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synced 2025-03-12 03:42:07 +00:00
Added new graphic for text box. Made edict_t pointer arrays static in 3ZB2, Awakening2, and Zaero DLLs due to stack size concerns.
312 lines
8.6 KiB
312 lines
8.6 KiB
Copyright (C) 1997-2001 Id Software, Inc.
This file is part of Quake 2 source code.
Quake 2 source code is free software; you can redistribute it
and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License,
or (at your option) any later version.
Quake 2 source code is distributed in the hope that it will be
useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
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You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
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Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
// menu_options_keys.c -- the key binding menu
#include <ctype.h>
#ifdef _WIN32
#include <io.h>
#include "../client/client.h"
#include "ui_local.h"
char *bindnames[][2] =
{"+attack", "attack"},
{"+attack2", "alternate attack"},
{"+use", "activate"},
{"weapprev", "prev weapon"},
{"weapnext", "next weapon"},
{"+forward", "walk forward"},
{"+back", "backpedal"},
{"+left", "turn left"},
{"+right", "turn right"},
{"+speed", "run"},
{"+moveleft", "step left"},
{"+moveright", "step right"},
{"+strafe", "sidestep"},
{"+lookup", "look up"},
{"+lookdown", "look down"},
{"centerview", "center view"},
{"+mlook", "mouse look"},
{"+klook", "keyboard look"},
{"+moveup", "up / jump"},
{"+movedown", "down / crouch"},
{"inven", "inventory"},
{"invuse", "use item"},
{"invdrop", "drop item"},
{"invprev", "prev item"},
{"invnext", "next item"},
{"cmd help", "help computer" },
{ 0, 0 }
int keys_cursor;
static int bind_grab;
static menuframework_s s_keys_menu;
static menuaction_s s_keys_binds[64];
static menuaction_s s_keys_back_action;
static void M_UnbindCommand (char *command)
int j;
int l;
char *b;
l = (int)strlen(command);
for (j=0 ; j<256 ; j++)
b = keybindings[j];
if (!b)
// Knightmare- fix bug with key bound to +attack2 being confused with +attack
if (!strncmp (b, "+attack2", 8) && strncmp (command, "+attack2", 8))
if (!strncmp (b, command, l) )
Key_SetBinding (j, "");
static void M_FindKeysForCommand (char *command, int *twokeys)
int count;
int j;
int l;
char *b;
twokeys[0] = twokeys[1] = -1;
l = (int)strlen(command);
count = 0;
for (j=0 ; j<256 ; j++)
b = keybindings[j];
if (!b)
// Knightmare- fix bug with key bound to +attack2 being confused with +attack
if (!strncmp (b, "+attack2", 8) && strncmp (command, "+attack2", 8))
if (!strncmp (b, command, l))
twokeys[count] = j;
if (count == 2)
static void KeysBackCursorDrawFunc (menuaction_s *self) // back action
char *cursor;
cursor = ((int)(Sys_Milliseconds()/250)&1) ? UI_ITEMCURSOR_DEFAULT_PIC : UI_ITEMCURSOR_BLINK_PIC;
UI_DrawPic (SCREEN_WIDTH*0.5 - 24, s_keys_menu.y + self->generic.y, MENU_FONT_SIZE, MENU_FONT_SIZE, ALIGN_CENTER, false, cursor, 255);
/* UI_DrawChar (SCREEN_WIDTH*0.5 - 24, s_keys_menu.y + self->generic.y, MENU_FONT_SIZE, ALIGN_CENTER,
12+((int)(Sys_Milliseconds()/250)&1), 255, 255, 255, 255, false, true);
static void KeyCursorDrawFunc (menuframework_s *menu)
char *cursor;
if (bind_grab)
cursor = ((int)(Sys_Milliseconds()/250)&1) ? UI_ITEMCURSOR_DEFAULT_PIC : UI_ITEMCURSOR_BLINK_PIC;
UI_DrawPic (menu->x, menu->y + menu->cursor * MENU_LINE_SIZE, MENU_FONT_SIZE, MENU_FONT_SIZE, ALIGN_CENTER, false, cursor, 255);
/* if (bind_grab)
UI_DrawChar (menu->x, menu->y + menu->cursor * MENU_LINE_SIZE, MENU_FONT_SIZE, ALIGN_CENTER,
'=', 255, 255, 255, 255, false, true);
UI_DrawChar (menu->x, menu->y + menu->cursor * MENU_LINE_SIZE, MENU_FONT_SIZE, ALIGN_CENTER,
12+((int)(Sys_Milliseconds()/250)&1), 255, 255, 255, 255, false, true);
static void DrawKeyBindingFunc (void *self)
int keys[2];
menuaction_s *a = (menuaction_s *) self;
M_FindKeysForCommand( bindnames[a->generic.localdata[0]][0], keys);
if (keys[0] == -1)
