mirror of
synced 2025-03-12 11:52:12 +00:00
Added plasma guards (monster_soldier_plasma_re and monster_soldier_plasma_sp) from LM Escape to missionpack DLL. Added Zaero items/weapons to missionpack DLL. Added support for Zaero doors to missionpack DLL. Fixed crash caused by killtargeting sentien (laser edict not freed) in missionpack DLL. Fixed bug with broken Rogue turrets in missionpack DLL. Fixed crash in g_combat.c->M_ReactToDamage() caused by attacker with NULL classname in missionpack DLL.
735 lines
15 KiB
735 lines
15 KiB
// m_move.c -- monster movement
#include "g_local.h"
#define STEPSIZE 18
// this is used for communications out of sv_movestep to say what entity
// is blocking us
edict_t *new_bad; //pmm
Returns false if any part of the bottom of the entity is off an edge that
is not a staircase.
int c_yes, c_no;
qboolean M_CheckBottom (edict_t *ent)
vec3_t mins, maxs, start, stop;
trace_t trace;
int x, y;
float mid, bottom;
VectorAdd (ent->s.origin, ent->mins, mins);
VectorAdd (ent->s.origin, ent->maxs, maxs);
// if all of the points under the corners are solid world, don't bother
// with the tougher checks
// the corners must be within 16 of the midpoint
// FIXME - this will only handle 0,0,1 and 0,0,-1 gravity vectors
start[2] = mins[2] - 1;
if (ent->gravityVector[2] > 0)
start[2] = maxs[2] + 1;
start[2] = mins[2] - 1;
for (x=0 ; x<=1 ; x++)
for (y=0 ; y<=1 ; y++)
start[0] = x ? maxs[0] : mins[0];
start[1] = y ? maxs[1] : mins[1];
if (gi.pointcontents (start) != CONTENTS_SOLID)
goto realcheck;
return true; // we got out easy
// check it for real...
start[2] = mins[2];
// the midpoint must be within 16 of the bottom
start[0] = stop[0] = (mins[0] + maxs[0])*0.5;
start[1] = stop[1] = (mins[1] + maxs[1])*0.5;
if (ent->gravityVector[2] < 0)
start[2] = mins[2];
stop[2] = start[2] - STEPSIZE - STEPSIZE;
start[2] = maxs[2];
stop[2] = start[2] + STEPSIZE + STEPSIZE;
stop[2] = start[2] - 2*STEPSIZE;
trace = gi.trace (start, vec3_origin, vec3_origin, stop, ent, MASK_MONSTERSOLID);
if (trace.fraction == 1.0)
return false;
mid = bottom = trace.endpos[2];
// the corners must be within 16 of the midpoint
for (x=0 ; x<=1 ; x++)
for (y=0 ; y<=1 ; y++)
start[0] = stop[0] = x ? maxs[0] : mins[0];
start[1] = stop[1] = y ? maxs[1] : mins[1];
trace = gi.trace (start, vec3_origin, vec3_origin, stop, ent, MASK_MONSTERSOLID);
// FIXME - this will only handle 0,0,1 and 0,0,-1 gravity vectors
if (ent->gravityVector[2] > 0)
if (trace.fraction != 1.0 && trace.endpos[2] < bottom)
bottom = trace.endpos[2];
if (trace.fraction == 1.0 || trace.endpos[2] - mid > STEPSIZE)
return false;
if (trace.fraction != 1.0 && trace.endpos[2] > bottom)
bottom = trace.endpos[2];
if (trace.fraction == 1.0 || mid - trace.endpos[2] > STEPSIZE)
return false;
if (trace.fraction != 1.0 && trace.endpos[2] > bottom)
bottom = trace.endpos[2];
if (trace.fraction == 1.0 || mid - trace.endpos[2] > STEPSIZE)
return false;
return true;
Called by monster program code.
