad extract/30et-13854.lmp
./testrunner -merge eternall.wad -timedemo extract/30et-13854.lmp >$@
WADS += extract/eternall.wad
OUTPUTS += output/eternal.txt
# Hell Revealed, Yonatan Donner/Haggay Niv 43:39
extract/hr.wad: pwads/hr.zip
extract/hqr-4339.lmp: demos/hrall-4339.zip
output/hr.txt: testrunner extract/hr.wad extract/hqr-4339.lmp
./testrunner -merge hr.wad -timedemo extract/hqr-4339.lmp >$@
WADS += extract/hr.wad
OUTPUTS += output/hr.txt
# Hell Revealed 2, tchkb 2:29:44
extract/hr2final.wad: pwads/hr2final.zip
extract/h2alls2-22944.lmp: demos/h2all-22944.zip
output/hr2.txt: testrunner extract/hr2final.wad extract/h2alls2-22944.lmp
./testrunner -merge hr2final.wad -timedemo extract/h2alls2-22944.lmp >$@
WADS += extract/hr2final.wad
OUTPUTS += output/hr2.txt
# Memento Mori, stx-Vile 83:56
extract/mm.wad: pwads/mm_allup.zip
extract/30mm8356.lmp: demos/30mm8356.zip
output/mm.txt: testrunner extract/mm.wad extract/30mm8356.lmp
./testrunner -merge mm.wad -timedemo extract/30mm8356.lmp >$@
WADS += extract/mm.wad
OUTPUTS += output/mm.txt
# Memento Mori 2, Cyberdemon531 49:38
extract/mm2.wad: pwads/mm2.zip
extract/mm2allnomo4938.lmp: demos/m2allo4938.zip
output/mm2.txt: testrunner extract/mm2.wad extract/mm2allnomo4938.lmp
./testrunner -merge mm2.wad -timedemo extract/mm2allnomo4938.lmp >$@
WADS += extract/mm2.wad
OUTPUTS += output/mm2.txt
# Plutonia 2, Red-XIII 1:05:04
extract/pl2.wad: pwads/pl2.zip
extract/pl2all1.lmp: demos/p2all-6504.zip
output/pl2.txt: testrunner extract/pl2.wad extract/pl2all1.lmp
./testrunner -gameversion final -merge pl2.wad -timedemo extract/pl2all1.lmp >$@
WADS += extract/pl2.wad
OUTPUTS += output/pl2.txt
wads: $(WADS)
check: $(OUTPUTS)
@diff -x .gitignore -ur expected output && echo all tests passed
rm -rf output/* extract/*
.PHONY: wads check clean all