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synced 2025-03-01 07:00:46 +00:00
858 lines
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858 lines
19 KiB
Return to Castle Wolfenstein single player GPL Source Code
Copyright (C) 1999-2010 id Software LLC, a ZeniMax Media company.
This file is part of the Return to Castle Wolfenstein single player GPL Source Code (RTCW SP Source Code).
RTCW SP Source Code is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
RTCW SP Source Code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with RTCW SP Source Code. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
In addition, the RTCW SP Source Code is also subject to certain additional terms.
You should have received a copy of these additional terms immediately following the
terms and conditions of the GNU General Public License which accompanied the RTCW SP
Source Code. If not, please request a copy in writing from id Software at the address below.
If you have questions concerning this license or the applicable additional terms,
you may contact in writing id Software LLC, c/o ZeniMax Media Inc., Suite 120, Rockville, Maryland 20850 USA.
#include "ef_local.h"
replacefunc_t *replacefuncs;
int numfuncs;
#define MAX_TOKEN_LIST 64
tokenList_t tokenList[MAX_TOKEN_LIST];
int tokenListHead = 0;
int verbose = 0;
// the function names
//#define DEFAULT_FUNCBASE "g_func"
static char *func_listfile = "g_func_list.h";
static char *func_decsfile = "g_func_decs.h";
#define TEMP_LIST_NAME "g_func_list.tmp"
#define TEMP_DECS_NAME "g_func_decs.tmp"
#if 0
void WriteWhiteSpace (FILE *fp, script_t *script)
int c;
//write out the white space
c = PS_NextWhiteSpaceChar( script );
while ( c )
//NOTE: do NOT write out carriage returns (for unix/linux compatibility
if ( c != 13 ) {
fputc( c, fp );
c = PS_NextWhiteSpaceChar( script );
} //end while
} //end of the function WriteWhiteSpace
void WriteString (FILE *fp, script_t *script)
char *ptr;
ptr = script->endwhitespace_p;
while ( ptr < script->script_p )
fputc( *ptr, fp );
} //end while
} //end of the function WriteString
void ScrewUpFile (char *oldfile, char *newfile)
FILE *fp;
script_t *script;
token_t token;
replacefunc_t *f;
char *ptr;
printf( "screwing up file %s\n", oldfile );
script = LoadScriptFile( oldfile );
if ( !script ) {
Error( "error opening %s\n", oldfile );
fp = fopen( newfile, "wb" );
if ( !fp ) {
Error( "error opening %s\n", newfile );
while ( PS_ReadToken( script, &token ) )
WriteWhiteSpace( fp, script );
if ( token.type == TT_NAME )
f = FindFunctionName( token.string );
if ( f ) {
ptr = f->newname;
} else { ptr = token.string;}
while ( *ptr )
fputc( *ptr, fp );
} //end while
} //end if
WriteString( fp, script );
} //end else
} //end while
WriteWhiteSpace( fp, script );
FreeMemory( script );
fclose( fp );
} //end of the function ScrewUpFile
void Error (char *error, ...)
