mirror of
synced 2025-03-03 16:01:23 +00:00
Added cl_hud and cl_hud_variant placeholder cvars. Fixed some VS2019 compiler warnings pointed out by Paril.
1458 lines
35 KiB
1458 lines
35 KiB
Copyright (C) 1997-2001 Id Software, Inc.
This file is part of Quake 2 source code.
Quake 2 source code is free software; you can redistribute it
and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License,
or (at your option) any later version.
Quake 2 source code is distributed in the hope that it will be
useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with Quake 2 source code; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
#include "client.h"
#ifdef USE_CURL
/*static*/ enum
static CURLM *multi = NULL;
static int handleCount = 0;
static int pendingCount = 0;
static int abortDownloads = HTTPDL_ABORT_NONE;
static qboolean downloading_pak = false;
static qboolean httpDown = false;
static qboolean thisMapAbort = false; // Knightmare- whether to fall back to UDP for this map
static int prevSize; // Knightmare- for KBps counter
static qboolean downloadError = false; // YQ2 UDP fallback addition
static qboolean downloadFileList = true; // YQ2 addition for downloading filelist once
static char remoteGamedir[MAX_QPATH]; // YQ2 addition for Q2Pro downloads
R1Q2 HTTP Downloading Functions
HTTP downloading is used if the server provides a content
server URL in the connect message. Any missing content the
client needs will then use the HTTP server instead of auto
downloading via UDP. CURL is used to enable multiple files
to be downloaded in parallel to improve performance on high
latency links when small files such as textures are needed.
Since CURL natively supports gzip content encoding, any files
on the HTTP server should ideally be gzipped to conserve
// Knightmare- store the names of last HTTP downloads from this server that failed
// This is needed because some player model download failures can cause endless HTTP download loops
#define NUM_FAIL_DLDS 64
char lastFailedHTTPDownload[NUM_FAIL_DLDS][MAX_OSPATH];
static unsigned failed_HTTP_Dl_ListIndex;
void CL_InitFailedHTTPDownloadList (void)
int i;
for (i=0; i<NUM_FAIL_DLDS; i++)
Com_sprintf(lastFailedHTTPDownload[i], sizeof(lastFailedHTTPDownload[i]), "\0");
failed_HTTP_Dl_ListIndex = 0;
qboolean CL_CheckHTTPDownloadFailed (char *name)
int i;
for (i=0; i<NUM_FAIL_DLDS; i++)
if ( (strlen(lastFailedHTTPDownload[i]) > 0) && !strcmp(name, lastFailedHTTPDownload[i]) )
{ // we already tried downlaoding this, server didn't have it
return true;
return false;
void CL_AddToFailedHTTPDownloadList (char *name)
int i;
qboolean found = false;
// check if this name is already in the table
for (i=0; i<NUM_FAIL_DLDS; i++)
if ( (strlen(lastFailedHTTPDownload[i]) > 0) && !strcmp(name, lastFailedHTTPDownload[i]) )
found = true;
// if it isn't already in the table, then we need to add it
if (!found)
Com_sprintf(lastFailedHTTPDownload[failed_HTTP_Dl_ListIndex], sizeof(lastFailedHTTPDownload[failed_HTTP_Dl_ListIndex]), "%s", name);
// wrap around to start of list
if (failed_HTTP_Dl_ListIndex >= NUM_FAIL_DLDS)
failed_HTTP_Dl_ListIndex = 0;
// end Knightmare
Just a wrapper for CL_Download_Reset_KBps_counter(),
also resets prevSize.
static void CL_HTTP_Reset_KBps_counter (void)
prevSize = 0;
CL_Download_Reset_KBps_counter ();
Essentially a wrapper for CL_Download_Calcualte_KBps(),
calcuates bytes since last update and calls the above.
static void CL_HTTP_Calculate_KBps (int curSize, int totalSize)
int byteDistance = curSize - prevSize;
CL_Download_Calculate_KBps (byteDistance, totalSize);
prevSize = curSize;
libcurl callback to update progress info. Mainly just used as
a way to cancel the transfer if required.
static int /*EXPORT*/ CL_HTTP_Progress (void *clientp, double dltotal, double dlnow, double ultotal, double ulnow)
dlhandle_t *dl;
dl = (dlhandle_t *)clientp;
dl->position = (unsigned)dlnow;
// don't care which download shows as long as something does :)
if (!abortDownloads)
Q_strncpyz (cls.downloadname, dl->queueEntry->quakePath, sizeof(cls.downloadname));
cls.downloadposition = dl->position;
if (dltotal) {
CL_HTTP_Calculate_KBps ((int)dlnow, (int)dltotal); // Knightmare- added KB/s counter
cls.downloadpercent = (int)((dlnow / dltotal) * 100.0f);
cls.downloadpercent = 0;
return abortDownloads;
libcurl callback to update header info.