UI_DrawString (a->generic.x + a->generic.parent->x + 16,
a->generic.y + a->generic.parent->y, a->generic.textSize, "???", 255);
int x;
const char *name;
name = Key_KeynumToString (keys[0]);
UI_DrawString (a->generic.x + a->generic.parent->x + 16,
a->generic.y + a->generic.parent->y, a->generic.textSize, name , 255);
x = (int)strlen(name) * MENU_FONT_SIZE;
if (keys[1] != -1)
UI_DrawString (a->generic.x + a->generic.parent->x + MENU_FONT_SIZE*3 + x,
a->generic.y + a->generic.parent->y, a->generic.textSize, "or", 255);
UI_DrawString (a->generic.x + a->generic.parent->x + MENU_FONT_SIZE*6 + x,
a->generic.y + a->generic.parent->y, a->generic.textSize, Key_KeynumToString(keys[1]), 255);
static void KeyBindingFunc (void *self)
menuaction_s *a = ( menuaction_s * ) self;
int keys[2];
M_FindKeysForCommand( bindnames[a->generic.localdata[0]][0], keys );
if (keys[1] != -1)
M_UnbindCommand( bindnames[a->generic.localdata[0]][0]);
bind_grab = true;
UI_SetMenuStatusBar (&s_keys_menu, "press a key or button for this action");
void addBindOption (int i, char *list[][2])
s_keys_binds[i].generic.type = MTYPE_ACTION;
s_keys_binds[i].generic.textSize = MENU_FONT_SIZE;
s_keys_binds[i].generic.flags = QMF_GRAYED;
s_keys_binds[i].generic.x = 0;
s_keys_binds[i].generic.y = i*MENU_LINE_SIZE;
s_keys_binds[i].generic.ownerdraw = DrawKeyBindingFunc;
s_keys_binds[i].generic.localdata[0] = i;
s_keys_binds[i].generic.name = list[s_keys_binds[i].generic.localdata[0]][1];
s_keys_binds[i].generic.callback = KeyBindingFunc;
if (strstr ("MENUSPACE", list[i][0]))
s_keys_binds[i].generic.type = MTYPE_SEPARATOR;
static void Menu_Keys_Init (void)
int i = 0;
s_keys_menu.x = SCREEN_WIDTH*0.5;
s_keys_menu.y = SCREEN_HEIGHT*0.5 - 72;
s_keys_menu.nitems = 0;
s_keys_menu.cursordraw = KeyCursorDrawFunc;
BINDS_MAX = listSize(bindnames);
for (i=0;i<BINDS_MAX;i++)
addBindOption (i, bindnames);
s_keys_back_action.generic.type = MTYPE_ACTION;
s_keys_back_action.generic.textSize = MENU_FONT_SIZE;
s_keys_back_action.generic.flags = QMF_LEFT_JUSTIFY;
s_keys_back_action.generic.x = 0;
s_keys_back_action.generic.y = (BINDS_MAX+2)*MENU_LINE_SIZE;
s_keys_back_action.generic.name = " back";
s_keys_back_action.generic.callback = UI_BackMenu;
s_keys_back_action.generic.cursordraw = KeysBackCursorDrawFunc;
for (i=0;i<BINDS_MAX;i++)
UI_AddMenuItem (&s_keys_menu, (void *) &s_keys_binds[i]);
UI_AddMenuItem (&s_keys_menu, (void *) &s_keys_back_action);
UI_SetMenuStatusBar (&s_keys_menu, "enter or mouse1 to change, backspace to clear");
// Don't center it- it's too large
// UI_CenterMenu (&s_keys_menu);
static void Menu_Keys_Draw (void)
UI_DrawBanner ("m_banner_customize"); // Knightmare added
UI_AdjustMenuCursor (&s_keys_menu, 1);
UI_DrawMenu (&s_keys_menu);
static const char *Menu_Keys_Key (int key)
menuaction_s *item = (menuaction_s *) UI_ItemAtMenuCursor( &s_keys_menu );
//pressing mouse1 to pick a new bind wont force bind/unbind itself - spaz
if ( bind_grab && !(ui_mousecursor.buttonused[MOUSEBUTTON1]&&key==K_MOUSE1))
if ( key != K_ESCAPE && key != '`' )
char cmd[1024];
Com_sprintf (cmd, sizeof(cmd), "bind \"%s\" \"%s\"\n", Key_KeynumToString(key), bindnames[item->generic.localdata[0]][0]);
Cbuf_InsertText (cmd);
// Knightmare- added Psychospaz's mouse support
//dont let selecting with mouse buttons screw everything up
if (key == K_MOUSE1)
ui_mousecursor.buttonclicks[MOUSEBUTTON1] = -1;
UI_SetMenuStatusBar (&s_keys_menu, "enter to change, backspace to clear");
bind_grab = false;
return menu_out_sound;
switch (key)
case K_KP_ENTER:
case K_ENTER:
if (item == &s_keys_back_action) { // back action hack
UI_BackMenu(item); return NULL; }
KeyBindingFunc (item);
return menu_in_sound;
case K_BACKSPACE: // delete bindings
case K_DEL: // delete bindings
case K_KP_DEL:
M_UnbindCommand (bindnames[item->generic.localdata[0]][0]);
return menu_out_sound;
return UI_DefaultMenuKey (&s_keys_menu, key);
void Menu_Keys_f (void)
Menu_Keys_Init ();
UI_PushMenu (Menu_Keys_Draw, Menu_Keys_Key);