va_list argptr;
va_start( argptr, error );
vprintf( error, argptr );
va_end( argptr );
exit( 1 );
void DumpReplaceFunctions (char *typeName)
replacefunc_t *rf;
char path[_MAX_PATH];
FILE *f;
int len, newlen;
unsigned char *buf, *newbuf;
int updated;
updated = 0;
// dump the function header
// strncpy (path, ".");
// strncat (path, PATHSEPERATOR_STR);
// strncat (path, TEMP_LIST_NAME);
Q_strncpyz (path, sizeof(path), ".");
Q_strncatz (path, sizeof(path), PATHSEPERATOR_STR);
Q_strncatz (path, sizeof(path), TEMP_LIST_NAME);
Log_Open( path );
for ( rf = replacefuncs; rf; rf = rf->next )
if (typeName)
Log_Print( "{\"%s\", &%s},\n", rf->name, rf->name );
Log_Print( "{\"%s\", (byte *)%s},\n", rf->name, rf->name );
} //end for
Log_Print( "{0, 0}\n" );
// if it's different, rename the file over the real header
// strncpy (path, TEMP_LIST_NAME);
Q_strncpyz (path, sizeof(path), TEMP_LIST_NAME);
f = fopen( path, "rb" );
fseek( f, 0, SEEK_END );
len = ftell( f );
buf = (unsigned char *) malloc( len + 1 );
fseek( f, 0, SEEK_SET );
fread( buf, len, 1, f );
buf[len] = 0;
fclose( f );
// strncpy (path, func_listfile);
Q_strncpyz (path, sizeof(path), func_listfile);
if ( f = fopen( path, "rb" ) )
fseek( f, 0, SEEK_END );
newlen = ftell( f );
newbuf = (unsigned char *) malloc( newlen + 1 );
fseek( f, 0, SEEK_SET );
fread( newbuf, newlen, 1, f );
newbuf[newlen] = 0;
fclose( f );
if ( len != newlen || Q_stricmp( buf, newbuf ) )
char newpath[_MAX_PATH];
// delete the old file, rename the new one
// strncpy (path, func_listfile);
Q_strncpyz (path, sizeof(path), func_listfile);
remove( path );
// strncpy (newpath, TEMP_LIST_NAME);
Q_strncpyz (newpath, sizeof(newpath), TEMP_LIST_NAME);
rename( newpath, path );
#ifdef _WIN32
// make g_save recompile itself
remove( "debug\\g_save.obj" );
remove( "debug\\g_save.sbr" );
remove( "release\\g_save.obj" );
remove( "release\\g_save.sbr" );
updated = 1;
else {
// delete the old file
// strncpy (path, TEMP_LIST_NAME);
Q_strncpyz (path, sizeof(path), TEMP_LIST_NAME);
remove( path );
else {
rename( TEMP_LIST_NAME, func_listfile );
free( buf );
free( newbuf );
// dump the function declarations
// strncpy (path, TEMP_DECS_NAME);
Q_strncpyz (path, sizeof(path), TEMP_DECS_NAME);
Log_Open( path );
for ( rf = replacefuncs; rf; rf = rf->next )
if (typeName)
Log_Print( "extern %s %s;\n", typeName, rf->dec );
Log_Print( "extern %s;\n", rf->dec );
} //end for
// if it's different, rename the file over the real header
// strncpy (path, TEMP_DECS_NAME);
Q_strncpyz (path, sizeof(path), TEMP_DECS_NAME);
f = fopen( path, "rb" );
fseek( f, 0, SEEK_END );
len = ftell( f );
buf = (unsigned char *) malloc( len + 1 );
fseek( f, 0, SEEK_SET );
fread( buf, len, 1, f );
buf[len] = 0;
fclose( f );
// strncpy (path, func_decsfile);
Q_strncpyz (path, sizeof(path), func_decsfile);
if ( f = fopen( path, "rb" ) )
fseek( f, 0, SEEK_END );
newlen = ftell( f );
newbuf = (unsigned char *) malloc( newlen + 1 );
fseek( f, 0, SEEK_SET );
fread( newbuf, newlen, 1, f );
newbuf[newlen] = 0;
fclose( f );
if ( len != newlen || Q_stricmp( buf, newbuf ) )
char newpath[_MAX_PATH];
// delete the old file, rename the new one
// strncpy (path, func_decsfile);
Q_strncpyz (path, sizeof(path), func_decsfile);
remove( path );
// strncpy (newpath, TEMP_DECS_NAME);
Q_strncpyz (newpath, sizeof(newpath), TEMP_DECS_NAME);