static size_t /*EXPORT*/ CL_HTTP_Header (void *ptr, size_t size, size_t nmemb, void *stream)
char headerBuff[1024];
size_t bytes;
size_t len;
bytes = size * nmemb;
if (bytes <= 16)
return bytes;
//memset (headerBuff, 0, sizeof(headerBuff));
//memcpy (headerBuff, ptr, min(bytes, sizeof(headerBuff)-1));
if (bytes < sizeof(headerBuff)-1)
len = bytes;
len = sizeof(headerBuff)-1;
Q_strncpyz (headerBuff, ptr, len);
if (!Q_strncasecmp (headerBuff, "Content-Length: ", 16))
dlhandle_t *dl;
dl = (dlhandle_t *)stream;
if (dl->file)
dl->fileSize = strtoul (headerBuff + 16, NULL, 10);
return bytes;
Properly escapes a path with HTTP %encoding. libcurl's function
seems to treat '/' and such as illegal chars and encodes almost
the entire URL...
static void CL_EscapeHTTPPath (const char *filePath, char *escaped)
int i;
size_t len;
char *p;
p = escaped;
len = strlen (filePath);
for (i = 0; i < len; i++)
if (!isalnum (filePath[i]) && filePath[i] != ';' && filePath[i] != '/' &&
filePath[i] != '?' && filePath[i] != ':' && filePath[i] != '@' && filePath[i] != '&' &&
filePath[i] != '=' && filePath[i] != '+' && filePath[i] != '$' && filePath[i] != ',' &&
filePath[i] != '[' && filePath[i] != ']' && filePath[i] != '-' && filePath[i] != '_' &&
filePath[i] != '.' && filePath[i] != '!' && filePath[i] != '~' && filePath[i] != '*' &&
filePath[i] != '\'' && filePath[i] != '(' && filePath[i] != ')')
sprintf (p, "%%%02x", filePath[i]);
p += 3;
*p = filePath[i];
p[0] = 0;
// using ./ in a url is legal, but all browsers condense the path and some IDS / request
// filtering systems act a bit funky if http requests come in with uncondensed paths.
len = strlen(escaped);
p = escaped;
while ((p = strstr (p, "./")))
memmove (p, p+2, len - (p - escaped) - 1);
len -= 2;
libcurl callback for filelists.
static size_t /*EXPORT*/ CL_HTTP_Recv (void *ptr, size_t size, size_t nmemb, void *stream)
size_t bytes;
dlhandle_t *dl;
dl = (dlhandle_t *)stream;
bytes = size * nmemb;
if (!dl->fileSize)
dl->fileSize = bytes > 131072 ? bytes : 131072;
// dl->tempBuffer = Z_TagMalloc ((int)dl->fileSize, TAGMALLOC_CLIENT_DOWNLOAD);
dl->tempBuffer = Z_TagMalloc ((int)dl->fileSize, 0);
else if (dl->position + bytes >= dl->fileSize - 1)
char *tmp;
tmp = dl->tempBuffer;
// dl->tempBuffer = Z_TagMalloc ((int)(dl->fileSize*2), TAGMALLOC_CLIENT_DOWNLOAD);
dl->tempBuffer = Z_TagMalloc ((int)(dl->fileSize*2), 0);
memcpy (dl->tempBuffer, tmp, dl->fileSize);
Z_Free (tmp);
dl->fileSize *= 2;
memcpy (dl->tempBuffer + dl->position, ptr, bytes);
dl->position += bytes;
dl->tempBuffer[dl->position] = 0;
return bytes;
int /*EXPORT*/ CL_CURL_Debug (CURL *c, curl_infotype type, char *data, size_t size, void * ptr)
if (type == CURLINFO_TEXT)
char buff[4096];
if (size > sizeof(buff)-1)
size = sizeof(buff)-1;
Q_strncpyz (buff, data, size);
Com_Printf ("[HTTP] DEBUG: %s\n", buff);
return 0;
/*void CL_RemoveHTTPDownload (const char *quakePath)
Adapted from Yamagi Quake2.
Removes an entry from the download queue.