The move will be adjusted for slopes and stairs, but if the move isn't
possible, no move is done, false is returned, and
pr_global_struct->trace_normal is set to the normal of the blocking wall
//FIXME since we need to test end position contents here, can we avoid doing
//it again later in catagorize position?
qboolean SV_movestep (edict_t *ent, vec3_t move, qboolean relink)
float dz;
vec3_t oldorg, neworg, end;
trace_t trace;
int i;
float stepsize;
vec3_t test;
int contents;
edict_t *current_bad; // PGM
float minheight; // pmm
current_bad = CheckForBadArea(ent);
if (current_bad)
// gi.dprintf("in bad area\n");
ent->bad_area = current_bad;
if (ent->enemy && !strcmp(ent->enemy->classname, "tesla"))
// gi.dprintf("%s -->> ", vtos(move));
VectorScale(move, -1, move);
// gi.dprintf("%s\n", vtos(move));
else if (ent->bad_area)
// if we're no longer in a bad area, get back to business.
ent->bad_area = NULL;
if (ent->oldenemy)// && ent->bad_area->owner == ent->enemy)
// gi.dprintf("resuming being pissed at %s\n", ent->oldenemy->classname);
ent->enemy = ent->oldenemy;
ent->goalentity = ent->oldenemy;
return true;
// try the move
VectorCopy (ent->s.origin, oldorg);
VectorAdd (ent->s.origin, move, neworg);
// flying monsters don't step up
if ( ent->flags & (FL_SWIM | FL_FLY) )
// try one move with vertical motion, then one without
for (i=0 ; i<2 ; i++)
VectorAdd (ent->s.origin, move, neworg);
if (i == 0 && ent->enemy)
if (!ent->goalentity)
ent->goalentity = ent->enemy;
dz = ent->s.origin[2] - ent->goalentity->s.origin[2];
if (ent->goalentity->client)
// we want the carrier to stay a certain distance off the ground, to help prevent him
// from shooting his fliers, who spawn in below him
if (!strcmp(ent->classname, "monster_carrier"))
minheight = 104;
minheight = 40;
// if (dz > 40)
if (dz > minheight)
// pmm
neworg[2] -= 8;
if (!((ent->flags & FL_SWIM) && (ent->waterlevel < 2)))
if (dz < (minheight - 10))
neworg[2] += 8;
if (dz > 8)
neworg[2] -= 8;
else if (dz > 0)
neworg[2] -= dz;
else if (dz < -8)
neworg[2] += 8;
neworg[2] += dz;
trace = gi.trace (ent->s.origin, ent->mins, ent->maxs, neworg, ent, MASK_MONSTERSOLID);
// fly monsters don't enter water voluntarily
if (ent->flags & FL_FLY)
if (!ent->waterlevel)
test[0] = trace.endpos[0];
test[1] = trace.endpos[1];
test[2] = trace.endpos[2] + ent->mins[2] + 1;
contents = gi.pointcontents(test);
if (contents & MASK_WATER)
return false;
// swim monsters don't exit water voluntarily
if (ent->flags & FL_SWIM)
if (ent->waterlevel < 2)
test[0] = trace.endpos[0];
test[1] = trace.endpos[1];
test[2] = trace.endpos[2] + ent->mins[2] + 1;
contents = gi.pointcontents(test);
if (!(contents & MASK_WATER))
return false;
// if (trace.fraction == 1)
// PMM - changed above to this
if ((trace.fraction == 1) && (!trace.allsolid) && (!trace.startsolid))
VectorCopy (trace.endpos, ent->s.origin);
if (!current_bad && CheckForBadArea(ent))
// gi.dprintf("Oooh! Bad Area!\n");
VectorCopy (oldorg, ent->s.origin);
if (relink)
gi.linkentity (ent);
G_TouchTriggers (ent);
return true;
if (!ent->enemy)
return false;
// push down from a step height above the wished position
if (!(ent->monsterinfo.aiflags & AI_NOSTEP))
stepsize = STEPSIZE;
stepsize = 1;
// trace from 1 stepsize gravityUp to 2 stepsize gravityDown.
