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Copyright (C) 1998 Steve Yeager
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
See the GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
// ACE - Quake II Bot Base Code
// Version 1.0
// This file is Copyright(c), Steve Yeager 1998, All Rights Reserved
// All other files are Copyright(c) Id Software, Inc.
// Please see liscense.txt in the source directory for the copyright
// information regarding those files belonging to Id Software, Inc.
// Should you decide to release a modified version of ACE, you MUST
// include the following text (minus the BEGIN and END lines) in the
// documentation for your modification.
// --- BEGIN ---
// The ACE Bot is a product of Steve Yeager, and is available from
// the ACE Bot homepage, at http://www.axionfx.com/ace.
// This program is a modification of the ACE Bot, and is therefore
// in NO WAY supported by Steve Yeager.
// --- END ---
// I, Steve Yeager, hold no responsibility for any harm caused by the
// use of this source code, especially to small children and animals.
// It is provided as-is with no implied warranty or support.
// I also wish to thank and acknowledge the great work of others
// that has helped me to develop this code.
// John Cricket - For ideas and swapping code.
// Ryan Feltrin - For ideas and swapping code.
// SABIN - For showing how to do true client based movement.
// BotEpidemic - For keeping us up to date.
// Telefragged.com - For giving ACE a home.
// Microsoft - For giving us such a wonderful crash free OS.
// id - Need I say more.
// And to all the other testers, pathers, and players and people
// who I can't remember who the heck they were, but helped out.
// acebot_ai.c - This file contains all of the
// AI routines for the ACE II bot.
// NOTE: I went back and pulled out most of the brains from
// a number of these functions. They can be expanded on
// to provide a "higher" level of AI.
#include "g_local.h"
#include "m_player.h"
#include "acebot.h"
// Main Think function for bot
void ACEAI_Think (edict_t *self)
usercmd_t ucmd;
// Set up client movement
VectorSet (self->client->ps.pmove.delta_angles, 0, 0, 0);
memset (&ucmd, 0, sizeof (ucmd));
self->enemy = NULL;
self->movetarget = NULL;
// Force respawn
if (self->deadflag)
self->client->buttons = 0;
ucmd.buttons = BUTTON_ATTACK;
if(self->state == STATE_WANDER && self->wander_timeout < level.time)
ACEAI_PickLongRangeGoal(self); // pick a new long range goal
// Kill the bot if completely stuck somewhere
if(VectorLength(self->velocity) > 37) //
self->suicide_timeout = level.time + 10.0;
if(self->suicide_timeout < level.time)
self->health = 0;
player_die (self, self, self, 100000, vec3_origin);
// Find any short range goal
// Look for enemies
ACEMV_Attack (self, &ucmd);
// Execute the move, or wander
if(self->state == STATE_WANDER)
else if(self->state == STATE_MOVE)
//debug_printf("State: %d\n",self->state);
// set approximate ping
ucmd.msec = 75 + floor (random () * 25) + 1;
// show random ping values in scoreboard
self->client->ping = ucmd.msec;
// set bot's view angle
ucmd.angles[PITCH] = ANGLE2SHORT(self->s.angles[PITCH]);
ucmd.angles[YAW] = ANGLE2SHORT(self->s.angles[YAW]);
ucmd.angles[ROLL] = ANGLE2SHORT(self->s.angles[ROLL]);
// send command through id's code
ClientThink (self, &ucmd);
self->nextthink = level.time + FRAMETIME;
// Evaluate the best long range goal and send the bot on
// its way. This is a good time waster, so use it sparingly.