#if 1
qboolean CL_RemoveDownloadFromQueue (dlqueue_t *entry)
dlqueue_t *last = &cls.downloadQueue;
dlqueue_t *cur = last->next;
while (cur)
if (last->next == entry)
last->next = cur->next;
Z_Free (cur);
cur = NULL;
return true;
last = cur;
cur = cur->next;
return false;
Actually starts a download by adding it to the curl multi
static void CL_StartHTTPDownload (dlqueue_t *entry, dlhandle_t *dl)
size_t len;
char remoteFilePath[MAX_OSPATH]; // Knightmare added
char escapedFilePath[MAX_QPATH*4];
// yet another hack to accomodate filelists, how i wish i could push :(
// NULL file handle indicates filelist.
len = strlen (entry->quakePath);
if (len > 9 && !strcmp (entry->quakePath + len - 9, ".filelist"))
dl->file = NULL;
CL_EscapeHTTPPath (entry->quakePath, escapedFilePath);
CL_HTTP_Reset_KBps_counter (); // Knightmare- for KB/s counter
Com_sprintf (dl->filePath, sizeof(dl->filePath), "%s/%s", FS_Downloaddir(), entry->quakePath); // was FS_Gamedir()
// Com_sprintf (remoteFilePath, sizeof(remoteFilePath), "/%s/%s", cl.gamedir, entry->quakePath); // always use cl.gamedir (with leading slash) for remote server path
// YQ2 Q2pro download addition
// Use remoteGamedir for remote server path if set
if (remoteGamedir[0] == '\0')
Com_sprintf (remoteFilePath, sizeof(remoteFilePath), "/%s", entry->quakePath);
Com_sprintf (remoteFilePath, sizeof(remoteFilePath), "/%s/%s", remoteGamedir, entry->quakePath);
// CL_EscapeHTTPPath (dl->filePath, escapedFilePath);
CL_EscapeHTTPPath (remoteFilePath, escapedFilePath);
// strncat (dl->filePath, ".tmp");
Q_strncatz (dl->filePath, ".tmp", sizeof(dl->filePath));
FS_CreatePath (dl->filePath);
// don't bother with http resume... too annoying if server doesn't support it.
dl->file = fopen (dl->filePath, "wb");
if (!dl->file)
Com_Printf ("CL_StartHTTPDownload: Couldn't open %s for writing.\n", dl->filePath);
entry->state = DLQ_STATE_DONE;
pendingCount--; // Knightmare- fix for curl_update limbo from [HCI]Maraa'kate
// CL_RemoveHTTPDownload (entry->quakePath);
dl->tempBuffer = NULL;
dl->speed = 0;
dl->fileSize = 0;
dl->position = 0;
dl->queueEntry = entry;
if (!dl->curl)
dl->curl = curl_easy_init ();
Com_sprintf (dl->URL, sizeof(dl->URL), "%s%s", cls.downloadServer, escapedFilePath);
curl_easy_setopt (dl->curl, CURLOPT_ENCODING, "");
//curl_easy_setopt (dl->curl, CURLOPT_DEBUGFUNCTION, CL_CURL_Debug);
//curl_easy_setopt (dl->curl, CURLOPT_VERBOSE, 1);
curl_easy_setopt (dl->curl, CURLOPT_NOPROGRESS, 0);
if (dl->file)
curl_easy_setopt (dl->curl, CURLOPT_WRITEDATA, dl->file);
curl_easy_setopt (dl->curl, CURLOPT_WRITEFUNCTION, NULL);
curl_easy_setopt (dl->curl, CURLOPT_WRITEDATA, dl);
curl_easy_setopt (dl->curl, CURLOPT_WRITEFUNCTION, CL_HTTP_Recv);
curl_easy_setopt (dl->curl, CURLOPT_PROXY, cl_http_proxy->string);
curl_easy_setopt (dl->curl, CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION, 1);
curl_easy_setopt (dl->curl, CURLOPT_MAXREDIRS, 5);
curl_easy_setopt (dl->curl, CURLOPT_WRITEHEADER, dl);
curl_easy_setopt (dl->curl, CURLOPT_HEADERFUNCTION, CL_HTTP_Header);
curl_easy_setopt (dl->curl, CURLOPT_PROGRESSFUNCTION, CL_HTTP_Progress);
curl_easy_setopt (dl->curl, CURLOPT_PROGRESSDATA, dl);
curl_easy_setopt (dl->curl, CURLOPT_USERAGENT, Cvar_VariableString ("version"));
curl_easy_setopt (dl->curl, CURLOPT_REFERER, cls.downloadReferer);
curl_easy_setopt (dl->curl, CURLOPT_URL, dl->URL);
if (curl_multi_add_handle (multi, dl->curl) != CURLM_OK)
Com_Printf ("curl_multi_add_handle: error\n");
dl->queueEntry->state = DLQ_STATE_DONE;
//Com_Printf ("started dl: hc = %d\n", LOG_GENERAL, handleCount);
Com_DPrintf ("CL_StartHTTPDownload: Fetching %s...\n", dl->URL);
dl->queueEntry->state = DLQ_STATE_RUNNING;
Init libcurl and multi handle.
void CL_InitHTTPDownloads (void)
curl_global_init (CURL_GLOBAL_NOTHING);
//Com_Printf ("%s initialized.\n", LOG_CLIENT, curl_version());
A new server is specified, so we nuke all our state.