VectorMA(neworg, -1 * stepsize, ent->gravityVector, neworg);
VectorMA(neworg, 2 * stepsize, ent->gravityVector, end);
neworg[2] += stepsize;
VectorCopy (neworg, end);
end[2] -= stepsize*2;
trace = gi.trace (neworg, ent->mins, ent->maxs, end, ent, MASK_MONSTERSOLID);
if (trace.allsolid)
return false;
if (trace.startsolid)
neworg[2] -= stepsize;
trace = gi.trace (neworg, ent->mins, ent->maxs, end, ent, MASK_MONSTERSOLID);
if (trace.allsolid || trace.startsolid)
return false;
// don't go in to water
if (ent->waterlevel == 0)
test[0] = trace.endpos[0];
test[1] = trace.endpos[1];
if (ent->gravityVector[2] > 0)
test[2] = trace.endpos[2] + ent->maxs[2] - 1;
test[2] = trace.endpos[2] + ent->mins[2] + 1;
test[0] = trace.endpos[0];
test[1] = trace.endpos[1];
test[2] = trace.endpos[2] + ent->mins[2] + 1;
contents = gi.pointcontents(test);
if (contents & MASK_WATER)
return false;
if (trace.fraction == 1)
// if monster had the ground pulled out, go ahead and fall
if ( ent->flags & FL_PARTIALGROUND )
VectorAdd (ent->s.origin, move, ent->s.origin);
if (relink)
gi.linkentity (ent);
G_TouchTriggers (ent);
ent->groundentity = NULL;
return true;
return false; // walked off an edge
// check point traces down for dangling corners
VectorCopy (trace.endpos, ent->s.origin);
new_bad = CheckForBadArea(ent);
if (!current_bad && new_bad)
if (new_bad->owner)
if ((g_showlogic) && (g_showlogic->value))
gi.dprintf("Blocked -");
if (!strcmp(new_bad->owner->classname, "tesla"))
if ((g_showlogic) && (g_showlogic->value))
gi.dprintf ("it's a tesla -");
if ((!(ent->enemy)) || (!(ent->enemy->inuse)))
if ((g_showlogic) && (g_showlogic->value))
gi.dprintf ("I don't have a valid enemy!\n");
else if (!strcmp(ent->enemy->classname, "telsa"))
if ((g_showlogic) && (g_showlogic->value))
gi.dprintf ("but we're already mad at a tesla\n");
else if ((ent->enemy) && (ent->enemy->client))
if ((g_showlogic) && (g_showlogic->value))
gi.dprintf ("we have a player enemy -");
if (visible(ent, ent->enemy))
if ((g_showlogic) && (g_showlogic->value))
gi.dprintf ("we can see him -");
if ((g_showlogic) && (g_showlogic->value))
gi.dprintf ("can't see him, kill the tesla! -");
if ((g_showlogic) && (g_showlogic->value))
gi.dprintf ("the enemy isn't a player -");
gi.dprintf ("\n");
VectorCopy (oldorg, ent->s.origin);
return false;
if (!M_CheckBottom (ent))
if ( ent->flags & FL_PARTIALGROUND )
{ // entity had floor mostly pulled out from underneath it
// and is trying to correct
if (relink)
gi.linkentity (ent);
G_TouchTriggers (ent);
return true;
VectorCopy (oldorg, ent->s.origin);
return false;
if ( ent->flags & FL_PARTIALGROUND )
ent->flags &= ~FL_PARTIALGROUND;
ent->groundentity = trace.ent;
ent->groundentity_linkcount = trace.ent->linkcount;
// the move is ok
if (relink)
gi.linkentity (ent);
G_TouchTriggers (ent);
return true;
void M_ChangeYaw (edict_t *ent)
float ideal;
float current;
float move;
float speed;
current = anglemod(ent->s.angles[YAW]);
ideal = ent->ideal_yaw;
if (current == ideal)
move = ideal - current;
speed = ent->yaw_speed;
if (ideal > current)
if (move >= 180)
move = move - 360;
if (move <= -180)
move = move + 360;
if (move > 0)
if (move > speed)
move = speed;
if (move < -speed)
move = -speed;
ent->s.angles[YAW] = anglemod (current + move);
Turns to the movement direction, and walks the current distance if
facing it.
