description "SDL audio mixing and music library" dependencies SDL2 check_pkgconfig SDL2_mixer variant stable fetch_download \ \ 5a24f62a610249d744cbd8d28ee399d8905db7222bf3bdbc8a8b4a76e597695f variant latest fetch_hg # Disable dependencies on external libraries for sound file formats: config_options=" --disable-music-mod --disable-music-mp3 --disable-music-flac-shared --disable-music-ogg-shared " # ...except ones we have installed: if ! chocpkg installed ${PACKAGE_TYPE}:flac; then config_options+=" --disable-music-flac" fi if ! chocpkg installed ${PACKAGE_TYPE}:libogg; then config_options+=" --disable-music-ogg" fi # FluidSynth, if we have it. if chocpkg installed ${PACKAGE_TYPE}:fluidsynth; then config_options+=" --enable-music-midi-fluidsynth" else config_options+=" --disable-music-midi-fluidsynth" fi build_autotools $config_options