void CL_SetHTTPServer (const char *URL)
dlqueue_t *q, *last;
char *fixedURL = NULL;
size_t URLlen;
CL_HTTP_Cleanup (false);
q = &cls.downloadQueue;
last = NULL;
while (q->next)
q = q->next;
if (last)
Z_Free (last);
last = q;
if (last)
Z_Free (last);
if (multi)
Com_Error (ERR_DROP, "CL_SetHTTPServer: Still have old handle");
multi = curl_multi_init ();
memset (&cls.downloadQueue, 0, sizeof(cls.downloadQueue));
abortDownloads = HTTPDL_ABORT_NONE;
handleCount = pendingCount = 0;
// strncpy (cls.downloadServer, URL, sizeof(cls.downloadServer)-1);
// from YQ2: remove trailing '/' from URL
URLlen = strlen(URL);
fixedURL = strdup(URL);
if (fixedURL[URLlen-1] == '/') {
fixedURL[URLlen-1] = '\0';
// From Q2Pro- ignore non-HTTP DL server URLs
if ( (strncmp(fixedURL, "http://", 7) != 0) && (strncmp(fixedURL, "https://", 8) != 0) ) {
Com_Printf("[HTTP] Ignoring download server with non-HTTP protocol.\n");
Q_strncpyz (cls.downloadServer, fixedURL, sizeof(cls.downloadServer));
fixedURL = NULL;
// FS: Added because Whale's Weapons HTTP server rejects you after a lot of 404s. Then you lose HTTP until a hard reconnect.
cls.downloadServerRetry[0] = 0;
downloadError = false; // YQ2 UDP fallback addition- reset this for new server
CL_InitFailedHTTPDownloadList (); // Knightmare- init failed HTTP downloads list
Cancel all downloads and nuke the queue.
void CL_CancelHTTPDownloads (qboolean permKill)
dlqueue_t *q;
if (permKill)
CL_ResetPrecacheCheck ();
abortDownloads = HTTPDL_ABORT_HARD;
abortDownloads = HTTPDL_ABORT_SOFT;
q = &cls.downloadQueue;
while (q->next)
q = q->next;
if (q->state == DLQ_STATE_NOT_STARTED)
q->state = DLQ_STATE_DONE;
if (!pendingCount && !handleCount && abortDownloads == HTTPDL_ABORT_HARD)
cls.downloadServer[0] = 0;
pendingCount = 0;
Called from the precache check to queue a download. Return value of
false will cause standard UDP downloading to be used instead.
qboolean CL_QueueHTTPDownload (const char *quakePath, qboolean filelistUseGamedir)
size_t len;
dlqueue_t *q, *check, *last;
qboolean needList = false, isPak = false, isFilelist = false;
// no http server (or we got booted)
if (!cls.downloadServer[0] || abortDownloads || thisMapAbort || !cl_http_downloads->integer)
return false;
// needList = false;
// first download queued, so we want the mod filelist
// if ( !cls.downloadQueue.next && cl_http_filelists->integer ) {
if ( downloadFileList && cl_http_filelists->integer ) {
needList = true;
downloadFileList = false;
len = strlen (quakePath);
if (len > 4 && (!Q_stricmp((char *)quakePath + len - 4, ".pak") || !Q_stricmp((char *)quakePath + len - 4, ".pk3")) )
isPak = true;
if (len > 9 && !Q_stricmp((char *)quakePath + len - 9, ".filelist") )
isFilelist = true;
// Knightmare- don't try again to download via HTTP a file that failed
if ( !isFilelist /*&& !needList*/ ) {
if (CL_CheckHTTPDownloadFailed((char *)quakePath)) {
Com_Printf ("[HTTP] Refusing to download %s again, already in failed HTTP download list.\n", quakePath);
return false;
if (isFilelist) // Knightmare- always insert filelist at head of queue
q = Z_TagMalloc (sizeof(dlqueue_t), 0);
q->next = cls.downloadQueue.next;
cls.downloadQueue.next = q;
else if (isPak) // Knightmare- insert paks near head of queue, before first non-pak
last = &cls.downloadQueue;
check = cls.downloadQueue.next;
while (check)
// avoid sending duplicate requests
if (!strcmp (quakePath, check->quakePath))
return true;
if (!check->isPak) // insert before this entry
last = check;
check = check->next;
q = Z_TagMalloc (sizeof(dlqueue_t), 0);
q->next = check;
last->next = q;
q = &cls.downloadQueue;
while (q->next)
q = q->next;
// avoid sending duplicate requests
if (!strcmp (quakePath, q->quakePath))
return true;
// q->next = Z_TagMalloc (sizeof(*q), TAGMALLOC_CLIENT_DOWNLOAD);
q->next = Z_TagMalloc (sizeof(dlqueue_t), 0);
q = q->next;
q->next = NULL;
// Q_strncpyz (q->quakePath, quakePath, sizeof(q->quakePath)-1);
Q_strncpyz (q->quakePath, quakePath, sizeof(q->quakePath));
q->isPak = isPak; // Knightmare added
if (needList)
// grab the filelist
// CL_QueueHTTPDownload (va("%s.filelist", cl.gamedir));
// YQ2 Q2pro download addition
if (filelistUseGamedir) {
CL_QueueHTTPDownload (va("/%s/.filelist", remoteGamedir), false);
else {
// YQ2 uses /.filelist here instead of /<modname>.filelist, but I've found that doesn't work on R1Q2 servers
CL_QueueHTTPDownload (va("/%s.filelist", cl.gamedir), false); // YQ2 change- added leading slash
// this is a nasty hack to let the server know what we're doing so admins don't
// get confused by a ton of people stuck in CNCT state. it's assumed the server
// is running r1q2 if we're even able to do http downloading so hopefully this
// won't spew an error msg.