rename( newpath, path );
#ifdef _WIN32
// make g_save recompile itself
// NOTE TTimo win32 only? (harmless on *nix anyway)
remove( "debug\\g_save.obj" );
remove( "debug\\g_save.sbr" );
remove( "release\\g_save.obj" );
remove( "release\\g_save.sbr" );
updated = 1;
else {
// delete the old file
// strncpy (path, TEMP_DECS_NAME);
Q_strncpyz (path, sizeof(path), TEMP_DECS_NAME);
remove( path );
else {
rename( TEMP_DECS_NAME, func_decsfile );
free( buf );
free( newbuf );
#ifdef _WIN32
if ( updated ) {
printf( "Updated the function table, recompile required.\n" );
} // end of the function DumpReplaceFunctions
replacefunc_t *FindFunctionName (char *funcname)
replacefunc_t *f;
for (f = replacefuncs; f; f = f->next)
if ( !strcmp(f->name, funcname) )
return f;
} //end for
return NULL;
} //end of the function FindFunctionName
int MayScrewUp (char *funcname)
if ( !strcmp(funcname, "GetBotAPI") )
return false;
if ( !strcmp(funcname, "main") )
return false;
if ( !strcmp(funcname, "WinMain") )
return false;
return true;
} //end of the function MayScrewUp
void ConcatDec (tokenList_t *list, char *str, size_t strSize, int inc)
/* if (!((list->token.type == TT_NAME) || (list->token.string[0] == '*')))
if (list->token.string[0] == ')' || list->token.string[0] == '(') {
if (inc++ >= 2)
else {
if (list->next)
ConcatDec (list->next, str, strSize, inc);
// strncat (str, list->token.string);
// strncat (str, " " );
Q_strncatz (str, strSize, list->token.string);
Q_strncatz (str, strSize, " " );
void AddFunctionName (char *funcname, char *filename, tokenList_t *head)
replacefunc_t *f;
tokenList_t *list;
if ( FindFunctionName(funcname) )
#if defined( __linux__ ) || defined (__FreeBSD__)
// the bad thing is, this doesn't preprocess .. on __linux__ this
// function is not implemented (q_math.c)
if ( !Q_stricmp( funcname, "BoxOnPlaneSide" ) ) {
// NERVE - SMF - workaround for Graeme's predifined MACOSX functions
// TTimo - looks like linux version needs to escape those too
#if defined( _WIN32 ) || defined( __linux__ ) || defined (__FreeBSD__)
if ( !Q_stricmp(funcname, "qmax") ) {
else if ( !Q_stricmp(funcname, "qmin") ) {
f = (replacefunc_t *) GetMemory(sizeof(replacefunc_t) + (int)strlen(funcname) + 1 + 6 + (int)strlen(filename) + 1);
f->name = (char *)f + sizeof(replacefunc_t);
// strncpy (f->name, funcname);
Q_strncpyz (f->name, strlen(funcname) + 1, funcname);
f->newname = (char *)f + sizeof(replacefunc_t) + strlen(funcname) + 1;
// sprintf (f->newname, "F%d", numfuncs++);
Com_sprintf (f->newname, 6, "F%d", numfuncs++);
f->filename = (char *)f + sizeof(replacefunc_t) + strlen(funcname) + 1 + strlen(f->newname) + 1;
// strncpy (f->filename, filename);
Q_strncpyz (f->filename, strlen(filename) + 1, filename);
f->next = replacefuncs;
replacefuncs = f;
// construct the declaration
list = head;
f->dec[0] = '\0';
ConcatDec (list, f->dec, sizeof(f->dec), 0);
} //end of the function AddFunctionName
void AddTokenToList (tokenList_t **head, token_t *token)
tokenList_t *newhead;
newhead = &tokenList[tokenListHead++]; //GetMemory( sizeof( tokenList_t ) );
if ( tokenListHead == MAX_TOKEN_LIST ) {
tokenListHead = 0;
newhead->next = *head;
newhead->token = *token;
*head = newhead;
#if 0
void KillTokenList (tokenList_t *head)
if (head->next) {
KillTokenList( head->next );
FreeMemory( head->next );
head->next = NULL;
void StripTokenList (tokenList_t *head)