// Do not call it for every think cycle.
void ACEAI_PickLongRangeGoal(edict_t *self)
int i;
int node;
float weight,best_weight=0.0;
int current_node,goal_node;
edict_t *goal_ent;
float cost;
// look for a target
current_node = ACEND_FindClosestReachableNode(self,NODE_DENSITY,NODE_ALL);
self->current_node = current_node;
if(current_node == -1)
self->state = STATE_WANDER;
self->wander_timeout = level.time + 1.0;
self->goal_node = -1;
// Items
for (i=0; i<num_items; i++)
// ignore items that are not there.
if (!item_table[i].ent || !item_table[i].ent->inuse || item_table[i].ent->solid == SOLID_NOT)
cost = ACEND_FindCost(current_node,item_table[i].node);
if (cost == INVALID || cost < 2) // ignore invalid and very short hops
weight = ACEIT_ItemNeed(self, item_table[i].item);
// If I am on team one and I have the flag for the other team....return it
// Knightmare- rewrote for 3Team CTF
//if (ctf->value && (item_table[i].item == ITEMLIST_FLAG2 || item_table[i].item == ITEMLIST_FLAG1) &&
// (self->client->resp.ctf_team == CTF_TEAM1 && self->client->pers.inventory[ITEMLIST_FLAG2] ||
// self->client->resp.ctf_team == CTF_TEAM2 && self->client->pers.inventory[ITEMLIST_FLAG1]))
if (ctf->value && (
(item_table[i].item == ITEMLIST_FLAG1 && self->client->resp.ctf_team == CTF_TEAM1 &&
(self->client->pers.inventory[ITEMLIST_FLAG2] || self->client->pers.inventory[ITEMLIST_FLAG3]) )
|| (item_table[i].item == ITEMLIST_FLAG2 && self->client->resp.ctf_team == CTF_TEAM2 &&
(self->client->pers.inventory[ITEMLIST_FLAG1] || self->client->pers.inventory[ITEMLIST_FLAG3]) )
|| (item_table[i].item == ITEMLIST_FLAG3 && self->client->resp.ctf_team == CTF_TEAM3 &&
(self->client->pers.inventory[ITEMLIST_FLAG1] || self->client->pers.inventory[ITEMLIST_FLAG2]) )
weight = 10.0;
// Knightmare- in 3Team CTF mode, make double captures a lower priority than
// getting back to base with the flag we already have.
if (ttctf->value && (
(self->client->resp.ctf_team == CTF_TEAM1
&& (self->client->pers.inventory[ITEMLIST_FLAG2] || self->client->pers.inventory[ITEMLIST_FLAG3])
&& (item_table[i].item == ITEMLIST_FLAG2 || item_table[i].item == ITEMLIST_FLAG3) )
|| (self->client->resp.ctf_team == CTF_TEAM2
&& (self->client->pers.inventory[ITEMLIST_FLAG1] || self->client->pers.inventory[ITEMLIST_FLAG3])
&& (item_table[i].item == ITEMLIST_FLAG1 || item_table[i].item == ITEMLIST_FLAG3) )
|| (self->client->resp.ctf_team == CTF_TEAM3
&& (self->client->pers.inventory[ITEMLIST_FLAG1] || self->client->pers.inventory[ITEMLIST_FLAG2])
&& (item_table[i].item == ITEMLIST_FLAG1 || item_table[i].item == ITEMLIST_FLAG2) )
weight = 6.5;
weight *= random(); // Allow random variations
weight /= cost; // Check against cost of getting there
if (weight > best_weight)
best_weight = weight;
goal_node = item_table[i].node;
goal_ent = item_table[i].ent;
// Players
// This should be its own function and is for now just
// finds a player to set as the goal.
if(players[i] == self)
node = ACEND_FindClosestReachableNode(players[i],NODE_DENSITY,NODE_ALL);
cost = ACEND_FindCost(current_node, node);
if(cost == INVALID || cost < 3) // ignore invalid and very short hops
// Player carrying the flag?
if(ctf->value && (players[i]->client->pers.inventory[ITEMLIST_FLAG2] || players[i]->client->pers.inventory[ITEMLIST_FLAG1]))
weight = 2.0;
weight = 0.3;
weight *= random(); // Allow random variations
weight /= cost; // Check against cost of getting there
if(weight > best_weight)
best_weight = weight;
goal_node = node;
goal_ent = players[i];
// If do not find a goal, go wandering....
if(best_weight == 0.0 || goal_node == INVALID)
self->goal_node = INVALID;
self->state = STATE_WANDER;
self->wander_timeout = level.time + 1.0;
debug_printf("%s did not find a LR goal, wandering.\n",self->client->pers.netname);
return; // no path?