// MSG_BeginWriting (clc_stringcmd);
// MSG_WriteString ("download http\n");
// MSG_EndWriting (&cls.netchan.message);
MSG_WriteByte (&cls.netchan.message, clc_stringcmd);
MSG_WriteString (&cls.netchan.message, "download http\n");
// special case for map file lists, I really wanted a server-push mechanism for this, but oh well
len = strlen (quakePath);
if (cl_http_filelists->integer && len > 4 && !Q_stricmp ((char *)(quakePath + len - 4), ".bsp"))
char listPath[MAX_OSPATH];
char filePath[MAX_OSPATH];
// Com_sprintf (filePath, sizeof(filePath), "%s/%s", cl.gamedir, quakePath);
// YQ2 Q2pro download addition
// Use remoteGamedir for remote server path if set
if (remoteGamedir[0] == '\0')
Com_sprintf (filePath, sizeof(filePath), "/%s", quakePath);
Com_sprintf (filePath, sizeof(filePath), "/%s/%s", remoteGamedir, quakePath);
COM_StripExtension (filePath, listPath, sizeof(listPath));
// strncat (listPath, ".filelist");
Q_strncatz (listPath, ".filelist", sizeof(listPath));
CL_QueueHTTPDownload (listPath, false);
// if a download entry has made it this far, CL_FinishHTTPDownload is guaranteed to be called.
return true;
See if we're still busy with some downloads. Called by precacher just
before it loads the map since we could be downloading the map. If we're
busy still, it'll wait and CL_FinishHTTPDownload will pick up from where
it left.
qboolean CL_PendingHTTPDownloads (void)
dlqueue_t *q;
if (!cls.downloadServer[0])
return false;
return pendingCount + handleCount;
q = &cls.downloadQueue;
while (q->next)
q = q->next;
if (q->state != DLQ_STATE_DONE)
return true;
return false;
Validate a path supplied by a filelist.
static void CL_CheckAndQueueDownload (char *path)
size_t length;
char *ext;
qboolean pak;
qboolean gameLocal;
StripHighBits (path, 1);
length = strlen(path);
if (length >= MAX_QPATH)
ext = strrchr (path, '.');
if (!ext)
if (!ext[0])
Q_strlwr (ext);
if ( !strcmp (ext, "pak") || !strcmp (ext, "pk3") )
Com_Printf ("[HTTP] NOTICE: Filelist is requesting a pak file (%s)\n", path);
pak = true;
pak = false;
if (!pak && strcmp (ext, "pcx") && strcmp (ext, "wal") && strcmp (ext, "wav") && strcmp (ext, "md2") &&
strcmp (ext, "sp2") && strcmp (ext, "tga") && strcmp (ext, "png") && strcmp (ext, "jpg") &&
strcmp (ext, "bsp") && strcmp (ext, "ent") && strcmp (ext, "txt") && strcmp (ext, "dm2") &&
strcmp (ext, "loc") && strcmp (ext, "md3") && strcmp (ext, "script") && strcmp (ext, "shader"))
Com_Printf ("[HTTP] WARNING: Illegal file type '%s' in filelist.\n", MakePrintable(path, length));
if (path[0] == '@')
if (pak)
Com_Printf ("[HTTP] WARNING: @ prefix used on a pak file (%s) in filelist.\n", MakePrintable(path, length));
gameLocal = true;
gameLocal = false;
if (strstr (path, "..") || !IsValidChar (path[0]) || !IsValidChar (path[length-1]) || strstr(path, "//") ||
strchr (path, '\\') || (!pak && !strchr (path, '/')) || (pak && strchr(path, '/')))
Com_Printf ("[HTTP] WARNING: Illegal path '%s' in filelist.\n", MakePrintable(path, length));
// by definition paks are game-local
if (gameLocal || pak)
qboolean exists;
FILE *f;
char gamePath[MAX_OSPATH];
if (pak)
Com_sprintf (gamePath, sizeof(gamePath),"%s/%s", FS_Downloaddir(), path); // was FS_Gamedir()
f = fopen (gamePath, "rb");
if (!f)
if ( !stricmp(FS_Downloaddir(), FS_Gamedir()) ) // if fs_gamedir and fs_downloaddir are the same, don't bother trying fs_gamedir
exists = false;
Com_sprintf (gamePath, sizeof(gamePath),"%s/%s", FS_Gamedir(), path);
f = fopen (gamePath, "rb");
if (!f)
exists = false;
// Com_Printf ("[HTTP] NOTICE: pak file (%s) specified in filelist already exists\n", gamePath);
exists = true;
fclose (f);
// Com_Printf ("[HTTP] NOTICE: pak file (%s) specified in filelist already exists\n", gamePath);
exists = true;
fclose (f);
// exists = FS_ExistsInGameDir (path);
exists = (FS_DownloadFileExists (path) || FS_LocalFileExists(path));
if (!exists)
if (CL_QueueHTTPDownload (path, false))
// Paks get bumped to the top and HTTP switches to single downloading.