tokenList_t *trav, *lastTrav;
trav = head;
// now go back to the start of the declaration
lastTrav = trav;
trav = trav->next; // should be on the function name now
while ( ( trav->token.type == TT_NAME ) || ( trav->token.string[0] == '*' ) )
lastTrav = trav;
trav = trav->next;
if ( !trav ) {
// now kill everything after lastTrav
// KillTokenList( lastTrav );
lastTrav->next = NULL;
Knightmare- this gets structs / vars of a given type
void GetTypeNamesFromFile (char *filename, char *typeName)
source_t *source;
token_t token, lasttoken;
int indent = 0;//, brace;
int isStatic = 0;
int isExtern = 0;
tokenList_t *listHead;
listHead = NULL;
source = LoadSourceFile( filename );
if ( !source ) {
Error( "error opening %s", filename );
while ( 1 )
if ( !PC_ReadToken( source, &token ) ) {
if ( token.type == TT_PUNCTUATION )
switch ( token.string[0] )
case ';':
isStatic = 0;
isExtern = 0;
case '{':
case '}':
if ( indent < 0 )
indent = 0;
if ( token.type == TT_NAME )
{ // type declarations for pointer table must be non-static, non-extern, and global in scope
if ( token.string[0] == 's' && !strcmp( token.string, "static" ) ) {
isStatic = 1;
if ( token.string[0] == 'e' && !strcmp( token.string, "extern" ) ) {
isExtern = 1;
if ( !isStatic && !isExtern && indent == 0 && !strcmp(token.string, typeName) )
if ( PC_ReadToken( source, &token ) )
if ( token.type == TT_NAME )
if (listHead)
listHead->next = NULL;
listHead = NULL;
AddTokenToList( &listHead, &token );
AddFunctionName( token.string, filename, listHead );
memcpy( &lasttoken, &token, sizeof( token_t ) );
FreeSource( source );
void GetFunctionNamesFromFile (char *filename)
source_t *source;
token_t token, lasttoken;
int indent = 0, brace;
int isStatic = 0;
tokenList_t *listHead;
// filter some files out
if ( !Q_stricmp( filename, "bg_lib.c" ) ) {
listHead = NULL;
source = LoadSourceFile( filename );
if ( !source ) {
Error( "error opening %s", filename );
// printf("loaded %s\n", filename);
// if (!PC_ReadToken(source, &lasttoken))
// {
// FreeSource(source);
// return;
// } //end if
while ( 1 )
if ( !PC_ReadToken( source, &token ) ) {
AddTokenToList( &listHead, &token );
if ( token.type == TT_PUNCTUATION )
switch ( token.string[0] )
case ';':
isStatic = 0;
case '{':
case '}':
if ( indent < 0 )
indent = 0;
case '(':
if ( indent <= 0 && lasttoken.type == TT_NAME )
StripTokenList( listHead );
brace = 1;
while ( PC_ReadToken( source, &token ) )
AddTokenToList( &listHead, &token );
if ( token.string[0] == '(' ) {
else if ( token.string[0] == ')' )
if ( brace <= 0 )
if ( !PC_ReadToken( source, &token ) ) {
if ( token.string[0] == '{' ) {
if ( !isStatic && MayScrewUp( lasttoken.string ) ) {
AddFunctionName( lasttoken.string, filename, listHead );
} //end if
} //end if
} //end if
} //end while
} //end if
} //end switch
} //end if
if ( token.type == TT_NAME )
if ( token.string[0] == 's' && !strcmp( token.string, "static" ) ) {
isStatic = 1;
memcpy( &lasttoken, &token, sizeof( token_t ) );
} //end while
FreeSource( source );
} //end of the function GetFunctionNamesFromFile
void Usage (void)
// Error( "USAGE SCREWUP: extractfuncs <file filter>\n" );
Error( "USAGE SCREWUP: extractfuncs <file1> [<file2> ..] [-t <structname>] [-o <func_list> <func_decs>] [-d <define>]\n"
"no -o defaults to g_func_list.h g_func_decs.h or g_<structname>_list.h g_<structname>_decs.h\n" );