// OK, everything valid, let's start moving to our goal.
self->state = STATE_MOVE;
self->tries = 0; // Reset the count of how many times we tried this goal
if(goal_ent != NULL && debug_mode)
debug_printf("%s selected a %s at node %d for LR goal.\n",self->client->pers.netname, goal_ent->classname, goal_node);
// Pick best goal based on importance and range. This function
// overrides the long range goal selection for items that
// are very close to the bot and are reachable.
void ACEAI_PickShortRangeGoal(edict_t *self)
edict_t *target;
float weight,best_weight=0.0;
edict_t *best;
int index;
// look for a target (should make more efficent later)
target = findradius(NULL, self->s.origin, 200);
while (target)
if (target->classname == NULL)
// Missle avoidance code
// Set our movetarget to be the rocket or grenade fired at us.
if (strcmp(target->classname,"rocket")==0 || strcmp(target->classname,"grenade")==0
|| strcmp(target->classname,"homing rocket")==0)
debug_printf("ROCKET ALERT!\n");
self->movetarget = target;
if (ACEIT_IsReachable(self,target->s.origin))
if (infront(self, target))
index = ACEIT_ClassnameToIndex(target->classname);
weight = ACEIT_ItemNeed(self, index);
if(weight > best_weight)
best_weight = weight;
best = target;
// next target
target = findradius(target, self->s.origin, 200);
if (best_weight)
self->movetarget = best;
if(debug_mode && self->goalentity != self->movetarget)
debug_printf("%s selected a %s for SR goal.\n",self->client->pers.netname, self->movetarget->classname);
self->goalentity = best;
// Scan for enemy (simplifed for now to just pick any visible enemy)
qboolean ACEAI_FindEnemy(edict_t *self)
int i;
for (i=0; i<num_players; i++) // was <=
if (players[i] == NULL || players[i] == self ||
players[i]->solid == SOLID_NOT)
if (ctf->value &&
self->client->resp.ctf_team == players[i]->client->resp.ctf_team)
if (!players[i]->deadflag && visible(self, players[i]) && gi.inPVS (self->s.origin, players[i]->s.origin))
self->enemy = players[i];
return true;
return false;
// Hold fire with RL/BFG?
qboolean ACEAI_CheckShot(edict_t *self)
trace_t tr;
tr = gi.trace (self->s.origin, tv(-8,-8,-8), tv(8,8,8), self->enemy->s.origin, self, MASK_OPAQUE);
// Blocked, do not shoot
if (tr.fraction != 1.0)
return false;
return true;
// Choose the best weapon for bot (simplified)
void ACEAI_ChooseWeapon(edict_t *self)
float range;
vec3_t v;
// if no enemy, then what are we doing here?
// always favor the railgun
// Base selection on distance.
VectorSubtract (self->s.origin, self->enemy->s.origin, v);
range = VectorLength(v);
// Longer range
if(range > 300)
// choose BFG if enough ammo
if(self->client->pers.inventory[ITEMLIST_CELLS] > 50)
if(ACEAI_CheckShot(self) && ACEIT_ChangeWeapon(self, FindItem("bfg10k")))
// Knightmare added
if (ACEAI_CheckShot(self) && ACEIT_ChangeWeapon(self,FindItem("homing rocket launcher")))
if (ACEAI_CheckShot(self) && ACEIT_ChangeWeapon(self,FindItem("rocket launcher")))
// Only use GL in certain ranges and only on targets at or below our level
if(range > 100 && range < 500 && self->enemy->s.origin[2] - 20 < self->s.origin[2])
if(ACEIT_ChangeWeapon(self,FindItem("grenade launcher")))
// Only use CG when ammo > 50
if(self->client->pers.inventory[ITEMLIST_BULLETS] >= 50)
if(ACEIT_ChangeWeapon(self,FindItem("super shotgun")))