// This prevents someone on 28k dialup trying to do both the main .pak
// and referenced configstrings data at once.
// Knightmare- moved this functionality inside CL_QueueHTTPDownload()
/* if (pak)
dlqueue_t *q, *last;
last = q = &cls.downloadQueue;
while (q->next)
last = q;
q = q->next;
last->next = NULL;
q->next = cls.downloadQueue.next;
cls.downloadQueue.next = q;
// Com_Printf ("[HTTP] NOTICE: requested file (%s) already exists\n", path);
CL_CheckOrDownloadFile (path);
A filelist is in memory, scan and validate it and queue up the files.
static void CL_ParseFileList (dlhandle_t *dl)
char *list;
char *p;
if (!cl_http_filelists->integer)
list = dl->tempBuffer;
for (;;)
p = strchr (list, '\n');
if (p)
p[0] = 0;
if (list[0])
CL_CheckAndQueueDownload (list);
list = p + 1;
if (list[0])
CL_CheckAndQueueDownload (list);
Z_Free (dl->tempBuffer);
dl->tempBuffer = NULL;
A pak file just downloaded, let's see if we can remove some stuff from
the queue which is in the .pak.
static void CL_ReVerifyHTTPQueue (void)
dlqueue_t *q;
q = &cls.downloadQueue;
pendingCount = 0;
while (q->next)
q = q->next;
if (q->state == DLQ_STATE_NOT_STARTED)
// Knightmare- don't check for paks inside other paks!
if (!q->isPak && FS_LoadFile (q->quakePath, NULL) != -1)
q->state = DLQ_STATE_DONE;
Quake II is exiting or we're changing servers. Clean up.
void CL_HTTP_Cleanup (qboolean fullShutdown)
dlhandle_t *dl;
int i;
if (fullShutdown && httpDown)
for (i = 0; i < 4; i++)
dl = &cls.HTTPHandles[i];
if (dl->file)
fclose (dl->file);
remove (dl->filePath);
dl->file = NULL;
if (dl->tempBuffer)
Z_Free (dl->tempBuffer);
dl->tempBuffer = NULL;
if (dl->curl)
if (multi)
curl_multi_remove_handle (multi, dl->curl);
curl_easy_cleanup (dl->curl);
dl->curl = NULL;
dl->queueEntry = NULL;
if (multi)
curl_multi_cleanup (multi);
multi = NULL;
if (fullShutdown)
curl_global_cleanup ();
httpDown = true;
// Knightmare added
Resets the thisMapAbort boolean.
void CL_HTTP_ResetMapAbort (void)
thisMapAbort = false;
// end Knightmare
A download finished, find out what it was, whether there were any errors and
if so, how severe. If none, rename file and other such stuff.
static void CL_FinishHTTPDownload (void)
size_t i;
int msgs_in_queue;
CURLMsg *msg;
CURLcode result;
dlhandle_t *dl;
CURL *curl;
long responseCode;
double timeTaken;
double fileSize;
char tempName[MAX_OSPATH];
qboolean isFile;
size_t len;
msg = curl_multi_info_read (multi, &msgs_in_queue);
if (!msg)
Com_Printf ("CL_FinishHTTPDownload: Odd, no message for us...\n");
if (msg->msg != CURLMSG_DONE)
Com_Printf ("CL_FinishHTTPDownload: Got some weird message...\n");
curl = msg->easy_handle;
// curl doesn't provide reverse-lookup of the void * ptr, so search for it
for (i = 0; i < 4; i++)
if (cls.HTTPHandles[i].curl == curl)
dl = &cls.HTTPHandles[i];
if (i == 4)
Com_Error (ERR_DROP, "CL_FinishHTTPDownload: Handle not found");
// we mark everything as done even if it errored to prevent multiple
// attempts.