#ifdef _WIN32
void main (int argc, char *argv[])
WIN32_FIND_DATA filedata;
HWND handle;
int i, firstParm, done;
char typeName[128];
qboolean typeExtract = false;
qboolean firstParmSet = false;
// if ( argc < 2 )
// Usage ();
// Knightmare- check for command line switches
for (i=0; i<argc; i++)
if (!firstParmSet && argv[i][0] == '-')
firstParm = i;
firstParmSet = true;
if ( !Q_stricmp(argv[i], "-t") && (i < argc-1) && (argv[i+1][0] != '-') )
char buf[_MAX_PATH];
Com_sprintf (typeName, sizeof(typeName), argv[i+1]);
printf("Data type to extract: %s\n", typeName);
Com_sprintf (buf, sizeof(buf), "g_%s_list.h", typeName);
func_listfile = _strdup(buf);
Com_sprintf (buf, sizeof(buf), "g_%s_decs.h", typeName);
func_decsfile = _strdup(buf);
typeExtract = true;
else if ( !Q_stricmp(argv[i], "-o") && (i < argc-1) && (argv[i+1][0] != '-') )
func_listfile = argv[i+1];
printf("Pointer table list file: %s\n", func_listfile);
if ( (i < argc-2) && (argv[i+2][0] != '-') )
func_decsfile = argv[i+2];
printf("Pointer list decs file: %s\n", func_decsfile);
else if (!Q_stricmp(argv[i], "-d")) {
printf("Define option not yet implemented.\n");
if (argc < 1 || (firstParmSet && firstParm < 1))
Usage ();
// end Knightmare
handle = FindFirstFile (argv[1], &filedata);
done = (handle == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE);
while (!done)
if ( !(filedata.dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY) )
if (typeExtract)
GetTypeNamesFromFile (filedata.cFileName, typeName);
GetFunctionNamesFromFile (filedata.cFileName);
//find the next file
done = !FindNextFile (handle, &filedata);
if (typeExtract)
DumpReplaceFunctions (typeName);
DumpReplaceFunctions (NULL);
*nix version, let the shell do the pattern matching
(that's what shells are for :-))
int main (int argc, char *argv[])
int i, firstParm;
int argbase = 1;
char typeName[128];
qboolean typeExtract = false;
qboolean firstParmSet = false;
/* if ( argc < 2 )
if ( !Q_stricmp(argv[1],"-o") )
if ( argc < 5 ) {
Usage ();
func_listfile = argv[2];
func_decsfile = argv[3];
argbase = 4;
// Knightmare- check for command line switches
for (i=0; i<argc; i++)
if (!firstParmSet && argv[i][0] == '-')
firstParm = i;
firstParmSet = true;
if ( !Q_stricmp(argv[i], "-t") && (i < argc-1) && (argv[i+1][0] != '-') )
char buf[_MAX_PATH];
Com_sprintf (typeName, sizeof(typeName), argv[i+1]);
printf("Data type to extract: %s\n", typeName);
Com_sprintf (buf, sizeof(buf), "g_%s_list.h", typeName);
func_listfile = strdup(buf);
Com_sprintf (buf, sizeof(buf), "g_%s_decs.h", typeName);
func_decsfile = strdup(buf);
typeExtract = true;
else if ( !Q_stricmp(argv[i], "-o") && (i < argc-1) && (argv[i+1][0] != '-') )
func_listfile = argv[i+1];
printf("Pointer table list file: %s\n", func_listfile);
if ( (i < argc-2) && (argv[i+2][0] != '-') )
func_decsfile = argv[i+2];
printf("Pointer list decs file: %s\n", func_decsfile);
else if (!Q_stricmp(argv[i], "-d")) {
printf("Define option not yet implemented.\n");
if (argc < 1 || (firstParmSet && firstParm < 1))
Usage ();
// end Knightmare
// for ( i = argbase; i < argc; i++ )
for ( i = argbase; i < firstParm; i++ )
// printf( "%d: %s\n", i, argv[i] );
if (typeExtract)
GetTypeNamesFromFile (argv[i], typeName);
GetFunctionNamesFromFile (argv[i]);
if (typeExtract)
DumpReplaceFunctions (typeName);
DumpReplaceFunctions (NULL);