qboolean SV_StepDirection (edict_t *ent, float yaw, float dist)
vec3_t move, oldorigin;
float delta;
if (!ent->inuse) return true; // PGM g_touchtrigger free problem
ent->ideal_yaw = yaw;
M_ChangeYaw (ent);
yaw = yaw*M_PI*2 / 360;
move[0] = cos(yaw)*dist;
move[1] = sin(yaw)*dist;
move[2] = 0;
VectorCopy (ent->s.origin, oldorigin);
if (SV_movestep (ent, move, false))
if (!ent->inuse) return true; // PGM g_touchtrigger free problem
delta = ent->s.angles[YAW] - ent->ideal_yaw;
if (strncmp(ent->classname, "monster_widow", 13))
if (delta > 45 && delta < 315)
{ // not turned far enough, so don't take the step
VectorCopy (oldorigin, ent->s.origin);
gi.linkentity (ent);
G_TouchTriggers (ent);
return true;
gi.linkentity (ent);
G_TouchTriggers (ent);
return false;
void SV_FixCheckBottom (edict_t *ent)
ent->flags |= FL_PARTIALGROUND;
#define DI_NODIR -1
void SV_NewChaseDir (edict_t *actor, edict_t *enemy, float dist)
float deltax,deltay;
float d[3];
float tdir, olddir, turnaround;
//FIXME: how did we get here with no enemy
if (!enemy)
olddir = anglemod( (int)(actor->ideal_yaw/45)*45 );
turnaround = anglemod(olddir - 180);
deltax = enemy->s.origin[0] - actor->s.origin[0];
deltay = enemy->s.origin[1] - actor->s.origin[1];
if (deltax>10)
d[1]= 0;
else if (deltax<-10)
d[1]= 180;
d[1]= DI_NODIR;
if (deltay<-10)
d[2]= 270;
else if (deltay>10)
d[2]= 90;
d[2]= DI_NODIR;
// try direct route
if (d[1] != DI_NODIR && d[2] != DI_NODIR)
if (d[1] == 0)
tdir = d[2] == 90 ? 45 : 315;
tdir = d[2] == 90 ? 135 : 215;
if (tdir != turnaround && SV_StepDirection(actor, tdir, dist))
// try other directions
if ( ((rand()&3) & 1) || abs(deltay)>abs(deltax))
if (d[1]!=DI_NODIR && d[1]!=turnaround
&& SV_StepDirection(actor, d[1], dist))
if (d[2]!=DI_NODIR && d[2]!=turnaround
&& SV_StepDirection(actor, d[2], dist))
if (actor->monsterinfo.blocked)
if ((actor->monsterinfo.blocked)(actor, dist))
// there is no direct path to the player, so pick another direction
if (olddir!=DI_NODIR && SV_StepDirection(actor, olddir, dist))
if (rand()&1) //randomly determine direction of search
for (tdir=0 ; tdir<=315 ; tdir += 45)
if (tdir!=turnaround && SV_StepDirection(actor, tdir, dist) )
for (tdir=315 ; tdir >=0 ; tdir -= 45)
if (tdir!=turnaround && SV_StepDirection(actor, tdir, dist) )
if (turnaround != DI_NODIR && SV_StepDirection(actor, turnaround, dist) )
actor->ideal_yaw = olddir; // can't move
// if a bridge was pulled out from underneath a monster, it may not have
// a valid standing position at all
if (!M_CheckBottom (actor))
SV_FixCheckBottom (actor);
qboolean SV_CloseEnough (edict_t *ent, edict_t *goal, float dist)
int i;
for (i=0 ; i<3 ; i++)
if (goal->absmin[i] > ent->absmax[i] + dist)
return false;
if (goal->absmax[i] < ent->absmin[i] - dist)
return false;
return true;
void M_MoveToGoal (edict_t *ent, float dist)
edict_t *goal;
goal = ent->goalentity;
if (!ent->groundentity && !(ent->flags & (FL_FLY|FL_SWIM)))
// if the next step hits the enemy, return immediately
if (ent->enemy && SV_CloseEnough (ent, ent->enemy, dist) )
// bump around...
// if ( (rand()&3)==1 || !SV_StepDirection (ent, ent->ideal_yaw, dist))
// PMM - charging monsters (AI_CHARGING) don't deflect unless they have to
if ( (((rand()&3)==1) && !(ent->monsterinfo.aiflags & AI_CHARGING)) || !SV_StepDirection (ent, ent->ideal_yaw, dist))
if (ent->inuse)
SV_NewChaseDir (ent, goal, dist);
qboolean M_walkmove (edict_t *ent, float yaw, float dist)
vec3_t move;
if (!ent->groundentity && !(ent->flags & (FL_FLY|FL_SWIM)))
return false;
yaw = yaw*M_PI*2 / 360;
move[0] = cos(yaw)*dist;
move[1] = sin(yaw)*dist;
move[2] = 0;
return SV_movestep(ent, move, true);