dl->queueEntry->state = DLQ_STATE_DONE;
// filelist processing is done on read
if (dl->file)
isFile = true;
isFile = false;
if (isFile)
fclose (dl->file);
dl->file = NULL;
// might be aborted
if (pendingCount)
// Com_Printf ("finished dl: hc = %d\n", LOG_GENERAL, handleCount);
cls.downloadname[0] = 0;
cls.downloadposition = 0;
result = msg->data.result;
switch (result)
// for some reason curl returns CURLE_OK for a 404...
case CURLE_OK:
curl_easy_getinfo (curl, CURLINFO_RESPONSE_CODE, &responseCode);
if (responseCode == 404)
len = strlen (dl->queueEntry->quakePath);
if ( len > 4 && ( !strcmp (dl->queueEntry->quakePath + len - 4, ".pak") || !strcmp (dl->queueEntry->quakePath + len - 4, ".pk3")) )
downloading_pak = false;
if (isFile) {
remove (dl->filePath);
Com_Printf ("[HTTP] (%s): 404 File Not Found [%d remaining files]\n", dl->queueEntry->quakePath, pendingCount);
/* curl_easy_getinfo (curl, CURLINFO_SIZE_DOWNLOAD, &fileSize);
// Knightmare- ignore this, doesn't need to be fatal
if (fileSize > 512)
// ick
isFile = false;
Com_Printf ("Oversized 404 body received (%d bytes), aborting HTTP downloading.\n", (int)fileSize);
else */
curl_multi_remove_handle (multi, dl->curl);
// Fall back to UDP download for this map if failure on .bsp
/* if ( !strncmp(dl->queueEntry->quakePath, "maps/", 5) && !strcmp(dl->queueEntry->quakePath + i - 4, ".bsp") )
Com_Printf ("[HTTP]: failed to download %s, falling back to UDP until next map.\n", dl->queueEntry->quakePath);
thisMapAbort = true;
CL_CancelHTTPDownloads (false);
CL_ResetPrecacheCheck ();
else { */
// Knightmare- added this entry to faild HTTP downloads list
CL_AddToFailedHTTPDownloadList (dl->queueEntry->quakePath);
// Remove queue entry from CURL multihandle queue
CL_RemoveDownloadFromQueue (dl->queueEntry);
dl->queueEntry = NULL;
// }
// end Knightmare
// YQ2 UDP fallback addition
if (isFile) {
downloadError = true;
else if (responseCode == 200)
if (!isFile && !abortDownloads)
CL_ParseFileList (dl);
// every other code is treated as fatal, fallthrough here
Com_Printf ("[HTTP] Bad response code %d for %s, aborting HTTP downloading.\n", responseCode, dl->queueEntry->quakePath);
// fatal error, disable http
if (isFile) {
remove (dl->filePath);
// Com_Printf ("[HTTP] Fatal error: %s\n", curl_easy_strerror (result));
Com_Printf ("[HTTP] Fatal error: %s\n", CURL_ERROR(result));
curl_multi_remove_handle (multi, dl->curl);
if (abortDownloads)
CL_CancelHTTPDownloads (true);
len = strlen (dl->queueEntry->quakePath);
if (len > 4 && (!strcmp (dl->queueEntry->quakePath + len - 4, ".pak") || !strcmp (dl->queueEntry->quakePath + len - 4, ".pk3")) )
downloading_pak = false;
if (isFile) {
remove (dl->filePath);
// Com_Printf ("[HTTP] download failed: %s\n", curl_easy_strerror (result));
Com_Printf ("[HTTP] download failed: %s\n", CURL_ERROR(result));
curl_multi_remove_handle (multi, dl->curl);
if (isFile)
// rename the temp file
Com_sprintf (tempName, sizeof(tempName), "%s/%s", FS_Downloaddir(), dl->queueEntry->quakePath); // was FS_Gamedir()
if (rename (dl->filePath, tempName))
Com_Printf ("[HTTP] Failed to rename %s for some odd reason...", dl->filePath);
// a pak file is very special...
i = strlen (tempName);
if ( !strcmp (tempName + i - 4, ".pak") || !strcmp (tempName + i - 4, ".pk3") )
// FS_FlushCache ();
// FS_ReloadPAKs ();
// Knightmare- just add the pk3 / pak file
if (!strcmp (tempName + i - 4, ".pk3"))
FS_AddPK3File (tempName, false);
FS_AddPAKFile (tempName, false);
CL_ReVerifyHTTPQueue ();
downloading_pak = false;
// show some stats
curl_easy_getinfo (curl, CURLINFO_TOTAL_TIME, &timeTaken);
curl_easy_getinfo (curl, CURLINFO_SIZE_DOWNLOAD, &fileSize);
// Technically i shouldn't need to do this as curl will auto reuse the
// existing handle when you change the URL. however, the handleCount goes
// all weird when reusing a download slot in this way. if you can figure
// out why, please let me know.
curl_multi_remove_handle (multi, dl->curl);
Com_Printf ("[HTTP] (%s): %.f bytes, %.2fkB/sec [%d remaining files]\n", dl->queueEntry->quakePath, fileSize, (fileSize / 1024.0) / timeTaken, pendingCount);
while (msgs_in_queue > 0);
// FS_FlushCache ();
if (handleCount == 0)
if (abortDownloads == HTTPDL_ABORT_SOFT)
abortDownloads = HTTPDL_ABORT_NONE;
else if (abortDownloads == HTTPDL_ABORT_HARD) {
// FS: Added because Whale's Weapons HTTP server rejects you after a lot of 404s. Then you lose HTTP until a hard reconnect.
Q_strncpyz(cls.downloadServerRetry, cls.downloadServer, sizeof(cls.downloadServerRetry));
cls.downloadServer[0] = 0;
// done current batch, see if we have more to dl - maybe a .bsp needs downloaded
if (cls.state == ca_connected && !CL_PendingHTTPDownloads())
CL_RequestNextDownload ();
Find a free download handle to start another queue entry on.
static dlhandle_t *CL_GetFreeDLHandle (void)
dlhandle_t *dl;
int i;
for (i = 0; i < 4; i++)
dl = &cls.HTTPHandles[i];
if (!dl->queueEntry || dl->queueEntry->state == DLQ_STATE_DONE)
return dl;
return NULL;
Start another HTTP download if possible.
static void CL_StartNextHTTPDownload (void)
dlqueue_t *q;
q = &cls.downloadQueue;
while (q->next)
q = q->next;
if (q->state == DLQ_STATE_NOT_STARTED)
size_t len;
dlhandle_t *dl;
dl = CL_GetFreeDLHandle();
if (!dl)
CL_StartHTTPDownload (q, dl);
// ugly hack for pak file single downloading
len = strlen (q->quakePath);
if (len > 4 && (!Q_stricmp (q->quakePath + len - 4, ".pak") || !Q_stricmp (q->quakePath + len - 4, ".pk3")) )
downloading_pak = true;
YQ2 UDP fallback addition
Checks if thre was an error.
Returns true if yes, false if no.
Resets flag if it was set.
qboolean CL_CheckHTTPError (void)
if (downloadError) {
downloadError = false;
return true;
else {
return false;
YQ2 UDP fallback addition
Enables generic filelist download
starting with the next file.
void CL_HTTP_EnableGenericFilelist (void)
downloadFileList = true;
// Knightmare- also re-init failed HTTP download list
// here, as we'll be downloading on a different path
CL_InitFailedHTTPDownloadList ();
YQ2 Q2pro download addition
Sets the gamedir to be used by the URL generator
to determine the remote file path.
void CL_HTTP_SetDownloadGamedir (const char *gamedir)
Q_strncpyz(remoteGamedir, gamedir, sizeof(remoteGamedir));
This calls curl_multi_perform do actually do stuff. Called every frame while
connecting to minimise latency. Also starts new downloads if we're not doing
the maximum already.
void CL_RunHTTPDownloads (void)
int newHandleCount;
CURLMcode ret;
if (!cls.downloadServer[0])
// Com_Printf ("handle %d, pending %d\n", LOG_GENERAL, handleCount, pendingCount);
// not enough downloads running, queue some more!
if (pendingCount && (abortDownloads == HTTPDL_ABORT_NONE) &&
!downloading_pak && (handleCount < cl_http_max_connections->integer) )
CL_StartNextHTTPDownload ();
ret = curl_multi_perform (multi, &newHandleCount);
if (newHandleCount < handleCount)
// Com_Printf ("runnd dl: hc = %d, nc = %d\n", LOG_GENERAL, handleCount, newHandleCount);
// hmm, something either finished or errored out.
CL_FinishHTTPDownload ();
handleCount = newHandleCount;
if (ret != CURLM_OK)
Com_Printf ("curl_multi_perform error. Aborting HTTP downloads.\n");
CL_CancelHTTPDownloads (true);
// not enough downloads running, queue some more!
if (pendingCount && (abortDownloads == HTTPDL_ABORT_NONE) &&
!downloading_pak && (handleCount < cl_http_max_connections->integer) )
CL_StartNextHTTPDownload ();